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Internet GIS
Advanced GIS (ITM 524)
   Iwan Setiawan


• Internet & World Wide Web
• Web Mapping
• Internet GIS
• Web Mapping Services Model
• Spatial Data Infrastructure
• A global computer network providing
  a variety of information and
  communication facilities, consisting of
  interconnected networks using
  standardized communication
• Designed for US Military (http://
History of Internet

• ARPANET (Advanced Research
  Project Agency Network): 60’s
• UCLA, UC Santa Barbara, Stanford,
  Univ. of Utah.
• Internetworking

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GIS stands for geographic information system. It involves capturing, storing, manipulating, analyzing and displaying spatially referenced data on Earth. GIS is unique in that it handles spatial information referenced by location. It developed from technologies like digital cartography, CAD, and database management systems. The core components of a GIS are spatial data, hardware/software tools, and specific applications. Spatial data has characteristics like geometry, topology, location with attributes. GIS data can be stored in vector or raster models. GIS provides benefits like better information management, analysis, and scenario modeling for applications in facilities management, environmental analysis, transportation and more.

Digital terrain model
Digital terrain modelDigital terrain model
Digital terrain model

A Digital Terrain Model (DTM) is a digital file that provides a detailed 3D representation of the topography of the Earth's surface. It consists of terrain elevations at regularly spaced intervals that can be used to create 3D visualizations and analyze slope, aspect, height, and other topographical features. DTMs with draped aerial imagery can help with planning, engineering, and environmental impact assessments by providing accurate 3D models of land surfaces. They are used across a variety of industries and applications.

DATA in GIS and DATA Query
DATA in GIS and DATA QueryDATA in GIS and DATA Query
DATA in GIS and DATA Query

This document discusses key concepts related to data in GIS systems. It describes the different types of spatial and attribute data as well as vector and raster data formats. It explains how data is organized into layers and how those layers can be queried and overlaid to integrate information from different sources and analyze spatial patterns in the data.

Internet-based Services
• E-Mail
• Chat (IRC)
• File Transfer (FTP)
• Remote Access (telnet)
• World Wide Web (Web)
• VoIP
Computer Network


Node-A                      Node-B


Computer Network
• Stand-alone computer: A PC by itself
  without connecting to other

• Network: Two or more computers and
  other devices connected together are
  called a network.
• Networking: Concept of connected
  computers sharing resources

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Basic of gis concept and theories
Basic of gis concept and theoriesBasic of gis concept and theories
Basic of gis concept and theories

The document discusses the application of remote sensing and geographical information systems (GIS) in civil engineering. It provides definitions of remote sensing as remotely sensing objects on Earth and GIS as a system to capture, store, analyze and present geographically referenced data. The document outlines some basic concepts of GIS including its origins from technologies like computer-aided cartography and databases. It also discusses data types in GIS like spatial data, attributes and different data models. Common software, functional elements and applications of GIS in areas like facilities management and environmental planning are summarized as well.

gis concepts
Introduction to GIS systems
Introduction to GIS systemsIntroduction to GIS systems
Introduction to GIS systems

GIS systems allow for the input, storage, manipulation, analysis and output of geographic data. Spatial data represents location and attributes provide additional data about features. Data can be represented as vectors using points, lines and polygons, or as rasters in a grid cell format. Key properties of spatial data include projection, scale, accuracy, resolution and how it represents real world features. GIS allows for integrated analysis of spatial and attribute data through functions like classification, measurement, overlay and more.

spatial data infrastructure : issues and concepts
spatial data infrastructure : issues and conceptsspatial data infrastructure : issues and concepts
spatial data infrastructure : issues and concepts

Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) aims to provide access to harmonized geographic data through distributed information systems. Key components of an SDI include organizational governance, spatial data and metadata, geospatial services, technical infrastructure, and standards to ensure interoperability. Open standards like those from ISO and OGC provide interfaces and data models to allow disparate systems and data sources to work together efficiently for semantic and technical interoperability. Ensuring data quality and developing terminology to describe accuracy is also important for effective use of data in an SDI.

spatial data infrastructureinteroperablilityinspire
World Wide Web

• A system of Internet servers that support
  specially formatted documents. The
  documents are formatted in a markup
  language called HTML (HyperText
  Markup Language) that supports links to
  other documents, as well as graphics,
  audio, and video files.
World Wide Web

• Invented by Tim Berners Lee (1990)
• Maintained by W3C
• Document Format : HTML
• Protocol : HTTP
World Wide Web

• Personal/corporate
• e-Commerce, e-Government, e-
  Learning, etc

• News/information/community/
  corporate portal
Web Environment

• Web Server
• Web Browser

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Types of GIS Data
Types of GIS DataTypes of GIS Data
Types of GIS Data

This document discusses different types of GIS data. Spatial data represents geographic locations and features on Earth and includes data types like points, lines, and polygons. Attribute data describes characteristics of spatial features like forests stands and includes data types like tabular data. Raster data models land cover with square grid cells, while vector data represents features as points, lines, or polygons which can accurately show shape and topology. Spatial data is mapped and stored with coordinates, while attribute data describes characteristics and is often linked to spatial data in a database.


