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Global Creative
  Business Cup
         Version 3
The rights to Creative Business Cup belong to Center for Cultural and Experience Economy.

Creative Business Cup is supported by:
        The Danish Ministry of Business and Growth
        Global entrepreneurship Week

Photographic, mechanical or other reproduction of this material or parts thereof is only permitted under the
Copyright Act.

Creative Business Cup                                                                                      1
With the competition we hope to highlight new
Creative Business Cup                                  entrepreneurial talents in the creative industries
The creative industries are growing sectors that       and motivate the entrepreneurs of tomorrow.
continue to provide more jobs, and add increasing
value to products and services. Moreover, creative
industries have a positive spill over effect on more
                                                       Organization of the
traditional industries improving growth and            competition
                                                       The organizations behind the Creative Business
These industries hold a great potential but the        Cup are the Danish Ministry of Business and
creative entrepreneurs often lack insights and         Growth and Center for Cultural and Experience
business competencies needed to redeem this            Economy (CKO). Creative Business Cup is a
potential. That is why there is a need for a           featured event of Global Entrepreneurship Week
competition such as Creative Business Cup that         (GEW) an initiative supported by the Kauffman
can improve the business skills and the number of      Foundation. Being a featured event means that
successful companies in the creative industries.       Creative Business Cup will receive special mention
                                                       in GEW media and network.
The creative industries include
                                                       CKO is responsible for organizing the global
                                                       competition, hosting the Global Award Show in
                                                       Copenhagen in November 2012, and for
        Content production e.g. computer games         composing the international jury. The jury
        Advertising                                    consists of experts on creative industries and
        Books and the press                            entrepreneurship and its primary task is to select
        Music                                          the winner of the Creative Business Cup.
        Film & video
        Art and crafts                                 Creative Business Cup is not only a competition in
        Radio & TV                                     Denmark but also a number of national
        Amusement Parks & Live Scenes                  competitions. In each participating country a
        Gastronomy                                     National Host Organization (NHO) is responsible
        Leisure activities                             for implementing a competition and finding a
                                                       winner in their country
Creative Business Cup is a competition for
entrepreneurs from the creative industries             Organization in each
anywhere in the world. The purpose is to
strengthen the business competencies of creative       participating country
entrepreneurs. Through participating in the            Each country finds its own winner – either by a
competition the entrepreneurs increase their           national competition for entrepreneurs from the
ability to successfully start up a company based on    creative industries or as a part of another
their creative competencies.                           competition for entrepreneurs. The national GEW
                                                       hosts are expected to be the entrance point in each
Creative Business Cup consists of both national        country but other organizations can also be
competition and an international final in              responsible or involved in running the
Copenhagen, Denmark during the Global                  competition.
Entrepreneur Week (GEW) 2012. National
winners competes against winners from other            It is important to find the right national host
countries at the international final November 12-      organization (NHO) for the job. In this regard it
14.                                                    should be noted that participation could promote
                                                       the organization as a major force for change and
We are looking for new and revolutionary               economic development, and may position the
business ideas stemming from the creative              country as an innovative and creative nation.
industries. The business idea must have a strong       The NHO must establish a project organization
market potential and at least one of the people in     and appoint one or more persons responsible for
the management team must have an education or          the national competition and contact to CKO.
background from the creative industries.

Creative Business Cup                                                                                       2
Timeline for Creative Business Cup
December 2011 -         Sign up national hosts and local partners to assist with the competition
March 2012              Preparation for launch of Creative Business Cup
                        NHO’s and partners plan the national competitions
                        The final version of the Competition Manual is published

March 2012              Launch of the Creative Business Cup at the Global Entrepreneurship
                        Congress in Liverpool

March - September       Launch of national competitions
2012                    Promotion of national competitions
                        The NHO arrange workshops, presentations and other communication
                        activities that promote the competition to potential contestants and
                        relevant stakeholders

October 1, 2012         Deadline completing national competitions and selecting one winner from
                        each participating country

October 2012            NHO produce presentation video of the national winner. Deadline for
                        submitting presentation video is October 29, 2012.
                        NHO carry out pitch practice with national winner

November 12-14,         Global Award Show in Copenhagen, Denmark
2012                    NHO sends national winner and representatives to Copenhagen

