SlideShare a Scribd company logo
background image: 960x540 pixels - send to back of slide and set to 80% transparency
Advanced Analytics for
Bob Glithero, Principal Product Marketing Manager
Vineet Goel, Product Manager
background image: 960x540 pixels - send to back of slide and set to 80% transparency
•�� Pivotal – Hortonworks Partnership
•  Challenges in Customer Experience
•  HDB: Hadoop-Native Analytics Database
for Hortonworks Data Platform
•  Sample Use Cases
•  For More Information
Pivotal HDB + Hortonworks Hadoop
Partnering for Faster Value from Data
●  Leaders in open-source Hadoop
●  Managing, analyzing, and operationalizing data at
●  Joint support for ODPi promotes interoperability in
Pivotal and Hortonworks’ strategic partnership marries
Pivotal’s best-in-class SQL on Hadoop, analytical
database, with Hortonworks’ best-in class expertise and
support for Hadoop.
You’re the third
person I’ve
been handed
off to!
Can’t anyone
help me?

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Falcon Meetup
Falcon Meetup Falcon Meetup
Falcon Meetup

This document provides an agenda and overview of topics for a Hortonworks data movement and management meetup. The agenda includes networking, introductions, discussions on Falcon use cases and releases, Hive disaster recovery, server-side extensions, ADF/instance search, Hive-based ingestion/export, Spark integration, and Sqoop 2 features. An overview of Falcon describes its high-level abstraction of Hadoop data processing services. Usage scenarios focus on dataset replication, lifecycle management, and lineage/traceability. The document also discusses Falcon examples for replication, retention, and late data handling.

Simplify and Secure your Hadoop Environment with Hortonworks and Centrify
Simplify and Secure your Hadoop Environment with Hortonworks and CentrifySimplify and Secure your Hadoop Environment with Hortonworks and Centrify
Simplify and Secure your Hadoop Environment with Hortonworks and Centrify

Join this webinar to explore Hadoop security challenges and trends, learn how to simply the connection of your Hortonworks Data Platform to your existing Active Directory infrastructure and hear about real world examples of organizations that are achieving the following benefits: - Secured Hortonworks environments thanks to Active Directory infrastructure for identity and authentication. - Increased productivity and security via single sign-on for IT admins and Hadoop users. - Least privilege and session monitoring for privileged access to Hortonworks clusters. Webinar URL:

centrifybig datahortonworks
HPE and Hortonworks join forces to Deliver Healthcare Transformation
HPE and Hortonworks join forces to Deliver Healthcare TransformationHPE and Hortonworks join forces to Deliver Healthcare Transformation
HPE and Hortonworks join forces to Deliver Healthcare Transformation

Hortonworks and HPE are partnering to deliver healthcare transformation through modern data architectures using Hadoop. The presentation discusses the current state of healthcare data, including regulatory-focused and siloed data. It proposes using Hadoop to create a unified data repository with all data types to enable more advanced analytics. Example use cases from Mercy Healthcare are provided that demonstrate improved billing accuracy, clinical documentation, and real-time sensor data analytics. HPE offers Hortonworks-tested Hadoop deployment options on their Apollo storage systems to rapidly design and deploy Hadoop solutions for healthcare customers.

I’m not
seeing any
are our
having poor
Managing Experience is Complicated
•  Basic handsets, embedded applications
•  Simpler services - voice, SMS, WAP
•  Experience influenced mostly inside the network
•  From phones to hand-held computers
•  Massive data volume, velocity, and variety from millions of apps and
•  MNOs held responsible for all aspects of service, whether inside or
outside the network
CSPs Increasingly Competing on QoE
Trying to understand how network
performance impacts experience
When service is degraded, CSPs need
to quickly understand:
Is the problem inside or outside the
Which subscribers are impacted?
What needs attention first?
Common Operator Challenges
Network Operations Customer Care Marketing
Increase monetization, offset
voice, SMS revenue loss
Reduce churn and
credits, cost to serve
Reduce complexity,
increase visibility,
increase QoE

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Eric Baldeschwieler Keynote from Storage Developers Conference
Eric Baldeschwieler Keynote from Storage Developers ConferenceEric Baldeschwieler Keynote from Storage Developers Conference
Eric Baldeschwieler Keynote from Storage Developers Conference

- Apache Hadoop is an open-source software framework for distributed storage and processing of large datasets across clusters of computers. It allows for the reliable storage of petabytes of data and large-scale computations across commodity hardware. - Apache Hadoop is used widely by internet companies to analyze web server logs, power search engines, and gain insights from large amounts of social and user data. It is also used for machine learning, data mining, and processing audio, video, and text data. - The future of Apache Hadoop includes making it more accessible and easy to use for enterprises, addressing gaps like high availability and management, and enabling partners and the community to build on it through open APIs and a modular architecture.

