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JIT-compiler in JVM
seen by a Java developer
Vladimir Ivanov
HotSpot JVM Compiler
Oracle Corp.
§  about compilers in general
–  … and JIT-compilers in particular
§  about JIT-compilers in HotSpot JVM
§  monitoring JIT-compilers in HotSpot JVM
Static vs Dynamic
Dynamic and Static Compilation Differences
§  Static compilation
–  “ahead-of-time”(AOT) compilation
–  Source code → Native executable
–  Most of compilation work happens before executing
§  Modern Java VMs use dynamic compilers (JIT)
–  “just-in-time” (JIT) compilation
–  Source code → Bytecode → Interpreter + JITted executable
–  Most of compilation work happens during executing

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Dynamic and Static Compilation Differences
§  Static compilation (AOT)
–  can utilize complex and heavy analyses and optimizations
–  … but static information sometimes isn’t enough
–  … and it’s hard to rely on profiling info, if any
–  moreover, how to utilize specific platform features (like SSE 4.2)?
Dynamic and Static Compilation Differences
§  Modern Java VMs use dynamic compilers (JIT)
–  aggressive optimistic optimizations
§  through extensive usage of profiling info
–  … but budget is limited and shared with an application
–  startup speed suffers
–  peak performance may suffer as well (not necessary)
§  Just-In-Time compilation
§  Compiled when needed
§  Maybe immediately before execution
–  ...or when we decide it’s important
–  ...or never?
Dynamic Compilation
in JVM

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§  Runtime
–  class loading, bytecode verification, synchronization
§  JIT
–  profiling, compilation plans, OSR
–  aggressive optimizations
§  GC
–  different algorithms: throughput vs. response time
JVM: Makes Bytecodes Fast
§  JVMs eventually JIT bytecodes
–  To make them fast
–  Some JITs are high quality optimizing compilers
§  But cannot use existing static compilers directly:
–  Tracking OOPs (ptrs) for GC
–  Java Memory Model (volatile reordering & fences)
–  New code patterns to optimize
–  Time & resource constraints (CPU, memory)
JVM: Makes Bytecodes Fast
§  JIT'ing requires Profiling
–  Because you don't want to JIT everything
§  Profiling allows focused code-gen
§  Profiling allows better code-gen
–  Inline what’s hot
–  Loop unrolling, range-check elimination, etc
–  Branch prediction, spill-code-gen, scheduling
Dynamic Compilation (JIT)
§  Knows about
–  loaded classes, methods the program has executed
§  Makes optimization decisions based on code paths executed
–  Code generation depends on what is observed:
§  loaded classes, code paths executed, branches taken
§  May re-optimize if assumption was wrong, or alternative code paths
–  Instruction path length may change between invocations of methods as a
result of de-optimization / re-compilation

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* 2015/12/01 12:40 修正 * P.65 の1段落目の表現を修正しました。(不要オブジェクトが閾値を上回る -> 生存オブジェクトが閾値を下回る) 表現だけ見ると内容は一緒なのですが、オプションで指定可能な閾値の意味を考慮すると修正前の文章は誤りでした。 Introduction of G1 GC at JJUG CCC 2015 Fall.

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Dynamic Compilation (JIT)
§  Can do non-conservative optimizations in dynamic
§  Separates optimization from product delivery cycle
–  Update JVM, run the same application, realize improved performance!
–  Can be "tuned" to the target platform
§  Gathers data about code during execution
–  invariants
§  types, constants (e.g. null pointers)
–  statistics
§  branches, calls
§  Gathered data is used during optimization
–  Educated guess
–  Guess can be wrong
Profile-guided optimization (PGO)
§  Use profile for more efficient optimization
§  PGO in JVMs
–  Always have it, turned on by default
–  Developers (usually) not interested or concerned about it
–  Profile is always consistent to execution scenario
Optimistic Compilers
§  Assume profile is accurate
–  Aggressively optimize based on profile
–  Bail out if we’re wrong
§  ...and hope that we’re usually right

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Dynamic Compilation (JIT)
§  Is dynamic compilation overhead essential?
–  The longer your application runs, the less the overhead
§  Trading off compilation time, not application time
–  Steal some cycles very early in execution
–  Done automagically and transparently to application
§  Most of “perceived” overhead is compiler waiting for more data
–  ...thus running semi-optimal code for time being
Author: Alexey Shipilev
Mixed-Mode Execution
§  Interpreted
–  Bytecode-walking
–  Artificial stack machine
§  Compiled
–  Direct native operations
–  Native register machine
Bytecode Execution
1 2
Interpretation Profiling

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It is the presentation file used by Jim Huang (jserv) at 2009. New compiler technologies are invisible but highly integrated around our world, and we can enrich the experience via facilitating LLVM.

