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Introduction to Open Source GIS
Sept, 2017
Mr. Shin, Sanghee
Capacity Building For National Surveying and Geographic Information Institute
Name: Shin, Sanghee
Department: Gaia3D, Inc.
Contact: 010-9686-2630
<Education Background>
- Seoul National University
<Short Biography>
- Chair of International FOSS4G Conference, 2015
- Board of Directors, OSGeo Foundation, 2015
- Chair of Technical Advisory Group of UN Open GIS Intiative, 2016
Overview of Open Source SW
Open Source GIS
Open Source GIS Projects
OSGeo – Open Source Geospatial Foundation

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Introduction and Application of GIS
Introduction and Application of GISIntroduction and Application of GIS
Introduction and Application of GIS

This document provides an introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS). It defines GIS as a system designed to store, manipulate, analyze and display spatially referenced data. The key components of a GIS are hardware, software and data. Common GIS software includes desktop programs like ArcGIS and open-source options like QGIS. GIS can incorporate different types of spatial data like raster, vector and remote sensing data along with associated attribute tables. Example applications discussed are in hydrology, including watershed analysis and flood modeling.

gisgeographic information systemhydrology

GIS stands for geographic information system. It involves capturing, storing, manipulating, analyzing and displaying spatially referenced data on Earth. GIS is unique in that it handles spatial information referenced by location. It developed from technologies like digital cartography, CAD, and database management systems. The core components of a GIS are spatial data, hardware/software tools, and specific applications. Spatial data has characteristics like geometry, topology, location with attributes. GIS data can be stored in vector or raster models. GIS provides benefits like better information management, analysis, and scenario modeling for applications in facilities management, environmental analysis, transportation and more.

DATA in GIS and DATA Query
DATA in GIS and DATA QueryDATA in GIS and DATA Query
DATA in GIS and DATA Query

This document discusses key concepts related to data in GIS systems. It describes the different types of spatial and attribute data as well as vector and raster data formats. It explains how data is organized into layers and how those layers can be queried and overlaid to integrate information from different sources and analyze spatial patterns in the data.

Introduction to Open Source GIS
01 l What is OSS?
02 | SW Models
03 | Benefits of OSS
04 | WhySelect OSS?
Overview of Open Source SWI.
1. What is Open Source SW?
 Open source SW(OSS) is the computer SW that is available in source code form under certain licenses.
 Users of OSS are permitted to use, copy, study, change, improve and even redistribute those OSS freely.
 ‘Free’ does not mean ‘Free of Charge’ but ‘Freedom’ or ‘Liberty’
2. SW Models – Cathedral vs. Bazaar
Cathedral Bazaar
Leverage own knowledge Leverage others knowledge too
<Closed Development> <Open Development>
 Designed and developed by inside R&D lab
 Inside knowledge, intellectual property, experiences
 Idling knowledge, limited leveraging outside knowledge
 Designed and developed with other outside partners
 Inside knowledge + outside knowledge
 ‘We are smarter than Me!!’
 Leveraging inside & outside knowledge
 Open Source Software Development Model

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QGIS Training.pptx
QGIS Training.pptxQGIS Training.pptx
QGIS Training.pptx

This document provides an overview of using QGIS open source GIS software to load, manipulate, and classify geospatial data. It discusses loading data formats like shapefiles and geodatabases, exploring the QGIS interface, performing digitization and attribute editing, running topology rules to check for errors, and labeling layers to provide more information about mapped features. Exercises are demonstrated step-by-step to help users understand how to apply GIS theory and create basic maps in QGIS.

Introduction To Geographical Information System (GIS)
Introduction To Geographical Information System (GIS) Introduction To Geographical Information System (GIS)
Introduction To Geographical Information System (GIS)

This document provides an introduction to geographical information systems (GIS). It defines GIS as a system for capturing, storing, analyzing and managing spatial data referenced to locations on Earth. The key components of a GIS are software, hardware, data, users, and methods. GIS software includes tools for inputting, manipulating, managing, querying, analyzing and visualizing geographic data. GIS data can be represented in vector or raster formats and comes from various sources. GIS is used for applications like resource management, planning, and analysis across many industries.

gisgeographical information systemraster data
What is Geography Information Systems (GIS)
What is Geography Information Systems (GIS)What is Geography Information Systems (GIS)
What is Geography Information Systems (GIS)

GIS is a computer-based information system used to capture, manage, update, analyze, display, and output spatial data and information to be used in a decision making context. It integrates hardware, software, data, people, and allows for the visualization and analysis of data with a geographic component. Some key applications of GIS include emergency response, transportation planning, site selection, and natural resource management.

3. Benefits of Open Source SW
 Benefits of Open Source Software
 Empower people, save money, save resources, increase stability, access to source code, access to skilled
community of developers
Develop the society by sharing technology & outcomes!!
1. Technological
2. Economical
3. Business
4. Other
Rapid development of high-
class SW
Increased stability by skilled
community review
Reduce technological gap
to leading proprietary SW
Internalize outside SW
developer resources
Very low adoption cost
Reduce SW development
Easy to customize
Reuse successful story
Extend company’s
products portfolio
Open up new market by
providing diversified
services & products
Improve brand image of
Reduce energy
Help society
4. Reasons Why Select Open Source
 Open Source Advantages over Commercial SW(2007)
 Open source’s price tag is clearly important driver. OSS is practically cheaper than commercial one.
 57% said that accessibility to source code really matters and 41% cited community code review as an
important benefit over proprietary.
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Source Code Access
Community Code Review
Don’t Know
Bug Fix Turnaround
Code Quality
Best Product Functionality
Easier to Adopt in Organization
IP Protection
 Price & open source code are key factors!
* Source : Barracuda Networks
4. Reasons Why Select Open Source
 Open Source as Better Quality Software(2013)
Source: BlackDuck Software, ‘2013 The Future of Open Source’
4. Reasons Why Select Open Source
 Open Source as Better Quality Software(2014)
Source: BlackDuck Software,
Ease of Deployment
Source Code Access

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Web Mapping

Government has huge amounts of information but how can this be effectively managed and delivered through the web? This session will ‘lift the lid’ on web mapping technology and identify some of the key issues that must be addressed to achieve a successful outcome. The NSW government SIX Viewer web mapping portal will be used as a case study to demonstrate how terabytes of data can be integrated and delivered via the Internet.

