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Hail Hydrate! From Stream to
Lake with Pulsar and Friends
Tim Spann | Developer Advocate
The Need For Real-Time Data
Hybrid and multi-cloud
strategies with native
Seamlessly build
microservice architectures
with support for streaming
and messaging workloads
Built for Kubernetes
migrations with tools
360 degree customer data
multi-tenancy, infinite
retention, and extensive
connector ecosystem
Tim Spann
Developer Advocate
DZone Zone Leader and Big Data
MVB Data DJay
● Founded the original developers of
Apache Pulsar.
● Passionate and dedicated team.
● StreamNative helps teams to capture,
manage, and leverage data using
Pulsar’s unified messaging and
streaming platform.

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Distributed Crypto-Currency Trading with Apache Pulsar

Apache Pulsar was developed to address several shortcomings of existing messaging systems including geo-replication, message durability, and lower message latency. We will implement a multi-currency quoting application that feeds pricing information to a crypto-currency trading platform that is deployed around the globe. Given the volatility of the crypto-currency prices, sub-second message latency is critical to traders. Equally important is ensuring consistent quotes are available to all geographical locations, i.e the price of Bitcoin shown to a user in the USA should be the same as it to a trader in Hong Kong. We will highlight the advantages of Apache Pulsar over traditional messaging systems and show how its low latency and replication across multiple geographies make it ideally suited for globally distributed, real-time applications.

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StreamNative FLiP into scylladb - scylla summit 2022 Utilizing Apache Pulsar with Apache NiFi, Apache Flink, Apache Spark and Scylla for fast IoT application with MQTT and beyond.

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This document provides an overview and summary of Apache Pulsar with MQTT for edge computing. It discusses how Pulsar is an open-source, cloud-native distributed messaging and streaming platform that supports MQTT and other protocols. It also summarizes Pulsar's key capabilities like data durability, scalability, geo-replication, and unified messaging model. The document includes diagrams showcasing Pulsar's publish-subscribe model and different subscription modes. It demonstrates how Pulsar can be used with edge devices via protocols like MQTT and how streams of data from edge can be processed using connectors, functions and SQL.

apache pulsarmqttstreamnative
PortoTechHub  - Hail Hydrate! From Stream to Lake with Apache Pulsar and Friends
Apache is an open source, cloud-native
distributed messaging and streaming platform.
What are the Benefits of Pulsar?
Data Durability
Scalability Geo-Replication
Unified Messaging
Apache Pulsar

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Biography Tim Spann is a Principal DataFlow Field Engineer at Cloudera where he works with Apache NiFi, MiniFi, Pulsar, Apache Flink, Apache MXNet, TensorFlow, Apache Spark, big data, the IoT, machine learning, and deep learning. Tim has over a decade of experience with the IoT, big data, distributed computing, streaming technologies, and Java programming. Previously, he was a senior solutions architect at AirisData and a senior field engineer at Pivotal. He blogs for DZone, where he is the Big Data Zone leader, and runs a popular meetup in Princeton on big data, the IoT, deep learning, streaming, NiFi, the blockchain, and Spark. Tim is a frequent speaker at conferences such as IoT Fusion, Strata, ApacheCon, Data Works Summit Berlin, DataWorks Summit Sydney, and Oracle Code NYC. He holds a BS and MS in computer science. Talk Real-Time Streaming in Any and All Clouds, Hybrid and Beyond Today, data is being generated from devices and containers living at the edge of networks, clouds and data centers. We need to run business logic, analytics and deep learning at the scale and as events arrive. Tools: Apache Flink, Apache Pulsar, Apache NiFi, MiNiFi, Apache MXNet. References: Source Code: FLiP Stack StreamNative

apache nifiapache flinkapache pulsar
ApacheCon 2021 Apache Deep Learning 302
ApacheCon 2021   Apache Deep Learning 302ApacheCon 2021   Apache Deep Learning 302
ApacheCon 2021 Apache Deep Learning 302

ApacheCon 2021 Apache Deep Learning 302 Tuesday 18:00 UTC Apache Deep Learning 302 Timothy Spann This talk will discuss and show examples of using Apache Hadoop, Apache Kudu, Apache Flink, Apache Hive, Apache MXNet, Apache OpenNLP, Apache NiFi and Apache Spark for deep learning applications. This is the follow up to previous talks on Apache Deep Learning 101 and 201 and 301 at ApacheCon, Dataworks Summit, Strata and other events. As part of this talk, the presenter will walk through using Apache MXNet Pre-Built Models, integrating new open source Deep Learning libraries with Python and Java, as well as running real-time AI streams from edge devices to servers utilizing Apache NiFi and Apache NiFi - MiNiFi. This talk is geared towards Data Engineers interested in the basics of architecting Deep Learning pipelines with open source Apache tools in a Big Data environment. The presenter will also walk through source code examples available in github and run the code live on Apache NiFi and Apache Flink clusters. Tim Spann is a Developer Advocate @ StreamNative where he works with Apache NiFi, Apache Pulsar, Apache Flink, Apache MXNet, TensorFlow, Apache Spark, big data, the IoT, machine learning, and deep learning. Tim has over a decade of experience with the IoT, big data, distributed computing, streaming technologies, and Java programming. Previously, he was a Principal Field Engineer at Cloudera, a senior solutions architect at AirisData and a senior field engineer at Pivotal. He blogs for DZone, where he is the Big Data Zone leader, and runs a popular meetup in Princeton on big data, the IoT, deep learning, streaming, NiFi, the blockchain, and Spark. Tim is a frequent speaker at conferences such as IoT Fusion, Strata, ApacheCon, Data Works Summit Berlin, DataWorks Summit Sydney, and Oracle Code NYC. He holds a BS and MS in computer science. * * * * *

