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Deep Dive on Amazon Cognito - DevDay Austin 2017
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Amazon Cognito
© 2016, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its Affiliates. All rights reserved.
Justin Pirtle, Solutions Architect
August 12, 2017
Deep Dive on Amazon
§ AWS Mobile Services and Amazon Cognito
§ Introduction to Amazon Cognito Identity
§ Summary of Features
§ Sample Use Cases
§ Getting Started
§ Q & A
§ Demo
Authenticate users
Analyze User Behavior
Store and share media
Synchronize data
Deliver media
Amazon Cognito
Amazon Cognito
Amazon S3
Amazon CloudFront
Store data
Amazon DynamoDB
Amazon RDS
Run Targeted Campaigns
Send push notifications
Amazon SNS
Mobile Push
Server-side logic
Device Farm
Test your app
Build and Scale Your Apps on AWS
Amazon Pinpoint
Amazon Pinpoint
AWS Mobile Hub: Fastest Way to Build Apps on AWS
Identity is mission critical for applications
Authentication User ManagementAuthorization
§ Manage user lifecycles
§ Store and manage
user profile data
§ Monitor engagement
§ Protect data and
§ Provide fine-grained
access control
§ Sign in users
§ Enable federation with
enterprise identities
§ Enable federation with
social identities
User Identity
Your User Pools
Add user sign-up and sign-
in easily to your mobile and
web apps without worrying
about server infrastructure
Serverless Authentication
and User Management
Verify phone numbers and
email addresses and offer
multi-factor authentication
Enhanced Security
Launch a simple, secure,
low-cost, and fully managed
service to create and
maintain a user directory
that scales to 100s of
millions of users
Managed User Directory
1 2 3
Comprehensive User Flows
Email or Phone
Number Verification
Forgot Password
User Sign-Up and
Require users to verify their email address or phone number prior to activating
their account with a one-time password challenge
Provide users the ability to change their password when they forget it with a one-
time password challenge
Allow users to sign up and sign in using an email, phone number, or username
(and password) for your application.
User Profile Data Enable users to view and update their profile data – including custom attributes
SMS Multifactor
Require users to complete a second factor of authentication by inputting a
security code received via SMS as part of the sign-in flow
Customize these User Flows Using Lambda
Token Based
Use JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) based on OpenID Connect (OIDC) and OAuth
2.0 standards for user authentication in your backend
Custom User Flows Using Lambda Hooks
Category Lambda Hook Example Scenarios
Define Auth Challenge Determines the next challenge in a custom auth flow
Create Auth Challenge Creates a challenge in a custom auth flow
Verify Auth Challenge Response Determines if a response is correct in a custom auth flow
Pre Authentication Custom validation to accept or deny the sign-in request
Post Authentication Event logging for custom analytics
Pre Sign-up Custom validation to accept or deny the sign-up request
Post Confirmation Custom welcome messages or event logging for custom analytics
Messages Custom Message Advanced customization and localization of messages
Extensive Admin Capabilities
Define Custom
Set per-App
Set up Password
Create and manage
User Pools
Define custom attributes for your user profiles
Set read and write permissions for each user attribute on a per-app basis
Enforce password policies like minimum length and requirement of certain
types of characters
Create, configure, and delete multiple user pools across AWS regions
Require Submission of
Attribute Data
Select which attributes must be provided by the user prior to completion of
the sign-up process
Search Users
Search users based on a full match or a prefix match of their attributes
through the console or Admin API
Manage Users
Conduct admin actions, such as reset user password, confirm user, enable
MFA, delete user, and global sign-out
App Integration and Federation in User Pools
Built-in, Customizable
User Interface for Sign up
/ Sign in
OAuth 2.0 SupportFederation with Facebook,
Login with Amazon,
Google, and SAML
1 2 3
Built-in, Customizable User Interface
Upload your own
logo and adjust
CSS properties
to fit your style
and branding
Federation with Cognito User Pools
• Built-in integrations with identity
• Social: Facebook, Google, Login
