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Stephen Johnson, Solution Architect -- AWS
Valentin Polouchkine, Developer Advocate -- Twitter
October 2015
Identity Management &
Data Sync with Amazon Cognito
What to Expect from the Session
Dive deep into Cognito Identity
Learn about Cognito Sync features
Twitter Fabric and Digits demonstration
Cognito Identity
Authenticates Users
- Third-party ID Providers
- OpenID Connect Providers
- Developer Providers
Anonymous Identity
Federation of Identities
OpenID Connect Token
Amazon Cognito Overview
Cognito Sync
Store Customer Data in the Cloud
Synchronize Data
- Between Devices and Cloud
- Across Devices
Cognito Events
- Trigger AWS Lambda
Cognito Streams
- Send to Amazon Kinesis
Amazon Cognito - Identity

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AWS IAM and security
AWS IAM and securityAWS IAM and security
AWS IAM and security

AWS security with Identity and Access Management. From the basics to advanced uses of federated access to multiple AWS accounts.

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AWS Mobile Services: Amazon Cognito - Identity Broker and Synchronization Ser...
AWS Mobile Services: Amazon Cognito - Identity Broker and Synchronization Ser...AWS Mobile Services: Amazon Cognito - Identity Broker and Synchronization Ser...
AWS Mobile Services: Amazon Cognito - Identity Broker and Synchronization Ser...

The document discusses Amazon Cognito and how it can be used to authenticate users, manage identity, and synchronize user data across devices. It provides an overview of Cognito's capabilities including support for guest users, developer authenticated identities, and using IAM roles to control access. It also demonstrates how to set up Cognito and integrate the mobile SDK to use Cognito's features in a mobile app.

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AWS S3 provides cloud storage and object storage services. It allows users to store and retrieve large amounts of data over the internet at a low cost. Some key benefits include durability, scalability, availability, and security. S3 stores data as objects within buckets and provides features like lifecycle management, bucket policies, encryption, versioning, and cross-region replication.

Cognito Identity Developer Features
Identify customers whenever they use my app
No matter how they authenticate (across IDPs)
Even if they don’t authenticate (upgrade when they do)
Provide appropriate credentials for AWS access
Any level of permission, for any service
Distinguish authenticated and unauthenticated users
AWS Identity Before Cognito
AWS Security
Token Service (STS)
5. Receive
3. Assume Role2. Retrieve Identity
Mobile Client
1. Authenticate
4. Validate
Amazon S3
Web Identity
OpenID Connect
6. Store Data
Cognito - Identity Storage
Identity Pool
No limit on # identities
Up to 60 Pools / Account
Usually associated
with an app
Authenticated Role
Unauthenticated Role
Using the Cognito in the Mobile SDK
CognitoCachingCredentialsProvider provider =
new CognitoCachingCredentialsProvider
AWSSessionCredentials c = provider.getCredentials();

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Deep Dive on User Sign-up Sign-in with Amazon Cognito - AWS Online Tech Talks
Deep Dive on User Sign-up Sign-in with Amazon Cognito - AWS Online Tech TalksDeep Dive on User Sign-up Sign-in with Amazon Cognito - AWS Online Tech Talks
Deep Dive on User Sign-up Sign-in with Amazon Cognito - AWS Online Tech Talks

- Understand user identity and federation principles and practices - Learn how Amazon Cognito works with federated identity providers - See how to use Amazon Cognito to add the forms for user Sign-up and Sign-in to an application

amazon cognitoamazonaws
Amazon Cognito Deep Dive
Amazon Cognito Deep DiveAmazon Cognito Deep Dive
Amazon Cognito Deep Dive

by Fritz Kunstler, Sr. AWS Security Consultant AWS Join us for four days of security and compliance sessions and hands-on labs led by our AWS security pros during AWS Security Week at the San Francisco Loft. Join us for all four days, or pick just the days that are most relevant to you. We'll open on Monday with Security 101 day, followed by sessions Tuesday on Identity and Access Management, our popular Threat Detection and Remediation day Wednesday will feature an updated GuardDuty lab, and we'll end Thursday with Incident Response sessions, labs, and a talk by Netflix on their new open source IR tool. This week will also feature Dome9 as a sponsor, and you can hear them speak and present a hands-on workshop Monday during Security 101 day.

awsamazon webservicescloud
Deep dive into AWS IAM
Deep dive into AWS IAMDeep dive into AWS IAM
Deep dive into AWS IAM

This session is focused on diving into the AWS IAM policy categories to understand the differences, learn how the policy evaluation logic works, and go over some best practices. We will then walk through how to use permission boundaries to truly delegate administration in AWS.

