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Modern Web Development
WebForms -> MVC -> Angular
Modern Web Development
WebForms -> MVC -> Angular
Modern ASP.NET Webskills

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ASP.NET MVC Presentation
ASP.NET MVC PresentationASP.NET MVC Presentation
ASP.NET MVC Presentation

This document discusses ASP.NET MVC, an open source web application framework that implements the model-view-controller pattern. It provides an overview of ASP.NET MVC, including its advantages over ASP.NET Web Forms such as more control over HTML, easier testing, and support for clean URLs. The document also covers best practices for ASP.NET MVC projects, including separating concerns between models, views, and controllers, using dependency injection, avoiding direct dependencies between components, and writing tests.

user groupaspnet mvc mvc 4 mvc mvc 4 mvc 4

This document provides a demonstration of key features in ASP.NET MVC including a Hello World demo, bundling and minification, a mobile template, Web API, using public classes and async/await, and SignalR. It also includes questions at the end.

Building UWP apps with React-Native
Building UWP apps with React-NativeBuilding UWP apps with React-Native
Building UWP apps with React-Native

This document discusses building Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps with React Native. It provides an overview of React, React Native, and UWP. Key points covered include using React Native on Windows 10 and Xbox One by leveraging the ChakraCore JavaScript engine, and including platform specific code for Windows using files like Navigation is handled differently on each platform, for example using native Android components on Android but cross-platform components on Windows. The document also discusses replacing the BackAndroid handler with BackWindows and using controls specific to UWP like SplitViewWindows.

Maintainable Reliable-able
Object Orientation
Secure Coding
Automated Tests
Source Control
Automated Builds
Agile, Lean, XP
Team Dynamics
Continuous Learning
Modern ASP.NET Webskills

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JavaScript & Enterprise BED-Con 2014 Berlin German
JavaScript & Enterprise BED-Con 2014 Berlin GermanJavaScript & Enterprise BED-Con 2014 Berlin German
JavaScript & Enterprise BED-Con 2014 Berlin German

This document discusses using JavaScript throughout the entire enterprise application stack, including the presentation layer, business layer, and persistence layer. It addresses concerns about JavaScript's maturity, frameworks, development tools, deployment processes, and quality attributes. The document advocates that JavaScript is a viable option for enterprise applications if its advantages and disadvantages are understood, the right frameworks are chosen, and processes are put in place to ensure quality. It also provides examples of how to quickly prototype an application using the MEAN stack and deploy it to the cloud.

enterprise architecturejavascript

The document is a presentation on ASP.NET MVC. It provides an overview of ASP.NET MVC, including that it is a new presentation option for ASP.NET that allows for simpler programming, easier testing, and more control over HTML and URLs. It then demonstrates building a simple ASP.NET MVC application and unit testing controllers. It concludes by discussing factors to consider when choosing between ASP.NET WebForms and MVC.

Principles of MVC for PHP Developers
Principles of MVC for PHP DevelopersPrinciples of MVC for PHP Developers
Principles of MVC for PHP Developers

If you are designing an application in PHP with using any Framework, you face many challenges like problems in re-using te code, coding from scratch, difficulty in testing, disorganization of codes etc. The solution is to use design patterns and one such design pattern is MVC ( Model View Controller ). MVC, or Model-View-Controller is a software architecture, or design pattern, that is used in software engineering, whose fundamental principle is based on the idea that the logic of an application should be separated from its presentation. MVC design pattern is used to separate an application’s data, business logic, and presentation; doing so facilitates the creation of more maintainable, reusable, and testable code. (a) Model - Data Layer (b) View - User Interface Layer (c) Controller - Interacts with the Model To know in detail about MVC Principles for PHP Developers, see the above presentation.

write better code
Modern ASP.NET Webskills
Modern ASP.NET Webskills
what are the 4 big parts of unit tests?

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MVVM+MEF in Silvelight - W 2010ebday
MVVM+MEF in Silvelight - W 2010ebdayMVVM+MEF in Silvelight - W 2010ebday
MVVM+MEF in Silvelight - W 2010ebday

MVVM+MEF session for Microsoft WebDay 2010 in Oporto. An overview on the MVVM (Model View ViewModel) pattern and MEF (Managed Extensibility Framework) in Silverlight. When and how to use them.