apache hadoopmapreducehadoop
Hortonworks, Novetta and Noble Energy Webinar
Hortonworks, Novetta and Noble Energy Webinar Hortonworks, Novetta and Noble Energy Webinar
Hortonworks, Novetta and Noble Energy Webinar

This document summarizes a webinar on enhancing security threat assessment presented by representatives from Noble Energy, Hortonworks, and Novetta. The webinar discussed Noble Energy's use of Hadoop and data analytics to gain insights into evolving security threats, provide critical information to decision makers, and safeguard operations across its global assets. It also described Novetta's security threat assessment solution which collects and analyzes online, subscription, and social media data using advanced profiles and an investigative interface. Finally, the webinar addressed Noble Energy's journey to becoming a more data-driven organization and the operational and strategic benefits as well as next steps in enhanced analytics.

novettahdpoil & gas
Optimizing your Modern Data Architecture - with Attunity, RCG Global Services...
Optimizing your Modern Data Architecture - with Attunity, RCG Global Services...Optimizing your Modern Data Architecture - with Attunity, RCG Global Services...
Optimizing your Modern Data Architecture - with Attunity, RCG Global Services...

This document discusses optimizing a traditional enterprise data warehouse (EDW) architecture with Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP). It provides examples of how HDP can be used to archive cold data, offload expensive ETL processes, and enrich the EDW with new data sources. Specific customer case studies show cost savings ranging from $6-15 million by moving portions of the EDW workload to HDP. The presentation also outlines a solution model and roadmap for implementing an optimized modern data architecture.

apache hadoopattunityhortonworks
background image: 960x540 pixels - send to back of slide and set to 80% transparency
Operators are turning to their data to
solve these challenges
How do we analyze data in an
efficient, cost-effective way to
transform customer experience?
High performance, interactive SQL queries on Hadoop
HDB: The Hadoop Native SQL Database
●  Highly efficient MPP
(massively parallel processing)
●  Low-latency
●  Petabyte scalability
●  ACID transaction support
●  SQL-92, 99, 2003 compatibility
●  Advanced cost-based optimizer
Advanced Analytics
Exceptional MPP performance, low
latency, petabyte scalability, ACID
reliability, fault tolerance
Most Complete
Language Compliance
Higher degree of SQL compatibility,
SQL-92, 99, 2003, OLAP, leverage
existing SQL skills
Best-in-class Query
Maximize performance and
do advanced queries with confidence
Elastic Architecture for
Scale-up/down or scale-in/out, expand/
shrink clusters on the fly
Tightly integrated w/
MADlib Machine
Advanced MPP analytics, data science at
scale, directly on Hadoop data
HDB / HAWQ Advantages
●  Discover	New	Rela/onships	
●  Enable	Data	Science		
●  Analyze	External	Sources	
●  Query	All	Data	Types!	
Fault	Tolerance	
Resource	Pools	
+	YARN		
Mul$-tenancy	+	Security	
Hadoop	/	HDFS	
Petabyte	Scale		
Cost-Based	OpXYZizer	
Hardened,	10+	Years	Tested,	Produc/on	Proven	
Opera$ons	+	Extensibility	
HDFS	Na/ve	
File	Formats	
●  Manage	Mul/ple	Workloads	
●  Petabyte	Scale	Analy/cs	
●  Sub-second	Performance		
●  Leverage	Exis/ng	
Skills	&	Tools	
●  Easily	Integrate	with	
Other	Tools	
+	Par//oning	
●  Well	Integrated	with	
Hortonworks	Data	
HDB + HDP Marketecture

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Streamline Apache Hadoop Operations with Apache Ambari and SmartSense
Streamline Apache Hadoop Operations with Apache Ambari and SmartSenseStreamline Apache Hadoop Operations with Apache Ambari and SmartSense
Streamline Apache Hadoop Operations with Apache Ambari and SmartSense

Apache Ambari 2.5 helps customers simplify the experience for provisioning, managing, monitoring, securing and troubleshooting Hadoop deployments. Find out how the combination of Ambari and SmartSense delivers a path to success to help IT get Hadoop up and running effectively. The end result – you get the full business impact management and benefits of Big Data for your organization.

apache ambarismartsense
Hortonworks Protegrity Webinar: Leverage Security in Hadoop Without Sacrifici...
Hortonworks Protegrity Webinar: Leverage Security in Hadoop Without Sacrifici...Hortonworks Protegrity Webinar: Leverage Security in Hadoop Without Sacrifici...
Hortonworks Protegrity Webinar: Leverage Security in Hadoop Without Sacrifici...

