SlideShare a Scribd company logo
!  Introduction
!  Interaction	
!  The	
!  The	
!  Promises	
!  Gesture	
!  Current	
!  Building	
!  Conclusions
!  Education 	
!  Work

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Robotic Hand
Robotic HandRobotic Hand
Robotic Hand

Senior Design Project: team of four engineers and one professor - Developed a 3-D printed prosthetic robot hand to have: 1) Servo operated fingers and thumb 2) Voice commands for basic gestures The project would take 2 semesters to complete, the 1st semester spent planning with development and prototyping in the 2nd semester. Project requirements: - Project Poster - Prototype - Slideshow Presentation (to be presented in class) - Full Research Report

The Impact of Emerging Technology on Digital Transformation
The Impact of Emerging Technology on Digital TransformationThe Impact of Emerging Technology on Digital Transformation
The Impact of Emerging Technology on Digital Transformation

Keynote given by John Newton, CTO at Alfresco, during Alfresco DevCon 2018. Content management has been called a mature discipline, but emerging technologies like machine learning, cloud services, consumer friendly interfaces, and the block chain promise new capabilities that we need to be prepared to embrace in order for our organizations to successfully navigate the industry's digital transformation.

alfrescoenterprise content managementprocess management
Datatium - using data as a material for contextually responsive design.
Datatium - using data as a material for contextually responsive design.Datatium - using data as a material for contextually responsive design.
Datatium - using data as a material for contextually responsive design.

Rersponsive design has changed how we build sites, however whilst we've addressed many of the technical challenges of devices we haven't understood the underlying behaviour that is occurring. This talk highlights how context is increasingly important and how data can be used to create responsive experiences beyond simply reflowing of web pages.


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Erase and Rewind - Open Web Camp 2015
Erase and Rewind - Open Web Camp 2015Erase and Rewind - Open Web Camp 2015
Erase and Rewind - Open Web Camp 2015

This document discusses challenges facing the open web in a mobile-dominated world. It describes how mobile native platforms are stacked against the mobile web, providing better monetization and a perception that everything must work offline. It discusses the five stages of mourning for the open web, from denial to acceptance. It argues for focusing on simplicity, understanding other perspectives, and promoting the web through love instead of criticism.

Sign Language Recognition System.pptx
Sign Language Recognition System.pptxSign Language Recognition System.pptx
Sign Language Recognition System.pptx

This document discusses the development of a sign language recognition system using computer vision and machine learning techniques. It begins with background on the need for such a system to help deaf individuals communicate using technology. The system works by detecting hand signs with a camera and identifying them using a convolutional neural network model. It follows a waterfall development approach with requirements including a laptop, Python software, and sufficient lighting. Benefits are helping learn sign language, while limitations include needing good lighting conditions. Future work could add subtitles to make the system more useful for media applications.

machine learningartificial intelligence
Issues in AI product development and practices in audio applications
Issues in AI product development and practices in audio applicationsIssues in AI product development and practices in audio applications
Issues in AI product development and practices in audio applications

1) Deep neural networks are difficult to understand and analyze due to their complex architectures and large number of parameters. Understanding why neural networks make certain predictions is an important area of research. 2) Influence functions can be used to analyze the effect that individual training samples have on a neural network model's parameters and predictions. This helps explain model behavior and identify influential training points. 3) Identifying influential training samples allows experts to prioritize data points to check for label noise, which can improve model performance. Influence functions also enable crafting adversarial training examples that subtly change a model's predictions without appearing different to humans.

artificial intelligencemachine learningneural networks

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Hand Gesture Recognition System Using Holistic Mediapipe
Hand Gesture Recognition System Using Holistic MediapipeHand Gesture Recognition System Using Holistic Mediapipe
Hand Gesture Recognition System Using Holistic Mediapipe

This document summarizes a research paper on developing a hand gesture recognition system using the Holistic Mediapipe framework. The system aims to recognize Indian sign language gestures in real-time using pose estimation and LSTM neural networks. It extracts 3D keypoints of the hands using Mediapipe and feeds this input into an LSTM model for classification. The system was able to achieve higher accuracy compared to models using only CNN layers, and was also faster to train due to using fewer parameters. Limitations of current pose estimation approaches for sign language recognition are also discussed.

