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Lean Software Startup: Customer Development (lecture)
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Lean Software Startup: Customer Development (lecture)

Lecture at the University of Turku Topic: Customer development - an introduction 20th January, 2016 Customer development is a form of market research for startups.

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Patrice Slupowski ( Orange ) - New Media as a challenge on 4+ screens
Patrice Slupowski ( Orange ) - New Media as a challenge on 4+ screensPatrice Slupowski ( Orange ) - New Media as a challenge on 4+ screens
Patrice Slupowski ( Orange ) - New Media as a challenge on 4+ screens

The document discusses challenges and opportunities in digital media across multiple screens including mobile, PC/web, TV, and tablets. It notes trends like the growth of mobile internet usage, smartphones, social networks, and non-linear TV. It also summarizes Orange's activities in areas like widgets, interactive TV, and a transmedia news service called Key challenges mentioned include providing consistent experiences across devices and developing content and services for both high-end and basic devices.

Connected World in android - Local data sharing and service discovery
Connected World in android - Local data sharing and service discoveryConnected World in android - Local data sharing and service discovery
Connected World in android - Local data sharing and service discovery

With the boom of IOT, BLE (Bluetooth low energy) and other connected devices and protocols, android app development is no longer limited to basic client server interaction. Android app development now includes interaction with other devices (not necessarily android) in the vicinity, at its very core. Transferring files with friends without internet, Bluetooth and WiFi; streaming media from your phone or tablet to dumb plain TV (without HDMI cables) and switching off bedroom light with phone have become part of our lives. Let's explore how it's done and where do we need to start to kick start such projects. In this session we will explore: • Communication between connected and non-connected android devices. • BLE overview (Bluetooth Low Energy). • BLE APIs you should know about. • WiFi-Direct and P2P. • WiFi-Direct service discovery. • Network service discovery (NSD) and relevant demos

androidmobile application developmentbluetooth
Today I’m talking about...

Today I’m talking about...

Look, I’ve built that sh**y alpha
product which NOBODY will use!

Today I’m talking about...


- Wow we are on the front page of
Hacker News! 	

- Yeah, I was expecting that.


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Emprende con éxito en Internet de José Villalobos

El documento describe los pasos para crear una empresa exitosa en Internet, comenzando con una idea y realizando un estudio de mercado. Luego, se explica el uso del Business Model Canvas para desarrollar un modelo de negocio viable, verificando cada hipótesis a través de un producto mínimo viable e iterando el proceso hasta validar las hipótesis. El objetivo es aprender y pivotear el modelo de negocio si es necesario hasta encontrar la mejor aproximación.

Microservices: Redundancy = Maintainability! (Eberhard Wolff Technology Stream)
Microservices: Redundancy = Maintainability! (Eberhard Wolff Technology Stream)Microservices: Redundancy = Maintainability! (Eberhard Wolff Technology Stream)
Microservices: Redundancy = Maintainability! (Eberhard Wolff Technology Stream)

This document discusses the benefits of microservices architecture for maintainability. It argues that microservices help achieve maintainability through three main principles: 1) They allow individual services to be replaced independently without impacting the whole system, 2) They avoid redundant data and code by having separate data models and codebases for different bounded contexts, and 3) They promote independence between services which makes them easier to change and maintain separately. The document uses examples from e-commerce systems to illustrate how microservices can be organized by domain to achieve these principles of replaceability, avoidance of redundancy, and independence between teams and modules.

it arena conference technology
Startup safary athens 2014 oleg lola
Startup safary athens 2014 oleg lolaStartup safary athens 2014 oleg lola
Startup safary athens 2014 oleg lola


Today I’m talking about...



Ok, let’s go with that…

Today I’m talking about...







Waterfall, Agile, Lean...


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Xoriant Corporation provides product engineering solutions and services to software, systems, and web companies. They have over 18 years of experience working with over 100 customers using a team of over 400 consultants. Their services include custom development, quality assurance and testing, support and maintenance, and professional services. They have offices in the US, India, and the UK and can deliver services globally.

