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Jonathan Ⓓ Johnson
All code covered in this talk will be provided
as part of a working rails application in the
form of a GitHub repository
Modern JavaScript
without giving up on Rails
Modern JavaScript
without giving up on Rails

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Building a Single Page Application with VueJS
Building a Single Page Application with VueJSBuilding a Single Page Application with VueJS
Building a Single Page Application with VueJS

Slides from the 8/27/2019 MKE JS Meetup. Goes through an overview of VueJS, the tools in the ecosystem, and how to build a Single Page Application (SPA) with VueJS.

Developing Modern Java Web Applications with Java EE 7 and AngularJS
Developing Modern Java Web Applications with Java EE 7 and AngularJSDeveloping Modern Java Web Applications with Java EE 7 and AngularJS
Developing Modern Java Web Applications with Java EE 7 and AngularJS

This document provides an agenda and overview for a workshop on developing modern Java web applications with Java EE 7 and AngularJS. The workshop will introduce Java EE 7, demonstrate how to build a sample HackerPins application using Java EE 7 for the REST backend and AngularJS for the frontend, and deploy the application to OpenShift. Key topics that will be covered include an introduction to Java EE 7 specifications like CDI, JAX-RS, and WebSockets, and how they allow building modern web applications. Code for the sample HackerPins application will be provided on GitHub.

An introduction to Vue.js
An introduction to Vue.jsAn introduction to Vue.js
An introduction to Vue.js

An introduction to Vue.js. Why would you need something like Vue.js? What is Vue.js? How do you develop with Vue.js?

Modern JavaScript, without giving up on Rails
What do many common
resources and tutorials assume?
Modern JavaScript, without giving up on Rails
• No constraints!

• A Single Page Application is a good fit!

• Your API is built and ready to consume!

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Introduction to VueJS & The WordPress REST API
Introduction to VueJS & The WordPress REST APIIntroduction to VueJS & The WordPress REST API
Introduction to VueJS & The WordPress REST API

Slides from Josh Pollock's WordCamp Miami 2017 talk. This is a basic introduction to using VueJS with the WordPress REST API. For live code examples and more:

React django
React djangoReact django
React django

Django is a Python web framework that follows the MVT (Model-View-Template) architectural pattern. React allows building user interfaces using reusable components. This document discusses combining Django and React to take advantage of both. It provides steps to create a Django project with REST API endpoints and a React frontend app that fetches data from the API. Key steps include creating Django models, views and URLs, then setting up a React app with components that call the Django REST API and render data. Bringing Django and React together allows building scalable web apps rapidly with Django's backend and React's frontend capabilities.

djangopythonreact native
Enjoy the vue.js
Enjoy the vue.jsEnjoy the vue.js
Enjoy the vue.js

Andy Wood - enjoy the Vue.js Slides from the TechExeter Conference, 8th October 2016.

What was our reality?

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The Art of AngularJS - DeRailed 2014
The Art of AngularJS - DeRailed 2014The Art of AngularJS - DeRailed 2014
The Art of AngularJS - DeRailed 2014

AngularJS is one of today's hottest JavaScript MVC Frameworks. In this session, we'll explore many concepts it brings to the world of client-side development: dependency injection, directives, filters, routing and two-way data binding. We'll also look at its recommended testing tools and build systems. Finally, you'll learn about my experience developing several real-world applications using AngularJS, HTML5 and Bootstrap.

2011 a grape odyssey
2011   a grape odyssey2011   a grape odyssey
2011 a grape odyssey

my presentation at houston.rb on Grape, the API builder for rack based systems using a friendly ruby/sinatra like interface. It makes separating out your API from you web app logic really easy.

houston.rb ruby houston api grape sinatra rack
Building and deploying React applications
Building and deploying React applicationsBuilding and deploying React applications
Building and deploying React applications

It’s trivial today to start writing and debugging some React code, but it’s not 100% clear how to properly deploy the application, manage versions and what implications that has on the build configurations. Especially if you want to allow different versions for different users in order to perform some A/B testing, testing new features in production environment, come up with some UI experiments, or gradually roll out new features for a subset of users. In this presentation I hopefully covered all that.

Modern JavaScript, without giving up on Rails
• Many constraints!

