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Basics of
The World's Most Misunderstood Programming Language
- Has nothing to do with JAVA
- Object Oriented and Functional [Lisp in C’s clothing ]
- Designed as a scripting language for NetScape Navigator
- Traditionally abused for Form validation
- Now runs giants like walmart / paypal / linkedin
JavaScript is a prototype-based
scripting language with dynamic typing
and first-class functions.
This makes it a mix of features makes it
a multi-paradigm language, supporting
object-oriented, imperative, and
functional programming styles.
Originally designed for the browser . But
now used literally everywhere.
- Created in 1995 by Brenden Eich
- First version was created in 10 days !
- Microsoft releases JScript for IE after few months
- Netscape goes to ECMA for getting standards
- First formal standards released in 1999 as ECMAScript 3- Has been
stable ever since
- Second coming happened after Google popularised concept of AJAX for
their web apps.
- Latest version (ES6) released last month with a lot of new features -
Classes , generators etc
- Google/Mozilla working on a project to make assembly in web possible.
(ASM.js / WebAssembly)
- Today its the most popular programming language on Github
Who uses JS?
In the Browser
Everyone who has a modern webpage/web app.
Best examples can be Google products.
And literally every website that you can think of.
Windows 8 metro UI was built using it .
iOS uses a webkit engine for the great UI . Same
thing that is used by chrome for rendering.
Who uses JS?
Server Side,Paypal,Linked in, Apple were early adopters.
Now most companies are moving to node / something
similar for their content serving
IOT - JS is becoming the go to language
RealTime - We are launching chat soon built fully in node
What can JS do today ?
- Run a VM inside a browser
- Run a game inside the browser
- Serve 300 million users without
shooting up the CPU
- Help in making PPTs online
- Make real time chat possible
Atwood's Law:
“any application that can be written in JavaScript, will
eventually be written in JavaScript.”
What can JS do ?
- Make cool graphics
- Make sophisticated dashboards
- Car dashboard panels
- and of course validation
Language fundamentals
● Number
● String
● Boolean
● null
● undefined
● Object
○ Function
○ Array
○ Date
○ RegExp
Data Types
Language fundamentals
● Number
● String
● Boolean
● null
● undefined
● Object
○ Function
○ Array
○ Date
○ RegExp
Data Types Numbers
- Double-precision 64-bit format [ Int and floats]
- Leads to problems this
0.1 + 0.2 == 0.30000000000000004
- All standard arithmetic operators ( + , - , * , / , % )
- Math Object , Math.sin() , Math.round() , Math.floor() etc
- parseInt() , parseFloat() for parsing string to numbers
- Special Numbers - NaN , Infinity
- Sequences of 16 bit Unicode chars . It will support any language . ह द , ಕನ ಡ
- String has a lot of built in functions, properties . DEMO
- Coerce any thing into Boolean using Boolean()
- Falsy Values :false, 0, “”,NaN, null, and undefined
- Truthy Values: Everything else
Language fundamentals
● Number
● String
● Boolean
● null
● undefined
● Object
○ Function
○ Array
○ Date
○ RegExp
Data Types Declaring a variable
var a;
var b = 10;
b = “Hello World”
console.log(a) // Would show undefined - Means its declared but not defined
Is an assignment value.
Can be used for explicitly saying at a point of execution that variable is not available or
doesn't have an actual value.
null absence of value for a variable;
undefined absence of variable itself;
Language fundamentals
● Number
● String
● Boolean
● null
● undefined
● Object
○ Function
○ Array
○ Date
○ RegExp
Data Types Object
- Most important part of JS .Everything is an object in JS . Even Functions
- Simple collections of name-value pairs
- Primitives are immutable
var obj = new Object();
var obj = {};
function Person(name, age) { = name;
this.age = age;
var p1= new Person("John Doe", 24);
TIP: All object assignments are References . i.e when you do
var p2 = p1 // This will point to same place in memory
Language fundamentals
● Number
● String
● Boolean
● null
● undefined
● Object
○ Function
○ Array
○ Date
○ RegExp
Data Types Functions
- First class citizens
function add(x, y) {
var total = x + y;
return total;
This that you can do :
add(3,4) // will return 7
add(“hello”,”world”) // will return “helloworld”
add(3,4,5) // ??
add(3) // ??
add() // ??
