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Mapping the value of
customer experience
Introduction to Ethology
Founded in 2010
Offices in Scottsdale (HQ), Chicago, Los Angeles, and Portland
Ranked #75 in the Inc. 5000
Our goal is to connect brands and audiences through engaging
marketing strategies and content.
Today’s speaker
Tony Quiroz
Strategy Lead, Ethology
@ethology | @TQ_AZ
Mapping the value of
customer experience
Using journey maps to illuminate
customer behavior and zero in on
the moments that impact success
How the game has changed
Leveraging the UX skill set
Mapping the customer experience
The journey map in action

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CX Summit 2020 Keynote: Drive CX to the top of your organisations agenda with...
CX Summit 2020 Keynote: Drive CX to the top of your organisations agenda with...CX Summit 2020 Keynote: Drive CX to the top of your organisations agenda with...
CX Summit 2020 Keynote: Drive CX to the top of your organisations agenda with...

How can I make this happen in my org? Information covered: * COVID and e-commerce case study - is e-commerce saving lives? * Product development, service delivery and go to market * Customer services and support * Technology delivery and enablement * Employee experience and org culture * Ethics and governance * Inclusion and diversity

#cx #strategy #design #retail #ecommerce
22 Visual Displays Of Marketing Research Insights
22 Visual Displays Of Marketing Research Insights22 Visual Displays Of Marketing Research Insights
22 Visual Displays Of Marketing Research Insights

This document provides 22 visual displays that can be used to summarize marketing research insights. It begins with an introduction explaining that visuals are an effective way to convey research findings and insights. It then presents visual examples organized into the following sections: research process, customer satisfaction/unmet needs, competitive analysis, win/loss research, brand awareness & equity, brand position, and segmentation. Each visual is accompanied by a brief description of its purpose and use. The document concludes with information about the authors.

market researchstatisticsdata reporting
The Customer Experience Revolution
The Customer Experience RevolutionThe Customer Experience Revolution
The Customer Experience Revolution

Listen to the webinar here: Brian Solis, renowned speaker and digital marketing guru, and Nick Stein, senior vice president of marketing at Vision Critical, shares how to improve your company's end-to-end customer experience.

brian soliscustomer experiencecx
How the game has changed
Customers drive the
top of the funnel
Buyers go through 57%
of the purchasing
process before ever
talking to sales
71% of in-store shoppers
who use smartphones
say their device has
become more important
than the in-store

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The Science behind Lead Generation
The Science behind Lead GenerationThe Science behind Lead Generation
The Science behind Lead Generation

This document discusses scientifically proven ways to generate leads. It outlines key roles for marketers, how CMOs are shifting to inbound marketing, and traffic sources like websites, social media, search and offers that can provide leads. It discusses best practices for lead generation like landing pages, legitimacy, design and research. It also discusses metrics for measuring lead generation and the benefits of using quality data to transform incomplete leads into qualified sales opportunities.

Charting a Course to Intelligent Customer Experiences with AI
Charting a Course to Intelligent Customer Experiences with AICharting a Course to Intelligent Customer Experiences with AI
Charting a Course to Intelligent Customer Experiences with AI

Gib Bassett, Customer Success Director at Salesforce, discusses charting a course to intelligent customer experiences with AI. He emphasizes identifying aspects of customer experience that can be improved, prioritizing improvements, focusing on quick wins, building an evolving portfolio of improvements, and measuring business value. The presentation also discusses overcoming barriers to AI adoption such as defining strategy and use cases, and identifying a starting point for AI projects.

The Customer Experience Conundrum
The Customer Experience ConundrumThe Customer Experience Conundrum
The Customer Experience Conundrum

This document discusses the "customer experience conundrum" faced by many organizations. It notes that while 78% of brands measure customer experience, many see limited impact on CX or return on investment. This is due to narrow CX focus, siloed customer data, unempowered employees, and traditional analytics. The document recommends that organizations achieve holistic CX impact by integrating five areas: CX vision, 360 customer profiles, advanced analytics, employee experience, and innovation. It identifies actions organizations can take in each of these areas and notes that currently only a small percentage feel they have matured in these aspects of CX management. The document concludes by stating the reader should aspire, assess, and activate to advance their CX journey.

Mapping the value of your customers journey
Mapping the value of your customers journey
Mapping the value of your customers journey
Mapping the value of your customers journey

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Product Management and CX Approaches: Friends or Foes?
Product Management and CX Approaches: Friends or Foes?Product Management and CX Approaches: Friends or Foes?
Product Management and CX Approaches: Friends or Foes?

The document discusses digital business transformation and the need for companies to innovate how they innovate to keep up with rapidly changing customer expectations and technology. It outlines different approaches to innovation like product management, service design, and lean startups. It argues that while product management focuses on optimizing individual products and service design optimizes customer journeys across an organization, they are complementary and work best together, along with experience transformation strategy, to drive digital business transformation. Case studies are provided of how combining these approaches has driven results for companies.