This document provides an overview of databases and WebGIS. It discusses different types of databases including MySQL, PostgreSQL, and spatially-enabled databases. It compares MySQL and PostgreSQL, covering when each would be used. It also covers database data conversions between formats like JSON, GeoJSON, CSV, SHP, and KML/KMZ. For WebGIS, it defines it as a distributed information system comprising a server and client, where the server is a GIS server and client a web browser. It discusses purposes, technologies, languages/frameworks like Python, JavaScript, GeoDjango, and case studies for building WebGIS systems.

GIS - lecture-1.ppt
GIS - lecture-1.pptGIS - lecture-1.ppt
GIS - lecture-1.ppt

This document provides an introduction to geographic information systems (GIS). It begins by defining some basic map concepts like features, scale, and symbology. It then discusses what GIS is, how it works, and what makes it special. GIS allows users to capture, store, manipulate, analyze and visualize spatial data. It integrates data from different sources into interactive maps. Users can perform tasks like querying attributes, analyzing networks, modeling 3D surfaces, interpolating between data points, and complex spatial analysis. Overall, the document outlines the core components and capabilities of GIS as a tool for visualizing and solving real-world problems involving geographic data.


• HTTP = Hypertext Transfer Protocol
• The Web uses the HTTP protocol, only one of
  the languages spoken over the Internet, to
  transmit data.

• Web services, which use HTTP to allow
  applications to communicate in order to
  exchange business logic, use the the Web to
HTTP Request

          HTTP      HTTP
  Web                      Web Server and
Browser                     File System
Web Server &
             Web Browser
                                                2. Server fetches
Client machine                 Server machine
                                                 document from
                                                     local file

   Browser                       Web server

                 3. Response

1. Get document request
Uniform Resource
       Locator (URL)
• Uniform (or universal) resource locator, the
  address of a World Wide Web page.

• A URL is one type of Uniform Resource
  Identifier (URI); the generic term for all
  types of names and addresses that refer to
  objects on the World Wide Web.

• Example:
  • file://

  • news://

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Terminology and Basic Questions About GIS
Terminology and Basic Questions About GISTerminology and Basic Questions About GIS
Terminology and Basic Questions About GIS

This document provides an overview of key concepts in GIS including shapefiles, grids, rasters, vectors, DEM, TIN, coordinate systems, and common file formats. It discusses the differences between raster and vector data, and explains that shapefiles are commonly used to store vector data while grids are used for raster data. DEM and TIN are introduced as methods for representing elevation data. The document also covers projected and unprojected coordinate systems and provides examples of coordinate systems. Common file formats for both raster and vector data are listed.


This document provides an overview of geographic information systems (GIS). It discusses the history of GIS, defines what GIS is, describes what types of geographical data are used in GIS, and outlines the key GIS processes of capture, manage, analyze and present. It also provides some examples of GIS applications such as crime mapping, hydrology and health services. The overall document provides a high-level introduction to what GIS is and how it works.

Moble GIS
Moble GISMoble GIS
Moble GIS

Mobile GIS combines maps with mobile technology, allowing users to access geographic information systems (GIS) on mobile devices. GIS links location data to information in databases to answer questions about places. Mobile GIS is moving from desktop to distributed systems through open standards, increasing interoperability. Location-based services (LBS) use mobile GIS and location data to provide services tailored to a user's location through their mobile device. JVNMobileGIS is a cross-platform mobile map viewer developed in Java ME to demonstrate mobile GIS capabilities.

Uniform Resource
     Locator (URL)
• Every URL consists of some of the
 • the scheme name (commonly called protocol),
    followed by a colon, two slashes, then, depending on
    scheme, a server name (exp. ftp., www., smtp., etc)
    followed by a dot (.) then a domain name
    (alternatively, IP address), a port number, the path of
    the resource to be fetched or the program to be run,
    then, for programs such as Common Gateway
    Interface (CGI) scripts, a query string, and an optional
    fragment identifier.
URL Structure

Protocol        Domain        Port        Resource
Scheme           Name        Number       Location

http   :// :80 /path/subdir/files.html
Domain Name System
Web Programming Env.

• Script (Language): HTML, JavaScript,XML, PHP, ASP, etc
• Interface Design: CSS
• Editor: Kedit,vi,notepad, Dreamweaver, Editplus, etc
• Operating System: Windows, Linux, Mac OS
• Web Server: Apache, IIS, PWS
• Web Browser: Navigator, IE, Mozilla, Opera, Chrome, Safari

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GIS Geographical Information System
GIS Geographical Information SystemGIS Geographical Information System
GIS Geographical Information System

What Is GIS Principle Of GIS. Function Of GIS. Components Of GIS. Type Of GIS. Advantages Of GIS. Applications Of GIS.