All functions will have access to special parameters
inside its body like arguments , this etc.
var add = function(x, y) {
var total = x + y;
return total;
Language fundamentals
● Number
● String
● Boolean
● null
● undefined
● Object
○ Function
○ Array
○ Date
○ RegExp
Data Types Arrays [ ]
- Special type of Objects.
- Has a special property called length
- length is not the number of elements of array
- It is one more than highest index in the array
var arr = new Array();
arr[0] = 1; // Arrays dont have a type. You have have
arr[1] = ‘b’; // primitives or objects as array elements
arr[50] = new Object();
arr[99] = true;
console.log(arr.length) // Length would be 100 when actually there
// are only 4 elements in the array
Language fundamentals
● Number
● String
● Boolean
● null
● undefined
● Object
○ Function
○ Array
○ Date
○ RegExp
Data Types Date
- Exact replica of Java date class.
- new Date() gives you the timestamp accurate to milliseconds from 1/1/1970
- new Date(10-1-2015) gives you a date object with that days timestamp
- Lots of date manipulation functions inbuilt. Also lots of good i18n functions
Regular Expressions
- One of the least exploited parts of JS.
- Good for form validation .
- Can be used along with String.replace method
Flow Control
Support for almost every flow control structure.
Including :
if then else
ternary operator
switch case
for in
Error Handling
Best way to handle errors is to write good code.
Next best way is to use try catches
try {
Block of code to try
catch(err) {
Block of code to handle errors
This ensures that rest of the code continues to execute . Otherwise
your code will stop executing at the line where the error occurred .
Leading to total disaster.
Lets talk about the DOM
Document Object Model exposes many APIs to mess with its
eg : getElementByID(“id”) , getElementsByClassName().
By using / misusing the APIs we can bring magic/disaster to web
DOM Manipulation
DOM Manipulation is slow. Depends based on the browser /OS/
System resources and implementation of DOM. After each
manipulation depending on what changes you made , browser has to
do a rerender / repaint.
Over to JSBin
Sync Vs Async
- Synchronous code runs line by line
- Async code runs parallely
Variable Hoisting
var declaredLater;
// Outputs: undefined
declaredLater = "Now it's defined!";
// Outputs: "Now it's defined!"
Function Hoisting
// Outputs: "Definition hoisted!"
// TypeError: undefined is not a function
function definitionHoisted() {
console.log("Definition hoisted!");
var definitionNotHoisted = function () {
console.log("Definition not hoisted!");
- Universal Data exchange format of web
- Invented initially for representing JS objects
- Supports all the basic data types
Scope is the set of variables you have access to.
In JS there are mainly two scopes
1) Local Scope
2) Global Scope
3) Automatic Global
Any variable declared inside a function using var has local
Any variable declared outside it has global scope
Special Case : Any variable declared inside a function without
the “var“ keyword is assumed global and is assinged to global
function foo(){
var a =10; // Local scope
var b = 100; // Global scope
function bar(){
c = 10; // Automatic global
AJAX - Asynchronous JavaScript and
Something that microsoft did right :P
AJAX is the art of exchanging data with a
server, and updating parts of a web page
- without reloading the whole page.
Implemented using the XMLHttpRequest
abstracted in jQuery using $.ajax({})
JS on the Server
Whats wrong with our servers ?
JS on the Server
How does node.js help ?
JS on the Server
Setting up a server using Node
var http = require('http');
http.createServer(function (req, res) {
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
res.end('Hello Worldn');
}).listen(1337, '');
console.log('Server running at');
JS on the Server
Setting up a server using Node
Thankyou !
Questions ?