Identify Development Pains and Resolve Them with Idea Flow
Identify Development Pains and Resolve Them with Idea FlowIdentify Development Pains and Resolve Them with Idea Flow
Identify Development Pains and Resolve Them with Idea Flow

With the explosion of new frameworks, a mountain of automation, and our applications distributed across hundreds of services in the cloud, the level of complexity in software development is growing at an insane pace. With increased complexity comes increased costs and risks. When diagnosing unexpected behavior can take days, weeks, or sometimes months, all while our release is on the line, our projects plunge into chaos. In the invisible world of software development, how do we identify what's causing our pain? How do we escape the chaos? Janelle Klein presents a novel approach to measuring the chaos, identifying the causes, and systematically driving improvement with a data-driven feedback loop. Rather than measuring the problems in the code, Janelle suggests measuring the "friction in Idea Flow", the time it takes a developer to diagnose and resolve unexpected confusion, which disrupts the flow of progress during development. With visibility of the symptoms, we can identify the cause—whether it's bad architecture, collaboration problems, or technical debt. Janelle discusses how to measure Idea Flow, why it matters, and the implications for our teams, our organizations, and our industry.

Agile Gurugram Conference 2020 | Value of DevOps - Journey from Automation to...
Agile Gurugram Conference 2020 | Value of DevOps - Journey from Automation to...Agile Gurugram Conference 2020 | Value of DevOps - Journey from Automation to...
Agile Gurugram Conference 2020 | Value of DevOps - Journey from Automation to...

Abstract: DevOps has been one of the game changers to accelerate Collaboration and Automation to drive Speed to Market (Development priorities) and Availability/ Stability/ Performance etc. (IT Operations priorities) for last 8+ yrs. Fast forwarding, Gartner’s 2018 Hype Cycle for Performance Analysis named DevOps and AIOps as two areas that have gained the most momentum in the industry .In essence , AIOPS has helped in shaping DevOp smarter and intelligent i.e. DevOps Systems that Do -> Think -> Learn. Engineering maturity of FAANG (Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Google) companies are already in the journey of NoOps - the point where an IT environment becomes so automated that a dedicated team isn’t even needed for managing tasks anymore. For engineering teams to nurture the belief that “machines should solve known problems and engineers must focus on solving new problems,” which essentially means saying NO to manual IT operations. Key Takeaways: 1. Everything As Code 2. Platform as Service 3. DevOps maturity beyond automation 4. Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) 5. Software Engineering Culture.

agile gurugram conference 2020ag2020value of devops
!  Complex	
!  Self-­‐Obfuscation	
!  Interface	
!  Drivers	
!  Bounding	
!  Data	

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Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing
Deep Learning for Natural Language ProcessingDeep Learning for Natural Language Processing
Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing

This talk is about how we applied deep learning techinques to achieve state-of-the-art results in various NLP tasks like sentiment analysis and aspect identification, and how we deployed these models at Flipkart

natural language processingdeep learningsentiment analysis
Stream SQL eventflow visual programming for real programmers presentation
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Stream SQL eventflow visual programming for real programmers presentation

Richard Tibbetts, CTO, StreamBase Systems. StreamSQL EventFlow is one of the most popular languages for Complex Event Processing (CEP), a data management paradigm for real-time applications. Based on a stream-relational data model common to other CEP languages, EventFlow is unique in that it is a visual language. This talk will focus on the design of visual representations for key features including event dispatch, modularity, data parallelism, polymorphism, and dependency injection, and on the co-development of an Eclipse-based IDE along with a new programming language. StreamSQL EventFlow is the primary programming language for the StreamBase Event Processing Platform. Complex Event Processing platforms are used to process large volumes of event-oriented data in real-time, often in latency-critical applications such as securities trading. Combining clustering, messaging, queuing, data storage, and application logic into one system minimizes latency and gives the programmer control over all aspects of the application. StreamSQL EventFlow is an executable visual language for building CEP applications, unlike visual environments designed for non-developers, or architecture-focused modeling tools. The talk will cover experiences overcoming prejudice against visual programming languages, and how critical development tools are to that process. We will also discuss some details of the implementation including the compiler, a visual debugger, and diff/merge functionality.

ceprichard tibbettsdatabases
Tips for success: Common mistakes in application development with Firebird an...
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Tips for success: Common mistakes in application development with Firebird an...