apache mxnetapache nifiapache flink
Top Pulsar Use Cases
#1 Message
#2 Data
● Not built for the cloud
● Single tenant systems
● Monolithic architecture couples compute with storage
● Lack of geo replication support
Key Milestones
2012 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Originally developed
inside Yahoo! as “Cloud
Messaging Service”
Pulsar is
committed to
Open Source
Pulsar is accepted into
the Apache Software
becomes a
● StreamNative is founded and
seed round raised.
● Tencent adopts Pulsar for
payment processing platform.
● BestPay adopts Pulsar for
payment processing.
● Pulsar hits 200 contributors.
● 2 global Pulsar conferences, 80+ speakers, 1,500+ attendees
● Pulsar hits 340 contributors
● StreamNative and OVHCloud launch Kafka on Pulsar (KoP)
● StreamNative + China Mobile launch AMQP on Pulsar (AoP)
● Pulsar Ecosystem expands - StreamNative Hub launches
● StreamNative Cloud launches on GCP and Alibaba Cloud
● StreamNative customer adoption continues - new
customers include Flipkart and Applied Materials
● Pulsar 2.7 + Transactions
● Pulsar Flink Connector 2.7
Major increase in adoption following
TLP designation in 2018
● 3 global Pulsar conferences
● StreamNative hits 400
contributors (June).
● Pulsar surpasses Kafka in
monthly active contributors.
● Pulsar 2.8 + Exactly-Once
● StreamNative Platform launches
Apache Pulsar Overview
Enable Geo-Replicated Messaging
● Pub-Sub
● Geo-Replication
● Pulsar Functions
● Horizontal Scalability
● Multi-tenancy
● Tiered Persistent Storage
● Pulsar Connectors
● Many clients available
● Four Different Subscription Types
● Multi-Protocol Support
○ Kafka
○ ...
Pulsar’s Publish-Subscribe model
Consumer 1
Consumer 2
Consumer 3
Producer 1
Producer 2
● Producers send messages.
● Topics are an ordered, named channel that
producers use to transmit messages to
subscribed consumers.
● Messages belong to a topic and contain an
arbitrary payload.
● Brokers handle connections and routes
messages between producers / consumers.
● Subscriptions are named configuration
rules that determine how messages are
delivered to consumers.
● Consumers receive messages.

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This document discusses isolation in Apache Pulsar. It introduces the presenters as experts in distributed systems and the Pulsar open source project. It then outlines ways to isolate resources in Pulsar like brokers, bookies, and clusters to separate namespaces and tenants. The key methods covered are namespace isolation policies, failure domains, anti-affinity groups, and bookie affinity groups. It provides examples of how these are configured and allows scaling resources up and down independently per namespace. Finally, it invites questions and provides contact details.

FLiP Into Trino
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FLiP Into Trino

FLiP Into Trino FLiP into Trino. Flink Pulsar Trino Pulsar SQL (Trino/Presto) Remember the days when you could wait until your batch data load was done and then you could run some simple queries or build stale dashboards? Those days are over, today you need instant analytics as the data is streaming in real-time. You need universal analytics where that data is. I will show you how to do this utilizing the latest cloud native open source tools. In this talk we will utilize Trino, Apache Pulsar, Pulsar SQL and Apache Flink to analyze instantly data from IoT, sensors, transportation systems, Logs, REST endpoints, XML, Images, PDFs, Documents, Text, semistructured data, unstructured data, structured data and a hundred data sources you could never dream of streaming before. I will teach how to use Pulsar SQL to run analytics on live data. Tim Spann Developer Advocate StreamNative David Kjerrumgaard Developer Advocate StreamNative select * from pulsar."public/default"."weather"; Apache Pulsar plus Trio = fast analytics at scale

apache nifiapache flinkapache pulsar
fluentd -- the missing log collector
fluentd -- the missing log collectorfluentd -- the missing log collector
fluentd -- the missing log collector

Fluentd is an open source log collector that allows flexible collection and routing of log data. It uses JSON format for log messages and supports many input and output plugins. Fluentd can collect logs from files, network services, and applications before routing them to storage and analysis services like MongoDB, HDFS, and Treasure Data. The open source project has grown a large community contributing over 100 plugins to make log collection and processing easier.

What is the Pulsar Ecosystem?
● Functions and Connectors
○ Functions: Lightweight stream processing
○ Connectors: Part of “Pulsar IO”, includes “Source” and “Sink” APIs
■ Files, Databases, Data tools, Cloud Services, etc
● Protocol Handlers
○ Allows Pulsar to handle additional protocols by an extendable API
running in the broker
■ AoP (AMQP), KoP (Kafka), MoP (MQTT)
(Data Services)
(Cust Auth)
(Location Resolution)
(Budgeted Spend)
(Acct History)
(Risk Detection)
(Risk Assessment)
Pulsar Instance
Pulsar Cluster
Pulsar subscription modes
Different subscription modes have
different semantics:
Exclusive/Failover - guaranteed
order, single active consumer
Shared - multiple active consumers,
no order
Key_Shared - multiple active
consumers, order for given key
Producer 1
Producer 2
Pulsar Topic
Subscription D
Consumer D-1
Consumer D-2
Subscription C
Consumer C-1
Consumer C-2
Subscription A Consumer A
Subscription B
Consumer B-1
Consumer B-2
In case of failure in
Consumer B-1
Multi-Tiered Architecture

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Hail hydrate! from stream to lake using open source
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Hail hydrate! from stream to lake using open source

(VIRTUAL) Hail Hydrate! From Stream to Lake Using Open Source - Timothy J Spann, StreamNative A cloud data lake that is empty is not useful to anyone. How can you quickly, scalably and reliably fill your cloud data lake with diverse sources of data you already have and new ones you never imagined you needed. Utilizing open source tools from Apache, the FLiP stack enables any data engineer, programmer or analyst to build reusable modules with low or no code. FLiP utilizes Apache NiFi, Apache Pulsar, Apache Flink and MiNiFi agents to load CDC, Logs, REST, XML, Images, PDFs, Documents, Text, semistructured data, unstructured data, structured data and a hundred data sources you could never dream of streaming before. I will teach you how to fish in the deep end of the lake and return a data engineering hero. Let's hope everyone is ready to go from 0 to Petabyte hero.

