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Simplified Data Processing on Large
Google , Inc.
Presented by

Noha El-Prince
Winter 2011
Problem and Motivations
—  Large Data Size
—  Limited CPU Powers
—  Difficulties of Distributed , Parallel Computing

—  MapReduce is a Software framework
—  introduced by Google
—  Enables automatic parallelization and distribution
of large-scale computations

—  Hides the details of parallelization, data

distribution, load balancing and fault tolerance.

—  Achieves high performance

—  MapReduce : Execution Example
—  Programming Model
—  MapReduce: Distributed Execution
—  More Examples
—  Customization on Cluster
—  Refinements
—  Performance measurement
—  Conclusion and Future Work
—  MapReduce in other companies

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DEVIEW 2014 [2B3]ARCUS차별기능,사용이슈,그리고카카오적용사례

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Lab seminar introduces Ting Chen's recent 3 works: - Pix2seq: A Language Modeling Framework for Object Detection (ICLR’22) - A Unified Sequence Interface for Vision Tasks (NeurIPS’22) - A Generalist Framework for Panoptic Segmentation of Images and Videos (submitted to ICLR’23)

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Elk devops
Elk devopsElk devops
Elk devops

La gestione dei log è da sempre un argomento complesso e nel tempo si sono cercate varie soluzioni più o meno complesse, spesso difficili da integrare nel proprio stack applicativo. Daremo un’ overview generale dei principali sistemi di aggregazione evoluta dei log in realtime (Fluentd, Greylog, eccetera) e illustreremo del motivo ci ha spinto a scegliere ELK per risolvere un’esigenza del nostro cliente; ovvero di consultare i log in modo piu comprensibile da persone non tecniche. Lo stack ELK (Elasticsearch Logstash Kibana) permette agli sviluppatori di consultare i log in fase di debug / produzione senza avvalersi dello staff sistemistico. Dimostreremo come abbiamo eseguito il deployment dello stack ELK e lo abbiamo implementato per interpretare e strutturare i log applicativi di Magento.

Programming Model



MapReduce Library

<k’, v’>*


q  Input:
—  Page 1: the weather is good
—  Page 2: today is good
—  Page 3: good weather is good.

q  Output Desired:
The frequency each word is encountered in all pages.
(the 1), (is 3), (weather 2),(today 1), (good 4)

The weather is good Today is good Good weather is good
map(key, value):
for each word w in value:
emit(w, 1)


(The,1) (weather,1) (is,1) (good,1) (Today,1) (is,1) (good,1)
(good,1) (weather,1) (is,1) (good,1)

Group by Key
reduce(key, values):
for each count v in values
(The,[1]) (weather,[1,1]) (is,[1,1,1]) (good,[1,1,1]) (Today,[1])
result += v
emit(key, result)

(The,1) (weather, 2) (is, 3) (good,3) (Today,1)

Programming Model
§  Input : A set of key/value pairs
§  Programmer specifies two functions:



•  map	
•  reduce	
All v’ with same k’ are reduced together

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Distributed Execution Overview

Input Data
Split 0 read
Split 1
Split 2










File 0
File 1

MapReduce Examples
Distributed Grep: Search pattern (key) : virus


virus, A…
virus, B…



Web Page

MapReduce Examples
—  Count of URL Access Frequency:


CBC, [1,1,1]
CNN [1]
BBC [1,1]


CBC, 3
BBC, 2
CNN, 1

Web server logs

MapReduce Examples
q Reverse Web-Link Graph:




(facebook, disney)

Web server logs

(Facebook, [youtube, disney])


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MapReduce Examples
q  Term-Vector per Host:.




