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Neo4j - Graph database for
Jakub Kříž, Ondrej Proksa30.5.2013
 Graph databases
 Working with Neo4j and Ruby (On Rails)
 Plugins and algorithms – live demos
 Document similarity
 Movie recommendation
 Recommendation from subgraph
Why Graphs?
 Graphs are everywhere!
 Natural way to model almost everything
 “Whiteboard friendly”
 Even the internet is a graph
Why Graph Databases?
 Relational databases are not so great for
storing graph structures
 Unnatural m:n relations
 Expensive joins
 Expensive look ups during graph traversals
 Graph databases fix this
 Efficient storage
 Direct pointers = no joins

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Neo4j in Depth
Neo4j in DepthNeo4j in Depth
Neo4j in Depth

This document provides an overview of Neo4j, a graph database management system. It discusses how Neo4j stores data as nodes and relationships, allowing for fast querying of connected data. Traditional relational databases struggle with complex relationships, while NoSQL databases don't support relationships at all. Neo4j addresses these issues through its native graph storage and processing capabilities. The document highlights key Neo4j features like scalability, high performance, and its Cypher query language.

graph databaseneo4jgraphs
Relational to Graph - Import
Relational to Graph - ImportRelational to Graph - Import
Relational to Graph - Import

Ready to leverage the power of a graph database to bring your application to the next level, but all the data is still stuck in a legacy relational database? Fortunately, Neo4j offers several ways to quickly and efficiently import relational data into a suitable graph model. It's as simple as exporting the subset of the data you want to import and ingest it either with an initial loader in seconds or minutes or apply Cypher's power to put your relational data transactionally in the right places of your graph model. In this webinar, Michael will also demonstrate a simple tool that can load relational data directly into Neo4j, automatically transforming it into a graph representation of your normalized entity-relationship model.

Introduction to Graph Databases
Introduction to Graph DatabasesIntroduction to Graph Databases
Introduction to Graph Databases

Max De Marzi gave an introduction to graph databases using Neo4j as an example. He discussed trends in big, connected data and how NoSQL databases like key-value stores, column families, and document databases address these trends. However, graph databases are optimized for interconnected data by modeling it as nodes and relationships. Neo4j is a graph database that uses a property graph data model and allows querying and traversal through its Cypher query language and Gremlin scripting language. It is well-suited for domains involving highly connected data like social networks.

graph theoryneo4j
 The World's Leading Graph Database
 NOSQL database
 Open source -
 Brief history
 Official v1.0 – 2010
 Current version 1.9
 2.0 coming soon
Querying Neo4j
 Querying languages
 Structurally similar to SQL
 Based on graph traversal
 Most often used
 Gremlin – generic graph querying language
 Cypher – graph querying language for Neo4j
 SPARQL – generic querying language for data in
RDF format
Cypher Example
CREATE (n {name: {value}})
CREATE (n)-[r:KNOWS]->(m)
Cypher Example (2)
 Friend of a friend
START n=node(0)
MATCH (n)--()--(f)

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Neo4j Bloom: What’s New with Neo4j's Data Visualization Tool
Neo4j Bloom: What’s New with Neo4j's Data Visualization ToolNeo4j Bloom: What’s New with Neo4j's Data Visualization Tool
Neo4j Bloom: What’s New with Neo4j's Data Visualization Tool

This document discusses new features of Neo4j Bloom, a graph visualization tool. It provides an overview of where Bloom fits in the Neo4j ecosystem and for what users it is intended. Major sections cover the key features added in recent Bloom releases, including scene saving and sharing, search phrases, scene actions, captions redesign, and upcoming GDS integration. Selected features like these are then explained in more detail. The document concludes by providing additional resources for learning more about and getting started with Bloom.

Intro to Graphs and Neo4j
Intro to Graphs and Neo4jIntro to Graphs and Neo4j
Intro to Graphs and Neo4j

This document provides an overview of graph databases and Neo4j. It begins with an introduction to graph databases and their advantages over relational databases for modeling connected data. Examples of real-world use cases that are well-suited for graph databases are given. The document then describes the core components of the graph data model including nodes, relationships, properties, and labels. It provides examples of how to model data as a graph and query graphs using Cypher, the query language for Neo4j. The document concludes by discussing Neo4j as an example of a graph database and its key features and capabilities.

by jexp
graph databaseuse-casesintroduction
Intro to Neo4j and Graph Databases
Intro to Neo4j and Graph DatabasesIntro to Neo4j and Graph Databases
Intro to Neo4j and Graph Databases

These webinar slides are an introduction to Neo4j and Graph Databases. They discuss the primary use cases for Graph Databases and the properties of Neo4j which make those use cases possible. They also cover the high-level steps of modeling, importing, and querying your data using Cypher and touch on RDBMS to Graph.