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§  Bail out of running native code
–  stop executing native (JIT-generated) code
–  start interpreting bytecode
§  It’s a complicated operation at runtime…
OSR: On-Stack Replacement
§  Running method never exits?
§  But it’s getting really hot?
§  Generally means loops, back-branching
§  Compile and replace while running
§  Not typically useful in large systems
§  Looks great on benchmarks!
Optimizations in HotSpot JVM
§  compiler tactics
delayed compilation
tiered compilation
on-stack replacement
delayed reoptimization
program dependence graph rep.
static single assignment rep.
§  proof-based techniques
exact type inference
memory value inference
memory value tracking
constant folding
operator strength reduction
null check elimination
type test strength reduction
type test elimination
algebraic simplification
common subexpression elimination
integer range typing
§  flow-sensitive rewrites
conditional constant propagation
dominating test detection
flow-carried type narrowing
dead code elimination
§  language-specific techniques
class hierarchy analysis
symbolic constant propagation
autobox elimination
escape analysis
lock elision
lock fusion
§  speculative (profile-based) techniques
optimistic nullness assertions
optimistic type assertions
optimistic type strengthening
optimistic array length strengthening
untaken branch pruning
optimistic N-morphic inlining
branch frequency prediction
call frequency prediction
§  memory and placement transformation
expression hoisting
expression sinking
redundant store elimination
adjacent store fusion
card-mark elimination
merge-point splitting
§  loop transformations
loop unrolling
loop peeling
safepoint elimination
iteration range splitting
range check elimination
loop vectorization
§  global code shaping
inlining (graph integration)
global code motion
heat-based code layout
switch balancing
throw inlining
§  control flow graph transformation
local code scheduling
local code bundling
delay slot filling
graph-coloring register allocation
linear scan register allocation
live range splitting
copy coalescing
constant splitting
copy removal
address mode matching
instruction peepholing
DFA-based code generator

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This document is a term paper on Just-In-Time compilers (JIT). It begins with an acknowledgements section thanking the teacher for guidance. It then provides an introduction defining JIT as improving runtime performance of bytecode programs by compiling to machine code during execution. The paper discusses time-space tradeoffs of JIT and how JIT functions by compiling sections of bytecode to native code prior to execution. It also classifies JIT compilers based on invocation, executability, and concurrency. The conclusion restates that the paper provided an overview of JIT compilers.

JVM: Makes Virtual Calls Fast
§  C++ avoids virtual calls – because they are slow
§  Java embraces them – and makes them fast
–  Well, mostly fast – JIT's do Class Hierarchy Analysis (CHA)
–  CHA turns most virtual calls into static calls
–  JVM detects new classes loaded, adjusts CHA
§  May need to re-JIT
–  When CHA fails to make the call static, inline caches
–  When IC's fail, virtual calls are back to being slow
Call Site
§  The place where you make a call
§  Monomorphic (“one shape”)
–  Single target class
§  Bimorphic (“two shapes”)
§  Polymorphic (“many shapes”)
§  Megamorphic
§  Combine caller and callee into one unit
–  e.g.based on profile
–  … or prove smth using CHA (Class Hierarchy Analysis)
–  Perhaps with a guard/test
§  Optimize as a whole
–  More code means better visibility
int addAll(int max) {
int accum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
accum = add(accum, i);
return accum;
int add(int a, int b) { return a + b; }

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This document provides an overview of JVM JIT compilers, specifically focusing on the HotSpot JVM compiler. It discusses the differences between static and dynamic compilation, how just-in-time compilation works in the JVM, profiling and optimizations performed by JIT compilers like inlining and devirtualization, and how to monitor the JIT compiler through options like -XX:+PrintCompilation and -XX:+PrintInlining.

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This document discusses Java compilers and their impact on performance. It explains that Java uses a two-step compilation process to achieve both portability and speed. The first step compiles Java code to bytecode, while the second step just-in-time compiles the bytecode to native machine code. It describes how client-side compilers focus on fast startup times while server-side compilers emphasize long-term optimizations. Tiered compilation combines aspects of both. The document also introduces hotspot compilation, which optimizes frequently executed code sections.


Presto is Uber's distributed SQL query engine for their Hadoop data warehouse. Some key points: - Presto allows interactive SQL queries directly on Uber's petabyte-scale Hadoop data lake without needing to first load the data into another database. - It provides fast performance at scale by leveraging columnar data formats like Parquet and optimizing for distributed execution across many nodes. - Uber deployed a 200 node Presto cluster that handles 30,000 queries per day, serving both ad hoc queries and real-time applications accessing data in Hadoop and improving on the performance of alternative solutions like Hive.

int addAll(int max) {
int accum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
accum = accum + i;
return accum;
Inlining and devirtualization
§  Inlining is the most profitable compiler optimization
–  Rather straightforward to implement
–  Huge benefits: expands the scope for other optimizations
§  OOP needs polymorphism, that implies virtual calls
–  Prevents naïve inlining
–  Devirtualization is required
–  (This does not mean you should not write OOP code)
JVM Devirtualization
§  Developers shouldn't care
§  Analyze hierarchy of currently loaded classes
§  Efficiently devirtualize all monomorphic calls
§  Able to devirtualize polymorphic calls
§  JVM may inline dynamic methods
–  Reflection calls
–  Runtime-synthesized methods
–  JSR 292
Feedback multiplies optimizations
§  On-line profiling and CHA produces information
–  ...which lets the JIT ignore unused paths
–  ...and helps the JIT sharpen types on hot paths
–  ...which allows calls to be devirtualized
–  ...allowing them to be inlined
–  ...expanding an ever-widening optimization horizon
§  Result:
Large native methods containing tightly optimized machine code for
hundreds of inlined calls!

