SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Andrew Davidson |
Andrew Davidson
01273 748667
Campaign Goals
 Rank in Organic Search – Your website is currently nowhere to be found in Google
searches for “money” keywords. Our top goal will be to push those rankings up to
the first page.
 Increase Website Traffic – We want to help potential customers find your website
when searching for motivational speaker services. Our goal is to drive as much
qualified traffic to your website as possible.
 Increase Website Engagement – In addition to overall traffic, it’s important to
increase time on site, pages per visit and decrease bounce rate. These are simple
metrics that show quality user interactions.
 Build Domain Equity – Over time great SEO will improve the overall authority of
your website with search engines. Increased authority = increased rankings.
 Increase Brand Awareness – We will create value added content like YouTube and
SlideShare documents and rank them in Google. This will help build your brand as
an authority in the market.
 Increase Leads – The most important part – we want to drive targeted traffic and
convert it into qualified leads.
Campaign Deliverables
o Custom Analytics Implementation – The only way to make educated
decisions about marketing spend is to analyze your web data. We will
implement custom events, conversions, funnels, attribution points,
Webmaster Tools (GWT) and goals in Google Analytics.
o Keyword Analysis – Axiom offers a number of education based services –
each of these services has different search demand with a number of
synonym keywords. We will use your existing AdWords data in
conjunction with keyword research tools to identify the most valuable
keywords to Axiom.
o SEO Technical Audit + Optimisation – We will use SEO tools (Screaming
Frog SEO Spider) to analyze your source code and identify weaknesses
from an SEO point of view. We will then work with your dev team to
correct these instances.
o Content Optimisation / Site Structure – In order to rank for multiple
keywords, we will need to add additional pages to your website. We will
work with your dev team to set up and structure content into SEO “silos”
– aka the preferred taxonomy for search engine spiders.
Campaign Deliverables
o Local Optimisation – Axiom has 9 local (brick and mortar) locations. We
will set up, optimise and rank these listings in Google Maps (“Local 7
o Link Building – Links to your website are Google’s #1 ranking factor. It’s
extremely important to build the right links to your website – that’s why we
perform it as it’s own individual deliverable.
o YouTube SEO / Video Marketing – We don’t want to just rank your website,
we want to dominate search results. We will create a custom explainer
video, host it on YouTube and optimise it to rank for your keywords.
o Authority Property SEO – Web properties like Slide Share also rank very
well in Google (when SEO’d). We will work with you to publish killer
content on document sharing sites and optimise them to rank for your
keywords in Google.
o Monthly Reports – We will provide a full website report (pulled from
Google Analytics + Rank Tracker) every month detailing campaign
performance, goal completions, tasks performed and overall analysis. We
will cover the report in depth via monthly status call.

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This document contains information about Khirulnizam Abd Rahman, including his contact details and an overview of search engine optimization (SEO) techniques. It discusses SEO definitions, indexing, natural listings, the importance of SEO, and 10 essential SEO practices. Key topics covered include keywords, meta tags, URLs, links, content generation, and analyzing site performance. The document provides guidance on optimizing a website to increase its visibility in search engines.

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Search engine optimization (seo) overview
Search engine optimization (seo) overviewSearch engine optimization (seo) overview
Search engine optimization (seo) overview

This is basically for those who want to learn Search Engine Optimization (SEO). and also for those marketers , business owners, entrepreneurs who want know about SEO.

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Seo presentationsSeo presentations
Seo presentations

SEO refers to techniques that help websites rank higher in organic search results. It is part of search engine marketing, which also includes paid search advertising. The goal of SEO is to provide searchers with the most relevant results by optimizing websites for search engines to easily index their content and determine relevance to search queries. Key factors search engines consider include on-page content, backlinks from other sites, and how well the content matches searchers' queries. Creating thorough, high-quality content on multiple topics through pages, blogs, and other formats can help websites effectively optimize for many relevant keywords and rank for searches.

