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How we see
                  … as an unique combination of
                      product & framework
© by mimacom ag
mimacom                      …the open source integrator

   • Founded in 1999 as a spin-off company of
     the Bern University of Applied Sciences
   • Focus on JEE/Java development
   • Initiator and Owner edoras®
   • Approximately 120 employees international
   • Focus on standards in development
     and project management
          └    ISO-9001:2011 nach TQM seit 6.6.2005
          └    HERMES: HSPTP und HSPM
          └    Scrum: CSM, CSPO
          └    ITIL: Certified Foundation
          └    CMMI Scampi B September 2008 on Level 3,
               Scampi A planed in Q4/2012 on Level 5
   • Offices in Bern, Zurich, Valencia, Stuttgart and Rome

© mimacom ag   05.06.2012                                     2
Our vision

   • “We want to surpass ourselves before others do. This is
     to our customers’ benefit as well as in our own interest.”

   • “The company's methods and procedures significantly – and
     sustainably – improve efficiency during the solutions
     development life cycle.”

© mimacom ag   05.06.2012                                         3
Core competencies

   • mimacom ag specialised in designing, analysing and
     developing sophisticated software solutions based on
     Open Source components and JEE. To realize projects
     mimacom ag uses latest development technologies,
     programming languages, data bases and methods of project

   • mimacom has high competence in project management,
     quality management (ISO, CMMI) and approaches
     (Scrum, RUP, Hermes) for medium and major IT projects, in
     private sector as well as with public authorities.

© mimacom ag   05.06.2012                                        4

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Adobe Experience Manager (Adobe CQ) Capabilities and Experience @ Neev
Adobe Experience Manager (Adobe CQ) Capabilities and Experience @ NeevAdobe Experience Manager (Adobe CQ) Capabilities and Experience @ Neev
Adobe Experience Manager (Adobe CQ) Capabilities and Experience @ Neev

- 2 year old Adobe CQ practice. - An Adobe CQ Centre of Excellence in Bangalore, India. 10 member Adobe CQ expert team. - Cumulative experience of over 11 man years in AdobeCQ development and support. - Some of our customers include a global auto giant, a multinational technology company named among Top 100 Global Innovators by Thomson Reuters, a leading multinational Auto and truck parts manufacturer and Australia’s largest Pay Television Company. - Successfully delivered Adobe CQ development and 24/7 support services for the aforementioned clients.

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Microservices And Containerization by Steven Mason
Microservices And Containerization by Steven MasonMicroservices And Containerization by Steven Mason
Microservices And Containerization by Steven Mason

Unpacking the containerization trend and its great outcomes in your business. Containers are an increasingly popular technology allowing applications to be abstracted from the environment in which they run. Far more than just an incremental improvement over virtualization, containers are a portable, lightweight solution that promises reduced development time, improved service availability, easier monitoring, and simplified deployment. During this discussion, learn more about containers and how best to leverage them for the greatest overall impact on your business.

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Software-Defined Storage Radar Report: Deploying Enterprise Wide
Software-Defined Storage Radar Report: Deploying Enterprise WideSoftware-Defined Storage Radar Report: Deploying Enterprise Wide
Software-Defined Storage Radar Report: Deploying Enterprise Wide

Software-Defined Storage (SDS) is a technology that seeks to reduce the burden of storage administration while increasing overall storage utilization. SDS aims to make storage application-aware, enabling server administrators, application managers, and developers to provision storage in a policy-driven, automated self-service manner. These slides - based on the webinar featuring Jim Miller, senior analyst at EMA - cover: - Challenges of procuring and managing storage in large enterprise deployments - Key functional capabilities needed to deliver the benefits of SDS to the enterprise - Highlights of the nine vendors included in this study and how their solution fits into best practices for network monitoring The nine SDS vendors that will be covered are: 1. Atlantis Computing 2. Citrix 3. DataCore 4. EMC 5. HP 6. IBM 7. Nexenta 8. Symantec 9. VMware

it managementstoragesoftware-defined storage

© mimacom ag   05.06.2012   5
mimacom path
   •    Methods
          └ Scrum
          └ HERMES
          └ and combinations
   •    Toolchain
          └ ‚Best-of-breed’ selection of tools
            for Open Source development
          └ Conception, installation
          └ Connection with Agility
   •    Technology
          └ Application Stack
          └ Conception, installation
   •    Services
          └ Coaching (Management, PM,
            Scrum, Engineering)
          └ Trainings
          └ Licences, partner
          └ Maintenance, Application