Documents of the
facebook (hostname)


<facebook, [word2, …]>
Summary of the most popular words

MapReduce Examples
q Inverted Index:





<word1, [docID1,
docID2, docID3]>

<word2, [docID1]>


þ—  MapReduce : Execution
þ—  Example
þ—  Programming Model
þ—  MapReduce: Distributed Execution
þ—  More Examples
—  Customizations on Clusters
—  Refinements
—  Performance measurement
—  Conclusion & Future Work
—  MapReduce in other companies
Customizations on Clusters
—  Coordination
—  Scheduling
—  Fault Tolerance
—  Task Granularity
—  Backup Tasks


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Customizations on Clusters
q Coordination
Master Data Structure









Customizations on Clusters
q Scheduling
Master scheduling policy: (objective: conserve network bandwidth)
1.  GFS divides each file into 64MB block.
2.  I/P data are stored on the worker’s local disks (managed by GFS)
Ø  Locality :using the same cluster for both data storage and data
3.  GFS stores multiple copies of each block (typically 3 copies)
on different machines.

Customizations on Clusters
q Fault Tolerance
On worker failure:

Detect failure via periodic heartbeats
Re-execute completed and in-progress map tasks
Re-execute in progress reduce tasks
Task completion committed through master

Master failure:

•  Could handle, but don't yet (master failure unlikely)
•  MapReduce task is aborted and client is notified

Customizations on Clusters
q  Task Granularity

(How tasks are divided ?)

Rule of thumb:
Make M and R much larger than the number of worker machines
à  Improves dynamic load balancing
à  speeds recovery from worker failure

Usually R is smaller than M

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Donald Knuth

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Customizations on Clusters
q  Backup tasks
—  Problem of stragglers (machines taking long time
to complete one of the last few tasks )

—  When a MapReduce operation is about to complete:

Master schedules backup executions of the
remaining tasks
Task is marked “complete” whenever either the
primary or the backup execution completes.

Effect: dramatically shortens job completion time
þ—  MapReduce : Execution
þ—  Example
þ—  Programming Model
þ—  MapReduce: Distributed Execution
þ—  More Examples
þ Customizations on Clusters
—  Refinements
—  Performance measurement
—  Conclusion & Future Work
—  Companies using MapReduce
—  Partitioning functions.
—  Skipping bad records.
—  Status info.
—  Other Refinements

Refinements : Partitioning Function
—  MapRedue users specify no. of tasks/output files desired (R)
—  For reduce, we need to ensure that records with the same
intermediate key end up at the same worker

—  System uses a default partition function
e.g., hash(key) mod R ( results fairly well-balanced partitions )

—  Sometimes useful to override
—  E.g., hash(hostname(URL key)) mod R

ensures URLs from a host end up in the same output file


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An increasing number of popular applications become data-intensive in nature. In the past decade, the World Wide Web has been adopted as an ideal platform for developing data-intensive applications, since the communication paradigm of the Web is sufficiently open and powerful. Data-intensive applications like data mining and web indexing need to access ever-expanding data sets ranging from a few gigabytes to several terabytes or even petabytes. Google leverages the MapReduce model to process approximately twenty petabytes of data per day in a parallel fashion. In this talk, we introduce the Google’s MapReduce framework for processing huge datasets on large clusters. We first outline the motivations of the MapReduce framework. Then, we describe the dataflow of MapReduce. Next, we show a couple of example applications of MapReduce. Finally, we present our research project on the Hadoop Distributed File System. The current Hadoop implementation assumes that computing nodes in a cluster are homogeneous in nature. Data locality has not been taken into account for launching speculative map tasks, because it is assumed that most maps are data-local. Unfortunately, both the homogeneity and data locality assumptions are not satisfied in virtualized data centers. We show that ignoring the datalocality issue in heterogeneous environments can noticeably reduce the MapReduce performance. In this paper, we address the problem of how to place data across nodes in a way that each node has a balanced data processing load. Given a dataintensive application running on a Hadoop MapReduce cluster, our data placement scheme adaptively balances the amount of data stored in each node to achieve improved data-processing performance. Experimental results on two real data-intensive applications show that our data placement strategy can always improve the MapReduce performance by rebalancing data across nodes before performing a data-intensive application in a heterogeneous Hadoop cluster.

heterogeneous clustermapreducedata placement
Refinements : Skipping Bad Records
§  Map/Reduce functions sometimes fail for particular
•  MapReduce has a special treatment for ‘bad’
input data, i.e. input data that repeatedly leads to
the crash of a task.
Ø  The master, tracking crashes of tasks, recognizes
such situations and, after a number of failed retries,
will decide to ignore this piece of data.
•  Effect: Can work around bugs in third-party libraries
Refinements : Status Information
—  Status pages shows the computation progress
—  Links to standard error and output files generated
by each task.