Latin America Summit at Dreamforce: Innovation and Design Thinking
Latin America Summit at Dreamforce: Innovation and Design ThinkingLatin America Summit at Dreamforce: Innovation and Design Thinking
Latin America Summit at Dreamforce: Innovation and Design Thinking

Presentations of the Salesforce Latin America Summit at Dreamforce 2016. Innovation and Design Thinking. Oct, 2016. #DF16

dreamforcedesign thinkingcrm
Megatrends for sales organizations
Megatrends for sales organizationsMegatrends for sales organizations
Megatrends for sales organizations

Four megatrends are shaping business today: increasing power of technology, shifts in demographics, low costs of experimentation, and the importance of user-centricity. For sales organizations to be successful, they now have to use Big Data more effectively, share their pitch early, use technology better, focus on platforms (not just services), and rethink their sales capabilities.

mckinseysalesuser experience
At the beginning of the
customer relationship,
your brand has to speak
for itself
Leveraging the UX skill set
Eric Flowers, Intuit
What is UX?
Mapping the value of your customers journey

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Post-Covid CX powered by AI
Post-Covid CX powered by AIPost-Covid CX powered by AI
Post-Covid CX powered by AI

Adapting to a post-Covid world means recession-proofing your contact center with AI that reduces reliance on live agents with virtual agents that are always on, perfectly trained, and at a fraction of the cost. Most companies looking to ditch a "Press 1" experience struggle with where to start and how to infuse natural language into their existing technology stack. Join this webinar with TechStyle Fashion Group who recession-proofed their contact center with personalized and frictionless experiences to customers who prefer self-service. Also joining is SmartAction who manages the AI-powered CX for more than 100 brands.

Analytics for the CMO
Analytics for the CMOAnalytics for the CMO
Analytics for the CMO

The document discusses how best-in-class marketers use customer analytics and insights to drive more revenue. It finds that fewer than half of best-in-class marketing organizations employ tools like lead management dashboards and campaign management tools. Best-in-class performers were found to utilize website visitor tracking (86%), track and report on all marketing campaign results (82%), and have processes to test campaign content effectiveness (64%). The document recommends that to achieve best-in-class performance, marketing organizations must deploy web analytics to understand prospects and customers, and support campaigns with testing, evaluations, and sharing access to performance metrics.

Business Strategy + Brand Strategy
Business Strategy + Brand StrategyBusiness Strategy + Brand Strategy
Business Strategy + Brand Strategy

Jonathan Lee, Managing Director, Brand Strategy, and Ken Allard, Managing Director, Business Strategy at HUGE, gave this presentation at "Ambidexterity 2," the VCU Brandcenter's Executive Education program for account planning on June 24th at the VCU Brandcenter in Richmond, VA.

executive educationvcu brandcenterambidexterity 2
A big part of success =
Anticipate user behavior
Business goals
Target audiences
Customer journey
Human factors
Involving real users in the process
UX is trained to do just that
“When creating great experiences,
it’s not so much about doing what
users expect. Instead, it’s about
creating a design that clearly
meets their needs at the instant
they need it.”
- Jared Spool
Writer, Speaker, Founder, User Interface Engineering

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Customer Experience: Getting past the Barriers to Success
Customer Experience: Getting past the Barriers to SuccessCustomer Experience: Getting past the Barriers to Success
Customer Experience: Getting past the Barriers to Success

This short thought leadership piece describes several barriers to success in Customer Experience (CX) programs and how to move beyond them with the right resources, tools and strategies.

customer journey mappingcxcustomer experience mapping
Go Beyond Opens & Clicks: Using Data to Optimize Your Client's Campaigns
Go Beyond Opens & Clicks: Using Data to Optimize Your Client's CampaignsGo Beyond Opens & Clicks: Using Data to Optimize Your Client's Campaigns
Go Beyond Opens & Clicks: Using Data to Optimize Your Client's Campaigns

"It's ok, we have good open and click rates." How many times have you heard that from a client or colleague? A campaign's success is often based on a handful of metrics, but these rarely give a well-rounded portrait of true customer engagement. Are open rates declining on mobile? Have desktop and webmail opens increased? How long do subscribers actually spend reading each message? In this actionable webinar, we dive into the other (often more) important metrics your team should be using to develop your clients' emails.

mobile emailadvertising agencyemail analytics
Mapping the customer experience: innovate using customer experience journey maps
Mapping the customer experience: innovate using customer experience journey mapsMapping the customer experience: innovate using customer experience journey maps
Mapping the customer experience: innovate using customer experience journey maps

This document maps out a customer's negative experience with a company's dishwasher repair/replacement process. It took months to resolve, with multiple unnecessary service visits and a lack of communication. The customer grew increasingly frustrated as the process involved misplaced records and confusion about next steps. They did not feel their problem was being properly addressed or that the company cared about providing a good experience.

customer experienceuxholistic customer experience
Mapping the value of your customers journey
Totally agree
Mapping the customer experience
What is a
journey map?
concepts and usage

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Consumer value journey with pet in multible touchpoints
Consumer value journey with pet in multible touchpointsConsumer value journey with pet in multible touchpoints
Consumer value journey with pet in multible touchpoints

This document discusses a study on the consumer value journey when purchasing pet-related services. It argues that the pet acts as a co-consumer that helps negotiate value through its relationship with the owner and service providers. The study uses interviews to understand how consumers experience different touchpoints with multiple providers as part of their overall value journey. It finds that value is created in a tripartite relationship between the consumer, pet, and provider at each touchpoint. The consumer views the pet as an independent actor that creates, mediates, and experiences value along with the owner throughout the multi-step journey.