© mimacom ag   05.06.2012                        6
mimacom path
   •    Customer benefits
          └ Strict orientation towards your
            goals and their implementation
          └ Complete transparency in terms
            of costs, deadlines, quality and
          └ Efficiency and consistency during
            agile project development
          └ A change management system
            that is traceable and committed to
          └ A modern application stack
            based on widely supported open
            source technologies
          └ Employees who are trained in
            methods, tools and technology,
            and teams that have been formed
            to deliver peak performances
          └ Quality as a result of completely
            automated testing, continuous
            integration and defined processes

© mimacom ag   05.06.2012                        7
mimacom path technology

© mimacom ag   05.06.2012    8

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DevOps Thinking for the Line of Business
DevOps Thinking for the Line of BusinessDevOps Thinking for the Line of Business
DevOps Thinking for the Line of Business

This document provides information about a DevOps workshop that IBM can sponsor for clients. The workshop aims to help clients develop a pragmatic approach to adopting DevOps practices to balance optimization and innovation. The goals are to understand business and IT goals for DevOps, identify gaps in DevOps capabilities, and create a prioritized roadmap for adoption. The workshop would involve executives, developers, and operations staff and last 6-7 hours, with follow-up presentations of results and recommendations. IBM also offers related workshops focused on transformation using Bluemix and best practices.

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Micro Everything - Our Road to Scale
Micro Everything - Our Road to ScaleMicro Everything - Our Road to Scale
Micro Everything - Our Road to Scale

How adopting Microservice architecture helped us not only in backend and front end scaling of the application .. but also how going micro teams helped us scale our processes and engineering teams

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Modeling the Backstory with the ArchiMate Motivation Extension
Modeling the Backstory with the ArchiMate Motivation ExtensionModeling the Backstory with the ArchiMate Motivation Extension
Modeling the Backstory with the ArchiMate Motivation Extension

The document discusses using the ArchiMate Motivation extension to model the underlying reasons and motivations for enterprise architecture design and changes. It provides an overview of key concepts in the ArchiMate language and motivation extension and presents a case study of how an insurance company used it to improve customer service through a CRM implementation. The motivation extension allows architects to link requirements to other model elements and develop views to help stakeholders refine requirements.

enterprise architecturearchimaterequirements

   • ICEsoft Technologies Inc.   Committerstatus

   • Liferay Inc.                Committerstatus

   • edorasware ag               Committerstatus

   • Alfresco

   • Activiti                    Committerstatus

   • SpringSource                Committerstatus

   • Oracle Partner
© mimacom ag   05.06.2012                          9
mimacom & Liferay

   • Technology partnership
          └ Multiple integrations of mimacom path
            technology to Liferay portal

          └ Co-founder of Liferay Faces project
            (JSF/Liferay Integration)

          └ Initiator of the first partner community
            project (Jrebel/Liferay Integration)

          └ Community Excellence Award 2011

© mimacom ag   05.06.2012                              10
mimacom & Liferay

   • Service partnership
          └ Share Liferay's vision and effectively execute business
          └ Have extensive technological expertise
          └ Share Liferay's commitment to providing innovative
            solutions for clients
          └ Hold recognizable and trusted presence in their territories
          └ Are motivated to continually refining Liferay product skills

© mimacom ag   05.06.2012                                                  11
mimacom & Liferay

   • Gold service partner
          └ International team of certified Liferay experts and
          └ Various successful enterprise portal implementations

          └ Offering professional services
                └ Turnkey projects
                └ Consulting / Trainings / Workshops
                └ Licences / Support/ Maintenance

© mimacom ag   05.06.2012                                          12

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FITT Toolbox: Open Source Business Model - Geosparc
FITT Toolbox: Open Source Business Model - GeosparcFITT Toolbox: Open Source Business Model - Geosparc
FITT Toolbox: Open Source Business Model - Geosparc

This document discusses the open source business case of Geosparc, a company that develops and commercially supports the open source web GIS framework Geomajas. Geomajas is an extensible client-server framework that enables integrated GIS solutions. Registering open source code provides some protection by establishing you as the original creator, though it is still relatively easy for others to copy. Openness can lead to opportunities through community involvement, competitive analysis, and having nothing to hide. Geosparc's future plans include proprietary alternatives alongside the open source version and strategic partnerships to maintain control over the value chain.

