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Research Spotlight
Learning’s Big Data Problem:
Measuring & Analyzing Impact
David Wentworth,
Principal Analyst,
Brandon Hall Group
Mike Rustici,
CEO, Watershed
Michael Rochelle,
Chief Strategy
Brandon Hall Group
HCM Research and Advisory Firm
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• Recruitment Marketing Practices 2017
• Extended Enterprise Learning 2017
• State of Talent Acquisition 2017
• HCM Technology 2017

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Anthony grullon - strategic leadership and managing crises and change
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Anthony grullon - strategic leadership and managing crises and change

Anthony Grullon must deal with a larger number of obstacles and fears than hourly or salaried employees, but the payoff may be far greater.

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Create an End User Adoption Strategy
Create an End User Adoption StrategyCreate an End User Adoption Strategy
Create an End User Adoption Strategy

We all know that End User Adoption is an important area of focus in your SharePoint project. In this session we will take a closer look at the End User Adoption work stream and the associated roles, responsibilities, and tasks for the project plan. We will also review case studies to demonstrate how these differ based on the size of the project and the specific needs of the organization. You’ll walk away from this session with a tactical formula you can follow to create your end user adoption strategy and templates to support the process.

Next frontier for lean manufacturing From Mc Kinsey & Company
Next frontier for lean manufacturing  From Mc Kinsey & Company Next frontier for lean manufacturing  From Mc Kinsey & Company
Next frontier for lean manufacturing From Mc Kinsey & Company

1. The document is a newsletter from McKinsey Quarterly covering various topics related to business and economics. 2. It discusses advances in lean production techniques and how technology, psychology, and analytics could further improve operations over the next 50 years. 3. It also covers topics like the future of the jewelry industry, scaling excellence within organizations, the potential of industrial robots, and the growth of digital payments in Sub-Saharan Africa.

How To Ask Questions
© Brandon Hall Group 2016 5
�� Submit your questions
or comments about the
discussion to our
presenters using the
Questions tab on your
control panel.
• Presentation slides and
giveaways can be found
in the Handouts tab on
your control panel.
Recording & Slides will also be sent out after the webinar.
The State of Learning Measurement
Moving and Measuring Beyond Formal
How Do We Get Better?
The Role of Learning Standards
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%
To more strongly link learning and reduced turnover
To provide input to the performance management process
To determine the ROI of learning programs
To more strongly link learning and employee engagement
To more strongly link learning and individual performance
To more strongly link learning and organizational performance
To improve the effectiveness of learning programs
Drivers of Learning Measurement
Not at all Somewhat
Moderately Highly
Effectiveness of Learning

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Centre of Excellence in Business Analytics
Centre of Excellence in Business AnalyticsCentre of Excellence in Business Analytics
Centre of Excellence in Business Analytics

The document provides information on a marketing research program and strategy plan for a proposed Centre of Excellence in Business Analytics at BCIT. It outlines two phases of marketing research: secondary research on competitor programs and trends, and qualitative research via key informant interviews. It identifies top competitors and summarizes their programs. It then provides a full marketing strategy plan for the Centre, including recommendations, target markets, organization details, situational analysis, marketing objectives and tools. The overarching goal is to establish a unique brand for the Centre and attract industry sponsors and students.

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The document provides tips for successfully implementing an information management program, including gaining executive support, establishing governance policies and procedures, defining organizational roles and an implementation model, training stakeholders on changes, and recognizing champions to drive adoption. Key steps are to keep policies and procedures simple, assign data owners, use a proven change management methodology with executive participation, and leverage innovative communication methods to maintain momentum.

Exciting Things Happen When Learners Take the Lead
Exciting Things Happen When Learners Take the LeadExciting Things Happen When Learners Take the Lead
Exciting Things Happen When Learners Take the Lead

Learning and development professionals and business leaders have come to realize data-driven strategies effectively drive learning and business outcomes. But what does data-driven learning really mean to the learners and what happens when they are empowered to take the lead in learning strategy and execution? Join this TICE Virtual session, as Kelly Siegel, vice president and chief talent officer of Continental Western Group, shares her story of the creation of underwriter development paths – A process driven by learner engagement and representative of significant cultural shift in two related organizations.