Introduction to GIS
Introduction to GISIntroduction to GIS
Introduction to GIS

This document provides an introduction to geographic information systems (GIS). It defines GIS as a computer system for capturing, storing, analyzing and displaying spatially-referenced data. A GIS integrates database operations with maps in digital form and allows users to create interactive queries, analyze spatial information, edit maps and present results. The document outlines key components of a GIS including data, databases, processing capabilities, hardware and communications. It also discusses the importance of location in problem-solving and decision making as well as the history and business applications of GIS technology.

gisienceintroduction to gisgis
Chap1 introduction to geographic information system (gis)
Chap1 introduction to geographic information system (gis)Chap1 introduction to geographic information system (gis)
Chap1 introduction to geographic information system (gis)

GIS is a tool that allows for the storage, manipulation, retrieval, analysis and display of spatially referenced data. It differs from automated cartography and CAD in that it adds analytical capabilities. A LIS is a type of GIS focused on land information systems at a large scale. The main components of a GIS are people, data (spatial and aspatial), hardware, and software. The internet has greatly impacted GIS by facilitating data sharing, online discussions, and access to web-based GIS applications.

01 l What is Open Source GIS?
02 | WhyOpen Source GIS?
03 | Characteristics of GIS
04 | GIS: Vertical Set of Many SW
Open Source GISII.
05 | Another Lego Block
06 | Rising of Open Source GIS
1. What is Open Source GIS?
 Open Source GIS
• FOSS4G : Free Open Source Software for Geo-Spatial
• GeoFOSS : Geospatial Free Open Source Software
2. Why Open Source GIS?
 Current State & Needs of Open Source GIS
 Boom-up of Open Source & Open Source GIS
- Around 300 ~ 400 Open Source GIS projects are available (, 2011)
 Advance of Open Source GIS
- OSGeo Foundation : Commercial proprietary GIS SW can be replaced with Open Source GIS
- Google used Open Source based GDAL in its Google Earth program
- AutoDesk opend the source code of MapGuide, FDO & MetaCRS and then donated those to OSGeo
- ESRI actively used GDAL and also changed its ArcGIS GeoPortal Server to Open Source based one
 Active adoption of Open Source GIS in UN, EU, USA , Canada and other countries
Current State
 Want to meet lots of needs of GIS from public sectors
 Want More with Less!!
 Want to replicate other people & institution’s experience
 Want to manage & modify the system by ourselves!!
3. Characteristics of GIS
 Characteristics of GIS
 GIS = Vertical Set of Many Software
• Interoperability is very crucial among components
• Linux, Apache, PHP are Horizontal based Software
• GIS is Vertical Architecture based one from DB to web client
 GIS as Public Infrastructure = Spatial Data Infrastructure
• Vendor neutral, standard based architecture is very important
• Active standardization by ISO, OGC
 Open Source GIS as another Lego Block
• Active implementation of “Standard Compatibility” by Open Source GIS
• Open Source GIS could replace commercial proprietary SW/Components

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Mobile gis
Mobile gisMobile gis
Mobile gis

Mobile GIS allows field workers to capture and edit geographic data on mobile devices. It integrates GPS, mobile devices, and wireless communications to access GIS data from the field. The main benefits are improved field efficiency and data accuracy. ESRI provides several mobile GIS apps, including ArcPad for data collection, and apps for Windows, iOS, and Android devices that can access maps and perform analysis in the field. Mobile GIS systems connect mobile devices running GIS software via wireless networks to central GIS servers to share and sync field data.


Geographical Information System (GIS) is a computer system for capturing, storing, analyzing, and displaying spatially-referenced data. GIS allows users to visualize relationships and patterns in data through maps, globes, reports, and charts. The key components of GIS are data capture, database management, geographic analysis, and result preparation. GIS data comes in vector and raster formats, with vector being better for representing real-world features precisely and raster being better for dense data like elevation or land cover. GIS provides accurate data, better analysis and predictions, and helps answer questions by visualizing spatial relationships. However, GIS software can be expensive and difficult to integrate with traditional maps.

Basics to gis concepts unit i
Basics to gis concepts unit iBasics to gis concepts unit i
Basics to gis concepts unit i

This document provides an overview of basic concepts in geographic information systems (GIS). It defines GIS as a system for capturing, storing, integrating, analyzing and displaying spatially-referenced data. Key components of GIS include data input, storage, management, analysis and output. GIS handles spatial data referenced by location and allows analysis of relationships based on spatial proximity. GIS has a wide range of applications in fields like government, agriculture, business, environment and research.

4. GIS: Vertical Set of Many Software
 Characteristics of GIS : Vertical Set of Many Software
Map Image DEM
Oracle PostgreSQL
ArcServer ArcSDE GeoServer MIP
ArcTMS TMS GeoWebCache
ArcMAP Google Earth QGIS Web
5. Another Lego Block
 Open Source GIS as Substitute for Proprietary Software
ArcGIS Server
VB, Python
gvSIG mobile
Mapserver, GeoServer, DeeGree
PHP, Python, Perl,, etc…
Spatial Server
• Source : Prof. Kwangwoo Nam
5. Another Lego Block
 FOSS4G Projects under OSGeo Umbrella
5. Another Lego Block
 C Tribe
• Source : Tyler Mitchell

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Basics in Cartography
Basics in Cartography Basics in Cartography
Basics in Cartography

This document provides an overview of cartography and mapmaking. It discusses the cartographic process, which involves collecting and organizing data, designing maps, and reproducing maps. It also describes the uses and functions of maps, different map types and symbols, various map projections, and technological changes in the field. The document outlines advantages and limitations of maps and concludes that cartography involves the theory and practice of mapmaking to effectively communicate spatial information.