Flash Testing with Selenium RC
Flash Testing with Selenium RCFlash Testing with Selenium RC
Flash Testing with Selenium RC

This document discusses various tools and techniques for testing flash objects in web applications using automation. It explains that flash objects are difficult to test because they communicate with both the browser and server simultaneously. It then summarizes different frameworks that can be used like Flash Selenium API, Flex UI Selenium API, and the newest addition of Genie Framework. It also provides steps for testing flash objects using these frameworks by identifying flash components, adding external interface functions, and writing test cases.

Building Web Application Using Spring Framework
Building Web Application Using Spring FrameworkBuilding Web Application Using Spring Framework
Building Web Application Using Spring Framework

The document provides an overview of the Spring framework and how to build web applications using Spring. It discusses key Spring concepts like dependency injection, Spring MVC architecture, and exception handling. It also lists contact details for queries and the course objectives, which are to understand the Spring architecture, dependency injection, Spring MVC, exception handling, and how to build a web application with Spring.

spring framework
Test Framework Test Runner
Code Tests
Test Framework Test Runner
Code Tests
your application
what you want to test
Test Framework Test Runner
Code Tests
your test code
the code that tests the
code that you wrote or are
going to write
Test Framework Test Runner
Code Tests
attributes and asserts
the framework provides
the attributes and asserts
so we know what the tests
are doing.
Examples: nUnit jUnit

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This document outlines the plan and process for building a web application using ASP.NET MVC 3-tier architecture. It describes requirements for a link sharing portal, defines user and admin roles, designs the database schema and business objects, and outlines the controller and view logic for the user interface. Implementation steps include creating the data access layer, business logic layer, and MVC presentation layer to build out features like user registration, link submission, category management, and authentication.

3-tieraspnetmvc3-tiermvcaspnetmvc3-tier mvc presentation by Nitin Sawant mvc presentation by Nitin mvc presentation by Nitin Sawant mvc presentation by Nitin Sawant

The document provides an introduction to ASP.NET MVC, including definitions of MVC and its components. It discusses the pros and cons of traditional ASP.NET WebForms compared to MVC. Key aspects of MVC like models, views, controllers, routing and HTML helpers are described at a high level. Popular MVC frameworks for different programming languages are also listed.
MEAN Vs MERN Stack | Detailed Comparison Between MEAN & MERN Stack
MEAN Vs MERN Stack | Detailed Comparison Between MEAN & MERN StackMEAN Vs MERN Stack | Detailed Comparison Between MEAN & MERN Stack
MEAN Vs MERN Stack | Detailed Comparison Between MEAN & MERN Stack

Read the comparison between Mean Stack and Mern Stack. What are the differences between these technology stacks? Let's know who will win the battle between Mean vs Mern.

mean stackmern stackmean vs mern
Test Framework Test Runner
Code Tests
runs the tests
often associated with the
test framework; is
distinctly separate.
sometime integrated in
IDE, CI Server or stand
alone exe
Test Runner
Test Runners
nUnit Test Runner
Test Runners
nUnit Test Runner
Visual Studio (VS Test)

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PHP Frameworks and CodeIgniter
PHP Frameworks and CodeIgniterPHP Frameworks and CodeIgniter
PHP Frameworks and CodeIgniter

The document discusses PHP frameworks and provides an introduction to CodeIgniter. It explains what frameworks are and discusses MVC architecture. It compares different PHP frameworks and provides details on CodeIgniter such as its lightweight nature, ease of use, and application flow. The document demonstrates how to install and configure CodeIgniter, build a basic application, and discusses controllers, models and views.

Type script vs javascript come face to face in battleground
Type script vs javascript come face to face in battlegroundType script vs javascript come face to face in battleground
Type script vs javascript come face to face in battleground

Know about the core differences between Typescript vs Javascript, pros & cons, and decide when you should use which one for your project.

typescriptjavascripttypescript vs javascript
Mobile devices and SharePoint
Mobile devices and SharePointMobile devices and SharePoint
Mobile devices and SharePoint

This document provides an overview of developing mobile applications that connect to SharePoint and Office 365. It discusses challenges around platforms, connectivity, security and architecture. It recommends using a standards-based communication approach with an ASP.NET Web API backend to provide flexibility and control over authentication. Code examples are provided showing how to set up an ASP.NET Web API project with OAuth authentication and user registration/login functionality.