November 2012           CKO, NHO’s and other partners communicate the result of the Creative
                        Business Cup to participants and relevant stakeholders

Creative Business Cup                                                                              3
that all submitted business plans have a
Division of responsibility                                 high professional level
NHO responsibilities include:
Most important:                                    Local partners assist the NHO to:
   • Select a national winner to compete in the       • Promote the competition to potential
       Creative Business Cup and represent your           contestants
       country at the final in Denmark                • Host local networking events, and
                                                          workshops about the competition
Also important:                                       • Identify local media or sponsors
   • Fund travel and accommodation costs for          • Cover expenses from the competition and
       national winners for their attendance at           travel and accommodation of the national
       the Global Award Show in Copenhagen in             winner and other national
       November or find sponsors to fund this             representatives.
   • Promote Creative Business Cup to all
       relevant participants and stakeholders in   Creative Business Cup provides support to
       their respective country. Possible          assist hosts and partners:
       stakeholders are:                               • Host of Global Award Show in
           o Universities                                  Copenhagen in November – week 46,
           o Organizations and unions for                  2012
                creative industries                    • General information, cases, marketing
           o Entrepreneurial groups and                    material, judging instructions and
                interest groups                            scorecards. All material will be available
           o Inventors’ clubs                              on before
           o Venture capitalists                           March 2012
           o Business leaders
           o Law firms and accountants                 • If possible provide special rates or
           o Relevant media with interest in               discounts on hotels and flights to
                creative industries,                       Copenhagen for the event.
                entrepreneurship or business
   • Recruit partners to help run the              The Global Award Show of
   • Assist national winner with travel/visa
                                                   Creative Business Cup
       arrangements.                               The international competition Creative Business
                                                   Cup takes place from November 12-14, 2012 in
We encourage NHO’s to:                             Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Have a national final where the best
      creative entrepreneurs from your country     The Global Award Show itself will be held on
      compete against each other to win the        November 14 and will be the culmination of the
      national Creative Business Cup and the       Creative Business Cup. It will be a platform to
      title of being the best, creative            emphasize the growth potential of entrepreneurs
      entrepreneur of your country.                from the creative industries in a global
  • Compose a jury of experts responsible for      perspective.
      selecting a creative entrepreneur for
      participating in the Creative Business Cup   We expect other related activities will take place
      in Denmark. The jury for the national        alongside the process of choosing the world’s best
      competition should consist of local          entrepreneur from the creative industries. This
      experts with knowledge and expertise in      could include a seminar on attracting capital to
      areas such as creative industries,           creative entrepreneurs, workshops on how to
      entrepreneurship, IPR, marketing, sales,     strengthen business skills, and
      product development etc. The jury can        internationalization of entrepreneurs from the
      also be used for evaluating and              creative industries. More information on will be
      nominating business plans for the            posted at
      national final.
                                                   The purpose of these related events is to highlight
  • Arrange workshops, presentations and           the possibilities and challenges in the creative
      other communication activities which         industries.
      promotes the competition and ensures

Creative Business Cup                                                                                 4
At the moment CKO is negotiating with an               At least one participant in the management team
international media partner to broadcast the event     must have background in one of the creative
to a global audience. This will increase the           industries. Besides the individual with a
awareness on the Creative Business Cup, the            background in a creative industry the
creative industries and the participants in the        management team can consist of people with a
competition. TV-coverage of the event will             professional from other industries.
possibly also include pre-produced presentations
of each of the participants in the competition. This   What are the creative industries?
will result in more awareness on your national         Creative industries are defined as:
winner and your country.                                       Design
                                                               Content production – e.g. computer
Business Plan                                                  games
Competition                                                    Advertising
                                                               Books and the press
Participant submission                                         Music
Creative Business Cup is a competition on                      Film & video
business plans from the creative industries.                   Art and crafts
                                                               Radio & TV
The submitted business plan must not exceed 15
                                                               Amusement Parks & Live Scenes
The business plan must be written in English.                  Leisure activities

