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Power BI
Moving from Data and Information to Insight and Action:
Offering Customers “Rapid Time-to-Value”
Embarking on a new Data Journey
Presented by: Julian Payne
BI: Information Management, Analytics, Data
Visualization, Reporting, and Performance Management
• Analytics: understanding what is happening in business by capturing information to model the real world:
• Identify trends, anomalies, risks, opportunities, data/process/personnel gaps
• Information Economy – certainty allows for decision making and drives action
• MSFT is THE Full Stack Enterprise BI Leader:
• Excel, SQL Server, SSMS, SSIS, SSRS, SSAS, Power Pivot, Power BI – Gartner Magic Quadrant Leader in Enterprise BI
• The Next Generation of BI tools is here:
• Power BI, Tableau, Hadoop, Azure ML, Data lakes, BIG DATA, Watson
• IoT – Telematix – Azure, MSFT VSO, TFS: big data, streaming data, real-time analytics
• Moving towards VISUAL analytics: seeing is believing and rapid comprehension
• We are visual thinkers
• Manage by exception
• Business need for tools that are accessible, affordable, and powerful
• Lightweight, nibble, iterative, quick, easy, and cost effective…
• Work collaboratively and interactively using a single source of truth
What IS Power BI?
• Power BI is a suite of business analytics tools to analyze data and share
• Power BI Desktop puts visual analytics at your fingertips with intuitive
report authoring
• Simple: Drag-and-drop to place content exactly where you want it on the flexible and fluid canvas
• Fast: Quickly discover patterns as you explore a single unified view of linked, interactive visualizations
• Effective: Powered by the best data modeling and calculation technology in the industry: MSFT SSAS
• BI Development Ecosystem with full front end development capability
• Power BI Desktop, Power BI Services (in the cloud), Power BI Mobile app
• Seamless integration
• Free* – for Power BI Desktop, basic Power BI Services (cloud), and Mobile App
• Powerful – wide range of capability to provide value, insight, understanding, and control
• Cutting Edge – Virtual, in-memory, tabular DB technology; massive data manipulation (10x compression)
• Integrated and highly connective – connect to almost any data source; bring it all together in context!
• Agile – fast, iterative, modular; rapidly prototype and mock up POCs
• Secure - multiple layers of security; secure with various options, MSFT quality, AD joined and integrated
• Evolving - maturing rapidly; new features added monthly, massive investment from MSFT
• Easy to learn – feels like Excel and other MSFT programs; intuitive interface, familiar feel
• Large user community – lots of support and ability to troubleshoot; huge public support, custom visuals
• Extensible - desktop, on-prem, cloud, mobile – it’s all there already (SP integration is coming very soon)
• Total BI POWERHOUSE - Query, Model, Calculate, Visualize, Analyze, Share, Collaborate, and Interact
*Core functionality is Free, “Pro” level is $10 a month (4x less the Tableau/Annum + no initial site license [$2K])

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This document provides an overview of Microsoft's self-service business intelligence solution, which consists of the Excel BI Toolkit and Power BI. The Excel BI Toolkit allows users to import and model data using Power Query, store and calculate data using PowerPivot, and create visualizations using Power View and Power Map. Power BI then enables users to share their analyses and insights on various devices via the cloud. The document outlines the key capabilities of each tool and how they work together to empower users to discover, prepare, analyze and present data without extensive IT support.

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Choctaw Nation - Power bi dashboard, report server report in DayChoctaw Nation - Power bi dashboard, report server report in Day
Choctaw Nation - Power bi dashboard, report server report in Day

This document has two main sections: • Power BI Desktop: This section highlights the features available in Power BI Desktop and walks the user through the process of bringing in data from the data source, modeling and creating visualizations. • Power BI Service: This section highlights the features available in Power BI Service including the ability to publish the Power BI Desktop model to the web, creating and sharing dashboard and Q & A. The document flow is in a table format. On the left panel are steps the user needs to follow and in the right panel are screenshots to provide a visual aid for the users. In the screenshots, sections are highlighted with red boxes to highlight the action/area user needs to focus on.

power bipower bi report serversql server
Power BI Overview
Power BI OverviewPower BI Overview
Power BI Overview