• Established MVC server-side application

• Lots of valuable legacy JavaScript

• You do not have a fully featured API to work with (yet)
Where did CodeShip start?
( ~ 2 years ago )
• Standard mature Rails application

• Lots of JavaScript sprinkles

• But also CoffeeScript sprinkles

• Lot’s of direct DOM manipulation and jQuery

• Global everything (via Asset Pipeline)

• JavaScript was only exercised within acceptance tests
Where do we want to end up?
• Leverage the progress in the JavaScript ecosystem

• JavaScript components as upgraded partials

• Let Rails continue to be good at what Rails is good at

• Our Vue usage should reflect the Vue community

• Testability!

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Angular Best Practices v2
Angular Best Practices v2Angular Best Practices v2
Angular Best Practices v2

Checkout our contributions: Angular Best Practices presented at Techcamp Vietnam 2014 ( Github source code: RESOURCES & REFERENCES AngularJS style guide Best practices from father of AngularJS ng-boilerplate Airbnb prerender backbone AngularSEO from yearofmoo AngularJS full testing with Karma from yearofmoo AngularJS Video from AngularJS Best Practices – offically AngularJS Experiment

angularjsbest practices
Maciej Treder "Server-side rendering with Angular—be faster and more SEO, CDN...
Maciej Treder "Server-side rendering with Angular—be faster and more SEO, CDN...Maciej Treder "Server-side rendering with Angular—be faster and more SEO, CDN...
Maciej Treder "Server-side rendering with Angular—be faster and more SEO, CDN...

Are you ready for production? Are you sure? Is your application prefetchable? Is it readable for search engine robots? Will it fit into Content Delivery Network? Do you want to make it even faster? Meet the Server-Side Rendering concept. Learn how to implement it in your application and gain knowledge about best practices, such as transfer state and route resolving strategies.

Connect.js - Exploring React.Native
Connect.js - Exploring React.NativeConnect.js - Exploring React.Native
Connect.js - Exploring React.Native

React Native enables you to build world-class application experiences on native platforms using a consistent developer experience based on JavaScript and React. The focus of React Native is on developer efficiency across all the platforms you care about — learn once, write anywhere.

react nativejavascriptmobile javascript
Once your JavaScript files express their
dependencies explicitly using ESModules or
CommonJS, webpack can leverage that information
to build your assets in more intelligent ways
Modern JavaScript, without giving up on Rails
Modern JavaScript, without giving up on Rails

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Rails antipattern-public
Rails antipattern-publicRails antipattern-public
Rails antipattern-public

This document summarizes several common Rails antipatterns including monolithic controllers, fat controllers, voyeuristic models, duplicate code, and messy migrations. It provides examples of each antipattern and recommendations for refactoring code to avoid them, such as extracting logic into modules, using service objects, and avoiding external dependencies in migrations.

refactoringweb developmentruby on rails
Building a Startup Stack with AngularJS
Building a Startup Stack with AngularJSBuilding a Startup Stack with AngularJS
Building a Startup Stack with AngularJS

Presented at SCREENS 2013 in Toronto with Nick Van Weerdenburg Save 10% off ANY FITC event with discount code 'slideshare' See our upcoming events at AngularJS is a hot, hot, hot topic. Building web and mobile apps in AngularJS is an ease but there is a learning curve. In this session, you’ll learn the ins and outs of AngularJS and leave the session knowing how to build killer AngularJS apps.

React native introduction
React native introductionReact native introduction
React native introduction

This document provides an overview of React Native including theory, architecture, practice, and examples. It discusses creating a React Native app, styling, navigation, and animation. Code samples are included to demonstrate basic components, interactions, and navigation between screens. Resources for further learning about React Native performance, how companies use it, and workshops are listed at the end.

Modern JavaScript, without giving up on Rails
// app/javascript/packs/thing.js
console.log('hello world')

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Rails antipatterns
Rails antipatternsRails antipatterns
Rails antipatterns

The document summarizes various Rails antipatterns including monolithic controllers, fat controllers, voyeuristic models, duplicate code, and messy migrations. It provides examples of each antipattern and recommendations for refactoring code to avoid them, such as extracting logic into modules, using scopes over class methods, and avoiding external dependencies in migrations.