What is Geography Information Systems (GIS)
What is Geography Information Systems (GIS)What is Geography Information Systems (GIS)
What is Geography Information Systems (GIS)

GIS is a computer-based information system used to capture, manage, update, analyze, display, and output spatial data and information to be used in a decision making context. It integrates hardware, software, data, people, and allows for the visualization and analysis of data with a geographic component. Some key applications of GIS include emergency response, transportation planning, site selection, and natural resource management.


This document discusses Web GIS and Web mapping. It defines Web GIS as a type of distributed information system comprising a GIS server and a client, typically accessed through a web browser. The main components of Web GIS are identified as the client (web browser), internet connection, web server, map server, and metadata. Various functions and advantages of Web GIS are outlined, including visualization, querying geospatial data, collecting/editing information, disseminating information, and analysis. Different types of web maps are also described such as analytical, animated, real-time, collaborative, and static web maps. In conclusion, the document emphasizes that successful Web GIS development requires considering the implementation as a process rather than a single

GIS Concept
                          vector          raster         attribute data

Data recording                       +             +
                                                       . .
                 tables                            .         polygons
Data                                 Geo-                       lines
organization                       database
                                                    .         points

Data analysis

                          tables               maps

Data output                           +
GIS Visualization

Basis Data
GIS Visualization

                             http   Internet SIG /
                                    Web Mapping

Basis Data
GIS Visualization

                             http       Internet SIG /
                                        Web Mapping

Basis Data

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Introduction to gis and arc gis
Introduction to gis and arc gis Introduction to gis and arc gis
Introduction to gis and arc gis

A Geographic Information System (GIS) integrates hardware, software and data to capture, store, query, analyze and display spatially-referenced information. A GIS links location data to descriptive attributes and allows users to create, edit, analyze and display map information on a computer. Key GIS functions include capturing data, storing data in both vector and raster formats, querying data, analyzing spatial relationships between data sets, displaying data visually, and outputting results in various formats like maps, reports and graphs.

geologygisgeo physics
Geographic information system
Geographic information systemGeographic information system
Geographic information system

What is GIS ? Dimensions Modeling in GIS ? GIS Models real word(Raster, Vector) GIS Challenges ? Data and Tech. GIS Functionality Building information modeling (BIM) ? GIS Components Spatial Data

What is GIS
What is GISWhat is GIS
What is GIS

Learn the basics about GIS with the presentation of Jaime Nieves and Ignacio Vázquez on Esri European User Conference 2011.

by Esri
technical sessionsarcgisgis
GIS Visualization

                                  http              Internet SIG /
                                                    Web Mapping

Basis Data

Why Publish on Web?
– True cross-paltform ability
– Widely available
– Very cheap medium

– Difficult to charge for use
– Limited audience
– Audio, animation and true interactively not directly
– Limited graphical quality (72 dpi resolution)
– Limited formats (15” screens)
– Limited colour quality (RGB, 256 colours)
   • Design should be specially made for WWW
What do I say to whom
 and is it effective?
What do I say to whom
 and is it effective?

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My ppt on gis
My ppt on gisMy ppt on gis
My ppt on gis

The document presents a presentation on Geographic Information Systems (GIS). It includes sections on what GIS is, its capabilities and components. GIS is a computer system for capturing, storing, analyzing and managing geographic information and spatial data. The key components of a GIS include hardware, software, data and people. GIS has many applications and uses spatial data and analysis to solve problems across many different domains.

geographic information systemgisintroduction to gis
Application of gis in natural disaster management
Application of gis in natural disaster managementApplication of gis in natural disaster management
Application of gis in natural disaster management

It is about the application of GIS in Natural disaster and management. The current presentation provide a wide

What Is GIS?
What Is GIS?What Is GIS?
What Is GIS?

This is presentation is intended for middle school students. It provides a short introduction to GIS and how to use GIS in the real-world. ArcGIS Explorer is the software used to demonstrate concepts. 45 minutes + 15 minutes demo Download ArcGIS Explorer here...

Evolution of
                 Distributed GIS

                                                 Interact Web           Java Beans / Applets
                                                   Mapping              Corba / Java

                               Static Web                               ActiveX Controls
                                                   Dynamic HTML        Application Server
                                Mapping            Scripts             DCOM
                                                   Plug-in             Componen – based
                 Static Map       HTML Forms      ActiveX Controls    XML
                 Publishing       Tables          Servlets            .Net
                                  CGI
                 HTML            ISAPI
                 Static Map      NSAPI


                Low                    Interactivity                             High
Factors involved in web
     map design:
• Analysis of geospatial data and definition of
    map content
•   Analysis of required perception levels
•   Application of the graphic variables:
    • colour, size, orientation, form, value and texture
    • derived variables: transparency, shadow, shading
• Application of multi-media elements:
    • Animation, sound and video
• Production constraints:
    • Technology, manpower, costs
Static Map Publishing
• An electronic copy of a paper map
• Embedding maps as graphic images like GIF,
  JPEG, and Portable Network Graphic (PNG)
  inside an HTML page.
• A static map publishing does not support
  feature data at the client side and does not
  have map-rendering tools.
• Acrobat’s PDF file is another popular method
  to publish map on the web.
Embedding Map Images
 in HTML Documents
• Make a map as one of the many graphic image formats,
   such as GIF, JPEG, and PNG or PDF. Then embed these
   map image files inside the HTML documents using <IMG>
   tag or element in the HTML