One Squared Presentation: Josh Weum - Google Micro Moments Workshop
One Squared Presentation: Josh Weum - Google Micro Moments WorkshopOne Squared Presentation: Josh Weum - Google Micro Moments Workshop
One Squared Presentation: Josh Weum - Google Micro Moments Workshop

The document discusses how micro-moments present opportunities for businesses to connect with customers. It explains that customers now research and make purchasing decisions across multiple devices and platforms. As such, businesses need to be present across all relevant touchpoints ("Be There"), provide useful information tailored to the customer's needs and location ("Be Useful"), and optimize for speed ("Be Quick"). The document also stresses integrating marketing efforts across online and offline channels to provide a seamless customer experience ("Connect the Dots"). It provides questions for businesses to evaluate how well aligned their strategies and operations are to capitalizing on micro-moments.

googlegoogle micro momentsmarketing
Touchpoint Dashboard Journey Mapping Guide 2014
Touchpoint Dashboard Journey Mapping Guide 2014Touchpoint Dashboard Journey Mapping Guide 2014
Touchpoint Dashboard Journey Mapping Guide 2014

This document provides an overview of customer journey mapping and how to build an effective customer journey map. It discusses getting started with mapping, different mapping frameworks and approaches, key considerations when mapping, and how to analyze insights and use the map to improve customer experiences. The goal is to help readers understand customer journey mapping and have success designing and creating great customer experiences.

customer journey mappingcustomer experience mappingjourney map
Mapping the value of your customers journey
At the highest level, it’s this:
Not just the
interactions with your
brand & your website
Direct interactions with
your brand / website
What customers do
before they find you
What they do
Mapping the value of your customers journey

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Customer journey mapping
Customer journey mappingCustomer journey mapping
Customer journey mapping

a TU Delft course on customer journey mapping for the course 'context and conceptualisation', november 13th 2010.

zilver innovationcustomer journeyinnovation
Micro moments. Marco opportunities.
Micro moments. Marco opportunities. Micro moments. Marco opportunities.
Micro moments. Marco opportunities.

Google's Jan and Mahmoud talk us through how to connect consumers with the right messages, at the right place, at the right time.

marketingconsumersocial media marketing
Ethology: Animal learning
Ethology: Animal learningEthology: Animal learning
Ethology: Animal learning

This PPT is for FYBSc students of University of Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, studying in course one semester II. For further query you may email at

Thoughts, actions,
feelings, pain points
Moments of truth
When to use?
When not to use?
Certain situations absolutely call
for a journey map. In other
cases, you may be better served
by something else.
Think journey mapping when:
Vertical markets
New customer segments
Assessing the impact of technology changes
Refresh, redesigns, rebrands
Mining more revenue out of already-successful systems

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Ethology: Biological aspects of learning
Ethology: Biological aspects of learningEthology: Biological aspects of learning
Ethology: Biological aspects of learning

This PPT is for FYBSc students of University of Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, studying in course one semester II. For further query you may email at

Physiology of neurotransmitters
Physiology of neurotransmittersPhysiology of neurotransmitters
Physiology of neurotransmitters

This document summarizes several major neurotransmitters in the central and peripheral nervous systems. It describes where they are synthesized, stored, and released in the body. It also discusses the receptors they act on and how they are terminated after signaling, including through enzymatic breakdown. The major neurotransmitters covered include acetylcholine, catecholamines, amino acids like glutamate and GABA, polypeptides, purines, gases, and others.

Total Customer Experience Management Overview #TCE #CEM -- The Why, What and How
Total Customer Experience Management Overview #TCE #CEM -- The Why, What and HowTotal Customer Experience Management Overview #TCE #CEM -- The Why, What and How
Total Customer Experience Management Overview #TCE #CEM -- The Why, What and How

This is a CEM tutorial & TCELab introduction presentation we put together for our TCELab Sales Affiliates and Partners -- explains an overview of Total Customer Experience Management, Why your customer's CEO's will love it, your opportunity, and how TCELab's products and services fit into the CEM / Big Data / Customer Loyalty Space. A must watch for CEM enthusiast or any business professionals interesting in reducing churn. Find video at: Or read it in our corporate blog: Video itinerary: 0:00:07 What is Customer Experience Management (CEM)? 0:02:04 Why do CEO’s care? 0:04:15 Why CEM vendor should be excited? 0:07:15 What does CEM Program looks like? 0:07:45 Design of a CEM Program: CEM Program Components 0:11:20 Design of a CEM Program: Disparate Sources of Business Data 0:14:23 Design of a CEM Program: Data Linkage (connecting data to answer different question) 0:17:17 Design of a CEM Program: Integrating your business data (mapping organization silos with survey type) 0:20:58 Design of a CEM Program: Three ways to grow business… why just NPS is not enough? 0:25:40 TCELab product plug but some cross winds of CEM gold information 0:33:10 TCELab CLAAP Platform but some cross winds of CEM gold information 0:39:00 TCELab product execution process, time-lengths & other relevant information around it (information relevant to affiliate networks) 0:43:30 TCELab product lists (information relevant to affiliate networks) 0:52:40 TCELab case study: Kashoo + lot of good information for SAAS companies CEM program For More, please visit