seo presentationson page & off page optimozation
1. Google Analytics
Before we do anything, we ensure your website is set up to track our efforts. That requires a custom Google
Analytics implementation and analysis.
o What are you currently
o What are you missing?
o Where does the majority of
your traffic come from?
o What traffic source is most
valuable to your business?
o What are the important
actions on your website that
we need to track?
o Creation of custom events and
o Creation of custom reports
o Creation of custom
o Implementation of additional
JavaScript to track all
important actions
We are a data driven agency! All decisions are made from hard facts, not theory.
2. Google Webmaster Tools
Google Webmaster Tools is the backbone of your website. The free tool allows you to monitor key technical
aspects like sitemap.xml, robots.txt, Google warnings/updates, and check on rankings.
Setting up and optimising this tool allows us to get a pulse on the health of your website and analyze the
impact of our SEO efforts.
We are a data driven agency! All decisions are made from hard facts, not theory.
Why Mobile Optimisation?
As is, your website is not mobile responsive.
It’s vital that we make your website mobile responsive, for 2 reasons:
1. Over 50% of Google searches come from mobile devices. If your site doesn’t render on mobile,
visitors will not be able to see your content properly and the traffic is lost.
1. Google recently rolled out a new algorithm that demotes sites that aren't optimised for mobile. In other
words, if your site isn't optimised, you wont rank.
Why Paid Search?
Organic search optimisation takes time. Pay per click ads have your site live on the first page with the
click of a button.
We strongly recommended a “blended search” approach. Blended search tackles both paid search and
As your organic rankings push up, we decrease ad spend. That way you always have a presence on the
first page of Google for all of your main keywords.

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This document provides an overview of search engine optimization (SEO) and how search engines work. It defines SEO as techniques that help websites rank higher in organic search results. It explains that search engines index websites to gather content that they can display when users search. Rankings are determined by relevance and authority, with authority measured by quality backlinks. The document outlines best practices for on-page SEO like optimized content, URLs, images and tags, as well as off-page SEO like building quality backlinks. It emphasizes that high-quality, keyword-optimized content is key to success with SEO.

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Demand quest seo training 1 16x9 10.2018
Demand quest seo training 1 16x9 10.2018Demand quest seo training 1 16x9 10.2018
Demand quest seo training 1 16x9 10.2018

This document provides an overview of a search engine optimization (SEO) training session. The agenda includes introductions, how search engines work, what SEO is, the SEO pyramid, local SEO, and a 30-minute SEO checkup. It discusses how search and searchers have evolved over time. It also covers technical on-page SEO factors like XML sitemaps, robots.txt files, and page speed as well as off-page factors like backlinks, citations, and competitors. Content strategy and content marketing are also summarized, including steps to identify gaps and fill them. The importance of local SEO and ranking factors is explained.

What Ranks a Site?
Google has well over 200 signals their algorithm reads when ranking sites. We don’t want to get too
technical, but it’s important we cover it at a high level so you can understand our strategy.
coding, XML
site maps,
robots.txt, etc
Proper keyword
usage, website
structure, content
structure, etc
Sites like Reddit,
Facebook, Twitter, etc
make up a large chunk
of the web’s usage. If
your site isn’t being
mentioned here (a lot),
Google has a tough
time ranking your site.
A “backlink” is when another website
links to yours. A link tells Google that
your site is important and links are still
the #1 ranking factor in Google. For
competitive niches like yours, it’s
important to acquire high quality and
high authority links from relevant
websites (i.e. websites similar to
yours, not sports)
Technical Audit
Proper SEO requires an in depth audit of website code, architecture, outbound links, inbound links, broken
links, semantic markup, structured data and more. Before we optimise your site, we need to assess the
status. Some tasks include:
o Website crawl using Screaming Frog SEO Spider Tool
o Broken link assessment + correction
o Inbound link assessment
o Image tag assessment + correction
o XML Sitemap creation + submission
o Setup Robots.txt + optimisation
o URL restructuring
Keyword Analysis
First, we’ll do a thorough analysis of the keywords related to web hosting. We compile a list of “head”
keywords, long tail keywords, top of the funnel keywords and purchase intent keywords.
We use tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEM Rush, Long Tail Pro, Google Trends and Google
Semantic Search to find keyword variations that your potential customers use.
We keep this analysis in a ready to use Excel file. We use it evaluate the current state of your pages as
well as a baseline for future content creation.
Keyword Optimisation
After we have your keywords we go work optimising your content around them. Some optimisations
• Title tags
• Heading tags (<h1> - <h6>)
• Image title
• Image alt tags
• Body content
• Meta descriptions
These optimisations ensure Google is finding your content for the right keywords.

