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Brand success in a rapidly changing,
post recession, growth focussed world

Copyright Yellowwood Future Architects 2011
the age of optimism
 the age of anxiety
The WORLD in 2020

      Half Empty                             Half Full
 Protectionism, zero sum logic,        Second brains. Augmented
    east versus west, Resource           reality lenses. Wireless
      scarcity. Social unrest.            intelligent embedded
Unemployment. Food shortages,         biotechnology. Shared value,
 failing states, global warming       new capitalism, Community.
 and failure to deal with climate       Collaborative healthcare.
change, energy and food security            Multipolar power.
crises, global struggle to control      Entrepreneurship. Infinite
  natural resources, economic                personalisation.
imbalances, genetic polarisation,      Regionalisation. Ubiquitous
    global terrorism, powerful       connectivity. Centralising data.
  protectionism, brain jacking,        Collective buying. Realtime.
   mechanical arbitrage, social       Genetic, Urban utopia, virtual
 manipulation and surveillance       peacekeeping, metamaterials,,
states, cognitive surplus, google              avatar reality
   stupid, nuclear proliferation
Assuming we continue on this path…

International scenarios, Mind of a fox   Peak Oil

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Brand impact
Brand impactBrand impact
Brand impact

First, brands have little impact and most customers would not care if 77% of brands disappeared. Second, to have impact, brands must listen to customers, demonstrate empathy and care about social issues. Third, brands can influence culture by redirecting conversations around taboos or competitors' missteps. Leading with empathy and purpose allows brands to drive meaningful change.

10 Trends for MENA 2015 - J. Walter Thompson MEA
10 Trends for MENA 2015 - J. Walter Thompson MEA10 Trends for MENA 2015 - J. Walter Thompson MEA
10 Trends for MENA 2015 - J. Walter Thompson MEA

This report outlines 10 of the most compelling macro trends identified today—trends whose impact will be felt in 2015 and beyond as they continue to unfold, the ones shaping societal mood, behaviors and attitudes. This report explores where these trends stand now and where they’re headed, with insights gleaned from a J. Walter Thompson MEA survey of consumers across six key regional markets and a spectrum of industry experts and innovators.

meamenamiddle east
Future of Retail #FutureOf
Future of Retail #FutureOfFuture of Retail #FutureOf
Future of Retail #FutureOf

The Future Foundation has carried out an extensive forecasting exercise to explore the future of several commercial themes and sectors beyond 2020. In this report, we examine our predictions for the future of retail, identifying informed assumptions for the evolution of consumer trends, product and service innovations and the role that technological developments will play. We also provide invented images of retail concepts that might characterize the future marketplace as a result of the shifts we describe.

Goodbye to proof             get into beta-thinking
and a rapid experiential approach to innovation
and change
“Jump in and move quickly. It‟s not that
   you have to get everything perfect.
Perfect can be the enemy of the good.”
2011 Trends
and the    shape of
 things to come…
Our Sources

Inhabitat. Trendwatching. Economist.
GottaQuirk. Faith Popcorn. Flux Trends.
Urban Sprout. McKinsey Quarterly. JWT.
TED. thecoolhunter. Bizcommunity.
Harvard Business Review. Trend Hunter.
Mashable. Notcot. 10and5. Cherryflava.
Omnicom and TBWA Group.
Our clients‟ wisdom and experience.
Our talent pool.

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Augmented Humanity: Isobar Trends Report 2018
Augmented Humanity: Isobar Trends Report 2018Augmented Humanity: Isobar Trends Report 2018
Augmented Humanity: Isobar Trends Report 2018

Isobar predicts that 2018 will be the year of Augmented Humanity, a year where technology enhances and scales our most human attributes. In 2018, technological interfaces will become more natural and instinctive, technology will automate repetitive tasks to free up time for creativity and compassion, and artificial intelligence will meet emotional intelligence.

2018 marketing trendsdigital marketingtrends reports
Consumer experience
Consumer experienceConsumer experience
Consumer experience

The document discusses trends in consumer experience from the 2019 International Festival of Creativity. Three key trends are: 1) Co-creation and fluidity, with brands creating experiences for consumers to collaborate on building the brand across channels; 2) Being raw and real by creating authentic messaging that reflects consumers' lived experiences; 3) Sound becoming an important new channel, with opportunities in voice assistants, podcasts, and sonic branding. The takeaways emphasize directly engaging consumers, embracing imperfections in creative, letting consumers help define the brand experience, and developing audio strategies.

cannes lions
Cannes 2018: Six Takeaways from the Festival of Creativity
Cannes 2018: Six Takeaways from the Festival of CreativityCannes 2018: Six Takeaways from the Festival of Creativity
Cannes 2018: Six Takeaways from the Festival of Creativity

The document summarizes the major takeaways from the 2018 Cannes Lions Festival. It discusses that (1) diversity and inclusion was a major topic of discussion, (2) brands are increasingly taking social stands on polarizing issues, and (3) understanding Chinese culture is becoming more important for marketers. It also notes that (4) experience is more important than technology for connecting with consumers, (5) voice will become an important brand-building tool, and (6) ignoring best practices can help foster creativity.