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Reader and
Stream Processor
Prebuilt Connectors Custom Connectors
Microservices or
Event-Driven Architecture
Publisher Subscriber
Moving Data In and Out of Pulsar
IO/Connectors are a simple way to integrate with external systems and move data
in and out of Pulsar.
● Built on top of Pulsar Functions
● Built-in connectors -
Source Sink
AMQP / RabbitMQ Protocol
AMQP on Pulsar (AoP)
Use Azure BlobStore offloader with

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#phillyopensource Introduction talk for data engineers for deep learning on apache with apache mxnet, apache nifi, apache hive, apache hadoop, apache spark, python and other tools.

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Real time stock processing with apache nifi, apache flink and apache kafka
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Real time stock processing with apache nifi, apache flink and apache kafka with Kafka Connect apps, SMM, NiFi Registry, Scheam Registry, Kafka topics, Flink SQL, NiFi

apache nifiapache kafkaapache flink
Apache Pulsar -
Other Sinks
AWS Lambda
Pulsar SQL
Presto/Trino workers can
read segments directly
from bookies (or
offloaded storage) in
Segment 1
Producer Consumer
Broker 1
Broker 2
Broker 3
Segment 2 Segment 3 Segment 4 Segment X
Segment 1
Segment 1 Segment 1
Segment 3 Segment 3
Segment 3
Segment 2
Segment 2
Segment 2
Segment 4
Segment 4
Segment 4
Segment X
Segment X
Segment X
SQL Worker SQL Worker SQL Worker
SQL Worker
Query Your Topics with Pulsar SQL (Trino)
MQTT on Pulsar (MoP)

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Devfest uk & ireland using apache nifi with apache pulsar for fast data on-ramp 2022 As the Pulsar communities grows, more and more connectors will be added. To enhance the availability of sources and sinks and to make use of the greater Apache Streaming community, joining forces between Apache NiFi and Apache Pulsar is a perfect fit. Apache NiFi also adds the benefits of ELT, ETL, data crunching, transformation, validation and batch data processing. Once data is ready to be an event, NiFi can launch it into Pulsar at light speed. I will walk through how to get started, some use cases and demos and answer questions.

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Codeless pipelines with pulsar and flink
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Codeless pipelines with pulsar and flink

This document summarizes Tim Spann's presentation on codeless pipelines with Apache Pulsar and Apache Flink. The presentation discusses how StreamNative's platform uses Pulsar and Flink to enable end-to-end streaming data pipelines without code. It provides an overview of Pulsar's capabilities for messaging, stream processing, and integration with other Apache projects like Kafka, NiFi and Flink. Examples are given of ingesting IoT data into Pulsar and running real-time analytics on the data using Flink SQL.

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Fast Streaming into Clickhouse with Apache Pulsar
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Fast Streaming into Clickhouse with Apache Pulsar Fast Streaming into Clickhouse with Apache Pulsar Fast Streaming into Clickhouse with Apache Pulsar - Meetup 2022 StreamNative - Apache Pulsar - Stream to Altinity Cloud - Clickhouse May the 4th Be With You! 04-May-2022 Clickhosue Meetup CREATE TABLE iotjetsonjson_local ( uuid String, camera String, ipaddress String, networktime String, top1pct String, top1 String, cputemp String, gputemp String, gputempf String, cputempf String, runtime String, host String, filename String, host_name String, macaddress String, te String, systemtime String, cpu String, diskusage String, memory String, imageinput String ) ENGINE = MergeTree() PARTITION BY uuid ORDER BY (uuid); CREATE TABLE iotjetsonjson ON CLUSTER '{cluster}' AS iotjetsonjson_local ENGINE = Distributed('{cluster}', default, iotjetsonjson_local, rand()); select uuid, top1pct, top1, gputempf, cputempf from iotjetsonjson where toFloat32OrZero(top1pct) > 40 order by toFloat32OrZero(top1pct) desc, systemtime desc select uuid, systemtime, networktime, te, top1pct, top1, cputempf, gputempf, cpu, diskusage, memory,filename from iotjetsonjson order by systemtime desc select top1, max(toFloat32OrZero(top1pct)), max(gputempf), max(cputempf) from iotjetsonjson group by top1 select top1, max(toFloat32OrZero(top1pct)) as maxTop1, max(gputempf), max(cputempf) from iotjetsonjson group by top1 order by maxTop1 Tim Spann Developer Advocate StreamNative

apache pulsarapache pulsar sqlapache spark
Kafka-on-Pulsar (Kop)
Data Center 3
Data Center 2
Geo Replication
Replication is done
Pulsar has built-in cross
data center replication
that is used in production
Data Center 1
Pulsar is built for easy scale-out.
*Illustrations by Jack

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Budapest Data/ML - Building Modern Data Streaming Apps with NiFi, Flink and Kafka Apache NiFi, Apache Flink, Apache Kafka Timothy Spann Principal Developer Advocate Cloudera Data in Motion Timothy Spann Principal Developer Advocate Cloudera (US) LinkedIn · GitHub · June 8 · Online · English talk Building Modern Data Streaming Apps with NiFi, Flink and Kafka In my session, I will show you some best practices I have discovered over the last 7 years in building data streaming applications including IoT, CDC, Logs, and more. In my modern approach, we utilize several open-source frameworks to maximize the best features of all. We often start with Apache NiFi as the orchestrator of streams flowing into Apache Kafka. From there we build streaming ETL with Apache Flink SQL. We will stream data into Apache Iceberg. We use the best streaming tools for the current applications with FLaNK. BIO Tim Spann is a Principal Developer Advocate in Data In Motion for Cloudera. He works with Apache NiFi, Apache Pulsar, Apache Kafka, Apache Flink, Flink SQL, Apache Pinot, Trino, Apache Iceberg, DeltaLake, Apache Spark, Big Data, IoT, Cloud, AI/DL, machine learning, and deep learning. Tim has over ten years of experience with the IoT, big data, distributed computing, messaging, streaming technologies, and Java programming. Previously, he was a Developer Advocate at StreamNative, Principal DataFlow Field Engineer at Cloudera, a Senior Solutions Engineer at Hortonworks, a Senior Solutions Architect at AirisData, a Senior Field Engineer at Pivotal and a Team Leader at HPE. He blogs for DZone, where he is the Big Data Zone leader, and runs a popular meetup in Princeton & NYC on Big Data, Cloud, IoT, deep learning, streaming, NiFi, the blockchain, and Spark. Tim is a frequent speaker at conferences such as ApacheCon, DeveloperWeek, Pulsar Summit and many more. He holds a BS and MS in computer science.