Working with Neo4j
 REST API => wrappers
 Neography for Ruby
 py2neo for Python
 …
 Your own wrapper
 Java API
 Direct access in JVM based applications
 neo4j.rb
Neography – API wrapper example
# create nodes and properties
n1 = Neography::Node.create("age" => 31, "name" => "Max")
n2 = Neography::Node.create("age" => 33, "name" => "Roel")
n1.weight = 190
# create relationships
new_rel = Neography::Relationship.create(:coding_buddies, n1, n2)
n1.outgoing(:coding_buddies) << n2
# get nodes related by outgoing friends relationship
# get n1 and nodes related by friends and friends of friends
Neo4j.rb – JRuby gem example
class Person < Neo4j::Rails::Model
property :name
property :age, :index => :exact # :fulltext
class Friend < Neo4j::Rails::Relationship
property :as
mike = => ‘Mike’, :age => 24)
john = => ‘John’, :age => 27)
mike.friends << john
Our Approach
 Relational databases are not so bad
 Good for basic data storage
 Widely used for web applications
 Well supported in Rails via ActiveRecord
 Performance issues with Neo4j
 However, we need a graph database
 We model the domain as a graph
 Our recommendation is based on graph traversal

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An introduction of the Neo4j Graph database. Introduces the NOSQL space, the Graph Database concept, and Neo4j with examples.

by jexp
graph databasegraphdbnosql
Graph Database Meetup in Seoul #1. What is Graph Database? (그래프 데이터베이스 소개)
Graph Database Meetup in Seoul #1. What is Graph Database? (그래프 데이터베이스 소개)Graph Database Meetup in Seoul #1. What is Graph Database? (그래프 데이터베이스 소개)
Graph Database Meetup in Seoul #1. What is Graph Database? (그래프 데이터베이스 소개)

Graph Database Meetup in Seoul #1. What is Graph Database? 국내 유일 그래프 데이터베이스 연구 개발 전문 기업, <비트나인> 주최로 진행된 그래프 데이터베이스 밋업(Meetup) "그래프 데이터베이스 기본 개념 소개" 입니다. 그래프 데이터베이스의 기본 개념 및 특징, 활용 분야 등에 대해 간략하게 소개하였으며, 추후 진행되는 밋업에서 좀 더 자세한 실제 활용 사례 등을 소개드릴 예정입니다. 밋업 관련 정보는, 관련 문의는 hnkim@bitnine.net으로 부탁드립니다. 에서 그래프 데이터베이스 솔루션 AgensGraph를 직접 다운로드 하시어 사용해 보실 수 있습니다. :)

graph databasegraphdatabasegdb
Intro to Graphs and Neo4j
Intro to Graphs and Neo4jIntro to Graphs and Neo4j
Intro to Graphs and Neo4j

This presentation introduces the graph model as obvious choice for rich and connected data. Graph Databases are a category of open-source NoSQL datastores which are specialized in storing, handling and querying graph structures efficiently. Use cases represent the applicability of the graph model across many domains. Neo4j as the most widely used graph database supports the property graph model, which is explained in detail. To query a graph database a powerful and expressive but also friendly and easily understandable query language that is tailored for graph patterns is key. Neo4j's Cypher is such a query language developed from the ground up to support expressing challenging use-cases in a comprehensive way. A series of examples rounds up the presentation to apply the lessons learned.