As more data is imported into Hadoop Data Lakes, how can we best secure sensitive data? Recording is at: What security options are available and what kind of best practices should be implemented? Join our two speakers as they discuss securing HDP data lakes to leverage security in Hadoop without sacrificing usability. Presenters: Vincent Lam, Protegrity - Syed Mahmood, Hortonworks. You’ll learn about: · The 5 Pillars of Security for Hadoop · Open Source HDP Security · How Hortonworks leverages Protegrity to jointly offer the most robust Hadoop protection available · The benefits and differences of data protection including tokenization, encryption, and masking · Leveraging consistent security across Hadoop and beyond for protection of data across its lifecycle

Your Self-Driving Car - How Did it Get So Smart?
Your Self-Driving Car - How Did it Get So Smart?Your Self-Driving Car - How Did it Get So Smart?
Your Self-Driving Car - How Did it Get So Smart?

This document summarizes a presentation given by Michael Ger, Dr. Andreas Pawlik, and Dr. Seunghan Han of NorCom and Hortonworks about their DaSense data science platform. DaSense is designed to help researchers developing autonomous vehicle systems by allowing them to more efficiently run simulations and test algorithms on large datasets using distributed high performance computing resources. It aims to accelerate the development process by enabling experiments that previously took days to be completed within hours or minutes by leveraging large compute clusters. DaSense provides tools for building end-to-end data science pipelines for tasks like data filtering, model training, evaluation and analysis.

Faster Insight with In-Database Analytics
Pivotal HDB /
Apache HAWQ (incubating)
Low-latency, MPP analytic
database with full ANSI SQL
support running natively on
Hortonworks HDP
Apache MADlib (incubating)
Scale out, SQL-based
machine learning within
HDB/HAWQ, Greenplum, and
PostgreSQL databases
Top MADlib Use Cases
•  Fraud detection
•  Risk analysis
•  Customer experience
•  Marketing
•  Predictive maintenance
Telco uses HDB to analyze and improve call quality
2bn call records per day
•  Overwhelmed traditional data warehouse
Hadoop and HDB
•  5x data stored at half the cost
•  Familiar SQL interface to analyze 3 months
worth of dropped call data
How could a network operations team apply analytics to
improve experience for its network services?

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Slide deck from Splunk and Hortonworks joint webinar on October 1, 2014. Title Building a Modern Data Architecture for Risk Management.

modern data architectureapache hadoophadoop
Overcoming the AI hype — and what enterprises should really focus on
Overcoming the AI hype — and what enterprises should really focus onOvercoming the AI hype — and what enterprises should really focus on
Overcoming the AI hype — and what enterprises should really focus on

Deep learning for all its hype is brittle, non-generalizeable, and its learnings are not readily transferable from one application to another. Since we are unlikely to see anything close to artificial general intelligence in the next few decades., we should instead focus on how enterprises can capitalize on the state of the art in machine learning and re-implement successful algorithms and follow the data science lifecycles that generate highest ROI. This talk will cover the current state of the art in AI, its limits vs. hype, and discuss concrete steps that enterprises can take to achieve desired ROI by re-implementing production-grade-ready machine learning algorithms, that have been hardened and demonstrated to work very well in specific, constrained domains. By the end of this talk, attendees should have a better grasp on how to avoid costly and unnecessary investments into yet unproven technologies, be better equipped to navigate the complex space of AI, and understand where to best focus their resources to maximize ROI. ROBERT HRYNIEWICZ, Technical Evangelist, Hortonworks

apache sparkartificial intelligence and data sciencehortonworks
3 CTOs Discuss the Shift to Next-Gen Analytic Ecosystems
3 CTOs Discuss the Shift to Next-Gen Analytic Ecosystems3 CTOs Discuss the Shift to Next-Gen Analytic Ecosystems
3 CTOs Discuss the Shift to Next-Gen Analytic Ecosystems

Wow! When have you ever sat in on a Big Data analytics discussion by three of the most influential CTOs in the industry? What do they talk about among themselves? Join Teradata's Stephen Brobst, Informatica's Sanjay Krishnamurthi, and Hortonworks' Scott Gnau as they provide a framework and best practices for maximizing value for data assets deployed within a Big Data & Analytics Architecture.

What Data Is Needed?
Service Assurance Customer Care Marketing
• Network Performance data (GTP
probe data)
• HTTP Click Stream Records
• Flow Records
• Network & Device Reference
• Topology and location
• HTTP Click Stream Records
• Flow Records
• Network Performance data (GTP
probe data)
• CRM data (account, device
• Service Request Records
• HTTP Click Stream Records
• Flow Records
• CRM data (account, device
Constructing KQIs from performance indicators
Failure %
Response time
Access time
Accessibility Voice QoE
Data capture Data science
•  xDRs
•  NetFlow
•  Probes
Data processing
In-Database Analytics with HDB and MADlib
Content Data
•  Raw Usage
•  Logs
•  (HTTP, Flow, Other)
In-DB AnalyticsNetwork Data
•  Probes (GTP-C/U)
•  xDRs
•  Case management
•  CRM
•  Billing
•  Device inventory
•  Network topology
•  Geolocation maps
B/OSS Data
MPP Query Execution
•  SQL-based
•  Over 50 data science
•  UDFs
•  Offline modeling
•  Batch queries
•  Reporting/viz with
SQL-based tools
Native or PXF
How could marketing teams use
analytics to better target
subscribers for promotions and