Create an Identity Pool with Roles
$ aws cognito-identity create-identity-pool
--identity-pool-name mySamplePool
{ "IdentityPoolId": "us-east-1:cb6ff5f8-f6aa",
"AllowUnauthenticatedIdentities": true,
"IdentityPoolName": "mySamplePool”}
$ aws cognito-identity set-identity-pool-roles
--identity-pool-id us-east-1:cb6ff5f8-f6aa
--roles authenticated=arn:aws:iam:::role/Auth_Role,
Create an (Unauthenticated) Identity
$ aws cognito-identity get-id
--identity-pool-id us-east-1:cb6ff5f8-f6aa
Get the OpenID Connect Token
$ aws cognito-identity get-open-id-token
--identity-id us-east-1:73dbf099-cb1b-4a32
"IdentityId": "us-east-1:73dbf099-cb1b-4a32
Cognito Token – JWT format (courtesy

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Infrastructure Security: Your Minimum Security Baseline
Infrastructure Security: Your Minimum Security BaselineInfrastructure Security: Your Minimum Security Baseline
Infrastructure Security: Your Minimum Security Baseline

After IAM and Detective Controls you’ll turn to Infrastructure Security, which means tuning AWS Service configurations, AMI composition, and hardening other digital assets that will be deployed. We will cover how to define networking architecture (e.g. VPC, subnets, security groups); how to develop hardened AMIs based on your requirements; the importance of defining Internet ingress and egress flows, and how to determine Vulnerability Management and operational maintenance cadence.

awsamazon web servicescloud computing
AWS IAM Introduction
AWS IAM IntroductionAWS IAM Introduction
AWS IAM Introduction

by Apurv Awasthi, Sr. Technical Product Manager, AWS This session introduces the concepts of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) and walks through the tools and strategies you can use to control access to your AWS environment. We describe IAM users, groups, and roles and how to use them. We demonstrate how to create IAM users and roles, and grant them various types of permissions to access AWS APIs and resources. We also cover the concept of trust relationships, and how you can use them to delegate access to your AWS resources. This session covers also covers IAM best practices that can help improve your security posture. We cover how to manage IAM users and roles, and their security credentials. We also explain ways for how you can securely manage you AWS access keys. Using common use cases, we demonstrate how to choose between using IAM users or IAM roles. Finally, we explore how to set permissions to grant least privilege access control in one or more of your AWS accounts. Level 100

awsamazon web servicescloud
Intro to Amazon S3
Intro to Amazon S3Intro to Amazon S3
Intro to Amazon S3

Brief research on Amazon S3 for my company. Feel free to comment/feedback. Thanks! Connect with me on LinkedIn : Seems like there are still plenty of people viewing this presentation after so long. Maybe i should consider doing a update for Cloudfront/Glacier as well..

Assume Unauthenticated Role
$ aws sts assume-role-with-web-identity
--role-arn arn:aws:iam::role/Cognito_Unauth_Role
--role-session-name steve
--web-identity-token eyJraWQiOiJ1cy1lYXN0LTExIiwi
Assumed Role Credentials (output)
"AccessKeyId": "ASIAJBGJ6DTQE5Q3N67Q”,
"SessionToken": "AQoDYXdzEFAagAS8+GnLyCwthcqB
"Expiration": "2015-09-17T00:15:53Z”
Unauthenticated Flow
5. Receive
3. Assume Role2. OpenID Token
Mobile Client
1. Get New
4. Validate
Amazon S3
6. Store Data
Revisit API for Authenticated Identities
$ aws cognito-identity get-id
--identity-pool-id <required>
--logins <to fetch authenticated id>
$ aws cognito-identity get-open-id-token
--identity-id <required>
--logins <to fetch token for auth’d id>

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Identity and Access Management: The First Step in AWS SecurityIdentity and Access Management: The First Step in AWS Security
Identity and Access Management: The First Step in AWS Security

IAM is first in the Security CAF because in the cloud first you grant access and only then can you provision infrastructure (the opposite of on-prem). In this session we’ll cover how to define fine grained access to AWS resources via users, roles and groups; designing privileged user & multi-factor authentication mechanisms and how to operate IAM at scale.