cannescannes lionshavas group
A Hundred Years in a Decade
A Hundred Years in a Decade
“A revolution doesn‟t happen when
 society adopts new tools. It happens
when society adopts new behaviours.”
View Don Tapscott’s “Growing Up Digital” at Ericsson 2020

(Scroll cursor over people to bring up Title)

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Trust ethics
Trust ethicsTrust ethics
Trust ethics

Trust, transparency, and honesty were major themes discussed at the 2019 International Festival of Creativity. The document discusses how (1) trust has been compromised in business but can be regained through authenticity, empathy and transparency; (2) technology has empowered consumers who now demand personalized experiences on their own terms; and (3) artificial intelligence needs oversight to ensure it is developed and applied ethically and for the benefit of humanity.

cannes lionsmongolia
Cannes lions wrap_up-1
Cannes lions wrap_up-1Cannes lions wrap_up-1
Cannes lions wrap_up-1

The document provides a summary of the key talks, trends, and winners from the 2019 Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity. Some of the major themes included: - Brands taking stands on social issues and challenging laws, with winners tackling topics like racism, immigration policies, and child slavery. - Advertisers focusing on adding more humanity to their messaging by leveraging cultural conversations and partnerships. - A push for more inclusion and diversity across gender, race, and ability in advertising content and the industry itself.

LinkedIn Marketing Solutions Affluent Millennials Research Whitepaper
LinkedIn Marketing Solutions Affluent Millennials Research WhitepaperLinkedIn Marketing Solutions Affluent Millennials Research Whitepaper
LinkedIn Marketing Solutions Affluent Millennials Research Whitepaper

The document summarizes a study on affluent millennials in Australia. Some key findings: - Affluent millennials (those with over $100k assets) are optimistic about the future, conduct their own research but validate decisions with advisors, and are open to offerings from non-financial brands. - They set ambitious goals like starting businesses and buying homes. They also seek educational opportunities abroad. - They diversify income sources through inheritance, family businesses and wages. They take on debt for loans but also save 30% of income on average. - Affluent millennials want control over financial decisions but also value guidance from advisors. They are loyal but open to new providers

A Hundred Years in a Decade
A Hundred Years in a Decade
But still a scarcity of INTELLIGENCE

Infographics make it beautiful
Online culture IS the culture

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Get Consumer Smart - Rituals 2019
Get Consumer Smart - Rituals 2019Get Consumer Smart - Rituals 2019
Get Consumer Smart - Rituals 2019

In 2007, BBDO published a piece of research entitled The Rituals Masters. Twelve years on, the world has changed dramatically, which has had a significant impact on our needs and on our rituals.

Velocity 12: Reshaping the world view of middle-class growth
Velocity 12: Reshaping the world view of middle-class growthVelocity 12: Reshaping the world view of middle-class growth
Velocity 12: Reshaping the world view of middle-class growth

A new report that identifies 12 'velocity' markets that will be key to middle-class consumer growth over the next decade. With the BRIC index of markets having outlived its usefulness, Ogilvy's new ranking provides a fresh perspective on the future of global growth, and challenges some of the outdated notions about "emerging markets". Ogilvy's V12 ranking goes beyond traditional economist and banking indices and is based upon measures of middle-class growth in terms of income, rather than assets, using a 'Purchasing Power Parity' (PPP) methodology, a measurement widely accepted by the IMF, the UN and the World Bank to equalize the purchasing power of different currencies. Critically, it also assessed markets based upon the velocity of growth and change - an increasingly important factor that some companies have grossly underestimated so far in their global growth plans.

The Millennial Generation: Banking's Big Problem- Opportunities in Digital Fi...
The Millennial Generation: Banking's Big Problem- Opportunities in Digital Fi...The Millennial Generation: Banking's Big Problem- Opportunities in Digital Fi...
The Millennial Generation: Banking's Big Problem- Opportunities in Digital Fi...

This document discusses the opportunities in banking presented by the millennial generation. It notes that millennials, the largest generation, dislike traditional banks and are open to switching to alternatives. Studies show millennials believe banks offer little differentiation and will be disrupted by innovative startups. They prefer low-fee digital offerings and want services tailored to their preferences for connectivity, access over ownership, and impact investing. Banks risk being left behind if they do not adapt to the demands of this emerging demographic, leaving a major opportunity for fintech companies to acquire millennial customers and transform banking.

A Hundred Years in a Decade
“Digital is not a set of channels. It is the
    context for all of our marketing”
Key questions to be asking yourself…
•   Are you and your partners still looking at digital as another channel or the
    context framing and informing all behaviour?
•   Do you truly understand what is driving your customers‟ and
    employees‟ behaviours now?
•   Have you unpacked the mobile opportunity and challenges for this year‟s
    marketing plan and brand success?
•   Are you tapping into infinite information to increase your success and to
    drive value for customers?
•   Is your brand and brand team‟s psyche an experimental one that enables
    leaping and learning and a beta-state mind set?
•   Do you still distinguish between the ON and OFF world?
•   Are you using different media differently and providing valuable
    brand content?
•   Is your brand operating in the NOW, ON real time, constantly actions and
    engagement world?
A Hundred Years in a Decade