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Обеспечение достойной производительности высокоуровневого языка с динамической типизацией - непростая задача. Just-in-time (JIT) компиляция - динамическая генерация машинного кода с учетом информации, собранной во время выполнения приложения - ключевой элемент производительности виртуальной машины (будь то Java, .NET или даже JavaScript). JIT-компилятор, в свою очередь, должен иметь впечатляющий набор трюков и оптимизаций, что бы компенсировать "динамизм" языка. В докладе речь пойдет о достижениях современной JIT компиляции в целом и более подробно будут освещены особенности HotSpot JVM (бесплатной JVM от Oracle)

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This document provides an overview of just-in-time (JIT) compilers in the HotSpot Java Virtual Machine (JVM). It discusses the differences between static and dynamic compilation, how modern JVMs use dynamic compilers and profiling data to perform aggressive optimizations, and some of the specific optimizations used in the HotSpot JVM like inlining, devirtualization, and on-stack replacement.

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This document summarizes the services and operations of a software development company with offices in Gdynia and Warsaw, Poland. The company has grown from 8 to 96 employees in 2 years. They offer dedicated software solutions, IT outsourcing, expert services, and software products. Their main technical skills include Java, JavaScript, PL/SQL, Android, C#, and C++ development. They emphasize quality assurance through practices like agile development, test automation, and transparency. The company recruits candidates through various sources and has deep engagement with the academic community through student projects, internships, and university partnerships.

Loop unrolling
public void foo(int[] arr, int a) {
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
arr[i] += a;
Loop unrolling
public void foo(int[] arr, int a) {
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i=i+4) {
arr[i] += a; arr[i+1] += a; arr[i+2] += a; arr[i+3] += a;
Loop unrolling
public void foo(int[] arr, int a) {
int new_limit = arr.length / 4;
for (int i = 0; i < new_limit; i++) {
arr[4*i] += a; arr[4*i+1] += a; arr[4*i+2] += a; arr[4*i+3] += a;
for (int i = new_limit*4; i < arr.length; i++) {
arr[i] += a;
Lock Coarsening
pubic void m1(Object newValue) {
syncronized(this) {
field1 = newValue;
syncronized(this) {
field2 = newValue;

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Lock Coarsening
pubic void m1(Object newValue) {
syncronized(this) {
field1 = newValue;
field2 = newValue;
Lock Eliding
public void m1() {
List list = new ArrayList();
synchronized (list) {
Lock Eliding
public void m1() {
List list = new ArrayList();
synchronized (list) {
Lock Eliding
public void m1() {
List list = new ArrayList();

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The document discusses LLVM and its use in building programming language compilers and runtimes. It provides an overview of LLVM, including its core components like its intermediate representation (IR), optimizations, and code generation capabilities. It also discusses how LLVM is used in various applications like Android, browsers, and graphics processing. Examples are given of using Clang and LLVM to compile and run a simple C program.

Escape Analysis
public int m1() {
Pair p = new Pair(1, 2);
return m2(p);
public int m2(Pair p) {
return p.first + m3(p);
public int m3(Pair p) { return p.second;}
Initial version
Escape Analysis
public int m1() {
Pair p = new Pair(1, 2);
return p.first + p.second;
After deep inlining
Escape Analysis
public int m1() {
return 3;
Optimized version
§  Known to the JIT compiler
–  method bytecode is ignored
–  inserts “best” native code
§  e.g. optimized sqrt in machine code
§  Existing intrinsics
–  String::equals, Math::*, System::arraycopy, Object::hashCode,
Object::getClass, sun.misc.Unsafe::*

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The document provides an overview of implementing a high-performance JavaScript engine. It discusses the key components including the parser, runtime, execution engine, garbage collector, and foreign function interface. It also covers various implementation strategies and tradeoffs for aspects like value representation, object models, execution engines, and garbage collection. The document emphasizes learning from Self VM and using techniques like hidden classes, inline caching, and tiered compilation and optimization.

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大部分人對於編譯器印象停留在課堂上所教導的語法分析的理論以及實作, 而讓許多人對於編譯器技術相當怯步, 但在整個編譯過程中語法分析只是個開端, 但其實編譯器技術最有趣的部份在於中後端的最佳化技術, 其神秘的技術可讓程式加速許多, 在這次的分享中主要會介紹一些編譯器的基礎最佳化, 例如 Propagation, Dead Code Elimination, Inline, Common Subexpression Elimination 及 Loop Unrolling 等, 並透過 llvm 的一些小工具來輔助觀察這些最佳化的結果, 以此作為入門磚來了解編譯器如何運作。


This document provides an overview of just-in-time (JIT) and lean operations. It defines JIT and discusses its goals of eliminating waste and achieving smooth, rapid material flow. Key aspects covered include JIT building blocks like product design, process design and personnel elements. Benefits include reduced inventory, flexibility and increased productivity. The document also compares JIT to traditional systems and outlines steps to transition to JIT.

HotSpot JVM
§  Oracle HotSpot
§  IBM J9
§  Oracle JRockit
§  Azul Zing
§  Excelsior JET
§  Jikes RVM
HotSpot JVM
§  client / C1
§  server / C2
§  tiered mode (C1 + C2)
HotSpot JVM
§  client / C1
–  $ java –client
§  only available in 32-bit VM
–  fast code generation of acceptable quality
–  basic optimizations
–  doesn’t need profile
–  compilation threshold: 1,5k invocations

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from Source to Binary: How GNU Toolchain Works

GNU Toolchain is the de facto standard of IT industrial and has been improved by comprehensive open source contributions. In this session, it is expected to cover the mechanism of compiler driver, system interaction (take GNU/Linux for example), linker, C runtime library, and the related dynamic linker. Instead of analyzing the system design, the session is use case driven and illustrated progressively.