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Introduction to AWS Security
Introduction to AWS SecurityIntroduction to AWS Security
Introduction to AWS Security

This session is designed to introduce you to fundamental cloud computing and AWS security concepts that will help you prepare for the Security Week sessions, demos, and workshops. We will also provide an overview of the Security pillar of the AWS Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF) and talk about how AWS keeps humans away from data—and how you can, too.

(STG401) Amazon S3 Deep Dive & Best Practices
(STG401) Amazon S3 Deep Dive & Best Practices(STG401) Amazon S3 Deep Dive & Best Practices
(STG401) Amazon S3 Deep Dive & Best Practices

Come learn about new and existing Amazon S3 features that can help you better protect your data, save on cost, and improve usability, security, and performance. We will cover a wide variety of Amazon S3 features and go into depth on several newer features with configuration and code snippets, so you can apply the learnings on your object storage workloads.

cloud computingaws cloudaws-reinvent
Getting a Token : linking a login (promotion)
get-open-id-token( Id = 2
, )
Id = 2
Id = 2
Cognito promotes
to “authenticated” ,
Returns same identity-id
Getting a Token : lookup, return id
get-open-id-token( Id = 3
Id = 3
, )
Id = 3
Cognito returns
The same identity-id
Id = 2
Getting a Token : merging identities
get-open-id-token( Id = 3
, )
Id = 3
Cognito merges the
Identities, returns an
existing identity-id
Id = 2
Getting a Token : Not Authorized
get-open-id-token( ID = 3
,ID = 3
) )
Cognito requires a valid
linked login before giving
a token for an authorized ID

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Building a Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM) Solution
Building a Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM) SolutionBuilding a Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM) Solution
Building a Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM) Solution

There’s a fundamental difference between your customers and employees with regards to identity and access management (IAM). If the user experience doesn’t meet expectations, unlike employees within your organization, customers can easily turn to a competitor. Traditional enterprise IAM solutions usually don’t meet the unique requirements that customers demand such as scalability, performance, usability and support for seamless engagement through multiple channels. If your customer IAM solution is undesirably restrictive, it can affect your customer experience badly. On the other hand, if it’s not restrictive enough it compromises your security. Join Johann and Maduranga in this webinar as they explore how to achieve the perfect balance and create an IAM solution that meets your customers’ needs. He will discuss The security and usability concerns you need to consider when building a solution Common patterns for customer IAM solutions How WSO2 Identity Server can help you build a solution

by WSO2
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Microsoft Cloud App Security
Microsoft Cloud App SecurityMicrosoft Cloud App Security
Microsoft Cloud App Security

Whether or not you’re in the cloud, your employees are. This brings new challenges for Identity, Security and Compliance teams. Bring the security of your on-premises systems to your cloud applications — both approved and unapproved — for deeper transparency, comprehensive controls, and enhanced protection against cloud security issues.

Microsoft 365 Security and Compliance
Microsoft 365 Security and ComplianceMicrosoft 365 Security and Compliance
Microsoft 365 Security and Compliance