   <IMG SRC=“/maps/kotabogor.gif” ALIGN=“center” ALT=“A
   Kota Bogor Maps”>

• The map could also be linked with another map images or
   HTML pages

   <A HREF=“about_ktbgr.htm”> <IMG SRC=“/maps/

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GIS presentation
GIS presentationGIS presentation
GIS presentation

This document provides an overview of geographical information systems (GIS), including definitions of GIS, its basic principles and components, data types used in GIS (vector and raster), advantages and applications of GIS. Specifically, it defines GIS as a computer system for capturing, storing, analyzing and displaying spatially referenced data. It describes the key principles of data capture, management, analysis and visualization. It outlines the typical hardware, software and data components of a GIS, and differentiates between vector and raster data types. Finally, it discusses advantages like accurate representation and analysis, and applications across different domains.

geographic information systemgis
Web mapping
Web mappingWeb mapping
Web mapping

Talk about what relation between web and mapping. Also the process to create and collaborate on-line map using free source like mapserver, geoserver, postgis, openlayer.

tilecachegeowebcacheopend layer
Teknologi Pengelolaan dan Penyebarluasan Informasi Geospasial Berbasis Open S...
Teknologi Pengelolaan dan Penyebarluasan Informasi Geospasial Berbasis Open S...Teknologi Pengelolaan dan Penyebarluasan Informasi Geospasial Berbasis Open S...
Teknologi Pengelolaan dan Penyebarluasan Informasi Geospasial Berbasis Open S...

Agrisoft adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang teknologi informasi untuk pengelolaan sumber daya alam dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak terbuka seperti QGIS, GeoServer, PostGIS, dan GeoNode. Agrisoft menyediakan jasa pengembangan sistem informasi geospasial, pelatihan, dan dukungan untuk berbagai instansi pemerintah.

quantum gisopengeo suitegeoserver
Static Map Publishing
• Clickable Maps
  refers to a map that links to separate
  information about different parts of the map

• Architecture of Static Web Publishing
  • The Client: Web Browser
  • The Glue: HTTP
  • The Server: HTTP Server
Web publishing set-up
Architecture of static
  map publishing

  Tier1                      Tier2             Tier3
                                 HTML         Servers
  Web                            Document
Browsers    HTTP
                      HTTP                     DBMS
 Web       Internet           Web             Server
Client      TCT/IP           Server         Applications
Architecture of CGI-
based Internet GIS

           User                                     Send
          Request                                 Variables
                    WWW      Invoke
 WWW                                       CGI                 GIS
Browser                                  SCRIPT               Server
          Deliver   (http)   Translate             Return
          Results             Results              Result

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Foss: free and open source
Foss: free and open sourceFoss: free and open source
Foss: free and open source

Free and open-source software (FOSS) is software that is developed collaboratively by programmers without restrictions on modifications or improvements. FOSS has grown because users can access source code and help fix bugs and improve programs. Examples of FOSS include Linux and GIMP, a free photo editing program. The document discusses FOSS terms, why FOSS has grown, pros like being free and allowing continuous improvements, and cons like some users finding it confusing without paid support.

Free and Open Source Software for Business: An Introduction
Free and Open Source Software for Business: An IntroductionFree and Open Source Software for Business: An Introduction
Free and Open Source Software for Business: An Introduction

This document provides an introduction to general concepts and business ideas related to free and open source software (FOSS). It defines FOSS and discusses the four basic freedoms of FOSS, including the freedom to use, study, modify and redistribute FOSS. The document differentiates between FOSS and proprietary software and identifies some FOSS business models. It also discusses FOSS licensing models and provides resources for staying up-to-date with the FOSS ecosystem.

fossbusiness modelsfloss
A Brief History of Web Mapping
A Brief History of Web MappingA Brief History of Web Mapping
A Brief History of Web Mapping

A lecture that I gave on 17th March 2010 at the University of Nottingham on the History of Web Mapping. Starts with some early history and then tracks the interplay of technology, business and usage in the development of web mapping over the last 2 decades. Based on a series of interviews with key players in the UK and US, this is a work in progress. There is still quite a lot more needed to complete this. Some useful resources are linked to in the penultimate slide. The mind map that I used to build this talk is at

google mapsmapinfogeoweb
Interactive Web Mapping

• More interactions between user and
  the client interface and more client-
  side processing and functionalities
  than static web mapping applications
Work process of
        GIS plug-ins
                       Request GIS
 WWW                   Data Object                           WWW
Browser                                                      Server

                                       Send GIS
 Browser does not                        Data
 understand data

Search for Plug-ins
or helper programs                No                     GIS Plug-in to
on the local system                                      Support Data

              Yes                             Load GIS

                      GIS Data
Plug-in setup
(Adobe Acrobat)
Plug-in setup (Java)

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Web GIS Usability
Web GIS UsabilityWeb GIS Usability
Web GIS Usability

The document discusses making web GIS sites simple, fast, and familiar for general web users rather than desktop GIS professionals. It recommends focusing on familiar map interactions and navigation without advanced functionality, extensive caching, and hosting on cloud platforms to improve speed. Popular technologies like JavaScript, Flex, and Silverlight are mentioned as ways to build web GIS applications that meet these goals.