• Formal
• Certification &
• Courses
• Groups Associated
with Classes
• Impressions
• Expertise Location
• Idea Engine
• Real-Time
• Groups &
Very Little Learning is Formal
The Blending Effect
Not at all
Small extent
Moderate extent
Great extent
Improved Link to Individual
Not at all
Small extent
Moderate extent
Great extent
Improved Link to Organizational
95% 91%
Source: Brandon Hall Group HCM Outlook 2017
How Do We
Get Better?
© Brandon Hall Group 2016 11
“L&D is responsible for improving our most
important asset, our people. If we can improve
L&D, we can improve the world”
me, I said that

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Creating value through technology in healthcare
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Creating value through technology in healthcare

To Invest or Not to Invest..Is the question With limited time, money and resources at their disposal, deciding whether or not to invest money in information technology can be tough for healthcare organizations. Couple this with the fact that many IT projects have failed to deliver on their promises, has left business leaders skeptical of investments in technology. IT professionals are under increasing pressure to demonstrate the value of technology to the organizations they support. This presentation provides a value-based, outcomes-driven approach to justify investments in healthIT. Investing in technology shouldn't be a leap of faith. Technology is an enabler. It must be beneficial and functional to the intended user. Healthcare organizations that make technology decisions without focusing on outcomes find themselves regretting their decisions in the long run. Proper research and planning is critical in ensuring that information technology delivers value to patients, providers and healthcare organizations.

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Improving the content and experience for agents reduces call time and cuts cost CSI's Blaine Kyllo and BC Hydro's Ken Bell share the successful process of merging several of BC Hydro’s internal information repositories for frontline agents into one central Knowledge Centre. This case study was presented at E Source Forum 2018 as part of a panel on customer experience called Back to CX Basics: Getting Great at What Matters Most.

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Communication Strategies to Keep Employees Engaged and Informed During a Chronic Crisis View the webinar here: As the new normal continues to evolve, companies are being challenged daily to keep employees engaged and informed while supporting their business operations. Throughout the pandemic, employees have demonstrated their adaptability in the face of remote working, unanticipated childcare needs, furloughs, and isolation. Many employers are realizing that effective employee communication is the key. Join Mad*Pow Founder and Chief Experience Officer Amy Heymans and Beth Clauss, President, Small Potatoes Communications, to learn how they have helped clients engage their employees, strengthen their company culture and create a unified and informed employee community. The webinar will cover how organizations can create an employee communications strategy that helps employees weather the unique circumstances of a long-term, ongoing crisis, while navigating the treacherous waters of promoting productivity and profits during a pandemic.

We can do better.
learning happens
Why connect
with xAPI?
To transfer learning records
Example: when you get a new learning platform
For products with different functions to work together
Example: your LMS and a social learning platform
To back up learning records
Example: in case your LMS breaks down
xAPI is a technical specification that makes it easier and
cheaper to connect learning technologies.
How far has xAPI adoption come?

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Addressing the crisis in employee engagement.

Badgeville Webinar hosted on March 17th 2016. Hosted by Karen Hsu, VP of Marketing at Badgeville and Luiz Benitez, Product Management Leader at IBM Connections.

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Pf found sample_mkt_plan
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Star Software creates custom calendar software programs for businesses to use as promotional tools. It faces challenges from its seasonal business and cash flow issues. This marketing plan aims to increase profits 10% annually by diversifying products and customers. Objectives include surveying current customers, developing non-seasonal products, and achieving 50% growth in profits over 5 years, half from new customers and off-season products. The plan identifies strengths in customization and customer service, weaknesses in seasonality and reliance on reorder business, opportunities in technology and direct marketing, and threats from competition and single sourcing.