There are many ways how application developers using Firebird could paint themselves in the corner. Beside well-known design and development errors, there are also subtle mistakes that could have dire consequences. This talk will guide you through twisted maze of design and development decisions, pointing out the traps, hidden horrors and dead-ends, and strategies how to avoid them.

firebirdsqlconference 2011sql
!  Geared	
!  Primarily	
!  State	
!  Depends	
!  Storage	
!  NOT	

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Surviving SOA - delivering (somewhat) continuously on a hostile planet

The document discusses challenges faced by a development team working within a large organization on a SOA project. Key challenges included long development cycles, separate testing teams, infrequent releases, and a lack of feedback mechanisms. The team adopted practices like TDD, trunk-based development, service mocking, and telemetry to reduce their cycle times, minimize risks, and improve quality despite the constraints of the larger organization. While integration issues persisted due to assumptions between teams, the team was able to react quickly to changes and had very low defect rates, though they did not significantly influence practices outside their team.

leancontinuous deliveryservice mocking
Surviving SOA
Surviving SOASurviving SOA
Surviving SOA

The document discusses challenges faced by a development team working within a large organization on a SOA project. Key challenges included long development cycles, separate testing teams, infrequent releases, and outdated technologies like SOAP. The team adopted practices like test-driven development, service mocking, telemetry, and exploratory testing to help improve their process under these constraints. While integration issues persisted, the team was able to keep their own defect rates low through these practices.

Building web apps for a multiscreen world
Building web apps for a multiscreen worldBuilding web apps for a multiscreen world
Building web apps for a multiscreen world

There is 100% chances you are going to engage your customers on mobile first, but converting them into lifetime and faithful promoters is a multi-screen journey. For brands, media and retailers it is then critical to select the most relevant device-agnostic technology and the

user experience designresponsive designtablet computer
!  Minimum	
!  2	
!  Basic	
!  Path	
!  Database	
!  The	
!  Lots	
!  Continuous	
!  A	

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Conversational Interfaces. Andrew Larking and Ronald Ashri at Museum Tech 2017.
Conversational Interfaces. Andrew Larking and Ronald Ashri at Museum Tech 2017.Conversational Interfaces. Andrew Larking and Ronald Ashri at Museum Tech 2017.
Conversational Interfaces. Andrew Larking and Ronald Ashri at Museum Tech 2017.

Slides from Deeson's Creative Director, Andrew Larking, and Technical Director, Ronald Ashri, at Museum Association's 'Museum Tech 2017' in London on 29th June. Their keynote focussed on conversational interfaces, their drivers and challenges, and some key guiding principles.

chatbotsaiartificial intelligence
Availability in a cloud native world v1.6 (Feb 2019)
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Availability in a cloud native world v1.6 (Feb 2019)

Guidelines for mere mortals. These are a collection of guidelines picked up in the field... hopefully they would help developers and SREs building or modernizing apps ensuring the highest level of availability to their applications.

99.999%availabilitychaos engineering
BT & Neo4j: Knowledge Graphs for Critical Enterprise Systems.pptx.pdf
BT & Neo4j: Knowledge Graphs for Critical Enterprise Systems.pptx.pdfBT & Neo4j: Knowledge Graphs for Critical Enterprise Systems.pptx.pdf
BT & Neo4j: Knowledge Graphs for Critical Enterprise Systems.pptx.pdf

Presented at Gartner Data & Analytics, London Maty 2024. BT Group has used the Neo4j Graph Database to enable impressive digital transformation programs over the last 6 years. By re-imagining their operational support systems to adopt self-serve and data lead principles they have substantially reduced the number of applications and complexity of their operations. The result has been a substantial reduction in risk and costs while improving time to value, innovation, and process automation. Join this session to hear their story, the lessons they learned along the way and how their future innovation plans include the exploration of uses of EKG + Generative AI.

neo4jneo4j webinarsgraph database
!  Syncs	
!  Reduction	
!  Diffs	
!  Greatly	
!  Constrained	
!  Maximum	
!  Learning	
!  Partnership	
!  Continued	

