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Testing Strategy for online project & Products Online Testing  Framework & Options
Objective Assist in a testing framework for Online Projects & Products covering: Alignment to existing Development methodologies for a green field environment Applications that have been either developed internally/externally, integrated or configured Suitability of toolsets Page
Proposal overview This pack covers the Testing Framework and not Quality Assurance A testing Framework needs to be Specific Practical Justified A Test Framework encompasses  Test Approach  and  Test Architecture Many factors influence the outcome of a test framework Clarity of Requirements Development methodologies (Agile, TDD, Waterfall, etc) Requirements management Tools used Culture of testing Page
Test Framework Alignment A Testing Framework needs to fit the development deliverables Independent Software Vendors Develops software for sale for mass market or niche markets Specialise in building software for certain markets, hardware platforms, software platforms) Typically little to no customized content Product based development  Business to business/consumer  Typically single/suite applications Does not answer directly to outside clients (influenced only) Takes direction directly from the business/technology leaders Independent Software Vendors Some custom development Configuration of established systems Focused on improving productivity through integration/unification of existing software applications and/or systems May be a professional services outsource shop System Builders Develops enterprise systems Can include any/all aspects of system development from data storage to usability Typically internal/corporate development for internal use Can be virtually any development (ordering, invoicing, customer management…) Custom software development  May be an outsource development shop Source InfoTech

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The Heuristic Test Strategy Model provides a framework for designing effective test strategies. It involves considering four key areas: 1) the project environment including resources, constraints, and other factors; 2) the product elements to be tested; 3) quality criteria such as functionality, usability, and security; and 4) appropriate test techniques to apply. Some common test techniques include functional testing, domain testing, stress testing, flow testing, and scenario testing.

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- Mixing open source and commercial tools can provide benefits but also risks that require careful integration. A case study describes blending open source and commercial testing tools for a Java application. Subversion, JIRA, Eclipse, IBM Rational Functional Tester, and Maveryx were combined in the test environment. The strategy was to reuse tests developed in Rational Functional Tester for legacy functionality and develop new tests for new features using Maveryx.

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Web Testing Checklist Testing Type Brief Description Functionality Testing Test links on all pages, Database connection, Forms, Cookie testing Usability Testing LNF (Look, Navigation, Feel), Content Checking, Search, Sitemap & help files System Integration Testing Web Server & Application server interface, Application server and Database server interface,Webservices, integration with other sites/Legacy systems Compatibility Testing Browser, Operating System, Mobile Devices & Printing options Performance Testing Load Testing & Stress testing Security Testing SSL, CAPTCHA, Penetration Testing Compliance Testing Legal and compliance validation  User Acceptance Testing Dedicated SME’s to validate end to end processes/functions
Why testing fails? Source: Infotech 2008
Test Readiness Testing is an investment in product stability and ultimately brand image How do you maximise your return on your investment?
Test Readiness  (cont) Test Approach Is the development approach clear and does it integrate well with testing? How are vendors guaranteeing the quality of their deliveries? Is there a policy for Automated and Manual testing? Is there a lot of integration work? Or dependency on new technologies? Tools Do you have enterprise Test Case, Requirements and Defect management tools? How are Test Execution cycles managed? How do you capture metrics and utilise the figures to manage testing more effectively? Change Management How does the testing methodology fit within the Change Management process?  Test Schedule Does the project schedule realistically cover the testing Key milestones? How accurate are the test estimates? Are you getting reliable estimates from the testing team? Page

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The document discusses software testing, outlining key achievements in the field, dreams for the future of testing, and ongoing challenges. Some of the achievements mentioned include establishing testing as an essential software engineering activity, developing test process models, and advancing testing techniques for object-oriented and component-based systems. The dreams include developing a universal test theory, enabling fully automated testing, and maximizing the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of testing. Current challenges pertain to testing modern complex systems and evolving software.

Scope Management Is the testing team clear on the Requirement Prioritisation? Who makes a priority call if there’s a clash? How do you manage scope creep? Release policy What is the Environment policy for Development, testing, Handover, Staging and Regression? Who owns and manages the environments? What is the Release policy to the various environments? Who maintains the Third Party Provider Software releases/patches and how is it integrated with the testing cycle? Test Team Do the Testing Resources have the appropriate skillset? What is the best team fit: Dedicated vs. Outsourced vs. Pooled? Continuous Learning Apply lessons learnt to improve the testing output Do you monitor production issues and apply to the testing? Test Execution Management What metrics are you measuring to manage the test execution process? What is the escalation policy? Test Culture Do you have a testing culture in your orgnisation? Does everyone know the mantra “Quality is everyone’s responsibility?” Test Readiness  (cont)
Scenario 1 – Agile  For successful implementation: Test automation (Unit & Regression) Continuous Integration Flexible testing Team Dedicated SME’s to assist testers Short delivery cycles Prioritised requirements Source: Zephyr LLC
Scenario 2 - Waterfall For successful implementation: Solid Requirements gathering process Clear functional requirements Well defined Stage owners Solid start/end dates for each stage Traceability matrix Dedicated testing resources Test Management tools Automated regression  (where possible) Source: Zephyr LLC
Scenario 3 – V Model Source: Sephyr LLC For successful  implementation: Similar to Waterfall