cemtcecustomer relationship management
Not so much for:
Plotting single tasks (example: New user registration)
Audience analysis (it’s not a matrix)
Incremental updates (better served by user testing)
Tight budgets
Situations where you don’t expect to talk to real users
When to update?
Let’s consult Nielson/Norman
“Changes in your business and technology.”
“Changes in user demographics and interaction patterns.”
From the article, “Are your personas outdated? Know when it’s right to revise.”
by Kim Flaherty, Nielsen Norman Group, February 14, 2016
The anatomy of
a Journey Map
Breaking down the
sections and explaining
their purpose

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Andy J Gap analysis and crop wild relatives bellagio sept 2010
Andy J Gap analysis and crop wild relatives bellagio sept 2010Andy J Gap analysis and crop wild relatives bellagio sept 2010
Andy J Gap analysis and crop wild relatives bellagio sept 2010

Presentation made by Andy Jarvis in the workshop on Adapting agriculture to climate change: The role of crop wild relatives, in Bellagio, Italy, 7th-9th September 2010.

crop wild relativesclimate changeciat
Ethology: How, Why, and What Animal Behavior is
Ethology: How, Why, and What Animal Behavior isEthology: How, Why, and What Animal Behavior is
Ethology: How, Why, and What Animal Behavior is

This presentation was used to introduce Ethology as a research field to our members. The last half of the presentation used an activity to critically evaluate our members reasoning skills.

animal behaviorcritical thinkingresearch methods

This presentation was delivered to 1st year pharmacy students. It is intended as a broad overview of neurochemistry.

Mapping the value of your customers journey
Mapping the value of your customers journey
Examine the steps
What are users thinking, feeling?

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Amplifying Customer 
Value through 
Business Transformation
Amplifying Customer 
Value through 
Business TransformationAmplifying Customer 
Value through 
Business Transformation
Amplifying Customer 
Value through 
Business Transformation

The document discusses Avaya's business transformation efforts around four common threads: services, mobility, application enablement, and networking and fabric switching. It focuses on how Avaya is using technologies like private cloud services, collaboration platforms, virtualization, and software-defined networking to improve customer value by reducing costs and complexity while improving scalability, security, and speeds. The transformation aims to move from an inefficient legacy network model to a next generation approach based on a virtual fabric with simplified provisioning and services.

GAP Analysis Tool (Advanced)
GAP Analysis Tool (Advanced)GAP Analysis Tool (Advanced)
GAP Analysis Tool (Advanced)

The document is a template for conducting a GAP analysis across multiple business units. It identifies current and goal states for over 25 target items across 14 business functions. The target items generally relate to implementing new processes, systems, or metrics. Each item includes a timeline for achieving the goal state and proposed action items to close the identified GAPs.

gap analysisbusinesstool
Ethology Ethology

ontogeny of behavior; Juvenile behavior; equifinality; innate behavior; imprinting; Classical conditioning; Operant behavior; instrumental learning; learning to avoid enemy; learning to avoid sickness; Insight learning; representation

ontogenyequifinalityjuvenile behavior
“Moments of truth”
Ways to improve
Moments of Truth

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Best Practices in Customer Experience Mapping
Best Practices in Customer Experience MappingBest Practices in Customer Experience Mapping
Best Practices in Customer Experience Mapping

Tips, tricks and detailed steps to produce a customer experience map for your organization, written by experts with over 40 years of combined experience with clients all over the world.

customer experiencecustomer journey mappingcrm
Customer journey driving business growth for large and small companies
Customer journey driving business growth for large and small companiesCustomer journey driving business growth for large and small companies
Customer journey driving business growth for large and small companies

The document discusses the importance of understanding the customer journey and using customer insights to drive business growth. It provides examples of how Halifax General Insurance and McCarthy & Stone improved conversion rates and sales by mapping customer journeys and addressing pain points. The document also stresses the importance of putting customers at the heart of business decisions and embracing organizational change to align with customers' emotional experiences. Failing to understand customers can lead companies to make incorrect assumptions. Understanding the customer journey across all channels is vital as customer expectations increase around convenience and service.

customer experiencecustomer journey mapping
Customer experience management - Mapping customer experience across touch-points
Customer experience management - Mapping customer experience across touch-pointsCustomer experience management - Mapping customer experience across touch-points
Customer experience management - Mapping customer experience across touch-points

This document discusses mapping customer experience across touchpoints. It identifies key areas such as identifying customer loyalty drivers and pain points by mapping touchpoints across channels. It also discusses measuring touchpoint satisfaction, identifying cross-sell opportunities by customer segment, and identifying improvement opportunities at the product design and self-service levels. Primary data inputs include social media data, contact center data, and surveys. Key action areas involve standardized best practices, setting up a command center for governance and visibility, and sharing operations across geographies.