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Brands should focus on addressing basic physiological and safety needs during the crisis. People are feeling fear, confusion and need help staying safe at home. Brands can help by providing useful information, facilitating local conversations, and upskilling communities. Six principles should guide brand actions: empathy, generosity, utility, agility, leadership and authenticity to their brand. Examples of best practices include Headspace providing free meditation, Spotify fundraising for artists and Visa educating on handwashing. Tokenistic actions or profiting from the crisis should be avoided.

careermedx ehealthcentermarketing
Iot & Digital Signage: The invisible Elephant in the room
Iot & Digital Signage: The invisible Elephant in the roomIot & Digital Signage: The invisible Elephant in the room
Iot & Digital Signage: The invisible Elephant in the room

White Paper: Contents 1. We are undergoing a significant transformation 1.1. Online and offline worlds are growing closer together 1.2. An insight into the consumers of the future: Millennials 2. What happens when IoT meets Digital Signage? 2.1. Digital signage meets Big Data 2.1. Event Driven Content & Content Driven Events 3. Digital Signage: smarter through IFTTT 4. How the Internet of Things will change Digital Signage

internet of thingsiftttretail
Newsletter Fall 2016
Newsletter Fall 2016Newsletter Fall 2016
Newsletter Fall 2016

This document summarizes key findings from a study about Millennials and their shopping behaviors. It discusses that Millennials have surpassed Baby Boomers as the largest living generation in the US. The study found that Millennials are generally more satisfied consumers than Baby Boomers, particularly with utilities, healthcare, and telecom services. Millennials expect good customer service and value for their money. They are also more willing than older generations to share their personal information for targeted offers and services. The document emphasizes that understanding the nuances of the Millennial customer experience is important for businesses.

A Hundred Years in a Decade
& Participation
“Watch the final video of the Old Spice response,
part of the largest interactive, participatory campaign
to date. Actor Isaiah Mustafa camped out with a film
crew and filmed responses to reactions and
suggestions from social media platforms. More people
watched these videos
in 24 hours than saw Obama‟s presidential victory
Consumers trust each other

      “Each year, consumers make more than
      500 billion online impressions on one
       another about products and services.”

        “Roughly 25% of tweets
            contain links.”

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Cultural tension strategy nigel rahimpour
Cultural tension strategy   nigel rahimpourCultural tension strategy   nigel rahimpour
Cultural tension strategy nigel rahimpour

This document proposes a new approach to brand planning called "Planning 2.0" that embeds culture at the heart of brand strategy. It argues the old model of focusing solely on functional and emotional benefits is outdated and has resulted in consumer apathy. Planning 2.0 identifies cultural tensions in society that a brand can align with to define a cultural selling proposition and role in culture beyond just the category. It advocates using grassroots marketing tools to activate consumers and start a movement around the brand, treating people as the media. This cultural tension strategy is presented as a systematic way to ensure brands can tell bigger stories and become part of cultural conversations.

pop cultureconsumeradvertising

The client, Steve Janes, requires a design to upright his totem pole that was previously supported by a tree on his property. The design must hold the 30 foot pole with a base diameter of 21 inches upright, withstand temperatures from -40°C to 40°C and wind up to 135 km/h, minimize damage to the pole, and be under 12 feet tall and $10,000 budget. Stakeholders include suppliers, safety committees, indigenous groups, and future buyers who are concerned with costs, safety, cultural preservation, and value. The pole will be located between the client's house and garage on a concrete base.



your crowd

              Kickstarter enables crowdfunding
              of creative projects
“Social networking is becoming
       social production”
View “The Power of Collaboration”
by Michael Dell at Ericsson 2020”

(Scroll cursor over people to bring up Title)

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OpenAIRE at the EC Consultation Workshop "Skills and Human Resources for e-In...
OpenAIRE at the EC Consultation Workshop "Skills and Human Resources for e-In...OpenAIRE at the EC Consultation Workshop "Skills and Human Resources for e-In...
OpenAIRE at the EC Consultation Workshop "Skills and Human Resources for e-In...

Presentation at the EC Consultation Workshop "Skills and Human Resources for e-Infrastructures within Horizon 2020", May 30, 2012, Brussels

Estadiamento do Cancer de pulmão
Estadiamento do Cancer de pulmãoEstadiamento do Cancer de pulmão
Estadiamento do Cancer de pulmão

The article discusses the development of a new lung cancer staging system by the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC). The IASLC created an international database of lung cancer patients and conducted extensive statistical analysis. Based on this work, the IASLC is recommending changes to the TNM descriptors and stage groupings for non-small cell lung cancer in the new 7th edition of the cancer staging manual. The recommendations are aimed to create a more robust staging system based on analysis of a large international patient population.

cancer de pulmaoestadiamento do cancer de pulmaoneoplasia de pulmão
JP│KOM News-Service 6/12
JP│KOM News-Service 6/12JP│KOM News-Service 6/12
JP│KOM News-Service 6/12