Every business plan should address the majority        Restrictions for participation
of the below topics:                                   There is only one restriction that can deem a
         Base for business                             company unable to participate in Creative
         Market and customers                          Business Cup. The amount of external capital
         Description of product/service                invested in the participating company must not
                                                       exceed $ 500.000 US.
         Competitive situation
         Organization and Management team              Besides this there are no requirements for the
         Analysis of risks                             participating company in relation to the:
         Financial needs                                       Age of the company
         Exit strategy                                         Turnover of the company
                                                               Number of employees in the company
See ”Template for a business plan” below for more
information on what a business plan should             The role of NHO and other organizations
include.                                               The NHO and other involved organizations must
                                                       act neutral in regards to the participants. All
No appendix to the business plan is accepted.          participants have the same rights in relation to
                                                       support from the NHO or other involved
Rules of the competition
Who can participate?
Any global citizen with a business idea and a
background from within the creative industries is
eligible to compete in the Creative Business Cup.

You must own the rights to the idea with which
you are entering the competition.

A participant can be an individual as well as a
group of people collaborating in a management

Creative Business Cup                                                                                   5
Management team and business model:
Criteria for judging                                   Does the management team have the right
business plans                                         business and creative competencies? Are the IPR
                                                       secured? Is it a good choice of business model?
The business plan must be based on creative                    We are looking for business ideas that are
competencies and have a solid market potential.                worth investing in. Furthermore, the
                                                               management should have the right
Participants are eligible to participate in Creative           business and creative competencies to
Business Cup if their business:                                develop the business idea to a success. It
        is based on creative competencies                      should also be noted who owns the idea.
        has a great market potential                           Describe if it is possible to patent the
                                                               business idea and whether the company
Other criteria:                                                has secured the IPR.
Originality: Is the business idea new or used in
a new context?                                         Financial flair: Are there a convincing financial
        We are not looking for companies               plan for the company?
        expanding their existing business but for               Consider the expenses to establish or
        new possibly revolutionary business ideas.              develop the idea, and the expected
                                                                income. Furthermore, it should be noted
Creativity: Are creative competencies crucial for               when the idea will turn into a business
the success of the business idea?                               that generates surplus.
        The goal of the competition is to show,
        that creativity can be the basis of a sound
        business. Describe the creative
        competencies and how they are utilized.

Market potential: Does the business idea have
a market potential?
       We are encouraging the creative
       entrepreneurs to come up with products
       or services with a big market potential.
       Not a nonprofit project with an artistic
       goals. A good business plan should
       include estimates of how big the market
       potential of the business idea is and how
       many competitors it has. It should also be
       noted whether it can be substituted by a
       competing product/service. Furthermore,
       describe the profit margin.

Creative Business Cup                                                                                  6
Business Plan Template                                    •   How are products or services priced?
                                                          •   What is the "go-to-market" strategy?
The following items should not be seen as a               •   Which distribution channels are used?
definitive list of what a business plan must
contain. It should be used as an inspiration for the      •   Is the business model scalable?
participants and the NHO when arranging
workshops on how to write a good business plan.        Competitive situation
Below each topic is a list of question that the          • What substitutes and competitors are
entrepreneur should be able to answer or at least           there for the product? Include sales,
consider when writing a business plan.                      distribution, strengths and weaknesses of
                                                            competing products?
Base for business                                        • What are the entry barriers for
   • Where does the idea originate and what is              competitors?
       the need for solution?
   • What is the company's "Value                      Organization and Management team
       Proposition" - the problem it solves and           • Who are the people behind the company,
       the value it creates for the customer?                including their role, background,
   • How urgent is the customer’s problem? Is                experience, training, competence and
       it "nice to have" or "need to have"? Here it          network?
       is relevant to support the statements and          • How many employees are there in the
       feedback from customers and partners or               company? Who are key employees, and
       other market data.                                    how does the organization look like?
                                                          • Who does the board and possibly advisory
The market and customers                                     board consist of?
   • How big is the total market? How big is              • Who are the investors, and how is the
      the market that the company is selling to?             shareholding distributed?
   • Who is the target group for the company's            • How much has the company's founder(s)
      solutions and why?                                     self-invested?
   • What does the market look like in three              • How old is the company?
   • How does the value chain look like in the         Analysis of risk
      target market? Where in the value chain is          • What strategic, tactical, operational and
      the company located?                                   financial risks are there? What are the
                                                             steps planned to minimize them?
Description of product or service                         • What is the worst case scenario for the
   • What is the company's product or service?               company? What is the plan if the worst
      (formulated in a concise and clear text)               should happen?
   • What technology is the product or service
      based on? Describe level of maturity,            Financial needs
      evidence of efficacy and function.                  • How much capital is needed to implement
   • How much innovation and differentiation                 the company strategy? How much of the
      does the company’s product or service                  capital is self-investment by owner?
      include compared to competitors’ offer?             • How is the capital spent? Including
   • Is the product protected by patent,                     investment plan and timeline.
      trademark or copyright?                             • What is the preferred number of
   • What is the product development stage?                  investors?
      Including time horizon for completion
      and plans for versioning?                        Exit strategy
   • How is production now and in the future?             • What are the exit opportunities for
      Is the production in house or outsourced?                potential investors? What is the time
   • Are there a list of products or services                  horizon?
      with prices and production costs?                   • What is the favorite type of exit? Who are
                                                               potential buyers of the company?
Business Model
   • How does the company generate revenue?

