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Building Modern Cloud
Analytics Solution
Dmitry Anoshin
• About Me
• Role of Analytics
• History of Cloud
• Analytics powered by Microsoft Azure
• DW modernization Project
• Use cases and Challenges
• Alternative Solution with Azure
About Myself
About Myself
• Work with Business Intelligence
since 2007

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Intuit's Data Mesh - Data Mesh Leaning Community meetup 5.13.2021
Intuit's Data Mesh - Data Mesh Leaning Community meetup 5.13.2021Intuit's Data Mesh - Data Mesh Leaning Community meetup 5.13.2021
Intuit's Data Mesh - Data Mesh Leaning Community meetup 5.13.2021

Past, present and future of data mesh at Intuit. This deck describes a vision and strategy for improving data worker productivity through a Data Mesh approach to organizing data and holding data producers accountable. Delivered at the inaugural Data Mesh Leaning meetup on 5/13/2021.

data meshbig datadata lake
The Future of Data Science and Machine Learning at Scale: A Look at MLflow, D...
The Future of Data Science and Machine Learning at Scale: A Look at MLflow, D...The Future of Data Science and Machine Learning at Scale: A Look at MLflow, D...
The Future of Data Science and Machine Learning at Scale: A Look at MLflow, D...

Many had dubbed 2020 as the decade of data. This is indeed an era of data zeitgeist. From code-centric software development 1.0, we are entering software development 2.0, a data-centric and data-driven approach, where data plays a central theme in our everyday lives. As the volume and variety of data garnered from myriad data sources continue to grow at an astronomical scale and as cloud computing offers cheap computing and data storage resources at scale, the data platforms have to match in their abilities to process, analyze, and visualize at scale and speed and with ease — this involves data paradigm shifts in processing and storing and in providing programming frameworks to developers to access and work with these data platforms. In this talk, we will survey some emerging technologies that address the challenges of data at scale, how these tools help data scientists and machine learning developers with their data tasks, why they scale, and how they facilitate the future data scientists to start quickly. In particular, we will examine in detail two open-source tools MLflow (for machine learning life cycle development) and Delta Lake (for reliable storage for structured and unstructured data). Other emerging tools such as Koalas help data scientists to do exploratory data analysis at scale in a language and framework they are familiar with as well as emerging data + AI trends in 2021. You will understand the challenges of machine learning model development at scale, why you need reliable and scalable storage, and what other open source tools are at your disposal to do data science and machine learning at scale.

lakehousedelta lakemlflow
DW Migration Webinar-March 2022.pptx
DW Migration Webinar-March 2022.pptxDW Migration Webinar-March 2022.pptx
DW Migration Webinar-March 2022.pptx

The document discusses migrating a data warehouse to the Databricks Lakehouse Platform. It outlines why legacy data warehouses are struggling, how the Databricks Platform addresses these issues, and key considerations for modern analytics and data warehousing. The document then provides an overview of the migration methodology, approach, strategies, and key takeaways for moving to a lakehouse on Databricks.

Technical Skills Matrix
Big Data
Other Activities
Jumpstart Sno
wflake: A Step-
by-Step Guide
to Modern
Cloud Analytics.
• Victoria Power BI andVictoria SQL Server meetup
• Victoria andVancouverTableau User Group
• Conferences (EDW 2018, 2019, Data Architecture Summit)
• Amazon internal conferences
Role of Analytics

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Big data architectures and the data lake
Big data architectures and the data lakeBig data architectures and the data lake
Big data architectures and the data lake

The document provides an overview of big data architectures and the data lake concept. It discusses why organizations are adopting data lakes to handle increasing data volumes and varieties. The key aspects covered include: - Defining top-down and bottom-up approaches to data management - Explaining what a data lake is and how Hadoop can function as the data lake - Describing how a modern data warehouse combines features of a traditional data warehouse and data lake - Discussing how federated querying allows data to be accessed across multiple sources - Highlighting benefits of implementing big data solutions in the cloud - Comparing shared-nothing, massively parallel processing (MPP) architectures to symmetric multi-processing (

data lakebig dataazure data lake store
Meetup: Streaming Data Pipeline Development
Meetup:  Streaming Data Pipeline DevelopmentMeetup:  Streaming Data Pipeline Development
Meetup: Streaming Data Pipeline Development

The document discusses streaming data pipelines and includes information about: - The FLaNK stack which is comprised of Apache NiFi, Apache Kafka, Apache Flink, and Java. - SQL Stream Builder which allows developers, analysts, and data scientists to write streaming applications using standard SQL without needing to write Java or Scala code. - Apache Kafka as a distributed, partitioned, and replicated publish-subscribe messaging system. - Apache Flink which is a framework for distributed stream and batch data processing.