Der News-Service informiert Sie über Trends in der Kommunikationsbranche und Projekte von JP│KOM! Die Themen dieser Ausgabe: - Corporate communications in China: Still no sign of Web 2.0 taking off - Erfolgsfaktoren eines strategisch geplanten Employer Branding-Prozesses: Bindende Versprechen - LACP Spotlight Awards: Styrolution und Active International gewinnen Kommunikationspreise - JP│KOM Healthcare: Angebot trifft Bedarf von Gesundheitsunternehmen Viel Spaß beim Lesen wünscht JP|KOM!

kommunikationlacp spotlight awardspr
A Hundred Years in a Decade
A Hundred Years in a Decade
Key questions to be asking yourself…
•   Is your role to create perfection and control or have you learned
    to be a shaper and sharer brand and brand builder?
•   Do you understand your brands social quotient and social graph
    both internally and externally?
•   Are you still in monologue mode focussed on what you want
    people to think and believe or have you started to involve ,
    collaborate and engage ?
•   Does your CEO really understand that how you behave is more
    important than what you say?
•   Are you surrounded by communication partners obsessed about
    ideas that create trans-media potential or are you still
    engaging ATL and BTL?

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Streams API (Web Engines Hackfest 2015)
Streams API (Web Engines Hackfest 2015)Streams API (Web Engines Hackfest 2015)
Streams API (Web Engines Hackfest 2015)

The document discusses streams API, which enables asynchronous I/O processing by reading and writing data chunks. It can pipe data between streams and supports automatic transformations. The spec defines ReadableStream, WritableStream, and TransformStream interfaces. It is useful for tasks like loading video segments or sending messages over websockets. The implementation in browsers uses JavaScript builtins tied to WebIDL to define the API in a maintainable and performant way while avoiding memory issues, though it requires care around security.

iOS Development with RubyMotion
iOS Development with RubyMotioniOS Development with RubyMotion
iOS Development with RubyMotion

RubyMotion allows iOS development using the Ruby language instead of Objective-C. It provides a command line toolchain and compiles Ruby code to native iOS apps. While the syntax is Ruby, the underlying classes and objects are still Objective-C/Cocoa. This allows tapping into the full iOS SDK while enjoying Ruby's more succinct syntax. The document provides an example Hello World app and demonstrates how to load images from the camera library using RubyMotion and related libraries like Bubblewrap and RMQ.

9. Il Web semantico
9. Il Web semantico9. Il Web semantico
9. Il Web semantico

Sapienza Università di Roma Anno Accademico 2012 – 2013 Informatica per gli Archivi e le Biblioteche Prof.ssa Linda Giuva Prof. Maurizio Caminito Lezione 9

web semanticoinformaticabiblioteche
Key questions to be asking yourself…

•   Does your customer segmentation reflect how your customers
    see themselves and organise themselves?
•   Are your employees all empowered to be your social
    ambassadors and advocates?
•   Who is in charge of your integrated customer experience?
•   Are your differentiators authentic?
    Will they survive transparency tyranny?
•   Are your marketers asking the right questions? Is live market
    intelligence helping you leap and learn, tweak and beta-test?
A Hundred Years in a Decade
“Consumers are still buying things,
                                      but they‟re becoming more conscious of
                                         what they actually need, and why.

Coca Cola Happiness Stations and World Cup
taverns helped township dwellers who
couldn‟t afford tickets to enjoy the experience
of the 2010 World Cup
                                                  Amazon encourages readers to sell back
                                                  their read books, offering free postage
                                                  back to Amazon

PiggyMojo is a mobile service to help couples
save. Every time an impulse buy is resisted,
your partner is notified of the value saved
Simply Useful
Only what I value

MasterCard and Visa have both developed
contact-free, „tap-and-go‟ payment systems

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Convergence india 2012
Convergence india 2012Convergence india 2012
Convergence india 2012

The document discusses the ecosystem for data services in India. It notes that the ecosystem is more complex than for voice services, as it involves content owners, mobile application developers, and content aggregators in addition to service providers, technology providers, and handset manufacturers. The focus in data services is more on subscribers and providing them with enriching content and experiences, unlike voice where the focus is more on infrastructure. Successful portals that list mobile applications can benefit handset manufacturers, service providers, and developers by increasing revenue share and stickiness to their platforms.

Airliner Presentation
Airliner PresentationAirliner Presentation
Airliner Presentation

This document provides an overview and instructions for setting up and using an Airliner Wireless Slate. It includes: - An overview of the hardware components and features of the Airliner Wireless Slate. - Step-by-step instructions for installing the USB adapter driver, establishing a wireless connection between the slate and computer, and turning on the slate. - Information on using the slate tools like pointing and customizing the pen, function buttons, underlay, and tool strip. - Goals and activities for gaining hands-on experience using the slate in educational settings.

Curating Cultures: Digital Technologies and Their Ramifications for Museums a...
Curating Cultures: Digital Technologies and Their Ramifications for Museums a...Curating Cultures: Digital Technologies and Their Ramifications for Museums a...
Curating Cultures: Digital Technologies and Their Ramifications for Museums a...

slides for the lecture given on November 17, 2010 in the "Curating Cultures" class of Prof. Polly Roberts at UCLA Department of World Arts and Cultures.