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Scenario 4 - Hybrid Source: Zephyr LLC For successful  implementation: Solid coordination skills Test resource pools Integration environments Excellent test resource skills Clear scope management Detailed schedule
Test Framework Test Framework Test Approach Metrics Test Plan Test  Execution Defect  Management Test Closure Tools Continuous Learning Change Management
Summary For complex projects/organisations, quality deliveries and products are imperative Testing is part of the Quality Assurance process and an  integral  part in the development lifecycle Complete testing is impossible The testing process needs to fit seamlessly with the organisational needs Fit for purpose Dedicated testing team/pool The right tools to manage the testing process Continuous learning to improve the testing deliverables A testing culture Dedicated tools, environments Develop testing goals that can evolve with the business needs Page

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Online testing strategy

  • 1. Testing Strategy for online project & Products Online Testing Framework & Options
  • 2. Objective Assist in a testing framework for Online Projects & Products covering: Alignment to existing Development methodologies for a green field environment Applications that have been either developed internally/externally, integrated or configured Suitability of toolsets Page
  • 3. Proposal overview This pack covers the Testing Framework and not Quality Assurance A testing Framework needs to be Specific Practical Justified A Test Framework encompasses Test Approach and Test Architecture Many factors influence the outcome of a test framework Clarity of Requirements Development methodologies (Agile, TDD, Waterfall, etc) Requirements management Tools used Culture of testing Page
  • 4. Test Framework Alignment A Testing Framework needs to fit the development deliverables Independent Software Vendors Develops software for sale for mass market or niche markets Specialise in building software for certain markets, hardware platforms, software platforms) Typically little to no customized content Product based development Business to business/consumer Typically single/suite applications Does not answer directly to outside clients (influenced only) Takes direction directly from the business/technology leaders Independent Software Vendors Some custom development Configuration of established systems Focused on improving productivity through integration/unification of existing software applications and/or systems May be a professional services outsource shop System Builders Develops enterprise systems Can include any/all aspects of system development from data storage to usability Typically internal/corporate development for internal use Can be virtually any development (ordering, invoicing, customer management…) Custom software development May be an outsource development shop Source InfoTech
  • 5. Web Testing Checklist Testing Type Brief Description Functionality Testing Test links on all pages, Database connection, Forms, Cookie testing Usability Testing LNF (Look, Navigation, Feel), Content Checking, Search, Sitemap & help files System Integration Testing Web Server & Application server interface, Application server and Database server interface,Webservices, integration with other sites/Legacy systems Compatibility Testing Browser, Operating System, Mobile Devices & Printing options Performance Testing Load Testing & Stress testing Security Testing SSL, CAPTCHA, Penetration Testing Compliance Testing Legal and compliance validation User Acceptance Testing Dedicated SME’s to validate end to end processes/functions
  • 6. Why testing fails? Source: Infotech 2008
  • 7. Test Readiness Testing is an investment in product stability and ultimately brand image How do you maximise your return on your investment?
  • 8. Test Readiness (cont) Test Approach Is the development approach clear and does it integrate well with testing? How are vendors guaranteeing the quality of their deliveries? Is there a policy for Automated and Manual testing? Is there a lot of integration work? Or dependency on new technologies? Tools Do you have enterprise Test Case, Requirements and Defect management tools? How are Test Execution cycles managed? How do you capture metrics and utilise the figures to manage testing more effectively? Change Management How does the testing methodology fit within the Change Management process? Test Schedule Does the project schedule realistically cover the testing Key milestones? How accurate are the test estimates? Are you getting reliable estimates from the testing team? Page
  • 9. Scope Management Is the testing team clear on the Requirement Prioritisation? Who makes a priority call if there’s a clash? How do you manage scope creep? Release policy What is the Environment policy for Development, testing, Handover, Staging and Regression? Who owns and manages the environments? What is the Release policy to the various environments? Who maintains the Third Party Provider Software releases/patches and how is it integrated with the testing cycle? Test Team Do the Testing Resources have the appropriate skillset? What is the best team fit: Dedicated vs. Outsourced vs. Pooled? Continuous Learning Apply lessons learnt to improve the testing output Do you monitor production issues and apply to the testing? Test Execution Management What metrics are you measuring to manage the test execution process? What is the escalation policy? Test Culture Do you have a testing culture in your orgnisation? Does everyone know the mantra “Quality is everyone’s responsibility?” Test Readiness (cont)
  • 10. Scenario 1 – Agile For successful implementation: Test automation (Unit & Regression) Continuous Integration Flexible testing Team Dedicated SME’s to assist testers Short delivery cycles Prioritised requirements Source: Zephyr LLC
  • 11. Scenario 2 - Waterfall For successful implementation: Solid Requirements gathering process Clear functional requirements Well defined Stage owners Solid start/end dates for each stage Traceability matrix Dedicated testing resources Test Management tools Automated regression (where possible) Source: Zephyr LLC
  • 12. Scenario 3 – V Model Source: Sephyr LLC For successful implementation: Similar to Waterfall
  • 13. Scenario 4 - Hybrid Source: Zephyr LLC For successful implementation: Solid coordination skills Test resource pools Integration environments Excellent test resource skills Clear scope management Detailed schedule
  • 14. Test Framework Test Framework Test Approach Metrics Test Plan Test Execution Defect Management Test Closure Tools Continuous Learning Change Management
  • 15. Summary For complex projects/organisations, quality deliveries and products are imperative Testing is part of the Quality Assurance process and an integral part in the development lifecycle Complete testing is impossible The testing process needs to fit seamlessly with the organisational needs Fit for purpose Dedicated testing team/pool The right tools to manage the testing process Continuous learning to improve the testing deliverables A testing culture Dedicated tools, environments Develop testing goals that can evolve with the business needs Page