Power BI has become a product with a ton of exciting features. This presentation will give an overview of some of them, including Power BI Desktop, Power BI service, what’s new, integration with other services, Power BI premium, and administration.

power bipbipower bi desktop
Capability Deep-Dive: Core BI functions
• Connect/Query:
• Data Import or “Live” connect to DBs and data sources, any DB/source/file/service, use custom queries or API connections, Query Merge/join, Query
Dependency View
• Transform/Shape/Structure:
• Begin structuring your data in the query phase to set your table and data structures up for rapid integration
• Enhanced controls, intuitive GUI, drag and drop interface : Split, drop, add, derive, filter and append rows and columns on the fly in the query phase
• Model/Calculate:
• Create new relationships, add custom columns and measures, define hierarchies for drill through
• Visualize/Analyze:
• Rapidly prototype interactive visual data analysis tools and dashboards
• Change visuals on the fly, import new custom visual, format, drill, “brush”/cross-filter
• Drag and Drop, copy and paste – iterate iterate iterate!
• Share/Collaborate:
• Easily share files, publish to the cloud (Power BI Services), view on mobile, or upload to SharePoint
• Automate
• Set automatic data refresh at using the Pro version
“Rapid time-to-value” – so what? [Value proposition]
• Rapid time to value means:
• (near) Instant insight, certainty, and decisions
• Create solutions and solve problems fast: connect and begin SEEing the data within minutes
• Know, decide, act – Think, plan, do
• Questions answered in minutes and hours that used to take weeks, months, or never getting done at all
• Fast iterations: enhancements, added features, alternate analyses, what-ifs, iterations – immediate and painless course
correction – answering the right questions, correctly, and collaboratively – do it in the meeting!
• AGILE DEV – capture value on unique ideas quickly, kill what doesn’t work, move on to the next – it’s a modular, connected,
scalable process and tool set
• Enables:
• Controlling risk – knowing sooner means avoiding problems more frequently
• Capturing value – knowing sooner means identifying opportunity faster and acting sooner
• Speaking to the facts of daily operations and performance
• Getting to the “ah ha” moments!!
Use Cases
• When you do not have Tableau available, or it is cost prohibitive ($2k+/year v. Free or $120/year)
• When you have huge amounts of data (100 MILLION + rows of data can be consumed in Power BI) – not possible in Excel
• When you need to AUTOMATE repetitive procedures and processes – data refresh
• When you need to rapidly and easily join data from lots of different sources (SQL DBs, Data warehouses, Data models, flat
files, Cloud, Access, OData, etc.)
• When you do not have SQL coding ability (no need to code, just import entire tables and use the Query Editor GUI to
perform advanced transformations – edit columns, change column names, remove duplicates, etc.)
• When you need to perform very specific or more complex analysis (use DAX to write custom calculations and formulas to
filter and aggregate data in a very precise manner)

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How to build your career

In three years I went from a complete unknown to a popular blogger, speaker at PASS Summit, a SQL Server MVP, and then joined Microsoft.  Along the way I saw my yearly income triple.  Is it because I know some secret?  Is it because I am a genius?  No!  It is just about laying out your career path, setting goals, and doing the work. I'll cover tips I learned over my career on everything from interviewing to building your personal brand.  I'll discuss perm positions, consulting, contracting, working for Microsoft or partners, hot fields, in-demand skills, social media, networking, presenting, blogging, salary negotiating, dealing with recruiters, certifications, speaking at major conferences, resume tips, and keys to a high-paying career. Your first step to enhancing your career will be to attend this session! Let me be your career coach!

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Introducing power bi in your company - andrea martorana tusaIntroducing power bi in your company - andrea martorana tusa
Introducing power bi in your company - andrea martorana tusa

The document discusses introducing Power BI in a company. It describes how the presenter evaluated Power BI for their needs at a bank with 24,000 employees across 8 banks. Key areas evaluated included data sources, modeling, sharing/delivery, and licensing. The presenter discusses Power BI features for connecting to various data sources, modeling capabilities in Power BI, and sharing options like groups, content packs, and subscriptions that can be used to deliver reports and dashboards to different user groups.

martoranapower bi
ETL for the masses with Power Query and M
ETL for the masses with Power Query and METL for the masses with Power Query and M
ETL for the masses with Power Query and M

Régis Baccaro presents on using Power Query for Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) tasks. He discusses Power Query's M query language and how it allows for a more declarative approach to ETL. Baccaro demonstrates extracting data from various sources, transforming it by cleaning and merging datasets, and loading the results into SQL Server or Excel. Finally, he explores different options for refreshing Power Query data on a schedule including using SSIS, PowerShell, or storing queries in Excel files.