“The rich world will continue to suffer from anaemic growth
for years to come. The emerging world, by contrast, will be a
whirling hub of dynamism and creativity… And it will account
     for a disproportionate share of business innovations
Brands need to understand and encapsulate the
youthfulness and optimism of emerging markets.
Key questions to be asking yourself…
•   Do you intimately understand your customers’ value equation,
    value trade offs and where they perceive value in your brand?
•   Are you building Afro-optimism and entrepreneurship into your
    psyche and skills?
•   Have you maximised the opportunity in localisation AND status
•   Are you looking for innovation ideas in emerging markets or
    do you still think west is best?
•   Do you understand the cost and impact of new consumer
    protection acts and increased government involvement in your
    brand building and communication activities?

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February 2011 E-Connect
February 2011 E-ConnectFebruary 2011 E-Connect
February 2011 E-Connect

The document provides information about professional development opportunities for educators through WGTE Public Media, including schedules, sessions, and grant information. Educators can sign up for professional development credit through Lourdes College and participate in sessions on topics like SMART Boards, Google tools, and social media. WGTE also offers "BIG Tech Paks" that provide technology equipment and training, and resources are highlighted for subjects like environmental science, engineering week at Imagination Station, and the Toledo Museum of Art's online educator resources. Grants through ING and Horace Mann are also noted.

wgte oublic medianewsletter
Fas drs power_point_2003
Fas drs power_point_2003Fas drs power_point_2003
Fas drs power_point_2003

Fitzgerald Architecture Studio provides architectural services for residential and commercial projects in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York, with a focus on rehabilitation projects, commercial spaces, and integrating new technologies. Fitzgerald Disaster Restoration Services helps restore buildings damaged by disasters like fires and collisions. They can restore buildings 30-60 days faster than competitors. Their insurance claim process takes 57-70 days compared to the industry standard of 120-150 days, saving time and costs for insurance companies and policyholders.

Week 5 Whats The Big Idea - Emma Dicks
Week 5 Whats The Big Idea -  Emma DicksWeek 5 Whats The Big Idea -  Emma Dicks
Week 5 Whats The Big Idea - Emma Dicks

This workshop will take you through identifying a real human need, brainstorming techniques and idea generation methods, and finally evaluating the crazy, brilliant ideas you come up with.

A Hundred Years in a Decade
Business is increasingly viewed as major causes
of social, environmental and economic problems.
They are prospering at the expense of our
community and our future
From Profit to Purpose
Generosity becomes embedded and spreads beyond
the developed world.

                       “87% of global consumers expect
                    companies to consider societal interests
                         equal to business interests.”

                                        Edelman, November 2010
“Only a company that produces a Triple
                                           Bottom Line is taking account of the full
                                              cost involved in doing business.“

                                                                            The Economist

                                     M&S encourages their
                                     shoppers to hand in old
                                     gadgets for recycling.

                                   Holiday Inn pedometers with
                                   keys to encourage walking

Water Pebble monitors water used
                                                                 De Vegetarische Slager –
during a shower to help you save                                 The Vegetarian Butcher

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Plastic Mulches & Row Covers on Growth & Production of Summer Squash; Gardeni...
Plastic Mulches & Row Covers on Growth & Production of Summer Squash; Gardeni...Plastic Mulches & Row Covers on Growth & Production of Summer Squash; Gardeni...
Plastic Mulches & Row Covers on Growth & Production of Summer Squash; Gardeni...

The document summarizes a study that evaluated the effects of different colored plastic mulches (black, white, red, silver, and blue) with and without spunbonded row covers on the growth and yield of summer squash. The study found that mulch color and year significantly affected soil and air temperatures, with row covers increasing air temperatures. However, increased temperatures did not always result in higher yields. Colored plastic mulches with or without row covers did not increase early fruit yield of squash. The lack of effect on yield was attributed to relatively high average air temperatures that may have masked temperature treatment effects.

Active International
Active InternationalActive International
Active International

Active International is a global leader in corporate trade that has been in business for 29 years. They have 525 employees globally and offices in 13 countries. They have an annual gross trading volume of approximately $1.4 billion. Their business involves restoring value on clients' inventory, equipment, real estate, or other assets by buying them and allowing payment in trade credits that can be used to purchase operating expenses through their network of over 1,500 trading partners across categories like media, travel, print, and freight. This provides clients financial benefits like higher asset values, lower cash outlays, and reduced carrying costs.

media procurementold equipmentcorporate trade
MMD_Vision 2015
MMD_Vision 2015MMD_Vision 2015
MMD_Vision 2015

 To manage productivity and contain costs, companies should focus on labour and space by cross-training employees rather than downsizing, and subletting excess space.  Establishing strong supplier partnerships, reviewing storage methods, and outsourcing non-core functions can maximize supply chain efficiencies. Regular cycle counts using mobile technologies can also improve accuracy and visibility.  As the economy grows, supply chain managers must ensure they have the right staffing to handle current and future operations, especially replacing soon-to-retire senior executives, in order to build bench strength and carry institutional knowledge forward. A cost analysis can also help optimize margins by identifying unprofitable clients.