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Powering Big Data Success On-Prem and in the Cloud
Powering Big Data Success On-Prem and in the CloudPowering Big Data Success On-Prem and in the Cloud
Powering Big Data Success On-Prem and in the Cloud

How do you optimize Apache Spark workloads in the cloud? How do you tune your resources for maximum performance and efficiency? Find out how the new Hortonworks Flex support subscriptions enables IT agility and success in the cloud. We will cover: * Options for running Data Science, Analytics and ETL workloads in the cloud * Hortonworks support offerings including new Flex Support Subscription * How to run Cloud workloads more efficiently with SmartSense * Case study on the impact of SmartSense

What's New in Apache Hive 3.0?
What's New in Apache Hive 3.0?What's New in Apache Hive 3.0?
What's New in Apache Hive 3.0?

Apache Hive is a rapidly evolving project, many people are loved by the big data ecosystem. Hive continues to expand support for analytics, reporting, and bilateral queries, and the community is striving to improve support along with many other aspects and use cases. In this lecture, we introduce the latest and greatest features and optimization that appeared in this project last year. This includes benchmarks covering LLAP, Apache Druid's materialized views and integration, workload management, ACID improvements, using Hive in the cloud, and performance improvements. I will also tell you a little about what you can expect in the future.

big dataapache hadoopapache hive
Getting to What Matters: Accelerating Your Path Through the Big Data Lifecycl...
Getting to What Matters: Accelerating Your Path Through the Big Data Lifecycl...Getting to What Matters: Accelerating Your Path Through the Big Data Lifecycl...
Getting to What Matters: Accelerating Your Path Through the Big Data Lifecycl...

Joint webinar with CSC and Hortonworks. Recording available here:

hadoopdata sciencebig data as a service
Blended Mobile ARPU is Declining
Loss of voice and SMS
ARPU from competition,
free apps
Data revenues not
offsetting voice, SMS
MNOs seeking new
monetization options
Source: IHS Technology Mobile ARPU Forecast, 2016
Need for Behavioral Insights
•  CSPs need to maximize subscriber
yields to offset declining revenues
•  Marketers have little information to
market to anonymous prepaid
•  Need to protect current revenue
from competition from over-the-top
(OTT) apps and services
Morning: New York
•  Starts on Samsung Galaxy S6
•  On CNN, sees news on earthquake
•  Donates via Red Cross Society
•  Later: Switches to iPad – same account
•  Checks market close on
A Day in the Life: User Perspective
Evening: Boston
•  Checks Facebook page
•  Streams Netflix
SubscriberId	 StartTimeStamp	 EndTimeStamp	 URL	 User Agent	
RK2FQ9PWZVW52	 2015 04 28 06 37 04 512	 2015 04 28 06 37 04 543	 Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.4.2; en-US; SAMSUNG-SM-N900A Build/KOT49H) CNN/2.1.1 	
RK2FQ9PWZVW52	 2015 04 28 06 37 05 546	 2015 04 28 06 37 04 623	 Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.4.2; en-US; SAMSUNG-SM-N900A Build/KOT49H) CNN/2.1.1 	
RK2FQ9PWZVW52	 2015 04 28 06 37 19 529	 2015 04 28 06 37 19 599
nepal-earthquake/index.html	 Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.4.2; en-US; SAMSUNG-SM-N900A Build/KOT49H) CNN/2.1.1	
RK2FQ9PWZVW52	 2015 04 28 06 37 23710	 2015 04 28 06 37 23 770	Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.4.2; en-US; SAMSUNG-SM-N900A Build/KOT49H) CNN/2.1.1 	
RK2FQ9PWZVW52	 2015 04 28 06 37 45919	 2015 04 28 06 37 45988	 Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.4.2; en-US; SAMSUNG-SM-N900A Build/KOT49H) CNN/2.1.1 	
RK2FQ9PWZVW52	 2015 04 28 06 37 34957	 2015 04 28 06 37 34996
utmwv=4.9mi	 Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.4.2; en-US; SAMSUNG-SM-N900A Build/KOT49H) CNN/2.1.1 	
RK2FQ9PWZVW52	 2015 04 28 06 42 09 883	 2015 04 28 06 42 10 467
earthquake-how-to-help/index.html	 Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.4.2; en-US; SAMSUNG-SM-N900A Build/KOT49H) CNN/2.1.1 	
….. (images being loaded here)	 …….	
RK2FQ9PWZVW52	 2015 04 28 06 43 03 234	 2015 04 28 06 06 12 334	 Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.4.2; en-US; SAMSUNG-SM-N900A Build/KOT49H) 	
…..	 …..	 …..	 …..	 …	
RK2FQ9PWZVW52	 2015 04 28 09 45 05 732	
2015 04 28 09 45 05
Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 8_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/600.1.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/
8.0 Mobile/12B410 Safari	
…..	 …..	 …..	 …	 …	
RK2FQ9PWZVW52	 2015 04 28 17 03 14 204	 2015 04 28 17 03 14 269	
Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 8_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/600.1.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/
8.0 Mobile/12B410 Safari	
…..	 …..	 …..	 …	 …	
RK2FQ9PWZVW52	 2015 04 28 18 19 56 459	 2015 04 28 18 19 56 509	
…..	 …..	 …..	 …	 …	
RK2FQ9PWZVW52	 2015 04 28 21 23 25 754	 2015 04 28 21 23 25 876	 netflix-ios-app
A Day in the Life: Data Perspective
•  Capture and collate raw subscriber data
•  Sessionize and enrich clickstream data with location, device. and other data, calculate subscriber
usage metrics