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No-Java Enterprise Applications: It’s All About JavaScript [DEV5107]No-Java Enterprise Applications: It’s All About JavaScript [DEV5107]
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The document discusses a presentation on building no-Java enterprise applications. It covers topics like the JavaScript ecosystem, simplification, NodeJS, MVVM pattern, theming, unit testing with Jasmine, using the Oracle database with oracledb, security management with Passport JS, linting with ESLint, and building with tools like Gulp, Grunt and npm. The presentation aims to help simplify development of non-Java applications and take advantage of the Node ecosystem and standards.

Cloud Adoption - A Practical Approach
Cloud Adoption - A Practical ApproachCloud Adoption - A Practical Approach
Cloud Adoption - A Practical Approach

The document discusses practical approaches for independent software vendors (ISVs) to adopt cloud computing. It outlines 10 steps ISVs can take including setting expectations, gathering requirements, selecting partners and platforms, designing for the cloud, development, testing, packaging, deployment, maintenance, and risk assessment. Throughout each step, the document provides challenges ISVs may face and recommendations to address those challenges during the cloud adoption process.

safenetsentinel cloudsoftware as a service
mimacom & Liferay

   • Gold service partner
          └ Our portal solutions are complex
            mid/major size projects

          └ In average 10k– 1 Mil. users

          └ Intranet / Extranet / Internet portals

          └ Sector
                └   Insurance
                └   Bank
                └   Government
                └   Commercial
© mimacom ag   05.06.2012                            13
Why & how do we use Liferay ?

   • Integration platform
          └ Project myMobiliar
   • CMS and Web site platform
          └ Project SPHAIR
   • Framework
          └ Project myStraumann

© mimacom ag   05.06.2012          14
Project myMobiliar

   • Swiss Mobiliar/Die Mobiliar
          └ Switzerland’s first private insurance
            company (founded in 1826) and
            swiss leader in property & term

© mimacom ag   05.06.2012                           15
Project myMobiliar

   • Goal
          └ Create an extranet portal providing partners and
            customers single and personalized access to services

          └ Simplify existing infrastructure and create unified
            pattern for integrating applications

          └ Evaluate a new platform for building web sites with high
            level of scalability & flexibility and focus on web 2.0

          └ Build-up product know-how by customer

© mimacom ag   05.06.2012                                              16

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Apache coneu 2009-adrian-trenaman-adopting-open-source-in-the-enterpriseApache coneu 2009-adrian-trenaman-adopting-open-source-in-the-enterprise
Apache coneu 2009-adrian-trenaman-adopting-open-source-in-the-enterprise

This document discusses adopting open source software in enterprises. It outlines that open source is being adopted for reasons such as price, agility, control and quality. Both top-down, driven by CTOs and bottom-up, driven by engineers are discussed as drivers of adoption. Successful adoption requires selecting strategic beachhead projects, building communities of expertise, and varying levels of involvement with open source communities depending on the maturity of the project.

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Managing User Experience During Cloud Migrations
Managing User Experience During Cloud MigrationsManaging User Experience During Cloud Migrations
Managing User Experience During Cloud Migrations

Competition in the digital services world is about managing the customer experience. The cloud is an operating model, and migrating workloads to the cloud involves much more than ‘lift & shift’. In fact, the heavy lifting of cloud migrations may be much more about people than technologies. Managing customer expectations requires that the user experience be at least as good—if not better—after a cloud migration than it was before the migration took place. Customers really don’t care about the ‘cloud’ per se, they care about the outcomes that cloud-based services can provide. Learn how you can manage customer expectations and leverage services-oriented monitoring as a program of work within a cloud migration.