apache nifiapache pulsarapache kafka
Building End-to-End Delta Pipelines on GCP
Building End-to-End Delta Pipelines on GCPBuilding End-to-End Delta Pipelines on GCP
Building End-to-End Delta Pipelines on GCP

Delta has been powering many production pipelines at scale in the Data and AI space since it has been introduced for the past few years. Built on open standards, Delta provides data reliability, enhances storage and query performance to support big data use cases (both batch and streaming), fast interactive queries for BI and enabling machine learning. Delta has matured over the past couple of years in both AWS and AZURE and has become the de-facto standard for organizations building their Data and AI pipelines. In today���s talk, we will explore building end-to-end pipelines on the Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Through presentation, code examples and notebooks, we will build the Delta Pipeline from ingest to consumption using our Delta Bronze-Silver-Gold architecture pattern and show examples of Consuming the delta files using the Big Query Connector.

Stakeholders Employees Customers
”The goal of any organization is to generateValue”
The Future of Competition.
BIValue Chain
Stakeholders Employees Customers
Value creation based on effective decisions
Effective decisions based on accurate
For Data to be a differentiator, customers
need to be able to…
• Capture and store new non-relational data at
PB-EB scale in real time
• Discover value in a new type of analytics that
go beyond batch reporting to incorporate
real-time, predictive, voice, and image
• Democratize access to data in a secure and
governed way
New types of analytics
Dashboards Predictive Image
New types of data
Cloud Analytics

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Building a modern data warehouse
Building a modern data warehouseBuilding a modern data warehouse
Building a modern data warehouse

Embarking on building a modern data warehouse in the cloud can be an overwhelming experience due to the sheer number of products that can be used, especially when the use cases for many products overlap others. In this talk I will cover the use cases of many of the Microsoft products that you can use when building a modern data warehouse, broken down into four areas: ingest, store, prep, and model & serve. It’s a complicated story that I will try to simplify, giving blunt opinions of when to use what products and the pros/cons of each.

modern data warehousing
Architecting a datalake
Architecting a datalakeArchitecting a datalake
Architecting a datalake

This document discusses architecting a data lake. It begins by introducing the speaker and topic. It then defines a data lake as a repository that stores enterprise data in its raw format including structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data. The document outlines some key aspects to consider when architecting a data lake such as design, security, data movement, processing, and discovery. It provides an example design and discusses solutions from vendors like AWS, Azure, and GCP. Finally, it includes an example implementation using Azure services for an IoT project that predicts parts failures in trucks.

datalakebig datadata
Databricks Platform.pptx
Databricks Platform.pptxDatabricks Platform.pptx
Databricks Platform.pptx

The document provides an overview of the Databricks platform, which offers a unified environment for data engineering, analytics, and AI. It describes how Databricks addresses the complexity of managing data across siloed systems by providing a single "data lakehouse" platform where all data and analytics workloads can be run. Key features highlighted include Delta Lake for ACID transactions on data lakes, auto loader for streaming data ingestion, notebooks for interactive coding, and governance tools to securely share and catalog data and models.

data platformdelta lakeanalytics
Cloud Early History
Time Sharing Concept by
Cloud symbol
used in ARPANET
VPN by telecom
Cloud refer to
1994 Cloud
metaphor for
Cloud Recent History
AWS Elastic
Compute Cloud
Google Docs
Google App
Announced Azure
Microsoft Azure
Why moving to the Cloud?
• Elasticity
• Pay for what
you need
• Fail fast
• Fast time to
• Secure
• Reliable
• Business SLA
Downsides of on-premise solution
Up-front cost Maintenance
Tuning and

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Data Catalog & ETL - Glue & Athena
Data Catalog & ETL - Glue & AthenaData Catalog & ETL - Glue & Athena
Data Catalog & ETL - Glue & Athena

The document discusses AWS Glue Data Catalog and Amazon Athena. It provides an overview of AWS Glue Data Catalog as a unified metadata repository across data sources. It then describes Amazon Athena as an interactive query service that allows users to analyze data stored in Amazon S3 using standard SQL. Various use cases are presented that demonstrate how customers can use AWS Glue Data Catalog and Amazon Athena together to build data lakes on AWS.