React js
React jsReact js
React js

ReactJS for Beginners provides an overview of ReactJS including what it is, advantages, disadvantages, typical setup tools, and examples of basic React code. Key points covered include: - ReactJS is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces and is component-based. - Advantages include high efficiency, easier JavaScript via JSX, good developer tools and SEO, and easy testing. - Disadvantages include React only handling the view layer and requiring other libraries for full MVC functionality. - Examples demonstrate basic components, properties, events, conditional rendering, and lists in ReactJS.

reduxreact nativereactjs
Vue js and Dyploma
Vue js and DyplomaVue js and Dyploma
Vue js and Dyploma

An introduction to Vue.js. Using Vue.js to build a web application Dyploma Web UI to manage containerized applications and services in Outbrain.

// app/javascript/packs/thing.js
//= require capitalize
console.log(capitalize('hello world'))
yarn add capitalize
"name": "...",
"version": "...",
"dependencies": {
"capitalize": "^2.0.0"
// app/javascript/packs/thing.js
import capitalize from 'capitalize'
console.log(capitalize('hello world'))

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125 고성능 web view-deview 2013 발표 자료_공유용
125 고성능 web view-deview 2013 발표 자료_공유용125 고성능 web view-deview 2013 발표 자료_공유용
125 고성능 web view-deview 2013 발표 자료_공유용

The document discusses ways to improve the performance of hybrid mobile applications that use WebView. It describes how WebView has less powerful capabilities and worse web standard compatibility compared to mobile browsers. This can cause issues like fragmentation across device versions. The document proposes techniques for creating a high-performance WebView, including adding new capabilities like WebSockets, and replacing slower native elements like Canvas 2D with optimized custom implementations. It provides code examples for calling JavaScript from native and vice versa on Android and iOS. Lessons learned emphasize minimizing native/JavaScript communication and dealing with threading issues.

An introduction to Vue.js
An introduction to Vue.jsAn introduction to Vue.js
An introduction to Vue.js

Do you hear of Vue.js everywhere lately? With this presentation, you will be able to create your first app in just 30 minutes. Understand the basics and get yourself a solid knowledge to start your journey with the new progressive JavaScript Framework.

vue.jsjavascriptweb development
20171108 PDN HOL React Basics
20171108 PDN HOL React Basics20171108 PDN HOL React Basics
20171108 PDN HOL React Basics

This document provides an overview and introduction to React basics including: - Details about upcoming React lab series events on topics like routing, styles, testing, and Flux architecture - Information on installing and using create-react-app for scaffolding React projects - An explanation of core React concepts like components, JSX, properties, state, lifecycle methods, and the virtual DOM - Examples of building a minimal React app with components, properties, and state

Modern JavaScript, without giving up on Rails
We have assets, now what?
<%= javascript_include_tag :thing %>
Asset Pipeline
<%= javascript_pack_tag :thing %>
single page application

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React && React Native workshop
React && React Native workshopReact && React Native workshop
React && React Native workshop

This document provides an introduction to React and React Native. It begins with an overview of ReactJS, including its motivation as a library for building user interfaces and key concepts like components, the virtual DOM, JSX, immutability, and one-way data flow. It then covers React Native, explaining how it uses native components to render interfaces for mobile rather than HTML/CSS. The document concludes with exercises for creating basic React and React Native apps.

Universal JS Web Applications with React - Luciano Mammino - Codemotion Rome ...
Universal JS Web Applications with React - Luciano Mammino - Codemotion Rome ...Universal JS Web Applications with React - Luciano Mammino - Codemotion Rome ...
Universal JS Web Applications with React - Luciano Mammino - Codemotion Rome ...

This document outlines a presentation about building universal JavaScript web applications with React. It discusses: 1. The term "universal" in relation to JavaScript and some advantages it provides like maintainability and faster load times. 2. Building a frontend single page application with React and then making it universal by rendering on the server as well with React and Express. 3. Key aspects of universal apps like module sharing, routing, data retrieval and state management that work across client and server. 4. An example of building a universal JavaScript app with React called "Judo Heroes" that shows athlete data and profiles, using components, routing, data and building tools like Babel and Webpack.

Universal JavaScript Web Applications with React - Luciano Mammino - Codemoti...
Universal JavaScript Web Applications with React - Luciano Mammino - Codemoti...Universal JavaScript Web Applications with React - Luciano Mammino - Codemoti...
Universal JavaScript Web Applications with React - Luciano Mammino - Codemoti...