Our Approach (2)
 Hybrid model using both MySQL and Neo4j
 MySQL contains basic information about
 Neo4j contains only
 Paired via
identifiers (neo4j_id)
Our Approach (3)
 Recommendation algorithms
 Made as plugins to Neo4j
 Written in Java
 Embedded into Neo4j API
 Rails application uses custom made wrapper
 Creates and modifies nodes and relationships via
API calls
 Handles recommendation requests
Graph Algorithms
 Built-in algorithms
 Shortest path
 All shortest paths
 Dijkstra’s algorithm
 Custom algorithms
 Depth first search
 Breadth first search
 Spreading activation
 Flows, pairing, etc.
Document Similarity
 Task: find similarities between documents
 Documents data model:
 Each document is made of sentences
 Each sentence can be divided into n-grams
 N-grams are connected with relationships
 Neo4J is graph database in Java
 (Neo4j, graph) – (graph, database) – (database, Java)

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Neo4j Graph Platform Overview, Kurt Freytag, Neo4j

Neo4j GraphTour 2019: Neo4j Graph Platform Overview, Kurt Freytag, Neo4j, Director of Product Management Cloud, Neo4j

graphtourgraph databaseneo4j
Neo4j Fundamentals
Neo4j FundamentalsNeo4j Fundamentals
Neo4j Fundamentals

This document outlines an agenda and logistics for a training on Neo4j fundamentals and Cypher. It introduces graph concepts like nodes, relationships, and properties. It discusses why graphs are useful and shows examples of real-world domains that can be modeled as graphs. The training will cover introductory Cypher concepts like creating and matching patterns, and modeling exercises like representing a social network or movie genres graph. Logistics are provided like the WiFi password and a suggestion to work together in pairs on exercises.

graphsneo4jgraph database
Converting Relational to Graph Databases
Converting Relational to Graph DatabasesConverting Relational to Graph Databases
Converting Relational to Graph Databases

Graph Database Management Systems provide an effective and efficient solution to data storage in current scenarios where data are more and more connected, graph models are widely used, and systems need to scale to large data sets. In this framework, the conversion of the persistent layer of an application from a relational to a graph data store can be convenient but it is usually an hard task for database administrators. In this paper we propose a methodology to convert a relational to a graph database by exploiting the schema and the constraints of the source. The approach supports the translation of conjunctive SQL queries over the source into graph traversal operations over the target. We provide experimental results that show the feasibility of our solution and the efficiency of query answering over the target database.

graph databasedata migrationgdbms
Document Similarity (2)
 Detecting similar documents in our graph
 Shortest path between documents
 Number of paths shorter than some distance
 Weighing relationships
 How about a custom plugin?
 Spreading activation
Document Similarity (3)
Live Demo…
Document Similarity (4)
 Task: recommend movies based on what
we like
 We like some entities, let’s call them initial
 Movies
 People (actors, directors etc.)
 Genres
 We want recommended nodes from input
 Find nodes which are
 The closest to initial nodes
 The most relevant to initial nodes
Movie Recommendation

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Data Modeling with Neo4jData Modeling with Neo4j
Data Modeling with Neo4j

Neo4j is a powerful and expressive tool for storing, querying and manipulating data. However modeling data as graphs is quite different from modeling data under a relational database. In this talk, Michael Hunger will cover modeling business domains using graphs and show how they can be persisted and queried in Neo4j. We'll contrast this approach with the relational model, and discuss the impact on complexity, flexibility and performance.

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Presented at the Second openCypher Implementers Meeting in London, UK, May 2017 @

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Workshop Tel Aviv - Graph Data Science
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Workshop Tel Aviv - Graph Data Science

This document outlines an upcoming workshop on graph technology and data science using Neo4j. The workshop will cover knowledge graphs, graph algorithms, graph machine learning techniques, and use cases. It will include demonstrations of algorithms like node similarity and centrality measures on graphs. Attendees will learn how graph databases like Neo4j can power graph analytics and machine learning to gain insights from connected data.

graphsummitneo4jgraph database
 165k nodes
 Movies
 People
 Genre
 870k relationships
 Movies – People
 Movies – Genres
 Easy to add more entities
 Tags, mood, period, etc.
 Will it be fast? We need 1-2 seconds
Movie Recommendation (2)
Movie Recommendation (3)
 Breadth first search
 Union Colors
 Mixing Colors
 Modified Dijkstra
 Weighted relationships between entities
 Spreading activation (energy)
 Each initial node gets same starting energy
Recommendation Algorithms
Union Colors

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Neo4j graphs in government
Neo4j graphs in governmentNeo4j graphs in government
Neo4j graphs in government

1) Governments can use graph databases to make their countries more secure, provide better services, and make government functions more efficient by leveraging connections in data. 2) Graph databases allow for analysis of connected data and detection of complex patterns across different domains like money laundering, law enforcement investigations, fraud detection, and national security. 3) Examples of how graph databases can be used include modeling money laundering networks, synchronizing law enforcement data, detecting fraud rings, and extracting insights from security and intelligence data involving people, locations, and events from multiple sources.