Test Runners
nUnit Test Runner
Visual Studio (VS Test)
CodeRush / ReSharper
Test Runners
nUnit Test Runner
Visual Studio (VS Test)
CodeRush / ReSharper
Continuous Integration (Team City)
the problem with edges
UI DataBusiness
Edges are
Hard to Test

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Selenium training eduxfactor
Selenium training   eduxfactorSelenium training   eduxfactor
Selenium training eduxfactor

Selenium Testing is an open-source tool that automates with web browsers. It delivers a single interface platform that lets you write test scripts in different programming languages like Ruby, Java, NodeJS, PHP, Perl, Python, C#, and many others.

seleniumtrainingeducation and training
ASP .net MVC
ASP .net MVCASP .net MVC
ASP .net MVC

This document provides an overview of MVC, including what MVC is, how MVC request execution works, details on controllers, routing, application development, differences from web forms, and when to use MVC. It describes MVC as separating applications into models, views, and controllers, and how MVC implements the MVC pattern with controllers handling user input and selecting views. Request processing and controller lifecycles are also summarized at a high level.

modelurl routingmvc
TDD with ASP.NET MVC 1.0
TDD with ASP.NET MVC 1.0TDD with ASP.NET MVC 1.0
TDD with ASP.NET MVC 1.0

This document discusses test driven development with ASP.NET MVC 1.0. It introduces ASP.NET MVC and TDD, explaining that MVC separates application logic, data, and presentation while allowing full control over HTML. TDD involves writing an automated test, making it fail, writing code to pass the test, then refactoring. Common .NET unit testing and mock object frameworks are also mentioned.

tdd aspnetmvc
Testing edges
can be like
testing to see
if you���re good
at cliff jumping
That’s not me
..or you’re
stuff on a rock.
You’re either an
expert and it works…
UI DataBusiness
Edges are
Hard to Test

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Introduction to ASP.NET MVC 1.0
Introduction to ASP.NET MVC 1.0Introduction to ASP.NET MVC 1.0
Introduction to ASP.NET MVC 1.0

ASP.NET MVC is an alternative framework to ASP.NET Web Forms that enables separation of concerns, testability and full control over HTML. It uses the MVC pattern to separate application logic, UI logic and data access. The core components are Models for application data, Views for UI display and Controllers to handle requests and responses. ASP.NET MVC builds on ASP.NET but does not replace Web Forms, and many core ASP.NET features still apply. It aims to produce cleaner, more testable code compared to Web Forms.

aspnetmvc core 1.0 (Peter Himschoot) core 1.0 (Peter Himschoot) core 1.0 (Peter Himschoot) core 1.0 (Peter Himschoot)

It is almost there, the RTM version of ASP.NET 5 and MVC6, with a new project system in Visual Studio 2015 and a new cross-platform runtime! In this session we will dig into each one of those. We will look at how you can deploy your website without it being affected, or affecting other runtimes. We will look at how to build your own middleware for this new runtime (and maybe package it as a NuGet package), building POCO controllers for MVC6, how to do unit testing, … At the end of this session you should have a better insight in this exciting new framework and runtime!
Construindo aplicações leves e performáticas com ASP.NET Core 1.0
Construindo aplicações leves e performáticas com ASP.NET Core 1.0Construindo aplicações leves e performáticas com ASP.NET Core 1.0
Construindo aplicações leves e performáticas com ASP.NET Core 1.0

O documento descreve a evolução da internet e do framework .NET entre 2002 e 2016, destacando o crescimento exponencial de usuários e sites, a mudança na arquitetura da nuvem e microserviços, e a transição do .NET para ser multiplataforma e open source com o .NET Core.