Designing a SharePoint User Adoption Strategy
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Too often SharePoint projects focus on deploying sites without planning for the user adoption and training that comes after, and as a result, the solution’s momentum fizzles and falls short of its potential once the project ends. In this presentation, I share my strategies and insights for designing an effective end-user adoption and training strategy that you can use in your projects to help your users thrive.

governancechange managementsharepoint
Standards define
and confine an industry.
New model
Old model
Learning Experience Platform
Many more……
2015 – 16
2013 – 14
2017 –

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The Innovation Center at Harvard Business School aims to equip business leaders with insights and tools to approach innovation strategically. It does this through four categories: strategy, organization, climate, and process. The Center draws on experts to challenge leaders to consider new ways of organizing, operating, and managing in addition to new products and services. It provides online portals, blended learning guides, and consultation services to support organizations in developing innovation capabilities.

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Does your approach to Performance Management ‘Sing’ or ‘Sting’? How to focus on practices that create meritocracies, and avoid being seduced by the technology.

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This document describes the implementation of a Kanban system at a large energy company to achieve enterprise agility. It discusses how the company lacked process transparency, had a waterfall development approach, and IT was seen as unresponsive by the business. Kanban practices like visualization, limiting work-in-progress, and collaborative improvement were used. This reduced the backlog from 800 to 350 items within 4 months while new requests remained the same, improving productivity. The key lessons learned were to take an incremental approach to change, focus on shifting mindsets, and collaborate at all levels to sustain transformations.

information technologyinnovationchange management
Why do I have to go beyond CMI-
Not evolving, but not dead
What’s a Learning Record Store?
Three types
of LRS
An Embedded LRS is typically
part of another system. It often
adds xAPI functionality to an
LMS or a sophisticated learning
experience provider. (Example:
Rustici Software’s Engine)
Embedded LRS
The main role of this LRS aligns
with the technical definition from
the xAPI spec; it receives,
stores, and provides access to
learning records via xAPI. These
systems are primarily technical
tools with an interface designed
for technical people. (Example:
Learning Locker)
Data Storage LRS
A Learning Analytics Platform
(LAP) is a tool that contains an
LRS, but layers a rich reporting
and analytics toolset on top of it.
It’s designed for learning
professionals and facilitates
robust analysis of all the data
collected by xAPI. (Example:
Learning Analytics

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OKRs – Unlock the Power!
OKRs – Unlock the Power!OKRs – Unlock the Power!
OKRs – Unlock the Power!

This document provides an overview of Objectives and Key Results (OKRs), a goal-setting framework used by teams and individuals to set ambitious and measurable goals. It discusses why OKRs are useful for focusing efforts, ensuring strategy execution, and creating engagement around goals. The document outlines best practices for using OKRs, including differentiating objectives from key results, deploying OKRs at different company levels, and the seven essentials of effective OKR implementation.

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Achieving Growth with Goals
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This document discusses the importance of goals and goal management in achieving operational excellence. It outlines some key challenges companies face in goal alignment and engagement. It then provides a 7 step approach to operational excellence through accountability, clarity, alignment, engagement, execution, agility and aspiration. High performing companies are described as having goals that are open, transparent, aspirational, involve frequent check-ins and progress-based. The concept of "Goal Science" and tools for connected, supported, progress-based and adaptable goals are presented.

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The Art of Getting Buy-In from the Boss
The Art of Getting Buy-In from the BossThe Art of Getting Buy-In from the Boss
The Art of Getting Buy-In from the Boss

You’ve found the perfect technology solution that meets all of your L&D analytics needs, but there’s one looming challenge—gaining executive approval. We’ve all been there. However, it’s easier than you might think. Hear firsthand from someone who’s been there and made it happen. In this webinar, Andy Webb, director of training at Applied Industrial Technologies, shares his experience and helps you: • Understand leadership’s needs and motivations. • Recognize financial metrics and KPIs to frame your learning program in a language leadership understands. • Better engage leadership throughout your LRS or L&D initiative.