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Basics of JavaScript

  • 2. Introduction The World's Most Misunderstood Programming Language - Has nothing to do with JAVA - Object Oriented and Functional [Lisp in C’s clothing ] - Designed as a scripting language for NetScape Navigator - Traditionally abused for Form validation - Now runs giants like walmart / paypal / linkedin
  • 3. Introduction JavaScript is a prototype-based scripting language with dynamic typing and first-class functions. This makes it a mix of features makes it a multi-paradigm language, supporting object-oriented, imperative, and functional programming styles. Originally designed for the browser . But now used literally everywhere.
  • 4. History - Created in 1995 by Brenden Eich - First version was created in 10 days ! - Microsoft releases JScript for IE after few months - Netscape goes to ECMA for getting standards - First formal standards released in 1999 as ECMAScript 3- Has been stable ever since - Second coming happened after Google popularised concept of AJAX for their web apps. - Latest version (ES6) released last month with a lot of new features - Classes , generators etc - Google/Mozilla working on a project to make assembly in web possible. (ASM.js / WebAssembly) - Today its the most popular programming language on Github
  • 5. Who uses JS? In the Browser Everyone who has a modern webpage/web app. Best examples can be Google products. And literally every website that you can think of. Desktop Windows 8 metro UI was built using it . iOS uses a webkit engine for the great UI . Same thing that is used by chrome for rendering.
  • 6. Who uses JS? Server Side,Paypal,Linked in, Apple were early adopters. Now most companies are moving to node / something similar for their content serving IOT - JS is becoming the go to language RealTime - We are launching chat soon built fully in node
  • 7. What can JS do today ? - Run a VM inside a browser - Run a game inside the browser - Serve 300 million users without shooting up the CPU - Help in making PPTs online - Make real time chat possible Atwood's Law: “any application that can be written in JavaScript, will eventually be written in JavaScript.”
  • 8. What can JS do ? - Make cool graphics - Make sophisticated dashboards - Car dashboard panels - and of course validation
  • 9. Language fundamentals ● Number ● String ● Boolean ● null ● undefined ● Object ○ Function ○ Array ○ Date ○ RegExp Data Types
  • 10. Language fundamentals ● Number ● String ● Boolean ● null ● undefined ● Object ○ Function ○ Array ○ Date ○ RegExp Data Types Numbers - Double-precision 64-bit format [ Int and floats] - Leads to problems this 0.1 + 0.2 == 0.30000000000000004 - All standard arithmetic operators ( + , - , * , / , % ) - Math Object , Math.sin() , Math.round() , Math.floor() etc - parseInt() , parseFloat() for parsing string to numbers - Special Numbers - NaN , Infinity String - Sequences of 16 bit Unicode chars . It will support any language . ह द , ಕನ ಡ - String has a lot of built in functions, properties . DEMO Boolean - Coerce any thing into Boolean using Boolean() - Falsy Values :false, 0, “”,NaN, null, and undefined - Truthy Values: Everything else
  • 11. Language fundamentals ● Number ● String ● Boolean ● null ● undefined ● Object ○ Function ○ Array ○ Date ○ RegExp Data Types Declaring a variable var a; var b = 10; b = “Hello World” console.log(a) // Would show undefined - Means its declared but not defined null Is an assignment value. Can be used for explicitly saying at a point of execution that variable is not available or doesn't have an actual value. null absence of value for a variable; undefined absence of variable itself;
  • 12. Language fundamentals ● Number ● String ● Boolean ● null ● undefined ● Object ○ Function ○ Array ○ Date ○ RegExp Data Types Object - Most important part of JS .Everything is an object in JS . Even Functions - Simple collections of name-value pairs - Primitives are immutable var obj = new Object(); var obj = {}; function Person(name, age) { = name; this.age = age; } var p1= new Person("John Doe", 24); TIP: All object assignments are References . i.e when you do var p2 = p1 // This will point to same place in memory