—  User can
Ø  Predict the computational length
Ø  Add more resources if needed
Ø  Know which workers have failed

—  Useful in user code bug diagnosis

Other Refinements
§  Combiner function: Compression of intermediate data
Ø  useful for saving network bandwidth

§  User-defined counters
Ø  periodically propagated to the master from worker machines
Ø Useful for checking behavior of MaReduce operations (appears on
master status page )
þ—  MapReduce : Execution
þ—  Example
þ—  Programming Model
þ—  MapReduce: Distributed Execution
þ—  More Examples
þ Customizations on Clusters

þ Refinements
—  Performance measurement
—  Conclusion & Future Work
—  Companies using MapReduce

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This document provides an overview of Google's Bigtable distributed storage system. It describes Bigtable's data model as a sparse, multidimensional sorted map indexed by row, column, and timestamp. Bigtable stores data across many tablet servers, with a single master server coordinating metadata operations like tablet assignment and load balancing. The master uses Chubby, a distributed lock service, to track which tablet servers are available and reassign tablets if servers become unreachable.

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MapReduce presentation
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MapReduce presentation

This document describes MapReduce, a programming model and software framework for processing large datasets in a distributed manner. It introduces the key concepts of MapReduce including the map and reduce functions, distributed execution across clusters of machines, and fault tolerance. The document outlines how MapReduce abstracts away complexities like parallelization, data distribution, and failure handling. It has been used successfully at Google for large-scale tasks like search indexing and machine learning.

Introduction To Map Reduce
Introduction To Map ReduceIntroduction To Map Reduce
Introduction To Map Reduce

This document provides an overview of MapReduce, a programming model developed by Google for processing and generating large datasets in a distributed computing environment. It describes how MapReduce abstracts away the complexities of parallelization, fault tolerance, and load balancing to allow developers to focus on the problem logic. Examples are given showing how MapReduce can be used for tasks like word counting in documents and joining datasets. Implementation details and usage statistics from Google demonstrate how MapReduce has scaled to process exabytes of data across thousands of machines.

§  Tests run on cluster of 1800 machines: each machine has:
—  4 GB of memory
—  Dual-processor 2 GHz Xeons with Hyperthreading
—  Dual 160 GB IDE disks
—  Gigabit Ethernet link
—  Bisection bandwidth approximately 100-200 Gbps
§  Two benchmarks:
—  Grep:
Scan 1010 100-byte records to extract records
matching a rare pattern (92K matching records)
—  Sort:
Sort 1010 100-byte records


1764 workers
M=15000 (input split= 64MB)
Assume all machines has same host
Search pattern: 3 characters
Found in: 92,337 records

•  1800 machines read 1 TB of data at peak of ~31 GB/s
•  Startup overhead is significant for short jobs (entire
computation = 80 + 1 minute start up


M=15000 (input split= 64MB)
R=4000, # of workers = 1746
Fig.(a) Btr than Terasoft benchmark reported result of 1057 s

(a) Normal Execution

(b) No backup tasks

(c) 200 tasks killed

(a) Locality optimization èInput rate > shuffle rate and output rate
Output phase writes 2 copies of sorted data è Shuffle rate > output rate
(b) 5 Stragglers à Entire computation rate increases 44% than normal 31

Rewrite of Production
Indexing System

§  New code is simpler, easier to understand
§  MapReduce takes care of failures, slow machines
§  Easy to make indexing faster by adding more


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The document discusses network performance profiling of Hadoop jobs. It presents results from running two common Hadoop benchmarks - Terasort and Ranked Inverted Index - on different Amazon EC2 instance configurations. The results show that the shuffle phase accounts for a significant portion (25-29%) of total job runtime. They aim to reproduce existing findings that network performance is a key bottleneck for shuffle-intensive Hadoop jobs. Some questions are also raised about inconsistencies in reported network bandwidth capabilities for EC2.