Guiding Principles
All journeys are different
Journey map designs
are different, too
Spotlight on
“Moments of Truth”
The go / no-go moments of
the customer journey

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Physiology of neurotransmission
Physiology of neurotransmissionPhysiology of neurotransmission
Physiology of neurotransmission

Nervous system forms an interconnecting fibers of communication network. In the ‘hard-wiring’ of the nerves, the signals travel in the form of a flow of electrical current called nerve impulses. The stimulus-response reactions afford internal constancy in the face of environmental changes.

nerve impulseaction potentialresting potential
AMA PHX Journey Mapping May 2016.pptx 3
AMA PHX Journey Mapping May 2016.pptx 3AMA PHX Journey Mapping May 2016.pptx 3
AMA PHX Journey Mapping May 2016.pptx 3

Enhanced version of the Experience Mapping deck created for an AMA PHX presentation by myself and Jen Walsh in May 2016.

amajourney mapping design ux cx
Six Building Blocks Of Digital Transformation Powerpoint Presentation Slides
Six Building Blocks Of Digital Transformation Powerpoint Presentation SlidesSix Building Blocks Of Digital Transformation Powerpoint Presentation Slides
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The document outlines six building blocks of digital transformation: strategy and innovation, customer decision journey, process automation, organization, technology, and data and analytics. It provides templates for slides on each building block that are fully editable and customizable. The slides cover topics like focusing strategy on future value, understanding the customer decision process, automating processes, having an agile organization structure, leveraging new technologies, and using data and analytics. The presentation aims to help companies transform their business models through digital means.

six building blocks of digital transformationsix building blocks of digital changesix building blocks of digital evolution
What am I going to
do this weekend?
(Commercial for a new movie.)
Sounds cool!
When is it playing at
my local theater?
Information needs
What time is the movie playing? Is it okay to for kids? Do they have reserved seats?
Looking up info on a smartphone. Logging into an account. Buying tickets online.
I’m going to book the tickets right now vs. I’m not sure, I better wait.
Do I take the next step?
Or abandon ship?
Mapping the value of your customers journey

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Six Building Blocks Of Digital Transformation PowerPoint Presentation Slides
Six Building Blocks Of Digital Transformation PowerPoint Presentation SlidesSix Building Blocks Of Digital Transformation PowerPoint Presentation Slides
Six Building Blocks Of Digital Transformation PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Six Building Blocks of Digital Transformation PowerPoint Presentation Slides is an effective presentation to create new digital business capabilities. The digital transformation business model PowerPoint complete deck includes ready to use templates such as strategy and innovation, customer decision journey, process automation, operation and technology, data and analytics, etc. It has templates with professional background images and relevant content. This content ready presentation is fully editable. Modify content as per your need. The graphics used in this PPT allow you to clearly demonstrate each step of the digital transformation process. This set of PPT visuals will assist you in find, develop and acquire digital skills. Discuss the five stages of process automation. Enhance your knowledge with this well-researched deck and deliver your ideas in an effective way. Download the six strategies for delivering digital services Presentation design to impress your audience.

six building blocks of digital evolutionsix building blocks of digital changesix building blocks of digital transformation
Digital Transformation and the Marketing Professional
Digital Transformation and the Marketing ProfessionalDigital Transformation and the Marketing Professional
Digital Transformation and the Marketing Professional

Defining and understanding digital transformation and the marketing role. How can marketing drive transformation? what are the tasks, strategies and things that can help.

digital transformationtransformationmarketing
3 New ways to Improve and Understand your Customers Experience
3 New ways to Improve and Understand your Customers Experience3 New ways to Improve and Understand your Customers Experience
3 New ways to Improve and Understand your Customers Experience

This document discusses new ways for organizations to understand and improve the customer experience. It outlines three key capabilities needed: analyzing customer behavior to understand root causes of issues, visualizing customer journeys across channels, and easily pivoting between different analytics types. The document also discusses challenges like fragmented data, siloed tools and departments. It proposes that a unified analytics solution is needed to provide a holistic view of the customer experience.

commercecustomer analitucscustomer engagement
Mapping the value of your customers journey
“That’s our challenge: to be in the
spaces where our audiences are
and understand that they will leave
us if we don’t work with them and
understand their needs. ”
Gavin Heaton, “The Future of Marketing: Six Visionaries Speak”, A conversation with The Economist Intelligence Unit.
from another
Moments of truth

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Revenue Operations Analytics: A Strategic Blueprint
Revenue Operations Analytics: A Strategic BlueprintRevenue Operations Analytics: A Strategic Blueprint
Revenue Operations Analytics: A Strategic Blueprint

The true value in your KPIs is understanding how they complete the bigger picture of the customer journeys that drive the most impact for your business.

b2b marketingb2b advertising
UX = ROI: It's not just a myth
UX = ROI: It's not just a mythUX = ROI: It's not just a myth
UX = ROI: It's not just a myth