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In Java 9, Garbage First Garbage Collector (G1 GC) will be the default GC. This presentation makes an effort to help Hotspot VM users to understand the concept of G1 GC as well as provides some tuning advice.

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Interpreter, Compiler, JIT from scratch
Interpreter, Compiler, JIT from scratchInterpreter, Compiler, JIT from scratch
Interpreter, Compiler, JIT from scratch

Introduce Brainf*ck, another Turing complete programming language. Then, try to implement the following from scratch: Interpreter, Compiler [x86_64 and ARM], and JIT Compiler.

HotSpot JVM
§  server / C2
–  $ java –server
–  highly optimized code for speed
–  many aggressive optimizations which rely on profile
–  compilation threshold: 10k invocations
HotSpot JVM
§  Client / C1
+ fast startup
–  peak performance suffers
§  Server / C2
+ very good code for hot methods
–  slow startup / warmup
JIT-compilers comparison
Tiered compilation
§  -XX:+TieredCompilation
§  Multiple tiers of interpretation, C1, and C2
§  Level0=Interpreter
§  Level1-3=C1
–  #1: C1 w/o profiling
–  #2: C1 w/ basic profiling
–  #3: C1 w/ full profiling
§  Level4=C2
C1 + C2
Monitoring JIT

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Just In Time (JIT) Systems
Just In Time (JIT) SystemsJust In Time (JIT) Systems
Just In Time (JIT) Systems

In this presentation we will discuss about the concept of just in time (JIT) production philosophy, types and concepts of JIT, objectives of JIT manufacturing, comparison between ideal production system and JIT production, characteristics of JIT system, JIT manufacturing vs. JIT purchasing. We will also discuss about major tools and techniques of JIT manufacturing, JIT implementation approach, problems regarding implementation of JIT, planning of a successful JIT system, obstacles faced for JIT conversion, operational benefits of JIT systems. To know more about Welingkar School’s Distance Learning Program and courses offered, visit:

jit purchasingjit implementationlean production
Java Jit. Compilation and optimization by Andrey Kovalenko
Java Jit. Compilation and optimization by Andrey KovalenkoJava Jit. Compilation and optimization by Andrey Kovalenko
Java Jit. Compilation and optimization by Andrey Kovalenko

This document discusses Java Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation. It describes JIT as compiling Java bytecode to native machine code during program execution rather than prior to execution. It outlines the main types of JIT compilers in HotSpot (client, server, tiered) and the key optimizations they perform like inlining, escape analysis, on-stack replacement, and tiered compilation. The document provides details on JIT tuning flags and how to get more profiling information from the JIT compiler logs. It emphasizes that letting the JIT do its work through warmup and avoiding microbenchmarks is important to achieving full performance.

A Java Implementer's Guide to Boosting Apache Spark Performance by Tim Ellison.
A Java Implementer's Guide to Boosting Apache Spark Performance by Tim Ellison.A Java Implementer's Guide to Boosting Apache Spark Performance by Tim Ellison.
A Java Implementer's Guide to Boosting Apache Spark Performance by Tim Ellison.

Apache Spark has rocked the big data landscape, quickly becoming the largest open source big data community with over 750 contributors from more than 200 organizations. Spark's core tenants of speed, ease of use, and its unified programming model fit neatly with the high performance, scalable, and manageable characteristics of modern Java runtimes. In this talk we introduce the Spark programming model, and describe some unique Java runtime capabilities in the JIT, fast networking, serialization techniques, and GPU off-loading that deliver the ultimate big data platform for solving business problems. We will show how solutions, previously infeasible with regular Java programming, become possible with a high performance Spark core runtime, enabling you to solve problems smarter and faster.

big datapresentation
Monitoring JIT-Compiler
§  how to print info about compiled methods?
–  -XX:+PrintCompilation
§  how to print info about inlining decisions
–  -XX:+PrintInlining
§  how to control compilation policy?
–  -XX:CompileCommand=…
§  how to print assembly code?
–  -XX:+PrintAssembly
–  -XX:+PrintOptoAssembly (C2-only)
Print Compilation
§  -XX:+PrintCompilation
§  Print methods as they are JIT-compiled
§  Class + name + size
Print Compilation
$ java -XX:+PrintCompilation
988 1 java.lang.String::hashCode (55 bytes)
1271 2 sun.nio.cs.UTF_8$Encoder::encode (361 bytes)
1406 3 java.lang.String::charAt (29 bytes)
Sample output
Print Compilation
§  2043 470 % ! @ 136 (265 bytes)
% == OSR compilation
! == has exception handles (may be expensive)
s == synchronized method
§  2028 466 n java.lang.Class::isArray (native)
n == native method
Other useful info