Cyberspace is the new battlefield: We’re seeing attacks on civilians and organizations from nation states. Attacks are no longer just against governments or enterprise systems directly. We’re seeing attacks against private property—the mobile devices we carry around everyday, the laptop on our desks—and public infrastructure. What started a decade-and-a-half ago as a sense that there were some teenagers in the basement hacking their way has moved far beyond that. It has morphed into sophisticated international organized crime and, worse, sophisticated nation state attacks. Personnel and resources are limited: According to an annual survey of 620 IT professional across North America and Western Europe from ESG, 51% respondents claim their organization had a problem of shortage of cybersecurity skills—up from 23% in 2014.1 The security landscape is getting more complicated and the stakes are rising, but many enterprises don’t have the resources they need to meet their security needs. Virtually anything can be corrupted: The number of connected devices in 2018 is predict to top 11 billion – not including computers and phones. As we connect virtually everything, anything can be disrupted. Everything from the cloud to the edge needs to be considered and protected.2

razor technologymicrosoftsecurity
Authenticated Flow
5. Receive
3. Assume Role2. OpenID Token
Mobile Client
1. Get or Create
4. Validate
Amazon S3
6. Store Data
Authenticated OpenID Token
OpenID Information in IAM Policy (Trust)
"": ”authenticated”
< or specify by provider… >
"": ””
Restricting S3 Buckets by User
{ "Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [ {
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": ["s3:ListBucket"],
"Resource": ["arn:aws:s3:::EXAMPLE-BUCKET-NAME"],
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"s3:prefix": ["cognito/myapp/"]
} } },
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [ "s3:GetObject", "s3:PutObject", "s3:DeleteObject" ],
"Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::EXAMPLE-BUCKET-NAME/cognito/myapp/
${}/*" ]
} ]

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AWS Partner Data Analytics on AWS_Handout.pdfAWS Partner Data Analytics on AWS_Handout.pdf
AWS Partner Data Analytics on AWS_Handout.pdf

This document provides an overview of AWS data analytics solutions and services. It discusses modernizing a data warehouse with Amazon Redshift and building data lakes on AWS. The document also covers data migration options, the AWS analytics portfolio, building an analytics pipeline, and the Data Flywheel customer journey. Technical advantages of AWS services like performance and scalability are highlighted.


AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) allows you to securely control access to AWS resources. IAM controls who can be authenticated and authorized to use resources by managing users, groups, roles, and their permissions. IAM supports single-factor, multi-factor, and two-factor authentication to verify identities. Authorization occurs after authentication and provides permissions to access resources. IAM helps create and manage users, groups, roles, and their permissions to govern access to AWS services.

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Getting Started with Cognito User Pools - September Webinar Series
Getting Started with Cognito User Pools - September Webinar SeriesGetting Started with Cognito User Pools - September Webinar Series
Getting Started with Cognito User Pools - September Webinar Series

You can now use Amazon Cognito to easily add user sign-up and sign-in to your mobile and web apps instead of worrying about user management, authentication, and sync across platforms and devices. With the User Pools feature, you can create your own user directory that can scale to hundreds of millions of users, and is fully managed so you don’t have to worry about building, securing, and scaling authentication to your apps. In this webinar, we will walk your through adding the process of adding user sign-up and sign-in to your mobile and web apps. Learning Objectives: *Learn to add user sign-up and sign-in to your mobile and web apps quickly and easily *Authenticate users through social identity providers such as Facebook, Twitter, or Amazon and provide secure access to AWS resources

mobile developersidentity managementmobile app development
Using Developer Identities
What if you already have a directory with names and passwords?
You can federate your own identities using Cognito
One server side API call:
Developer Authenticated Flow
6. Receive
4. Assume Role
Mobile Client
1. Authenticate
5. Validate
Amazon S3
7. Store Data
3. OpenID Token
2. Request
Developer Auth Demo
Developer Auth Demo
6. Receive
4. Assume Role
Mobile Client
1. Authenticate
5. Validate
Amazon S3
7. Store Data
3. OpenID Token
API Gateway
AWS Lambda
2. Get

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This document discusses using Weave networking with Amazon ECS containers. Weave provides networking and other services like load balancing and visualization for containers. It can integrate with ECS by using a Weave AMI. The future work section mentions lifting some AutoScaling limitations and improving data path performance.

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Discover how to deploy SQL Server databases on AWS using Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) or Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) and the advantages of each approach. Find out how Unilever leveraged RDS for SQL Server in their architecture for their website,, and how they overcame the challenges they faced. Learn how to make an educated decision and choose the solution that best fits your needs.