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Hortonworks - What's Possible with a Modern Data Architecture?
Hortonworks - What's Possible with a Modern Data Architecture?Hortonworks - What's Possible with a Modern Data Architecture?
Hortonworks - What's Possible with a Modern Data Architecture?

This is Mark Ledbetter's presentation from the September 22, 2014 Hortonworks webinar “What’s Possible with a Modern Data Architecture?” Mark is vice president for industry solutions at Hortonworks. He has more than twenty-five years experience in the software industry with a focus on Retail and supply chain.

hortonworks data platformhortonworksretail
HDP Advanced Security: Comprehensive Security for Enterprise Hadoop
HDP Advanced Security: Comprehensive Security for Enterprise HadoopHDP Advanced Security: Comprehensive Security for Enterprise Hadoop
HDP Advanced Security: Comprehensive Security for Enterprise Hadoop

With the introduction of YARN, Hadoop has emerged as a first class citizen in the data center as a single Hadoop cluster can now be used to power multiple applications and hold more data.  This advance has also put a spotlight on a need for more comprehensive approach to Hadoop security. Hortonworks recently acquired Hadoop security company XA Secure to provide a common interface for central administration of security policy and coordinated enforcement across authentication, authorization, audit and data protection for the entire Hadoop stack. In this presentation, Balaji Ganesan and Bosco Durai (previously with XA Secure, now with Hortonworks) introduce HDP Advanced Security, review a comprehensive set of Hadoop security requirements and demonstrate how HDP Advanced Security addresses them.

apache hadoophortonworksapache kno
Top 5 Strategies for Retail Data Analytics
Top 5 Strategies for Retail Data AnalyticsTop 5 Strategies for Retail Data Analytics
Top 5 Strategies for Retail Data Analytics

It’s an exciting time for retailers as technology is driving a major disruption in the market. Whether you are just beginning to build a retail data analytics program or you have been gaining advanced insights from your data for quite some time, join Eric and Shish as we explore the trends, drivers and hurdles in retail data analytics

data analyticsretail
SubscriberId	 DeviceNAME	 PUBLISHER	
RK2FQ9PWZVW52	Samsung Galaxy S6	 CNN News	
News	 CNN App	 2015 04 28 06 37 04 512	 2015 04 28 06 42 10 467	 4	 45	 539123	 NY	
RK2FQ9PWZVW52	 Samsung Galaxy S6	 Red Cross	
Non Profit &
Charities-Institutions	 Browser	 2015 04 28 06 43 03 234	 2015 04 28 06 53 03 874	 2	 7	 383372	 NY	
RK2FQ9PWZVW52	 Apple iPad	
Wall Street
News-Business &
Finance News	 Safari Browser	 2015 04 28 09 45 05 732	 2015 04 28 09 55 05 732	 4	 40	 600272	 NY	
RK2FQ9PWZVW52	 Apple iPad	
Wall Street
News-Business &
Finance News	 Safari Browser	 2015 04 28 17 03 14 204	 2015 04 28 17 23 14 204	 5	 35	 801714	 NY	
Apple iPad	
Social Media &
Networking	 -	
2015 04 28 18 19 56 459	
2015 04 28 18 23 21 459	
	 318	 5041054	 Boston	
Apple iPad	
Media &
Video	 Ne&lix	App	
2015 04 28 21 23 25 876	
2015 04 28 23 23 24 325	
	 6	 2330	 295121789	 Boston	
Compute subscriber-level metrics and aggregates
…enrich with information about content (websites or apps) and
categorization, devices, and locations
Aggregation and Enrichment
Insights: Marketing to Prepaid Users
•  With data science, operators can infer gender
and approximate age from subscriber activity
•  Classify according to segmentation schemes
(e.g., who does unknown subscriber resemble
from their activity)
We can offer advertisers anonymized
subscriber info mapped to standard
marketing/advertising categories (e.g.,
IAB) based on activity
Marketing Questions We Can Answer with Analytics
• How will subscribers respond
to changes in pricing?
• How do we market to
anonymous pre-paid
• Who’s likely to respond to an
• Which OTT apps threaten
our own branded apps?
• Which groups should we
target with advertising?
Pivotal and
Hortonworks are
partnering to help
companies use their
data for better
customer outcomes