Data Mesh Part 4 Monolith to Mesh
Data Mesh Part 4 Monolith to MeshData Mesh Part 4 Monolith to Mesh
Data Mesh Part 4 Monolith to Mesh

This is Part 4 of the GoldenGate series on Data Mesh - a series of webinars helping customers understand how to move off of old-fashioned monolithic data integration architecture and get ready for more agile, cost-effective, event-driven solutions. The Data Mesh is a kind of Data Fabric that emphasizes business-led data products running on event-driven streaming architectures, serverless, and microservices based platforms. These emerging solutions are essential for enterprises that run data-driven services on multi-cloud, multi-vendor ecosystems. Join this session to get a fresh look at Data Mesh; we'll start with core architecture principles (vendor agnostic) and transition into detailed examples of how Oracle's GoldenGate platform is providing capabilities today. We will discuss essential technical characteristics of a Data Mesh solution, and the benefits that business owners can expect by moving IT in this direction. For more background on Data Mesh, Part 1, 2, and 3 are on the GoldenGate YouTube channel: Webinar Speaker: Jeff Pollock, VP Product ( Mr. Pollock is an expert technology leader for data platforms, big data, data integration and governance. Jeff has been CTO at California startups and a senior exec at Fortune 100 tech vendors. He is currently Oracle VP of Products and Cloud Services for Data Replication, Streaming Data and Database Migrations. While at IBM, he was head of all Information Integration, Replication and Governance products, and previously Jeff was an independent architect for US Defense Department, VP of Technology at Cerebra and CTO of Modulant – he has been engineering artificial intelligence based data platforms since 2001. As a business consultant, Mr. Pollock was a Head Architect at Ernst & Young’s Center for Technology Enablement. Jeff is also the author of “Semantic Web for Dummies” and "Adaptive Information,” a frequent keynote at industry conferences, author for books and industry journals, formerly a contributing member of W3C and OASIS, and an engineering instructor with UC Berkeley’s Extension for object-oriented systems, software development process and enterprise architecture.

data meshdata managementstreaming data
Data Mesh in Practice - How Europe's Leading Online Platform for Fashion Goes...
Data Mesh in Practice - How Europe's Leading Online Platform for Fashion Goes...Data Mesh in Practice - How Europe's Leading Online Platform for Fashion Goes...
Data Mesh in Practice - How Europe's Leading Online Platform for Fashion Goes...

A talk presented by Max Schultze from Zalando and Arif Wider from ThoughtWorks at NDC Oslo 2020. Abstract: The Data Lake paradigm is often considered the scalable successor of the more curated Data Warehouse approach when it comes to democratization of data. However, many who went out to build a centralized Data Lake came out with a data swamp of unclear responsibilities, a lack of data ownership, and sub-par data availability. At Zalando - europe’s biggest online fashion retailer - we realised that accessibility and availability at scale can only be guaranteed when moving more responsibilities to those who pick up the data and have the respective domain knowledge - the data owners - while keeping only data governance and metadata information central. Such a decentralized and domain focused approach has recently been coined a Data Mesh. The Data Mesh paradigm promotes the concept of Data Products which go beyond sharing of files and towards guarantees of quality and acknowledgement of data ownership. This talk will take you on a journey of how we went from a centralized Data Lake to embrace a distributed Data Mesh architecture and will outline the ongoing efforts to make creation of data products as simple as applying a template.

devopsmicroservicesdata lake
Cloud Restrictions -> Hybrid Clouds
Sensitive Data Data Moving
Cloud Service Models
Cloud Service Models – friendly version
Cloud Analytics
with Microsoft

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5 Critical Steps to Clean Your Data Swamp When Migrating Off of Hadoop
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5 Critical Steps to Clean Your Data Swamp When Migrating Off of Hadoop

In this session, learn how to quickly supplement your on-premises Hadoop environment with a simple, open, and collaborative cloud architecture that enables you to generate greater value with scaled application of analytics and AI on all your data. You will also learn five critical steps for a successful migration to the Databricks Lakehouse Platform along with the resources available to help you begin to re-skill your data teams.

Data Mesh for Dinner
Data Mesh for DinnerData Mesh for Dinner
Data Mesh for Dinner

Data mesh is a decentralized approach to managing and accessing analytical data at scale. It distributes responsibility for data pipelines and quality to domain experts. The key principles are domain-centric ownership, treating data as a product, and using a common self-service infrastructure platform. Snowflake is well-suited for implementing a data mesh with its capabilities for sharing data and functions securely across accounts and clouds, with built-in governance and a data marketplace for discovery. A data mesh implemented on Snowflake's data cloud can support truly global and multi-cloud data sharing and management according to data mesh principles.

data meshanalyticssnowflake

- Azure Databricks provides a curated platform for data science and machine learning workloads using notebooks, data services, and machine learning tools. - Only a small fraction of real-world machine learning systems is composed of the actual machine learning code, as vast surrounding infrastructure is required for data collection, feature extraction, model training, and deployment. - Azure Databricks can be used across many industries for applications like customer analytics, financial modeling, healthcare analytics, industrial IoT, and cybersecurity threat detection through machine learning on structured and unstructured data.