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MapReduce is a programming model and an associated implementation for processing and generating large data sets on a distributed computing environment. It allows users to write map and reduce functions to process input key/value pairs in parallel across large clusters of commodity machines. The MapReduce framework handles parallelization, scheduling, input/output distribution, and fault tolerance automatically, allowing developers to focus just on the logic of their map and reduce functions. The paper presents the MapReduce model and describes its implementation at Google for processing terabytes of data across thousands of machines efficiently and with fault tolerance.

Map reduce - simplified data processing on large clusters
Map reduce - simplified data processing on large clustersMap reduce - simplified data processing on large clusters
Map reduce - simplified data processing on large clusters

The document describes MapReduce, a programming model and software framework for processing large datasets in a distributed computing environment. It discusses how MapReduce allows users to specify map and reduce functions to parallelize tasks across large clusters of machines. It also covers how MapReduce handles parallelization, fault tolerance, and load balancing transparently through an easy-to-use programming interface.

cloud computinghadoopdatabase
þ—  MapReduce : Execution
þ—  Example
þ—  Programming Model
þ—  MapReduce: Distributed Execution
þ—  More Examples
þ Customizations on Clusters
þ Refinements
þ Performance measurement
—  Conclusion & Future Work
—  Companies using MapReduce
Conclusion & Future Work
—  MapReduce has proven to be a useful abstraction
—  Greatly simplifies large-scale computations
—  Fun to use: focus on problem, let library deal w/
messy details

MapReduce Advantages/Disadvantages
Now it s easy to program for many CPUs
•  Communication management effectively gone
Ø  I/O scheduling done for us

•  Fault tolerance, monitoring
Ø  machine failures, suddenly-slow machines, etc are handled

•  Can be much easier to design and program!
•  Can cascade several (many?) MapReduce tasks

But … it further restricts solvable problems
•  Might be hard to express problem in MapReduce
•  Data parallelism is key
Ø  Need to be able to break up a problem by data chunks

•  MapReduce is closed-source (to Google) C++
Ø  Hadoop is open-source Java-based rewrite

þ—  MapReduce : Execution
þ—  Example
þ—  Programming Model
þ—  MapReduce: Distributed Execution
þ—  More Examples
þ Customizations on Clusters
þ Refinements
þ Performance measurement
þ Conclusion & Future Work
—  Companies using MapReduce

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Download It
Download ItDownload It
Download It

The document discusses using Map-Reduce for machine learning algorithms on multi-core processors. It describes rewriting machine learning algorithms in "summation form" to express the independent computations as Map tasks and aggregating results as Reduce tasks. This formulation allows the algorithms to be parallelized efficiently across multiple cores. Specific machine learning algorithms that have been implemented or analyzed in this Map-Reduce framework are listed.

pattern recognitionmachine learning
Sawmill - Integrating R and Large Data Clouds
Sawmill - Integrating R and Large Data CloudsSawmill - Integrating R and Large Data Clouds
Sawmill - Integrating R and Large Data Clouds

This document discusses using R for large-scale data analysis on distributed data clouds. It recommends splitting large datasets into segments using MapReduce or UDFs, then building separate models for each segment in R. PMML can be used to combine the separate models into an ensemble model. The Sawmill framework is proposed to preprocess data in parallel, build models for each segment using R, and combine the models into a PMML file for deployment. Running R on each segment sequentially allows scaling to large datasets, with examples showing processing times for different numbers of segments.