Lean Startup for Non-startups
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This document summarizes Catherine Connor's presentation on how Rally Software used Lean Startup principles to enter the portfolio management market. In 3 sentences: Rally applied customer development techniques like building a minimal viable product and validating hypotheses through customer interviews to test entering a new market. They followed Lean Startup processes like frequent releases, pivoting when needed, and identifying early adopters. The approach helped Rally successfully launch a new product line for portfolio management within 16 months with validated customer need.

Technology Challenges in Building New Media Applications
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New media applications need to connect to millions of users across multiple media and platforms. Applications simultaneously need to - Work across computers, smart phones and other mobile devices, all of which have to sync up seamlessly in the background. - Link to various social media platforms, such as blogs, twitter, facebook, etc. - Target the content to the users of each of these platforms This brings up its own set of technical challenges namely scalable application architectures, flexible IT infrastructure and tools for targeting

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Waterfall, Agile, Lean...

They all have something in common...

What DO we want to achieve?
Let’s build that kick ass startup


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The Minimum Lovable Product - UX Brighton January 2015
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In the precarious startup world the ability to solve a customer's problem isn't enough. Engaging users and building a passionate following counts just as much as (if not more than) building useful and usable software. For any startup speed is key and Carlos will talk about how to get digital ideas to market sooner while still delivering a product that users fall in love with. Carlos is co–founder of Brighton Agency Spook Studio & The Happy Startup School.

SiliconAlley Startup Services for Investors
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SA|SAMS is a startup asset management service that assists investors in managing their startup investments. It provides services such as an unbiased second opinion on investments, daily management of startup operations, and access to vetted investment opportunities. For a fee, SA|SAMS handles activities like business strategy, product development, customer acquisition, and connecting startups to their network of investors. The company's team has decades of experience helping startups secure funding and succeed.

Using OKRs in Startups with Nabeel Hyatt
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Using OKRs in Startups with Nabeel Hyatt

This document discusses using OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) for startups. It provides the following information: - OKRs were created at Intel in the 1990s to set goals and measure progress towards objectives. They focus on learning and improvement rather than just results. - OKRs for startups should create accountability with autonomy by informing teams where the company is headed overall each quarter, once product-market fit is achieved. - Objectives are the missions to achieve, while key results are objective metrics to measure progress towards the objectives. Not all KRs need to be fully achieved for the objectives to be considered hits. - The document cautions that OKRs are not a panacea

Design and Prototype


Requirements, features, user stories, product backlog...


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Is my Minimum Viable Product (MVP) too minimal? Is it just a Proof of Concept (POC)? From the ProductCamp Vancouver 2015 session, this interactive session is a mix of presentation slides and whiteboard activity.

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The Evolution of Offshoring
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The Evolution of Offshoring

The document describes the evolution of offshoring models from Offshoring 1.0 to Offshoring 2.1. Offshoring 1.0 involved outsourcing software development overseas with predefined requirements and feedback after delivery. Offshoring 2.0 used agile methods with iterative development, in-process feedback, and responsiveness to changes. Offshoring 2.1 maintains all advantages of 2.0 while adding project control by staff from clients' cultural area, removing lingual and cultural barriers. The future of offshoring is presented as Offshoring 2.1.

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This document outlines the current state and future of digital marketing teams. It discusses the emergence of new roles like the Community Director to manage customer relationships across social media platforms. The future team structure is envisioned to include specialized centers of excellence for social analytics, strategy, and community management. Teams will also require sector platform specialists and an emphasis on contextual awareness design.

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Benefits of Kanban

Online Tools




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Greycroft - Why Accountants Don’t Run Startups

- Startups are focused on searching for a scalable and repeatable business model through continuous customer validation and pivoting if needed. In contrast, large companies execute established business models through planning and accounting. - Traditional processes like marketing, sales, engineering are inappropriate for startups still searching for a model. Startups require agile development and customer development focused on hypothesis testing. - Once a startup finds product/market fit and a repeatable sales process, it transitions to a large company focused on growth, processes, and management over leadership. Accounting takes priority over metrics like in large companies versus the search focus of startups.

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Lean product development for startups
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Lean product development for startups

Cloud Elements CEO, Mark Geene's presentation for Startup Founder 101 event. July 9, 2013 at Galvanize Denver, CO. Lean product management principles, Startup Metrics for Pirates, Agile MVP planning and using Pivotal Tracker.

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[Unwebinar] How to Write Killer Landing Page Copy
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[Unwebinar] How to Write Killer Landing Page Copy

Have you read all the copywriting “best practices,” but don’t know how to apply them to your landing pages? Do you procrastinate on copywriting because you a) hate writing, b) don’t know what you’re doing, or c) hate writing and don’t know what you’re doing? If you ever wished there was a step-by-step method for writing compelling landing page copy—sans the doubt, fear and agony—superstar copywriter Amy Harrison has your answer. Amy wants to show you a repeatable system for writing targeted, persuasive copy for all your landing pages.

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What about all this cool stuff?
Code Efficiency

What DON’T we want to achieve?

How can I make my development FAIL?

How can I make my development FAIL?

1. NOT Planning at all


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Given at #BrightonSEO, this presentation covers many tools and ways to test your social media efforts.

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The Art & Science of Building a Great Community
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The Art & Science of Building a Great Community

The document discusses building communities and provides tips for doing so. It recommends starting by defining goals for community engagement and choosing a platform to focus on. It then suggests finding people interested in your topic and engaging with them authentically. Consistency is important across all channels. The document also stresses measuring engagement metrics and testing different content and posting times. Building community requires both science and art.

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[Unwebinar] The 7 Deadly Sins of Landing Page Usability
[Unwebinar] The 7 Deadly Sins of Landing Page Usability[Unwebinar] The 7 Deadly Sins of Landing Page Usability
[Unwebinar] The 7 Deadly Sins of Landing Page Usability

The 7 Deadly Sins of Landing Page Usability How Focusing on User Experience Can Help You Increase Conversion Rates Copyright 2015 - The Landing Page Builder For Marketers What People Have Said About Previous Unwebinars @AlexisAntonelli Most useful webinar I think I have ever attended. Thank you! @unbounce #unwebinar @desiraeo I'm not kidding when I say this is the most fun I've ever had on a webinar. Well played, @unbounce. @Ciao_Drew Excited for another #unwebinar! @unbounce always has loads of great info packed into celeb hosted webinars. Privacy Policy Can't make it? Sign up anyway! We'll send you the recording & other content to improve your conversion rates. First Name *Last Name *Email *How do you build your landing pages? *What marketing channel are you most interested in improving? *Save My Spot Register for the Unwebinar Stef Miller is a Marketing Manager at UserTesting, leading the company’s Demand Gen strategy. She believes that true happiness comes from collaborating with creative people to make awesome things happen. Find her @supahstef on Twitter. About Stef Miller No matter how different people are from one another, we’ll always share a set of predictable behaviors. There’s no magic or romance to these behaviors: we squint when we see bright lights; we jump when we’re startled; we cringe when we watch The Bachelorette. But according to data from UserTesting, tapping into these shared behaviors can help marketers unlock more conversions. In this Unwebinar, Stef Miller—marketing manager at UserTesting—will share how extensive tests by her team uncovered 7 common usability issues, and how avoiding these issues can help you increase your conversion rates. You'll learn: - How to design for what your audience wants - 7 UX solutions for building higher-converting landing pages - How imagery, icons, copy and CTAs should work together, much more!

webinarlanding pagesuser experience
How can I make my development FAIL?

1. NOT Planning at all
2. Not having a Product Owner

How can I make my development FAIL?

1. NOT Planning at all
2. Not having a Product Owner
3. Not breaking your tasks small enough

How can I make my development FAIL?

1. NOT Planning at all
2. Not having a Product Owner
3. Not breaking your tasks small enough

How can I make my development FAIL?