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Apache Big Data Europe 2016

Apache Spark has rocked the big data landscape, becoming the largest open source big data community with over 750 contributors from more than 200 organizations. Spark's core tenants of speed, ease of use, and its unified programming model fit neatly with the high performance, scalable, and manageable characteristics of modern Java runtimes. In this talk Tim Ellison, a JVM developer at IBM, shows some of the unique Java 8 capabilities in the JIT compiler, fast networking, serialization techniques, and GPU off-loading that deliver the ultimate big data platform for solving business problems. Tim will demonstrate how solutions, previously infeasible with regular Java programming, become possible with this high performance Spark core runtime, enabling you to solve problems smarter and faster.

javaperformanceapache spark
A Java Implementer's Guide to Better Apache Spark Performance
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A Java Implementer's Guide to Better Apache Spark Performance

This document discusses techniques for improving the performance of Apache Spark applications. It describes optimizing the Java virtual machine by enhancing the just-in-time compiler, improving the object serializer, enabling faster I/O using technologies like RDMA networking and CAPI flash storage, and offloading tasks to graphics processors. The document provides examples of code style guidelines and specific Spark optimizations that further improve performance, such as leveraging hardware accelerators and tuning JVM heuristics.

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Five cool ways the JVM can run Apache Spark faster

The IBM JVM runs Apache Spark fast! This talk explains some of the findings and optimizations from our experience of running Spark workloads. The talk was originally presented at the SparkEU Summit 2015 in Amsterdam.

apache sparkibm javabig data
Print Compilation
§  621 160 java.lang.Object::equals (11 bytes) made not entrant
–  don‘t allow any new calls into this compiled version
§  1807 160 java.lang.Object::equals (11 bytes) made zombie
–  can safely throw away compiled version
Not just compilation notifications
No JIT At All?
§  Code is too large
§  Code isn’t too «hot»
–  executed not too often
Print Inlining
§  -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+PrintInlining
§  Shows hierarchy of inlined methods
§  Prints reason, if a method isn’t inlined
Print Inlining
$ java -XX:+PrintCompilation -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+PrintInlining
75 1 java.lang.String::hashCode (55 bytes)
88 2 sun.nio.cs.UTF_8$Encoder::encode (361 bytes)
@ 14 java.lang.Math::min (11 bytes) (intrinsic)
@ 139 java.lang.Character::isSurrogate (18 bytes) never executed
103 3 java.lang.String::charAt (29 bytes)

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Cloud Native Compiler
Cloud Native CompilerCloud Native Compiler
Cloud Native Compiler

The document discusses the benefits of moving JIT compilation out of individual JVMs and into a shared, cloud-based compiler service. This "JIT-as-a-Service" approach improves efficiency by allowing optimization resources to be shared and elastic across JVMs. It also enables optimized code to be reused for applications that execute on multiple devices. Moving JIT compilation to the cloud reduces warmup time, memory footprint, and CPU usage for JVMs while improving the level of optimizations that can be performed.

White and Black Magic on the JVM
White and Black Magic on the JVMWhite and Black Magic on the JVM
White and Black Magic on the JVM

Code examples are available here: How well do you know what is going inside the JVM? How about its secret backdoors and nasty hacks? Initially they appear as magic tricks but being aware what is going on behind the scenes will save your time when real issues arise.

#jvm #tricks #hacking
Scala & Spark(1.6) in Performance Aspect for Scala Taiwan
Scala & Spark(1.6) in Performance Aspect for Scala TaiwanScala & Spark(1.6) in Performance Aspect for Scala Taiwan
Scala & Spark(1.6) in Performance Aspect for Scala Taiwan

Scala Taiwan - Scala Taiwan Meetup - * How to Performance tuning? * Scala Performance * Why Scala? * Spark(1.6) Scala Performance

Inlining Tuning
§  -XX:MaxInlineSize=35
–  Largest inlinable method (bytecode)
§  -XX:InlineSmallCode=#
–  Largest inlinable compiled method
§  -XX:FreqInlineSize=#
–  Largest frequently-called method…
§  -XX:MaxInlineLevel=9
–  How deep does the rabbit hole go?
§  -XX:MaxRecursiveInlineLevel=#
–  recursive inlining
Machine Code
§  -XX:+PrintAssembly
§  Knowing code compiles is good
§  Knowing code inlines is better
§  Seeing the actual assembly is best!
§  Syntax
–  “[command] [method] [signature]”
§  Supported commands
–  exclude – never compile
–  inline – always inline
–  dontinline – never inline
§  Method reference
§  Method signature is optional
What Have We Learned?
§  How JIT compilers work
§  How HotSpot’s JIT works
§  How to monitor the JIT in HotSpot

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New hope is comming? Project Loom.pdf
New hope is comming? Project Loom.pdfNew hope is comming? Project Loom.pdf
New hope is comming? Project Loom.pdf

At a time when Herbt Sutter announced to everyone that the free lunch is over (The Free Lunch Is Over: A Fundamental Turn Toward Concurrency in Software), concurrency has become our everyday life.A big change is coming to Java, the Loom project and with it such new terms as "virtual thread", "continuations" and "structured concurrency". If you've been wondering what they will change in our daily work or whether it's worth rewriting your Tomcat-based application to super-efficient reactive Netty,or whether to wait for Project Loom? This presentation is for you. I will talk about the Loom project and the new possibilities related to virtual wattles and "structured concurrency". I will tell you how it works and what can be achieved and the impact on performance

project loomvirtual threadsjava
Jvm Performance Tunning
Jvm Performance TunningJvm Performance Tunning
Jvm Performance Tunning

The document discusses various topics related to tuning the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) for performance, including: 1. Hotspot compiler options like method inlining that can improve performance. 2. Threading models on Solaris like M:N and 1:1 and how tuning thread-related JVM options can significantly impact throughput. 3. Memory and garbage collection tuning like selecting the right GC algorithm, tuning heap sizes, and analyzing GC logs to identify bottlenecks and optimize full GC frequency and duration.