Tips for choosing
an LRS
Be on the same page.
Make sure everyone involved in the process
shares a common definition for “learning record
store” and an understanding of the type of LRS
you need.
Verify it meets expectations.
Ask what you can do with the data in your LRS. Many
legacy LMS vendors have implemented an
embedded LRS to say they have xAPI, but, most
don’t have out-of-the-box ways to access that data for
reporting once it’s in the system.
Ensure its xAPI compliant.
ADL hasn’t released an xAPI certification
program, but there is a test suite coming soon
that you can run against any LRS to see how it
stacks up.
Ensure unfettered access to data.
One of the core tenants of xAPI is that data should
be freely portable across systems. Make sure your
LRS vendor will allow you to retrieve all the data you
store in your system.
Join the xAPI community.
The xAPI community is friendly and eager to
help. Get involved in discussions and ask more
about each provider.
Speak with client references.
Make sure your vendor has deployed its product at a
scale and scope similar to your situation and speak
to an actual client to find out how the process and
deployment went.
Key Takeaways
• Learning does not just exist within the confines of the
• If we want learning to impact behavior and
performance, we have to bring it closer to the point of
• Don’t let fear of measurement and tracking prevent
you from getting started.
• xAPI is a standard that can help pull all the pieces of the
puzzle together.
• AN LRS is the tool that lets you see the whole puzzle
once it’s together.
Submit your questions
to the presenters via the
questions tab on your
control panel
Type your questions here
Thank you for
joining us today!
If you have any additional questions, please email us at

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One of the biggest challenges of our times is the explosion in the quantity and immediacy of the information available through the internet. This problem of plenty, challenges the L&D to adapt : To use this freely available information to meet the organisational Learning requirements.Manage the information and cognitive overload at the organisational and personal level for learners.Extract and package information in a manner that is relevant, timely and concise.

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Modernising Learning: Delivering Results (2014)

VIEW THE WEBINAR RECORDING: The launch presentation of our 2014 annual industry Benchmark study, 'Modernising Learning: Delivering Results' - now available to download along with the launch webinar recording and a host of other resources: The eBook is available for FREE thanks to the support of the Towards Maturity Ambassadors:

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Wake up and smell the data
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Wake up and smell the data

Big data is a big part of the disruption hitting this market, but not in the way most people think. It's not replacing the data warehouse, but it is changing the technology stack. It doesn't eliminate data management, but it does redefine enterprise data architecture. Big data is and isn't many things. It's important to understand which information uses are well supported and which have yet to be addressed. Otherwise you risk replacing one set of problems with another. Come to this session to hear some observations on what big data is, isn't and aspires to be. A video is available, starts at 1:03 into this Strata online event:

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Access to webinar recording here: Whether it’s to inform, to improve, to change—or a combination of these factors, training must have measurable outcomes that contribute to larger organizational goals. Good training evaluation techniques identify and measure the impact of learning on job performance and ultimately, organization-wide business results. When it comes to measuring eLearning, Donald Kirkpatrick’s Four Level of Evaluation model is one of the most widely used and respected worldwide. Co-hosted by Paula Yunker, with 30+ years of instructional design experience and certification in Kirkpatricks Four Levels Evaluation—this webinar will explore why learning evaluation is an important component of any training program and how you can measure the application of learning beyond the learning event itself. We’ll discuss how to implement learning evaluation that’s practical and provides value but isn’t complicated, time consuming or expensive. Paula will also share her favorite learning evaluation resources after the webinar! Check out the slides to learn more about: - Why learning evaluation is critical for business results - Kirkpatrick’s four levels of evaluation explained - Aligning learning to organizational goals - Typical challenges implementing evaluation in an organization - Practical strategies for implementing learning evaluation - Our favorite learning evaluation resources

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The Data & Insight Leaders Masterclass will showcase a series of expert insights from industry leaders who will share their latest thinking on the big issues, industry trends and strategies that are shaping the ‘Data & Insight’ landscape. The masterclass will provide delegates with a unique learning experience through a series of engaging roundtable sessions that will fuel knowledge share and discussion. #DLManc17

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Brandon Hall Group’s Excellence Awards allows you
to take a deeper dive and evaluate the programs that
you’ve created at a level that you might not have the
opportunity to do… They have always been a
cornerstone for me.
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HCMx Radio
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This document summarizes a presentation on equipping learning and development (L&D) teams to lead in the future. It discusses the challenges L&D faces from trends like globalization, technology changes, and new skills needs. Top performing L&D teams align closely to business needs, support continuous learning, leverage technology, use data to drive decisions, and focus on building priority skills. An example is given of how Barnardo's transformed its L&D approach from classroom-only to a mix of methods including social and informal learning to better meet needs, engage learners, and improve business outcomes. The document encourages attendees to consider what their L&D team could do differently to build capabilities.

