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Mobile Java with GWT
(and alternatives)
Murat Yener & Alex Theedom
@yenerm @alextheedom
who (the hell) am I?!?
Java, Flex, GWT, iOS, Android developer
Principle Mentor at Eteration
Eclipse Committer
GDG (GTUG) Istanbul Organizer
Conference Speaker
Mobile App Developer at Intel
as a mobile developer
what (the hell) is this talk
The fifth element... The Webview..
HTML5 mobile frameworks
keeping native UX
so an HTML5 talk???
Facebook killed HTML5
app.. Zuckerberg said
HTML5 is not there yet!!
try fastbook from sencha
LinkedIn moved to native!!
so did they just fix it??
mobile apps!
Windows Phone
Hybrid Apps: Teaching the old dog new tricks?
html5 apps in native shell?? nuts!! this
is too complicated!!
have many of you have web development
how many of you develop native apps?
how many of you don’t like web
development just because of javascript??
but it is slow!!
building games?
3d physics?
image or sound processing?
no most of the time we just do this!
wait is this really web?
Angry Birds for Chrome (GWT)
Quake on Mobile (requires Chrome Beta for
“We started with the existing Jake2 Java port of the Quake II engine,
then used the Google Web Toolkit (along with WebGL, WebSockets,
and a lot of refactoring) to cross-compile it into Javascript. You can see
the results in the video above — we were honestly a bit surprised when
we saw it pushing over 30 frames per second on our laptops (your
mileage may vary)!” from Google Code Blog...
Chromium WebView
Mobile (friendly) HTML5
GWT 101: java to
GWT compiler does the
Optimized high
performance javascript
cross browser
compability (upto ie6)
not really mobile look’n
feel :(
gwt frameworks?
gwt-mobile-webkit: database, storage,
geolocation, widgets(?)
gwtmobile: GwtMobile-UI, Gwtmobile-
Persistence, GwtMobile-PhoneGap(!)
touch4j: Sencha,
mgwt: UI Widgets, GWT-Phonegap
so what is mGWT
mobile widget library on gwt
native looking widgets for each platform
maven friendly
mvp ready (maven archetype)
and with gwt-phonegap
where to start?
get the source
or download the jar
or just use maven
Hello World!!
public class MGWTEntryPoint implements EntryPoint {
public void onModuleLoad() {
// set viewport and other settings for mobile
// build animation helper and attach it
AnimationHelper animationHelper = new AnimationHelper();
// build some UI
LayoutPanel layoutPanel = new LayoutPanel();
Button button = new Button("Hello mgwt");
// animate
animationHelper.goTo(layoutPanel, Animation.SLIDE);
using other libs:
ex. maps..
Google Maps Ver 2.0:
Google Maps Ver 3.0:
No Javascript so far!
<inherits name='' />
add a litte spice:
file system
even nfc
phonegap in action
Button button = new Button("Hello mgwt");
button().addTapHandler(new TapHandler() {
public void onTap(TapEvent event) {
phonegap, in real action
phoneGap.getGeolocation().watchPosition(geolocationOptions, new MyGeolocationCallback(){
public void onSuccess(Position position) {
// check accuracy
if (position.getCoordinates().getAccuracy() > 11) {
raceView.getLabel().setText("Error: Accuracy");
// geolocation returns mps, multiply with 3.6 to convert to kph
double speed = 3.6 * position.getCoordinates().getSpeed();
if (speed > 0.2) {// if going
raceView.getLabel().setText(speed + "km @" + position.getCoordinates().getAccuracy());
currentLocation = position;
// got the position now can start!
// stop if the threshold is reached
if (isGoing && speed >= 60) {
endLocation = position;
} else {// if stoped
raceView.getLabel().setText("get ready!!");
isGoing = false;
public void onFailure(PositionError error) {
MgwtAppEntryPoint.phoneGap.getNotification().alert("Problem getting location");
even more...
public void onTap(TapEvent event) {
final MCheckBox check = ((MCheckBox) event.getSource());
if (check.getValue()) {
if (TWITTER.equalsIgnoreCase(type))
profileView.getBrowser().showWebPage(Service.BASE_URL + "auth/twitter");
else if (FACEBOOK.equalsIgnoreCase(type))
profileView.getBrowser().showWebPage(Service.BASE_URL + "auth/facebook");
ChildBrowserLocationChangedHandler() {
public void onLocationChanged(ChildBrowserLocationChangedEvent event) {
//Do the login...
going fancy, mvp!
code your UI in the View preferably in xml
via UIBinder
and your logic in the controller (activity)
sound familiar?
easy navigation
lots of boilerplate code
mgwt, advanced
Maven Archetype
connecting to backend
GWT-RPC (yeah, it rocks), but in native package?