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Pro Tips for Cognito Identity
Always cache Unauthenticated Identity IDs
Trap security errors so you know when to reauthenticate
Be sure to customize the default Access Policies for Authenticated and
Unauthenticated Identities
If you use Developer Identities, lock down the login workflow.
Amazon Cognito Sync
Cognito Sync Data Structure
Identity Pool
1 MB
1 MB
1 MB
1 MB
1 MB
1 MB
1 MB
1 MB
1 MB
1 MB
1 MB
1 MB
1 MB
1 MB
1 MB
1 MB
1 MB
1 MB
1 MB
1 MB
Each identity’s store
contains up to 20 Datasets
A Dataset contains
Key/Value Records
Protips for Cognito Sync
Use SyncOnConnect, or explicit Sync calls depending on use case
Sync happens at the Dataset level. Use different datasets for different
Sync patterns
If you require immediate updates, use Cognito Push Sync
Implement SyncCallback if you want to know what’s going on, or give
your Customers a better experience

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Diversity in the technical workforce is a valuable asset for all companies, because it encourages different types of thinking and taps into the full potential of your team. Come learn from one AWS organization how a fast-moving, fast-growing team has put in place a "diversity circle" for personal and professional development. This program provides a peer mentoring group that builds skills and establishes informal networking support. The host and active participants of this two-year program will share tips and best practices for running a diversity peer mentoring group that spans engineering, product management, and operations.

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Intro to AWS: Amazon EC2 and Compute Services
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Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) provides a broad selection of instance types to accommodate a diverse mix of workloads. In this technical session, we provide an overview of the Amazon EC2 instance platform, key platform features, and the concept of instance generations. We dive into the current-generation design choices of the different instance families, including the General Purpose, Compute Optimized, Storage Optimized, Memory Optimized, and GPU instance families. We also detail best practices and share performance tips for getting the most out of your Amazon EC2 instances.

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Creating Velocity in Data Centre Migrations to AWS
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Based upon years of migration experience, Cloudreach will share their 5 top tips for successful Data Centre Migrations to AWS. Covering both digital and enterprise workloads, the session will walk you through the approach, tooling and skills needed to succeed.

aws cloudcloud computingamazon web services
Cognito Sync Events
Mobile Client
1. Sync
Sync Data
AWS Lambda
2. SyncTrigger
3. R/W
4. Write
5. Update
Pro Tips for Cognito Events
Handles Incoming Sync Data --whatever makes it in the store will be
shared with all clients on sync
You have control over what is stored:
Add, Modify, or Delete Records
Modify Record Values (create ‘Read Only’ Values)
Use DynamoDB, S3, or Amazon RDS to support complex use cases
Validate values to detect exploits or cheating
Cognito Streams
Mobile Client
1. Sync
Sync Data
3. Update
Amazon Kinesis
Amazon S3
2. Stream
Twitter Digits Integration

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Intro to AWS: Database Services
Intro to AWS: Database ServicesIntro to AWS: Database Services
Intro to AWS: Database Services

In addition to running databases in Amazon EC2, AWS customers can choose among a variety of managed database services. These services save effort, save time, and unlock new capabilities and economies. In this session, we make it easy to understand how they differ, what they have in common, and how to choose one or more. We explain the fundamentals of Amazon DynamoDB, a fully managed NoSQL database service; Amazon RDS, a relational database service in the cloud; Amazon ElastiCache, a fast, in-memory caching service in the cloud; and Amazon Redshift, a fully managed, petabyte-scale data-warehouse solution that can be surprisingly economical. We’ll cover how each service might help support your application, how much each service costs, and how to get started.

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(SEC403) Diving into AWS CloudTrail Events w/ Apache Spark on EMR
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Do you want to analyze AWS CloudTrail events within minutes of them arriving in your Amazon S3 bucket? Would you like to learn how to run expressive queries over your CloudTrail logs? We will demonstrate Apache Spark and Apache Spark Streaming as two tools to analyze recent and historical security logs for your accounts. To do so, we will use Amazon Elastic MapReduce (EMR), your logs stored in S3, and Amazon SNS to generate alerts. With these tools at your fingertips, you will be the first to know about security events that require your attention, and you will be able to quickly identify and evaluate the relevant security log entries.