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e-Business and Enterprise-grade Content Management - Hans Bossenbroek, Luminis
e-Business and Enterprise-grade Content Management - Hans Bossenbroek, Luminise-Business and Enterprise-grade Content Management - Hans Bossenbroek, Luminis
e-Business and Enterprise-grade Content Management - Hans Bossenbroek, Luminis

This document provides an overview of luminis and GX WebManager 9. It discusses: 1) The history and backgrounds of luminis and GX, as well as enterprise web content management. 2) How GX rearchitected WebManager 9 using OSGi to create a platform for enterprise-grade customer-facing systems, allowing for improved developer performance, flexibility, and the ability to handle rapidly changing customer expectations and content authoring needs. 3) The benefits customers have achieved through this new architecture, including joint development of reusable components, easy migration of functionality between installations, and easier upgrades.

osgiosgi community event 2008
Project myMobiliar

   • Why Liferay
          └ Out-of-the-box tools for personalized Web sites, Social
            Collaboration and support of Web 2.0

          └ Out-of-the-box support of multiple SSO systems (CAS,
            Siteminder, LDAP, NTLM, Facebook…)

          └ Robust & stable platform with high scalability &
            support of infrastructures (over 700 configurations)

          └ Great scale of integration possibilities (Iframe, WS
            REST/SOAP, Plug-ins, CMIS, ESB)
© mimacom ag   05.06.2012                                             17
Project myMobiliar

   • Solution
          └ SSO & strong authentication
            realized by custom authentication

          └ Personalized access to portal
            based on user’s role & status

          └ Unified integration of
            applications as portlets &
            integration to back-end systems
            thru Web Services

          └ Cluster configuration for high
            availability and support of 10000
            concurrent users
© mimacom ag   05.06.2012                       18
Project myMobiliar

   • Achieving the goal
          └ What ?
                └ Requirements engineering done by customer
          └ How ?
                └ Set-up of toolchain and methodologies for
                └ Support and coaching by portal architecture &
          └ Who ?
                └ Architecture and development of mission-
                  critical components done by mimacom
                └ Training / workshop for customer’s team
                └ Continuous know-how transfer to customer’s
© mimacom ag   05.06.2012                                         19
Project myMobiliar

         • Vision           • Development &          • Escalation point
         • Need of portal     Architecture           • 2nd & 3rd level Support
           know-how         • Support by software    • Product management
                            • 1st level Support
                            • Licences
                            • Coaching & Trainings
               Customer     • Maintenance                     Liferay

© mimacom ag   05.06.2012                                                        20

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How do financial trading systems, with multiple liquidity markets and continuous real-time updates of pricing models, make trade execution decisions to achieve maximum return? In this talk David Vincent explores how open source software, particularly ESPER Complex Event Processing and QuickFixJ are used today in leading Liquidity Management Systems (LMS). The presentation will focus on the architecture of Smart Trade LMS and how open source software is used in real world, high-performance, low-latency applications. Find a podcast of David's talk at:

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Microservices are an approach to building applications as suites of small, independent services. This document discusses microservices including an overview, design principles, deployment considerations, the 12 factor app methodology, and building modular containers. Specifically, it compares monolithic and microservice architectures, outlines design principles like high cohesion and autonomy, explores brownfield and greenfield deployment, and emphasizes building stateless, self-contained containers.

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Project SPHAIR

   • Swiss Air Force
          └ A partial service of the armed forces
            and thus part of the Defence sector
            (D) of the Federal Department of
            Defence, Civil Protection and Sport

© mimacom ag   05.06.2012                           21
Project SPHAIR

   • Goal
          └ Replace existing complex CMS / Training
            systems and create a single platform with
            both functionalities

          └ Integration of business data from different
            systems to a single repository

          └ Allow future simple and modular extensions
            and customizations to system

          └ Improve usability and allow users to
            configure system without a need of

© mimacom ag   05.06.2012                                 22
Project SPHAIR

   • Why Liferay
          └ Out-of-the-box CMS with workflow & staging

          └ Application integration using portlets and service
            builder allows seamless integration of applications and
            data within portal

          └ Plug-in mechanism allows easy and modular
            customization & extensions

© mimacom ag   05.06.2012                                             23
Project SPHAIR

   • Solution
          └ Migration of existing CMS to
            Liferay, usage of Staging for
            publishing process