JSONP with with RequestBuilder & Autobean
JsonpRequestBuilder jsonp = new JsonpRequestBuilder();
String url = URL.encode(JSON_URL + "/sendData/" + “HelloWorld”);
jsonp.requestObject(url, new AsyncCallback<JavaScriptObject>() {
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
public void onSuccess(JavaScriptObject result) {
JSONObject jsObj = new JSONObject(result);
AutoBean<Score[]> bean = AutoBeanCodex.decode(factory, Score[].class, jsObj.toString());
Score[] scores =;
accessing native js
can use any existing javascript
use javascript in type safe way
BUT!! don’t mess touch events!!
AND beware you are not in the safe and
optimized zone anymore!!
public native static String key(int index) /*-{
return $wnd.localStorage.key(index);
public native static void setItem(String key, String value) /*-{
$wnd.localStorage.setItem(key, value);
public native static String getItem(String key) /*-{
return $wnd.localStorage.getItem(key);
public native static void removeItem(String key) /*-{
public native static void clear() /*-{
building my swipe panel
just like the one in sencha
wrapped swipeview from
mgwt groups!forum/mgwt
daniel to rescue..
here it is
coming from jQuery, no problem!
public void onModuleLoad() {
//Hide the text and set the width and append an h1 element
.css("width", "400px")
.prepend("<h1>GwtQuery Rocks !</h1>");
//add a click handler on the button
$("button").click(new Function(){
public void f() {
//display the text with effects and animate its background color
.animate("backgroundColor: 'yellow'", 500)
.animate("backgroundColor: '#fff'", 1500);
default themes for
Android (>4.0)
iOS/iOS retina (<7.0)
easy to create yours
//append your own css as last thing in the head
wait, css in java?!?
.mgwt-Button {
display: inline-block;
float: left;
width: 145px;
height: 100px;
border: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.23);
background: #ff6600;
border-radius: 6px;
box-shadow: inset -1px 0px 0px rgba(255,255,255,0.41), inset
1px 0px 0px rgba(255,255,255,0.21), inset 0px -1px 0px
rgba(0,0,0,0.21), inset 0px 1px 0px rgba(255,255,255,0.41), 0px 1px
2px rgba(0,0,0,0.21);
text-align: center;
font-size: 14px;
margin: 5px;
font-weight: bold;
text-shadow: 0px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.49);
color: white;
line-height: 124px;
first class java debugging in your
GWT pretty compile and debug
javascript in your browser
use source maps and debug java
in your browser!!
use remote debugging to debug on
mobile devices
what about others?
iOS, works like charm.. pretty much native
android, near native experience
windows phone
what can i really build?
but why not going native for games
many widgets.. lists, carousels, forms
dev friendly, you know java? just dive in!
make use of current js
windows phone? seriously?!?
GDG Istanbul (every 3. or 4. Saturday)
Interested in OSGi? No? ok, i thought so…
and GWT.create at San Francisco
discount with promo
when ordering
valid until end of
December 2015
who (the hell) am I?!?
Java (Spring/EE) developer
Jersey Coders Mentor
Conference Speaker
Cross-platform Mobile
Develop once run on multiple platforms
Choose just ‘one’ language
Two Approaches
Cross compile
Lets see some code
UI coded in Java
Rendered in native UI
Codename One
Compile to native
JDK 1.3
Windows Phone
Java 5
Lets see some code
Familiar to Swing
and GWT coders
Java 8 next release
Oracle Mobile Application
Framework (MAF)
Only Jdeveloper or Eclipse
Lightweight JVM
Lets see some code
Flow define GUI
Device feature via

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Java EE Revisits Design PatternsJava EE Revisits Design Patterns
Java EE Revisits Design Patterns
Alex Theedom
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Java EE 8: What Servlet 4.0 and HTTP/2 mean to youJava EE 8: What Servlet 4.0 and HTTP/2 mean to you
Java EE 8: What Servlet 4.0 and HTTP/2 mean to you
Alex Theedom

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Java EE 8: What Servlet 4.0 and HTTP/2 mean to you
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Java EE 8: What Servlet 4.0 and HTTP/2 mean to you

Mobile Java with GWT: Still "Write Once, Run Everywhere"

  • 1. Mobile Java with GWT (and alternatives) Murat Yener & Alex Theedom @yenerm @alextheedom
  • 2. who (the hell) am I?!? Java, Flex, GWT, iOS, Android developer Principle Mentor at Eteration Eclipse Committer GDG (GTUG) Istanbul Organizer Conference Speaker Mobile App Developer at Intel
  • 3. as a mobile developer
  • 4. what (the hell) is this talk about?!? The fifth element... The Webview.. HTML5 mobile frameworks Phonegap keeping native UX
  • 5. so an HTML5 talk??? Facebook killed HTML5 app.. Zuckerberg said HTML5 is not there yet!! try fastbook from sencha LinkedIn moved to native!! so did they just fix it??
