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Cloud-Scale BGP and NetFlow Analysis
Jim Frey, VP Product, Kentik Technologies
December 15, 2015
• Common NetOps Stress points
• Helpful Data Sets – NetFlow, BGP
• Handling NetFlow and BGP at Cloud Scale
• Kentik’s Approach
• Wrap-Up / Q&A
NetOps Stress Points: Needing Instant Answers
How should I allocate my
resources in the future?
Does performance
meet expectations?
Is this an attack or
legitimate traffic?
Where in my network
is the problem?
Things You Need Answers to About/From Your Network
• Accurate Visibility, Without Delay
• Relevant Alerts: No False Positives or Negatives
• Complete Data: Breadth + Depth
• Fast/Flexible Data Exploration
• Tools that don’t suck (time or $$)
What We Hear….
To Address These Questions, NetOps Needs:

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The process of streaming real-time data from a wide variety of machine data sources and entities can be very complex and unwieldy. Using an agent-based approach, Informatica has invented a new technique and open access product that makes this process much more user friendly and efficient, even when dealing with multiple environments such as Hadoop, Cassandra, Storm, Amazon Kinesis and Complex Event Processing.

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Failure is inevitable in any distributed system but anticipating failures and building systems to recover from failures instantaneous makes the system highly resilient. At Capital One we process billions of events everyday and we leverage cloud, microservices, streaming and machine learning technologies to solve customer problems and provide the best customer experience. As part of this session I will be talking about highly resilient streaming architecture that is supporting processing of billions of events every day then some of the strategies & best practices to build highly available and fault-tolerant systems utilizing Kafka and Cloud environments.

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(Benny Lee + Christopher Arthur, Bank of Australia) Kafka Summit SF 2018 Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) is Australia’s largest bank with over 15m customers, 50,000 employees and over USD700 billion in assets. We started the journey two years ago to transform our existing enterprise architecture into an “event driven” architecture. Since then, Kafka has become a mission critical platform in the Bank and it is the core component in our “event driven” architecture strategy. In this talk, we will walk you through the journey of how we stood up the initial Kafka clusters, the challenges we encountered (both technical and organisational) and how we overcame those challenges. We will also deep dive into one of the use cases for Kafka (with Kafka Streams and Connectors) in our new real time payment system that was introduced in Australia early this year. We will discuss why we think Kafka was the perfect solution for this use case, and the lessons learned. Key Takeaways: -Lessons learned from our experiences (that we think other companies could be able to benefit from) -Our use cases for Kafka with a particular focus on the new real time payment systems (NPP) initiative in Australia

What Data Sets Can Help?
And which ones can do the job cost effectively?
Primary Network Monitoring Data Choices
- Ubiquitous
- Good for monitoringdevice
- Notraffic detail
- Typically nofrequentthan
every 5 minutes truly anti-
Polled Stats
- NetFlow, sFlow, IPFIX
- Details on traffic
src/dest/content, etc.
- Very costeffective
- NRT(near real-time)atbest
- Incomplete app-layer detail
- Limitedperformance metrics
- Data volumes can be massive
Flow Records
- Packets -> xFlow
- Long term stream-to-disk
- Mostcomplete app layer detail
- True real-time (millisecondlvl)
- Complete vendor independent
- Expensive todeploy at scale
- Requires network tapor SPAN
- Packetcaptures can be massive
Packet Inspection
Secondary Network Monitoring Data Choices
- Syslog
- Continuous/streaming
- Unique, device-specific info
- True real-time
- Nostandards – musthave very
flexible search/mappingtools
- Data volumes can be massive
Log Records
- Details on traffic paths and
provider volumes
- Insights intoInternetfactors
- Address data only – no
awareness of traffic
- Mustpeer with routers to get
Routing/Path Data
- IP SLA, Independenttestsw
- Assess functions/services 24x7
- Provides both availability and
performance measures
- Deploying/maintainingenough
agents to achieve full coverage
- Only an approximation of real
user experience (atbest)
Synthetic Agents
• You never know which data set will present the specific
insights you need
• The challenge (real magic) comes from correlating
multiple datasets, i.e.:
• Behavioral observations with configuration changes
• Trends with underlying traffic details
• Routing data with traffic data
Key Assertion:
Use Multiple Data Types for Best Results