Creative Business Cup                                                                                   7

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Creative Business Cup Competition Manual

  • 1. Competition Manual Global Creative Business Cup Version 3
  • 2. The rights to Creative Business Cup belong to Center for Cultural and Experience Economy. Creative Business Cup is supported by: The Danish Ministry of Business and Growth Global entrepreneurship Week Photographic, mechanical or other reproduction of this material or parts thereof is only permitted under the Copyright Act. Creative Business Cup 1
  • 3. With the competition we hope to highlight new Creative Business Cup entrepreneurial talents in the creative industries The creative industries are growing sectors that and motivate the entrepreneurs of tomorrow. continue to provide more jobs, and add increasing value to products and services. Moreover, creative industries have a positive spill over effect on more Organization of the traditional industries improving growth and competition innovation. The organizations behind the Creative Business These industries hold a great potential but the Cup are the Danish Ministry of Business and creative entrepreneurs often lack insights and Growth and Center for Cultural and Experience business competencies needed to redeem this Economy (CKO). Creative Business Cup is a potential. That is why there is a need for a featured event of Global Entrepreneurship Week competition such as Creative Business Cup that (GEW) an initiative supported by the Kauffman can improve the business skills and the number of Foundation. Being a featured event means that successful companies in the creative industries. Creative Business Cup will receive special mention in GEW media and network. The creative industries include CKO is responsible for organizing the global Design competition, hosting the Global Award Show in Architecture Copenhagen in November 2012, and for Content production e.g. computer games composing the international jury. The jury Advertising consists of experts on creative industries and Books and the press entrepreneurship and its primary task is to select Music the winner of the Creative Business Cup. Film & video Art and crafts Creative Business Cup is not only a competition in Radio & TV Denmark but also a number of national Amusement Parks & Live Scenes competitions. In each participating country a Gastronomy National Host Organization (NHO) is responsible Leisure activities for implementing a competition and finding a winner in their country Creative Business Cup is a competition for entrepreneurs from the creative industries Organization in each anywhere in the world. The purpose is to strengthen the business competencies of creative participating country entrepreneurs. Through participating in the Each country finds its own winner – either by a competition the entrepreneurs increase their national competition for entrepreneurs from the ability to successfully start up a company based on creative industries or as a part of another their creative competencies. competition for entrepreneurs. The national GEW hosts are expected to be the entrance point in each Creative Business Cup consists of both national country but other organizations can also be competition and an international final in responsible or involved in running the Copenhagen, Denmark during the Global competition. Entrepreneur Week (GEW) 2012. National winners competes against winners from other It is important to find the right national host countries at the international final November 12- organization (NHO) for the job. In this regard it 14. should be noted that participation could promote the organization as a major force for change and We are looking for new and revolutionary economic development, and may position the business ideas stemming from the creative country as an innovative and creative nation. industries. The business idea must have a strong The NHO must establish a project organization market potential and at least one of the people in and appoint one or more persons responsible for the management team must have an education or the national competition and contact to CKO. background from the creative industries. Creative Business Cup 2
  • 4. Timeline for Creative Business Cup December 2011 - Sign up national hosts and local partners to assist with the competition March 2012 Preparation for launch of Creative Business Cup NHO’s and partners plan the national competitions The final version of the Competition Manual is published March 2012 Launch of the Creative Business Cup at the Global Entrepreneurship Congress in Liverpool March - September Launch of national competitions 2012 Promotion of national competitions The NHO arrange workshops, presentations and other communication activities that promote the competition to potential contestants and relevant stakeholders October 1, 2012 Deadline completing national competitions and selecting one winner from each participating country October 2012 NHO produce presentation video of the national winner. Deadline for submitting presentation video is October 29, 2012. NHO carry out pitch practice with national winner November 12-14, Global Award Show in Copenhagen, Denmark 2012 NHO sends national winner and representatives to Copenhagen November 2012 CKO, NHO’s and other partners communicate the result of the Creative Business Cup to participants and relevant stakeholders Creative Business Cup 3