          └ Creating expert and public
            communities for both trainees
            and trainers

          └ Creating custom portlet
            application covering whole
            training workflow process

          └ Cluster configuration for high
            availability and support of 10000+
            concurrent users
© mimacom ag   05.06.2012                        24

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Simplify Troubleshooting With Context in Your Logs

This document discusses how SolarWinds' Application Performance Management (APM) suite provides full-stack monitoring of custom hybrid and cloud-native applications. It highlights how the suite offers unmatched visibility into logs, metrics, traces, hosts, and the digital experience. It also summarizes how the suite allows users to easily trace errors by identifying related log lines, metrics, and traces associated with a given trace ID.

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Often the risk you take is down to choosing whether to use Angular or React for your new software application. In this webinar, we will share some key insights and risks that you may run into while making your choice. Our panel will place Angular and React head-to-head and make it easy for you to make your choice.

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Blockchain technology is transforming industries and reshaping the way we conduct business, manage data, and secure transactions. Whether you're new to blockchain or looking to deepen your knowledge, our guidebook, "Blockchain for Dummies", is your ultimate resource.

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Project SPHAIR


         •Vision              •Agile                  •Escalation point
         •Existing solution    Requirements           •2nd & 3rd level
                               engineering             Support
                              •Migration to Liferay   •Product
                              •Development &           management
                              •1st level Support
               Customer       •Licences                      Liferay

© mimacom ag   05.06.2012                                                 25
Project myStraumann

   • Institute Straumann
          └ A global leader in implant, restorative
            and regenerative dentistry with focus on
            offering products and services to dental
            professionals and dental laboratories
            around the world.

© mimacom ag   05.06.2012                              26
Project myStraumann

   • Goal
          └ Create a worldwide intranet portal for Straumann

          └ Provide web site / CMS platform for cca 700
            departments with unified/individual content

          └ Integration with existing organization & security
            infrastructure and (transparent login, IDM)

          └ Integration of external data into existing CMS

© mimacom ag   05.06.2012                                       27
Project myStraumann

   • Why Liferay ?
          └ Provides frameworks & complex API’s to access Web
            site, CMS/DMS/Workflow/Permissioning services

          └ Provides integration with NTLM/LDAP and allows to extend
            the LDAP integration

          └ Provides “Asset Framework” for integrating external
            content with profit of search, publish, security functionality

© mimacom ag   05.06.2012                                                    28

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Project myStraumann

   • Solution (CMS)
          └ Migration of existing single
            scoped / non restricted content
                └ 700 organizations
                └ Restricted content for cca 2500 roles

          └ Creation of custom Ajax Based
            CMS front-end
                └ Multi-organization publishing
                └ Page synchronization
                └ Automatized tagging and publishing

          └ Creation of complex CMS
            workflow for content publishing

© mimacom ag   05.06.2012                                 29
Project myStraumann

   • Solution (Web sites)
          └ 700+ Web sites covering
                └   Global organisation
                └   Common departments
                └   Locations
                └   Local departments

          └ Automatized process of creation
            & management of hierarchical
            web sites

          └ Each web site consisting of
            Global/local area
                └ Global is common for each locations
                └ Local area modifiable by local

© mimacom ag   05.06.2012                               30
Project myStraumann

   • Solution (Authorization
     & Authentication)
          └ Single IDM outside Liferay
                └ IBM Tivoli

          └ Extending LDAP import
                └ Automatic synchronization of users &
                └ Automatic synchronization of
                  organisations and user membership

          └ Integrated NTLM support allows
            transparent login
                └ Windows login used for portal

© mimacom ag   05.06.2012                                31
Project myStraumann

   • Solution (External
          └ Usage of Asset Framework
                └ Integration of external contents (i.e
                  Lotus Notes data) into Liferay using
                  Java API
                └ Content is automatically integrated
                  with portal functionality

          └ Presenting the content
                └ Using OOTB CMS publishing tools

          └ Securing the content
                └ Using OOTB Permissioning system

          └ Searching for content
                └ Using OOTB Search system

© mimacom ag   05.06.2012                                 32

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Best Practices for Effectively Running dbt in Airflow.pdf