Since we started to see JS on the server side, the dream of developers has been to reduce the gap and the cost of switch between frontend/backend. Today with Node.js, React and a whole ecosystem of tools, this dream is becoming true! In this talk I am going to discuss about Universal (a.k.a. Isomorphic) JS and present some practical example regarding the major patterns related to routing, data retrieval and rendering. I will use Node, React, Webpack, Babel and React Router and give you a series of example to get you started easily with this new technology trend.

codemotion rome 2017
single page application
single page application
multi application page
Modern JavaScript, without giving up on Rails
Apps vs. Components?
(A distinction that has worked well for us)

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Play Support in Cloud Foundry
Play Support in Cloud FoundryPlay Support in Cloud Foundry
Play Support in Cloud Foundry

- Play 2.0 is a web framework for Java and Scala that simplifies development by embracing HTTP rather than fighting it - It takes a new approach to building web apps in Java by not being built on top of servlet APIs and using an asynchronous programming model - Developing, testing, and deploying a Play app locally and to CloudFoundry involves creating a project, running it locally, and pushing the compiled code to CloudFoundry which automatically detects and supports Play apps

play cloud foundry
Lessons from a year of building apps with React Native
Lessons from a year of building apps with React NativeLessons from a year of building apps with React Native
Lessons from a year of building apps with React Native

React Native is a framework that allows building of native mobile apps using JavaScript and React. It allows for quick development and a shared codebase between Android and iOS. The document discusses directory structure, components, layout and styling, organizing JavaScript code, testing apps, and deploying apps to internal and external users. It promotes React Native as enabling fast development cycles and easy team onboarding while avoiding vendor lock-in.

Love at first Vue
Love at first VueLove at first Vue
Love at first Vue

Vue.js is an open-source progressive framework for building user interfaces that focuses on the view layer. It has a virtual DOM and reactive components. Its core is small and works well with companion libraries. Single file components allow importing of templates, logic, and styles. Popular companion libraries include Vuex for state management and Vue Router for routing. The Vue CLI makes it easy to scaffold Vue projects with features like routing, lazy loading, and preloading for improved performance.

• “Smart”

• Aware of their surroundings

• Handles AJAX

• Utilizes a vuex store if needed

• Composed of other components
• Less Smart?

• Ignorant of the world around them

• Easily reused

• Presentation focused

• Track only local state

<p>Hello World!</p>
export default {
name: 'HelloWorld'
<!—- Somewhere in an ERB template —->
<div id="hello-world"></div>

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How to Build SPA with Vue Router 2.0
How to Build SPA with Vue Router 2.0How to Build SPA with Vue Router 2.0
How to Build SPA with Vue Router 2.0

The presentation slide for Vue.js meetup That contains mainly about SSR (Server side rendering) + SPA with isomorphic fetch and client hydration

Rails + Webpack
Rails + WebpackRails + Webpack
Rails + Webpack

Rails have long co-existed with Javascript through a variety of ways. As the Javascript ecosystem grows more powerful and complex each day, finding a better way to make Javascript a first-class citizen in the Rails world has become compelling. Rails 5.1 will officially comes with Webpack through the Webpacker gem, but you don't have to wait for that. You can use Webpacker with Rails 4.2+ today. We describe briefly how Javascript existed in the Rails world, and the jump straight into creating a simple Rails/Javascript app from scratch in less 3 minutes.

From Idea to App (or “How we roll at Small Town Heroes”)
From Idea to App (or “How we roll at Small Town Heroes”)From Idea to App (or “How we roll at Small Town Heroes”)
From Idea to App (or “How we roll at Small Town Heroes”)

Guestlecture I gave to the students ICT at Odisee, explaining the app development process, how we do certain things at Small Town Heroes, and how we implement QA throughout our process.

<!—- Somewhere in an ERB template —->
<div id="hello-world"></div>
// app/javascript/packs/hello-world.js
import Vue from 'vue'
import HelloWorld from '@/apps/hello-world'
const target = document.getElementById(‘hello-world')
const App = Vue.extend(HelloWorld)
const component = new App()
<!—- Somewhere in an ERB template —->
<div id="hello-world"></div>
<!—- In your layout —->
<%= javascript_pack_tag :hello_world %>
// app/javascript/packs/hello-world.js
import Vue from 'vue'
import HelloWorld from '@/apps/hello-world'
const target = document.getElementById(‘hello-world')
const App = Vue.extend(HelloWorld)
const component = new App()
Components as Upgraded Partials
<%= render 'hello-world', user: @user %>
<p>Hello <%= %></p>