  • 5. that all submitted business plans have a Division of responsibility high professional level NHO responsibilities include: Most important: Local partners assist the NHO to: • Select a national winner to compete in the • Promote the competition to potential Creative Business Cup and represent your contestants country at the final in Denmark • Host local networking events, and workshops about the competition Also important: • Identify local media or sponsors • Fund travel and accommodation costs for • Cover expenses from the competition and national winners for their attendance at travel and accommodation of the national the Global Award Show in Copenhagen in winner and other national November or find sponsors to fund this representatives. • Promote Creative Business Cup to all relevant participants and stakeholders in Creative Business Cup provides support to their respective country. Possible assist hosts and partners: stakeholders are: • Host of Global Award Show in o Universities Copenhagen in November – week 46, o Organizations and unions for 2012 creative industries • General information, cases, marketing o Entrepreneurial groups and material, judging instructions and interest groups scorecards. All material will be available o Inventors’ clubs on before o Venture capitalists March 2012 o Business leaders o Law firms and accountants • If possible provide special rates or o Relevant media with interest in discounts on hotels and flights to creative industries, Copenhagen for the event. entrepreneurship or business • Recruit partners to help run the The Global Award Show of competition • Assist national winner with travel/visa Creative Business Cup arrangements. The international competition Creative Business Cup takes place from November 12-14, 2012 in We encourage NHO’s to: Copenhagen, Denmark. • Have a national final where the best creative entrepreneurs from your country The Global Award Show itself will be held on compete against each other to win the November 14 and will be the culmination of the national Creative Business Cup and the Creative Business Cup. It will be a platform to title of being the best, creative emphasize the growth potential of entrepreneurs entrepreneur of your country. from the creative industries in a global • Compose a jury of experts responsible for perspective. selecting a creative entrepreneur for participating in the Creative Business Cup We expect other related activities will take place in Denmark. The jury for the national alongside the process of choosing the world’s best competition should consist of local entrepreneur from the creative industries. This experts with knowledge and expertise in could include a seminar on attracting capital to areas such as creative industries, creative entrepreneurs, workshops on how to entrepreneurship, IPR, marketing, sales, strengthen business skills, and product development etc. The jury can internationalization of entrepreneurs from the also be used for evaluating and creative industries. More information on will be nominating business plans for the posted at national final. The purpose of these related events is to highlight • Arrange workshops, presentations and the possibilities and challenges in the creative other communication activities which industries. promotes the competition and ensures Creative Business Cup 4
  • 6. At the moment CKO is negotiating with an At least one participant in the management team international media partner to broadcast the event must have background in one of the creative to a global audience. This will increase the industries. Besides the individual with a awareness on the Creative Business Cup, the background in a creative industry the creative industries and the participants in the management team can consist of people with a competition. TV-coverage of the event will professional from other industries. possibly also include pre-produced presentations of each of the participants in the competition. This What are the creative industries? will result in more awareness on your national Creative industries are defined as: winner and your country. Design Architecture Content production – e.g. computer Business Plan games Competition Advertising Books and the press Participant submission Music Creative Business Cup is a competition on Film & video business plans from the creative industries. Art and crafts Radio & TV The submitted business plan must not exceed 15 Amusement Parks & Live Scenes pages. Gastronomy The business plan must be written in English. Leisure activities Every business plan should address the majority Restrictions for participation of the below topics: There is only one restriction that can deem a Base for business company unable to participate in Creative Market and customers Business Cup. The amount of external capital Description of product/service invested in the participating company must not exceed $ 500.000 US. Competitive situation Organization and Management team Besides this there are no requirements for the Analysis of risks participating company in relation to the: Financial needs Age of the company Exit strategy Turnover of the company Number of employees in the company See ”Template for a business plan” below for more information on what a business plan should The role of NHO and other organizations include. The NHO and other involved organizations must act neutral in regards to the participants. All No appendix to the business plan is accepted. participants have the same rights in relation to support from the NHO or other involved organizations. Rules of the competition Who can participate? Any global citizen with a business idea and a background from within the creative industries is eligible to compete in the Creative Business Cup. You must own the rights to the idea with which you are entering the competition. A participant can be an individual as well as a group of people collaborating in a management team. Creative Business Cup 5