Colleen Gabel Independent Study Poster
Colleen Gabel Independent Study PosterColleen Gabel Independent Study Poster
Colleen Gabel Independent Study Poster

This document summarizes a land cover assessment of coastal development in Wellfleet, Massachusetts within high risk flood zones due to climate change. It finds that from 2001 to 2011, there was a steady increase in development on Cape Cod and a corresponding decrease in forested land. While development in Wellfleet increased by 93.32% from 1992 to 2011, development within FEMA flood zones only increased by 26.21%. However, the author concludes that Wellfleet is not fully considering future flood zones from sea level rise when permitting further development, which could create public health and safety risks.

Mobile mapping
Mobile mappingMobile mapping
Mobile mapping

Mobile mapping refers to collecting geospatial data using mapping sensors mounted on moving platforms like cars, boats, and airplanes. Mobile mapping systems use GNSS and INS technologies to precisely calculate position, velocity, and orientation in 3D. Time-synchronized navigation sensors integrate with imaging sensors to directly map landscapes, objects, and features. Mobile mapping provides advantages like safety, 24/7 collection, accessibility to otherwise inaccessible areas, and ability to rapidly collect huge amounts of data compared to static scanning. Disadvantages include higher purchase prices and data quantities produced.

mobile mappingengineeringcivil engineering
Work process of
 Java applets

                Request GIS
                Data Object
  WWW                           WWW Server
 Browser                        (Java Applet)

                              Send Java Applet
                                and GIS Data

           Java Applet and
           GIS Data Display
Work Procces of
ActiveX controls

                Request GIS
                Data Object
  WWW                                WWW
 Browser                             Server

                              Send ActiveX Control
                                and Data Object

           GIS Control and
              GIS Data
Server-side CGI set-up
Dynamic architecture
for Web map services
 Scenario A (Thin Client)   Scenario B (Medium Client)

    Client                    Client

  GIS          Display       GIS          Display
  Component                  Component
  Container                  Container


   Server                     Server

               Display                    Display
  GIS                        GIS
  Component      DEG         Component     DEG
  Container                  Container
                 Filter                    Filter

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This document describes a case study on population decline in the Dutch province of Fryslân between 2000-2008. The study uses GIS techniques to analyze spatial factors related to population change. Population development is influenced by natural increase, migration, and various explanatory factors including population characteristics, planning and infrastructure, amenities, and the economy. The study aims to determine which factors are most strongly correlated with population growth or decline by municipality. Results show the development of housing stock and initial population size, age composition, and average household size have relatively strong correlations with population change.

Applications of Mind Mapping in GIS
Applications of Mind Mapping in GISApplications of Mind Mapping in GIS
Applications of Mind Mapping in GIS

This document discusses how story maps and mind mapping can be used together. Story maps combine maps with text, images, and interactive features to inform people about various topics. For example, one story map used ArcGIS Online and CDC data to create an interactive map about Ebola virus outbreaks. Mind mapping allows additional dimensions and information to be integrated into story maps. It facilitates working with more multimedia and collaborating in the cloud. An example mind map is shown linking to an ESRI story map about Ebola outbreaks along with images, timelines, outbreak details, and related information.

mind mapebolaarcgis
Introduction to Free and Open Source Software (FOSS)
Introduction to Free and Open Source Software (FOSS)Introduction to Free and Open Source Software (FOSS)
Introduction to Free and Open Source Software (FOSS)

An attempt to orient the unconverted and the semi-converted on the history and benefits of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). Created for the PANACeA FOSS training in Bangkok (Feb 2010).

Internet GIS

• What is Internet GIS:
  • Internet GIS is a research and application that
    utilizes the Internet to facilitate the access,
    processing and dissemination of geographic
    information and spatial analysis knowledge.

  • Network based GIS that utilizes the Internet to
    access remote geographic information and geo-
    processing tools.

  • Part of Distributed GIS
The impact of Internet
        on GIS
• GIS data access
  • Provide easy access to acquire GIS data
      from different data providers.
•   Spatial information dissemination
    • General public can directly access and
      explore spatial information from their
      web browser.
•   GIS processing
    • Conduct GIS processing and analysis (in
      the future..).
Geographic Information
 Services Architecture
• Traditional System
  • Closed, centralized system (interface program
    and data), platform dependent and application
• Client/Server System
  • Allowed distributed clients to access a server
    remotely by using distributed computing
    technique such as ODBC (Open database
• Distributed Services
  • Can connect and interact with multiple and
    heterogeneous systems and platforms at the
    same time (online processes of information).
Distributed GIS

• Network based GIS that utilizes the
  Internet access and other networking
  communication systems to perform
  data presentation, data exchange data
  analysis and data dissemination.