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This document discusses developing an e-commerce website using Vue. It covers: - Initial project setup using Vue CLI - Project structure, components, routing, and state management - Styling with SCSS - Communicating with the server using Vue Resource - Data fetching and handling loading states with route changes - Maintaining scroll position when navigating between routes

Integrating React.js Into a PHP Application
Integrating React.js Into a PHP ApplicationIntegrating React.js Into a PHP Application
Integrating React.js Into a PHP Application

React.js has taken the web development world by storm, and for good reason: React offers a declarative, component-oriented approach to building highly-scalable web UIs. But how can we take advantage of a JavaScript library like React in our server-side PHP applications. In this talk l cover the different ways React.js can be integrated into an existing PHP web application: from a client-side only approach to multiple techniques that support full server-side rendering with a Node.js server or PHP’s v8js. I also discuss the trade-offs in each of these designs and the challenges involved with adding React to a PHP site. Most importantly, I consider the higher-level issue of how to improve view cohesion across the client-server divide in a PHP application.

Vue 2.0 + Vuex Router & Vuex at Vue.js
Vue 2.0 + Vuex Router & Vuex at Vue.jsVue 2.0 + Vuex Router & Vuex at Vue.js
Vue 2.0 + Vuex Router & Vuex at Vue.js

- Vue.js Tokyo v-meetup="#1" - JS Night at Bizreach

<%= vue_app 'hello-world', user: @user %>
<p>Hello {{ }}!</p>
export default {
name: 'HelloWorld',
props: {
user: Object
def vue_app(app)
app_name = app.to_s.dasherize
content_tag :div, nil, { 'vue-app': app_name }
<%= vue_app :hello_world %>
<div vue-app=“hello-world"></div>
def vue_app(app)
app_name = app.to_s.dasherize
content_tag :div, nil, { 'vue-app': app_name }
def add_javascript_pack(*packs)
@custom_packs ||=
@custom_packs += packs
def custom_packs
@custom_packs || []
def vue_app(app)
app_name = app.to_s.dasherize
content_tag :div, nil, { 'vue-app': app_name }

Recommended for you

introduction to Vue.js 3
introduction to Vue.js 3 introduction to Vue.js 3
introduction to Vue.js 3

Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework that focuses on building user interfaces and is used for single-page applications. It was created by Evan You and released in 2014. Vue.js uses declarative templates and reactive data binding to render the view layer for an application. Templates in Vue use HTML-based syntax with directives prefixed with v- to dynamically bind expression results. Common directives include v-bind, v-if, and v-for. Vue.js applications can be built with its core library or integrated with other libraries and frameworks.

Full Stack React Workshop [CSSC x GDSC]
Full Stack React Workshop [CSSC x GDSC]Full Stack React Workshop [CSSC x GDSC]
Full Stack React Workshop [CSSC x GDSC]

React FUNdamentals Jarrod Servilla, Daniel Laufer, and Milind Vishnoi on October 27, 2021 Learn the fundamentals of React!

Refactor Large apps with Backbone
Refactor Large apps with BackboneRefactor Large apps with Backbone
Refactor Large apps with Backbone

The document describes refactoring a large web application with JavaScript from a messy state to using Backbone.js and a modular structure. It was refactored iteratively over several sprints. Key changes included breaking the JS into page-specific files, adding namespacing, using Backbone views to modularize code, moving to a model-view pattern, and finally implementing a module system using RequireJS and Browserify to bundle dependencies. This resulted in cleaner, more maintainable and testable JavaScript code.

def add_javascript_pack(*packs)
@custom_packs ||=
@custom_packs += packs
def custom_packs
@custom_packs || []
def vue_app(app)
app_name = app.to_s.dasherize
content_tag :div, nil, { 'vue-app': app_name }
<%= yield %>
<% custom_packs.each do |pack| %>
<%= javascript_pack_tag pack %>
<% end %>
<%= yield %>
<% if custom_packs.empty? %>
<%= javascript_include_tag :application %>
<% end %>
<% custom_packs.each do |pack| %>
<%= javascript_pack_tag pack %>
<% end %>
Passing locals into our apps
(Vue calls these “props”)
<%= vue_app :hello_world, user: @user %>

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Refactor Large applications with Backbone
Refactor Large applications with BackboneRefactor Large applications with Backbone
Refactor Large applications with Backbone

The document describes refactoring a large web application with JavaScript from a messy state to using Backbone.js and a modular structure. It was refactored iteratively over several sprints. Key changes included breaking the JS into separate page-specific files, adding namespacing, using Backbone views to modularize code, moving to a model-view pattern, and finally implementing a module system using RequireJS and Browserify for dependency management and bundling. This resulted in code that was better organized, testable, and maintainable.