microsoftentity core 1.0
Edges are still
Hard to Test
by separating UI/Data edges from
UI/Data logic we’re increasing the testable area
Edges are still
Hard to Test
by separating UI/Data edges from
UI/Data logic we’re increasing the testable area
we’ve also made it easier to implement
various UI and Data platforms
without affecting the application logic
Edges are still
Hard to Test
by separating UI/Data edges from
UI/Data logic we’re increasing the testable area
we’ve also made it easier to implement
various UI and Data platforms
without affecting the application logic
Model View Controller (MVC)
•All input is routed to a controller
•Example Web Scenarios
•ASP.NET MVC Framework
Model View Presenter (MVP)
• View initiates Presenter
• UI Logic is contained in Presenter
• Example WinApp & ASP.NET Webform apps
Model View ViewModel (MVVM)
• ViewModel is a view specific model
• VM is can mash up application models
• UI logic contained in ViewModel
• Example Rich Data binding Scenarios
(WPF / Silverlight)

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Mvc webforms
Mvc webformsMvc webforms
Mvc webforms

This document compares ASP.NET WebForms and ASP.NET MVC, discussing their pros, cons, runtime stacks, and when each should be used. WebForms provides better RAD development capabilities and control libraries but has UI logic coupled with code, making it harder to test. MVC provides finer HTML control and separation of concerns, making it easier to test, but has less robust control support. The runtime stack for WebForms uses ASPX pages and code-behind classes, while MVC uses controllers and view engines. WebForms is better for data-heavy applications, while MVC is a better fit when test-driven development is needed or finer HTML control is required. webform mvc
Basic Concept of ASP.NET
Basic Concept of ASP.NETBasic Concept of ASP.NET
Basic Concept of ASP.NET

The document introduces ASP.NET and discusses two coding models: inline code and code behind. Inline code involves writing script and HTML code in the same file, while code behind separates the code into two linked files - one for HTML markup and one for code written in VB.NET. It also covers code render blocks, server controls, validation controls, and the directory structure in ASP.NET projects.
Introduction to ASP.NET MVC
Introduction to ASP.NET MVCIntroduction to ASP.NET MVC
Introduction to ASP.NET MVC

This document provides an introduction and overview of ASP.NET Webforms and ASP.NET MVC. It discusses the key concepts of each including pages, page lifecycle, and controls for Webforms. For MVC, it outlines the model-view-controller pattern, routing, controllers and actions. It also compares the pros and cons of each approach and provides references for further reading.

aspnetemad ashirest
Modern ASP.NET Webskills
Modern ASP.NET Webskills

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Asp.netmvc handson
Asp.netmvc handsonAsp.netmvc handson
Asp.netmvc handson

Dev One is a consulting firm that provides .NET development expertise including architecture, development and testing roles. They help enterprises build state-of-the-art solutions using latest technologies so applications can be rapidly deployed. With over 10 years experience across various sectors, Dev One aims to reduce clients' IT costs and allow employees to focus on core business through proven experience and deep understanding of clients' needs. The presentation discusses what MVC is, its history and adoption, how it compares to ASP.NET web forms, and includes demos of building a book store application in ASP.NET MVC 3.

Coding Naked
Coding NakedCoding Naked
Coding Naked

Caleb Jenkins discusses best practices for writing automated unit tests, including having a test runner, setting the test context or scene, and handling dependencies through techniques like dependency injection and mocking. He advocates writing tests first to define requirements and ensure code meets expectations. Jenkins also addresses challenges with testing edges or interfaces and advocates separating UI/data logic from edges to increase testability.

bddautomated unit testingtdd
Building an enterprise app in silverlight 4 and NHibernate
Building an enterprise app in silverlight 4 and NHibernateBuilding an enterprise app in silverlight 4 and NHibernate
Building an enterprise app in silverlight 4 and NHibernate

This document discusses building an enterprise application using Silverlight, NHibernate, and following CQRS and MVVM patterns. It recommends using OData to implement the query model in CQRS and NHibernate for the domain model. It then covers implementing the front-end using MVVM principles in Silverlight, including using view models, commands, and an event aggregator for communication between view models. Demo code is provided for various aspects like OData queries, NHibernate usage, implementing a base view model, locator pattern, MEF, and unit testing view models.

nhibernatecqrsconvention over configuration
With MVP
the Presenter “knows” about every field.
the Presenter “knows” about the
the View “binds” to the ViewModel
ViewModel can…
composite application models
contain behaviors
simplify application UI with
wpf/Silverlight/JavaScript binding

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Technoligent providing custom ASP.NET MVC development services
Technoligent providing custom ASP.NET MVC development servicesTechnoligent providing custom ASP.NET MVC development services
Technoligent providing custom ASP.NET MVC development services

In this presentation, discuss about ASP.NET MVC patterns and techniques for developing ASP.NET MVC applications.