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Undertaking a digital journey starts with clearly articulating the success factors for the entire digital journey, and our experience from the field has shown it to be an Achilles heel for most CXOs, across Fortune 500 organizations. Our findings were corroborated when a Mckinsey study reported that only 15% of the organizations are able to calculate the ROI of a digital initiative. In this talk we will deliberate on demonstrated examples from multi-billion dollar businesses around proven methodologies to measure the value of a digital enterprise. The panel will share experiences as well as provide actionable advice for immediate next steps around the following: Successful metrics for measuring the value for Digital / IoT / AI/ Machine learning engagements How can 'Digital Traction Metrics' help with actionable insights even before the Financial Metrics have been reported What are the best in-class organizational constructs and futuristic employee engagement methods to facilitate the digital revolution Panelists for this session include: • Christian Bilien - Head of Global Data at Societe Generale • Pierre Alexandre Pautrat – Head of Big Data at BPCE/Nattixis • Ronny Fehling – VP , Airbus • Juergen Urbanski – Silicon Valley Data Science • Abhas Ricky - EMEA Lead, Innovation & Strategy, Hortonworks

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Time series data is everywhere -- connected IoT devices, application monitoring & observability platforms, and more. What makes time series datastreams challenging is that they often have orders of magnitude more data than other workloads, with millions of time series datapoints being quite common. Given its ability to ingest high volumes of data, Kafka is a natural part of any data architecture handling large volumes of time series telemetry, specifically as an intermediate buffer before that data is persisted in InfluxDB for processing, analysis, and use in other applications. In this session, we will show you how you can stream time series data to your IoT application using Kafka queues and InfluxDB, drawing upon deployments done at Hulu and Wayfair that allow both to ingest 1 million metrics per second. Once this session is complete, you’ll be able to connect a Kafka queue to an InfluxDB instance as the beginning of your own time series data pipeline.

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At, we face a challenge in providing platform data to heterogeneous applications in a way that eliminates access contention, avoids high latency ETLs, and ensures consistency for many teams. We're solving this problem by adopting Data Mesh principles and leveraging Kafka, Kafka Connect, and Kafka streams to build an event driven architecture to connect applications to the data they need. A domain driven design keeps the boundaries between specialized process domains and singularly focused data domains clear, distinct, and disciplined. Applying the principles of a Data Mesh, process domains assume the responsibility of transforming, enriching, or aggregating data rather than relying on these changes at the source of truth -- the data domains. Architecturally, we've broken centralized big data lakes into smaller data stores that can be consumed into storage managed by process domains. This session covers how we’re applying Kafka tools to enable our data mesh architecture. This includes how we interpret and apply the data mesh paradigm, the role of Kafka as the backbone for a mesh of connectivity, the role of Kafka Connect to generate and consume data events, and the use of KSQL to perform minor transformations for consumers.

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For Providers
• Recognizing newservice opportunities basedon subscriber(and peer) behavior
• Optimizing peering relationships forcostcontrol
For Web Services/ Commerce
• Recognizing where yourcustomers are andhowtheyreach you
• Managing peering relationships forbestcustomerexperience
For Enterprise
• Assessing howyourconnectivityproviders perform/compare
• Building InternetIQ – howyou connect/relate to the outside world
Why Correlate Routing Data with Traffic Data?
Cloud Scale for NetFlow
and BGP:
The Big Data Challenge
Why can’t we just use our existing tools?
Cloud, SaaS,
Big Data
Network traffic has grown exponentially;
Legacy tools/tech haven’t kept pace.
Result? Fragmented tools, visibility gaps,
unanswered questions.
Existing Tools: Falling Behind
- Network Monitoring Data IS Big Data
- Meets Volume/Variety/Velocity Test
- Billions of records/day (millions/second)
- Big Data architectures are considered best practices today for open/flexible
correlation, analytics
Why Big Data?

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This document discusses Apache Flink for IoT event-time stream processing. It begins by introducing streaming architectures and Flink. It then discusses how IoT data has important properties like continuous data production and event timestamps that require event-time based processing. Examples are provided of companies like King and Bouygues Telecom using Flink for billions of events per day with challenges like out-of-order data and flexible windowing. Event-time processing in Flink is able to handle these challenges through features like watermarks.