graphsgraph databasegovernment
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Intro to Neo4j - Nicole WhiteIntro to Neo4j - Nicole White
Intro to Neo4j - Nicole White

The document provides an overview and introduction to Neo4j, a graph database. It discusses what graphs and Neo4j are, how to model data in a graph versus SQL, the Cypher query language to interact with Neo4j, and demonstrates Neo4j through the browser. It concludes by suggesting next steps to download Neo4j, choose a driver, join the community, and attend upcoming events.

Graph Based Recommendation Systems at eBay
Graph Based Recommendation Systems at eBayGraph Based Recommendation Systems at eBay
Graph Based Recommendation Systems at eBay

Recommendation and personalization systems are an important part of many modern websites. Graphs provide a natural way to represent the behavioral data that is the core input to many recommendation algorithms. Thomas Pinckney and his colleagues at Hunch (recently acquired by eBay) built a large scale recommendation system, and then ported the technology to eBay. Thomas will be discussing how his team uses Cassandra to provide the high I/O storage of their fifty billion edge graphs and how they generate new recommendations in real time as users click around the site.

Mixing Colors
Spreading Activation (Energy)
Spreading Activation (Energy)
Spreading Activation (Energy)

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An Introduction to Graph Databases
An Introduction to Graph DatabasesAn Introduction to Graph Databases
An Introduction to Graph Databases

This tutorial will provide you with a basic understanding of graph database technology and the ability to quickly begin development of a graph database application. You will have the capability to recognize graph-based problems and present the benefits of using graph technology for problem resolution. The tutorial will give you an understanding of: • Graph theory - origins and concepts • Benefits of graph databases • Different types of graph databases • Typical graph database API • Programming basics • Use cases Bring your laptops for a hands-on opportunity to practice some sample codes. A basic understanding of Java programming is a recommended prerequisite to understand this course. This session is led by the InfiniteGraph technical team and the demonstration code will be drawn from InfiniteGraph examples, however the broader educational presentation is product-neutral and not a commercial presentation of their products. To participate in the hands-on portion of the graph tutorial users must have: • Java programming experience • Java Developer Kit (JDK) • Current InfiniteGraph installed on laptop. (To download visit • HelloGraph test – Upon installing IG, run HelloGraph to test the install. (HelloGraph can be found online at Leon Guzenda was one of the founding members of Objectivity in 1988 and one of the original architects of Objectivity/DB. He currently works with Objectivity's major customers to help them effectively develop and deploy complex applications and systems that use the industry's highest-performing, most reliable DBMS technology, Objectivity/DB. He also liaises with technology partners and industry groups to help ensure that Objectivity/DB remains at the forefront of database and distributed computing technology. Leon has more than 35 years experience in the software industry. At Automation Technology Products, he managed the development of the ODBMS for the Cimplex solid modeling and numerical control system. Before that, he was Principal Project Director for International Computers Ltd. in the United Kingdom, delivering major projects for NATO and leading multinationals. He was also design and development manager for ICL's 2900 IDMS product. He spent the first 7 years of his career working in defense and government systems. Leon has a B.S. degree in Electronic Engineering from the University of Wales.

graph databasebigdatagraph
Graph databases
Graph databasesGraph databases
Graph databases

Graph databases are a type of NoSQL database that is optimized for storing and querying connected data and relationships. A graph database represents data in graphs consisting of nodes and edges, where the nodes represent entities and the edges represent relationships between the entities. Graph databases are well-suited for applications that involve complex relationships and connected data, such as social networks, knowledge graphs, and recommendation systems. They allow for flexible querying of relationships and connections via graph traversal operations.

graph databasenosqldistributed computing
NoSQL: Why, When, and How
NoSQL: Why, When, and HowNoSQL: Why, When, and How
NoSQL: Why, When, and How

The document discusses NoSQL databases and CouchDB. It provides an overview of NoSQL, the different types of NoSQL databases, and when each type would be used. It then focuses on CouchDB, explaining its features like document centric modeling, replication, and fail fast architecture. Examples are given of how to interact with CouchDB using its HTTP API and tools like Resty.