with Amazon
• Corporate via SAML 2.0
• Map user attributes into User Pool
• Universal directory with common
set of profiles and tokens for all
Cognito User Pool
Support for OAuth 2.0 in Cognito User Pools
• OAuth 2.0 flows:
• Authorization code
• Implicit
• Client credentials
• Custom scopes defined for resource
Cognito Federated Identities (Identity Pools)
• Exchanges tokens from
authenticated users for AWS
credentials to access
resources such as S3 or
• You can defined rules for
mapping users to different IAM
roles to manage permissions
• Provides an identity pool id to
uniquely identify users
Identity Pool
AWS Credentials
/ / etc
Mobile or web app
Access backend
- tied to IAM role
Two Ways to Federate with Amazon Cognito
Cognito User Pools Cognito Identity Pools
• Handles the IdP interactions
for you
• Provides profiles to manage
• Provides OpenID Connect and
OAuth2.0 standard tokens
• Priced per monthly active user
• Provides AWS credentials for
accessing resources on behalf
of users
• Supports rules to map users to
different IAM roles
• Free
Sample Use Cases
Amazon Cognito: Identity Management Scenarios
Business to Consumer Business to Business
Business to Employee IoT Scenarios
Amazon Cognito: Authorization Scenarios
Standalone Identity Provider Amazon API Gateway AWS Credentials
• OIDC and OAuth 2.0 tokens
from User Pools can be used
directly to access backend
AWS Services
• User Pool tokens authorize
requests via Amazon API
• Token claims can be inspected
• Temporary AWS credentials
provide access to AWS
• Users can be mapped to
different roles and policies
Cognito User Pools and Amazon API Gateway
Native Support Custom Authorizer Function
Control access to your APIs using bearer
token authentication strategies, such as
OAuth or SAML – API Gateway’s custom
authorizer feature uses bearer tokens to
determine access privileges
Configure API Gateway to accept ID tokens
to authorize users based on their existence
in a user pool – User Pools works together
with API Gateway to authorize API requests
1 2
Getting Started with Your User Pools
See for links to
§ Getting Started Guides
§ Documentation, SDKs, and Sample Apps
§ Videos
§ Presentation Slides
§ Blog Posts
§ Developer Forums
Q & A
§ Visit to learn more
§ Find resources at
§ Get started with the beta features at
§ Ask questions at the AWS Developer Forum or Stack Overflow
(‘amazon-cognito’ tag)
Thank You!
Don’t Forget Evaluations!
Cognito User Pools
Groups and Multiple Authenticated Roles
Group A
IAM Role A
Group B
IAM Role B
User Identity
Multiple Roles for Authenticated Identities
Cognito Federated Identities
IAM Role and Policy
IAM Role and Policy
IAM Role and Policy
API Gateway
Control Attribute Permissions
Choose which user attributes
each app can read and write
Read Write
Creating Users as an Administrator
§ Developers or administrators can create users in a user pool and
send them an optional, customizable invitation email or SMS message
§ New users sign in with a temporary password and create a new
§ User pools can be configured to only allow users created by an
Importing Existing Users
Batch Imports
§ Import users by uploading .csv files
§ Users will create a new password when they first sign-in
§ Each imported user must have an email address or a
phone number
One-at-a-Time Migration
§ Migrate users individually as they sign in
§ App first tries to sign in via Cognito, if user does not
exist, app signs in via prior identity system, captures
username and password, and silently creates user in
§ Retains passwords, but requires app coding and
maintenance of prior system for some period
Understanding User Status
§ New users start with
“Registered” status
§ Users must be
confirmed before
they can sign-in
§ Users must be
disabled before they
can be deleted
(cannot sign in)
Confirm via
Lambda Trigger:
Pre Sign-up Reset Required
User import
Force Change
Admin Create User
Reset password

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Deep Dive on Amazon Cognito - DevDay Austin 2017

  • 2. WIFI: awsDevDay | PASS: CodeHappy U P N E X T : Amazon Cognito
  • 3. © 2016, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its Affiliates. All rights reserved. Justin Pirtle, Solutions Architect August 12, 2017 Deep Dive on Amazon Cognito
  • 4. Topics § AWS Mobile Services and Amazon Cognito § Introduction to Amazon Cognito Identity § Summary of Features § Sample Use Cases § Getting Started § Q & A § Demo