Jvm Performance Tunning
Jvm Performance TunningJvm Performance Tunning
Jvm Performance Tunning

JVM performance tuning guide. describes JVM memory structure and explains gc mechanism. and guide for tuning jvm.

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Sergey Kuksenko, Oracle
today, 13:30-14:30, «San-Francisco» hall
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JVM JIT-compiler overview @ JavaOne Moscow 2013

  • 1. 1 JIT-compiler in JVM seen by a Java developer Vladimir Ivanov HotSpot JVM Compiler Oracle Corp.
  • 2. 2 Agenda §  about compilers in general –  … and JIT-compilers in particular §  about JIT-compilers in HotSpot JVM §  monitoring JIT-compilers in HotSpot JVM
  • 4. 4 Dynamic and Static Compilation Differences §  Static compilation –  “ahead-of-time”(AOT) compilation –  Source code → Native executable –  Most of compilation work happens before executing §  Modern Java VMs use dynamic compilers (JIT) –  “just-in-time” (JIT) compilation –  Source code → Bytecode → Interpreter + JITted executable –  Most of compilation work happens during executing
  • 5. 5 Dynamic and Static Compilation Differences §  Static compilation (AOT) –  can utilize complex and heavy analyses and optimizations –  … but static information sometimes isn’t enough –  … and it’s hard to rely on profiling info, if any –  moreover, how to utilize specific platform features (like SSE 4.2)?
  • 6. 6 Dynamic and Static Compilation Differences §  Modern Java VMs use dynamic compilers (JIT) –  aggressive optimistic optimizations §  through extensive usage of profiling info –  … but budget is limited and shared with an application –  startup speed suffers –  peak performance may suffer as well (not necessary)
  • 7. 7 JIT-compilation §  Just-In-Time compilation §  Compiled when needed §  Maybe immediately before execution –  ...or when we decide it’s important –  ...or never?
  • 9. 9 JVM §  Runtime –  class loading, bytecode verification, synchronization §  JIT –  profiling, compilation plans, OSR –  aggressive optimizations §  GC –  different algorithms: throughput vs. response time
  • 10. 10 JVM: Makes Bytecodes Fast §  JVMs eventually JIT bytecodes –  To make them fast –  Some JITs are high quality optimizing compilers §  But cannot use existing static compilers directly: –  Tracking OOPs (ptrs) for GC –  Java Memory Model (volatile reordering & fences) –  New code patterns to optimize –  Time & resource constraints (CPU, memory)
  • 11. 11 JVM: Makes Bytecodes Fast §  JIT'ing requires Profiling –  Because you don't want to JIT everything §  Profiling allows focused code-gen §  Profiling allows better code-gen –  Inline what’s hot –  Loop unrolling, range-check elimination, etc –  Branch prediction, spill-code-gen, scheduling
  • 12. 12 Dynamic Compilation (JIT) §  Knows about –  loaded classes, methods the program has executed §  Makes optimization decisions based on code paths executed –  Code generation depends on what is observed: §  loaded classes, code paths executed, branches taken §  May re-optimize if assumption was wrong, or alternative code paths taken –  Instruction path length may change between invocations of methods as a result of de-optimization / re-compilation
  • 13. 13 Dynamic Compilation (JIT) §  Can do non-conservative optimizations in dynamic §  Separates optimization from product delivery cycle –  Update JVM, run the same application, realize improved performance! –  Can be "tuned" to the target platform
  • 14. 14 Profiling §  Gathers data about code during execution –  invariants §  types, constants (e.g. null pointers) –  statistics §  branches, calls §  Gathered data is used during optimization –  Educated guess –  Guess can be wrong
  • 15. 15 Profile-guided optimization (PGO) §  Use profile for more efficient optimization §  PGO in JVMs –  Always have it, turned on by default –  Developers (usually) not interested or concerned about it –  Profile is always consistent to execution scenario
  • 16. 16 Optimistic Compilers §  Assume profile is accurate –  Aggressively optimize based on profile –  Bail out if we’re wrong §  ...and hope that we’re usually right
  • 17. 17 Dynamic Compilation (JIT) §  Is dynamic compilation overhead essential? –  The longer your application runs, the less the overhead §  Trading off compilation time, not application time –  Steal some cycles very early in execution –  Done automagically and transparently to application §  Most of “perceived” overhead is compiler waiting for more data –  ...thus running semi-optimal code for time being Overhead
  • 19. 19 Mixed-Mode Execution §  Interpreted –  Bytecode-walking –  Artificial stack machine §  Compiled –  Direct native operations –  Native register machine
  • 20. 20 Bytecode Execution 1 2 34 Interpretation Profiling Dynamic Compilation Deoptimization
  • 21. 21 Deoptimization §  Bail out of running native code –  stop executing native (JIT-generated) code –  start interpreting bytecode §  It’s a complicated operation at runtime…