Spreading Activation (Energy)
8.0 8.0
Spreading Activation (Energy)
 Experimental evaluation
 Which algorithm is the best (rating on scale 1-5)
 30 users / 168 scenarios
Recommendation - Evaluation
Spájanie farieb Miešanie farieb Šírenie energie Dijkstra
Live Demo…
Movie Recommendation (4)

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Semantic Graph Databases: The Evolution of Relational Databases

In this webinar, Barry Zane, our Vice President of Engineering, discusses the evolution of databases from Relational to Semantic Graph and the Anzo Graph Query Engine, the key element of scale in the Anzo Smart Data Lake. Based on elastic clustered, in-memory computing, the Anzo Graph Query Engine offers interactive ad hoc query and analytics on datasets with billions of triples. With this powerful layer over their data, end users can effect powerful analytic workflows in a self-service manner.

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Relational databases vs Non-relational databases
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Relational databases vs Non-relational databases

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Ian closely looks at design and implementation strategies you can employ when building a Neo4j-based graph database solution, including architectural choices, data modelling, and testing.g

graph databaseneo4jgraphconnect
Movie Recommendation – User Model
 Spreading energy
 Each initial node gets different starting energy
 Based on user’s interests and feedback
 Improves the recommendation!
Recommendation from subgraph
 Recommend movies which are currently in
 Recommend movies which are currently on TV
 How?
 Algorithm will traverse normally
 Creates a subgraph from which it returns nodes
Live Demo…
Recommendation from subgraph (2)
 Media content recommendation using Neo4j
 Movie recommendation
 Recommendation of movies in cinemas
 Recommendation of TV programs and schedules

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Graph Database, a little connected tour - CastanoGraph Database, a little connected tour - Castano
Graph Database, a little connected tour - Castano

This document provides an introduction to graph databases and Neo4j. It discusses how graph databases are better suited than relational databases for certain types of connected data. It uses social network and movie recommendation examples to demonstrate how to model and query data in a graph database using the Cypher query language.

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Lju Lazarevic
Lju LazarevicLju Lazarevic
Lju Lazarevic

Graph databases are based on graph theory and use nodes and relationships to store data. They are a type of property graph database that can scale easily. Graph databases are well-suited for applications that rely on relationships between data, need to find patterns in behavioral data, or require linking disparate data sources. Specifically, they are effective for fraud detection by identifying patterns across entities, providing a 360-degree view of customers by linking their various profiles and activities, and making recommendations by leveraging connections in user data.

graph datagraph databaselabel-property graph
Relational vs. Non-Relational
Relational vs. Non-RelationalRelational vs. Non-Relational
Relational vs. Non-Relational

This document compares relational and non-relational databases. It discusses how in 2003 the main databases were relational, but by 2010 non-relational databases grew popular in the "NoSQL movement". However, the document argues that there are no truly new database designs and that relational and non-relational databases can be combined. It advises to choose a database based on the specific problem and features needed rather than general classifications. The document provides examples of which types of databases fit certain data and access needs.

 Graph databases
 Working with Neo4j and Ruby (On Rails)
 Plugins and algorithms
 Document similarity
 Movie recommendation
 Recommendation from subgraph

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Neo4j - graph database for recommendations