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Automating Crime Data to Import into GIS
Automating Crime Data to Import into GISAutomating Crime Data to Import into GIS
Automating Crime Data to Import into GIS

This document discusses automating crime data imports into a GIS system. It describes the city of Auburn, WA's initial method using a Python script, which was long and cumbersome. It then explains how they switched to using FME, which provides an easier solution. FME allows non-Python users to easily update crime codes and fields. It also enables automated workbench runs on FME Server with email alerts. The document concludes that FME is superior to Python for this task due to its simple interface and customization capabilities.

fme world tour 2016
Gis Application
Gis ApplicationGis Application
Gis Application

1. The document discusses how GIS can be used to aid in selecting optimal routes for transcontinental natural gas pipelines by analyzing cost and environmental factors. 2. GIS specialists use data to evaluate potential routes and determine the most suitable path between starting and ending points. 3. A case study found that routes developed using GIS facilitated greater cost reductions than manually developed routes.

Gis applications in ce eric
Gis applications in ce   ericGis applications in ce   eric
Gis applications in ce eric

A geographic information system (GIS) is a computer system for capturing, storing, checking, and displaying data related to positions on Earth's surface. GIS can show many different kinds of data on one map. This enables people to more easily see, analyze, and understand patterns and relationships.

civil engineeringgpsspatial
Distributed GIS
• Integrated Client/Server System
 • Thin client: little logic processing at the client server.
 • Thick client: most logic processing is performed at the
    client side.

• Web Base Interactive System
Distributed GIS
• Cross Platform and Interoperable
 • Can be accessible across platform
    regardless of what operating system
    the user is running.
 • Interoperable; the ability to access
    many form of GIS data and
    functions in the heterogeneous
Basic Components of
      Internet GIS
• The client
  • Is a place for users to interact with geographic
    information and function in Internet GIS.
• Web Server and Application Server
  • Web Server: respond to request from web
    browsers via HTTP (Hypertext Transfer
  • Application Server: acts as connector/
    translator between the web server and map
Basic Components of
      Internet GIS
• Map Server/Spatial Server
 • A component that provides GIS function
   such as spatial queries, conducts spatial
   analysis and generates maps based on the
   user’s request. I.e: ArcIMS, Map Server,
• Data Server
 • Holds and serves data, spatial and non-

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Open source Software: pros and cons
Open source Software: pros and consOpen source Software: pros and cons
Open source Software: pros and cons

This document discusses the pros and cons of using open source software in libraries. It begins by defining open source software and licenses. It then outlines several areas where open source software can be applied in libraries, such as for integrated library management systems, content management systems, and digital libraries. The pros of open source software include lower costs, easier licensing, better quality control, and the ability to modify the software. However, the cons include a lack of personal support, need for training, and responsibility issues. The document concludes that open source software is suitable for long-term library use if its advantages and disadvantages are carefully considered.

Getting Started with the ArcGIS API for JavaScript, Esri, Julie Powell, Antoo...
Getting Started with the ArcGIS API for JavaScript, Esri, Julie Powell, Antoo...Getting Started with the ArcGIS API for JavaScript, Esri, Julie Powell, Antoo...
Getting Started with the ArcGIS API for JavaScript, Esri, Julie Powell, Antoo...

The document summarizes a presentation on getting started with the ArcGIS API for JavaScript. It discusses using the API to build interactive maps, accessing basemaps from ArcGIS Online, executing tasks, and finding addresses. It also covers best practices for maximizing performance, building expressive applications, and using HTML5 capabilities. The presentation outlines the ArcGIS JavaScript roadmap and upcoming features.

arcgis apiesri
전문가토크릴레이 1탄 html5 전망 (전종홍 박사)
전문가토크릴레이 1탄 html5 전망 (전종홍 박사)전문가토크릴레이 1탄 html5 전망 (전종홍 박사)
전문가토크릴레이 1탄 html5 전망 (전종홍 박사)

The document discusses predictions for trends in web and HTML5 for 2013. The top 10 trends are: 1) Increased use of HTML5-enabled devices, 2) HTML5 becoming the standard, 3) Plans to finalize HTML5.1 in 2014, 4) Specialization of web apps, 5) Increased web APIs, 6) Emergence of web operating systems, 7) Expansion of the web into new areas, 8) Responsive web design, 9) Need for policies around the web, and 10) Rethinking the web ecosystem. The document provides details on each trend and discusses related topics like HTML5 standardization.