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Despite Learning measurement frameworks like Kirkpatrick and Philips ROI that have been around for so many years, defining meaningful measures still continues to be a big challenge for L&D. ‘E’ has become the most ignored in ADDIE. We talk to an experienced panel about the unsatisfactory current state and what needs to be done to improve the importance, visibility and value of measuring Learning effectiveness in the real world. We focus on how to collect actionable insights about learning effectiveness: not only seeking to answer, did learning achieve the desired or intended result, but also why/why not.


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Learning's Big Data Problem: Measuring & Analyzing Impact

  • 1. Research Spotlight Learning’s Big Data Problem: Measuring & Analyzing Impact David Wentworth, Principal Analyst, Brandon Hall Group @DavidMWentworth Mike Rustici, CEO, Watershed @mikerustici Michael Rochelle, Chief Strategy Officer Brandon Hall Group
  • 2. HCM Research and Advisory Firm © Brandon Hall Group 2016 2 FOUNDED IN 1993 Community of 300,000+ 10,000 Global Clients Leading Independent HCM Research & Analyst Firm Publishing 2+ Pieces of Research Each Day Sample of Our Clients
  • 3. How We Help You © Brandon Hall Group 2016 3 MEMBERSHIP STRATEGIC CONSULTING EXCELLENCE AWARDS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Learning & Development Talent Management Leadership Development Talent Acquisition Workforce Management
  • 4. Open Surveys © Brandon Hall Group 2017 4 Visit click Open Surveys If you would like to join a panel of survey takers, please contact us at • Recruitment Marketing Practices 2017 • Extended Enterprise Learning 2017 • State of Talent Acquisition 2017 • HCM Technology 2017
  • 5. How To Ask Questions © Brandon Hall Group 2016 5 • Submit your questions or comments about the discussion to our presenters using the Questions tab on your control panel. • Presentation slides and giveaways can be found in the Handouts tab on your control panel. Recording & Slides will also be sent out after the webinar.
  • 6. Agenda The State of Learning Measurement Moving and Measuring Beyond Formal How Do We Get Better? The Role of Learning Standards
  • 7. 7 23% 27% 38% 40% 53% 66% 78% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% To more strongly link learning and reduced turnover To provide input to the performance management process To determine the ROI of learning programs To more strongly link learning and employee engagement To more strongly link learning and individual performance To more strongly link learning and organizational performance To improve the effectiveness of learning programs Drivers of Learning Measurement
  • 8. 14% 30% 37% 19% Formal 8 51% 30% 17% 2% Informal 43% 32% 16% 7% Experiential Not at all Somewhat Moderately Highly Effectiveness of Learning Measurement
  • 9. • Formal Learning/Catalog • Certification & Compliance • Courses • Groups Associated with Classes • Impressions • Expertise Location • Idea Engine • Real-Time Collaboration • Groups & Workspaces 9 Very Little Learning is Formal
  • 10. The Blending Effect 4.9% 29.4% 46.1% 19.6% Not at all Small extent Moderate extent Great extent Improved Link to Individual Performance 9.1% 37.4% 37.4% 16.2% Not at all Small extent Moderate extent Great extent Improved Link to Organizational Performance 95% 91% Source: Brandon Hall Group HCM Outlook 2017
  • 11. How Do We Get Better? © Brandon Hall Group 2016 11
  • 12. “L&D is responsible for improving our most important asset, our people. If we can improve L&D, we can improve the world” me, I said that
  • 13. We can do better.
  • 15. Why connect with xAPI? To transfer learning records Example: when you get a new learning platform For products with different functions to work together Example: your LMS and a social learning platform To back up learning records Example: in case your LMS breaks down xAPI is a technical specification that makes it easier and cheaper to connect learning technologies.
  • 16. How far has xAPI adoption come?
  • 21. Why do I have to go beyond CMI- 5?
  • 22. SCORM: Not evolving, but not dead yet.
  • 23. What’s a Learning Record Store?