  • 7. Hybrid Apps: Teaching the old dog new tricks?
  • 8. html5 apps in native shell?? nuts!! this is too complicated!! have many of you have web development experience? how many of you develop native apps? how many of you don’t like web development just because of javascript??
  • 9. but it is slow!! building games? 3d physics? image or sound processing? ... no most of the time we just do this!
  • 10. wait is this really web? Angry Birds for Chrome (GWT) Quake on Mobile (requires Chrome Beta for WebGL) “We started with the existing Jake2 Java port of the Quake II engine, then used the Google Web Toolkit (along with WebGL, WebSockets, and a lot of refactoring) to cross-compile it into Javascript. You can see the results in the video above — we were honestly a bit surprised when we saw it pushing over 30 frames per second on our laptops (your mileage may vary)!” from Google Code Blog...
  • 13. GWT 101: java to javascript? GWT compiler does the magic Optimized high performance javascript cross browser compability (upto ie6) not really mobile look’n feel :(
  • 15. gwt frameworks? gwt-mobile-webkit: database, storage, geolocation, widgets(?) gwtmobile: GwtMobile-UI, Gwtmobile- Persistence, GwtMobile-PhoneGap(!) touch4j: Sencha, mgwt: UI Widgets, GWT-Phonegap
  • 16. so what is mGWT mobile widget library on gwt native looking widgets for each platform maven friendly mvp ready (maven archetype) and with gwt-phonegap
  • 17. where to start? get the source or download the jar or just use maven <dependency> <groupId>com.googlecode.mgwt</groupId> <artifactId>mgwt</artifactId> <version>1.1.2</version> </dependency>
  • 18. Hello World!! public class MGWTEntryPoint implements EntryPoint { public void onModuleLoad() { // set viewport and other settings for mobile MGWT.applySettings(MGWTSettings.getAppSetting()); // build animation helper and attach it AnimationHelper animationHelper = new AnimationHelper(); RootPanel.get().add(animationHelper); // build some UI LayoutPanel layoutPanel = new LayoutPanel(); Button button = new Button("Hello mgwt"); layoutPanel.add(button); // animate animationHelper.goTo(layoutPanel, Animation.SLIDE); } }
  • 19. using other libs: ex. maps.. Google Maps Ver 2.0: apis/ Google Maps Ver 3.0: maps-v3/ No Javascript so far! <inherits name='' />
  • 20. add a litte spice: phonegap geolocation camera accelerator compass phonebook file system even nfc
  • 21. phonegap in action ... Button button = new Button("Hello mgwt"); button().addTapHandler(new TapHandler() { @Override public void onTap(TapEvent event) { phoneGap.getNotification().alert("Done!!"); } }); layoutPanel.add(button); ...
  • 22. phonegap, in real action phoneGap.getGeolocation().watchPosition(geolocationOptions, new MyGeolocationCallback(){ @Override public void onSuccess(Position position) { // check accuracy if (position.getCoordinates().getAccuracy() > 11) { raceView.getLabel().setText("Error: Accuracy"); } // geolocation returns mps, multiply with 3.6 to convert to kph double speed = 3.6 * position.getCoordinates().getSpeed(); if (speed > 0.2) {// if going raceView.getLabel().setText(speed + "km @" + position.getCoordinates().getAccuracy()); currentLocation = position; // got the position now can start! start(); // stop if the threshold is reached if (isGoing && speed >= 60) { MgwtAppEntryPoint.phoneGap.getGeolocation().clearWatch(geolocationWatcher); endLocation = position; calculate(); } } else {// if stoped raceView.getLabel().setText("get ready!!"); isGoing = false; } } @Override public void onFailure(PositionError error) { MgwtAppEntryPoint.phoneGap.getNotification().alert("Problem getting location"); } });
  • 23. even more... public void onTap(TapEvent event) { final MCheckBox check = ((MCheckBox) event.getSource()); if (check.getValue()) { if (TWITTER.equalsIgnoreCase(type)) profileView.getBrowser().showWebPage(Service.BASE_URL + "auth/twitter"); else if (FACEBOOK.equalsIgnoreCase(type)) profileView.getBrowser().showWebPage(Service.BASE_URL + "auth/facebook"); profileView.getBrowser().addLocationChangeHandler(new ChildBrowserLocationChangedHandler() { @Override public void onLocationChanged(ChildBrowserLocationChangedEvent event) { //Do the login... } }); } } }
  • 24. going fancy, mvp! code your UI in the View preferably in xml via UIBinder and your logic in the controller (activity) sound familiar? easy navigation lots of boilerplate code
  • 26. connecting to backend GWT-RPC (yeah, it rocks), but in native package? JSONP with with RequestBuilder & Autobean JsonpRequestBuilder jsonp = new JsonpRequestBuilder(); String url = URL.encode(JSON_URL + "/sendData/" + “HelloWorld”); jsonp.requestObject(url, new AsyncCallback<JavaScriptObject>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { MgwtAppEntryPoint.phoneGap.getNotification().alert(caught.getMessage()); } @Override public void onSuccess(JavaScriptObject result) { JSONObject jsObj = new JSONObject(result); AutoBean<Score[]> bean = AutoBeanCodex.decode(factory, Score[].class, jsObj.toString()); Score[] scores =; scoresCallback.onResponse(scores); } });
  • 27. accessing native js can use any existing javascript use javascript in type safe way BUT!! don’t mess touch events!! AND beware you are not in the safe and optimized zone anymore!!