apache nifiapache kafkaapache flink
Powered by Apache Pulsar, StreamNative provides a cloud-native,
real-time messaging and streaming platform to support multi-cloud
and hybrid cloud strategies.
Built for Containers
Cloud Native
StreamNative Cloud
Flink SQL
PortoTechHub  - Hail Hydrate! From Stream to Lake with Apache Pulsar and Friends
Apache NiFi
Don’t Be Afraid
of Open Source

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Princeton Dec 2022 Meetup_ NiFi + Flink + Pulsar
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Princeton Dec 2022 Meetup_ NiFi + Flink + Pulsar Streaming Data Platform for cloud-native event-driven applications For non-locals, we will Broadcast Live via Youtube. Sign up and we will send out the link. Location: TigerLabs in Princeton on the 2nd floor, walk up and the door will be open. Same that we were using for the old Future of Data - Princeton events 2016-2019. Parking at the school is free. street parking nearby is free. there are meters on some streets, and a few blocks away is a paid parking garage. We are joining forces with our friends Cloudera again on a FLiPN amazing journey into Real-Time Streaming Applications with Apache Flink, Apache NiFi, and Apache Pulsar. Discover how to stream data to and from your data lake or data mart using Apache Pulsar™ and Apache NiFi®. Learn how these cloud-native, scalable open-source projects built for streaming data pipelines work together to enable you to quickly build applications with minimal coding. |WHAT THE SESSION WILL COVER| Apache NiFi Apache Pulsar Apache Flink Flink SQL We will show you how to build apps, so download beforehand to Docker, K8, your Laptop, or the cloud. Cloudera CSP Setup Getting Started with Cloudera Stream Processing Community Edition You may download CSP-CE here: Cloudera Stream Processing Community Edition The Cloudera CDP User's page: CDP Resources Page Apache Pulsar or Cloudera + Pulsar |AGENDA| 6:00 - 6:30 PM EST: Food, Drink, and Networking!!! 6:30 - 7:15 PM EST: Presentation - Tim Spann, StreamNative Developer Advocate 7:15 - 8:00 PM EST: Presentation - John Kuchmek, Cloudera Principal Solutions Engineer 8:00 - 8:30 PM EST: Round Table on Real-Time Streaming, Q&A |ABOUT THE SPEAKERS| John Kuchmek is a Principal Solutions Engineer for Cloudera. Before joining Cloudera, John transitioned to the Autonomous Intelligence team where he was in charge of integrating the platforms to allow data scientists to work with various types of data. Tim Spann is a Developer Advocate for StreamNative. He works with StreamNative Cloud, Apache Pulsar™, Apache Flink®, Flink® SQL, Big Data, the IoT, machine learning, and deep learning. Tim has over a decade of experience with the IoT, big data, dist

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Introduction to Apache Kafka
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Introduction to Apache Kafka

This document provides an overview of Apache Kafka including its main components, architecture, and ecosystem. It describes how LinkedIn used Kafka to solve their data pipeline problem by decoupling systems and allowing for horizontal scaling. The key elements of Kafka are producers that publish data to topics, the Kafka cluster that stores streams of records in a distributed, replicated commit log, and consumers that subscribe to topics. Kafka Connect and the Schema Registry are also introduced as part of the Kafka ecosystem.

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Why Apache NiFi?
• Guaranteed delivery
• Data buffering
- Backpressure
- Pressure release
• Prioritized queuing
• Flow specific QoS
- Latency vs. throughput
- Loss tolerance
• Data provenance
• Supports push and pull
• Hundreds of processors
• Visual command and
• Over a sixty sources
• Flow templates
• Pluggable/multi-role
• Designed for extension
• Clustering
• Version Control
Backpressure & Prioritizers

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Au delà des brokers, un tour de l’environnement Kafka | Florent Ramière

During the Confluent Streaming event in Paris, Florent Ramière, Technical Account Manager at Confluent, goes beyond brokers, introducing a whole new ecosystem with Kafka Streams, KSQL, Kafka Connect, Rest proxy, Schema Registry, MirrorMaker, etc.

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Strimzi - Where Apache Kafka meets OpenShift - OpenShift Spain MeetUpStrimzi - Where Apache Kafka meets OpenShift - OpenShift Spain MeetUp
Strimzi - Where Apache Kafka meets OpenShift - OpenShift Spain MeetUp

Apache Kafka is the most used data streaming broker by companies. It could manage millions of messages easily and it is the base of many architectures based in events, micro-services, orchestration, ... and now cloud environments. OpenShift is the most extended Platform as a Service (PaaS). It is based in Kubernetes and it helps the companies to deploy easily any kind of workload in a cloud environment. Thanks many of its features it is the base for many architectures based in stateless applications to build new Cloud Native Applications. Strimzi is an open source community that implements a set of Kubernetes Operators to help you to manage and deploy Apache Kafka brokers in OpenShift environments. These slides will introduce you Strimzi as a new component on OpenShift to manage your Apache Kafka clusters. Slides used at OpenShift Meetup Spain: -

apache kafkaopenshiftstrimzi
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Using FLaNK with InfluxDB for EdgeAI IoT at Scale Timothy from StreamNative take you on a hands-on deep-dive on using Pulsar, Apache NiFi + Edge Flow Manager + MiniFi Agents with Apache MXNet, OpenVino, TensorFlow Lite, and other Deep Learning Libraries on the actual edge devices including Raspberry Pi with Movidius 2, Google Coral TPU and NVidia Jetson Nano. The team run deep learning models on the edge devices and send images, and capture real-time GPS and sensor data. Their low-coding IoT applications provide easy edge routing, transformation, data acquisition and alerting before they decide what data to stream real-time to their data space. These edge applications classify images and sensor readings real-time at the edge and then send Deep Learning results to Flink SQL and Apache NiFi for transformation, parsing, enrichment, querying, filtering and merging data to InfluxDB.