Top 40 MVC Interview Questions and Answers | Edureka
Top 40 MVC Interview Questions and Answers | EdurekaTop 40 MVC Interview Questions and Answers | Edureka
Top 40 MVC Interview Questions and Answers | Edureka

YouTube Link: ** Edureka Online Courses: ** This Edureka video on "Top 40 MVC Interview Questions and Answers" will help you to prepare yourself for the MVC Questions asked in Interviews. It covers mvc questions for beginners, intermediate and experienced professionals. Below topics are covered in this video: Beginner Level MVC Interview Questions Intermediate Level MVC Interview Questions Advanced Level MVC Interview Questions Follow us to never miss an update in the future. YouTube: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: LinkedIn: Castbox:

mvc interview questionsmvc interview questions 4 years experiencemvc interview questions and answers
Web development concepts using microsoft technologies
Web development concepts using microsoft technologiesWeb development concepts using microsoft technologies
Web development concepts using microsoft technologies

This document summarizes a presentation about web development concepts using Microsoft technologies. It introduces ASP.NET as a framework for building web applications in C# or VB.NET using Visual Studio. It describes ASP.NET features like controls, page lifecycle, and different coding styles. It also discusses recent additions like AJAX, jQuery, LINQ, MVC, and the Microsoft web platform. The presentation aims to provide an overview of Microsoft web technologies and how they can help developers build web applications.

aspnetweb platformmicrosoft
Modern ASP.NET Webskills

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MVP Mix 2015 Leveraging MVVM on all Platforms
MVP Mix 2015  Leveraging MVVM on all PlatformsMVP Mix 2015  Leveraging MVVM on all Platforms
MVP Mix 2015 Leveraging MVVM on all Platforms

Model View ViewModel (MVVM) is an architectural pattern that originated from Microsoft and provides a pattern for code-sharing across Windows Store and Windows Phone apps; however, you can take MVVM anywhere - including iOS and Android! MVVM frameworks act as the glue that ties together the apps user interface and business logic and adds amazing features such as data binding and commands. There are several MVVM frameworks that allow you to share more code on iOS, Android, and Windows including Bind, MVVM Light, MvvmCross, and Xamarin.Forms ships with its own lightweight MVVM framework. Come learn what exactly the MVVM pattern is, and when to use it. We will go through the pros and cons of several architectural patterns, such as MVC and MVP, and compare them to MVVM. We will investigate several different MVVM frameworks from lightweight to heavier approaches. Walk away with the ability to leverage the MVVM framework for optimal code reuse in creating beautiful native mobile applications on every platform

cross platform developmentandroidios
Which is better mvc vs
Which is better mvc vs asp.netWhich is better mvc vs
Which is better mvc vs

Let’s get better idea about ASP NET MVC vs ASP NET. If you need any helps, we are an asp net development company that is ready to assist you at every step. development companyhire programmershire asp net mvc development
Spring tutorials
Spring tutorialsSpring tutorials
Spring tutorials

This document provides an introduction to the Spring Framework, including its core features and architecture. It discusses how Spring addresses issues with other Java frameworks through loose coupling and dependency injection. It also describes Spring's Model-View-Controller architecture and how Spring supports aspects like logging and integration with big data technologies and databases. The document concludes with an overview of building a web application demo using Spring.

best spring training in bangalorebest it training institute bangalorespring training institute in bangalore
Resources & Frameworks
more than TDD done right
introducing BDD
behavior driven, test driven, domain driven
nBehave, nSpec, SpecFlow, StoryQ,
mSpec, StorEvil
Modern ASP.NET Webskills
Handle your
“The single greatest thing that you can do to
make your code more testable and healthy is to
start taking a Dependency Injection approach to
writing software”
- Real World .NET, C# and Silverlight
Wrox Press 2012
Caleb Jenkins

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Beginners' guide to Ruby on Rails
Beginners' guide to Ruby on RailsBeginners' guide to Ruby on Rails
Beginners' guide to Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is an open-source web application framework used to build database-backed web applications according to the MVC pattern. It provides conventions for building applications, including generators to create the database schema and controller actions. The framework emphasizes convention over configuration and is based on the Ruby programming language.