Updated for the Vista UX/UI Summit in Dallas, TX You can view a video of this presentation here: User Experience has a direct impact on your bottom line, and it’s about time we start telling execs in their own language. I’m sure many of you spend a good amount of time evangelizing what it is that you do, and the value it adds. Over the past 15 years I’ve introduced User Experience to everyone from CEOs to developers — using storytelling, metrics, and case studies you can prove without a doubt the value that you bring. In this talk I’ll explain what metrics to track, how to position your work, and stories where User Experience directly effected the bottom line.

product managementroiux
Monitoring Analytics To Create Customer Value And Experience
Monitoring Analytics To Create Customer Value And ExperienceMonitoring Analytics To Create Customer Value And Experience
Monitoring Analytics To Create Customer Value And Experience

According to research conducted by Gartner,Customer Experience (CX) is the top priority for companies who have invested in analytics software. The goal for any company is to have an ‘always on’ view of how their operational performance that impacts on the way that customersexperience their brand across all touch-points. This is now possible by using untapped machine data in combination with more traditional measures of customer satisfaction such as Net Promoter Score (NPS).

customer experienceecommercevalue
Understanding the difference
Moments of truth vs. Micro-moments
“Moments of truth” is a journey mapping term
“Moments of truth” can occur in our outside of
the digital experience. Opening the front door of a
restaurant and walking in for the first time, or
asking a friend who has kids for a
recommendation on a family doctor are two
examples that can occur outside of digital.
“Micro-moments” is a phrase coined by Google
“Micro-moments” are rooted in the mobile
experience. They are primarily ‘grab the
smartphone’ moments where a person seeks
answers, information, or tries to complete a task
via digital.
The journey map in action
How great can a new product be...
If nobody knows about it?
526% 253%increase in revenue from
paid media (also 2 months)
increase in conversion
within two months
Local Search, Web Development, Mobile, Conversion Optimization

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Does Your Online Experiences Meet Your Customer Expectations
Does Your Online Experiences Meet Your Customer ExpectationsDoes Your Online Experiences Meet Your Customer Expectations
Does Your Online Experiences Meet Your Customer Expectations

This document discusses how companies can optimize their customers' digital experiences and improve online performance. It recommends using heuristic and expert evaluation methods to understand problems with the customer experience. Heuristic evaluation benchmarks a company against competitors to see how it meets customers' expectations, while expert evaluation identifies specific issues through a deeper analysis. Together, these methods provide a broad understanding of focus areas and detailed solutions to incrementally improve the customer experience and increase online conversion rates.

consumer digital experience
Designing a Results Driven Digital Strategy: Customers and Corporations’ Digi...
Designing a Results Driven Digital Strategy: Customers and Corporations’ Digi...Designing a Results Driven Digital Strategy: Customers and Corporations’ Digi...
Designing a Results Driven Digital Strategy: Customers and Corporations’ Digi...

This document discusses designing a results-driven digital strategy for corporations. It argues that digital strategies are now a top priority for strategic planning as disruptive digital business models become the new normal. A digital strategy can transform a company by joining business, operations, and technology around a shared digital vision. A key part of a digital strategy is improving digital customer experience maturity by deeply understanding customer needs and journeys. However, achieving high digital customer experience is challenging as it requires constant change and adaptation to how customers interact with new technologies. Personalization is also increasingly important, such as using data analytics to provide personalized offers and advice to customers in real-time. A digital strategy must be omnichannel but will likely prioritize mobile experiences as they

fintechnew business modelsagile
CMO's as Change Management Operators
CMO's as Change Management OperatorsCMO's as Change Management Operators
CMO's as Change Management Operators

CMO Exchange panel: 'CMOs as Change Management Operators' by Steven Cook, Vince Ferraro, Maribel Garcia-Rodriguez, Lorena Harris and Filip Wouters. #CMOExchange

chief marketing officertop marketing executivesiqpc
We did journey mapping
w/DIME in support of a
website redesign project
We also leveraged the
journey maps to
improve their Money
Market landing page
What we learned
How much customers knew (and didn’t know) about
Money Market accounts
Sales objections
Most popular way to check account balances
How they do their research
Place image here
(cover gray box)
Money market
Solid offering, but not much content to
address known customer research
questions or ‘sales objections’

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The ultimate guide to the new buyers journey
The ultimate guide to the new buyers journeyThe ultimate guide to the new buyers journey
The ultimate guide to the new buyers journey

At MarketBridge we have the privilege of working with hundreds of marketing and sales leaders every month. In those discussions one thing is abundantly clear: the customer buying journey is rapidly changing and organizations are struggling to keep up. These dramatic shifts in buying behavior are well documented; independent research by Gartner and Forrester suggests that by 2020,

buyers journeymarketbridgesegmentation
Ultimate Guide to the New Buyers Journey
Ultimate Guide to the New Buyers JourneyUltimate Guide to the New Buyers Journey
Ultimate Guide to the New Buyers Journey

Ultimate Guide to the New Buyers Journey (by MarketBridge) Самое полное руководство по новому пути потребителя (customer journey)

designweb design and developmentcustomer service
Win Over Your Competitors with Data Driven Marketing
Win Over Your Competitors with Data Driven MarketingWin Over Your Competitors with Data Driven Marketing
Win Over Your Competitors with Data Driven Marketing