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MapReduce is a programming model for processing large datasets in parallel across clusters of machines. It involves splitting the input data into independent chunks which are processed by the "map" step, and then grouping the outputs of the maps together and inputting them to the "reduce" step to produce the final results. The MapReduce paper presented Google's implementation which ran on a large cluster of commodity machines and used the Google File System for fault tolerance. It demonstrated that MapReduce can efficiently process very large amounts of data for applications like search, sorting and counting word frequencies.

Companies using MapReduce
v  Amazon: Amazon Elastic MapReduce :
§  a web service
§  enables businesses, researchers, data analysts, and

developers to easily and cost-effectively process vast
amounts of data.
§  It utilizes a hosted Hadoop framework running on the webscale infrastructure of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
(Amazon EC2) and Amazon Simple Storage Service
(Amazon S3).
§  allows you to use Hadoop with no hardware investment


Companies using MapReduce
—  Amazon: to build product search indices
—  Facebook: processing of web logs, via both Map-Reduce and

—  IBM and Google: making large compute clusters available to
higher ed and research organizations

—  New York Times: large scale image conversions
—  Yahoo: use Map Reduce and Pig for web log processing, data

model training, web map construction, and much, much more

—  Many universities for teaching parallel and large data

And many more, see them all at PoweredBy

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My mapreduce1 presentation

  • 1. MapReduce Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters Google , Inc. Presented by Noha El-Prince Winter 2011
  • 2. Problem and Motivations —  Large Data Size —  Limited CPU Powers —  Difficulties of Distributed , Parallel Computing 2
  • 3. MapReduce —  MapReduce is a Software framework —  introduced by Google —  Enables automatic parallelization and distribution of large-scale computations —  Hides the details of parallelization, data distribution, load balancing and fault tolerance. —  Achieves high performance 3
  • 4. Outline —  MapReduce : Execution Example —  Programming Model —  MapReduce: Distributed Execution —  More Examples —  Customization on Cluster —  Refinements —  Performance measurement —  Conclusion and Future Work —  MapReduce in other companies 4
  • 6. Example q  Input: —  Page 1: the weather is good —  Page 2: today is good —  Page 3: good weather is good. q  Output Desired: The frequency each word is encountered in all pages. (the 1), (is 3), (weather 2),(today 1), (good 4) 6
  • 7. Input The weather is good Today is good Good weather is good Data map(key, value): for each word w in value: emit(w, 1) M M M M M M M Intermediate Data (The,1) (weather,1) (is,1) (good,1) (Today,1) (is,1) (good,1) (good,1) (weather,1) (is,1) (good,1) Group by Key reduce(key, values): result=0 Grouped for each count v in values (The,[1]) (weather,[1,1]) (is,[1,1,1]) (good,[1,1,1]) (Today,[1]) Data result += v emit(key, result) R R R R R Output Data (The,1) (weather, 2) (is, 3) (good,3) (Today,1) 7
  • 8. Programming Model §  Input : A set of key/value pairs §  Programmer specifies two functions: Map Reduce •  map  (k,v)  à  <k’,  v’>   •  reduce  (k’,<v’>*)  à  <k’,v’>*   All v’ with same k’ are reduced together 8
  • 9. Distributed Execution Overview fork assign map Input Data Split 0 read Split 1 Split 2 fork Master fork assign reduce Worker Worker Worker local write Worker Worker remote read, sort write Output File 0 Output File 1 9
  • 10. MapReduce Examples Distributed Grep: Search pattern (key) : virus A….virus B……. C..virus… MAP virus, A… virus, B… RED Virus, [A..,B..] Web Page 10
  • 11. MapReduce Examples —  Count of URL Access Frequency: MAP CBC, [1,1,1] CNN [1] BBC [1,1] RED CBC, 3 BBC, 2 CNN, 1 Web server logs 11