As a popular open-source library for analytics engineering, dbt is often used in combination with Airflow. Orchestrating and executing dbt models as DAGs ensures an additional layer of control over tasks, observability, and provides a reliable, scalable environment to run dbt models. This webinar will cover a step-by-step guide to Cosmos, an open source package from Astronomer that helps you easily run your dbt Core projects as Airflow DAGs and Task Groups, all with just a few lines of code. We’ll walk through: - Standard ways of running dbt (and when to utilize other methods) - How Cosmos can be used to run and visualize your dbt projects in Airflow - Common challenges and how to address them, including performance, dependency conflicts, and more - How running dbt projects in Airflow helps with cost optimization Webinar given on 9 July 2024

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Kief Morris rethinks the infrastructure code delivery lifecycle, advocating for a shift towards composable infrastructure systems. We should shift to designing around deployable components rather than code modules, use more useful levels of abstraction, and drive design and deployment from applications rather than bottom-up, monolithic architecture and delivery.

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Project myStraumann

                                       Partner           •Escalation point
         •Existing solution                              •Support by migration
          based on Liferay 5   •Migration to Liferay 6    (bugfixing)
                               •Development &            •2nd & 3rd level Support
                                Architecture             •Product management
                               •1st level Support

               Customer                                           Liferay

© mimacom ag   05.06.2012                                                           33
That’s why…

   • Because we understand Liferay and use it for all-
     in-one solutions instead of complicated systems…
          └ SPHAIR
   • Because we can teach other to understand
          └ myMobiliar
   • Because we can push Liferay to the limits…
          └ myStraumann
   • …with focus on efficiency, quality and standards
          └ Scrum, CMMI,ITIL

© mimacom ag   05.06.2012                                34

                 …the open source integrator

© mimacom ag                                   35

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mimacom & Liferay Roadshow : How we see Liferay...