  • 13. Language fundamentals ● Number ● String ● Boolean ● null ● undefined ● Object ○ Function ○ Array ○ Date ○ RegExp Data Types Functions - First class citizens function add(x, y) { var total = x + y; return total; } This that you can do : add(3,4) // will return 7 add(“hello”,”world”) // will return “helloworld” add(3,4,5) // ?? add(3) // ?? add() // ?? All functions will have access to special parameters inside its body like arguments , this etc. var add = function(x, y) { var total = x + y; return total; }
  • 14. Language fundamentals ● Number ● String ● Boolean ● null ● undefined ● Object ○ Function ○ Array ○ Date ○ RegExp Data Types Arrays [ ] - Special type of Objects. - Has a special property called length - length is not the number of elements of array - It is one more than highest index in the array var arr = new Array(); arr[0] = 1; // Arrays dont have a type. You have have arr[1] = ‘b’; // primitives or objects as array elements arr[50] = new Object(); arr[99] = true; console.log(arr.length) // Length would be 100 when actually there // are only 4 elements in the array
  • 15. Language fundamentals ● Number ● String ● Boolean ● null ● undefined ● Object ○ Function ○ Array ○ Date ○ RegExp Data Types Date - Exact replica of Java date class. - new Date() gives you the timestamp accurate to milliseconds from 1/1/1970 - new Date(10-1-2015) gives you a date object with that days timestamp - Lots of date manipulation functions inbuilt. Also lots of good i18n functions Regular Expressions - One of the least exploited parts of JS. - Good for form validation . - Can be used along with String.replace method
  • 16. Flow Control Support for almost every flow control structure. Including : if then else while for ternary operator switch case for in break continue
  • 17. Error Handling Best way to handle errors is to write good code. Next best way is to use try catches try { Block of code to try } catch(err) { Block of code to handle errors } This ensures that rest of the code continues to execute . Otherwise your code will stop executing at the line where the error occurred . Leading to total disaster.
  • 19. Lets talk about the DOM Document Object Model exposes many APIs to mess with its Objects. eg : getElementByID(“id”) , getElementsByClassName(). By using / misusing the APIs we can bring magic/disaster to web pages. DOM Manipulation DOM Manipulation is slow. Depends based on the browser /OS/ System resources and implementation of DOM. After each manipulation depending on what changes you made , browser has to do a rerender / repaint. Over to JSBin
  • 20. Sync Vs Async - Synchronous code runs line by line - Async code runs parallely - DEMO
  • 21. Hoisting Variable Hoisting var declaredLater; // Outputs: undefined console.log(declaredLater); declaredLater = "Now it's defined!"; // Outputs: "Now it's defined!" console.log(declaredLater); Function Hoisting // Outputs: "Definition hoisted!" definitionHoisted(); // TypeError: undefined is not a function definitionNotHoisted(); function definitionHoisted() { console.log("Definition hoisted!"); } var definitionNotHoisted = function () { console.log("Definition not hoisted!"); };
  • 22. JSON - Universal Data exchange format of web - Invented initially for representing JS objects - Supports all the basic data types
  • 23. Scope Scope is the set of variables you have access to. In JS there are mainly two scopes 1) Local Scope 2) Global Scope 3) Automatic Global Any variable declared inside a function using var has local scope Any variable declared outside it has global scope Special Case : Any variable declared inside a function without the “var“ keyword is assumed global and is assinged to global scope. function foo(){ var a =10; // Local scope } var b = 100; // Global scope function bar(){ c = 10; // Automatic global }
  • 24. AJAX AJAX - Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. Something that microsoft did right :P AJAX is the art of exchanging data with a server, and updating parts of a web page - without reloading the whole page. Implemented using the XMLHttpRequest abstracted in jQuery using $.ajax({})
  • 25. JS on the Server Whats wrong with our servers ?
  • 26. JS on the Server How does node.js help ?
  • 27. JS on the Server Setting up a server using Node var http = require('http'); http.createServer(function (req, res) { res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}); res.end('Hello Worldn'); }).listen(1337, ''); console.log('Server running at');
  • 28. JS on the Server Setting up a server using Node