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Apache Hudi is a data lake platform, that provides streaming primitives (upserts/deletes/change streams) on top of data lake storage. Hudi powers very large data lakes at Uber, Robinhood and other companies, while being pre-installed on four major cloud platforms. Hudi supports exactly-once, near real-time data ingestion from Apache Kafka to cloud storage, which is typically used in-place of a S3/HDFS sink connector to gain transactions and mutability. While this approach is scalable and battle-tested, it can only ingest data in mini batches, leading to lower data freshness. In this talk, we introduce a Kafka Connect Sink Connector for Apache Hudi, which writes data straight into Hudi's log format, making the data immediately queryable, while Hudi's table services like indexing, compaction, clustering work behind the scenes, to further re-organize for better query performance.

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Existing solutions shortfalls:
- Flexibility for moving between viewpoints and into full details
- Data Completeness due to reliance on summarized/aggregated flow data
- Speed: Generating new analysis in a timely manner
Specific Challenges For NetFlow + BGP
- Network Monitoring Data IS Big Data
- Meets Volume/Variety/Velocity Test
- Billions of records/day (millions/second)
- Big Data architectures are considered best practices today for open/flexible
correlation, analytics
Why Big Data?
How to Get/Use Big Data Approach?
1. BYO – Build Your Own
• Pick back end & reporting/analysis tools (open source = free?)
• Procure operating platforms (hard, virtual, or cloud servers = $$)
• Integrate, add data sources, and get it up and running (dev = $$)
• Keep it up and running (ops/admin = $$)
How to Get/Use Big Data Approach?
1. BYO – Build Your Own
• Pick back end & reporting/analysis tools (open source = free?)
• Procure operating platforms (hard, virtual, or cloud servers = $$)
• Integrate, add data sources, and get it up and running (dev = $$)
• Keep it up and running (ops/admin = $$)
2. Let SOMEONE ELSE build/optimize/operate
• Subscribe to SaaS (ops $$)
• Just Send Your Data and enjoy the ride!
How to Get/Use Big Data Approach?

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(Dmitry Milman + Ankur Kaneria, Express Scripts) Kafka Summit SF 2018 Building cloud-based microservices can be a challenge when the system of record is a relational database residing on an on-premise mainframe. The challenge lies in the ability to efficiently and cost-effectively access the ever-increasing amount of data. Express Scripts is reimagining its data architecture to bring best-in-class user experience and provide the foundation of next-generation applications. This talk will showcase how Kafka plays a key role within Express Scripts’ transformation from mainframe to a microservice-based ecosystem, ensuring data integrity between two worlds. It will discuss how change data capture (CDC) is leveraged to stream data changes to Kafka, allowing us to build a low-latency data sync pipeline. We will describe how we achieve transactional consistency by collapsing all events that belong together onto a single topic, yet have the ability to scale out to meet the real time SLAs and low-latency requirements through means of partitions. We will share our Kafka Streams configuration to handle the data transformation workload. We will discuss our overall Kafka cluster footprint, configuration and security measures. Express Scripts Holding Company is an American Fortune 100 company. As of 2018, the company is the 25th largest in the U.S. as well as one of the largest pharmacy benefit management organizations in the U.S. Customers rely on 24/7 access to our services, and need the ability to interact with our systems in real time via various channels such as web and mobile. Sharing our mainframe t0 microservices migration journey, our experiences and lessons learned would be beneficial to other companies venturing on a similar path.

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For many industries the need to group together related events based on a period of activity or inactivity is key. Advertising businesses, content producers are just a few examples of where session windows can be used to better understand user behavior. While such sessionization has been possible in Apache Kafka up to this point, implementing it has been rather complex and required leveraging low-level APIs. In the most recent release of Kafka, however, new capabilities have been added making session windows much easier to implement. In this online talk, we’ll introduce the concept of a session window, talk about common use cases, and walk through how Apache Kafka can be used for session-oriented use cases.

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Booz Allen is at the forefront of cyber innovation and sometimes that means applying AI in an on-prem environment because of data sensitivity.