Basic Components of
       Mobile GIS
• Mobile Device Clients
• Wireless Communication Networks
• Gateway Services
 • Translating the user request to HTTP
    request for the web server and send the
    output into different format to fits the
    user’s mobile devices.
• Internet GIS Server
• Data Server
Internet GIS
How Does it Work?
Interfaces based on the
OpenGIS Specification
Open Geospastial
Consortium (OGC)

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전문가 토크릴레이 1탄 html5 전망 (전종홍 박사)
전문가 토크릴레이 1탄 html5 전망 (전종홍 박사)전문가 토크릴레이 1탄 html5 전망 (전종홍 박사)
전문가 토크릴레이 1탄 html5 전망 (전종홍 박사)

The document discusses predictions for trends in web and HTML5 for 2013. The top 10 trends are: 1) Increased use of HTML5-enabled devices, 2) HTML5 becoming the standard, 3) Plans to finalize HTML5.1 in 2014, 4) Specialization of web apps, 5) Growth in the number of web APIs, 6) Emergence of web operating systems, 7) Expansion of the web into new areas like digital signage, 8) Responsive web design, 9) Need for policies around web development, and 10) Rethinking the web ecosystem. The document provides details on each trend and related technologies.

HoLIS GIS Update
HoLIS GIS UpdateHoLIS GIS Update
HoLIS GIS Update

The document discusses upgrading the City and County of Honolulu's GIS web mapping application to comply with federal standards. It outlines the project goals, requirements, technology platform, and lessons learned. Key points include fulfilling USGS and FGDC metadata standards, enabling data sharing with federal agencies, and optimizing performance through database and cartographic improvements.

Uni Paa S Overview
Uni Paa S  OverviewUni Paa S  Overview
Uni Paa S Overview

The document describes Magic Software, a platform for developing business applications. It can develop client/server, web, and rich internet applications that run on various operating systems and databases. The platform provides an integrated development environment, supports multiple platforms and programming languages, and enables agile development. It allows incorporating third-party components and building web services. Customers praise Magic Software for helping them develop applications quickly.

by Arik

• WMS (Web Map Service)
• WFS (Web Feature Service)
• WCS (Web Coverage Service)
• G3 (Geoparser, Gazetteer, Geocoder)
• GML (Geographic Markup Language)
• ...
Spatial Data


                  (GSDI)          Regional
Core component of the SDI

Core component of the SDI



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Win8 ru
Win8 ruWin8 ru
Win8 ru

Презентация, которая была шаблоном для рассказа про Windows 8 ctp в ННГУ, НИЯ-ВШЭ НН, ЧГУ в ноябре 2011 года

russian languagewindows 8ostbuild
HTML5 Programming
HTML5 ProgrammingHTML5 Programming
HTML5 Programming

This document discusses HTML5 programming and several HTML5 features including multimedia, canvas, web sockets, web storage, indexed databases, offline capabilities, file systems, and geolocation. It provides examples and explanations of how to use these new HTML5 features in programming and notes that while specifications continue to evolve, real-world browser support is more important. It aims to cover programming aspects of video, canvas, web sockets, data storage, offline usage, file systems, and geolocation.

Shreeraj - Hacking Web 2 0 - ClubHack2007
Shreeraj - Hacking Web 2 0 - ClubHack2007Shreeraj - Hacking Web 2 0 - ClubHack2007
Shreeraj - Hacking Web 2 0 - ClubHack2007

This document discusses hacking Web 2.0 technologies and provides an overview of vulnerabilities in Ajax and Web Services. The speaker is Shreeraj Shah, founder of Blueinfy Solutions, who has experience in web security research. The presentation covers trends in Web 2.0 adoption, technologies like Ajax and Web Services, and common attacks such as cross-site scripting and request forgery. It also summarizes methodologies for assessing vulnerabilities, including footprinting, profiling, scanning, and fuzzing, as well as defenses like secure coding practices and firewalls.

clubhackhackers conferenceweb20
Core component of the SDI

   Framework   GEOdata

Core component of the SDI


   Framework    GEOdata

Core component of the SDI

     Clearinghouse & Web Mapping


   Framework     GEOdata

Core component of the SDI

     Clearinghouse & Web Mapping


   Framework     GEOdata



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HTML5, Silverlight & Kinect
HTML5, Silverlight & KinectHTML5, Silverlight & Kinect
HTML5, Silverlight & Kinect

This document discusses upcoming features in Silverlight and Internet Explorer. It highlights new features for XAML, media playback, applications, tooling and performance improvements. Examples of new features include XAML debugging with breakpoints, implicit data templates, double click support, GPU accelerated 3D and 2D APIs, improved audio and printing support, and significant performance enhancements. The document also discusses Microsoft's approach to supporting HTML5 features in Internet Explorer 9 and 10 through implementations of specifications like ECMA Script 5, Canvas, SVG and others.