  • 22. 22 OSR: On-Stack Replacement §  Running method never exits? §  But it’s getting really hot? §  Generally means loops, back-branching §  Compile and replace while running §  Not typically useful in large systems §  Looks great on benchmarks!
  • 24. 24 Optimizations in HotSpot JVM §  compiler tactics delayed compilation tiered compilation on-stack replacement delayed reoptimization program dependence graph rep. static single assignment rep. §  proof-based techniques exact type inference memory value inference memory value tracking constant folding reassociation operator strength reduction null check elimination type test strength reduction type test elimination algebraic simplification common subexpression elimination integer range typing §  flow-sensitive rewrites conditional constant propagation dominating test detection flow-carried type narrowing dead code elimination §  language-specific techniques class hierarchy analysis devirtualization symbolic constant propagation autobox elimination escape analysis lock elision lock fusion de-reflection §  speculative (profile-based) techniques optimistic nullness assertions optimistic type assertions optimistic type strengthening optimistic array length strengthening untaken branch pruning optimistic N-morphic inlining branch frequency prediction call frequency prediction §  memory and placement transformation expression hoisting expression sinking redundant store elimination adjacent store fusion card-mark elimination merge-point splitting §  loop transformations loop unrolling loop peeling safepoint elimination iteration range splitting range check elimination loop vectorization §  global code shaping inlining (graph integration) global code motion heat-based code layout switch balancing throw inlining §  control flow graph transformation local code scheduling local code bundling delay slot filling graph-coloring register allocation linear scan register allocation live range splitting copy coalescing constant splitting copy removal address mode matching instruction peepholing DFA-based code generator
  • 25. 25 JVM: Makes Virtual Calls Fast §  C++ avoids virtual calls – because they are slow §  Java embraces them – and makes them fast –  Well, mostly fast – JIT's do Class Hierarchy Analysis (CHA) –  CHA turns most virtual calls into static calls –  JVM detects new classes loaded, adjusts CHA §  May need to re-JIT –  When CHA fails to make the call static, inline caches –  When IC's fail, virtual calls are back to being slow
  • 26. 26 Call Site §  The place where you make a call §  Monomorphic (“one shape”) –  Single target class §  Bimorphic (“two shapes”) §  Polymorphic (“many shapes”) §  Megamorphic
  • 27. 27 Inlining §  Combine caller and callee into one unit –  e.g.based on profile –  … or prove smth using CHA (Class Hierarchy Analysis) –  Perhaps with a guard/test §  Optimize as a whole –  More code means better visibility
  • 28. 28 Inlining int addAll(int max) { int accum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { accum = add(accum, i); } return accum; } int add(int a, int b) { return a + b; }
  • 29. 29 Inlining int addAll(int max) { int accum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { accum = accum + i; } return accum; }
  • 30. 30 Inlining and devirtualization §  Inlining is the most profitable compiler optimization –  Rather straightforward to implement –  Huge benefits: expands the scope for other optimizations §  OOP needs polymorphism, that implies virtual calls –  Prevents naïve inlining –  Devirtualization is required –  (This does not mean you should not write OOP code)
  • 31. 31 JVM Devirtualization §  Developers shouldn't care §  Analyze hierarchy of currently loaded classes §  Efficiently devirtualize all monomorphic calls §  Able to devirtualize polymorphic calls §  JVM may inline dynamic methods –  Reflection calls –  Runtime-synthesized methods –  JSR 292
  • 32. 32 Feedback multiplies optimizations §  On-line profiling and CHA produces information –  ...which lets the JIT ignore unused paths –  ...and helps the JIT sharpen types on hot paths –  ...which allows calls to be devirtualized –  ...allowing them to be inlined –  ...expanding an ever-widening optimization horizon §  Result: Large native methods containing tightly optimized machine code for hundreds of inlined calls!
  • 33. 33 Loop unrolling public void foo(int[] arr, int a) { for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { arr[i] += a; } }
  • 34. 34 Loop unrolling public void foo(int[] arr, int a) { for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i=i+4) { arr[i] += a; arr[i+1] += a; arr[i+2] += a; arr[i+3] += a; } }
  • 35. 35 Loop unrolling public void foo(int[] arr, int a) { int new_limit = arr.length / 4; for (int i = 0; i < new_limit; i++) { arr[4*i] += a; arr[4*i+1] += a; arr[4*i+2] += a; arr[4*i+3] += a; } for (int i = new_limit*4; i < arr.length; i++) { arr[i] += a; }}
  • 36. 36 Lock Coarsening pubic void m1(Object newValue) { syncronized(this) { field1 = newValue; } syncronized(this) { field2 = newValue; } }