• Demo and Q&A
Power BI Services: Cloud and Mobile
• Extend: Publish Power BI Data Models and Reports (visuals) to the MSFT Cloud
• Full Capability: Develop, Consume, Interact, Collaborate
• Dashboard Mash-Ups: Create new custom dashboards from any of your data
sources or models – combine visuals in new ways
• Collaborate: with other users and view reports and dashboards online or on
• Automate: schedule automatic data refresh from data sources on prem or in the
• Natural Language Query: just type your question and the data engine will display
a visual to answer it
In an ideal world…
• How do you envision data being used at DTNA ideally?
• What would help?
• What doesn’t work now?
• What opportunities exist?
• What keeps us up at night?
• How could we make that vision a reality?
• High level data strategy?
• Plan to mature data capability and utilization?
• Implementation of data culture concepts and practices?
• Introduction of self service data tools and skills?
• Hold workshops and trainings?
• “Dashboard in a day”?

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Microsoft provides business intelligence tools to help healthcare organizations turn their data into useful insights. These tools can integrate data from different sources, provide graphical dashboards and key performance indicators, and deliver the right information to the right people at the right time. Microsoft aims to empower all employees with self-service analytics to make better, faster decisions that improve organizational efficiency and outcomes. Example healthcare organizations are seeing benefits like increased vaccination rates and improved clinical and financial performance by using Microsoft's business intelligence solutions.

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The document discusses Microsoft's Power BI tools for self-service business intelligence (BI) and analytics. It describes the key components of Power BI, including Excel-based tools for self-service BI (Power Query, Power Pivot, Power View, Power Map) and Power BI capabilities available with Office 365, such as Power BI sites for collaboration and data management features. The document provides an overview of the Power BI tools and capabilities as well as examples of how they can be used to connect to data, build reports and dashboards, and share and consume BI content.

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Cepta The Future of Data with Power BI
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Cepta The Future of Data with Power BI

This document discusses the future of data and the Azure data ecosystem. It highlights that by 2025 there will be 175 zettabytes of data in the world and the average person will have over 5,000 digital interactions per day. It promotes Azure services like Power BI, Azure Synapse Analytics, Azure Data Factory and Azure Machine Learning for extracting value from data through analytics, visualization and machine learning. The document provides overviews of key Azure data and analytics services and how they fit together in an end-to-end data platform for business intelligence, artificial intelligence and continuous intelligence applications.

power bimicrosoftazure synapse analtyics
Power BI v. Tableau
Feature Power BI Tableau
Cost Free / $10 a month $2,000 initial license + Yearly fee / User
Querying Advanced, Industry Leader – robust tools Good, but not as extensive: 80%
Modeling/Calc Industry Leader: SSAS Tabular Engine Good, but not as robust: 80% (VizQL)
Visualizing Advanced, but not the leader: 80% Super Fine Point, Industry Leader
Collaborating Share files, Cloud, Mobile, SharePoint* Share files, Cloud, Mobile, SharePoint*
Learning Curve Middling: 2-3 weeks to be capable High – significant time investment
Future Massive investment from MSFT;
Flood of new Features, Plug-Ins, add-ons;
HUGE potential for analytics and automated
work extensibility;
Already the Enterprise BI Platform sector leader
because of SQL Server (*Gartner Inc.)
Solid pace of investment;
Will NOT be able to compete with MSFT in
terms of amount of investment or size of
user group;
Narrow focus in highly competitive space
(front end BI dev)
Cloud Yes – Power BI Services Yes – Tableau Online
Security AD integrated; Multifactor: Server, Model, Row Conforms to industry standards
DAX – useful functions
• Relate – like the vlookup of tabular – move a column from one table
to another using a key value
• Calculate – perform an aggregation on a data set after applying a
filter context (or multiple filters) to that data set [like a “sum if…”]
• Sum, Count, Min/Max, Average, Standard Deviation
��� Year, Month, Week, Day – use time intelligent functions on dates
• If – if, then functionality
• Format/Value – get your data in the correct format so a function can
operate on it
• Switch – rename values in a column (if/then)
Advanced Topics
• Power BI Services (Cloud)
• Azure platform integration: Azure SQL, ML, Data Factory
• Flow and Power Apps
• SharePoint Integration
• Imbedding visuals in native apps and online
• M Query language – O Data – Open APIs – Restful calls
• Custom Visuals