Geographical Information System.ppt
Geographical Information System.pptGeographical Information System.ppt
Geographical Information System.ppt

A GIS is a type of information system that uses geographical data to produce useful information for decision making. It is a computer system combining software, hardware, data, and personnel to manipulate, analyze, and present spatial data and information. A key part of a GIS is the person exploring the data to gain insights. The system captures data from various sources, organizes it, and allows the user to perform spatial analysis to create maps, models, and statistics.

Remote Sensing - Fundamentals
Remote Sensing - FundamentalsRemote Sensing - Fundamentals
Remote Sensing - Fundamentals

This document discusses remote sensing fundamentals, including the types of sensors, physics, and platforms used. It describes two main types of sensors - passive sensors that record radiation from the sun and active sensors that provide their own illumination. The key aspects of electromagnetic radiation used in remote sensing are wavelength and frequency. Platforms can be ground, air, or space-based, with satellites and aircraft being most common. Remote sensing relies on measuring electromagnetic energy reflected or emitted from the target area.

active and passive remote sensingfundamentals of remote sensing
5. Another Lego Block
 Java Tribe
• Source : Tyler Mitchell
5. Another Lego Block
 .Net Tribe
• Source : Tyler Mitchell
5. Another Lego Block
 Web Tribe
• Source : Tyler Mitchell
OpenScales ExtJS
JTS Topology Suite
(Geometry Engine)

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The document discusses various methods of georeferencing, which is assigning accurate locations to spatial information. The most comprehensive method is using latitude and longitude, which defines locations based on angles from the equator and Greenwich Meridian. However, the Earth's curved surface poses issues for technologies that work with flat maps and data. Therefore, map projections are used to translate locations on the spherical Earth onto flat planes or surfaces, though all projections introduce some distortion. Common projections include cylindrical, conic, and the Universal Transverse Mercator system.

MODERN trends of GIS
MODERN trends of GISMODERN trends of GIS
MODERN trends of GIS

It includes modern trends of GIS RELATING TO ENVIRONMENT. It basically focuses on the applied portion of GIS.

applied gis
Introduction of Open Source GIS
Introduction of Open Source GISIntroduction of Open Source GIS
Introduction of Open Source GIS

1) The document provides an introduction to open source GIS presented by Shin Sanghee to Kazakhstan delegates. It covers topics such as what is open source software, benefits of open source GIS, examples of open source GIS projects and organizations like OSGeo. 2) Key open source GIS projects and components discussed include PostGIS, GeoServer, MapServer, QGIS and OpenLayers. Examples are given of countries adopting open source GIS for national spatial data infrastructure. 3) The OSGeo Foundation aims to support collaborative development of open source geospatial software and promote its use through activities like incubation of projects and providing resources.

osgeo korean chapteropen sourceopen source gis
6. Rising of Open Source GIS
 Google Trends Analysis
* Source:
01 l FOSS4G Based NSDI
02 | Real Cases
03 | Korean Cases
04 | Open GeoData
Open Source GIS ProjectsIII.
1. FOSS4G Based NSDI
 FOSS4B Based NSDI Architecture
1. FOSS4G Based NSDI
 FOSS4B Based System Architecture
Open Street Map Open Aerial Map GeoNames
MapServer MapGuide GeoServer Deegree
Squid TMS GeoWebCache
Open Layers GeoExtMap Window
OWS Interface
World Wind LeafletOpen Scales
GRASS GeoNetwork

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Open Source based GIS devlopment cases by Gaia3D_20150417
Open Source based GIS devlopment cases by Gaia3D_20150417Open Source based GIS devlopment cases by Gaia3D_20150417
Open Source based GIS devlopment cases by Gaia3D_20150417

1) Open source GIS involves open source GIS software, open data, open licenses, and standards. It is an alternative to proprietary GIS software. 2) Approaches to implementing open source GIS include using only open source, only proprietary software, or a hybrid. Considerations include resources, government policy, and substitutability of open source for proprietary software. 3) Case studies from South Korea demonstrate various uses of open source GIS, including geospatial image services, satellite image management, traffic and weather mapping, and building information modeling.

Introduction of Open Source GIS
Introduction of Open Source GISIntroduction of Open Source GIS
Introduction of Open Source GIS

The document summarizes a meeting between Gaia3D and Mozambique MoTC delegates regarding the introduction of open source GIS. It defines open source software, discusses the benefits of open source over commercial software including cost savings. It provides an overview of open source GIS projects under the OSGeo foundation including databases, servers, and clients. Examples are given of countries adopting open source GIS for national spatial data infrastructures including EU, Bolivia, France, and the US. Korean cases of open source GIS adoption by government agencies are also summarized.

osgeoopen source gisopen source
Comparison of Mobile GIS applications
Comparison of Mobile GIS applicationsComparison of Mobile GIS applications
Comparison of Mobile GIS applications

The document compares several mobile GIS applications including both proprietary and open source options. It discusses platforms, features, and performance based on tests of common tasks. While open source applications have potential and are comparable to ArcPad in many ways, they still need more documentation, customization options, and support for professional sensors to be as full featured. New devices, interactions, and technologies also provide opportunities for mobile GIS applications.

1. FOSS4G Based NSDI
• Hybrid model mixing proprietary and foss4g
2. Real Cases
 Geo Bolivia
• Pursuing Open Source GIS based NSDI
2. Real Cases
 IGN, France
 Managing more than 100M spatial entities using PostGIS
2. Real Cases
 MassGIS, USA
 Using PostGIS, GeoServer, GeoExt with ESRI Products

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Open Source GIS
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Open Source GIS

Open Source GIS - Paul Bartsch & Joe Larson: talk given for San Luis Obispo GIS Users Group May 20th, 2009.