Intro to Eclipse Che, by Tyler Jewell
Intro to Eclipse Che, by Tyler JewellIntro to Eclipse Che, by Tyler Jewell
Intro to Eclipse Che, by Tyler Jewell

This document provides an introduction to Eclipse Che, a cloud integrated development environment (IDE) and software development kit (SDK) for building cloud-based IDE extensions. It discusses how Che aims to make developer workspace configuration repeatable and distributes developer services through browser-accessible microservices and plugins. The document outlines Che's architecture, components, roadmap, and relationship to the broader Eclipse Cloud Development initiative. It also provides information on getting started with Che and developing IDE extensions for it.

cloud idejavacloud development
Training: MVVM Pattern
Training: MVVM PatternTraining: MVVM Pattern
Training: MVVM Pattern

The Model View ViewModel (MVVM) is an architectural pattern originated by Microsoft as a specialization of the Presentation Model (Martin Fowler). Similar to MVC, MVVM is suitable for client applications (Xaml-based, Xamarin, SPA, ...) because it facilitates a clear separation between the UI and the Business Logic. Examples with WPF, MvvmCross, AngularJs. It also contains solutions for common use cases.

Data Access
Data Logic
Integration Service Proxy
App Domain Domain Validation
UI Logic
How do you test this
with these
Data Access
Data Logic
Integration Service Proxy
App Domain Domain Validation
UI Logic
Test Runner
Test Code
Integration Service Proxy
App Domain Domain Validation
UI Logic
Dependency Injection + Interfaces
Faked dependencies to increase unit isolation
Leverage mocking frameworks makes life better
Dependency Injection
will turn you in to a complete
coding Ninja, however the
full scope of DI with any of
the many DI frameworks is
beyond the scope of this talk

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Intro to .NET for Government Developers
Intro to .NET for Government DevelopersIntro to .NET for Government Developers
Intro to .NET for Government Developers

Presention I gave at the 2012 SC GMIS Developer Summit. Covers a wide range of .NET Developer Topics.

public framework
WinJS at NYC Code Camp 2012
WinJS at NYC Code Camp 2012WinJS at NYC Code Camp 2012
WinJS at NYC Code Camp 2012

This document provides an introduction and overview of WinJS, including: - What WinJS is and what's under the hood technically - How WinJS fits into app development and what's new - Examples of patterns like MVVM and regions when using WinJS - Considerations for managing WinJS apps in an enterprise setting - The process for testing WinJS apps for submission to the Windows Store The presentation covers the basics of WinJS while not discussing more advanced topics like tiles, sensors, or background tasks.

MVC From Beginner to Advance in Indian Style by - Indiandotnet
MVC From Beginner to Advance in Indian Style by - IndiandotnetMVC From Beginner to Advance in Indian Style by - Indiandotnet
MVC From Beginner to Advance in Indian Style by - Indiandotnet

This document provides an overview of Model-View-Controller (MVC) and ASP.NET MVC frameworks. It discusses the basic concepts of MVC including the model, view and controller components. It then explains how ASP.NET MVC works with models, views, controllers and data access layers. Finally, it demonstrates some key aspects of ASP.NET MVC like routing, views, HTML helpers and controllers.

- Real World .NET, C# and Silverlight
Wrox Press 2012
Caleb Jenkins
Mocking Framework
“A mocking framework allows you to create fake classes on the fly in-
line with your test code. That is a bit of a simplification, mocking
frameworks use a combination of emits, reflection and generics to
create run-time instance implementations of .NET Interfaces – whew,
that’s a mouthful - it’s a whole lot easier to say that they create fake
classes on the fly!”
Mocking in .NET
Bringing DI together