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Edw Optimization Solution
Edw Optimization Solution Edw Optimization Solution
Edw Optimization Solution

In 2017, more and more corporations are looking to reduce operational overheads in their enterprise data warehouse (EDW) installations. Hortonworks just launched Industry’s first turn key EDW Optimization solution together with our partners Syncsort and AtScale. Join Hortonworks’ CTO Scott Gnau to learn more about this exciting solution and its 3 use cases.

edw hortonworks
Getting involved with Open Source at the ASF
Getting involved with Open Source at the ASFGetting involved with Open Source at the ASF
Getting involved with Open Source at the ASF

The document discusses getting involved with open source projects at the Apache Software Foundation. It provides an overview of the ASF, how it works, and how to contribute to Apache projects. The key points are: - The ASF is a non-profit organization that oversees hundreds of open source projects and thousands of volunteers. Popular projects include Hadoop, Hive, and Pig. - To get involved, individuals can start by joining mailing lists, reviewing documentation, reporting issues, and submitting code patches. More responsibilities come with becoming a committer or PMC member. - Projects follow an open development process based on consensus. Voting on decisions helps include contributors from different time zones. - Contributing is rewarding

open sourceapache hadopasf
S3Guard: What's in your consistency model?
S3Guard: What's in your consistency model?S3Guard: What's in your consistency model?
S3Guard: What's in your consistency model?

S3Guard provides a consistent metadata store for S3 using DynamoDB. It allows file system operations on S3, like listing and getting file status, to be consistent by checking results from S3 against metadata stored in DynamoDB. Mutating operations write to both S3 and DynamoDB, while read operations first check S3 results against DynamoDB to handle eventual consistency in S3. The goal is to improve performance of real workloads by providing consistent metadata operations on S3 objects written with S3Guard enabled.

Learn more
•  Videos:
•  Project:
•  Downloads:
•  Videos:
•  Project:
•  Commercial:
•  Downloads:
Let’s build something
Pivotal - Advanced Analytics for Telecommunications

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Pivotal - Advanced Analytics for Telecommunications