Microsoft Azure for Analytics
Data Analytics with Azure
• Data Factory
• Integration
• Kafka
• Event Hub
• Data Lake Gen 1
• Data Lake Gen 2
• Blob Storage
• HD Insight
• Data Lake Analytics
• Streaming Analytics
• PolyBase
• CosmosDB
• Analysis Service
• SQL Database
• SQL Server in
• Cosmos DB
Data Integration
Data Warehouse
and Data bases
Big Data
• Analysis Service
• ML Analytics
• Business Intelligence
DW Modernization
Use Case
BI/DW (before)
Storage LayerSource Layer
Ad-hoc SQL
Data Warehouse
Access Layer

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TechEvent Databricks on Azure
TechEvent Databricks on AzureTechEvent Databricks on Azure
TechEvent Databricks on Azure

Apache Spark is a fast and general engine for large-scale data processing. It was created by UC Berkeley and is now the dominant framework in big data. Spark can run programs over 100x faster than Hadoop in memory, or more than 10x faster on disk. It supports Scala, Java, Python, and R. Databricks provides a Spark platform on Azure that is optimized for performance and integrates tightly with other Azure services. Key benefits of Databricks on Azure include security, ease of use, data access, high performance, and the ability to solve complex analytics problems.

Architect’s Open-Source Guide for a Data Mesh Architecture
Architect’s Open-Source Guide for a Data Mesh ArchitectureArchitect’s Open-Source Guide for a Data Mesh Architecture
Architect’s Open-Source Guide for a Data Mesh Architecture

Data Mesh is an innovative concept addressing many data challenges from an architectural, cultural, and organizational perspective. But is the world ready to implement Data Mesh? In this session, we will review the importance of core Data Mesh principles, what they can offer, and when it is a good idea to try a Data Mesh architecture. We will discuss common challenges with implementation of Data Mesh systems and focus on the role of open-source projects for it. Projects like Apache Spark can play a key part in standardized infrastructure platform implementation of Data Mesh. We will examine the landscape of useful data engineering open-source projects to utilize in several areas of a Data Mesh system in practice, along with an architectural example. We will touch on what work (culture, tools, mindset) needs to be done to ensure Data Mesh is more accessible for engineers in the industry. The audience will leave with a good understanding of the benefits of Data Mesh architecture, common challenges, and the role of Apache Spark and other open-source projects for its implementation in real systems. This session is targeted for architects, decision-makers, data-engineers, and system designers.

Develop a Custom Data Solution Architecture with NorthBay
Develop a Custom Data Solution Architecture with NorthBayDevelop a Custom Data Solution Architecture with NorthBay
Develop a Custom Data Solution Architecture with NorthBay

Organizations that have vast amounts of data in legacy applications often experience difficulties delivering that data to business unit end-users. Register to learn how Eliza Corporation and Scholastic overcame this challenge by leveraging a Data Lake solution from NorthBay on AWS to optimize data analytics and provide greater visibility. AWS and NorthBay will give you an in-depth overview of how you can use a Data Lake in conjunction with your existing on-premises or cloud-based Data Warehouse. NorthBay helps organizations scale their ETL and data warehousing workloads using Amazon EMR and Amazon Redshift. Join us to learn: • Best practices for using a Data Lake in conjunction with your existing data warehouse • The key aspects of introducing agile and scrum methodologies into an enterprise • The most impactful cost-savings levers that are addressed via a cloud data warehouse migration Who should attend: Heads of Analytics, Heads of BI, Analytics Managers, BI Teams, Senior Analysts

amazon web servicesawsaws cloud
Cloud Migration Strategy
Lift & Shift
• Typical Approach
• Move all-at-once
• Target platform then evolve
• Approach gets you to the cloud quickly
• Relatively small barrier to learning new technology
since it tends to be a close fit
Split & Flip
• Split application into logical functional data layers
• Match the data functionality with the right
• Leverage the wide selection of tools onAWS to
best fit the need
• Move data in phases — prototype, learn and
Migration Approach
Useful tools:
• Total Cost Ownership (TCO) Calculator
• Azure Database Migration Service
• Azure Migration Assistant
Building Modern Data Platform with Microsoft Azure
Cloud Data Warehouse

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SPS Vancouver 2018 - What is CDM and CDS
SPS Vancouver 2018 - What is CDM and CDSSPS Vancouver 2018 - What is CDM and CDS
SPS Vancouver 2018 - What is CDM and CDS

The document discusses the Common Data Model (CDM) and how to use it. It describes CDM as an open-sourced definition of standard business entities that provides a common data model that can be shared across applications. It outlines how CDM allows building applications faster by composing analytics, user experiences, and automation using integrated Microsoft services. It also discusses moving data into CDM using the Data Integrator and building applications with CDM using PowerApps, the CDS SDK, Microsoft Flow, and Power BI.

common data servicecommon data modeloffice 365
Building your first Analysis Services Tabular BI Semantic model with SQL Serv...
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Building your first Analysis Services Tabular BI Semantic model with SQL Serv...