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On-page SEO involves optimizing individual web pages to rank higher in search engines. Key on-page factors include page titles, meta descriptions, URLs, content, images, links, and site structure. The document provides guidelines for optimizing these elements, such as using keywords in titles, unique descriptions, relevant content with proper formatting, alt text for images, internal linking, and XML sitemaps. Regular optimization and monitoring over 6-12 months is recommended to improve search engine rankings. Common mistakes to avoid are hidden text, duplicate content, and off-site elements.

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On March 13th, Andrew Maff sat down with Brandon Till of TrustPilot to talk about the best ways to reduce customer acquisition costs with an off-page SEO strategy to increase organic traffic. These slides are from a webinar where we dove deep into off-page SEO. Why? Because off-page SEO has become more important than on-page SEO, it's starting to help reduce customer acquisition costs by driving paid advertising costs down. We touched on every aspect we could think of to show e-commerce sellers the benefit of off-page SEO with backlink building, relationship building, social proof and much more! Check out the slides attached here and feel free to reach out if you have any questions! SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel to see all of our other webinars! SUBSCRIBE HERE:

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Free SEO Beginner's Guide From New Web Dimension
 Free SEO Beginner's Guide From New Web Dimension Free SEO Beginner's Guide From New Web Dimension
Free SEO Beginner's Guide From New Web Dimension

The document provides an overview of search engine optimization (SEO) techniques. It discusses 10 essential SEO practices including writing good content, doing keyword research, using keywords wisely, getting backlinks from other sites, structuring sites for SEO, analyzing site performance, keeping up with latest SEO news, avoiding black hat techniques, preventing duplicate content, and using meta description and keyword tags effectively. The techniques aim to help websites rank higher in search engine results pages.

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Social Media + Forum Engagements
Even though on paper we’re an SEO
agency, we can no longer leave out the
importance of social media engagements.
Social media is important for 2 reasons:
1. Social signals help to rank your
website in Google. The more Tweets
and shares your site has, the higher it
2. Social media drives valuable traffic to
your site. In the beginning, it was just
teens using Facebook. Now, CEOs
and important decisions makers do
too. You need a presence!
We go our and find relevant communities
to engage, discuss and drive traffic to
your site.
This traffic ends up in additional likes,
+1’s, Tweets and other valuable social
signals that help push up your rankings
and increase relevancy with Google.
Link Building Strategy
content-2 Private blog
network link
High authority
guest post
High authority
outreach link
Quality guest post
Private blog
network link
Private blog
network link
Quality guest post
Tier 2 created links
Tier 2 created links
Tier 2 created links
Tier 2 created links
Tier 2 created links
Link Building: What Do We Look For?
We only build “tier 1” links on high quality domains. When we say “quality”, we look at a number of metrics:
1. Moz Bar:
1. Domain Authority – This is the overall measure of the domains power. The higher, the better.
2. Page Authority – This is the measure of the power of the links pointing to that exact page. The
higher, the better.
2. Majestic:
1. Trust Flow – This is the measure of the quality of the links pointing to that domain. This is the
number one factor we look at when building links. The higher, the better.
2. Citation Flow – This is the measure of the power of the links pointing at the domain. The higher,
the better.
3. Ahrefs:
1. We use Ahrefs to check the total number of referring domains and IPs. We also use the tool to
ensure the domain has a clean link profile (for PBNs only).
4. SEM Rush:
1. We use SEM Rush to gauge traffic volume to the domain. Sometimes, young domains don’t
register high metrics but can still provide traffic and social equity. This tool helps us forecast that.
These metrics help us to put links into different buckets. The higher the metrics, the more effort we put into
the content creation for that submission. For mid authority domains, we re write recycled content to save
time and costs.