Record Processors
● XML, CSV, JSON, AVRO and more
● Schemas or Inferred Schemas
● Easily convert between them
● Support SQL with Apache Calcite
Record Processors
Consume MQTT
This could read from Apache Pulsar - MoP (MQTT on Pulsar)
Apache MXNet Native Processor through DJL.AI for Apache NiFi
This processor uses the DJL.AI Java Interface

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bigdata 2022_ FLiP Into Pulsar Apps
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Timothy will introduce Apache Pulsar, an open-source distributed messaging and streaming platform. He will discuss how to build real-time applications using Pulsar with various libraries, schemas, languages, frameworks and tools. The presentation will cover what Pulsar is, its functions and components, how it compares to other technologies like Apache Kafka, its advantages, and how to integrate it with tools like Apache Flink, Apache Spark, Apache NiFi and more. A demo and Q&A will follow.

apache pulsarapache nifiapache flink
Apache Flink
SQL / Table API: Running The Same Query On Streams
SQL Query
Incremental query
TUMBLE(rowtime, INTERVAL ‘1’ HOUR), room
Interpret stream as
Flink SQL To Pulsar Catalog
PortoTechHub  - Hail Hydrate! From Stream to Lake with Apache Pulsar and Friends

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This document discusses how Apache Pulsar can be used as a unified messaging platform from edge to multi-cloud environments. It provides an overview of Pulsar's key features such as durability, scalability, geo-replication, and functions. It also compares Pulsar to Apache Kafka and outlines Pulsar's architecture including tenants, namespaces, topics, and message formats. Additionally, it demonstrates how Pulsar can be used with various protocols and frameworks like Kafka, MQTT, AMQP, NiFi, and Flink.

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Confluent Operator as Cloud-Native Kafka Operator for Kubernetes
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Agenda: - Cloud Native vs. SaaS / Serverless Kafka - The Emergence of Kubernetes - Kafka on K8s Deployment Challenges - Confluent Operator as Kafka Operator - Q&A Confluent Operator enables you to: Provisioning, management and operations of Confluent Platform (including ZooKeeper, Apache Kafka, Kafka Connect, KSQL, Schema Registry, REST Proxy, Control Center) Deployment on any Kubernetes Platform (Vanilla K8s, OpenShift, Rancher, Mesosphere, Cloud Foundry, Amazon EKS, Azure AKS, Google GKE, etc.) Automate provisioning of Kafka pods in minutes Monitor SLAs through Confluent Control Center or Prometheus Scale Kafka elastically, handle fail-over & Automate rolling updates Automate security configuration Built on our first hand knowledge of running Confluent at scale Fully supported for production usage 

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Why Micro Focus Chose Pulsar for Data Ingestion - Pulsar Summit NA 2021
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Modern IT and application environments are increasingly complex, transitioning to cloud, and large in scale. The managed resources, services and applications in these environments generate tremendous data that needs to be observed, consumed and analyzed in real time (or later) by management tools to create insights and to drive operational actions and decisions. In this talk, Srikanth Natarajan will share Micro Focus’ adoption story of Pulsar, including the experience in consuming from and contributing to Apache Pulsar, the lessons learned, and the help that Micro Focus received from a development support partner in their Pulsar journey.

micro focusapache pulsaroperations
Best Practice
Example: E-Commerce with Pulsar
● Unified storage with
access to underlying data
● Native tiered storage
● Single system to exchange
● Teams share toolset
StreamNative Hub
StreamNative Cloud
Unified Batch and Stream COMPUTING
(Batch + Stream)
Unified Batch and Stream STORAGE
(Queuing + Streaming)
Apache Flink - Apache Pulsar - Apache NiFi <-> Events <-> Cloud Data Stores
Tiered Storage
Edge Gateway
End-to-End Streaming FLiP(N) Apps

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Speakers: Ravi Dubey, Senior Manager, Software Engineering, Capital One + Jeff Sharpe, Software Engineer, Capital One Capital One supports interactions with real-time streaming transactional data using Apache Kafka®. Kafka helps deliver information to internal operation teams and bank tellers to assist with assessing risk and protect customers in a myriad of ways. Inside the bank, Kafka allows Capital One to build a real-time system that takes advantage of modern data and cloud technologies without exposing customers to unnecessary data breaches, or violating privacy regulations. These examples demonstrate how a streaming platform enables Capital One to act on their visions faster and in a more scalable way through the Kafka solution, helping establish Capital One as an innovator in the banking space. Join us for this online talk on lessons learned, best practices and technical patterns of Capital One’s deployment of Apache Kafka. -Find out how Kafka delivers on a 5-second service-level agreement (SLA) for inside branch tellers. -Learn how to combine and host data in-memory and prevent personally identifiable information (PII) violations of in-flight transactions. -Understand how Capital One manages Kafka Docker containers using Kubernetes. Watch the recording:

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OSSNA Building Modern Data Streaming Apps
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OSSNA Building Modern Data Streaming Apps Timothy Spann Cloudera Principal Developer Advocate Data in Motion In my session, I will show you some best practices I have discovered over the last seven years in building data streaming applications, including IoT, CDC, Logs, and more. In my modern approach, we utilize several open-source frameworks to maximize all the best features. We often start with Apache NiFi as the orchestrator of streams flowing into Apache Pulsar. From there, we build streaming ETL with Apache Spark and enhance events with Pulsar Functions for ML and enrichment. We make continuous queries against our topics with Flink SQL. We will stream data into various open-source data stores, including Apache Iceberg, Apache Pinot, and others. We use the best streaming tools for the current applications with the open source stack - FLiPN. Updates: This will be in-person with live coding based on feedback from the crowd. This will also include new data stores, new sources, and data relevant to and from the Vancouver area. This will also include updates to the platforms and inclusion of Apache Iceberg, Apache Pinot and some other new tech. Tim Spann is a Principal Developer Advocate for Cloudera. He works with Apache Kafka, Apache Flink, Flink SQL, Apache NiFi, MiniFi, Apache MXNet, TensorFlow, Apache Spark, Big Data, the IoT, machine learning, and deep learning. Tim has over a decade of experience with the IoT, big data, distributed computing, messaging, streaming technologies, and Java programming. Previously, he was a Principal DataFlow Field Engineer at Cloudera, a Senior Solutions Engineer at Hortonworks, a Senior Solutions Architect at AirisData, a Senior Field Engineer at Pivotal and a Team Leader at HPE. He blogs for DZone, where he is the Big Data Zone leader, and runs a popular meetup in Princeton on Big Data, Cloud, IoT, deep learning, streaming, NiFi, the blockchain, and Spark. Tim is a frequent speaker at conferences such as ApacheCon, DeveloperWeek, Pulsar Summit and many more. He holds a BS and MS in computer science. Timothy J Spann Cloudera Principal Developer Advocate Hightstown, NJ Website