Speaker: Frederik Vandeputte Download SQL Server 2012:

microsoftsql serversql server 2012
Feature Store as a Data Foundation for Machine Learning
Feature Store as a Data Foundation for Machine LearningFeature Store as a Data Foundation for Machine Learning
Feature Store as a Data Foundation for Machine Learning

This document discusses feature stores and their role in modern machine learning infrastructure. It begins with an introduction and agenda. It then covers challenges with modern data platforms and emerging architectural shifts towards things like data meshes and feature stores. The remainder discusses what a feature store is, reference architectures, and recommendations for adopting feature stores including leveraging existing AWS services for storage, catalog, query, and more.

feature storedata sciencemachine learning
What is Azure DW?
• Decouple Storage
and Compute
• Distribution Styles:
SQL Database vs SQL Data Warehouse
What is Azure Data Factory?
Azure Data Factory (ADF) is Microsoft’s fully managed ELT service
in the cloud that’s delivered as a Platform as a Service (PaaS)

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Accelerating Data Warehouse Modernization
Accelerating Data Warehouse ModernizationAccelerating Data Warehouse Modernization
Accelerating Data Warehouse Modernization

Modern data warehouses need to be modernized to handle big data, integrate multiple data silos, reduce costs, and reduce time to market. A modern data warehouse blueprint includes a data lake to land and ingest structured, unstructured, external, social, machine, and streaming data alongside a traditional data warehouse. Key challenges for modernization include making data discoverable and usable for business users, rethinking ETL to allow for data blending, and enabling self-service BI over Hadoop. Common tactics for modernization include using a data lake as a landing zone, offloading infrequently accessed data to Hadoop, and exploring data in Hadoop to discover new insights.

hadoop summit
How does Microsoft solve Big Data?
How does Microsoft solve Big Data?How does Microsoft solve Big Data?
How does Microsoft solve Big Data?

So you got a handle on what Big Data is and how you can use it to find business value in your data.  Now you need an understanding of the Microsoft products that can be used to create a Big Data solution.  Microsoft has many pieces of the puzzle and in this presentation I will show how they fit together.  How does Microsoft enhance and add value to Big Data?  From collecting data, transforming it, storing it, to visualizing it, I will show you Microsoft’s solutions for every step of the way

big datamicrosoft
Serverless SQL
Serverless SQLServerless SQL
Serverless SQL

Serverless SQL provides a serverless analytics platform that allows users to analyze data stored in object storage without having to manage infrastructure. Key features include seamless elasticity, pay-per-query consumption, and the ability to analyze data directly in object storage without having to move it. The platform includes serverless storage, data ingest, data transformation, analytics, and automation capabilities. It aims to create a sharing economy for analytics by allowing various users like developers, data engineers, and analysts flexible access to data and analytics.

Lack of Notification
Problem: Users are missing emails or they jump to spam.
Solution: Leverage Messenger with Webhooks. (Slack, Chime or so on).
Lack of Logging
Problem: We didn’t have any detail logs about our ETL performance and we didn’t
have any insights.
Solution: Collecting logs and events. In addition, we are able to collect logs on any
level of jobs and transformation.
Self-Service BI
Problem: Business Users wants Interactive and Self-Service tool. Fast time to Market
and less dependency on IT.
Solution: Implement modern Visual Analytics Platform
Marketing Automation
Problem: Marketing team wants “Move Fast and Break Things”.
Solution: Using ADF the gave Marketing template jobs and they doing their jobs

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Enable Better Decision Making with Power BI Visualizations & Modern Data Estate
Enable Better Decision Making with Power BI Visualizations & Modern Data EstateEnable Better Decision Making with Power BI Visualizations & Modern Data Estate
Enable Better Decision Making with Power BI Visualizations & Modern Data Estate

Self-service BI empowers users to reach analytic outputs through data visualizations and reporting tools. Solution Architect and Cloud Solution Specialist, James McAuliffe, will be taking you through a journey of Azure's Modern Data Estate.