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Internet Marketing Services

  • 1. INTERNET MARKETING SERVICES Andrew Davidson | Andrew Davidson 01273 748667
  • 2. Campaign Goals  Rank in Organic Search – Your website is currently nowhere to be found in Google searches for “money” keywords. Our top goal will be to push those rankings up to the first page.  Increase Website Traffic – We want to help potential customers find your website when searching for motivational speaker services. Our goal is to drive as much qualified traffic to your website as possible.  Increase Website Engagement – In addition to overall traffic, it’s important to increase time on site, pages per visit and decrease bounce rate. These are simple metrics that show quality user interactions.  Build Domain Equity – Over time great SEO will improve the overall authority of your website with search engines. Increased authority = increased rankings.  Increase Brand Awareness – We will create value added content like YouTube and SlideShare documents and rank them in Google. This will help build your brand as an authority in the market.  Increase Leads – The most important part – we want to drive targeted traffic and convert it into qualified leads.
  • 3. Campaign Deliverables o Custom Analytics Implementation – The only way to make educated decisions about marketing spend is to analyze your web data. We will implement custom events, conversions, funnels, attribution points, Webmaster Tools (GWT) and goals in Google Analytics. o Keyword Analysis – Axiom offers a number of education based services – each of these services has different search demand with a number of synonym keywords. We will use your existing AdWords data in conjunction with keyword research tools to identify the most valuable keywords to Axiom. o SEO Technical Audit + Optimisation – We will use SEO tools (Screaming Frog SEO Spider) to analyze your source code and identify weaknesses from an SEO point of view. We will then work with your dev team to correct these instances. o Content Optimisation / Site Structure – In order to rank for multiple keywords, we will need to add additional pages to your website. We will work with your dev team to set up and structure content into SEO “silos” – aka the preferred taxonomy for search engine spiders.
  • 4. Campaign Deliverables o Local Optimisation – Axiom has 9 local (brick and mortar) locations. We will set up, optimise and rank these listings in Google Maps (“Local 7 Pack”). o Link Building – Links to your website are Google’s #1 ranking factor. It’s extremely important to build the right links to your website – that’s why we perform it as it’s own individual deliverable. o YouTube SEO / Video Marketing – We don’t want to just rank your website, we want to dominate search results. We will create a custom explainer video, host it on YouTube and optimise it to rank for your keywords. o Authority Property SEO – Web properties like Slide Share also rank very well in Google (when SEO’d). We will work with you to publish killer content on document sharing sites and optimise them to rank for your keywords in Google. o Monthly Reports – We will provide a full website report (pulled from Google Analytics + Rank Tracker) every month detailing campaign performance, goal completions, tasks performed and overall analysis. We will cover the report in depth via monthly status call.
  • 5. 1. Google Analytics Before we do anything, we ensure your website is set up to track our efforts. That requires a custom Google Analytics implementation and analysis. Analysis: o What are you currently tracking? o What are you missing? o Where does the majority of your traffic come from? o What traffic source is most valuable to your business? o What are the important actions on your website that we need to track? Implementation: o Creation of custom events and goals o Creation of custom reports o Creation of custom dashboards o Implementation of additional JavaScript to track all important actions We are a data driven agency! All decisions are made from hard facts, not theory.
  • 6. 2. Google Webmaster Tools Google Webmaster Tools is the backbone of your website. The free tool allows you to monitor key technical aspects like sitemap.xml, robots.txt, Google warnings/updates, and check on rankings. Setting up and optimising this tool allows us to get a pulse on the health of your website and analyze the impact of our SEO efforts. We are a data driven agency! All decisions are made from hard facts, not theory.
  • 7. Why Mobile Optimisation? As is, your website is not mobile responsive. It’s vital that we make your website mobile responsive, for 2 reasons: 1. Over 50% of Google searches come from mobile devices. If your site doesn’t render on mobile, visitors will not be able to see your content properly and the traffic is lost. 1. Google recently rolled out a new algorithm that demotes sites that aren't optimised for mobile. In other words, if your site isn't optimised, you wont rank. Link:
  • 8. Why Paid Search? Organic search optimisation takes time. Pay per click ads have your site live on the first page with the click of a button. We strongly recommended a “blended search” approach. Blended search tackles both paid search and organic. As your organic rankings push up, we decrease ad spend. That way you always have a presence on the first page of Google for all of your main keywords.
  • 9. What Ranks a Site? Google has well over 200 signals their algorithm reads when ranking sites. We don’t want to get too technical, but it’s important we cover it at a high level so you can understand our strategy. Content Technica l Social Links TIME LIFTINORGANICTRAFFIC Proper coding, XML site maps, robots.txt, etc Proper keyword usage, website structure, content structure, etc Sites like Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, etc make up a large chunk of the web’s usage. If your site isn’t being mentioned here (a lot), Google has a tough time ranking your site. A “backlink” is when another website links to yours. A link tells Google that your site is important and links are still the #1 ranking factor in Google. For competitive niches like yours, it’s important to acquire high quality and high authority links from relevant websites (i.e. websites similar to yours, not sports)
  • 10. Technical Audit Proper SEO requires an in depth audit of website code, architecture, outbound links, inbound links, broken links, semantic markup, structured data and more. Before we optimise your site, we need to assess the status. Some tasks include: o Website crawl using Screaming Frog SEO Spider Tool o Broken link assessment + correction o Inbound link assessment o Image tag assessment + correction o XML Sitemap creation + submission o Setup Robots.txt + optimisation o URL restructuring
  • 11. Keyword Analysis First, we’ll do a thorough analysis of the keywords related to web hosting. We compile a list of “head” keywords, long tail keywords, top of the funnel keywords and purchase intent keywords. We use tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEM Rush, Long Tail Pro, Google Trends and Google Semantic Search to find keyword variations that your potential customers use. We keep this analysis in a ready to use Excel file. We use it evaluate the current state of your pages as well as a baseline for future content creation.
  • 12. Keyword Optimisation After we have your keywords we go work optimising your content around them. Some optimisations include: • Title tags • Heading tags (<h1> - <h6>) • Image title • Image alt tags • Body content • Meta descriptions These optimisations ensure Google is finding your content for the right keywords.
  • 13. Social Media + Forum Engagements Even though on paper we’re an SEO agency, we can no longer leave out the importance of social media engagements. Social media is important for 2 reasons: 1. Social signals help to rank your website in Google. The more Tweets and shares your site has, the higher it ranks 2. Social media drives valuable traffic to your site. In the beginning, it was just teens using Facebook. Now, CEOs and important decisions makers do too. You need a presence! We go our and find relevant communities to engage, discuss and drive traffic to your site. This traffic ends up in additional likes, +1’s, Tweets and other valuable social signals that help push up your rankings and increase relevancy with Google.
  • 14. Link Building Strategy press-hosting content-1 content-2 Private blog network link High authority guest post High authority outreach link Quality guest post Private blog network link Private blog network link Quality guest post Tier 2 created links Tier 2 created links Tier 2 created links Tier 2 created links Tier 2 created links
  • 15. Link Building: What Do We Look For? We only build “tier 1” links on high quality domains. When we say “quality”, we look at a number of metrics: 1. Moz Bar: 1. Domain Authority – This is the overall measure of the domains power. The higher, the better. 2. Page Authority – This is the measure of the power of the links pointing to that exact page. The higher, the better. 2. Majestic: 1. Trust Flow – This is the measure of the quality of the links pointing to that domain. This is the number one factor we look at when building links. The higher, the better. 2. Citation Flow – This is the measure of the power of the links pointing at the domain. The higher, the better. 3. Ahrefs: 1. We use Ahrefs to check the total number of referring domains and IPs. We also use the tool to ensure the domain has a clean link profile (for PBNs only). 4. SEM Rush: 1. We use SEM Rush to gauge traffic volume to the domain. Sometimes, young domains don’t register high metrics but can still provide traffic and social equity. This tool helps us forecast that. These metrics help us to put links into different buckets. The higher the metrics, the more effort we put into the content creation for that submission. For mid authority domains, we re write recycled content to save time and costs.