Use of Open Source in Education Sector.pptx
Use of Open Source in Education Sector.pptxUse of Open Source in Education Sector.pptx
Use of Open Source in Education Sector.pptx

The document discusses open source geographic information systems (GIS) software as an alternative to proprietary GIS software in education and application development. It provides an overview of open source GIS software such as QGIS and GRASS, their advantages for education including no licensing fees and ability to customize, and potential startup opportunities using open source GIS. Example open source GIS applications are also summarized such as R-ArcGIS, QGIS, GRASS, SAGA, GeoServer, and OpenLayers.

opensource in education
Introduction to KAOS-G(FOSS4G Asia 2014)
Introduction to KAOS-G(FOSS4G Asia 2014)Introduction to KAOS-G(FOSS4G Asia 2014)
Introduction to KAOS-G(FOSS4G Asia 2014)

The document discusses Open Source GIS in South Korea. It provides background on perceptions of Open Source software in Korea and how those perceptions have changed over time. It outlines government policies and funding that now support Open Source GIS, including projects to develop an Open Source GIS platform and increase the ecosystem around Open Source GIS. It also describes the activities of OSGeo Korean Chapter and KAOS-G (Korea Open source GIS forum), including their participation in international conferences, translations of user interfaces, and training initiatives.

kaos-g. opensource gisgisfoss4g
2. Real Cases
 MassGIS, USA
2. Real Cases
 United Nations Open GIS Initiative
 From ‘More with Less’ to ‘Better with Less’
2. Real Cases
 TD of Spiral 1 on Sep, OD of Spiral 1 will be on November.
 United Nations Open GIS Initiative
• 2 times meeting was held and 3rd meeting will be held on November
3. Korean Cases
 Open Source GIS Adoptions in Korea

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Activities Of The Foss4 G20080122
Activities Of The Foss4 G20080122Activities Of The Foss4 G20080122
Activities Of The Foss4 G20080122

This document summarizes Toru Mori's presentation on activities of FOSS4G (Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial) at a January 22, 2008 event. It discusses how geospatial technologies have become integrated with the web/internet through services like Google Maps. It then outlines the growth of FOSS4G tools and standards supported by organizations like OSGeo, providing examples like MapServer, PostGIS, GRASS, and GDAL. It notes how FOSS4G allows for open collaboration and integration of systems from different vendors through open standards and data.

New way for GIS Development(Gaia3D)
New way for  GIS Development(Gaia3D)New way for  GIS Development(Gaia3D)
New way for GIS Development(Gaia3D)

1) The document discusses open source GIS, providing definitions and examples of open source GIS software, data, licenses, and the OSGEO community. 2) It describes approaches to building GIS systems using closed, open source, or hybrid architectures and considerations around resources, policies, and substitutability. 3) Case studies from South Korea are presented using open source GIS for geospatial image services, satellite image management, search and ordering, hazard mapping, traffic information maps, and building information modeling.

OSGeo Live Lightening Overview
OSGeo Live Lightening OverviewOSGeo Live Lightening Overview
OSGeo Live Lightening Overview

A talk about the OSGeo Live project; covering 43 projects that are available in a live DVD format (for you to run without installing). The project is much improved with OGC documentation and a description of many of the projects. New this year (thanks to some sponsorship) is quickstarts for several of the projects.

osgeofreeopen source
3. Korean Cases
 NSDI Portal
 OpenLayers was used as main web client!
3. Korean Cases
 Korea Aerospace Research Institute and Korea Meteorological Administration
 GeoServer, GWC, OpenLayers
3. Korean Cases
 GeoServer, GWC, Squid, OpenLayers
[Smart Phone] [FOSS4B based Transport Information Service System Architecture]
 National Transport Information Center
3. Korean Cases
 Site Suitability Analysis for Investment
 PostGIS, MapServer, Open Scales
• Analysis Menu
• Analysis Results Window

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The document discusses OpenGeo, an open source geospatial software company. It summarizes OpenGeo's products and services, including the OpenGeo Suite which bundles several open source geospatial projects. It also discusses how OpenGeo software is being used by organizations for mapping, visualization, and publishing geospatial data.

open-sourceflossopen source

Esri presentation at FOSS4G conference, 08 Sept 2010, in Barcelona. Recognition of the value of FOSS contributions, alongside commercial platforms. The IT world is not black/white; most large deployments around the world are mixed FOSS and commercial. Here Esri presents several modest contributions to further the possibility of collaboration with FOSS developers: to build value-added extensions on a widely used platform.

open extensionscollaborationprogram announcements
Open Source Geospatial Tools: Enabling Decision Makers
Open Source Geospatial Tools: Enabling Decision MakersOpen Source Geospatial Tools: Enabling Decision Makers
Open Source Geospatial Tools: Enabling Decision Makers

The document discusses open source geospatial tools that are useful for ecosystem-based management (EBM). It describes the different types of open source tools available, including open source GIS base tools, web apps, and desktop apps. Some benefits of open source tools for EBM include reduced costs, flexibility, and community involvement. Specific open source tools mentioned that are useful for EBM tasks include QGIS, GRASS, web-based decision support tools, OpenOceanMap, and PostGIS. The document provides many links for learning more about various open source tools, standards, and communities.