Integrate Social Login Into Mobile Apps (SEC401) | AWS re:Invent 2013
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Streamline your mobile app signup experience with social login. We demonstrate how to use web identity federation to enable users to log into your app using their existing Facebook, Google, or Amazon accounts. Learn how to apply policies to these identities to secure access to AWS resources, such as personal files stored in Amazon S3. Finally, we show how to handle anonymous access to AWS from mobile apps when there is no user logged in.

(MBL402) Mobile Identity Management & Data Sync Using Amazon Cognito
What’s in the box?
Crashlytics Kit
Twitter Kit
MoPub Kit
Digits Kit
Basic flow
Phone Number
SMS (Confirmation Code)
Stable ID, oAuth Token
Confirmation Code
iOS, Android, JS
216 countries, 28 languages 2FA, phone number change
Voice verification as fallback

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How do you create APIs? When publishing a new API there are a lot of factors to consider: Versioning, Network Management, Authorization, Ecosystem Management, and finally client SDKs. Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed service that makes it easy for developers to publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale. With Amazon API Gateway, you can quickly declare an API interface and connect it to existing web services running on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) or code running on AWS Lambda, and generate an SDK for client applications to access the API. Amazon API Gateway handles all the tasks involved in accepting and processing up to hundreds of thousands of concurrent API calls, including traffic management, authorization and access control, monitoring, and API version management. Amazon API Gateway has no minimum fees or startup costs, and you pay only for the API calls you receive and the amount of data transferred. Learning Objectives: Learn how to create APIs in the AWS Cloud without managing a single server with AWS Lambda Learn how to manage stages and versions of your APIs Learn how to map parameters and transform data in flight

Transparency and Control with AWS CloudTrail and AWS Config
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AWS CloudTrail and AWS Config are complementary services that provide visibility into API activity and resource configuration changes in AWS accounts. CloudTrail records API calls and related metadata, while Config captures configuration history and relationships between resources. These services can be used together to correlate API calls with resulting resource changes for security and compliance monitoring.

amazon web servicesgovcloudpublic sector
Thank you!
Remember to complete
your evaluations!
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Federation Options
SEC305 - Become an AWS IAM Policy Ninja in 60 Minutes
or Less
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(MBL402) Mobile Identity Management & Data Sync Using Amazon Cognito