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Kentik’s Answer
How we address the Big Data challenge to meet the needs of
Network Operators now
Kentik Detect: the first and only SaaS Solution
For Network Ops Management & Visibility at Terabit Scale
Analyze & Take Action
Big Data Network
Telemetry Platform
The Network is
the Sensor
Web Portal
Real-time & historical
E-mail / Syslog / JSON
Open API
Data Engine
Multi-tiered/Clustered for Scale / Load Balancing / HA, Hosted by Kentik
What’s Behind the Kentik Data Engine
Optimized forMassive DataIngest & Rapid Query Response
Kentik Portal Dashboard

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The Ohio Department of Transportation has adopted Confluent as the event driven enabler of DriveOhio, a modern Intelligent Transportation System. DriveOhio digitally links sensors, cameras, speed monitoring equipment, and smart highway assets in real time, to dynamically adjust the surface road network to maximize the safety and efficiency for travelers. Over the past 24 months the team has increased the number and types of devices within the DriveOhio environment, while also working to see their vendors adopt Kafka to better participate in data sharing.

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El documento resume los inicios de la tecnología desde la prehistoria hasta la era moderna. Algunos de los primeros inventos importantes mencionados incluyen la rueda, el telégrafo y el teléfono móvil. También describe los orígenes de la computadora, incluida la primera generación basada en válvulas, y la invención de la bombilla eléctrica por Thomas Edison.

Key Takeaways: Cloud Scale NetFlow + BGP
Why You Need It
- Clear Insight into external/Internet network traffic behaviors
- Improved customer/subscriber engagement
- Reduced network operating costs
Technical Path to Success
- This is a big data problem, requiring high capacity/speed for data
management, correlation, exploration, and analytics
- SaaS solutions are a fully viable option
Network Intelligence at Terabit Scale
Thank You!
Jim Frey
VP Product

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Cloud-Scale BGP and NetFlow Analysis