apache nifiapache flinkapache spark
Ingesting IoT Data via Java Pulsar
Ingesting IoT Data via Java Pulsar
MQTT from Python
pip3 install paho-mqtt
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
client = mqtt.Client("rpi4-iot")
row = { }
row['gasKO'] = str(readings)
json_string = json.dumps(row)
json_string = json_string.strip()
client.connect("", 1883, 180)
client.publish("persistent://public/default/mqtt-2", payload=json_string,
qos=0, retain=True)
Using NVIDIA Jetson Devices With Pulsar

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Microservices, events, containers, and orchestrators are dominating our vernacular today. As operations teams adapt to support these technologies in production, cloud-native platforms like Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes have quickly risen to serve as force multipliers of automation, productivity and value. Kafka is providing developers a critically important component as they build and modernize applications to cloud-native architecture. This talk will explore: • Why cloud-native platforms and why run Kafka on Kubernetes? • What kind of workloads are best suited for this combination? • Tips to determine the path forward for legacy monoliths in your application portfolio • Running Kafka as a Streaming Platform on Container Orchestration

06-20-2024-AI Camp Meetup-Unstructured Data and Vector Databases
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Tech Talk: Unstructured Data and Vector Databases Speaker: Tim Spann (Zilliz) Abstract: In this session, I will discuss the unstructured data and the world of vector databases, we will see how they different from traditional databases. In which cases you need one and in which you probably don’t. I will also go over Similarity Search, where do you get vectors from and an example of a Vector Database Architecture. Wrapping up with an overview of Milvus. Introduction Unstructured data, vector databases, traditional databases, similarity search Vectors Where, What, How, Why Vectors? We’ll cover a Vector Database Architecture Introducing Milvus What drives Milvus' Emergence as the most widely adopted vector database Hi Unstructured Data Friends! I hope this video had all the unstructured data processing, AI and Vector Database demo you needed for now. If not, there’s a ton more linked below. My source code is available here Let me know in the comments if you liked what you saw, how I can improve and what should I show next? Thanks, hope to see you soon at a Meetup in Princeton, Philadelphia, New York City or here in the Youtube Matrix. Get Milvused! Read my Newsletter every week! For more cool Unstructured Data, AI and Vector Database videos check out the Milvus vector database videos here Unstructured Data Meetups - Twitter/X: LinkedIn: GitHub: Invitation to join Discord: Blogs:

generative-aimilvusmilvus vector database
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Mehul Shah Startup Grind Princeton 18 June 2024 - AI Advancement AI Advancement Infinity Services Inc. - Artificial Intelligence Development Services linkedin icon

generative-aiaimachine learning
Now Available
Pulsar Training
We’re Hiring
Connect with the Community & Stay Up-To-Date
● Join the Pulsar Slack channel -
● Follow @streamnativeio and @apache_pulsar on Twitter
● Subscribe to Monthly Pulsar Newsletter for major news, events, project
updates, and resources in the Pulsar community

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06-18-2024-Princeton Meetup-Introduction to Milvus Get Milvused! Read my Newsletter every week! For more cool Unstructured Data, AI and Vector Database videos check out the Milvus vector database videos here Unstructured Data Meetups - Twitter/X: LinkedIn: GitHub: Invitation to join Discord: Blogs: Expand LLMs' knowledge by incorporating external data sources into LLMs and your AI applications.

milvusmilvus vector databasevector database
06-12-2024-BudapestDataForum-BuildingReal-timePipelineswithFLaNK AIM
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06-12-2024-BudapestDataForum-BuildingReal-timePipelineswithFLaNK AIM by Timothy Spann Principal Developer Advocate milvus vector database gen ai generative ai deep learning machine learning apache nifi apache pulsar apache kafka apache flink

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Interested In Learning More?
Flink SQL Cookbook
The Github Source for Flink
SQL Demo
The GitHub Source for Demo
Manning's Apache Pulsar in
O’Reilly Book
[11/8] PASS Data Community
[11/18] Developer Week Austin
[11/19] Porto Tech Hub Con
[12/3] Data Science Camp
Resources Free eBooks Upcoming Events
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Let’s Keep
in Touch!
Tim Spann
Developer Advocate

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Codeless Generative AI Pipelines (GenAI with Milvus)!/lecture/DSSML24-041a/rate Discover the potential of real-time streaming in the context of GenAI as we delve into the intricacies of Apache NiFi and its capabilities. Learn how this tool can significantly simplify the data engineering workflow for GenAI applications, allowing you to focus on the creative aspects rather than the technical complexities. I will guide you through practical examples and use cases, showing the impact of automation on prompt building. From data ingestion to transformation and delivery, witness how Apache NiFi streamlines the entire pipeline, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience. Timothy Spann milvus, unstructured data, vector database, zilliz, cloud, vectors, python, deep learning, generative ai, genai, nifi, kafka, flink, streaming, iot, edge

milvusvector databaseunstructured data
06-04-2024 - NYC Tech Week - Discussion on Vector Databases, Unstructured Dat...
06-04-2024 - NYC Tech Week - Discussion on Vector Databases, Unstructured Dat...06-04-2024 - NYC Tech Week - Discussion on Vector Databases, Unstructured Dat...
06-04-2024 - NYC Tech Week - Discussion on Vector Databases, Unstructured Dat...