  • 1. © 2015, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its Affiliates. All rights reserved. Stephen Johnson, Solution Architect -- AWS Valentin Polouchkine, Developer Advocate -- Twitter October 2015 MBL402 Identity Management & Data Sync with Amazon Cognito
  • 2. What to Expect from the Session Dive deep into Cognito Identity Learn about Cognito Sync features Twitter Fabric and Digits demonstration
  • 3. Cognito Identity Authenticates Users - Third-party ID Providers - OpenID Connect Providers - Developer Providers Anonymous Identity Federation of Identities OpenID Connect Token Generation Amazon Cognito Overview Cognito Sync Store Customer Data in the Cloud Synchronize Data - Between Devices and Cloud - Across Devices Cognito Events - Trigger AWS Lambda Cognito Streams - Send to Amazon Kinesis
  • 4. Amazon Cognito - Identity
  • 5. Cognito Identity Developer Features Identify customers whenever they use my app No matter how they authenticate (across IDPs) Even if they don’t authenticate (upgrade when they do) Provide appropriate credentials for AWS access Any level of permission, for any service Distinguish authenticated and unauthenticated users
  • 6. AWS Identity Before Cognito AWS Security Token Service (STS) 5. Receive AWS Credentials 3. Assume Role2. Retrieve Identity Mobile Client Identity Provider 1. Authenticate 4. Validate Amazon S3 Web Identity -or- SAML -or- OpenID Connect 6. Store Data
  • 7. Cognito - Identity Storage Identity Pool No limit on # identities Up to 60 Pools / Account Usually associated with an app Trust Policy Access Policy Authenticated Role Trust Policy Access Policy Unauthenticated Role
  • 8. Using the Cognito in the Mobile SDK CognitoCachingCredentialsProvider provider = new CognitoCachingCredentialsProvider ( getApplicationContext(), "us-east-1:64813b20-4f17-491a-9287", Regions.US_EAST_1 ); provider.getIdentityId(); AWSSessionCredentials c = provider.getCredentials();
  • 9. Create an Identity Pool with Roles $ aws cognito-identity create-identity-pool --identity-pool-name mySamplePool --allow-unauthenticated-identities { "IdentityPoolId": "us-east-1:cb6ff5f8-f6aa", "AllowUnauthenticatedIdentities": true, "IdentityPoolName": "mySamplePool”} $ aws cognito-identity set-identity-pool-roles --identity-pool-id us-east-1:cb6ff5f8-f6aa --roles authenticated=arn:aws:iam:::role/Auth_Role, unauthenticated=arn:aws:iam:::role/Unauth_Role
  • 10. Create an (Unauthenticated) Identity $ aws cognito-identity get-id --identity-pool-id us-east-1:cb6ff5f8-f6aa { "IdentityId": "us-east-1:73dbf099-cb1b-4a32-90f0-6c224" }
  • 11. Get the OpenID Connect Token $ aws cognito-identity get-open-id-token --identity-id us-east-1:73dbf099-cb1b-4a32 { "Token": "eyJraWQiOiJ1cy1lYXN0LTExIiwidHlwIjoiSldTIiwiYWxnIjo iUlM1MTIifQ.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cy1lYXN0LTE6NzNkYmYwOTktY2Ix XUSUi27oUABCPA6Vx14WUTUCc7WfMqidQu5GIvZIiCvvTXG9EXY6 zsf1C5BhV9EVvtww", "IdentityId": "us-east-1:73dbf099-cb1b-4a32 }
  • 12. Cognito Token – JWT format (courtesy
  • 13. Assume Unauthenticated Role $ aws sts assume-role-with-web-identity --role-arn arn:aws:iam::role/Cognito_Unauth_Role --role-session-name steve --web-identity-token eyJraWQiOiJ1cy1lYXN0LTExIiwi dHlwIjoiSldTIiwiYWxnIjoiUlM1MTIifQ.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cy1lY XN0LTE6NzNkYmYwOTktY2IxYi00YTMyLTkwZjAtNmMyMjQ4NTg4O GFmIiwiYXVkIjoidXMtZWFzdC0xOjY0ODEzYjIwLTRmMTctNDkxY S05Mjg3LTJiMzc2YjgyNThjO
  • 14. Assumed Role Credentials (output) "Credentials": { "AccessKeyId": "ASIAJBGJ6DTQE5Q3N67Q”, "SecretAccessKey”:"aAa5v7/e+rk8Cr5VB+P4sL3DyaQJZ", "SessionToken": "AQoDYXdzEFAagAS8+GnLyCwthcqB /GftrGcCcY4cMi8sPOHXk1gNUkWvJIqkUcY4cMi8sPOHXk1gNUkW vJIqkv9uy9H07T4cY4cMi8sPOHXk1gNUkWvJIqk4PF/e==", "Expiration": "2015-09-17T00:15:53Z” }
  • 15. Unauthenticated Flow STS 5. Receive AWS Credentials 3. Assume Role2. OpenID Token Mobile Client Cognito “IDP” 1. Get New Identity 4. Validate Amazon S3 6. Store Data
  • 16. Revisit API for Authenticated Identities $ aws cognito-identity get-id --identity-pool-id <required> --logins <to fetch authenticated id> $ aws cognito-identity get-open-id-token --identity-id <required> --logins <to fetch token for auth’d id>