Key questions to be asking yourself…
•   Does your CEO believe its philanthropy or self interested to
    create economic value by creating societal value?
•   Should you not be embedding shared value in your thinking and
    operating or giving it to the CSR department?
•   Have you discovered the profit in being sustainable and planet
•   How generous is your mind set, culture and general ethic or is
    this still a threat to margins rather than a customer growth
•   Will your industry need to respond to a consumers‟ desire for
    healthier living and reduced consumption?
Learning to play
The rules of the game for 2011
Anxiety Antidote
Must be Mobile
Insight Inside
Seize Social
Do what you say and say what you do
Wield your crowd
Value value
Embrace entrepreneurialism & emerging energy
Define new prosperity pillars

       one more thing…

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OCRFeeder (FOSDEM 2010)
OCRFeeder (FOSDEM 2010)OCRFeeder (FOSDEM 2010)
OCRFeeder (FOSDEM 2010)

By Joaquim Rocha. OCRFeeder is a document layout analysis and optical character recognition system that I wrote for my Master's Thesis project. Like it says on its website, given the images it will automatically outline its contents, distinguish between what's graphics and text and perform OCR over the latter. It generates multiple formats being its main one ODT. I think this is currently the most complete and user friendly OCR application for GNU/Linux out there and, of course, I wrote it to be used mainly with GNOME, featuring a GUI written in PyGTK and respecting, as far as I could, the GNOME User Interface Guidelines. I would like to present how the application works on the inside, for example the page segmentation algorithm I created for it, etc. I think this would be interest for the GNOME community and general attendants of the GNOME Dev room at FOSDEM.

New Forests for New People
New Forests for New PeopleNew Forests for New People
New Forests for New People

This study was presented during the conference “Production and Carbon Dynamics in Sustainable Agricultural and Forest Systems in Africa” held in September, 2010.

HTTP od zera do bohatera
HTTP od zera do bohateraHTTP od zera do bohatera
HTTP od zera do bohatera
corshstlhorde technology
The World is brand new

New Technology   New Thinking   New Ideas   New behaviours
A new era of brands and communications

 It‟s about intimate and engaging conversations
       Based on dialogue, not monologue
       And forging a deeper relationship
          with the people you talk to
 Through participation and active involvement
        And being open and transparent
The future of branding is
Brands that deliver against this agenda
    create greater word of mouth,
     advocacy, sales and loyalty

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Consumer Trends in 2011
Consumer Trends in 2011Consumer Trends in 2011
Consumer Trends in 2011

This document discusses trends and challenges facing brands in 2020 and beyond, including increased connectivity, data sharing, transparency, and social/environmental responsibility. It emphasizes that brands must engage in dialogue rather than monologue, participate in conversations, be open and transparent, and focus on creating societal value in addition to profits. A new model of branding is introduced that evaluates brands based on their engagement, participation, advocacy and relationships with people.

yellowwood future architects
Future branding and VR
Future branding and VRFuture branding and VR
Future branding and VR

This document discusses how emerging technologies like 5G internet, renewable energy networks, and driverless transportation could enable a new sharing economy with near-zero marginal costs of production. It argues that businesses need to understand shifts in audiences, particularly younger generations that value freedom, power and community differently. The document recommends that companies communicate their brands through immersive virtual reality experiences that engage emotions rather than just information. Several examples are provided of brands like McDonald's and Jaguar using VR to help achieve marketing goals.

How is the web affecting your business
How is the web affecting your businessHow is the web affecting your business
How is the web affecting your business

The document discusses how the web is affecting businesses. It covers major trends like participation and user-generated innovation. It discusses how social media is changing how customers behave and how businesses create value. Companies need to think about becoming media companies that provide constant content to users. The customer decision journey is now more complex, as customers research companies online at every moment. Everything a company does now contributes to its marketing and brand.

social businesssocialweb 2.0
This is our philosophy and we have
found an international partner that
shares our view and has developed a
model for evaluating and developing
      effective engagement…

Founded nearly 20 years ago in the UK by a planner called
Mike Hall

Now a global boutique operating across 8 countries globally
with a team of highly innovative and insight obsessed people.

They have a unique set of tools and principles of branding to
give a more holistic, multi-dimensional view.
And a UNIQUE tool called…

Used to identify the top ten most engaging brands in the UK, US,
China and Australia and what makes them so engaging
Top 10 in UK & US

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TrendsSpotting's 2010 Consumer Trends Influencers: Predictions in 140 Characters
TrendsSpotting's 2010 Consumer Trends Influencers: Predictions in 140 CharactersTrendsSpotting's 2010 Consumer Trends Influencers: Predictions in 140 Characters
TrendsSpotting's 2010 Consumer Trends Influencers: Predictions in 140 Characters

"2010 Consumer Trends Influencers" is the second report from the series "2010 Influencers Series: Trend Predictions in 140 Characters". TrendsSpotting Market Research is now running its third annual prediction reports following major trends in six categories. We will be featuring the predictions of digital and marketing experts on the big changes awaiting us in the coming year. This year we are adopting a new “tweet style” format, easier for you to focus on, comprehend and forward.