  • 24. Three types of LRS An Embedded LRS is typically part of another system. It often adds xAPI functionality to an LMS or a sophisticated learning experience provider. (Example: Rustici Software’s Engine) 01 Embedded LRS The main role of this LRS aligns with the technical definition from the xAPI spec; it receives, stores, and provides access to learning records via xAPI. These systems are primarily technical tools with an interface designed for technical people. (Example: Learning Locker) 02 Data Storage LRS A Learning Analytics Platform (LAP) is a tool that contains an LRS, but layers a rich reporting and analytics toolset on top of it. It’s designed for learning professionals and facilitates robust analysis of all the data collected by xAPI. (Example: Watershed) 03 Learning Analytics Platform
  • 25. Tips for choosing an LRS 01 Be on the same page. Make sure everyone involved in the process shares a common definition for “learning record store” and an understanding of the type of LRS you need. 04 Verify it meets expectations. Ask what you can do with the data in your LRS. Many legacy LMS vendors have implemented an embedded LRS to say they have xAPI, but, most don’t have out-of-the-box ways to access that data for reporting once it’s in the system. 02 Ensure its xAPI compliant. ADL hasn’t released an xAPI certification program, but there is a test suite coming soon that you can run against any LRS to see how it stacks up. 05 Ensure unfettered access to data. One of the core tenants of xAPI is that data should be freely portable across systems. Make sure your LRS vendor will allow you to retrieve all the data you store in your system. 03 Join the xAPI community. The xAPI community is friendly and eager to help. Get involved in discussions and ask more about each provider. 06 Speak with client references. Make sure your vendor has deployed its product at a scale and scope similar to your situation and speak to an actual client to find out how the process and deployment went.
  • 26. Key Takeaways • Learning does not just exist within the confines of the LMS. • If we want learning to impact behavior and performance, we have to bring it closer to the point of need. • Don’t let fear of measurement and tracking prevent you from getting started. • xAPI is a standard that can help pull all the pieces of the puzzle together. • AN LRS is the tool that lets you see the whole puzzle once it’s together.
  • 27. Questions? Submit your questions to the presenters via the questions tab on your control panel 27 Type your questions here
  • 28. Thank you for joining us today! If you have any additional questions, please email us at
  • 29. Learn More About Us Products and services that we offer © Brandon Hall Group 2016 29
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  • 32. Why Brandon Hall Group © Brandon Hall Group 2016 32 1 2 3 4 5 We offer flexible, high-value memberships that offer everything you need at a cost you can afford. Our research is better – more targeted, easily digestible, focused on business results, predictive, prescriptive. Our solutions gets better results – research-driven, focused on the business, simple, targeted, flexible approach. Our case studies are unique for their diversity and focus on business results. Our professional development is practical, tailored to your needs, and equips you to take action.
  • 33. We Do This Through… Research and Analysis that Define New HCM Standards Success Stories from Global Organizations that Show those Standards in Action Professional Development that Assesses Current State and Enables Innovation Flexible Services to Design and Implement Transformative Solutions Recognition that Validates the Transformation © Brandon Hall Group 2016 33
  • 34. What Our Clients Have to Say Brandon Hall Group’s Excellence Awards allows you to take a deeper dive and evaluate the programs that you’ve created at a level that you might not have the opportunity to do… They have always been a cornerstone for me. - Katrina Williams, Director, Sales Capability CDW © Brandon Hall Group 2016 34
  • 35. What Our Clients Have to Say I describe the attention and that customer service that I’ve experienced as being excellent. They are very attentive and wherever I need to be connected to whomever, they are there to help me. - Joanne Veech, Global Talent Leader PwC © Brandon Hall Group 2016 35
  • 36. HCMx Radio © Brandon Hall Group 2016 36 THE ONLY PODCAST IN THE HCM ARENA THAT WEAVES CURRENT MARKET RESEARCH, HR TECHNOLOGY AND INDUSTRY LEADERS INTO EACH EPISODE To catch up on the latest episodes, visit or subscribe on iTunes