Recommended for you mvc 5 ppt mvc 5 mvc 5 ppt mvc 5 ppt

This document provides an overview of a training presentation on web development using ASP.NET MVC and Visual Studio. The presentation introduces web development, the ASP.NET MVC framework, and Visual Studio. It describes how ASP.NET MVC follows a model-view-controller architectural pattern to separate the application into models, views, and controllers. It also explains the roles of models, views, and controllers in managing and displaying data and handling user interaction. The presentation aims to familiarize trainees with building web applications using ASP.NET MVC and Visual Studio.

asp.netmvcweb development
From Backbone to Ember and Back(bone) Again
From Backbone to Ember and Back(bone) AgainFrom Backbone to Ember and Back(bone) Again
From Backbone to Ember and Back(bone) Again

As a software consultant, I get to see a lot of interesting code. In this particular instance a client was in the process of transforming their web application to a rich, interactive interface with the help of another company. The project kicked off using Backbone and things were great. Until they were not great. Pages starting getting more and more involved and blame started being thrown at the technology choice. A move to Ember.js ensued and the app was rewritten. But architecturally bad decisions don't hide long, and soon the rewrite was preforming even worse. That's when I stepped in, with the help of another consultant, to solve the performance issues once and for all. Our solution used Backbone.js and it was fast. This is that journey.

MVC & backbone.js
MVC & backbone.jsMVC & backbone.js
MVC & backbone.js

The document discusses Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture and Backbone.js. It defines MVC as separating a web application into three parts: the model (data), view (presentation), and controller (user interaction). It explains that Backbone.js implements an MVC-like structure using models, views, and routers to organize JavaScript code. The document also introduces JavaScript templating as a way to render templates with data bindings into the HTML DOM.

javascript mvc backbone
IData mockData = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IData>();
mockData.Expect(x => x.getAll<account>())
IAccountServices accountService
= new AcmeAccountService(mockData);
var act = accountService.GetAccount(known_account_id);
IData mockData = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IData>();
mockData.Expect(x => x.getAll<account>())
IAccountServices accountService
= new AcmeAccountService(mockData);
var act = accountService.GetAccount(known_account_id);
IData mockData = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IData>();
mockData.Expect(x => x.getAll<account>())
IAccountServices accountService
= new AcmeAccountService(mockData);
var act = accountService.GetAccount(known_account_id);
IData mockData = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IData>();
mockData.Expect(x => x.getAll<account>())
IAccountServices accountService
= new AcmeAccountService(mockData);
var act = accountService.GetAccount(known_account_id);

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Narasimha reddy telluri
Narasimha reddy telluriNarasimha reddy telluri
Narasimha reddy telluri

9 years of progressive technical and functional experience specializing in analysis, design and development of Internet, Intranet, Client Server and Object Oriented applications built on Microsoft related Technologies. Developing Object-Oriented Programming with C# and VB.NET Full stack .Net Developer with special expertise Comfortable working with both back-end and front-end technologies. To be more specific, it means that the developer can work with databases, C#, ASP.Net MVC, MVVM, Entity Framework, SQLSERVER, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and AngularJS everything in between, also, venturing as far as converting designs to front-end code. Developing applications leveraging ADO.NET, Entity Framework and FluentNHibernate. Parsing, querying, scraping, and transforming XML, HTML and HTML5 Microsoft SQL Server: Normalization, T-SQL, Stored Procedures, Rules, Views, Indexes Building web applications with C#, ASP.NET MVC4.0, JavaScript, jQuery, Angular JS, JSON, HTML5, XHTML, CSS, Bootstrap and Firebug. Experience in Visual Studio 2010 and .Net Framework 4.5 Experience with an agile software development methodology and Test Driven Development including SCRUM Framework. Experience in using Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) in a self-hosting mechanism, to SOAP messages between metadata endpoints, extensively worked on WCF RIA Services. Design and implement Restful API layer along with calls to consume an web API layer. I have continued to enjoy developing multi-tier web applications with the use of WCF using & MVC4.0 Web API. Extensively Used LINQ to SQL, LINQ to XML and LINQ to Objects for retrieving the data efficiently and Just in Time manner.