by CCG
cloudpower bianalytics
Microsoft Azure BI Solutions in the Cloud
Microsoft Azure BI Solutions in the CloudMicrosoft Azure BI Solutions in the Cloud
Microsoft Azure BI Solutions in the Cloud

This document provides an overview of several Microsoft Azure cloud data and analytics services: - Azure Data Factory is a data integration service that can move and transform data between cloud and on-premises data stores as part of scheduled or event-driven workflows. - Azure SQL Data Warehouse is a cloud data warehouse that provides elastic scaling for large BI and analytics workloads. It can scale compute resources on demand. - Azure Machine Learning enables building, training, and deploying machine learning models and creating APIs for predictive analytics. - Power BI provides interactive reports, visualizations, and dashboards that can combine multiple datasets and be embedded in applications.

bicloud bibusiness intelligence
Best practices to deliver data analytics to the business with power bi
Best practices to deliver data analytics to the business with power biBest practices to deliver data analytics to the business with power bi
Best practices to deliver data analytics to the business with power bi

Get your data to life with Power BI visualization and insights! With the changing landscape of Power BI features it is essential to get hold of configuration and deployment practices within your data platform that will ensure you are on-par with compliance & security practices. In this session we will overview from the basics leading into advanced tricks on this landscape: How to deploy Power BI? How to implement configuration parameters and package BI features as a part of Office 365 roll out in your organisation? What are newest features and enhancements on this Power BI landscape? How to manage on-premise vs on-cloud connectivity? How can you help and support the Power BI community as well? Having said that within the objectives of this session, cloud computing is another aspect of this technology made is possible to get data within few clicks and ticks to the end-user. Let us review how to manage & connect on-premise data to cloud capabilities that can offer full advantage of data catalogue capabilities by keeping data secure as per Information Governance standards. Not just with nuts and bolts, performance is another aspect that every Admin is keeping up, let us look into few settings on how to maximize performance to optimize access to data as required. Gain understanding and insight into number of tools that are available for your Business Intelligence needs. There will be a showcase of events to demonstrate where to begin and how to proceed in BI world. - D BI A Consulting

power biazuredata
Integration with BI
Problem: Having best BI tool doesn’t guaranty good SLA.
Solution: Build Integration between Matillion ETL and Tableau based on Trigger. Add
data quality checks.
Evolving to Cloud
Data Analytics
Streaming Data
Problem: Organization is using NoSQL database and mobile application. It is
critical to deliver near real time analytics
Solution: Using Apache Kaffka, we are able to stream data into the Data lake
and query this data in near real time
Data Lake Dashboard
Mobile App
Clickstream Analytics
Problem: Business wants to analyze Bots traffics and discover broken URLs.
Access logs are ~50GB per day, 5600 log files per day.
Solution: Leveraging Databricks in order to produce Parquet file and store in
Azure Data Lake Gen2. User are able query it with T-SQL and BI Tools.
Databricks ParquetBlob Storage
Access Logs
Load Balancer Data Lake Data Factory SQL DW
Query with SQL or Databricks

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Preparing for BI in the Cloud with Windows Azure
Preparing for BI in the Cloud with Windows AzurePreparing for BI in the Cloud with Windows Azure
Preparing for BI in the Cloud with Windows Azure

This document summarizes a presentation about Microsoft Cloud BI capabilities using Windows Azure. The speaker, Andy Tegethoff, is a Microsoft BI architect who has over 12 years of experience building BI solutions. The presentation covers key topics like cloud computing models, Cloud BI, and how Microsoft's Azure platform can be used to implement BI solutions in the public cloud or in hybrid cloud/private cloud environments. It provides examples of using Azure SQL Database, SQL Reporting, and HDInsight for big data, as well as running full SQL Server BI implementations on Azure virtual machines. Power BI, a new self-service BI tool from Microsoft, is also summarized. The document concludes by introducing Perficient, the company hosting the presentation, as a

Creating a Modern Data Architecture for Digital Transformation
Creating a Modern Data Architecture for Digital TransformationCreating a Modern Data Architecture for Digital Transformation
Creating a Modern Data Architecture for Digital Transformation

By managing Data in Motion, Data at Rest, and Data in Use differently, modern Information Management Solutions are enabling a whole range of architecture and design patterns that allow enterprises to fully harness the value in data flowing through their systems. In this session we explored some of the patterns (e.g. operational data lakes, CQRS, microservices and containerisation) that enable CIOs, CDOs and senior architects to tame the data challenge, and start to use data as a cross-enterprise asset.

mongodbdigital transformation
CDS Overview (May 2015)
CDS Overview (May 2015)CDS Overview (May 2015)
CDS Overview (May 2015)

The document discusses IBM's cloud data services and analytics offerings. It introduces IBM Cloudant for NoSQL database services, IBM dashDB for a cloud data warehouse with built-in analytics, and how they can be used together. Use cases are provided showing how a payment processor leveraged Cloudant's geospatial capabilities, an investment firm used Cloudant and dashDB to enable real-time access to analytics, and a food distributor analyzed sales data from different business units stored in dashDB.