  • 5. Authenticate users Analyze User Behavior Store and share media Synchronize data Deliver media Amazon Cognito (Sync) Amazon Cognito (Identity) Amazon S3 Amazon CloudFront Store data Amazon DynamoDB Amazon RDS Run Targeted Campaigns Send push notifications Amazon SNS Mobile Push Server-side logic Lambda Device Farm Test your app Build and Scale Your Apps on AWS Amazon Pinpoint Amazon Pinpoint
  • 6. AWS Mobile Hub: Fastest Way to Build Apps on AWS
  • 7. Identity is mission critical for applications Authentication User ManagementAuthorization § Manage user lifecycles § Store and manage user profile data § Monitor engagement § Protect data and operations § Provide fine-grained access control § Sign in users § Enable federation with enterprise identities § Enable federation with social identities User Identity
  • 8. Your User Pools Add user sign-up and sign- in easily to your mobile and web apps without worrying about server infrastructure Serverless Authentication and User Management Verify phone numbers and email addresses and offer multi-factor authentication Enhanced Security Features Launch a simple, secure, low-cost, and fully managed service to create and maintain a user directory that scales to 100s of millions of users Managed User Directory 1 2 3
  • 9. Comprehensive User Flows Email or Phone Number Verification Forgot Password User Sign-Up and Sign-In Require users to verify their email address or phone number prior to activating their account with a one-time password challenge Provide users the ability to change their password when they forget it with a one- time password challenge Allow users to sign up and sign in using an email, phone number, or username (and password) for your application. User Profile Data Enable users to view and update their profile data – including custom attributes SMS Multifactor Authentication Require users to complete a second factor of authentication by inputting a security code received via SMS as part of the sign-in flow Customize these User Flows Using Lambda Token Based Authentication Use JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) based on OpenID Connect (OIDC) and OAuth 2.0 standards for user authentication in your backend
  • 10. Custom User Flows Using Lambda Hooks 10 Category Lambda Hook Example Scenarios Custom Authentication Flow Define Auth Challenge Determines the next challenge in a custom auth flow Create Auth Challenge Creates a challenge in a custom auth flow Verify Auth Challenge Response Determines if a response is correct in a custom auth flow Authentication Events Pre Authentication Custom validation to accept or deny the sign-in request Post Authentication Event logging for custom analytics Sign-Up Pre Sign-up Custom validation to accept or deny the sign-up request Post Confirmation Custom welcome messages or event logging for custom analytics Messages Custom Message Advanced customization and localization of messages
  • 11. Extensive Admin Capabilities Define Custom Attributes Set per-App Permissions Set up Password Policies Create and manage User Pools Define custom attributes for your user profiles Set read and write permissions for each user attribute on a per-app basis Enforce password policies like minimum length and requirement of certain types of characters Create, configure, and delete multiple user pools across AWS regions Require Submission of Attribute Data Select which attributes must be provided by the user prior to completion of the sign-up process Search Users Search users based on a full match or a prefix match of their attributes through the console or Admin API Manage Users Conduct admin actions, such as reset user password, confirm user, enable MFA, delete user, and global sign-out
  • 12. App Integration and Federation in User Pools Built-in, Customizable User Interface for Sign up / Sign in OAuth 2.0 SupportFederation with Facebook, Login with Amazon, Google, and SAML providers 1 2 3
  • 13. Built-in, Customizable User Interface Upload your own logo and adjust CSS properties to fit your style and branding
  • 14. Federation with Cognito User Pools • Built-in integrations with identity providers • Social: Facebook, Google, Login with Amazon • Corporate via SAML 2.0 • Map user attributes into User Pool profiles • Universal directory with common set of profiles and tokens for all users CUP Token Cognito User Pool