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Have you been thinking about presenting at a user group? Are you being asked to present at your work? Is learning to present one of the keys to advancing your career? Or do you just think it would be fun to present but you are too nervous to try it? Well take the first step to becoming a presenter by attending this session and I will guide you through the process of learning to present and becoming good at it. It’s easier than you think! I am an introvert and was deathly afraid to speak in public. Now I love to present and it’s actually my main function in my job at Microsoft. I’ll share with you journey that lead me to speak at major conferences and the skills I learned along the way to become a good presenter and to get rid of the fear. You can do it!

Enable Better Decision Making with Power BI Visualizations & Modern Data Estate
Enable Better Decision Making with Power BI Visualizations & Modern Data EstateEnable Better Decision Making with Power BI Visualizations & Modern Data Estate
Enable Better Decision Making with Power BI Visualizations & Modern Data Estate

Self-service BI empowers users to reach analytic outputs through data visualizations and reporting tools. Solution Architect and Cloud Solution Specialist, James McAuliffe, will be taking you through a journey of Azure's Modern Data Estate.

by CCG
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Self-Service Data Integration with Power Query
Self-Service Data Integration with Power QuerySelf-Service Data Integration with Power Query
Self-Service Data Integration with Power Query

Discover, Load, Transform and Mashup. Microsoft Power Query for Excel includes a powerful query engine and a formula language that enables self-service data integration and shaping over a diverse set of data sources. Power Query makes it possible for analysts to do basic ETL by themselves without much help from the IT department. Most common tasks can be accomplished within an intuitive user interface, but a powerful language called “M” can also be used to do some pretty sophisticated data preparation work. Come learn how to succeed and tackle your data and data-shaping needs. Updated with the Power BI Designer (currently in preview) @ Presented @ Ottawa SQL Server User Group (Ottawa PASS Chapter) Thursday February 19, 2015

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Presented by: Julian Payne
History of Power BI
• PowerPivot – Excel add-in using xVelocity (Vertipaq) columnar engine
• SQL Server 2012 SSAS Tabular Model
• Microsoft BI Semantic Model (BISM)
• PowerView
• Re-branding to Power BI (notice the space)
• SharePoint and Office 365 integration (Q&A, Power Query, and Power
• Power BI v2 Preview (December 2014)
• Power BI v2 Service & Desktop GA (July 2015)
• AD joined
• Server Level: AD (Windows) credentials, server credentials, service
• Model Levels: AD User Groups
• Row Level: DAX