Beyond Advertising: Creating Value Through all Email and Mobile Touchpoints
Beyond Advertising: Creating Value Through all Email and Mobile TouchpointsBeyond Advertising: Creating Value Through all Email and Mobile Touchpoints
Beyond Advertising: Creating Value Through all Email and Mobile Touchpoints

Watch this session live at 2:00pm EST on Wednesday, May 3, 2017. MarketingSherpa Summit was filled with real-world case studies from your peers. This webinar provides an opportunity to step outside your day-to-day role and ask big questions like, “Where do I want to take my organization, department or individual career?” — and learn how to transform your organization and career with customer-first marketing philosophies. To help you do that, we’ve invited a pioneering researcher focused on reinventing advertising and marketing. In this webinar, Catharine Hays — the executive director of The Wharton Future of Advertising Program and co-author of “Beyond Advertising: Creating Value Through All Customer Touchpoints” — will share her research into customer-first marketing with over 200 thought leaders in marketing, technology, cultural anthropology and other disciplines from 22 countries. In this webinar, you will learn: The five forces of change affecting marketing and advertising Insights, ideas and frameworks for adapting to how mobile technology has changed brands relationships with customers How to challenge entrenched mental models of email and mobile marketing and advertising, including example pioneering customer-first marketers are taking

Context and trends CMM
Context and trends CMMContext and trends CMM
Context and trends CMM

The document discusses market trends in 2012 that increased focus on sustainability, including economic instability, environmental disasters, and loss of trust in governments and businesses. It notes the rise of citizen activism and alternative economies. Brands are encouraged to establish themselves as platforms for purpose, pursue revolutionary innovation, and collaborate to drive sustainability. The 2013 theme will explore new forms of value creation and making brands more meaningful by focusing on well-being and sustainable futures. Brands are urged to become leaders in shaping aspirations and culture to lead to a flourishing future.

South Africa is next…
Thank you for your time…
If you think it would be valuable for more people in your business to be
exposed to the trends, we’d be very happy to come to your offices and
share it with your team. We can also facilitate a workshop to unpack the
implications for your business and brand and to brainstorm the actions
that need to be taken to leverage the opportunities and mitigate the risks.

Please contact if you would like to arrange a session.