論文紹介:A Systematic Survey of Prompt Engineering on Vision-Language Foundation ...
論文紹介:A Systematic Survey of Prompt Engineering on Vision-Language Foundation ...論文紹介:A Systematic Survey of Prompt Engineering on Vision-Language Foundation ...
論文紹介:A Systematic Survey of Prompt Engineering on Vision-Language Foundation ...

Jindong Gu, Zhen Han, Shuo Chen, Ahmad Beirami, Bailan He, Gengyuan Zhang, Ruotong Liao, Yao Qin, Volker Tresp, Philip Torr "A Systematic Survey of Prompt Engineering on Vision-Language Foundation Models" arXiv2023

Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry
Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetryObservability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry
Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry

Are you interested in dipping your toes in the cloud native observability waters, but as an engineer you are not sure where to get started with tracing problems through your microservices and application landscapes on Kubernetes? Then this is the session for you, where we take you on your first steps in an active open-source project that offers a buffet of languages, challenges, and opportunities for getting started with telemetry data. The project is called openTelemetry, but before diving into the specifics, we’ll start with de-mystifying key concepts and terms such as observability, telemetry, instrumentation, cardinality, percentile to lay a foundation. After understanding the nuts and bolts of observability and distributed traces, we’ll explore the openTelemetry community; its Special Interest Groups (SIGs), repositories, and how to become not only an end-user, but possibly a contributor.We will wrap up with an overview of the components in this project, such as the Collector, the OpenTelemetry protocol (OTLP), its APIs, and its SDKs. Attendees will leave with an understanding of key observability concepts, become grounded in distributed tracing terminology, be aware of the components of openTelemetry, and know how to take their first steps to an open-source contribution! Key Takeaways: Open source, vendor neutral instrumentation is an exciting new reality as the industry standardizes on openTelemetry for observability. OpenTelemetry is on a mission to enable effective observability by making high-quality, portable telemetry ubiquitous. The world of observability and monitoring today has a steep learning curve and in order to achieve ubiquity, the project would benefit from growing our contributor community.

cloudcloud native observabilitycloud native
def vue_app(app)
app_name = app.to_s.dasherize
content_tag :div, nil, { 'vue-app': app_name }
def vue_app(app, props = {})
app_name = app.to_s.dasherize
props = do |key, val|
["data-#{key.dasherize}", val.to_json]
content_tag :div, nil, Hash[props].merge({
'vue-app': app_name
// app/javascript/packs/hello-world.js
import Vue from 'vue'
import HelloWorld from '@/apps/hello-world'
const App = Vue.extend(HelloWorld)
const target = document.getElementById('hello-world')
const component = new App()
// app/javascript/packs/hello-world.js
import Vue from 'vue'
import HelloWorld from '@/apps/hello-world'
const target = document.getElementById('hello-world')
const propsData = {}
.forEach(([key, value]) => {
try {
propsData[key] = JSON.parse(value)
} catch (e) {
propsData[key] = value
const App = Vue.extend(HelloWorld)
const component = new App({ propsData })

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Understanding Insider Security Threats: Types, Examples, Effects, and Mitigat...

Today’s digitally connected world presents a wide range of security challenges for enterprises. Insider security threats are particularly noteworthy because they have the potential to cause significant harm. Unlike external threats, insider risks originate from within the company, making them more subtle and challenging to identify. This blog aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of insider security threats, including their types, examples, effects, and mitigation techniques.

insider securitycybersecurity threatsenterprise security
WPRiders Company Presentation Slide Deck
WPRiders Company Presentation Slide DeckWPRiders Company Presentation Slide Deck
WPRiders Company Presentation Slide Deck