  • 12. MapReduce Examples q Reverse Web-Link Graph: source target MAP (facebook,youtube) (facebook, disney) RED Web server logs (Facebook, [youtube, disney]) 12
  • 13. MapReduce Examples q  Term-Vector per Host:. MAP word1> word2> word2> word2> …. RED Documents of the facebook (hostname) <facebook, <facebook, <facebook, <facebook, <facebook, [word2, …]> Summary of the most popular words 13
  • 15. Outline þ—  MapReduce : Execution þ—  Example þ—  Programming Model þ—  MapReduce: Distributed Execution þ—  More Examples —  Customizations on Clusters —  Refinements —  Performance measurement —  Conclusion & Future Work —  MapReduce in other companies 15
  • 16. Customizations on Clusters —  Coordination —  Scheduling —  Fault Tolerance —  Task Granularity —  Backup Tasks 16
  • 17. Customizations on Clusters q Coordination Master Data Structure M Completed Root/intFile.txt M inprogress Root/intFile.txt R idle Root/outFile.txt 17
  • 18. Customizations on Clusters q Scheduling Master scheduling policy: (objective: conserve network bandwidth) 1.  GFS divides each file into 64MB block. 2.  I/P data are stored on the worker’s local disks (managed by GFS) Ø  Locality :using the same cluster for both data storage and data processing. 3.  GFS stores multiple copies of each block (typically 3 copies) on different machines. 18
  • 19. Customizations on Clusters q Fault Tolerance On worker failure: •  •  •  •  Detect failure via periodic heartbeats Re-execute completed and in-progress map tasks Re-execute in progress reduce tasks Task completion committed through master Master failure: •  Could handle, but don't yet (master failure unlikely) •  MapReduce task is aborted and client is notified 19
  • 20. Customizations on Clusters q  Task Granularity (How tasks are divided ?) Rule of thumb: Make M and R much larger than the number of worker machines à  Improves dynamic load balancing à  speeds recovery from worker failure Usually R is smaller than M 20
  • 21. Customizations on Clusters q  Backup tasks —  Problem of stragglers (machines taking long time to complete one of the last few tasks ) —  When a MapReduce operation is about to complete: Ø  Ø  Master schedules backup executions of the remaining tasks Task is marked “complete” whenever either the primary or the backup execution completes. Effect: dramatically shortens job completion time 21
  • 22. Outline þ—  MapReduce : Execution þ—  Example þ—  Programming Model þ—  MapReduce: Distributed Execution þ—  More Examples —  þ Customizations on Clusters —  Refinements —  Performance measurement —  Conclusion & Future Work —  Companies using MapReduce 22
  • 23. Refinements —  Partitioning functions. —  Skipping bad records. —  Status info. —  Other Refinements 23
  • 24. Refinements : Partitioning Function —  MapRedue users specify no. of tasks/output files desired (R) —  For reduce, we need to ensure that records with the same intermediate key end up at the same worker —  System uses a default partition function e.g., hash(key) mod R ( results fairly well-balanced partitions ) —  Sometimes useful to override —  E.g., hash(hostname(URL key)) mod R Ø  ensures URLs from a host end up in the same output file 24
  • 25. Refinements : Skipping Bad Records §  Map/Reduce functions sometimes fail for particular inputs •  MapReduce has a special treatment for ‘bad’ input data, i.e. input data that repeatedly leads to the crash of a task. Ø  The master, tracking crashes of tasks, recognizes such situations and, after a number of failed retries, will decide to ignore this piece of data. •  Effect: Can work around bugs in third-party libraries 25
  • 26. Refinements : Status Information —  Status pages shows the computation progress —  Links to standard error and output files generated by each task. —  User can Ø  Predict the computational length Ø  Add more resources if needed Ø  Know which workers have failed —  Useful in user code bug diagnosis 26
  • 27. Other Refinements §  Combiner function: Compression of intermediate data Ø  useful for saving network bandwidth §  User-defined counters Ø  periodically propagated to the master from worker machines Ø Useful for checking behavior of MaReduce operations (appears on master status page ) 27