This document discusses how to develop a data-driven marketing strategy. It recommends building a data-driven culture, leveraging data to act at the right time, optimizing for key data points, integrating customer data, and developing a vision for how to use data. Case studies show how data-driven approaches helped companies increase sales by 34% and better target audiences. The conclusion states that transitioning to data-driven marketing will enhance data collection and analysis to continuously improve performance.

digital marketinggrowth hackingdata driven marketing
Place image here
(cover gray box)
Money market
Optimized for customer journey
Informed by keyword analysis and
organic search results
A-B-C tested to determine most
successful design elements
Place image here
(cover gray box)
Money market
Optimized for customer journey
Informed by keyword analysis and
organic search results
A-B-C tested to determine most
successful design elements
Results (CVR)
11/15 - 6.55%
12/15 - 8.50%
01/16 - 12.55%!
- Industry norm is 5.01%*
- DIME’s previous monthly average was in the 2-3% range
Place image here
(cover gray box)
Money market
product page
New website separates the landing page
from the MMA product page
Product page maintains current design with
research data, FAQs, etc.
Frees up landing page design without
sacrificing SEO, content, or usability

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Designing Outcomes For Usability Nycupa Hurst Final
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Designing Outcomes For Usability Nycupa Hurst Final :: My topic of discussion at the Feb 17 2009 NYC UPA. Even as the pace of society, business, and the Internet continue to increase, many budgets and time lines continue to decrease. To compound this issue, there is a serious disconnect between business goals, user goals, and what visitors actually do on your site. UX practitioners need a simple and efficient way to reconcile these diverse needs while taking action on their data. Join us to learn about a new method for incorporating quantitative data such as web analytics and business intelligence into your qualitative user experience deliverables: personas, wireframes, and more. This presentation will include discussions of online business models, feedback loops for ensuring cross-discipline collaboration, and ongoing revisions.

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It's time to Focus on the Future. Based on interviews with over 250 global advertisers, we address the biggest trends you need to master in order to be prepared for The New Machine Rules. Download your copy now:

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This document summarizes a framework for understanding future customer expectations called the Future Customer Experience Framework. It discusses looking at customer needs in the short term (today), medium term (1-3 years), and long term (4-10 years). It also emphasizes the importance of an iterative innovation process focused on uncovering customer needs, testing concepts, and validating solutions with customers. The framework is meant to help companies anticipate changing customer expectations and needs to stay competitive over time.

Architected for maximum
performance & flexibility
Tactics can make any brand more efficient.
Solutions can change your business.
179% 88%decrease in costs per leadIncrease in traffic
Strategy and Planning, Creative and Technology, Modern Search, Paid Media
Ethology redesign of
just launched in
February 2016!
Moments of truth

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By embracing Code Halo thinking and a programmatic approach to business process change, organizations can better engage with customers and deliver mass-customized products and services that drive differentiation and outperformance.

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This document provides 5 guidelines for delivering outcome-oriented products through an approach called outcome engineering. Outcome engineering brings together design and engineering from the beginning to ensure desired business outcomes. The guidelines are: 1) Reframe when designers and engineers are involved; 2) Make innovation practical through user empathy; 3) Iterate regularly through small improvements; 4) Set target outcomes to validate with prototyping; 5) Combine outcomes with rewards through gamification. An example is provided of a bank introducing a conversational voice interface using outcome engineering.

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It’s time to shift to an evolved, technology-empowered design mindset. As technology informs design, and good design arms technology to become most effective by engaging with users, the two now sit at the top of the product development pyramid to co-create success.

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Content for “Problem water”
filled an experience gap
Mapping the value of your customers journey
Mapping the value of your customers journey
Ethology mined
website data to
examine user intent

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Journey Mapping 101 - Ethology - IxDA Phoenix
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Journey Mapping 101. Slides from IxDA Phoenix's September 2015 meetup at COPLEX in Tempe, AZ. Presented by Ethologist's Tony Quiroz and Sean Rice.

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Ethologists, Anna Hrach & Tony Quiroz, put together a fabulous understanding of how the relationship between content strategy and user experience is most successful when formatted in unison!

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Social Media: More Than Marketing - American Marketing Association Webinar Ma...
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While social media has become an integral part of marketing efforts, the very nature of the medium lends itself to so much more. This presentation discusses how social media plays a part in marketing, PR, branding, customer service and customer retention/loyalty. YOU WILL LEARN: The friction points with social media and the other areas. How to integrate across departmental silos to run an effective social media program. How to properly measure for success.

social media trendssocial mediasocial media marketing
Created educational content to help
people solve water problems specific
to their area
Tested CTAs and optimized page
layouts to ensure top performance
Now visible for +48k monthly searches
Users viewed +1 page per visit
Users spent +2.47 minutes
on the site!
And that’s just one
example Ethology is continuing to have a
positive impact on Culligan’s
business by improving the
customer journey

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What's That Smell? Your R.O.T. Content
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What's That Smell? Your R.O.T. Content

The document discusses the problem of redundant, outdated, and trivial (ROT) content created by brands. It notes that many brands focus on creating more content without proper strategy, governance, or measuring performance. This results in piles of non-performing content that hurt the user experience. The document provides tips on how to identify ROT content, such as auditing all content against criteria like relevance, user experience, and brand attributes. It recommends cleaning up ROT content by removing unnecessary content, organizing the remaining content, and implementing governance into the content creation process to prevent future ROT issues.