06-04-2024 - NYC Tech Week - Discussion on Vector Databases, Unstructured Data and AI Round table discussion of vector databases, unstructured data, ai, big data, real-time, robots and Milvus. A lively discussion with NJ Gen AI Meetup Lead, Prasad and Procure.FYI's Co-Found

milvusgenerative-aibig data
06-04-2024 - NYC Tech Week - Discussion on Vector Databases, Unstructured Dat...
06-04-2024 - NYC Tech Week - Discussion on Vector Databases, Unstructured Dat...06-04-2024 - NYC Tech Week - Discussion on Vector Databases, Unstructured Dat...
06-04-2024 - NYC Tech Week - Discussion on Vector Databases, Unstructured Dat...

06-04-2024 - NYC Tech Week - Discussion on Vector Databases, Unstructured Data and AI Discussion on Vector Databases, Unstructured Data and AI This meetup is for people working in unstructured data. Speakers will come present about related topics such as vector databases, LLMs, and managing data at scale. The intended audience of this group includes roles like machine learning engineers, data scientists, data engineers, software engineers, and PMs.This meetup was formerly Milvus Meetup, and is sponsored by Zilliz maintainers of Milvus.

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Timothy Spann
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Introduction to Apache Kafka
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PortoTechHub - Hail Hydrate! From Stream to Lake with Apache Pulsar and Friends