DevOps onboarding
Problem: Solution isn’t reliable and could easy break. As a result end users will
experience bad experience and it will affect business decisions.
Solution: Onboarding Continuous Integration methodology for Cloud Data
• Agile and Kanban board
• Code branching (Git)
• Gated check-ins
• Automated Tests
• Build
• Release
Evolving to Cloud Data Analytics Platform
Alternative Implementation
What is Matillion ETL?

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Skilwise Big data
Skilwise Big dataSkilwise Big data
Skilwise Big data

IBM's Big Data platform provides tools for managing and analyzing large volumes of structured, unstructured, and streaming data. It includes Hadoop for storage and processing, InfoSphere Streams for real-time streaming analytics, InfoSphere BigInsights for analytics on data at rest, and PureData System for Analytics (formerly Netezza) for high performance data warehousing. The platform enables businesses to gain insights from all available data to capitalize on information resources and make data-driven decisions.

ADV Slides: Building and Growing Organizational Analytics with Data Lakes
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ADV Slides: Building and Growing Organizational Analytics with Data Lakes

Data lakes are providing immense value to organizations embracing data science. In this webinar, William will discuss the value of having broad, detailed, and seemingly obscure data available in cloud storage for purposes of expanding Data Science in the organization.

datadata managementdataversity
Unlocking the Value of Your Data Lake
Unlocking the Value of Your Data LakeUnlocking the Value of Your Data Lake
Unlocking the Value of Your Data Lake

Today, data lakes are widely used and have become extremely affordable as data volumes have grown. However, they are only meant for storage and by themselves provide no direct value. With up to 80% of data stored in the data lake today, how do you unlock the value of the data lake? The value lies in the compute engine that runs on top of a data lake. Join us for this webinar where Ahana co-founder and Chief Product Officer Dipti Borkar will discuss how to unlock the value of your data lake with the emerging Open Data Lake analytics architecture. Dipti will cover: -Open Data Lake analytics - what it is and what use cases it supports -Why companies are moving to an open data lake analytics approach -Why the open source data lake query engine Presto is critical to this approach

datadata managementdataversity
What is Snowflake?

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Building Modern Data Platform with Microsoft Azure