4. Open GeoData
 OpenStreetMap
 OSM is made & published by people’s participation!!
4. Open GeoData
 OpenStreetMap Activities for Typhoon Haiyan (2013)
01 l OSGeo
02 | Goal &Activities
03 | Incubation
04 | Conferences
1. OSGeo – Open Source Geospatial Foundation
- Open Source Geospatial Foundation
• Established in Chicago, US on 4th
February, 2006.
• Mission : To support the collaborative
development of open source
geospatial software, and promote its
widespread use.
• OSGeo is a NPO that is functioning as
community of communities.
 OSGeo General

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Inspire Helsinki 2019 Keynote by Bart De Lathouwer
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Inspire Helsinki 2019 Keynote by Bart De Lathouwer

The document summarizes a keynote presentation by Bart De Lathouwer, President of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). It provides an overview of OGC, including that it is a global consortium that develops open standards for location data and serves as a forum for communities to address interoperability issues. It discusses OGC's role in connecting people, communities, technology, and decision making through spatial data standards. It also summarizes OGC's history of developing standards like WMS, efforts to align with other organizations like W3C, and current focus on developing modular API standards like OGC API - Features to make spatial data more accessible and usable on the web.

inspireinspire helsinki 2019spatial data
2. Goal & Activities
 Goal & Activities of OSGeo
Goal Activities
 Provide resources for FOSS4G projects
- Infrastructures
- Legal
- Financial
 Promote free and open geospatial data
 Create and maintain a quality brand
 Create and promote free curriculum
 Promote and contribute to standards
 Support FOSS4G on a global scale
 Support local activities and capacities
 Facilitate inter-project communication
 Build a solid market for business and users
 Interface with industry and academia
 Support the education of domain experts not
<brand specialists>
2. Goal & Activities
 OSGeo Live - Enterprise Ready Open Source GIS Stacks
3. Incubation
 OSGeo Incubation
• Efforts for ensuring high quality open source GIS development
• A kind of project health inspection
Have a successfully operating open and collaborative development community1
Have clear IP oversight of the code base of the project2
Adopt the OSGeo principles and operating principles3
Are mentored through the incubation process4
4. Conferences
 FOSS4G Conference
• Annual largest open source GIS conference hosted by OSGeo
• FOSS4G 2017 was held at Boston and FOSS4G 2018 will be held at Dar es Salaam
Image source:

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Inspire Helsinki 2019 - Keynote Bart De Lathouwer
Inspire Helsinki 2019 - Keynote Bart De LathouwerInspire Helsinki 2019 - Keynote Bart De Lathouwer
Inspire Helsinki 2019 - Keynote Bart De Lathouwer

The Inspire Helsinki 2019 event brought together around 170 people from 29 countries to foster discussion and new ideas on how to realise the full potential of spatial data. The three-day event featured data challenges, practical hands-on workshops and future-oriented keynote presentations. The event was summed up in a panel discussion, in which perspectives on tackling remaining challenges were brought up.

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Osgis2011 edina addy_pope
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Osgis2011 edina addy_pope

EDINA is a national data center in the UK that delivers geospatial data and services using open standards and open source software. It provides access to collections like Digimap and OpenBoundaries through web mapping applications and data downloads. EDINA uses open standards like OGC and open source software from OSGeo projects to build interoperable and resilient systems while reducing costs. This hybrid approach provides flexible and innovative services to users while meeting the needs of funders.

Osgis2011 edina addy_pope
Osgis2011 edina addy_popeOsgis2011 edina addy_pope
Osgis2011 edina addy_pope

EDINA is a national data center in the UK that delivers geospatial data and services using open standards and open source software. It provides access to collections like Digimap and OpenBoundaries through web mapping applications and data downloads. EDINA uses open standards like OGC and open source software from projects in OSGeo to build robust and interoperable systems while reducing costs and increasing flexibility.

osgeodatabasesopen source
4. Conferences
 Regional and Local Conferences
• FOSS4G Asia, FOSS4G NA, FOSS4G Europe, and FOSS4G Africa as regional FOSS4G
• More than 15 local FOSS4G conferences
01 l Pros & Cons
02 | Commercial Open Source GIS
03 | Wrap-up
1. Pros & Cons
 Economic Advantages – More with Less!
<Previous Cost Structure> <FOSS4B based Cost Structure>
• Additional development
• Could increase jobs
• More with Less
• Users can focus on their
own job instead of
spending SW/HW
1. Pros & Cons
 Social Advantages – Capacity Building
• Free access to open source GIS
• Source access to open source GIS
Image source: Gérald Fenoy,

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This talk presents an overview of some of the most important Open Specifications (OS) for the storage, transport and processing of geospatial data and why they matter for the development of the next generation of geospatial systems and data infrastructures. What is the importance of being Open? What is the relationship of OS and geospatial software (both FOSS4G and private/proprietary software)? A Web-based system architecture based on OS and FOSS4G will be presented.

디지털트윈 시공간 현상 정보 가시화 사례와 과제 - 한국지도학회 2024년 춘계학술대회 발표 자료
디지털트윈 시공간 현상 정보 가시화 사례와 과제 - 한국지도학회 2024년 춘계학술대회 발표 자료디지털트윈 시공간 현상 정보 가시화 사례와 과제 - 한국지도학회 2024년 춘계학술대회 발표 자료
디지털트윈 시공간 현상 정보 가시화 사례와 과제 - 한국지도학회 2024년 춘계학술대회 발표 자료

안녕하세요? 2024년 6월 1일 고려대학교에서 개최된 한국지도학회 춘계학술대회에서 발표한 자료입니다. 디지털트윈에서 시공간 현상 정보를 가시화한 사례와 이의 구현의 어려움에 관해 발표했습니다.

digital twin디지털트윈한국지도학회
Building a Digital Twin Service in 10 Minutes with FOSS4G! - 오픈소스로 10분만에 디지털트...
Building a Digital Twin Service in 10 Minutes with FOSS4G! - 오픈소스로 10분만에 디지털트...Building a Digital Twin Service in 10 Minutes with FOSS4G! - 오픈소스로 10분만에 디지털트...
Building a Digital Twin Service in 10 Minutes with FOSS4G! - 오픈소스로 10분만에 디지털트... 안녕하세요?   2024년 대한공간정보학회 춘계학술대회에서 발표한 내용입니다. "오픈소스로 10분만에 디지털트윈 서비스하기"를 현장에서 본 동영상처럼 시연하였습니다.  총 1GB 크기의 6종 데이터를 동영상처럼 10분 안에 표준적인 포맷으로 변환하고 서비스하였습니다.  1m DEM (GeoTiff) to Quantized Mesh 2D building footprints (SHP) to  Extruded 3D Tiles Photo-realistic 3D buildings (3DS) to 3D Tiles BIM (IFC) to 3D Tiles Point cloud (LAZ) to 3D Tiles Underground facilities (SHP) to Augmented 3D Tiles 사용한 오픈소스 프로젝트는 mago3DTiler(와 mago3DMesher입니다.   ***   "How to Build a Digital Twin Service in 10 Minutes with FOSS4G!" was showcased at the KSIS (Korea Spatial Information Society) Spring Conference on May 16th. The demonstration included uploading and converting various data types to create a digital twin of Sejong City. These data types included: 1m DEM (GeoTiff) to Quantized Mesh 2D building footprints (SHP) to Extruded 3D Tiles Photo-realistic 3D buildings (3DS) to 3D Tiles BIM (IFC) to 3D Tiles Point cloud (LAZ) to 3D Tiles Underground facilities (SHP) to Augmented 3D Tiles The data was successfully processed and converted into a digital twin service!  mago3DTiler( and mago3DMesher were employed to showcase this.