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Power BI - 2016 - Public

  • 1. Power BI Moving from Data and Information to Insight and Action: Offering Customers “Rapid Time-to-Value” Embarking on a new Data Journey Presented by: Julian Payne
  • 2. BI: Information Management, Analytics, Data Visualization, Reporting, and Performance Management • Analytics: understanding what is happening in business by capturing information to model the real world: • Identify trends, anomalies, risks, opportunities, data/process/personnel gaps • Information Economy – certainty allows for decision making and drives action • MSFT is THE Full Stack Enterprise BI Leader: • Excel, SQL Server, SSMS, SSIS, SSRS, SSAS, Power Pivot, Power BI – Gartner Magic Quadrant Leader in Enterprise BI • The Next Generation of BI tools is here: • Power BI, Tableau, Hadoop, Azure ML, Data lakes, BIG DATA, Watson • IoT – Telematix – Azure, MSFT VSO, TFS: big data, streaming data, real-time analytics • Moving towards VISUAL analytics: seeing is believing and rapid comprehension • We are visual thinkers • Manage by exception • Business need for tools that are accessible, affordable, and powerful • Lightweight, nibble, iterative, quick, easy, and cost effective… • Work collaboratively and interactively using a single source of truth
  • 3. What IS Power BI? • Power BI is a suite of business analytics tools to analyze data and share insights • Power BI Desktop puts visual analytics at your fingertips with intuitive report authoring • Simple: Drag-and-drop to place content exactly where you want it on the flexible and fluid canvas • Fast: Quickly discover patterns as you explore a single unified view of linked, interactive visualizations • Effective: Powered by the best data modeling and calculation technology in the industry: MSFT SSAS • BI Development Ecosystem with full front end development capability • Power BI Desktop, Power BI Services (in the cloud), Power BI Mobile app • Seamless integration • HTML5
  • 4. Overview • Free* – for Power BI Desktop, basic Power BI Services (cloud), and Mobile App • Powerful – wide range of capability to provide value, insight, understanding, and control • Cutting Edge – Virtual, in-memory, tabular DB technology; massive data manipulation (10x compression) • Integrated and highly connective – connect to almost any data source; bring it all together in context! • Agile – fast, iterative, modular; rapidly prototype and mock up POCs • Secure - multiple layers of security; secure with various options, MSFT quality, AD joined and integrated • Evolving - maturing rapidly; new features added monthly, massive investment from MSFT • Easy to learn – feels like Excel and other MSFT programs; intuitive interface, familiar feel • Large user community – lots of support and ability to troubleshoot; huge public support, custom visuals • Extensible - desktop, on-prem, cloud, mobile – it’s all there already (SP integration is coming very soon) • Total BI POWERHOUSE - Query, Model, Calculate, Visualize, Analyze, Share, Collaborate, and Interact *Core functionality is Free, “Pro” level is $10 a month (4x less the Tableau/Annum + no initial site license [$2K])
  • 5. Capability Deep-Dive: Core BI functions • Connect/Query: • Data Import or “Live” connect to DBs and data sources, any DB/source/file/service, use custom queries or API connections, Query Merge/join, Query Dependency View • Transform/Shape/Structure: • Begin structuring your data in the query phase to set your table and data structures up for rapid integration • Enhanced controls, intuitive GUI, drag and drop interface : Split, drop, add, derive, filter and append rows and columns on the fly in the query phase • Model/Calculate: • Create new relationships, add custom columns and measures, define hierarchies for drill through • Visualize/Analyze: • Rapidly prototype interactive visual data analysis tools and dashboards • Change visuals on the fly, import new custom visual, format, drill, “brush”/cross-filter • Drag and Drop, copy and paste – iterate iterate iterate! • Share/Collaborate: • Easily share files, publish to the cloud (Power BI Services), view on mobile, or upload to SharePoint • Automate • Set automatic data refresh at using the Pro version
  • 6. “Rapid time-to-value” – so what? [Value proposition] • Rapid time to value means: • (near) Instant insight, certainty, and decisions • Create solutions and solve problems fast: connect and begin SEEing the data within minutes • Know, decide, act – Think, plan, do • Questions answered in minutes and hours that used to take weeks, months, or never getting done at all • Fast iterations: enhancements, added features, alternate analyses, what-ifs, iterations – immediate and painless course correction – answering the right questions, correctly, and collaboratively – do it in the meeting! • AGILE DEV – capture value on unique ideas quickly, kill what doesn’t work, move on to the next – it’s a modular, connected, scalable process and tool set • Enables: • Controlling risk – knowing sooner means avoiding problems more frequently • Capturing value – knowing sooner means identifying opportunity faster and acting sooner • Speaking to the facts of daily operations and performance • Getting to the “ah ha” moments!!