  • 1. background image: 960x540 pixels - send to back of slide and set to 80% transparency Advanced Analytics for Telecommunications Bob Glithero, Principal Product Marketing Manager Vineet Goel, Product Manager
  • 2. background image: 960x540 pixels - send to back of slide and set to 80% transparency Agenda •  Pivotal – Hortonworks Partnership •  Challenges in Customer Experience •  HDB: Hadoop-Native Analytics Database for Hortonworks Data Platform •  Sample Use Cases •  For More Information
  • 3. Pivotal HDB + Hortonworks Hadoop Partnering for Faster Value from Data ●  Leaders in open-source Hadoop ●  Managing, analyzing, and operationalizing data at scale ●  Joint support for ODPi promotes interoperability in Hadoop + Pivotal and Hortonworks’ strategic partnership marries Pivotal’s best-in-class SQL on Hadoop, analytical database, with Hortonworks’ best-in class expertise and support for Hadoop.
  • 4. You’re the third person I’ve been handed off to! Can’t anyone help me? 4
  • 5. I’m not seeing any alarms...why are our customers having poor service? 5
  • 6. Managing Experience is Complicated Then •  Basic handsets, embedded applications •  Simpler services - voice, SMS, WAP •  Experience influenced mostly inside the network Now •  From phones to hand-held computers •  Massive data volume, velocity, and variety from millions of apps and services •  MNOs held responsible for all aspects of service, whether inside or outside the network
  • 7. CSPs Increasingly Competing on QoE Trying to understand how network performance impacts experience When service is degraded, CSPs need to quickly understand: Is the problem inside or outside the network? Which subscribers are impacted? What needs attention first?
  • 8. Common Operator Challenges Network Operations Customer Care Marketing Increase monetization, offset voice, SMS revenue loss Reduce churn and credits, cost to serve Reduce complexity, increase visibility, increase QoE
  • 9. background image: 960x540 pixels - send to back of slide and set to 80% transparency Operators are turning to their data to solve these challenges How do we analyze data in an efficient, cost-effective way to transform customer experience?
  • 10. High performance, interactive SQL queries on Hadoop HDB: The Hadoop Native SQL Database ●  Highly efficient MPP (massively parallel processing) ●  Low-latency ●  Petabyte scalability ●  ACID transaction support ●  SQL-92, 99, 2003 compatibility ●  Advanced cost-based optimizer DATA LAKE SQL App BUSINESS ANALYSTS DATA SCIENTISTS
  • 11. Advanced Analytics Performance Exceptional MPP performance, low latency, petabyte scalability, ACID reliability, fault tolerance Most Complete Language Compliance Higher degree of SQL compatibility, SQL-92, 99, 2003, OLAP, leverage existing SQL skills Best-in-class Query Optimizer Maximize performance and do advanced queries with confidence Elastic Architecture for Scalability Scale-up/down or scale-in/out, expand/ shrink clusters on the fly Tightly integrated w/ MADlib Machine Learning Advanced MPP analytics, data science at scale, directly on Hadoop data HDB / HAWQ Advantages MAD
  • 12. ●  Discover New Rela/onships ●  Enable Data Science ●  Analyze External Sources ●  Query All Data Types! Mul/-level Fault Tolerance Granular Authoriza/on Resource Pools + YARN Mul$-tenancy + Security ANSI SQL Standard OLAP Extensions JDBC ODBC Connec/vity MPP Architecture Online Expansion Hadoop / HDFS Petabyte Scale Cost-Based OpXYZizer Dynamic Pipelining ACID + Transac/onal Ambari Management Machine Learning Data Federa/on Language Extensions Hardened, 10+ Years Tested, Produc/on Proven Opera$ons + Extensibility HDFS Na/ve File Formats ●  Manage Mul/ple Workloads ●  Petabyte Scale Analy/cs ●  Sub-second Performance ●  Leverage Exis/ng Skills & Tools ●  Easily Integrate with Other Tools Compression + Par//oning Core compliance ●  Well Integrated with Hortonworks Data PlaZorm HDB + HDP Marketecture
  • 13. 13 Faster Insight with In-Database Analytics Pivotal HDB / Apache HAWQ (incubating) Low-latency, MPP analytic database with full ANSI SQL support running natively on Hortonworks HDP Apache MADlib (incubating) Scale out, SQL-based machine learning within HDB/HAWQ, Greenplum, and PostgreSQL databases +
  • 14. 14 Top MADlib Use Cases •  Fraud detection •  Risk analysis •  Customer experience •  Marketing •  Predictive maintenance
  • 15. Telco uses HDB to analyze and improve call quality 2bn call records per day •  Overwhelmed traditional data warehouse Hadoop and HDB •  5x data stored at half the cost •  Familiar SQL interface to analyze 3 months worth of dropped call data DATA LAKE
  • 16. 16 How could a network operations team apply analytics to improve experience for its network services?
  • 17. What Data Is Needed? Service Assurance Customer Care Marketing • Network Performance data (GTP probe data) • HTTP Click Stream Records • Flow Records • Network & Device Reference Data • Topology and location • HTTP Click Stream Records • Flow Records • Network Performance data (GTP probe data) • CRM data (account, device information) • Service Request Records • HTTP Click Stream Records • Flow Records • CRM data (account, device information)
  • 18. Constructing KQIs from performance indicators 84% Speed Latency Effective Throughput Integrity Drops Time-Outs Cut-Offs Failures Retainability Failure % Response time Access time Accessibility Voice QoE Data capture Data science •  xDRs •  NetFlow •  Probes Data processing Accessibility Quality Retainability