digital twin디지털트윈3d tiles
1. Pros & Cons
Open Source
 “Software of the developers, by the developers, for the developers”
 Highly depends on network effects
 Less economical incentive could reduce the sustainability of a project
 Downside of Open Source GIS
1. Pros & Cons
 Downside of Commercial Proprietary Software
Open Source
 “High Price” is always headache to users
 Can be locked-in to non standard format or protocol
 Black box could hinder knowledge diffusion
2. Commercial Open Source GIS Companies
3. Wrap-up
• Open Source GIS is basically free.
• The price of commercial Open Source GIS is lower than proprietary one
Cost Reduction
• Almost all the Open Source GIS is compliant with OGC standards
• Open Source GIS can be used with existing proprietary GIS
• Anybody can modify & upgrade the system from the source code level
• Can easily replicate or migrate success cases to their system
Source Code
• Collaboration, sharing & community based SW development model
• Source code will be managed by community not by company
• Neutrality from specific technology or company
• Anybody can join and contribute to Open Source GIS with OSGeo
based SW
• Open Source GIS is now comparable with commercial proprietary GIS
• Open Source GIS is now actively adopted & used all around the world
Advance of
Open Source

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Do we need a new standard for visualizing the invisible?
Do we need a new standard for visualizing the invisible?Do we need a new standard for visualizing the invisible?
Do we need a new standard for visualizing the invisible?

At the OGC member meeting in Delft, Netherlands, my team from Gaia3D and I shared our experiences and the challenges we faced while visualizing large spatio-temporal datasets in digital twins. In conclusion, we discussed the necessity for a new standard, referred to as 'Voxel Tiles,' for visualizing spatio-temporal data.

ogcvoxel tilesspatio-temporal
디지털트윈 몇몇 기술 동향과 사례 - 대한공간정보학회 신년학술대회 발표 자료
디지털트윈 몇몇 기술 동향과 사례 - 대한공간정보학회 신년학술대회 발표 자료디지털트윈 몇몇 기술 동향과 사례 - 대한공간정보학회 신년학술대회 발표 자료
디지털트윈 몇몇 기술 동향과 사례 - 대한공간정보학회 신년학술대회 발표 자료

2024년 2월 16일 제주도에서 개최된 대한공간정보학회 신년학술대회에서 발표한 자료입니다. 객체, 현상, 지능화라는 관점에서 최근의 디지털트윈 관련 동향과 사례를 짚어봤습니다. 참고하시기 바랍니다.

digital twin디지털트윈3d tiles
오픈소스로 사업하기 - 가이아쓰리디 이야기(서울시립대학교 창업지원�� 특강)
오픈소스로 사업하기 - 가이아쓰리디 이야기(서울시립대학교 창업지원단 특강)오픈소스로 사업하기 - 가이아쓰리디 ���야기(서울시립대학교 창업지원단 특강)
오픈소스로 사업하기 - 가이아쓰리디 이야기(서울시립대학교 창업지원단 특강)

2024년 1월 25일 서울시립대학교 창업지원단 주최의 세운캠퍼스 창업기업 쇼케이스에서 발표한 자료입니다. 오픈소스와 인연이 어떻게 사업이 되었는지 개인적인 시각에서 이야기해 봤습니다. 참고하시기 바랍니다.

open source business오픈소스 사업foss4g
Q & A
Thank You!

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Introduction to Open Source GIS