  • 1. Neo4j - Graph database for recommendations Jakub Kříž, Ondrej Proksa30.5.2013
  • 2. Summary  Graph databases  Working with Neo4j and Ruby (On Rails)  Plugins and algorithms – live demos  Document similarity  Movie recommendation  Recommendation from subgraph 
  • 3. Why Graphs?  Graphs are everywhere!  Natural way to model almost everything  “Whiteboard friendly”  Even the internet is a graph
  • 4. Why Graph Databases?  Relational databases are not so great for storing graph structures  Unnatural m:n relations  Expensive joins  Expensive look ups during graph traversals  Graph databases fix this  Efficient storage  Direct pointers = no joins
  • 5. Neo4j  The World's Leading Graph Database   NOSQL database  Open source -  ACID  Brief history  Official v1.0 – 2010  Current version 1.9  2.0 coming soon
  • 6. Querying Neo4j  Querying languages  Structurally similar to SQL  Based on graph traversal  Most often used  Gremlin – generic graph querying language  Cypher – graph querying language for Neo4j  SPARQL – generic querying language for data in RDF format
  • 7. Cypher Example CREATE (n {name: {value}}) CREATE (n)-[r:KNOWS]->(m) START [MATCH] [WHERE] RETURN [ORDER BY] [SKIP] [LIMIT]
  • 8. Cypher Example (2)  Friend of a friend START n=node(0) MATCH (n)--()--(f) RETURN f
  • 9. Working with Neo4j  REST API => wrappers  Neography for Ruby  py2neo for Python  …  Your own wrapper  Java API  Direct access in JVM based applications  neo4j.rb
  • 10. Neography – API wrapper example # create nodes and properties n1 = Neography::Node.create("age" => 31, "name" => "Max") n2 = Neography::Node.create("age" => 33, "name" => "Roel") n1.weight = 190 # create relationships new_rel = Neography::Relationship.create(:coding_buddies, n1, n2) n1.outgoing(:coding_buddies) << n2 # get nodes related by outgoing friends relationship n1.outgoing(:friends) # get n1 and nodes related by friends and friends of friends n1.outgoing(:friends).depth(2).include_start_node
  • 11. Neo4j.rb – JRuby gem example class Person < Neo4j::Rails::Model property :name property :age, :index => :exact # :fulltext has_n(:friends).to(Person).relationship(Friend) end class Friend < Neo4j::Rails::Relationship property :as end mike = => ‘Mike’, :age => 24) john = => ‘John’, :age => 27) mike.friends << john
  • 12. Our Approach  Relational databases are not so bad  Good for basic data storage  Widely used for web applications  Well supported in Rails via ActiveRecord  Performance issues with Neo4j  However, we need a graph database  We model the domain as a graph  Our recommendation is based on graph traversal
  • 13. Our Approach (2)  Hybrid model using both MySQL and Neo4j  MySQL contains basic information about entities  Neo4j contains only relationships  Paired via identifiers (neo4j_id)
  • 14. Our Approach (3)  Recommendation algorithms  Made as plugins to Neo4j  Written in Java  Embedded into Neo4j API  Rails application uses custom made wrapper  Creates and modifies nodes and relationships via API calls  Handles recommendation requests
  • 15. Graph Algorithms  Built-in algorithms  Shortest path  All shortest paths  Dijkstra’s algorithm  Custom algorithms  Depth first search  Breadth first search  Spreading activation  Flows, pairing, etc.
  • 16. Document Similarity  Task: find similarities between documents  Documents data model:  Each document is made of sentences  Each sentence can be divided into n-grams  N-grams are connected with relationships  Neo4J is graph database in Java  (Neo4j, graph) – (graph, database) – (database, Java)
  • 18.  Detecting similar documents in our graph model  Shortest path between documents  Number of paths shorter than some distance  Weighing relationships  How about a custom plugin?  Spreading activation Document Similarity (3)
  • 20.  Task: recommend movies based on what we like  We like some entities, let’s call them initial  Movies  People (actors, directors etc.)  Genres  We want recommended nodes from input  Find nodes which are  The closest to initial nodes  The most relevant to initial nodes Movie Recommendation
  • 21.  165k nodes  Movies  People  Genre  870k relationships  Movies – People  Movies – Genres  Easy to add more entities  Tags, mood, period, etc.  Will it be fast? We need 1-2 seconds Movie Recommendation (2)
  • 23.  Breadth first search  Union Colors  Mixing Colors  Modified Dijkstra  Weighted relationships between entities  Spreading activation (energy)  Each initial node gets same starting energy Recommendation Algorithms
  • 31.  Experimental evaluation  Which algorithm is the best (rating on scale 1-5)  30 users / 168 scenarios Recommendation - Evaluation 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 Spájanie farieb Miešanie farieb Šírenie energie Dijkstra
  • 33. Movie Recommendation – User Model  Spreading energy  Each initial node gets different starting energy  Based on user’s interests and feedback  Improves the recommendation!
  • 34. Recommendation from subgraph  Recommend movies which are currently in cinemas  Recommend movies which are currently on TV  How?  Algorithm will traverse normally  Creates a subgraph from which it returns nodes
  • 36.  Media content recommendation using Neo4j  Movie recommendation  Recommendation of movies in cinemas  Recommendation of TV programs and schedules
  • 37. Summary  Graph databases  Working with Neo4j and Ruby (On Rails)  Plugins and algorithms  Document similarity  Movie recommendation  Recommendation from subgraph 