YOUR RELIABLE WEB DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT TEAM — FOR LASTING SUCCESS WPRiders is a web development company specialized in WordPress and WooCommerce websites and plugins for customers around the world. The company is headquartered in Bucharest, Romania, but our team members are located all over the world. Our customers are primarily from the US and Western Europe, but we have clients from Australia, Canada and other areas as well. Some facts about WPRiders and why we are one of the best firms around: More than 700 five-star reviews! You can check them here. 1500 WordPress projects delivered. We respond 80% faster than other firms! Data provided by Freshdesk. We’ve been in business since 2015. We are located in 7 countries and have 22 team members. With so many projects delivered, our team knows what works and what doesn’t when it comes to WordPress and WooCommerce. Our team members are: - highly experienced developers (employees & contractors with 5 -10+ years of experience), - great designers with an eye for UX/UI with 10+ years of experience - project managers with development background who speak both tech and non-tech - QA specialists - Conversion Rate Optimisation - CRO experts They are all working together to provide you with the best possible service. We are passionate about WordPress, and we love creating custom solutions that help our clients achieve their goals. At WPRiders, we are committed to building long-term relationships with our clients. We believe in accountability, in doing the right thing, as well as in transparency and open communication. You can read more about WPRiders on the About us page.

web development agencywpriderswordpress development
DealBook of Ukraine: 2024 edition
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The DealBook is our annual overview of the Ukrainian tech investment industry. This edition comprehensively covers the full year 2023 and the first deals of 2024.

<p>Hello World!</p>
export default {
name: 'HelloWorld'

<p>Hello {{ }}!</p>
export default {
name: 'HelloWorld',
props: {
user: Object
Pass in your URLs
<%= vue_app :hello_world, users_url: users_url %>
Extracting our mounting logic

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What’s New in Teams Calling, Meetings and Devices May 2024What’s New in Teams Calling, Meetings and Devices May 2024
What’s New in Teams Calling, Meetings and Devices May 2024

This is a powerpoint that features Microsoft Teams Devices and everything that is new including updates to its software and devices for May 2024

microsoft teamsmicrosoft
// app/javascript/lib/boot.js
import Vue from 'vue'
export default function (name, app) {
// app/javascript/lib/boot.js
import Vue from 'vue'
export default function (name, app) {
const nodes = document.querySelectorAll(`[vue-app=${name}]`)
if (!nodes.length) return
const App = Vue.extend(app)
return, (node) => {
const propsData = {}
Object.entries(node.dataset).forEach(([key, value]) => {
try {
propsData[key] = JSON.parse(value)
} catch (e) {
propsData[key] = value
return new App({ propsData }).$mount(node)
import boot from '@/lib/boot'
import HelloWorld from '@/apps/hello-world'
boot(‘hello-world', HelloWorld)
yarn add —-dev jest
yarn add —-dev @vue/test-utils

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Advanced Techniques for Cyber Security Analysis and Anomaly Detection
Advanced Techniques for Cyber Security Analysis and Anomaly DetectionAdvanced Techniques for Cyber Security Analysis and Anomaly Detection
Advanced Techniques for Cyber Security Analysis and Anomaly Detection

Cybersecurity is a major concern in today's connected digital world. Threats to organizations are constantly evolving and have the potential to compromise sensitive information, disrupt operations, and lead to significant financial losses. Traditional cybersecurity techniques often fall short against modern attackers. Therefore, advanced techniques for cyber security analysis and anomaly detection are essential for protecting digital assets. This blog explores these cutting-edge methods, providing a comprehensive overview of their application and importance.

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These fighter aircraft have uses outside of traditional combat situations. They are essential in defending India's territorial integrity, averting dangers, and delivering aid to those in need during natural calamities. Additionally, the IAF improves its interoperability and fortifies international military alliances by working together and conducting joint exercises with other air forces.

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Choose our Linux Web Hosting for a seamless and successful online presenceChoose our Linux Web Hosting for a seamless and successful online presence
Choose our Linux Web Hosting for a seamless and successful online presence

Our Linux Web Hosting plans offer unbeatable performance, security, and scalability, ensuring your website runs smoothly and efficiently. Visit-

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rails generate vue_app hello_world
create app/javascript/packs/hello-world.js
create app/javascript/apps/hello-world/index.vue
create spec/javascript/apps/hello-world/index.spec.js
// app/javascript/packs/hello-world.js
import boot from '@/lib/boot'
import HelloWorld from '@/apps/hello-world'
boot('hello-world', HelloWorld)

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Pigging Solutions Sustainability brochure.pdf

Sustainability requires ingenuity and stewardship. Did you know Pigging Solutions pigging systems help you achieve your sustainable manufacturing goals AND provide rapid return on investment. How? Our systems recover over 99% of product in transfer piping. Recovering trapped product from transfer lines that would otherwise become flush-waste, means you can increase batch yields and eliminate flush waste. From raw materials to finished product, if you can pump it, we can pig it.