  • 1. Introduction to Open Source GIS Sept, 2017 Mr. Shin, Sanghee Capacity Building For National Surveying and Geographic Information Institute
  • 2. Lecturer Name: Shin, Sanghee Department: Gaia3D, Inc. Contact: 010-9686-2630 E-mail: <Education Background> - Seoul National University - KAIST <Short Biography> - Chair of International FOSS4G Conference, 2015 - Board of Directors, OSGeo Foundation, 2015 - Chair of Technical Advisory Group of UN Open GIS Intiative, 2016
  • 3. I CHAPTER Overview of Open Source SW II CHAPTER Open Source GIS III CHAPTER Open Source GIS Projects CONTENTS IV CHAPTER OSGeo – Open Source Geospatial Foundation V CHAPTER Wrap-Up
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  • 7. 7 1. What is Open Source SW?  Open source SW(OSS) is the computer SW that is available in source code form under certain licenses.  Users of OSS are permitted to use, copy, study, change, improve and even redistribute those OSS freely.  ‘Free’ does not mean ‘Free of Charge’ but ‘Freedom’ or ‘Liberty’ Freedom Of Software Freedom of Redistribute Freedom of Modify Freedom of Copy Freedom of Use
  • 8. 8 2. SW Models – Cathedral vs. Bazaar Cathedral Bazaar Leverage own knowledge Leverage others knowledge too <Closed Development> <Open Development>  Designed and developed by inside R&D lab  Inside knowledge, intellectual property, experiences  Idling knowledge, limited leveraging outside knowledge  Designed and developed with other outside partners  Inside knowledge + outside knowledge  ‘We are smarter than Me!!’ In-House Development Collaborative Development  Leveraging inside & outside knowledge  Open Source Software Development Model
  • 9. 9 3. Benefits of Open Source SW  Benefits of Open Source Software  Empower people, save money, save resources, increase stability, access to source code, access to skilled community of developers Develop the society by sharing technology & outcomes!! 1. Technological Aspects 2. Economical Aspects 3. Business Aspects 4. Other Aspects Rapid development of high- class SW Increased stability by skilled community review Reduce technological gap to leading proprietary SW company Internalize outside SW developer resources Very low adoption cost Reduce SW development cost Easy to customize Reuse successful story Extend company’s products portfolio Open up new market by providing diversified services & products Improve brand image of company Reduce energy Self-Satisfaction Help society
  • 10. 10 4. Reasons Why Select Open Source  Open Source Advantages over Commercial SW(2007)  Open source’s price tag is clearly important driver. OSS is practically cheaper than commercial one.  57% said that accessibility to source code really matters and 41% cited community code review as an important benefit over proprietary. 80% 57% 41% 20% 18% 15% 15% 15% 10% 6% 5% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Price Source Code Access Community Code Review Don’t Know Bug Fix Turnaround Security Code Quality Best Product Functionality Easier to Adopt in Organization Other IP Protection  Price & open source code are key factors! * Source : Barracuda Networks
  • 11. 11 4. Reasons Why Select Open Source  Open Source as Better Quality Software(2013) Source: BlackDuck Software, ‘2013 The Future of Open Source’
  • 12. 12 4. Reasons Why Select Open Source  Open Source as Better Quality Software(2014) Source: BlackDuck Software, 1 2 3 4 Quality Security Ease of Deployment Source Code Access
  • 13. 01 l What is Open Source GIS? 02 | WhyOpen Source GIS? 03 | Characteristics of GIS 04 | GIS: Vertical Set of Many SW Open Source GISII. 05 | Another Lego Block 06 | Rising of Open Source GIS
  • 14. 14 1. What is Open Source GIS?  Open Source GIS • FOSS4G : Free Open Source Software for Geo-Spatial • GeoFOSS : Geospatial Free Open Source Software
  • 15. 15 2. Why Open Source GIS?  Current State & Needs of Open Source GIS  Boom-up of Open Source & Open Source GIS - Around 300 ~ 400 Open Source GIS projects are available (, 2011)  Advance of Open Source GIS - OSGeo Foundation : Commercial proprietary GIS SW can be replaced with Open Source GIS - Google used Open Source based GDAL in its Google Earth program - AutoDesk opend the source code of MapGuide, FDO & MetaCRS and then donated those to OSGeo - ESRI actively used GDAL and also changed its ArcGIS GeoPortal Server to Open Source based one  Active adoption of Open Source GIS in UN, EU, USA , Canada and other countries Current State  Want to meet lots of needs of GIS from public sectors  Want More with Less!!  Want to replicate other people & institution’s experience  Want to manage & modify the system by ourselves!! Necessity
  • 16. 16 3. Characteristics of GIS  Characteristics of GIS  GIS = Vertical Set of Many Software • Interoperability is very crucial among components • Linux, Apache, PHP are Horizontal based Software • GIS is Vertical Architecture based one from DB to web client  GIS as Public Infrastructure = Spatial Data Infrastructure • Vendor neutral, standard based architecture is very important • Active standardization by ISO, OGC  Open Source GIS as another Lego Block • Active implementation of “Standard Compatibility” by Open Source GIS • Open Source GIS could replace commercial proprietary SW/Components
  • 17. 17 4. GIS: Vertical Set of Many Software  Characteristics of GIS : Vertical Set of Many Software Data DBMS Server Middleware Interface Client Map Image DEM Oracle PostgreSQL ArcServer ArcSDE GeoServer MIP ArcTMS TMS GeoWebCache WMS WFS WCS CSW ArcMAP Google Earth QGIS Web
  • 18. 18 5. Another Lego Block  Open Source GIS as Substitute for Proprietary Software ArcReader ArcMap/ArcGIS ArcINFO/ArcGRID ArcPad ArcSDE ArcIMS ArcGIS Server VB, Python uDig, GRASS, gvSIG, QGIS, OSSIM uDig, GRASS, gvSIG, QGIS, OSSIM GRASS, OSSIM, SEXTANTE gvSIG mobile PostGIS Mapserver, GeoServer, DeeGree GRASS, SEXTANTE PHP, Python, Perl,, etc… Viewing Cartography Analysis Devices Database Web Spatial Server Scripting • Source : Prof. Kwangwoo Nam
  • 19. 19 5. Another Lego Block  FOSS4G Projects under OSGeo Umbrella Geospatial Libraries Web Mapping Desktop GIS Metadata Catalog
  • 20. 20 5. Another Lego Block  C Tribe OGR/GDAL Mapserver GRASS PostGIS OSSIM Proj4 GEOS QGIS GMT TerraLib MapGuide FDO • Source : Tyler Mitchell
  • 21. 21 5. Another Lego Block  Java Tribe • Source : Tyler Mitchell GeoTools OpenMap GeoServer JTS Topology Suite JUMP uDig DeeGree gvSIG GeoAPI