  • 7. Use Cases • When you do not have Tableau available, or it is cost prohibitive ($2k+/year v. Free or $120/year) • When you have huge amounts of data (100 MILLION + rows of data can be consumed in Power BI) – not possible in Excel • When you need to AUTOMATE repetitive procedures and processes – data refresh • When you need to rapidly and easily join data from lots of different sources (SQL DBs, Data warehouses, Data models, flat files, Cloud, Access, OData, etc.) • When you do not have SQL coding ability (no need to code, just import entire tables and use the Query Editor GUI to perform advanced transformations – edit columns, change column names, remove duplicates, etc.) • When you need to perform very specific or more complex analysis (use DAX to write custom calculations and formulas to filter and aggregate data in a very precise manner)
  • 10. Power BI Services: Cloud and Mobile • Extend: Publish Power BI Data Models and Reports (visuals) to the MSFT Cloud • Full Capability: Develop, Consume, Interact, Collaborate • Dashboard Mash-Ups: Create new custom dashboards from any of your data sources or models – combine visuals in new ways • Collaborate: with other users and view reports and dashboards online or on mobile • Automate: schedule automatic data refresh from data sources on prem or in the cloud • Natural Language Query: just type your question and the data engine will display a visual to answer it • HTML5 •
  • 12. In an ideal world… • How do you envision data being used at DTNA ideally? • What would help? • What doesn’t work now? • What opportunities exist? • What keeps us up at night? • How could we make that vision a reality? • High level data strategy? • Plan to mature data capability and utilization? • Implementation of data culture concepts and practices? • Introduction of self service data tools and skills? • Hold workshops and trainings? • “Dashboard in a day”?
  • 13. Resources • • • • • • •
  • 14. Power BI v. Tableau Feature Power BI Tableau Cost Free / $10 a month $2,000 initial license + Yearly fee / User Querying Advanced, Industry Leader – robust tools Good, but not as extensive: 80% Modeling/Calc Industry Leader: SSAS Tabular Engine Good, but not as robust: 80% (VizQL) Visualizing Advanced, but not the leader: 80% Super Fine Point, Industry Leader Collaborating Share files, Cloud, Mobile, SharePoint* Share files, Cloud, Mobile, SharePoint* Learning Curve Middling: 2-3 weeks to be capable High – significant time investment Future Massive investment from MSFT; Flood of new Features, Plug-Ins, add-ons; HUGE potential for analytics and automated work extensibility; Already the Enterprise BI Platform sector leader because of SQL Server (*Gartner Inc.) Solid pace of investment; Will NOT be able to compete with MSFT in terms of amount of investment or size of user group; Narrow focus in highly competitive space (front end BI dev) Cloud Yes – Power BI Services Yes – Tableau Online Security AD integrated; Multifactor: Server, Model, Row Conforms to industry standards
  • 15. DAX – useful functions • Relate – like the vlookup of tabular – move a column from one table to another using a key value • Calculate – perform an aggregation on a data set after applying a filter context (or multiple filters) to that data set [like a “sum if…”] • Sum, Count, Min/Max, Average, Standard Deviation • Year, Month, Week, Day – use time intelligent functions on dates • If – if, then functionality • Format/Value – get your data in the correct format so a function can operate on it • Switch – rename values in a column (if/then)
  • 16. Advanced Topics • Power BI Services (Cloud) • Azure platform integration: Azure SQL, ML, Data Factory • Flow and Power Apps • SharePoint Integration • Imbedding visuals in native apps and online • M Query language – O Data – Open APIs – Restful calls • Custom Visuals
  • 18. History of Power BI • PowerPivot – Excel add-in using xVelocity (Vertipaq) columnar engine • SQL Server 2012 SSAS Tabular Model • Microsoft BI Semantic Model (BISM) • PowerView • Re-branding to Power BI (notice the space) • SharePoint and Office 365 integration (Q&A, Power Query, and Power Map) • Power BI v2 Preview (December 2014) • Power BI v2 Service & Desktop GA (July 2015)
  • 19. Security • AD joined • Server Level: AD (Windows) credentials, server credentials, service account • Model Levels: AD User Groups • Row Level: DAX