Narasimha reddy Telluri
Narasimha reddy TelluriNarasimha reddy Telluri
Narasimha reddy Telluri

9+ years of progressive technical and functional experience specializing in analysis, design and development of Internet, Intranet, Client Server and Object Oriented applications built on Microsoft related Technologies. Developing Object-Oriented Programming with C# and VB.NET Full stack .Net Developer with special expertise Comfortable working with both back-end and front-end technologies. To be more specific, it means that the developer can work with databases, C#, ASP.Net MVC, MVVM, Entity Framework, SQLSERVER, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and AngularJS everything in between, also, venturing as far as converting designs to front-end code. Developing applications leveraging ADO.NET, Entity Framework and FluentNHibernate. Parsing, querying, scraping, and transforming XML, HTML and HTML5 Microsoft SQL Server: Normalization, T-SQL, Stored Procedures, Rules, Views, Indexes Building web applications with C#, ASP.NET MVC4.0, JavaScript, jQuery, Angular JS, JSON, HTML5, XHTML, CSS, Bootstrap and Firebug. Experience in Visual Studio 2010 and .Net Framework 4.5 Experience with an agile software development methodology and Test Driven Development including SCRUM Framework. Experience in using Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) in a self-hosting mechanism, to SOAP messages between metadata endpoints, extensively worked on WCF RIA Services. Design and implement Restful API layer along with calls to consume an web API layer. I have continued to enjoy developing multi-tier web applications with the use of WCF using & MVC4.0 Web API. Extensively Used LINQ to SQL, LINQ to XML and LINQ to Objects for retrieving the data efficiently and Just in Time manner.

Coding Naked 2023
Coding Naked 2023Coding Naked 2023
Coding Naked 2023

Coding Naked – Practical steps to moving towards & embracing TDD. We'll overview the normal roadblocks that people typically run in to, and practical ways to overcome those road blocks on your way to embracing Test Driven Development - make coding without tests as uncomfortable as coding naked! Code: Presenting at events:
IData mockData = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IData>();
mockData.Expect(x => x.getAll<account>())
IAccountServices accountService
= new AcmeAccountService(mockData);
var act = accountService.GetAccount(known_account_id);
IData mockData = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IData>();
mockData.Expect(x => x.getAll<account>())
IAccountServices accountService
= new AcmeAccountService(mockData);
var act = accountService.GetAccount(known_account_id);
IData mockData = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IData>();
mockData.Expect(x => x.getAll<account>())
IAccountServices accountService
= new AcmeAccountService(mockData);
var act = accountService.GetAccount(known_account_id);
WebForms -> MVP

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/Wall/Default.aspx.cs /Controllers/WallController.cs
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/Wall/Default.aspx.cs /Controllers/WallController.cs
/Masterpage.master.cs /Controllers/BaseController.cs
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<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="MainCol" runat="server">
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID=“LeftCol" runat="server">
<asp:Content ID="Content2"
ContentPlaceHolderID=“MainCol" runat="server">���
<asp:Content ID="Content3"
ContentPlaceHolderID="LeftCol" runat="server">….
@RenderSection("LeftCol", false)
@section LeftCol {
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Based on years of consulting, and working with some of the largest (and smallest) software companies in the world.. these are the 10 practices that if you started doing today, would drastically improve the quality and delivery of your software! Also, be sure to hang around afterwards in the Open Spaces area.. Caleb will be around to discuss any of the areas from his talk in more detail. It’s going to be great time! Topics hit on: Object Oriented Principals, SOLID Coding, Security Concerns, Software Patterns, Automated Testing, Source Control - Branching and Merging Strategies, Continuous Integration, Agile | Scrum | XP | Lean, Team Dynamics, Continually Learning
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Copyright © Merriswheel – Used without permission

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Modern ASP.NET Webskills

Editor's Notes

  1. Build out slide.. Before you click through: take a minute to have student “read” test and talk out what it’s doing.
  2. Build out slide.. Before you click through: take a minute to have student “read” test and talk out what it’s doing.
  3. Build out slide.. Before you click through: take a minute to have student “read” test and talk out what it’s doing.
  4. Build out slide.. Before you click through: take a minute to have student “read” test and talk out what it’s doing.
  5. Build out slide.. Before you click through: take a minute to have student “read” test and talk out what it’s doing.
  6. Build out slide.. Before you click through: take a minute to have student “read” test and talk out what it’s doing.
  7. Build out slide.. Before you click through: take a minute to have student “read” test and talk out what it’s doing.