  • 22. 22 5. Another Lego Block  .Net Tribe • Source : Tyler Mitchell Proj.Net WorldWind NTS SharpMap MapWindow GDAL Proj4 JTS OGR
  • 23. 23 5. Another Lego Block  Web Tribe • Source : Tyler Mitchell MapBender TileCache MapBuilder CartoWeb PostGIS WMS Mapserver OpenLayers FeatureServer Ka-Map Geoserver GeoExt MapFish OpenScales ExtJS
  • 24. 24 JSTS shapely JTS Topology Suite (Geometry Engine) Source:
  • 25. 25 6. Rising of Open Source GIS  Google Trends Analysis * Source: ArcMap QGIS
  • 26. 01 l FOSS4G Based NSDI 02 | Real Cases 03 | Korean Cases 04 | Open GeoData Open Source GIS ProjectsIII.
  • 27. 27 1. FOSS4G Based NSDI  FOSS4B Based NSDI Architecture
  • 28. 28 1. FOSS4G Based NSDI  FOSS4B Based System Architecture Data DBMS Server Middleware Client Open Street Map Open Aerial Map GeoNames PostGIS MapServer MapGuide GeoServer Deegree Squid TMS GeoWebCache QGIS uDIG Open Layers GeoExtMap Window OWS Interface World Wind LeafletOpen Scales GRASS GeoNetwork
  • 29. 29 1. FOSS4G Based NSDI EU : INSPIRE  EU : INSPIRE • Hybrid model mixing proprietary and foss4g
  • 30. 30 2. Real Cases  Geo Bolivia • Pursuing Open Source GIS based NSDI
  • 31. 31 2. Real Cases  IGN, France  Managing more than 100M spatial entities using PostGIS
  • 32. 32 2. Real Cases  MassGIS, USA  Using PostGIS, GeoServer, GeoExt with ESRI Products
  • 33. 33 2. Real Cases  MassGIS, USA
  • 34. 34 2. Real Cases  United Nations Open GIS Initiative  From ‘More with Less’ to ‘Better with Less’
  • 35. 35 2. Real Cases  TD of Spiral 1 on Sep, OD of Spiral 1 will be on November.  United Nations Open GIS Initiative • 2 times meeting was held and 3rd meeting will be held on November
  • 36. 36 3. Korean Cases  Open Source GIS Adoptions in Korea
  • 37. 37 3. Korean Cases  NSDI Portal  OpenLayers was used as main web client!
  • 38. 38 3. Korean Cases  Korea Aerospace Research Institute and Korea Meteorological Administration  GeoServer, GWC, OpenLayers
  • 39. 39 3. Korean Cases  GeoServer, GWC, Squid, OpenLayers [Smart Phone] [FOSS4B based Transport Information Service System Architecture]  National Transport Information Center
  • 40. 40 3. Korean Cases  Site Suitability Analysis for Investment  PostGIS, MapServer, Open Scales • Analysis Menu • Analysis Results Window
  • 41. 41 4. Open GeoData  OpenStreetMap  OSM is made & published by people’s participation!!
  • 42. 42 4. Open GeoData  OpenStreetMap Activities for Typhoon Haiyan (2013)
  • 43. 01 l OSGeo 02 | Goal &Activities 03 | Incubation 04 | Conferences OSGeoIV.
  • 44. 44 1. OSGeo – Open Source Geospatial Foundation OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial Foundation • Established in Chicago, US on 4th February, 2006. • Mission : To support the collaborative development of open source geospatial software, and promote its widespread use. • OSGeo is a NPO that is functioning as community of communities.  OSGeo General
  • 45. 45 2. Goal & Activities  Goal & Activities of OSGeo Goal Activities  Provide resources for FOSS4G projects - Infrastructures - Legal - Financial  Promote free and open geospatial data  Create and maintain a quality brand  Create and promote free curriculum  Promote and contribute to standards  Support FOSS4G on a global scale  Support local activities and capacities  Facilitate inter-project communication  Build a solid market for business and users  Interface with industry and academia  Support the education of domain experts not <brand specialists>
  • 46. 46 2. Goal & Activities  OSGeo Live - Enterprise Ready Open Source GIS Stacks
  • 47. 47 3. Incubation  OSGeo Incubation • Efforts for ensuring high quality open source GIS development • A kind of project health inspection Have a successfully operating open and collaborative development community1 Have clear IP oversight of the code base of the project2 Adopt the OSGeo principles and operating principles3 Are mentored through the incubation process4
  • 48. 48 4. Conferences  FOSS4G Conference • Annual largest open source GIS conference hosted by OSGeo • FOSS4G 2017 was held at Boston and FOSS4G 2018 will be held at Dar es Salaam Image source:
  • 49. 49 4. Conferences  Regional and Local Conferences • FOSS4G Asia, FOSS4G NA, FOSS4G Europe, and FOSS4G Africa as regional FOSS4G • More than 15 local FOSS4G conferences
  • 50. 01 l Pros & Cons 02 | Commercial Open Source GIS 03 | Wrap-up Wrap-UpV.
  • 51. 51 1. Pros & Cons  Economic Advantages – More with Less! Hardware Software Overhead System Integration Hardware Software Overhead System Integration Additional Development <Previous Cost Structure> <FOSS4B based Cost Structure> • Additional development • Could increase jobs • More with Less • Users can focus on their own job instead of spending SW/HW
  • 52. 52 1. Pros & Cons  Social Advantages – Capacity Building • Free access to open source GIS • Source access to open source GIS Image source: Gérald Fenoy,
  • 53. 53 1. Pros & Cons Proprietary Software Open Source Software  “Software of the developers, by the developers, for the developers”  Highly depends on network effects  Less economical incentive could reduce the sustainability of a project  Downside of Open Source GIS
  • 54. 54 1. Pros & Cons  Downside of Commercial Proprietary Software Proprietary Software Open Source Software  “High Price” is always headache to users  Can be locked-in to non standard format or protocol  Black box could hinder knowledge diffusion
  • 55. 55 2. Commercial Open Source GIS Companies
  • 56. 56 3. Wrap-up • Open Source GIS is basically free. • The price of commercial Open Source GIS is lower than proprietary one Cost Reduction • Almost all the Open Source GIS is compliant with OGC standards • Open Source GIS can be used with existing proprietary GIS Interoperability • Anybody can modify & upgrade the system from the source code level • Can easily replicate or migrate success cases to their system Opened Source Code • Collaboration, sharing & community based SW development model • Source code will be managed by community not by company • Neutrality from specific technology or company • Anybody can join and contribute to Open Source GIS with OSGeo Collaboration based SW • Open Source GIS is now comparable with commercial proprietary GIS • Open Source GIS is now actively adopted & used all around the world Advance of Open Source GIS
  • 57. Q & A