Editor's Notes

  1. Welcome Thank you for coming Excited to share with you about Power BI Specifically: what it is, why it is useful, how I have been using it, and how you may be able to use it Quick show of hands, who has heard of Power BI or actually used it? Please feel free to ask questions at any time  ------------ Main theme: this is about the “Tool” but also /perhaps more about: Enabling a New “Data Culture” ((new things are possible: new way of thinking about and working with data)) --more collaborative more effective 2) Proposing: A new data paradigm: a new way to engage with company information and facts – using tabular database technology and dimensional modeling with modern front-end visualization tools to enable lots of new insight and action/decisions – more rapidly, collaboratively, and usefully 3) Power BI is Potentially: An analytics solutions for the whole organization: Visualize and analyze everything in one place  develop shared understanding from single source of truth
  2. Understanding the facts of the business – thinking critically about it --what happened, why it happened, what will happen, how we can make things happen 2) MSFT has an outstanding, robust, mature and capable stack – and always has – Gartner Magic Quadrant Leader for Enterprise BI: vision and execution 3) New possibility with data – ability to know more – org must evolve to capture that value: people, process, system, DATA --more automation of BI work – less data janitorial work – more analysis – moving from manual to automatic 4) Thinking visually, working collaboratively, have fact based conversations – faster and easier to get more info and see it --interactive, collaborative, hands on, self service ((NOT STATIC)) 5) Getting to the “single source of truth” that everyone wants – work collaboratively off the same set of facts
  3. 1) Power BI is a new product form MSFT – it represents a lot of progress in BI, a unification of tools and technology, MSFTs focus on the presentation layer of data and BI 2) Power BI is “stand alone application” outside of Excel or SQL or SSAS 3) Power BI performs all the core functions of front-end (and middle stages of) BI development: [[Query, Structure/Shape, Modeling, Calculate, Visualize, Analyze, Automate, Share/Collaborate,]] 4) Power BI is Agile friendly and allows for rapid prototyping and quick POCs to prove out data solution concepts – BI development happens iteratively and works nicely with sprints --these tools are also meant to WORK IN NEW WAY – engendering a new sort of data culture – which is collaborative, and interactive and relies on a single source of truth -- no more reports in your in box – start up the tool, and have a look and make a few clicks – filter, cross filter, brush (maybe even import a new flat file on steroids) 5) Power BI provides a host of new technology and capability – but you can think of it as PIVOT TABLES ON STEROIDS with a really nice visual component BI layer Where you pull it all together ---- New Power BI Desktop file extension .pbix // HTML5 Based program ------------------------------------------- Data maturity: Crawl, walk, run, fly, [[hyperspace]] ---------- What happened Why did it happen What will happen How do we make it happen
  4. Free -- (enterprise level features: cloud collaboration, automatic data refresh) Based on SSAS – lots of features and capability, fast, stable, mature – you can do a lot in a little time Newest Tabular Tech – best in class modeling tool Connect to almost any type of data source with pre-programmed connectors and APIs AgileVery flexible, semi-fine point reporting tool Multiple layers of security: server level, model level, row level (use passwords and credentials (server), user groups (model), and DAX (row)) Huge investment from MSFT – constantly evolving an improving Easy to pick up and use, lightweight, quick integration with Excel
  5. These are the core aspects and capabilities/needs for FRONT END BI AND ANALYTICS DEVELOPMENT Get data, structure it correctly, model/relate, add custom calcs, visualize, share Iterate enhance Repeat Hard back if needed
  6. Getting to your “ah – ha” moments Getting heads nodding Getting kudos and thank yous Solving problems fast Enabling more high value add work on other people’s part Having a flexible and powerful tool to solve problems, QUICKLY Allowing you to help other people ask the right questions: 1) what makes sense logically from the biz perspective, what is available to answer that question
  7. Find a data set Add it to power pivot in excel – makes tables from data sets, add to model Show power pivot data model – show relationships Connect power pivot in excel to Power bi Tour power bi – report canvass / ribbon / visuals / formatting / filters / field well / querying tools / modeling tools / data view tools Talk about DAX – measure and columns (no naked measures) – FILTER CONTEXT
  8. Everything in a database or tool that can be connected and queried Everything conforming and structured Hubbed enterprise data eco-system
  9. DAX works a lot like Excel formulas: but it has some different syntax (words for formulas – calling functions/calucaltions) and semantics (“grammar” for formulas; word arrangement)
  10. Power BI sits on top and at the heart of MSFT BI stack these days It is enabling many new insights and capabilities – solving problems rapidly and providing solutions Empowering more people to work with data on their terms and where they need it The pace of development and level of engagement is exciting, people are getting a lot out of the tools and demanding more and more as their expectations and awareness change