  • 15. Support for OAuth 2.0 in Cognito User Pools • OAuth 2.0 flows: • Authorization code • Implicit • Client credentials • Custom scopes defined for resource servers
  • 16. Cognito Federated Identities (Identity Pools) • Exchanges tokens from authenticated users for AWS credentials to access resources such as S3 or DynamoDB • You can defined rules for mapping users to different IAM roles to manage permissions • Provides an identity pool id to uniquely identify users Cognito Identity Pool AWS Credentials / / etc token Mobile or web app DynamoDB S3 API GW Access backend resources - tied to IAM role 1 3 2
  • 17. Two Ways to Federate with Amazon Cognito Cognito User Pools Cognito Identity Pools • Handles the IdP interactions for you • Provides profiles to manage users • Provides OpenID Connect and OAuth2.0 standard tokens • Priced per monthly active user • Provides AWS credentials for accessing resources on behalf of users • Supports rules to map users to different IAM roles • Free
  • 19. Amazon Cognito: Identity Management Scenarios Business to Consumer Business to Business Business to Employee IoT Scenarios Enterprise DirectoryEnterprise Directory SAML Enterprise Directory SAML AWS IoT
  • 20. Amazon Cognito: Authorization Scenarios Standalone Identity Provider Amazon API Gateway AWS Credentials Resources • OIDC and OAuth 2.0 tokens from User Pools can be used directly to access backend resources CUP Token CUP Token CUP Token CUP Token AWS IAM AWS Credentials AWS Services S3DDBLambda • User Pool tokens authorize requests via Amazon API Gateway • Token claims can be inspected • Temporary AWS credentials provide access to AWS services • Users can be mapped to different roles and policies API GW
  • 21. Cognito User Pools and Amazon API Gateway Native Support Custom Authorizer Function Control access to your APIs using bearer token authentication strategies, such as OAuth or SAML – API Gateway’s custom authorizer feature uses bearer tokens to determine access privileges Configure API Gateway to accept ID tokens to authorize users based on their existence in a user pool – User Pools works together with API Gateway to authorize API requests 1 2
  • 22. Getting Started with Your User Pools See for links to § Getting Started Guides § Documentation, SDKs, and Sample Apps § Videos § Presentation Slides § Blog Posts § Developer Forums
  • 23. Demo
  • 24. Q & A § Visit to learn more § Find resources at § Get started with the beta features at federation-beta-release-overview.html § Ask questions at the AWS Developer Forum or Stack Overflow (‘amazon-cognito’ tag)
  • 28. Groups Cognito User Pools Groups and Multiple Authenticated Roles Group A IAM Role A Group B IAM Role B … Authenticated User Identity Get Credentials Multiple Roles for Authenticated Identities Cognito Federated Identities IAM Role and Policy IAM Role and Policy IAM Role and Policy Backend Resources MaptodifferentIAMroles API Gateway DynamoDB S3 ControlAccess
  • 29. Control Attribute Permissions Choose which user attributes each app can read and write Read Write name phone custom:paid
  • 30. Creating Users as an Administrator § Developers or administrators can create users in a user pool and send them an optional, customizable invitation email or SMS message § New users sign in with a temporary password and create a new password § User pools can be configured to only allow users created by an administrator
  • 31. Importing Existing Users Batch Imports § Import users by uploading .csv files § Users will create a new password when they first sign-in § Each imported user must have an email address or a phone number One-at-a-Time Migration § Migrate users individually as they sign in § App first tries to sign in via Cognito, if user does not exist, app signs in via prior identity system, captures username and password, and silently creates user in Cognito § Retains passwords, but requires app coding and maintenance of prior system for some period Prior IdP
  • 32. Understanding User Status § New users start with “Registered” status § Users must be confirmed before they can sign-in § Users must be disabled before they can be deleted Registered (cannot sign in) Sign-up Confirmed Disabled Admin Confirm Confirm via email/phone or Disable Delete (deleted) Lambda Trigger: Pre Sign-up Reset Required User import Force Change Password Admin Create User Reset password Enable