  • 1. How we see Liferay… … as an unique combination of product & framework © by mimacom ag
  • 2. mimacom …the open source integrator • Founded in 1999 as a spin-off company of the Bern University of Applied Sciences • Focus on JEE/Java development • Initiator and Owner edoras® • Approximately 120 employees international • Focus on standards in development and project management └ ISO-9001:2011 nach TQM seit 6.6.2005 └ HERMES: HSPTP und HSPM └ Scrum: CSM, CSPO └ ITIL: Certified Foundation └ CMMI Scampi B September 2008 on Level 3, Scampi A planed in Q4/2012 on Level 5 • Offices in Bern, Zurich, Valencia, Stuttgart and Rome © mimacom ag 05.06.2012 2
  • 3. Our vision • “We want to surpass ourselves before others do. This is to our customers’ benefit as well as in our own interest.” • “The company's methods and procedures significantly – and sustainably – improve efficiency during the solutions development life cycle.” © mimacom ag 05.06.2012 3
  • 4. Core competencies • mimacom ag specialised in designing, analysing and developing sophisticated software solutions based on Open Source components and JEE. To realize projects mimacom ag uses latest development technologies, programming languages, data bases and methods of project management. • mimacom has high competence in project management, quality management (ISO, CMMI) and approaches (Scrum, RUP, Hermes) for medium and major IT projects, in private sector as well as with public authorities. © mimacom ag 05.06.2012 4
  • 6. mimacom path • Methods └ Scrum └ HERMES └ and combinations • Toolchain └ ‚Best-of-breed’ selection of tools for Open Source development └ Conception, installation └ Connection with Agility • Technology └ Application Stack └ Conception, installation • Services └ Coaching (Management, PM, Scrum, Engineering) └ Trainings └ Licences, partner └ Maintenance, Application Management © mimacom ag 05.06.2012 6
  • 7. mimacom path • Customer benefits └ Strict orientation towards your goals and their implementation └ Complete transparency in terms of costs, deadlines, quality and scope └ Efficiency and consistency during agile project development └ A change management system that is traceable and committed to agility └ A modern application stack based on widely supported open source technologies └ Employees who are trained in methods, tools and technology, and teams that have been formed to deliver peak performances └ Quality as a result of completely automated testing, continuous integration and defined processes © mimacom ag 05.06.2012 7
  • 8. mimacom path technology © mimacom ag 05.06.2012 8
  • 9. Partnerships • ICEsoft Technologies Inc. Committerstatus • Liferay Inc. Committerstatus • edorasware ag Committerstatus • Alfresco • Activiti Committerstatus • SpringSource Committerstatus • Oracle Partner © mimacom ag 05.06.2012 9
  • 10. mimacom & Liferay • Technology partnership └ Multiple integrations of mimacom path technology to Liferay portal └ Co-founder of Liferay Faces project (JSF/Liferay Integration) └ Initiator of the first partner community project (Jrebel/Liferay Integration) └ Community Excellence Award 2011 © mimacom ag 05.06.2012 10
  • 11. mimacom & Liferay • Service partnership └ Share Liferay's vision and effectively execute business objectives └ Have extensive technological expertise └ Share Liferay's commitment to providing innovative solutions for clients └ Hold recognizable and trusted presence in their territories └ Are motivated to continually refining Liferay product skills © mimacom ag 05.06.2012 11
  • 12. mimacom & Liferay • Gold service partner └ International team of certified Liferay experts and professionals └ Various successful enterprise portal implementations └ Offering professional services └ Turnkey projects └ Consulting / Trainings / Workshops └ Licences / Support/ Maintenance © mimacom ag 05.06.2012 12
  • 13. mimacom & Liferay • Gold service partner └ Our portal solutions are complex mid/major size projects └ In average 10k– 1 Mil. users └ Intranet / Extranet / Internet portals └ Sector └ Insurance └ Bank └ Government └ Commercial © mimacom ag 05.06.2012 13
  • 14. Why & how do we use Liferay ? • Integration platform └ Project myMobiliar • CMS and Web site platform └ Project SPHAIR • Framework └ Project myStraumann © mimacom ag 05.06.2012 14
  • 15. Project myMobiliar • Swiss Mobiliar/Die Mobiliar └ Switzerland’s first private insurance company (founded in 1826) and swiss leader in property & term insurance © mimacom ag 05.06.2012 15
  • 16. Project myMobiliar • Goal └ Create an extranet portal providing partners and customers single and personalized access to services └ Simplify existing infrastructure and create unified pattern for integrating applications └ Evaluate a new platform for building web sites with high level of scalability & flexibility and focus on web 2.0 └ Build-up product know-how by customer © mimacom ag 05.06.2012 16
  • 17. Project myMobiliar • Why Liferay └ Out-of-the-box tools for personalized Web sites, Social Collaboration and support of Web 2.0 └ Out-of-the-box support of multiple SSO systems (CAS, Siteminder, LDAP, NTLM, Facebook…) └ Robust & stable platform with high scalability & support of infrastructures (over 700 configurations) └ Great scale of integration possibilities (Iframe, WS REST/SOAP, Plug-ins, CMIS, ESB) © mimacom ag 05.06.2012 17
  • 18. Project myMobiliar • Solution └ SSO & strong authentication realized by custom authentication plug-in └ Personalized access to portal based on user’s role & status └ Unified integration of applications as portlets & integration to back-end systems thru Web Services └ Cluster configuration for high availability and support of 10000 concurrent users © mimacom ag 05.06.2012 18