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Modern SEO: It Takes a Village
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Modern SEO: It Takes a Village

Keyword research, content tagging, and rankings are still important in search, but as engines become more sophisticated and consideration inputs expand, we’re moving closer than ever to realizing a true user-centric search ecosystem where the best answer for that user wins. Your developer still has a seat on the bus, and it’s an important one. But it’s time to make room for some friends. This presentation covers search, content strategy, social, local, paid search and user experience information about how a cross-discipline search effort is required for top visibility, traffic and conversions. Learn what integration points are most important, see real life client examples, and get tips from the pros regarding how to operationalize your effort. In this presentation, you’ll: Learn why a cross-discipline effort is necessary to win today and forward Receive guidance on what tactics and touch-points teams should rally around Get advice on how to operationalize the effort

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Top Digital Marketing Trends for 2015: Love ‘em or Leave ‘em?
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Top Digital Marketing Trends for 2015: Love ‘em or Leave ‘em?

With a new year comes new trends and tactics that can help drive your digital marketing efforts. But are they all really worth the hype and, more importantly, your time? Jay Baer, The New York Times best-selling author and President of Convince & Convert, and Mike Corak, ethology’s Executive Vice President of Strategy, break down this year’s latest and greatest digital marketing trends to see if you should love ‘em or leave ‘em. The presentation covered the following: -Determining which of the top 2015 trends are right for your digital marketing mix - Incorporating user-centered design principles for a better brand experience - The evolution of your content strategy and content marketing tactics - Making use of new organic search developments - Enhancing internal organizational efforts to make your digital marketing more effective

marketing2015 digital marketing trendssocial media
Journey maps help you
visualize the customer
Not just steps: Thoughts,
feelings, touchpoints,
Customers may drive
the top-of-the-funnel,
but you can still
optimize the experience
to drive leads
Some moments have a
bigger impact than
others. Know them.
Capitalize on them.

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This document summarizes a webcast about completing integrated digital marketing plans for 2015. It discusses key considerations like planning process, tactical needs, integration, resourcing, analytics, and budgeting. Speakers from Franchise Services and Parchment discuss their planning processes and focus on continuous improvement of content strategy, user experience, analytics, and cross-channel integration. Common challenges around resourcing, budget allocation, and improving multi-channel measurement are also addressed.

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Hacking the Customer Experience
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Hacking the Customer Experience

Come dig in with us on three key aspects of engaging with customers and learn about specific techniques that will help drive sustainable growth in your business: Getting into the mindset of your prospects and customers, creating content that resonates with your target audience, and initiating a relationship.

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How to integrate content strategy and social media
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How to integrate content strategy and social media

Everybody knows a strong social media presence requires relevant content for users to react to, engage with, and share. However, making this a reality is easier said than done, especially if your content strategy and social media teams aren’t working together to develop strategically calendared content and in-the-moment posts. Moderated by Jay Baer, New York Times Best-Selling Author of YouTility, and featuring Benjie Pressman, social director at ethology, and Anna Hrach, head of content strategy at ethology, “How to Integrate Social Media and Content Strategy” will help ensure your social media and content strategy efforts work in tandem to support business objectives, engage audiences, and produce more meaningful results.

social mediacontent strategycontent marketing
The more you understand
the customer journey,
the better you’ll be at
creating great experiences
Q&A @TQ_AZ #journeymapping #Ethology
Blog post: Moving beyond the
journey map and recognizing
the guideposts
Thanks for joining us! @TQ_AZ #journeymapping #Ethology

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The webinar discusses the importance of developing and engaging proprietary audiences as a top marketing priority. It promotes the concept of the "Audience Imperative", which is focusing media efforts on growing, engaging, and retaining audiences over the long run. The webinar features speakers from ExactTarget and ethology who will discuss how challenger brands can compete through audience development and how research and audience growth can drive branding, sales and loyalty. The webinar aims to teach attendees how to adopt the Audience Imperative approach and emphasize the importance of audiences as business assets.

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The document discusses how consumers now use multiple screens simultaneously rather than a single device. It argues responsive design is not enough and that companies need to plan for users, not devices, with a content strategy that provides a consistent experience across any screen. An effective strategy requires understanding user needs, mapping their journeys, and breaking down silos between teams to optimize experiences for multi-screening. Examples that do this well include Apple with syncing accounts across devices and Audible/Evernote with seamless syncing of content.

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Baidu World 2011
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Keynote presentation from Jeffrey Pruitt, CEO of ethology, at Baidu World Conference in Beijing on September 2, 2011. The confluence of content, social, and search have presented marketers with a uniquely new and challenging paradigm shift. Pruitt delves into the new breed of marketing that is driven by creating, optimizing, and distributing the different types of content required to engage customers on the social web, based on the data of many analysis tools.

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