Copyright Yellowwood Future Architects 2011

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A Hundred Years in a Decade

  • 1. Brand success in a rapidly changing, post recession, growth focussed world Copyright Yellowwood Future Architects 2011
  • 2. the age of optimism to the age of anxiety
  • 3. The WORLD in 2020 Half Empty Half Full Protectionism, zero sum logic, Second brains. Augmented east versus west, Resource reality lenses. Wireless scarcity. Social unrest. intelligent embedded Unemployment. Food shortages, biotechnology. Shared value, failing states, global warming new capitalism, Community. and failure to deal with climate Collaborative healthcare. change, energy and food security Multipolar power. crises, global struggle to control Entrepreneurship. Infinite natural resources, economic personalisation. imbalances, genetic polarisation, Regionalisation. Ubiquitous global terrorism, powerful connectivity. Centralising data. protectionism, brain jacking, Collective buying. Realtime. mechanical arbitrage, social Genetic, Urban utopia, virtual manipulation and surveillance peacekeeping, metamaterials,, states, cognitive surplus, google avatar reality stupid, nuclear proliferation
  • 4. Assuming we continue on this path… International scenarios, Mind of a fox Peak Oil
  • 5. Goodbye to proof get into beta-thinking and a rapid experiential approach to innovation and change
  • 6. “Jump in and move quickly. It‟s not that you have to get everything perfect. Perfect can be the enemy of the good.”
  • 7. 2011 Trends and the shape of things to come…
  • 8. Our Sources Inhabitat. Trendwatching. Economist. GottaQuirk. Faith Popcorn. Flux Trends. Urban Sprout. McKinsey Quarterly. JWT. TED. thecoolhunter. Bizcommunity. Harvard Business Review. Trend Hunter. Mashable. Notcot. 10and5. Cherryflava. Omnicom and TBWA Group. Our clients‟ wisdom and experience. Our talent pool.
  • 11. “A revolution doesn‟t happen when society adopts new tools. It happens when society adopts new behaviours.”
  • 12. View Don Tapscott’s “Growing Up Digital” at Ericsson 2020 (Scroll cursor over people to bring up Title)
  • 15. But still a scarcity of INTELLIGENCE Infographics make it beautiful
  • 16. Online culture IS the culture
  • 18. “Digital is not a set of channels. It is the context for all of our marketing”
  • 19. Key questions to be asking yourself… • Are you and your partners still looking at digital as another channel or the context framing and informing all behaviour? • Do you truly understand what is driving your customers‟ and employees‟ behaviours now? • Have you unpacked the mobile opportunity and challenges for this year‟s marketing plan and brand success? • Are you tapping into infinite information to increase your success and to drive value for customers? • Is your brand and brand team‟s psyche an experimental one that enables leaping and learning and a beta-state mind set? • Do you still distinguish between the ON and OFF world? • Are you using different media differently and providing valuable brand content? • Is your brand operating in the NOW, ON real time, constantly actions and engagement world?
  • 23. “Watch the final video of the Old Spice response, part of the largest interactive, participatory campaign to date. Actor Isaiah Mustafa camped out with a film crew and filmed responses to reactions and suggestions from social media platforms. More people watched these videos in 24 hours than saw Obama‟s presidential victory speech.”
  • 24. Consumers trust each other “Each year, consumers make more than 500 billion online impressions on one another about products and services.” “Roughly 25% of tweets contain links.”
  • 26. Collectives Kickstarter enables crowdfunding of creative projects
  • 27. “Social networking is becoming social production”
  • 28. View “The Power of Collaboration” by Michael Dell at Ericsson 2020” 0about2020/ (Scroll cursor over people to bring up Title)
  • 32. Key questions to be asking yourself… • Is your role to create perfection and control or have you learned to be a shaper and sharer brand and brand builder? • Do you understand your brands social quotient and social graph both internally and externally? • Are you still in monologue mode focussed on what you want people to think and believe or have you started to involve , collaborate and engage ? • Does your CEO really understand that how you behave is more important than what you say? • Are you surrounded by communication partners obsessed about ideas that create trans-media potential or are you still engaging ATL and BTL?
  • 33. Key questions to be asking yourself… • Does your customer segmentation reflect how your customers see themselves and organise themselves? • Are your employees all empowered to be your social ambassadors and advocates? • Who is in charge of your integrated customer experience? • Are your differentiators authentic? Will they survive transparency tyranny? • Are your marketers asking the right questions? Is live market intelligence helping you leap and learn, tweak and beta-test?
  • 35. “Consumers are still buying things, but they‟re becoming more conscious of what they actually need, and why. Coca Cola Happiness Stations and World Cup taverns helped township dwellers who couldn‟t afford tickets to enjoy the experience of the 2010 World Cup Amazon encourages readers to sell back their read books, offering free postage back to Amazon PiggyMojo is a mobile service to help couples save. Every time an impulse buy is resisted, your partner is notified of the value saved
  • 36. Simply Useful Only what I value MasterCard and Visa have both developed contact-free, „tap-and-go‟ payment systems
  • 37. “The rich world will continue to suffer from anaemic growth for years to come. The emerging world, by contrast, will be a whirling hub of dynamism and creativity… And it will account for a disproportionate share of business innovations
  • 38. Brands need to understand and encapsulate the youthfulness and optimism of emerging markets.
  • 40. Key questions to be asking yourself… • Do you intimately understand your customers’ value equation, value trade offs and where they perceive value in your brand? • Are you building Afro-optimism and entrepreneurship into your psyche and skills? • Have you maximised the opportunity in localisation AND status obsession? • Are you looking for innovation ideas in emerging markets or do you still think west is best? • Do you understand the cost and impact of new consumer protection acts and increased government involvement in your brand building and communication activities?
  • 42. Business is increasingly viewed as major causes of social, environmental and economic problems. They are prospering at the expense of our community and our future
  • 43. From Profit to Purpose Generosity becomes embedded and spreads beyond the developed world. “87% of global consumers expect companies to consider societal interests equal to business interests.” Edelman, November 2010
  • 44. “Only a company that produces a Triple Bottom Line is taking account of the full cost involved in doing business.“ The Economist M&S encourages their shoppers to hand in old gadgets for recycling. Holiday Inn pedometers with keys to encourage walking Water Pebble monitors water used De Vegetarische Slager – during a shower to help you save The Vegetarian Butcher
  • 45. Key questions to be asking yourself… • Does your CEO believe its philanthropy or self interested to create economic value by creating societal value? • Should you not be embedding shared value in your thinking and operating or giving it to the CSR department? • Have you discovered the profit in being sustainable and planet conscious? • How generous is your mind set, culture and general ethic or is this still a threat to margins rather than a customer growth opportunity? • Will your industry need to respond to a consumers‟ desire for healthier living and reduced consumption?
  • 47. The rules of the game for 2011 Anxiety Antidote Must be Mobile Insight Inside Interconnect Seize Social Engage Do what you say and say what you do Wield your crowd Collaborate Value value Embrace entrepreneurialism & emerging energy Define new prosperity pillars
  • 48. and… one more thing…
  • 49. The World is brand new New Technology New Thinking New Ideas New behaviours
  • 50. A new era of brands and communications It‟s about intimate and engaging conversations Based on dialogue, not monologue And forging a deeper relationship with the people you talk to Through participation and active involvement And being open and transparent
  • 51. The future of branding is
  • 52. Brands that deliver against this agenda create greater word of mouth, advocacy, sales and loyalty
  • 53. This is our philosophy and we have found an international partner that shares our view and has developed a model for evaluating and developing effective engagement…
  • 54. Introducing Founded nearly 20 years ago in the UK by a planner called Mike Hall Now a global boutique operating across 8 countries globally with a team of highly innovative and insight obsessed people. They have a unique set of tools and principles of branding to give a more holistic, multi-dimensional view.
  • 55. And a UNIQUE tool called… Used to identify the top ten most engaging brands in the UK, US, China and Australia and what makes them so engaging
  • 56. Top 10 in UK & US
  • 57. South Africa is next…
  • 58. Thank you for your time… If you think it would be valuable for more people in your business to be exposed to the trends, we’d be very happy to come to your offices and share it with your team. We can also facilitate a workshop to unpack the implications for your business and brand and to brainstorm the actions that need to be taken to leverage the opportunities and mitigate the risks. Please contact if you would like to arrange a session. Copyright Yellowwood Future Architects 2011