  • 19. In-Database Analytics with HDB and MADlib Application/ Content Data •  Raw Usage •  Logs •  (HTTP, Flow, Other) HDFS HBase Hive HDB/HAWQ In-DB AnalyticsNetwork Data •  Probes (GTP-C/U) •  xDRs •  Case management •  CRM •  Billing •  Device inventory •  Network topology •  Geolocation maps B/OSS Data PXF PXF MPP Query Execution ANSI SQL •  SQL-based •  Over 50 data science functions •  UDFs •  Offline modeling •  Batch queries •  Reporting/viz with SQL-based tools + Native or PXF
  • 20. 20 How could marketing teams use analytics to better target subscribers for promotions and advertising?
  • 21. Blended Mobile ARPU is Declining Loss of voice and SMS ARPU from competition, free apps Data revenues not offsetting voice, SMS losses MNOs seeking new monetization options Source: IHS Technology Mobile ARPU Forecast, 2016
  • 22. Need for Behavioral Insights •  CSPs need to maximize subscriber yields to offset declining revenues •  Marketers have little information to market to anonymous prepaid subscribers •  Need to protect current revenue from competition from over-the-top (OTT) apps and services
  • 23. Morning: New York •  Starts on Samsung Galaxy S6 •  On CNN, sees news on earthquake •  Donates via Red Cross Society •  Later: Switches to iPad – same account plan •  Checks market close on A Day in the Life: User Perspective Evening: Boston •  Checks Facebook page •  Streams Netflix
  • 24. SubscriberId StartTimeStamp EndTimeStamp URL User Agent RK2FQ9PWZVW52 2015 04 28 06 37 04 512 2015 04 28 06 37 04 543 Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.4.2; en-US; SAMSUNG-SM-N900A Build/KOT49H) CNN/2.1.1 RK2FQ9PWZVW52 2015 04 28 06 37 05 546 2015 04 28 06 37 04 623 Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.4.2; en-US; SAMSUNG-SM-N900A Build/KOT49H) CNN/2.1.1 RK2FQ9PWZVW52 2015 04 28 06 37 19 529 2015 04 28 06 37 19 599 nepal-earthquake/index.html Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.4.2; en-US; SAMSUNG-SM-N900A Build/KOT49H) CNN/2.1.1 RK2FQ9PWZVW52 2015 04 28 06 37 23710 2015 04 28 06 37 23 770 Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.4.2; en-US; SAMSUNG-SM-N900A Build/KOT49H) CNN/2.1.1 RK2FQ9PWZVW52 2015 04 28 06 37 45919 2015 04 28 06 37 45988 Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.4.2; en-US; SAMSUNG-SM-N900A Build/KOT49H) CNN/2.1.1 RK2FQ9PWZVW52 2015 04 28 06 37 34957 2015 04 28 06 37 34996 utmwv=4.9mi Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.4.2; en-US; SAMSUNG-SM-N900A Build/KOT49H) CNN/2.1.1 RK2FQ9PWZVW52 2015 04 28 06 42 09 883 2015 04 28 06 42 10 467 earthquake-how-to-help/index.html Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.4.2; en-US; SAMSUNG-SM-N900A Build/KOT49H) CNN/2.1.1 ….. (images being loaded here) ……. RK2FQ9PWZVW52 2015 04 28 06 43 03 234 2015 04 28 06 06 12 334 Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.4.2; en-US; SAMSUNG-SM-N900A Build/KOT49H) ….. ….. ….. ….. … RK2FQ9PWZVW52 2015 04 28 09 45 05 732 2015 04 28 09 45 05 812 Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 8_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/600.1.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/ 8.0 Mobile/12B410 Safari ….. ….. ….. … … RK2FQ9PWZVW52 2015 04 28 17 03 14 204 2015 04 28 17 03 14 269 Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 8_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/600.1.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/ 8.0 Mobile/12B410 Safari ….. ….. ….. … … RK2FQ9PWZVW52 2015 04 28 18 19 56 459 2015 04 28 18 19 56 509 ….. ….. ….. … … RK2FQ9PWZVW52 2015 04 28 21 23 25 754 2015 04 28 21 23 25 876 netflix-ios-app A Day in the Life: Data Perspective •  Capture and collate raw subscriber data •  Sessionize and enrich clickstream data with location, device. and other data, calculate subscriber usage metrics
  • 25. SubscriberId DeviceNAME PUBLISHER Category- Subcategory Application Name SESSION START SESSION END PAGE_VIEWS HITS BYTES LOCATION RK2FQ9PWZVW52 Samsung Galaxy S6 CNN News News-International News CNN App 2015 04 28 06 37 04 512 2015 04 28 06 42 10 467 4 45 539123 NY RK2FQ9PWZVW52 Samsung Galaxy S6 Red Cross Non Profit & Charities-Institutions Browser 2015 04 28 06 43 03 234 2015 04 28 06 53 03 874 2 7 383372 NY RK2FQ9PWZVW52 Apple iPad Wall Street Journal News-Business & Finance News Safari Browser 2015 04 28 09 45 05 732 2015 04 28 09 55 05 732 4 40 600272 NY RK2FQ9PWZVW52 Apple iPad Wall Street Journal News-Business & Finance News Safari Browser 2015 04 28 17 03 14 204 2015 04 28 17 23 14 204 5 35 801714 NY RK2FQ9PWZVW52 Apple iPad Facebook Social Media & Networking-Social Networking - 2015 04 28 18 19 56 459 2015 04 28 18 23 21 459 318 5041054 Boston RK2FQ9PWZVW52 Apple iPad Netflix Media & Entertainment-Online Video Ne&lix App 2015 04 28 21 23 25 876 2015 04 28 23 23 24 325 6 2330 295121789 Boston Compute subscriber-level metrics and aggregates …enrich with information about content (websites or apps) and categorization, devices, and locations Aggregation and Enrichment
  • 26. Insights: Marketing to Prepaid Users •  With data science, operators can infer gender and approximate age from subscriber activity •  Classify according to segmentation schemes (e.g., who does unknown subscriber resemble from their activity) We can offer advertisers anonymized subscriber info mapped to standard marketing/advertising categories (e.g., IAB) based on activity
  • 27. Marketing Questions We Can Answer with Analytics • How will subscribers respond to changes in pricing? • How do we market to anonymous pre-paid subscribers? • Who’s likely to respond to an offer? • Which OTT apps threaten our own branded apps? • Which groups should we target with advertising?
  • 28. Pivotal and Hortonworks are partnering to help companies use their data for better customer outcomes
  • 29. Learn more •  Videos: •  Project: •  Downloads: •  Videos: •  Project: •  Commercial: •  Downloads: