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KeyValue Stores
 Jedi Master Edition
Antonio Garrote

Mauro Pompilio

Pablo Delgado
•Ruby Libraries
•Demo application
•Data modeling
•Fault Tolerance
•Ease of use
•blah blah blah

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Sphinx at Craigslist in 2012
Sphinx at Craigslist in 2012Sphinx at Craigslist in 2012
Sphinx at Craigslist in 2012

These are the slides from my talk at the 2012 Sphinx Search Day in Santa Clara, California. It provides a high-level picture of where Sphinx is used at craigslist, a bit of history, issues, and future work.

BuilHigh Performance Weibo Platform-Qcon2011
BuilHigh Performance Weibo Platform-Qcon2011BuilHigh Performance Weibo Platform-Qcon2011
BuilHigh Performance Weibo Platform-Qcon2011

The document discusses building a high performance Weibo platform. It covers using MySQL with user_timeline indexing initially, and then integrating caching with Memcached and Redis. It also discusses using NoSQL databases like MongoDB and HBase. The key topics are data structures like JSON, binary formats, and case studies of architectures with one or multiple data centers and regions for timelines. The overall goal is to build scalable timelines and optimize performance.

Oak, the architecture of Apache Jackrabbit 3
Oak, the architecture of Apache Jackrabbit 3Oak, the architecture of Apache Jackrabbit 3
Oak, the architecture of Apache Jackrabbit 3

Apache Jackrabbit is just about to reach the 3.0 milestone based on a new architecture called Oak. Based on concepts like eventual consistency and multi-version concurrency control, and borrowing ideas from distributed version control systems and cloud-scale databases, the Oak architecture is a major leap ahead for Jackrabbit. This presentation describes the Oak architecture and shows what it means for the scalability and performance of modern content applications. Changes to existing Jackrabbit functionality are described and the migration process is explained.

silver bullet!
 No SQL  Not Only SQL
•Key-value stores:
Redis, Voldemort, Cassandra
•Column-oriented datastores:
Cassandra, HBase
•Document collection databases:
CouchDB, MongoDB
•Graph database:
Neo4J, AllegroGraph
•Data structure store:
 •Damien Katz
 •Erlang - OTP compliant
 •schema-less documents
 •high availability
 •completely distributed
 •made for the web

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A Brief Introduction to Redis
A Brief Introduction to RedisA Brief Introduction to Redis
A Brief Introduction to Redis

Redis is a networked data structure server that provides fast, simple access to various data types like Strings, Lists, Sets, Sorted Sets and Hashes. It uses an abstract data type interface where operations take a key as the first parameter and match the type of object stored. For example, list operations like LPUSH take a key and value, and the LRANGE operation takes a key and range to return elements in a list. Redis supports multiple programming language clients and can be used for tasks like leader boards, shopping carts and user profiles.


This document discusses Redis, a key-value store that is commonly used at Weibo for caching and storing relationship data. Redis has fast read and write performance but has limitations for large datasets due to its fully in-memory design. The document describes how Weibo uses Redis in conjunction with MySQL and Memcached to store relationship data for over 100 million users in a performant and scalable way. Challenges around high memory usage, persistence, and availability are also discussed.

Data Processing and Ruby in the World
Data Processing and Ruby in the WorldData Processing and Ruby in the World
Data Processing and Ruby in the World

This document discusses Ruby's role in data processing. It outlines the typical steps of data processing - collect, summarize, analyze, visualize. It then provides examples of open-source Ruby tools that can be used for each step, such as Fluentd for collection, and libraries for numerical analysis, bioinformatics, and machine learning. Services that use Ruby for collection and processing are also mentioned, like Log Analytics and Stackdriver Logging. The document encourages continuing to improve Ruby tools to make data processing better and celebrates Ruby's 25th anniversary.


B-Trees . MapReduce . MVCC
Ruby Libraries

 •Pure: net/http + JSON implementation

 •Thin wrapper: Couchrest

 •ORM/ActiveRecord: ActiveCouch,
 CouchObject, RelaxDB ..etc
  •Simplicity and elegance
  •Much more than a DB
  •New possibilities for web apps

       il meglio d'Italia

classy as a           tasty as
  Giulietta           a pizza

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Building Google-in-a-box: using Apache SolrCloud and Bigtop to index your big...
Building Google-in-a-box: using Apache SolrCloud and Bigtop to index your big...Building Google-in-a-box: using Apache SolrCloud and Bigtop to index your big...
Building Google-in-a-box: using Apache SolrCloud and Bigtop to index your big...

You’ve got your Hadoop cluster, you’ve got your petabytes of unstructured data, you run mapreduce jobs and SQL-on-Hadoop queries. Something is still missing though. After all, we are not expected to enter SQL queries while looking for information on the web. Altavista and Google solved it for us ages ago. Why are we still requiring SQL or Java certification from our enterprise bigdata users? In this talk, we will look into how integration of SolrCloud into Apache Bigtop is now enabling building bigdata indexing solutions and ingest pipelines. We will dive into the details of integrating full-text search into the lifecycle of your bigdata management applications and exposing the power of Google-in-a-box to all enterprise users, not just a chosen few data scientists.

Jslab rssh: JS as language platform
Jslab rssh:  JS as language platformJslab rssh:  JS as language platform
Jslab rssh: JS as language platform

The document reviews JavaScript languages that can be compiled to JavaScript, including CoffeeScript, Dart, TypeScript, Traceur, Emscripten, Scala.js, ClojureScript, Kotlin, and others. It discusses their features like static typing, classes, async/await support, and ability to port other language ecosystems to run in the browser. It also covers architectures like Opa and Ur/Web that aim to use a single language across front-end, back-end, and databases.

Using Sphinx for Search in PHP
Using Sphinx for Search in PHPUsing Sphinx for Search in PHP
Using Sphinx for Search in PHP

This is an intro to Sphinx and PHP. It will take you through the very basics of how Sphinx works, how you can set up an index, and using the mysql client to search your index. Then, it culminates in a quick little PHP script that builds a small search interface around your index. I will be posting the example code into my github account soon. This presentation was given to the LV PHP meetup on August 5th.

•Salvatore 'antirez' Sanfilippo
•ANSI C - POSIX compliant

•MemCache-like (on steroids)
•Data structures store:
  •sets + sorted sets (>= 1.1)
Ruby Libraries

  •Client: redis-rb

  •Hash/Object mapper: Ohm

  •ORM: RedisRecord
require 'redis'
redis =

# Strings
redis['foo'] = 'bar' # => 'bar'
redis['foo']         # => 'bar'

# Expirations
redis.expire('foo', 5) # will expire existing key 'foo' in 5 sec
redis.set('foo', 'bar', 5) # set 'foo' with 5 sec expiration

# Counters
redis.incr('counter')     # => 1
redis.incr('counter', 10) # => 11
redis.decr('counter')     # => 10
# Lists
%w(1st 2nd 3rd).each { |item| redis.push_tail('logs', item) }
redis.list_range('logs', 0, -1) # => ["1st", "2nd", "3rd"]
redis.pop_head('logs')          # => "1st"
redis.pop_tail('logs')          # => "3rd"

# Sets
%w(one two).each { |item| redis.set_add('foo-tags', item) }
%w(two three).each { |item| redis.set_add('bar-tags', item) }
redis.set_intersect('foo-tags', 'bar-tags') # => ["two"]
redis.set_union('foo-tags', 'bar-tags')     # => ["three", "two",

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High-Performance Hibernate Devoxx France 2016
High-Performance Hibernate Devoxx France 2016High-Performance Hibernate Devoxx France 2016
High-Performance Hibernate Devoxx France 2016

This document discusses database performance optimization techniques when using Hibernate. It covers topics like connection management, identifier generation strategies, batching, fetching strategies, caching. The key message is that database access time consists of several components like connection acquisition, data access logic, statement submission/execution, result fetching. Optimizing these areas can significantly improve performance.

MongoDB, E-commerce and Transactions
MongoDB, E-commerce and TransactionsMongoDB, E-commerce and Transactions
MongoDB, E-commerce and Transactions

This document provides information about MongoDB and its suitability for e-commerce applications. It discusses how MongoDB allows for a flexible schema that can accommodate different product types like books, music albums, jeans, without needing to define all attributes in advance. This flexibility addresses the "data dilemma" that traditional relational databases have in modeling diverse e-commerce data. Examples of companies successfully using MongoDB for e-commerce are also provided.

The Wix Microservice Stack
The Wix Microservice StackThe Wix Microservice Stack
The Wix Microservice Stack

(A talk given at Wix R&D in Dnipro, Ukraine on March 2017. Video available at While microservices are conceptually simple, it's a deep rabbit hole to go down. Deceptively simple questions can have far-reaching implications: Which communication protocol should I choose? Is event-driven the way to go? What monitoring tools should I put in place? In this talk we'll cover some of the fundamental questions, outline the solutions adopted or developed by Wix, and share our hindsight on what worked well for us, what didn't and thoughts on future directions for our stack.

system architecturemicroservicessoftware
  •Speed, in memory dataset
  •Asynch non-blocking persistence
  •Non-blocking replication
  •Data structures with atomic operations
  •Ease of use and deployment
  •Sharding (client-side only at the moment)
  •Datasets > RAM
  •Very frequent code updates (?)
Upcoming coolness...

          •Sorted sets (ZSET), append-only journaling
          •HASH type, JSON dump tool
          •Virtual memory (datasets > RAM)
          •Redis-cluster proxy: consistent hashing and fault
          tollerant nodes
          •Optimizations, UDP GET/SET

BigTable       Dynamo
           +       by
Structure Storage System over P2P network

             •Developed at Facebook

             •Dynamo: partition and
             •Bigtable: Log-structured
             ColumnFamily data model

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Level DB - Quick Cheat Sheet
Level DB - Quick Cheat SheetLevel DB - Quick Cheat Sheet
Level DB - Quick Cheat Sheet

LevelDB is an embedded key-value store developed by Google that is optimized for fast read and write operations. It can be used as an embedded database or with networking protocols. LevelDB stores data on disk and supports keys and values in arbitrary byte arrays. The LevelUp Node.js wrapper provides an interface to perform common operations like put, get, delete, batch operations, and iterating over data streams. LevelDB can store JSON objects by setting the valueEncoding option to 'json'.

embedded database librarynosqlgoogle
MySQL And Search At Craigslist
MySQL And Search At CraigslistMySQL And Search At Craigslist
MySQL And Search At Craigslist

- Craigslist is a classified advertising website with over 500 cities worldwide and handles over 20 billion pageviews and 50 million users per month. It allows users to post free classified ads for jobs, housing, items for sale, and other services. - The technical challenges for Craigslist include high ad churn rate, growth in traffic volume, need for data archiving and search capabilities, and maintaining the system with a small team. - Craigslist uses open source technologies like MySQL, memcached, Apache, and Sphinx to power its infrastructure while keeping it simple, efficient and low cost. It employs techniques like vertical and horizontal data partitioning and incremental indexing to handle its scale.

memcached Distributed Cache
memcached Distributed Cachememcached Distributed Cache
memcached Distributed Cache

memcached Distributed Cache. memcached is the most popular cache solution for low latency high throughput websites. improves the read timings drastically.

Ruby Libraries

  •Client: cassandra

  •ORM: cassandra_object

  •ORM: BigRecord
  •High Availability
  •Incremental Scalability
  •Minimal Administration
  •No Single Point of Failure
  •Thrift API (...not so bad)
  •Change Schema, restart server
  •The Logo
Demo Application
Data Modeling
•Class mapping
•ID generation
•Index sorting
•Data filtering

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Sharding allows you to distribute load across multiple servers and keep your data balanced across those servers. This session will review MongoDB’s sharding support, including an architectural overview, design principles, and automation.

My Sql And Search At Craigslist
My Sql And Search At CraigslistMy Sql And Search At Craigslist
My Sql And Search At Craigslist

This document summarizes Jeremy Zawodny's work with MySQL and search at Craigslist. It discusses how Craigslist uses MySQL for its classified listings but encountered scaling issues as traffic grew. To address this, Craigslist implemented the Sphinx search engine, which improved performance and allowed them to reduce their MySQL cluster size. The document also outlines Craigslist's data archiving strategy using eventual consistency and their goals for further optimizing their database and search infrastructure.

Social Networks and the Richness of Data
Social Networks and the Richness of DataSocial Networks and the Richness of Data
Social Networks and the Richness of Data

Social networks by their nature deal with large amounts of user-generated data that must be processed and presented in a time sensitive manner. Much more write intensive than previous generations of websites, social networks have been on the leading edge of non-relational persistence technology adoption. This talk presents how Germany's leading social networks Schuelervz, Studivz and Meinvz are incorporating Redis and Project Voldemort into their platform to run features like activity streams.

qcon 2010 london nosql voldemort redis hazelcast
•Class mapping
    • ColumnFamily :Blog, :Post

•ID generation

  •Use ColumnFamily :PostsforUser to
  hold all posts that belong to a user
•Index sorting
  •Columns within a ColumnFamily are stored in
  sorted order. Keys are also sorted (if
  •for keys get_range (start, finish, count)
  •for columns get_slice (start, finish, count)
•Data filtering
  •Use get_range/get_slice and play around with
•Class mapping
  • Namespaced keys: 'Post:5:title'

•ID generation
  •Redis counters: incr('Post:ids')

  •Redis lists: push_tail('Post:5:_rating_ids', 4)
•Index sorting
   •Redis sort:
      •sort 'Post:list', by 'Post:*:score', get

   •Redis lists: list_range('Post:list', 0, -9)

•Data filtering
  •Lookups: 'Post:permalink:fifth_post' => 5

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Blazing Data With Redis (and LEGOS!)
Blazing Data With Redis (and LEGOS!)Blazing Data With Redis (and LEGOS!)
Blazing Data With Redis (and LEGOS!)

There are many fast data stores, and then there is Redis. Learn about this excellent NoSQL solution that is a powerful in-memory key-value store. Learn how to solve traditionally difficult problems with Redis, and how you can benefit from 100,000 reads/writes a second on commodity hardware. We’ll discuss how and when to use the different datatypes and commands to fit your needs. We’ll discuss the different PHP libraries with their pros and cons. We’ll then show some live examples on how to use it for a chatroom, and how Redis manages a billion data points for our dating matching system. Finally, we’ll discuss some of the upcoming features in the near future, such as clustering and scripting.

phptek12web performance
JavaFX - Sketch Board to Production
JavaFX - Sketch Board to ProductionJavaFX - Sketch Board to Production
JavaFX - Sketch Board to Production

The document provides an overview of the 7 steps to create a JavaFX application: 1. Sketch - Come up with an idea and sketch the application UI. 2. Setup development environment - Download JavaFX SDK and JDK, choose an IDE like NetBeans, and setup a Maven project. 3. Draw UI - Literally draw the application UI using tools like JavaFX Production Suite or Illustrator. 4. Develop JavaFX - Learn JavaFX APIs and features, use third-party libraries, and develop the application code. 5. Build - Create JAR files for deployment using tools like the JavaFX packager, Maven, or Ant. 6.

JavaFX 2 Rich Desktop Platform
JavaFX 2 Rich Desktop PlatformJavaFX 2 Rich Desktop Platform
JavaFX 2 Rich Desktop Platform

This document discusses JavaFX and how it can be used to create rich desktop applications. It provides an overview of JavaFX 1.0 and 2.0, key APIs like properties, bindings, collections, timelines and transitions. It also covers controls, graphics, layouts, CSS, and the Scene Builder tool. The document discusses how JavaFX can be used with other JVM languages like Scala and Groovy. It lists several JavaFX related projects, books, and Twitter accounts that can provide additional resources.

•Type attribute in each document
•CouchDB automatic ID generation
•Related document IDs in the
•Views with complex keys
•Special attributes for view functions
   View: relation_blog_posts

    View: relation_blog_posts

•Utility for load-testing a distributed hash table.
•Allows you to test raw throughput via
concurrent read/writes operations.
   •2 x comodity servers: CoreDuo 2.5Ghz, 4Gb RAM,
   7200RPM disks
   •CouchDB: 2 instances, round-robin balanced
   •Cassandra: 2 instances
   •Redis: 1 instance

Recommended for you Using Redis to store all our data, hahaha (Redis London Meetup) Using Redis to store all our data, hahaha (Redis London Meetup) Using Redis to store all our data, hahaha (Redis London Meetup) Using Redis to store all our data, hahaha (Redis London Meetup)'s presentation at the first London Redis Meetup. A quick into to Redis, then digging down into some schema design examples.

JavaFX Your Way - Devoxx Version
JavaFX Your Way - Devoxx VersionJavaFX Your Way - Devoxx Version
JavaFX Your Way - Devoxx Version

Updated version of the JavaFX Your Way talk for Devoxx. This includes additional JavaFX 2.0 API changes and an example of some Fantom code snippets.

Building RIA Applications with JavaFX
Building RIA Applications with JavaFXBuilding RIA Applications with JavaFX
Building RIA Applications with JavaFX

Max Katz presents on building rich internet applications (RIA) with JavaFX. Some key points: - JavaFX is a tool for building RIA applications across devices like web, mobile, and desktop. It focuses on web and enterprise applications. - JavaFX uses a declarative and procedural expression language called JavaFX Script and integrates with Java classes. - Exadel has developed a JavaFX plugin for Eclipse that provides features like a JavaFX perspective and project creation wizard to help develop JavaFX applications. - Exadel also provides frameworks like Flamingo that connect JavaFX and Flex with backend technologies like Seam and Spring, and Fiji that integrates JSF with Flex or JavaFX

Throughput with read probability 0.2
Throughput with read probability 0.5
Throughput with read probability 0.8
•Complementary to relational solutions
•Each K/V address a different problem
•Best use case:
  •CouchDB: distributed/scalable
  Javascript-only app (no backend)
  •Cassandra: big amount of writes, no
  •Redis: datasets < RAM, lookups,
  cache, buffers

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Python redis talk
Python redis talkPython redis talk
Python redis talk

This is a talk that I gave on July 20, 2012 at the Southern California Python Interest Group meetup at Cross Campus, with food and drinks provided by Graph Effect.

Redis And python at pycon_2011
Redis And python at pycon_2011Redis And python at pycon_2011
Redis And python at pycon_2011

These is the slide deck which I presented in tutorial section at PyCon India in Pune (India) in 2011.

redis python pyconindia
Fun with ruby and redis, arrrrcamp edition, javier_ramirez, teowaki
Fun with ruby and redis, arrrrcamp edition, javier_ramirez, teowakiFun with ruby and redis, arrrrcamp edition, javier_ramirez, teowaki
Fun with ruby and redis, arrrrcamp edition, javier_ramirez, teowaki

In this talk I make an introduction to Redis, then I explain how some big names (twitter, pinterest...) are using it, then I describe some pitfalls, then I explain how we are using redis at teowaki

•All sponsored products, company names, brand names,
trademarks and logos are the property of their respective
•Alfa Romeo Giulietta:
•Everything else is from teh internets and is free.

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KeyValue Stores

  • 1. KeyValue Stores Jedi Master Edition
  • 4. Why? •Scalability •Availability •Fault Tolerance •Schema-free •Ease of use •Performance •Elasticity •blah blah blah
  • 6. NoSQL != NoSQL No SQL Not Only SQL
  • 7. Taxonomy •Key-value stores: Redis, Voldemort, Cassandra •Column-oriented datastores: Cassandra, HBase •Document collection databases: CouchDB, MongoDB •Graph database: Neo4J, AllegroGraph •Data structure store: Redis
  • 8. CouchDB relax! •Damien Katz •Erlang - OTP compliant •schema-less documents •high availability •completely distributed •made for the web
  • 10. Ruby Libraries •CouchDB •Pure: net/http + JSON implementation •Thin wrapper: Couchrest •ORM/ActiveRecord: ActiveCouch, CouchObject, RelaxDB ..etc
  • 11. CouchDB •Rocks •Simplicity and elegance •Much more than a DB •New possibilities for web apps •Sucks •Speed •Speed •Speed
  • 12. Redis il meglio d'Italia classy as a tasty as Giulietta a pizza
  • 13. Redis •Salvatore 'antirez' Sanfilippo •ANSI C - POSIX compliant •MemCache-like (on steroids) •Data structures store: •strings •counters •lists •sets + sorted sets (>= 1.1)
  • 14. Ruby Libraries •Redis •Client: redis-rb •Hash/Object mapper: Ohm •ORM: RedisRecord
  • 15. Redis require 'redis' redis = # Strings redis['foo'] = 'bar' # => 'bar' redis['foo'] # => 'bar' # Expirations redis.expire('foo', 5) # will expire existing key 'foo' in 5 sec redis.set('foo', 'bar', 5) # set 'foo' with 5 sec expiration # Counters redis.incr('counter') # => 1 redis.incr('counter', 10) # => 11 redis.decr('counter') # => 10
  • 16. Redis # Lists %w(1st 2nd 3rd).each { |item| redis.push_tail('logs', item) } redis.list_range('logs', 0, -1) # => ["1st", "2nd", "3rd"] redis.pop_head('logs') # => "1st" redis.pop_tail('logs') # => "3rd" # Sets %w(one two).each { |item| redis.set_add('foo-tags', item) } %w(two three).each { |item| redis.set_add('bar-tags', item) } redis.set_intersect('foo-tags', 'bar-tags') # => ["two"] redis.set_union('foo-tags', 'bar-tags') # => ["three", "two", "one"]
  • 17. Redis •Rocks •Speed, in memory dataset •Asynch non-blocking persistence •Non-blocking replication •Data structures with atomic operations •Ease of use and deployment •Sucks •Sharding (client-side only at the moment) •Datasets > RAM •Very frequent code updates (?)
  • 18. Redis Upcoming coolness... •1.1 •Sorted sets (ZSET), append-only journaling •1.2 •HASH type, JSON dump tool •1.3 •Virtual memory (datasets > RAM) •1.4 •Redis-cluster proxy: consistent hashing and fault tollerant nodes •1.5 •Optimizations, UDP GET/SET
  • 19. Cassandra BigTable Dynamo by + by
  • 20. Cassandra Structure Storage System over P2P network •Developed at Facebook •Java •Dynamo: partition and replication •Bigtable: Log-structured ColumnFamily data model
  • 21. Ruby Libraries •Cassandra •Client: cassandra •ORM: cassandra_object •ORM: BigRecord
  • 22. Cassandra •Rocks •High Availability •Incremental Scalability •Minimal Administration •No Single Point of Failure •Sucks •Thrift API (...not so bad) •Change Schema, restart server •The Logo
  • 24. Data Modeling •Class mapping •ID generation •Relationships •one-to-one •one-to-many •many-to-many •Index sorting •Pagination •Data filtering
  • 25. Cassandra •Class mapping • ColumnFamily :Blog, :Post •ID generation • •Relationships •Use ColumnFamily :PostsforUser to hold all posts that belong to a user
  • 26. Cassandra •Index sorting •Columns within a ColumnFamily are stored in sorted order. Keys are also sorted (if OrderPreservingPartitioner) •Pagination •for keys get_range (start, finish, count) •for columns get_slice (start, finish, count) •Data filtering •Use get_range/get_slice and play around with start/finish
  • 27. Redis •Class mapping • Namespaced keys: 'Post:5:title' •ID generation •Redis counters: incr('Post:ids') •Relationships •Redis lists: push_tail('Post:5:_rating_ids', 4)
  • 28. Redis •Index sorting •Redis sort: •sort 'Post:list', by 'Post:*:score', get 'Post:*:id' •Pagination •Redis lists: list_range('Post:list', 0, -9) •Data filtering •Lookups: 'Post:permalink:fifth_post' => 5
  • 29. CouchDB •Type attribute in each document •CouchDB automatic ID generation •Related document IDs in the attributes •Views with complex keys •Special attributes for view functions
  • 30. CouchDB View: relation_blog_posts function(doc){ if(doc.type=="post"){ emit([doc.blog_id, doc.created_at], doc); } }
  • 31. CouchDB View: relation_blog_posts GET /db/design_doc/relation_blog_posts? startkey=[blog_1]
  • 32. VPork •Utility for load-testing a distributed hash table. •Allows you to test raw throughput via concurrent read/writes operations. •Hardware: •2 x comodity servers: CoreDuo 2.5Ghz, 4Gb RAM, 7200RPM disks •CouchDB: 2 instances, round-robin balanced •Cassandra: 2 instances •Redis: 1 instance
  • 33. VPork Throughput with read probability 0.2
  • 34. VPork Throughput with read probability 0.5
  • 35. VPork Throughput with read probability 0.8
  • 36. Conclusions •Complementary to relational solutions •Each K/V address a different problem •Best use case: •CouchDB: distributed/scalable Javascript-only app (no backend) •Cassandra: big amount of writes, no SPOF •Redis: datasets < RAM, lookups, cache, buffers
  • 37. Credits •All sponsored products, company names, brand names, trademarks and logos are the property of their respective owners. •Alfa Romeo Giulietta: mauboi/3296469097/ •Pizza: 05/20/belgian-summer-holidays/ •Sammy: Jr/bio •Everything else is from teh internets and is free.