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find out more about the role of autonomous vehicles in facing global challenges
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find out more about the role of autonomous vehicles in facing global challenges

accommodate the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities of autonomous vehicles

automotive self-driving car technology

<p>Hello World!</p>
export default {
name: 'HelloWorld'
// spec/javascript/apps/hello-world.spec.js
import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils'
import HelloWorld from '@/apps/hello-world'
describe(‘HelloWorld', () => {
it('should render', () => {
const app = mount(HelloWorld)
Modern JavaScript, without giving up on Rails
rails generate vue_app hello_world

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Quality Patents: Patents That Stand the Test of Time
Quality Patents: Patents That Stand the Test of TimeQuality Patents: Patents That Stand the Test of Time
Quality Patents: Patents That Stand the Test of Time

Is your patent a vanity piece of paper for your office wall? Or is it a reliable, defendable, assertable, property right? The difference is often quality. Is your patent simply a transactional cost and a large pile of legal bills for your startup? Or is it a leverageable asset worthy of attracting precious investment dollars, worth its cost in multiples of valuation? The difference is often quality. Is your patent application only good enough to get through the examination process? Or has it been crafted to stand the tests of time and varied audiences if you later need to assert that document against an infringer, find yourself litigating with it in an Article 3 Court at the hands of a judge and jury, God forbid, end up having to defend its validity at the PTAB, or even needing to use it to block pirated imports at the International Trade Commission? The difference is often quality. Quality will be our focus for a good chunk of the remainder of this season. What goes into a quality patent, and where possible, how do you get it without breaking the bank? ** Episode Overview ** In this first episode of our quality series, Kristen Hansen and the panel discuss: ⦿ What do we mean when we say patent quality? ⦿ Why is patent quality important? ⦿ How to balance quality and budget ⦿ The importance of searching, continuations, and draftsperson domain expertise ⦿ Very practical tips, tricks, examples, and Kristen’s Musts for drafting quality applications

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Best Practices for Effectively Running dbt in Airflow.pdf
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Best Practices for Effectively Running dbt in Airflow.pdf

As a popular open-source library for analytics engineering, dbt is often used in combination with Airflow. Orchestrating and executing dbt models as DAGs ensures an additional layer of control over tasks, observability, and provides a reliable, scalable environment to run dbt models. This webinar will cover a step-by-step guide to Cosmos, an open source package from Astronomer that helps you easily run your dbt Core projects as Airflow DAGs and Task Groups, all with just a few lines of code. We’ll walk through: - Standard ways of running dbt (and when to utilize other methods) - How Cosmos can be used to run and visualize your dbt projects in Airflow - Common challenges and how to address them, including performance, dependency conflicts, and more - How running dbt projects in Airflow helps with cost optimization Webinar given on 9 July 2024

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Manual Method of Product Research | Helium10 | MBS RETRIEVER

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rails generate vue_app hello_world
<%= vue_app :hello_world, user: @user %>
rails generate vue_app hello_world
<%= vue_app :hello_world, user: @user %>
<p>Hello {{ }}!</p>
export default {
name: 'HelloWorld',
props: {
user: Object
Modern JavaScript, without giving up on Rails

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This presentation explores the practical application of image description techniques. Familiar guidelines will be demonstrated in practice, and descriptions will be developed “live”! If you have learned a lot about the theory of image description techniques but want to feel more confident putting them into practice, this is the presentation for you. There will be useful, actionable information for everyone, whether you are working with authors, colleagues, alone, or leveraging AI as a collaborator. Link to presentation recording and transcript: Presented by BookNet Canada on June 25, 2024, with support from the Department of Canadian Heritage.

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Presented at Gartner Data & Analytics, London Maty 2024. BT Group has used the Neo4j Graph Database to enable impressive digital transformation programs over the last 6 years. By re-imagining their operational support systems to adopt self-serve and data lead principles they have substantially reduced the number of applications and complexity of their operations. The result has been a substantial reduction in risk and costs while improving time to value, innovation, and process automation. Join this session to hear their story, the lessons they learned along the way and how their future innovation plans include the exploration of uses of EKG + Generative AI.

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