  • 17. Getting a Token : linking a login (promotion) get-open-id-token( Id = 2 , ) Id = 2 , Id = 2 Cognito promotes to “authenticated” , Returns same identity-id
  • 18. Getting a Token : lookup, return id get-open-id-token( Id = 3 Id = 3 , ) Id = 3 , Cognito returns The same identity-id
  • 19. Id = 2 Getting a Token : merging identities get-open-id-token( Id = 3 , ) Id = 3 , Cognito merges the Identities, returns an existing identity-id Id = 2
  • 20. Getting a Token : Not Authorized get-open-id-token( ID = 3 ,ID = 3 ) ) Cognito requires a valid linked login before giving a token for an authorized ID
  • 21. Authenticated Flow STS 5. Receive AWS Credentials 3. Assume Role2. OpenID Token Mobile Client Cognito “IDP” 1. Get or Create Identity 4. Validate Amazon S3 6. Store Data
  • 23. OpenID Information in IAM Policy (Trust) "Condition": { "StringEquals": { "”:"us-east-1:identity-pool-id” }, "ForAnyValue:StringLike": { "": ”authenticated” < or specify by provider… > "": ”” } }
  • 24. Restricting S3 Buckets by User { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": ["s3:ListBucket"], "Resource": ["arn:aws:s3:::EXAMPLE-BUCKET-NAME"], "Condition": { "StringLike": { "s3:prefix": ["cognito/myapp/"] } } }, { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:GetObject", "s3:PutObject", "s3:DeleteObject" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::EXAMPLE-BUCKET-NAME/cognito/myapp/ ${}", "arn:aws:s3:::EXAMPLE-BUCKET-NAME/cognito/myapp/ ${}/*" ] } ] }
  • 25. Using Developer Identities What if you already have a directory with names and passwords? You can federate your own identities using Cognito One server side API call: getOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity
  • 26. Developer Authenticated Flow STS 6. Receive AWS Credentials 4. Assume Role Mobile Client 1. Authenticate 5. Validate Amazon S3 7. Store Data 3. OpenID Token Cognito “IDP” Developer Login 2. Request Token
  • 28. Developer Auth Demo STS 6. Receive AWS Credentials 4. Assume Role Mobile Client 1. Authenticate 5. Validate Amazon S3 7. Store Data 3. OpenID Token Cognito API API Gateway AWS Lambda 2. Get Token
  • 29. Pro Tips for Cognito Identity Always cache Unauthenticated Identity IDs Trap security errors so you know when to reauthenticate Be sure to customize the default Access Policies for Authenticated and Unauthenticated Identities If you use Developer Identities, lock down the login workflow.
  • 31. Cognito Sync Data Structure Identity Pool 1 MB 1 MB 1 MB 1 MB 1 MB 1 MB 1 MB 1 MB 1 MB 1 MB 1 MB 1 MB 1 MB 1 MB 1 MB 1 MB 1 MB 1 MB 1 MB 1 MB Each identity’s store contains up to 20 Datasets A Dataset contains Key/Value Records
  • 32. Protips for Cognito Sync Use SyncOnConnect, or explicit Sync calls depending on use case Sync happens at the Dataset level. Use different datasets for different Sync patterns If you require immediate updates, use Cognito Push Sync Implement SyncCallback if you want to know what’s going on, or give your Customers a better experience
  • 33. Cognito Sync Events Mobile Client 1. Sync Identity Pool Sync Data AWS Lambda Amazon DynamoDB Amazon Redshift 2. SyncTrigger Event 3. R/W 4. Write 5. Update
  • 34. Pro Tips for Cognito Events Handles Incoming Sync Data --whatever makes it in the store will be shared with all clients on sync You have control over what is stored: Add, Modify, or Delete Records Modify Record Values (create ‘Read Only’ Values) Use DynamoDB, S3, or Amazon RDS to support complex use cases Validate values to detect exploits or cheating
  • 35. Cognito Streams Mobile Client 1. Sync Identity Pool Sync Data 3. Update Amazon Kinesis Amazon Redshift Amazon S3 2. Stream
  • 38. What’s in the box? Crashlytics Kit Stability Twitter Kit Social MoPub Kit Revenue Digits Kit Identity
  • 39. Basic flow Phone Number SMS (Confirmation Code) Stable ID, oAuth Token Confirmation Code
  • 40. Digits iOS, Android, JS 216 countries, 28 languages 2FA, phone number change Voice verification as fallback
  • 43. Related Sessions SEC307 - A Progressive Journey Through AWS IAM Federation Options SEC305 - Become an AWS IAM Policy Ninja in 60 Minutes or Less MBL309 - Analyze Mobile App Data and Build Predictive Applications