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Gursev Pirge, PhD Senior Data Scientist - JohnSnowLabs

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Tomaz Bratanic Graph ML and GenAI Expert - Neo4j

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Katja Glaß OpenStudyBuilder Community Manager - Katja Glaß Consulting Marius Conjeaud Principal Consultant - Neo4j

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Neo4j Integration with the Leap Motion as a Gesture Recognition System - Slater Victoroff @ GraphConnect Boston 2013

  • 1. Neo4j  in  the  Future  of   Interaction  Design A  novel  approach  to  gesture  recognition  integrating   Neo4j  with  the  Leap  Motion
  • 2. This  Talk !  Introduction !  Interaction  Design !  The  Tyranny  of  Finger-­‐On-­‐Glass !  The  Leap  Motion !  Promises  and  Limitations !  Gesture  Recognition !  Current  State-­‐of-­‐the-­‐Art !  Building  a  New  Strategy  for  the  Leap !  Conclusions
  • 3. Who  am  I? !  Education   !  Work
  • 6. A  Brief  History  of   Interaction  Design
  • 7. Basic  Technology  and   Indirect  Mappings
  • 8. Higher  Layers  of   Abstraction
  • 10. Why  is  This  Bad?
  • 11. Enter  The  Leap  Motion
  • 12. Here  are  Some  Live   Demos
  • 13. There  Are  Even  Simple   Gestures  Included
  • 14. But  Something  is   Rotten  in  Denmark !  Complex  Motions  are  infeasible !  Self-­‐Obfuscation  is  a  huge  problem !  Interface  is  surprisingly  exhausting !  Drivers  are  proprietary  and  imperfect !  Bounding  box  is  small !  Data  is  fundamentally  inconsistent
  • 18. Problems  with  Classical   Approaches  to  Gestures !  Geared  towards  easily  benchmarked,  previously   studied  problems.   !  Primarily  Developed  by   narrowly-­‐defined  industry   applications
  • 20. Problems  With  HMMs !  State  depends  only  on  current  state,  intuitive  hand   gestures  are  inherently  hysteretic. !  Depends  on  discrete  gesture-­‐identification,  no  sense  of   “variations  on  a  theme” !  Storage  space  exponentiates  when  faced  with   inconsistent  data-­‐streams !  NOT  built  for  the  Leap
  • 21. Size? !  Minimum  6  DoF  per  finger  +  7  for  the  palm !  2  hands,  even  assuming  only  two  modes  of  motion: 1.9  *  1022
  • 22. Motion  as  a  Graph
  • 23. Pros !  Basic  mathematics  is  close  enough  to  that  of  HMMs   that  much  of  the  established  infrastructure  can  be   leveraged !  Path  similarity  doesn’t  rely  on  consistent  data  streams   and  allows  for  regression  testing !  Database  can  easily  be  trimmed  to  reduce  size   concerns
  • 24. Cons !  The  Leap  is  very  fast,  and  sub  graph  comparisons  are   computationally  intensive !  Lots  of  data  that  isn’t  hugely  useful  to  us. !  Continuous  data  ends  up  being  very  sensitive  to  slight   perturbations  in  paths !  A  few  orders  of  magnitude  down,  but  just  a  few
  • 26. Is  That  Really  a  Big   Difference  Though? !  Syncs  up  well  with  our  natural  perception  of  gestures !  Reduction  of  almost  7  full  orders  of  magnitude  for   comprehensive  gesture  coverage !  Diffs  from  node  epicenters  are  more  robust  and   improve  regression  results !  Greatly  reduces  number  of  calls  made  to  REST  API
  • 27. Preliminary  Results !  Constrained  digit  recognition  benchmarked  at  93.4% !  Maximum  latency  for  immersion  is  ~120  ms !  Learning  rates  for  gesture  based  interface  is  about  40%   faster  than  for  gesture-­‐free  interfaces !  Partnership  with  zSpace !  Continued  mentoring  from  SolidWorks  and  Belmont   Labs  founder,  Scott  Harris.
  • 28. Probing  the  Future  of   Human-­‐Interface  Design