  • 28. Outline þ—  MapReduce : Execution þ—  Example þ—  Programming Model þ—  MapReduce: Distributed Execution þ—  More Examples —  þ Customizations on Clusters þ Refinements —  —  Performance measurement —  Conclusion & Future Work —  Companies using MapReduce 28
  • 29. Performance §  Tests run on cluster of 1800 machines: each machine has: —  4 GB of memory —  Dual-processor 2 GHz Xeons with Hyperthreading —  Dual 160 GB IDE disks —  Gigabit Ethernet link —  Bisection bandwidth approximately 100-200 Gbps §  Two benchmarks: —  Grep: Scan 1010 100-byte records to extract records matching a rare pattern (92K matching records) —  Sort: Sort 1010 100-byte records 29
  • 30. Grep 1764 workers M=15000 (input split= 64MB) R=1 Assume all machines has same host Search pattern: 3 characters Found in: 92,337 records •  1800 machines read 1 TB of data at peak of ~31 GB/s •  Startup overhead is significant for short jobs (entire computation = 80 + 1 minute start up 30
  • 31. Sort M=15000 (input split= 64MB) R=4000, # of workers = 1746 Fig.(a) Btr than Terasoft benchmark reported result of 1057 s (a) Normal Execution (b) No backup tasks (c) 200 tasks killed (a) Locality optimization èInput rate > shuffle rate and output rate Output phase writes 2 copies of sorted data è Shuffle rate > output rate (b) 5 Stragglers à Entire computation rate increases 44% than normal 31
  • 32. Experience: Rewrite of Production Indexing System §  New code is simpler, easier to understand §  MapReduce takes care of failures, slow machines §  Easy to make indexing faster by adding more machines 32
  • 33. Outline þ—  MapReduce : Execution þ—  Example þ—  Programming Model þ—  MapReduce: Distributed Execution þ—  More Examples —  þ Customizations on Clusters —  þ Refinements —  þ Performance measurement —  Conclusion & Future Work —  Companies using MapReduce 33
  • 34. Conclusion & Future Work —  MapReduce has proven to be a useful abstraction —  Greatly simplifies large-scale computations —  Fun to use: focus on problem, let library deal w/ messy details 34
  • 35. MapReduce Advantages/Disadvantages Now it s easy to program for many CPUs •  Communication management effectively gone Ø  I/O scheduling done for us •  Fault tolerance, monitoring Ø  machine failures, suddenly-slow machines, etc are handled •  Can be much easier to design and program! •  Can cascade several (many?) MapReduce tasks But … it further restricts solvable problems •  Might be hard to express problem in MapReduce •  Data parallelism is key Ø  Need to be able to break up a problem by data chunks •  MapReduce is closed-source (to Google) C++ Ø  Hadoop is open-source Java-based rewrite 35
  • 36. Outline þ—  MapReduce : Execution þ—  Example þ—  Programming Model þ—  MapReduce: Distributed Execution þ—  More Examples —  þ Customizations on Clusters —  þ Refinements —  þ Performance measurement —  þ Conclusion & Future Work —  Companies using MapReduce 36
  • 37. Companies using MapReduce v  Amazon: Amazon Elastic MapReduce : §  a web service §  enables businesses, researchers, data analysts, and developers to easily and cost-effectively process vast amounts of data. §  It utilizes a hosted Hadoop framework running on the webscale infrastructure of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). §  allows you to use Hadoop with no hardware investment — 37
  • 38. Companies using MapReduce —  Amazon: to build product search indices —  Facebook: processing of web logs, via both Map-Reduce and Hive —  IBM and Google: making large compute clusters available to higher ed and research organizations —  New York Times: large scale image conversions —  Yahoo: use Map Reduce and Pig for web log processing, data model training, web map construction, and much, much more —  Many universities for teaching parallel and large data systems And many more, see them all at PoweredBy 38
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