  • 1. Building Modern Cloud Analytics Solution Dmitry Anoshin
  • 2. Outline • About Me • Role of Analytics • History of Cloud • Analytics powered by Microsoft Azure • DW modernization Project • Use cases and Challenges • Alternative Solution with Azure
  • 4. About Myself • Work with Business Intelligence since 2007
  • 6. Technical Skills Matrix 2015 2010 2007 Data Warehouse ETL/ELT Business Intelligence Big Data Cloud Analytics (AWS, Azure, GCP) Machine Learning 2019
  • 7. Other Activities Jumpstart Sno wflake: A Step- by-Step Guide to Modern Cloud Analytics. • Victoria Power BI andVictoria SQL Server meetup • Victoria andVancouverTableau User Group • Conferences (EDW 2018, 2019, Data Architecture Summit) • Amazon internal conferences
  • 9. BusinessValue Stakeholders Employees Customers Value ”The goal of any organization is to generateValue” The Future of Competition.
  • 10. BIValue Chain Stakeholders Employees Customers Value Decisions Data Value creation based on effective decisions Effective decisions based on accurate information
  • 11. For Data to be a differentiator, customers need to be able to… • Capture and store new non-relational data at PB-EB scale in real time • Discover value in a new type of analytics that go beyond batch reporting to incorporate real-time, predictive, voice, and image recognition • Democratize access to data in a secure and governed way New types of analytics Dashboards Predictive Image Recognition VoiceReal-time New types of data
  • 13. Cloud Early History 1970 Time Sharing Concept by GE 1977 Cloud symbol used in ARPANET 1990 VPN by telecom 1993 Cloud refer to Distributed Computing 1994 Cloud metaphor for virtualized services
  • 14. Cloud Recent History 2002 AWS 2006 AWS Elastic Compute Cloud 2006 Google Docs 2008 Google App Engine 2008 Microsoft Announced Azure 2010 Microsoft Azure
  • 15. Why moving to the Cloud? • Elasticity • Pay for what you need • Fail fast • Fast time to market • Secure • Reliable • Business SLA
  • 16. Downsides of on-premise solution Scale Constrained Up-front cost Maintenance Resources Tuning and Deployment
  • 17. Cloud Restrictions -> Hybrid Clouds Sensitive Data Data Moving Cost Public/Private Cloud
  • 19. Cloud Service Models – friendly version
  • 21. Microsoft Azure for Analytics
  • 22. Data Analytics with Azure • Data Factory • Integration Service • Kafka • Event Hub • Data Lake Gen 1 • Data Lake Gen 2 • Blob Storage • HD Insight • Data Lake Analytics • Streaming Analytics • PolyBase • CosmosDB • SQL DW • Analysis Service • SQL Database • SQL Server in VM • Cosmos DB Data Integration and Transformation Data Warehouse and Data bases Big Data • Analysis Service • ML Analytics • Business Intelligence Analytics
  • 24. BI/DW (before) Storage LayerSource Layer Ad-hoc SQL SFTP Data Warehouse ETL (PL/SQL)Files Inventory Sales Access Layer
  • 25. Cloud Migration Strategy Lift & Shift • Typical Approach • Move all-at-once • Target platform then evolve • Approach gets you to the cloud quickly • Relatively small barrier to learning new technology since it tends to be a close fit Split & Flip • Split application into logical functional data layers • Match the data functionality with the right technology • Leverage the wide selection of tools onAWS to best fit the need • Move data in phases — prototype, learn and perfect
  • 26. Migration Approach Useful tools: • Total Cost Ownership (TCO) Calculator • Azure Database Migration Service • Azure Migration Assistant
  • 29. What is Azure DW? • Decouple Storage and Compute • MPP • Distribution Styles: Hash/Robin/Replicat e
  • 30. MPP?
  • 31. SQL Database vs SQL Data Warehouse
  • 32. What is Azure Data Factory? Azure Data Factory (ADF) is Microsoft’s fully managed ELT service in the cloud that’s delivered as a Platform as a Service (PaaS)
  • 33. Lack of Notification Problem: Users are missing emails or they jump to spam. Solution: Leverage Messenger with Webhooks. (Slack, Chime or so on).
  • 34. Lack of Logging Problem: We didn’t have any detail logs about our ETL performance and we didn’t have any insights. Solution: Collecting logs and events. In addition, we are able to collect logs on any level of jobs and transformation.
  • 35. Self-Service BI Problem: Business Users wants Interactive and Self-Service tool. Fast time to Market and less dependency on IT. Solution: Implement modern Visual Analytics Platform
  • 36. Marketing Automation Problem: Marketing team wants “Move Fast and Break Things”. Solution: Using ADF the gave Marketing template jobs and they doing their jobs themselves. Affiliates Insights
  • 37. Integration with BI Problem: Having best BI tool doesn’t guaranty good SLA. Solution: Build Integration between Matillion ETL and Tableau based on Trigger. Add data quality checks.
  • 38. Evolving to Cloud Data Analytics Platform
  • 39. Streaming Data Problem: Organization is using NoSQL database and mobile application. It is critical to deliver near real time analytics Solution: Using Apache Kaffka, we are able to stream data into the Data lake and query this data in near real time Data Lake Dashboard Kafka CosmoDB Mobile App
  • 40. Clickstream Analytics Problem: Business wants to analyze Bots traffics and discover broken URLs. Access logs are ~50GB per day, 5600 log files per day. Solution: Leveraging Databricks in order to produce Parquet file and store in Azure Data Lake Gen2. User are able query it with T-SQL and BI Tools. Databricks ParquetBlob Storage Access Logs Load Balancer Data Lake Data Factory SQL DW Query with SQL or Databricks
  • 41. DevOps onboarding Problem: Solution isn’t reliable and could easy break. As a result end users will experience bad experience and it will affect business decisions. Solution: Onboarding Continuous Integration methodology for Cloud Data Platform • Agile and Kanban board • Code branching (Git) • Gated check-ins • Automated Tests • Build • Release
  • 42. Evolving to Cloud Data Analytics Platform

Editor's Notes

  1. The cloud symbol was used to represent networks of computing equipment in the original ARPANET by as early as 1977 The term cloud was used to refer to platforms for distributed computing as early as 1993, when Apple spin-off General Magic and AT&T used it in describing their (paired) Telescript and PersonaLink technologies.
  2. The cloud symbol was used to represent networks of computing equipment in the original ARPANET by as early as 1977 The term cloud was used to refer to platforms for distributed computing as early as 1993, when Apple spin-off General Magic and AT&T used it in describing their (paired) Telescript and PersonaLink technologies.