  • 7. Management team and business model: Criteria for judging Does the management team have the right business plans business and creative competencies? Are the IPR secured? Is it a good choice of business model? The business plan must be based on creative We are looking for business ideas that are competencies and have a solid market potential. worth investing in. Furthermore, the management should have the right Participants are eligible to participate in Creative business and creative competencies to Business Cup if their business: develop the business idea to a success. It is based on creative competencies should also be noted who owns the idea. has a great market potential Describe if it is possible to patent the business idea and whether the company Other criteria: has secured the IPR. Originality: Is the business idea new or used in a new context? Financial flair: Are there a convincing financial We are not looking for companies plan for the company? expanding their existing business but for Consider the expenses to establish or new possibly revolutionary business ideas. develop the idea, and the expected income. Furthermore, it should be noted Creativity: Are creative competencies crucial for when the idea will turn into a business the success of the business idea? that generates surplus. The goal of the competition is to show, that creativity can be the basis of a sound business. Describe the creative competencies and how they are utilized. Market potential: Does the business idea have a market potential? We are encouraging the creative entrepreneurs to come up with products or services with a big market potential. Not a nonprofit project with an artistic goals. A good business plan should include estimates of how big the market potential of the business idea is and how many competitors it has. It should also be noted whether it can be substituted by a competing product/service. Furthermore, describe the profit margin. Creative Business Cup 6
  • 8. Business Plan Template • How are products or services priced? • What is the "go-to-market" strategy? The following items should not be seen as a • Which distribution channels are used? definitive list of what a business plan must contain. It should be used as an inspiration for the • Is the business model scalable? participants and the NHO when arranging workshops on how to write a good business plan. Competitive situation Below each topic is a list of question that the • What substitutes and competitors are entrepreneur should be able to answer or at least there for the product? Include sales, consider when writing a business plan. distribution, strengths and weaknesses of competing products? Base for business • What are the entry barriers for • Where does the idea originate and what is competitors? the need for solution? • What is the company's "Value Organization and Management team Proposition" - the problem it solves and • Who are the people behind the company, the value it creates for the customer? including their role, background, • How urgent is the customer’s problem? Is experience, training, competence and it "nice to have" or "need to have"? Here it network? is relevant to support the statements and • How many employees are there in the feedback from customers and partners or company? Who are key employees, and other market data. how does the organization look like? • Who does the board and possibly advisory The market and customers board consist of? • How big is the total market? How big is • Who are the investors, and how is the the market that the company is selling to? shareholding distributed? • Who is the target group for the company's • How much has the company's founder(s) solutions and why? self-invested? • What does the market look like in three • How old is the company? years? • How does the value chain look like in the Analysis of risk target market? Where in the value chain is • What strategic, tactical, operational and the company located? financial risks are there? What are the steps planned to minimize them? Description of product or service • What is the worst case scenario for the • What is the company's product or service? company? What is the plan if the worst (formulated in a concise and clear text) should happen? • What technology is the product or service based on? Describe level of maturity, Financial needs evidence of efficacy and function. • How much capital is needed to implement • How much innovation and differentiation the company strategy? How much of the does the company’s product or service capital is self-investment by owner? include compared to competitors’ offer? • How is the capital spent? Including • Is the product protected by patent, investment plan and timeline. trademark or copyright? • What is the preferred number of • What is the product development stage? investors? Including time horizon for completion and plans for versioning? Exit strategy • How is production now and in the future? • What are the exit opportunities for Is the production in house or outsourced? potential investors? What is the time • Are there a list of products or services horizon? with prices and production costs? • What is the favorite type of exit? Who are potential buyers of the company? Business Model • How does the company generate revenue? Creative Business Cup 7