  • 37. 37 Lock Coarsening pubic void m1(Object newValue) { syncronized(this) { field1 = newValue; field2 = newValue; } }
  • 38. 38 Lock Eliding public void m1() { List list = new ArrayList(); synchronized (list) { list.add(someMethod()); } }
  • 39. 39 Lock Eliding public void m1() { List list = new ArrayList(); synchronized (list) { list.add(someMethod()); } }
  • 40. 40 Lock Eliding public void m1() { List list = new ArrayList(); list.add(someMethod()); }
  • 41. 41 Escape Analysis public int m1() { Pair p = new Pair(1, 2); return m2(p); } public int m2(Pair p) { return p.first + m3(p); } public int m3(Pair p) { return p.second;} Initial version
  • 42. 42 Escape Analysis public int m1() { Pair p = new Pair(1, 2); return p.first + p.second; } After deep inlining
  • 43. 43 Escape Analysis public int m1() { return 3; } Optimized version
  • 44. 44 Intrinsic §  Known to the JIT compiler –  method bytecode is ignored –  inserts “best” native code §  e.g. optimized sqrt in machine code §  Existing intrinsics –  String::equals, Math::*, System::arraycopy, Object::hashCode, Object::getClass, sun.misc.Unsafe::*
  • 46. 46 JVMs §  Oracle HotSpot §  IBM J9 §  Oracle JRockit §  Azul Zing §  Excelsior JET §  Jikes RVM
  • 47. 47 HotSpot JVM §  client / C1 §  server / C2 §  tiered mode (C1 + C2) JIT-compilers
  • 48. 48 HotSpot JVM §  client / C1 –  $ java –client §  only available in 32-bit VM –  fast code generation of acceptable quality –  basic optimizations –  doesn’t need profile –  compilation threshold: 1,5k invocations JIT-compilers
  • 49. 49 HotSpot JVM §  server / C2 –  $ java –server –  highly optimized code for speed –  many aggressive optimizations which rely on profile –  compilation threshold: 10k invocations JIT-compilers
  • 50. 50 HotSpot JVM §  Client / C1 + fast startup –  peak performance suffers §  Server / C2 + very good code for hot methods –  slow startup / warmup JIT-compilers comparison
  • 51. 51 Tiered compilation §  -XX:+TieredCompilation §  Multiple tiers of interpretation, C1, and C2 §  Level0=Interpreter §  Level1-3=C1 –  #1: C1 w/o profiling –  #2: C1 w/ basic profiling –  #3: C1 w/ full profiling §  Level4=C2 C1 + C2
  • 53. 53 Monitoring JIT-Compiler §  how to print info about compiled methods? –  -XX:+PrintCompilation §  how to print info about inlining decisions –  -XX:+PrintInlining §  how to control compilation policy? –  -XX:CompileCommand=… §  how to print assembly code? –  -XX:+PrintAssembly –  -XX:+PrintOptoAssembly (C2-only)
  • 54. 54 Print Compilation §  -XX:+PrintCompilation §  Print methods as they are JIT-compiled §  Class + name + size
  • 55. 55 Print Compilation $ java -XX:+PrintCompilation 988 1 java.lang.String::hashCode (55 bytes) 1271 2 sun.nio.cs.UTF_8$Encoder::encode (361 bytes) 1406 3 java.lang.String::charAt (29 bytes) Sample output
  • 56. 56 Print Compilation §  2043 470 % ! @ 136 (265 bytes) % == OSR compilation ! == has exception handles (may be expensive) s == synchronized method §  2028 466 n java.lang.Class::isArray (native) n == native method Other useful info
  • 57. 57 Print Compilation §  621 160 java.lang.Object::equals (11 bytes) made not entrant –  don‘t allow any new calls into this compiled version §  1807 160 java.lang.Object::equals (11 bytes) made zombie –  can safely throw away compiled version Not just compilation notifications
  • 58. 58 No JIT At All? §  Code is too large §  Code isn’t too «hot» –  executed not too often
  • 59. 59 Print Inlining §  -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+PrintInlining §  Shows hierarchy of inlined methods §  Prints reason, if a method isn’t inlined
  • 60. 60 Print Inlining $ java -XX:+PrintCompilation -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+PrintInlining 75 1 java.lang.String::hashCode (55 bytes) 88 2 sun.nio.cs.UTF_8$Encoder::encode (361 bytes) @ 14 java.lang.Math::min (11 bytes) (intrinsic) @ 139 java.lang.Character::isSurrogate (18 bytes) never executed 103 3 java.lang.String::charAt (29 bytes)
  • 61. 61 Inlining Tuning §  -XX:MaxInlineSize=35 –  Largest inlinable method (bytecode) §  -XX:InlineSmallCode=# –  Largest inlinable compiled method §  -XX:FreqInlineSize=# –  Largest frequently-called method… §  -XX:MaxInlineLevel=9 –  How deep does the rabbit hole go? §  -XX:MaxRecursiveInlineLevel=# –  recursive inlining
  • 62. 62 Machine Code §  -XX:+PrintAssembly § §  Knowing code compiles is good §  Knowing code inlines is better §  Seeing the actual assembly is best!
  • 63. 63 -XX:CompileCommand= §  Syntax –  “[command] [method] [signature]” §  Supported commands –  exclude – never compile –  inline – always inline –  dontinline – never inline §  Method reference – §  Method signature is optional
  • 64. 64 What Have We Learned? §  How JIT compilers work §  How HotSpot’s JIT works §  How to monitor the JIT in HotSpot
  • 65. 65 “Quantum Performance Effects” Sergey Kuksenko, Oracle today, 13:30-14:30, «San-Francisco» hall “Bulletproof Java Concurrency” Aleksey Shipilev, Oracle today, 15:30-16:30, «Moscow» hall Related Talks