  • 19. Project myMobiliar • Achieving the goal └ What ? └ Requirements engineering done by customer └ How ? └ Set-up of toolchain and methodologies for development └ Support and coaching by portal architecture & development └ Who ? └ Architecture and development of mission- critical components done by mimacom └ Training / workshop for customer’s team └ Continuous know-how transfer to customer’s team © mimacom ag 05.06.2012 19
  • 20. Project myMobiliar Partner • Vision • Development & • Escalation point • Need of portal Architecture • 2nd & 3rd level Support know-how • Support by software • Product management engineering (Toolchain) • 1st level Support • Licences • Coaching & Trainings Customer • Maintenance Liferay © mimacom ag 05.06.2012 20
  • 21. Project SPHAIR • Swiss Air Force └ A partial service of the armed forces and thus part of the Defence sector (D) of the Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport (DDPS) © mimacom ag 05.06.2012 21
  • 22. Project SPHAIR • Goal └ Replace existing complex CMS / Training systems and create a single platform with both functionalities └ Integration of business data from different systems to a single repository └ Allow future simple and modular extensions and customizations to system └ Improve usability and allow users to configure system without a need of implementation © mimacom ag 05.06.2012 22
  • 23. Project SPHAIR • Why Liferay └ Out-of-the-box CMS with workflow & staging └ Application integration using portlets and service builder allows seamless integration of applications and data within portal └ Plug-in mechanism allows easy and modular customization & extensions © mimacom ag 05.06.2012 23
  • 24. Project SPHAIR • Solution └ Migration of existing CMS to Liferay, usage of Staging for publishing process └ Creating expert and public communities for both trainees and trainers └ Creating custom portlet application covering whole training workflow process └ Cluster configuration for high availability and support of 10000+ concurrent users © mimacom ag 05.06.2012 24
  • 25. Project SPHAIR Partner •Vision •Agile •Escalation point •Existing solution Requirements •2nd & 3rd level engineering Support •Migration to Liferay •Product •Development & management Architecture •1st level Support Customer •Licences Liferay •Maintenance © mimacom ag 05.06.2012 25
  • 26. Project myStraumann • Institute Straumann └ A global leader in implant, restorative and regenerative dentistry with focus on offering products and services to dental professionals and dental laboratories around the world. © mimacom ag 05.06.2012 26
  • 27. Project myStraumann • Goal └ Create a worldwide intranet portal for Straumann employees └ Provide web site / CMS platform for cca 700 departments with unified/individual content └ Integration with existing organization & security infrastructure and (transparent login, IDM) └ Integration of external data into existing CMS © mimacom ag 05.06.2012 27
  • 28. Project myStraumann • Why Liferay ? └ Provides frameworks & complex API’s to access Web site, CMS/DMS/Workflow/Permissioning services └ Provides integration with NTLM/LDAP and allows to extend the LDAP integration └ Provides “Asset Framework” for integrating external content with profit of search, publish, security functionality © mimacom ag 05.06.2012 28
  • 29. Project myStraumann • Solution (CMS) └ Migration of existing single scoped / non restricted content to └ 700 organizations └ Restricted content for cca 2500 roles └ Creation of custom Ajax Based CMS front-end └ Multi-organization publishing └ Page synchronization └ Automatized tagging and publishing └ Creation of complex CMS workflow for content publishing © mimacom ag 05.06.2012 29
  • 30. Project myStraumann • Solution (Web sites) └ 700+ Web sites covering └ Global organisation └ Common departments └ Locations └ Local departments └ Automatized process of creation & management of hierarchical web sites └ Each web site consisting of Global/local area └ Global is common for each locations └ Local area modifiable by local administrator © mimacom ag 05.06.2012 30
  • 31. Project myStraumann • Solution (Authorization & Authentication) └ Single IDM outside Liferay └ IBM Tivoli └ Extending LDAP import └ Automatic synchronization of users & roles └ Automatic synchronization of organisations and user membership └ Integrated NTLM support allows transparent login └ Windows login used for portal authentication © mimacom ag 05.06.2012 31
  • 32. Project myStraumann • Solution (External content) └ Usage of Asset Framework └ Integration of external contents (i.e Lotus Notes data) into Liferay using Java API └ Content is automatically integrated with portal functionality └ Presenting the content └ Using OOTB CMS publishing tools └ Securing the content └ Using OOTB Permissioning system └ Searching for content └ Using OOTB Search system © mimacom ag 05.06.2012 32
  • 33. Project myStraumann •Vision Partner •Escalation point •Existing solution •Support by migration based on Liferay 5 •Migration to Liferay 6 (bugfixing) •Development & •2nd & 3rd level Support Architecture •Product management •1st level Support •Licences •Maintenance Customer Liferay © mimacom ag 05.06.2012 33
  • 34. That’s why… • Because we understand Liferay and use it for all- in-one solutions instead of complicated systems… └ SPHAIR • Because we can teach other to understand Liferay… └ myMobiliar • Because we can push Liferay to the limits… └ myStraumann • …with focus on efficiency, quality and standards └ Scrum, CMMI,ITIL © mimacom ag 05.06.2012 34
  • 35. Kundenorientiert Benutzerfreundlich Kompetent Qualitativ Effizient …the open source integrator © mimacom ag 35