1. NOT Planning at all
2. Not having a Product Owner
3. Not breaking your tasks small enough


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Anatomy of a Tweet + Instagram, too
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Anatomy of a Tweet + Instagram, too

TUESDAY WORKSHOP: Need to know how best to use social media platforms to share your art, boost your business or engage with other like-minded individuals? Then this workshop is for you! Yofi Fest presents a hands-on session to show you how to setup your #Twitter and #Instagram posts for the most effective reach and audience engagement, led by social media specialist Joyce M. Sullivan. Where: 66main 66 Main Street, 9th Fl. Yonkers 10701, 1 block from the Yonkers Metro North Train Station When: 4/21, 6:30PM Reception, 7:00PM Workshop Tickets:

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When Yosem Sweet, Unbounce’s optimization director, decided “old school science” could improve our marketing team’s productivity, he knew we’d be skeptical. That was July. By October, Campaign Strategist Chelsea had launched a new strategy for executing campaigns, while SEO expert Cody had revamped his optimization processes. Even Angus—our science-hating copywriter who couldn’t build a baking soda volcano—managed to boost email productivity 30%. In this actionable webinar, Yosem (and his star pupil Chelsea) will share insight from their journey—from “science sucks!” to “this actually worked??”—and show you how to apply it to your marketing team. You'll learn: - How to drastically improve your marketing strategy in just 15 minutes/day - How to use scientific methodology to drive marketing ROI - Why it’s critical to identify your “current condition” before you start experimenting - How to instill productivity habits that make your marketing team more effective, much more!

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If you are spending a ton of time promoting your organization on social media without getting any real results, you’re not alone — many organizations struggle with this. That’s why we’re bringing in nonprofit social media expert and author Julia Campbell for our webinar on August 21. In this session, Julia will reveal exactly how small and mid-sized nonprofits are attracting new members through social media. In this free webinar, you will learn: - 7 common pitfalls that make your social updates less effective, and what to do instead - The real strategies that nonprofits use to find success through social media - A simple process to create engaging content on social media that your members and donors will love

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But we are a STARTUP we can’t get to that!


Image Source :

Wich means follow this as much as you can



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Non-profits and small businesses often need specialized skills that don’t exist within their staff. You may depend on content creators such as designers, writers, photographers, and videographers to help with your website and other communication channels. Often these outside people aren’t managed very well, and projects can become an unpleasant challenge. The key to great relationships with outside talent is understanding and empathy. This leads to better project outcomes and less stress throughout the process for all. This prevention shares research I’ve conducted with freelancers through interviews and surveys. Learn what content creators want from management!

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1. Go the REST way


1. Go the REST way
2. TEST your mail system. SPAM Inbox is bad


1. Go the REST way
2. TEST your mail system. SPAM Inbox is bad
3. Use the Language you feel comfortable with


1. Go the REST way
2. TEST your mail system. SPAM Inbox is bad
3. Use the Language you feel comfortable with
4. Try to deploy FAST


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This document discusses the importance and fundamentals of social media for businesses. It begins with an overview of key social media platforms and statistics on user demographics and behaviors. It then addresses common social media myths and the risks of not utilizing social media. The bulk of the document focuses on best practices for social media, including the "4 C's" of customers, content, channels, and community. It provides guidance on social media types, goals, content creation, engagement, and measurement. The document concludes with dos and don'ts for effective social media use.

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1. Go the REST way
2. TEST your mail system. SPAM Inbox is bad
3. Use the Language you feel comfortable with
4. Try to deploy FAST
5. Version Control


They will be watching you!



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This document provides guidance for Organics Plus Grocery Stores' social media team on their strategy across five platforms: Twitter, WordPress, Pinterest, Facebook, and Instagram. It identifies the target demographics as those aged 22-36 living in urban areas, with a focus on women. For each platform, it recommends when and how often to post, what types of content to share, and provides examples. The goal is to promote deals, recipes, events and build engagement while staying positive and on-brand.

BOO! How Agile brought out my Wicked Witch of the West
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7 harsh realities in Social Media
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The document outlines 7 harsh realities of social media according to Bart from webagency Netlash. Each reality is discussed in 3 points. The realities are that 1) nobody reads your blog, 2) your Twitter stream is boring, 3) your Facebook fan page will be empty, 4) your new social network site will not be used, 5) your great idea will not go viral, 6) your users will not generate content, and 7) your employees will not help with social media. The conclusion is that social media works but requires quality content, time, engagement, resources and expertise rather than being a free solution.

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