  • 1. Cloud-Scale BGP and NetFlow Analysis Jim Frey, VP Product, Kentik Technologies December 15, 2015
  • 2. 2 • Common NetOps Stress points • Helpful Data Sets – NetFlow, BGP • Handling NetFlow and BGP at Cloud Scale • Kentik’s Approach • Wrap-Up / Q&A Agenda
  • 3. R R S S S S S R R S S S S S NetOps Stress Points: Needing Instant Answers How should I allocate my resources in the future? Does performance meet expectations? Is this an attack or legitimate traffic? Where in my network is the problem? Things You Need Answers to About/From Your Network $$$ $$$ $$$ X
  • 4. 4 • Accurate Visibility, Without Delay • Relevant Alerts: No False Positives or Negatives • Complete Data: Breadth + Depth • Fast/Flexible Data Exploration • Tools that don’t suck (time or $$) What We Hear…. To Address These Questions, NetOps Needs:
  • 5. 5 What Data Sets Can Help? And which ones can do the job cost effectively?
  • 6. 6 Primary Network Monitoring Data Choices Examples - SNMP, WMI Advantages - Ubiquitous - Good for monitoringdevice health/status/activity Disadvantages - Notraffic detail - Typically nofrequentthan every 5 minutes truly anti- real-time Polled Stats Examples - NetFlow, sFlow, IPFIX Advantages - Details on traffic src/dest/content, etc. - Very costeffective Disadvantages - NRT(near real-time)atbest - Incomplete app-layer detail - Limitedperformance metrics - Data volumes can be massive Flow Records Examples - Packets -> xFlow - Long term stream-to-disk Advantages - Mostcomplete app layer detail - True real-time (millisecondlvl) - Complete vendor independent Disadvantages - Expensive todeploy at scale - Requires network tapor SPAN - Packetcaptures can be massive Packet Inspection
  • 7. 7 Secondary Network Monitoring Data Choices Examples - Syslog Advantages - Continuous/streaming - Unique, device-specific info - True real-time Disadvantages - Nostandards – musthave very flexible search/mappingtools - Data volumes can be massive Log Records Examples - OSPF, IGRP, BGP Advantages - Details on traffic paths and provider volumes - Insights intoInternetfactors Disadvantages - Address data only – no awareness of traffic - Mustpeer with routers to get updates Routing/Path Data Examples - IP SLA, Independenttestsw Advantages - Assess functions/services 24x7 - Provides both availability and performance measures Disadvantages - Deploying/maintainingenough agents to achieve full coverage - Only an approximation of real user experience (atbest) Synthetic Agents
  • 8. 8 • You never know which data set will present the specific insights you need • The challenge (real magic) comes from correlating multiple datasets, i.e.: • Behavioral observations with configuration changes • Trends with underlying traffic details • Routing data with traffic data Key Assertion: Use Multiple Data Types for Best Results
  • 9. 9 For Providers • Recognizing newservice opportunities basedon subscriber(and peer) behavior • Optimizing peering relationships forcostcontrol For Web Services/ Commerce • Recognizing where yourcustomers are andhowtheyreach you • Managing peering relationships forbestcustomerexperience For Enterprise • Assessing howyourconnectivityproviders perform/compare • Building InternetIQ – howyou connect/relate to the outside world Why Correlate Routing Data with Traffic Data?
  • 10. 10 Cloud Scale for NetFlow and BGP: The Big Data Challenge Why can’t we just use our existing tools?
  • 11. Cloud, SaaS, Big Data Network traffic has grown exponentially; Legacy tools/tech haven’t kept pace. Result? Fragmented tools, visibility gaps, unanswered questions. Existing Tools: Falling Behind 10M 100M 1G 10G 100G
  • 12. 12 - Network Monitoring Data IS Big Data - Meets Volume/Variety/Velocity Test - Billions of records/day (millions/second) - Big Data architectures are considered best practices today for open/flexible correlation, analytics Why Big Data?
  • 13. 13 Existing solutions shortfalls: - Flexibility for moving between viewpoints and into full details - Data Completeness due to reliance on summarized/aggregated flow data - Speed: Generating new analysis in a timely manner Specific Challenges For NetFlow + BGP - Network Monitoring Data IS Big Data - Meets Volume/Variety/Velocity Test - Billions of records/day (millions/second) - Big Data architectures are considered best practices today for open/flexible correlation, analytics Why Big Data?
  • 14. 14 How to Get/Use Big Data Approach?
  • 15. 15 1. BYO – Build Your Own • Pick back end & reporting/analysis tools (open source = free?) • Procure operating platforms (hard, virtual, or cloud servers = $$) • Integrate, add data sources, and get it up and running (dev = $$) • Keep it up and running (ops/admin = $$) How to Get/Use Big Data Approach?
  • 16. 16 1. BYO – Build Your Own • Pick back end & reporting/analysis tools (open source = free?) • Procure operating platforms (hard, virtual, or cloud servers = $$) • Integrate, add data sources, and get it up and running (dev = $$) • Keep it up and running (ops/admin = $$) 2. Let SOMEONE ELSE build/optimize/operate • Subscribe to SaaS (ops $$) • Just Send Your Data and enjoy the ride! How to Get/Use Big Data Approach?
  • 17. 17 Kentik’s Answer How we address the Big Data challenge to meet the needs of Network Operators now
  • 18. Kentik Detect: the first and only SaaS Solution For Network Ops Management & Visibility at Terabit Scale CL OU D -B A S E D RE A L -TIM E M U LTI-TE N A N T OP E N G L OB A L Analyze & Take Action Big Data Network Telemetry Platform S S S R R The Network is the Sensor Web Portal Real-time & historical queries NetFlow/ sFlow/IPFIX SNMP BGP Alerts E-mail / Syslog / JSON Open API SQL / RESTful Kentik Data Engine
  • 19. Multi-tiered/Clustered for Scale / Load Balancing / HA, Hosted by Kentik What’s Behind the Kentik Data Engine POSTGRES SERVERS SQL DATA STORAGE CLUSTER NetFlow SNMP BGP INGEST CLUSTER CLIENTS N M Optimized forMassive DataIngest & Rapid Query Response
  • 22. 22 Traffic by Source Geography
  • 24. 24 AS Top Talkers and Drill Down Options
  • 25. 25 Peering Analytics: ASN by Dest Country Paths
  • 27. 27 Peering Analytics: Traffic by Origin AS (“Last Hop”)
  • 29. Key Takeaways: Cloud Scale NetFlow + BGP Why You Need It - Clear Insight into external/Internet network traffic behaviors - Improved customer/subscriber engagement - Reduced network operating costs Technical Path to Success - This is a big data problem, requiring high capacity/speed for data management, correlation, exploration, and analytics - SaaS solutions are a fully viable option
  • 30. Network Intelligence at Terabit Scale Thank You! Jim Frey VP Product KentikTechnologies @jfrey80