  • 1. Hail Hydrate! From Stream to Lake with Pulsar and Friends Tim Spann | Developer Advocate
  • 2. The Need For Real-Time Data Hybrid and multi-cloud strategies with native geo-replication Seamlessly build microservice architectures with support for streaming and messaging workloads Built for Kubernetes CloudNative migrations with tools 360 degree customer data multi-tenancy, infinite retention, and extensive connector ecosystem
  • 3. Tim Spann Developer Advocate ● ● ● ● DZone Zone Leader and Big Data MVB Data DJay
  • 4. ● Founded the original developers of Apache Pulsar. ● Passionate and dedicated team. ● StreamNative helps teams to capture, manage, and leverage data using Pulsar’s unified messaging and streaming platform.
  • 6. Apache is an open source, cloud-native distributed messaging and streaming platform.
  • 7. What are the Benefits of Pulsar? Data Durability Scalability Geo-Replication Multi-Tenancy Unified Messaging Model
  • 9. Top Pulsar Use Cases #1 Message Queuing #2 Data Streaming ● Not built for the cloud ● Single tenant systems ● Monolithic architecture couples compute with storage ● Lack of geo replication support
  • 10. Key Milestones 2012 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Originally developed inside Yahoo! as “Cloud Messaging Service” Pulsar is committed to Open Source Pulsar is accepted into the Apache Software Foundation Pulsar becomes a Top-Level Project ● StreamNative is founded and seed round raised. ● Tencent adopts Pulsar for payment processing platform. ● BestPay adopts Pulsar for payment processing. ● Pulsar hits 200 contributors. ● 2 global Pulsar conferences, 80+ speakers, 1,500+ attendees ● Pulsar hits 340 contributors ● StreamNative and OVHCloud launch Kafka on Pulsar (KoP) ● StreamNative + China Mobile launch AMQP on Pulsar (AoP) ● Pulsar Ecosystem expands - StreamNative Hub launches ● StreamNative Cloud launches on GCP and Alibaba Cloud ● StreamNative customer adoption continues - new customers include Flipkart and Applied Materials ● Pulsar 2.7 + Transactions ● Pulsar Flink Connector 2.7 Major increase in adoption following TLP designation in 2018 2021 ● 3 global Pulsar conferences ● StreamNative hits 400 contributors (June). ● Pulsar surpasses Kafka in monthly active contributors. ● Pulsar 2.8 + Exactly-Once semantics ● StreamNative Platform launches
  • 11. Apache Pulsar Overview Enable Geo-Replicated Messaging ● Pub-Sub ● Geo-Replication ● Pulsar Functions ● Horizontal Scalability ● Multi-tenancy ● Tiered Persistent Storage ● Pulsar Connectors ● REST API ● CLI ● Many clients available ● Four Different Subscription Types ● Multi-Protocol Support ○ MQTT ○ AMQP ○ JMS ○ Kafka ○ ...
  • 12. Pulsar’s Publish-Subscribe model Broker Subscription Consumer 1 Consumer 2 Consumer 3 Topic Producer 1 Producer 2 ● Producers send messages. ● Topics are an ordered, named channel that producers use to transmit messages to subscribed consumers. ● Messages belong to a topic and contain an arbitrary payload. ● Brokers handle connections and routes messages between producers / consumers. ● Subscriptions are named configuration rules that determine how messages are delivered to consumers. ● Consumers receive messages.
  • 13. What is the Pulsar Ecosystem? ● Functions and Connectors ○ Functions: Lightweight stream processing ○ Connectors: Part of “Pulsar IO”, includes “Source” and “Sink” APIs ■ Files, Databases, Data tools, Cloud Services, etc ● Protocol Handlers ○ Allows Pulsar to handle additional protocols by an extendable API running in the broker ■ AoP (AMQP), KoP (Kafka), MoP (MQTT)
  • 14. Topics Tenants (Compliance) Tenants (Data Services) Namespace (Microservices) Topic-1 (Cust Auth) Topic-1 (Location Resolution) Topic-2 (Demographics) Topic-1 (Budgeted Spend) Topic-1 (Acct History) Topic-1 (Risk Detection) Namespace (ETL) Namespace (Campaigns) Namespace (ETL) Tenants (Marketing) Namespace (Risk Assessment) Pulsar Instance Pulsar Cluster
  • 15. Pulsar subscription modes Different subscription modes have different semantics: Exclusive/Failover - guaranteed order, single active consumer Shared - multiple active consumers, no order Key_Shared - multiple active consumers, order for given key Producer 1 Producer 2 Pulsar Topic Subscription D Consumer D-1 Consumer D-2 Key-Shared < K 1, V 10 > < K 1, V 11 > < K 1, V 12 > < K 2 ,V 2 0 > < K 2 ,V 2 1> < K 2 ,V 2 2 > Subscription C Consumer C-1 Consumer C-2 Shared < K 1, V 10 > < K 2, V 21 > < K 1, V 12 > < K 2 ,V 2 0 > < K 1, V 11 > < K 2 ,V 2 2 > Subscription A Consumer A Exclusive Subscription B Consumer B-1 Consumer B-2 In case of failure in Consumer B-1 Failover
  • 17. Pub/Sub API Pub/Sub API Reader and Batch Pulsar IO/Connectors Stream Processor Applications Prebuilt Connectors Custom Connectors Microservices or Event-Driven Architecture Publisher Subscriber
  • 18. Moving Data In and Out of Pulsar IO/Connectors are a simple way to integrate with external systems and move data in and out of Pulsar. ● Built on top of Pulsar Functions ● Built-in connectors - Source Sink
  • 19. AMQP / RabbitMQ Protocol https:/ / AMQP on Pulsar (AoP) https:/ / https:/ / 19
  • 20. Use Azure BlobStore offloader with Pulsar
  • 21. Apache Pulsar - Other Sinks mongoDB AWS Lambda redis AWS S3 GCS 21
  • 22. Pulsar SQL Presto/Trino workers can read segments directly from bookies (or offloaded storage) in parallel. Bookie 1 Segment 1 Producer Consumer Broker 1 Topic1-Part1 Broker 2 Topic1-Part2 Broker 3 Topic1-Part3 Segment 2 Segment 3 Segment 4 Segment X Segment 1 Segment 1 Segment 1 Segment 3 Segment 3 Segment 3 Segment 2 Segment 2 Segment 2 Segment 4 Segment 4 Segment 4 Segment X Segment X Segment X Bookie 2 Bookie 3 Query Coordinator ... ... SQL Worker SQL Worker SQL Worker SQL Worker Query Topic Metadata
  • 23. Query Your Topics with Pulsar SQL (Trino)
  • 24. MQTT on Pulsar (MoP)
  • 26. Data Center 3 Data Center 2 Geo Replication Replication is done asynchronously. Pulsar has built-in cross data center replication that is used in production already. Data Center 1
  • 27. Pulsar is built for easy scale-out. *Illustrations by Jack Vanlightly
  • 29. Powered by Apache Pulsar, StreamNative provides a cloud-native, real-time messaging and streaming platform to support multi-cloud and hybrid cloud strategies. Built for Containers Cloud Native StreamNative Cloud Flink SQL
  • 32. Don’t Be Afraid of Open Source
  • 33. Why Apache NiFi? • Guaranteed delivery • Data buffering - Backpressure - Pressure release • Prioritized queuing • Flow specific QoS - Latency vs. throughput - Loss tolerance • Data provenance • Supports push and pull models • Hundreds of processors • Visual command and control • Over a sixty sources • Flow templates • Pluggable/multi-role security • Designed for extension • Clustering • Version Control
  • 37. Record Processors ● XML, CSV, JSON, AVRO and more ● Schemas or Inferred Schemas ● Easily convert between them ● Support SQL with Apache Calcite
  • 39. Consume MQTT This could read from Apache Pulsar - MoP (MQTT on Pulsar)
  • 40. Apache MXNet Native Processor through DJL.AI for Apache NiFi This processor uses the DJL.AI Java Interface
  • 42. SQL / Table API: Running The Same Query On Streams SQL Query Incremental query execution SELECT room, TUMBLE_END(rowtime, INTERVAL ‘1’ HOUR), AVG(temperature) FROM sensors GROUP BY TUMBLE(rowtime, INTERVAL ‘1’ HOUR), room Interpret stream as table
  • 43. Flink SQL To Pulsar Catalog
  • 46. Example: E-Commerce with Pulsar ● Unified storage with access to underlying data ● Native tiered storage ● Single system to exchange data ● Teams share toolset
  • 47. StreamNative Hub StreamNative Cloud Unified Batch and Stream COMPUTING Batch (Batch + Stream) Unified Batch and Stream STORAGE Offload (Queuing + Streaming) Apache Flink - Apache Pulsar - Apache NiFi <-> Events <-> Cloud Data Stores Tiered Storage Pulsar --- KoP --- MoP --- Websocket --- HTTP Pulsar Sink Pulsar Sink Streaming Edge Gateway Protocols End-to-End Streaming FLiP(N) Apps Micro Service
  • 48. Demo
  • 49. Ingesting IoT Data via Java Pulsar
  • 50. Ingesting IoT Data via Java Pulsar
  • 51. MQTT from Python pip3 install paho-mqtt import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt client = mqtt.Client("rpi4-iot") row = { } row['gasKO'] = str(readings) json_string = json.dumps(row) json_string = json_string.strip() client.connect("", 1883, 180) client.publish("persistent://public/default/mqtt-2", payload=json_string, qos=0, retain=True)
  • 52. Using NVIDIA Jetson Devices With Pulsar e-part-1-of-3-nvidia-jetson-xavier-nx-595k new-nvidia.html 39b51a06180d98545c1e0542/python3/
  • 56. Connect with the Community & Stay Up-To-Date ● Join the Pulsar Slack channel - ● Follow @streamnativeio and @apache_pulsar on Twitter ● Subscribe to Monthly Pulsar Newsletter for major news, events, project updates, and resources in the Pulsar community 56
  • 57. Interested In Learning More? Flink SQL Cookbook The Github Source for Flink SQL Demo The GitHub Source for Demo Manning's Apache Pulsar in Action O’Reilly Book [11/8] PASS Data Community [11/18] Developer Week Austin [11/19] Porto Tech Hub Con [12/3] Data Science Camp Resources Free eBooks Upcoming Events 57
  • 58. ● ● ● ● ● ate!FromStreamtoLake_TimSpann.pdf ● ● Deeper Content @PaasDev timothyspann 58
  • 59. Let’s Keep in Touch! Tim Spann Developer Advocate @PassDev