  • 28. JSNI public native static String key(int index) /*-{ return $wnd.localStorage.key(index); }-*/; public native static void setItem(String key, String value) /*-{ $wnd.localStorage.setItem(key, value); }-*/; public native static String getItem(String key) /*-{ return $wnd.localStorage.getItem(key); }-*/; public native static void removeItem(String key) /*-{ $wnd.localStorage.removeItem(key); }-*/; public native static void clear() /*-{ $wnd.localStorage.clear(); }-*/;
  • 29. building my swipe panel just like the one in sencha wrapped swipeview from cubiq
  • 33. gwtquery coming from jQuery, no problem! public void onModuleLoad() { //Hide the text and set the width and append an h1 element $("#text").hide() .css("width", "400px") .prepend("<h1>GwtQuery Rocks !</h1>"); //add a click handler on the button $("button").click(new Function(){ public void f() { //display the text with effects and animate its background color $("#text").as(Effects) .clipDown() .animate("backgroundColor: 'yellow'", 500) .delay(1000) .animate("backgroundColor: '#fff'", 1500); } }); }
  • 34. skinning default themes for Android (>4.0) iOS/iOS retina (<7.0) Blackberry easy to create yours //append your own css as last thing in the head MGWTStyle.injectStyleSheet("yourcssfile.css");
  • 35. wait, css in java?!? .mgwt-Button { display: inline-block; float: left; width: 145px; height: 100px; border: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.23); background: #ff6600; border-radius: 6px; box-shadow: inset -1px 0px 0px rgba(255,255,255,0.41), inset 1px 0px 0px rgba(255,255,255,0.21), inset 0px -1px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.21), inset 0px 1px 0px rgba(255,255,255,0.41), 0px 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.21); text-align: center; font-size: 14px; margin: 5px; font-weight: bold; text-shadow: 0px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.49); color: white; line-height: 124px; }
  • 36. debugging first class java debugging in your IDE GWT pretty compile and debug javascript in your browser use source maps and debug java in your browser!! use remote debugging to debug on mobile devices
  • 37. what about others? iOS, works like charm.. pretty much native android, near native experience blackberry windows phone tablets? desktop??
  • 38. what can i really build? anything! but why not going native for games many widgets.. lists, carousels, forms dev friendly, you know java? just dive in! make use of current js windows phone? seriously?!?
  • 39. </slides> GDG Istanbul (every 3. or 4. Saturday) Interested in OSGi? No? ok, i thought so… and GWT.create at San Francisco @yenerm
  • 40. 40% discount with promo code VBK43 when ordering through valid until end of December 2015
  • 41. who (the hell) am I?!? Java (Spring/EE) developer Microservices Jersey Coders Mentor Conference Speaker
  • 42. Cross-platform Mobile Development Develop once run on multiple platforms Choose just ‘one’ language
  • 45. Lets see some code UI coded in Java Rendered in native UI
  • 46. Codename One Compile to native C# JDK 1.3 iOS Windows Phone C Java 5
  • 47. Lets see some code Familiar to Swing and GWT coders Java 8 next release
  • 48. Oracle Mobile Application Framework (MAF) Only Jdeveloper or Eclipse Lightweight JVM
  • 49. Lets see some code Flow define GUI Device feature via DeviceManager