Amish Umesh - Future Of Web App Testing - ClubHack2007
Amish Umesh - Future Of Web App Testing  - ClubHack2007Amish Umesh - Future Of Web App Testing  - ClubHack2007
Amish Umesh - Future Of Web App Testing - ClubHack2007

The document discusses the evolution of web application testing from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0. It describes how Web 1.0 applications had traditional architectures and testing methodologies, while Web 2.0 introduced challenges like asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) that limited automated testing. The document proposes that future testing requires a hybrid approach using both automated scanning and manual testing within a browser-based toolbar. This allows testing each page, handling authentication, and executing JavaScript to address limitations of current automated scanners.

clubhackhackers conferenceweb20
HTML5 and CSS3 refresher
HTML5 and CSS3 refresherHTML5 and CSS3 refresher
HTML5 and CSS3 refresher

Anatomy of a web app HTML5 CSS3 This presentation has been developed in the context of the Mobile Applications Development course, DISIM, University of L'Aquila (Italy), Spring 2014.

html5css3mobile application development
Tomorrow: A Global Infrastructure Enabled
 Through Partnerships, Standards, Technology

 Users                     s


                                                                    Service                            Web-Enabled
Clearinghouse                    Map            Catalog
                               Services         Services            Registry


                Metadata            Metadata      Metadata          Metadata       Metadata   Metadata           Metadata
                Imagery             Elevation   Hydrography     Demographics        Health    Geodetic        Transportation

                                                              Environment          Economic                        Crime
Tomorrow: A Global Infrastructure Enabled
 Through Partnerships, Standards, Technology

 Users                     s


                                                                    Service        •E-Commerce                Web-Enabled
Clearinghouse                    Map            Catalog                            •Authentication             Services
                               Services         Services            Registry


                Metadata            Metadata      Metadata          Metadata       Metadata          Metadata           Metadata
                Imagery             Elevation   Hydrography     Demographics         Health          Geodetic        Transportation

                                                              Environment          Economic                               Crime
Clearing house &

• Search and Discovery via Clearinghouse

• Clearinghouse Registration
What is Clearing house?

• Distributed service to locate geospatial
  data based on their characteristics
  expressed in metadata

• Clearinghouse allows one to pose a
  query of all or a portion of the
  community in a single session

• Like a spatial AltaVista

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An Intro to Mobile HTML5
An Intro to Mobile HTML5An Intro to Mobile HTML5
An Intro to Mobile HTML5

This document provides an introduction to HTML5 and discusses the evolution of the web. It notes that the web is changing from a single device experience to a multi-device one, and from thin clients to thick applications. It shows how browser platforms and programming languages have diversified for smartphones. The document highlights how HTML5 is bringing new capabilities like geolocation, video, audio and graphics to the web in a standardized way. It encourages keeping up with browser support and using polyfills and frameworks. Finally, it speculates about how the mobile web may gain access to device APIs and become more like a mobile platform itself.

sencha touchhtml5sencha
OreDev 2008: Software + Services
OreDev 2008: Software + ServicesOreDev 2008: Software + Services
OreDev 2008: Software + Services

A view on architectural considerations and models for the emerging context of software plus services and in view of technologies such as Windows Azure.

Introduction to ASP.NET
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Introduction to ASP.NET

This document introduces ASP.NET, a framework for building web applications. It discusses important ASP.NET components like the web server, pages, and databases. It also covers how web applications work by explaining the request-response process between browsers and servers, and key aspects of ASP.NET like its pipeline, page directives, and compilation models.

Discovery in Clearinghouse
                  Service                      Clearinghouse
                  Registry                         Nodes

 Web               Web
Client            Server
User               Gateway(s)

         HTTP   protocol     Z39.50 protocol
Discovery in Clearinghouse
                  Service                      Clearinghouse
                  Registry                         Nodes

 Web               Web
Client            Server
User               Gateway(s)

         HTTP   protocol     Z39.50 protocol
Discovery in Clearinghouse
                  Service                      Clearinghouse
                  Registry                         Nodes

 Web               Web
Client            Server
User               Gateway(s)

         HTTP   protocol     Z39.50 protocol
Discovery in Clearinghouse
                  Service                      Clearinghouse
                  Registry                         Nodes

 Web               Web
Client            Server
User               Gateway(s)

         HTTP   protocol     Z39.50 protocol

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Cross platform mobile web apps
Cross platform mobile web appsCross platform mobile web apps
Cross platform mobile web apps

The document discusses the state of cross-platform mobile web apps. It notes that while HTML5 provides many capabilities of native mobile apps, developing cross-platform web apps remains challenging due to differences in browser platforms and a lack of universal support for HTML5 features. Hybrid mobile apps that use a native wrapper and HTML5 for app logic offer greater access to device functionality but still must target multiple platforms. Ultimately, no solution provides the same level of "nativeness" as truly native mobile apps.

app html5 mobile web javascript fom
Architecting the ArcGIS Platform
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Dominic Stubbins from Esri UK on best practices for Architecting the ArcGIS Platform. Esri UK Annual Conference 2016

HTML5: An Overview
HTML5: An OverviewHTML5: An Overview
HTML5: An Overview

Slides from an HTML5 overview session I presented at work... This presentation has an accompanying sample webapp project:

Discovery in Clearinghouse
                  Service                      Clearinghouse
                  Registry                         Nodes

 Web               Web
Client            Server
User               Gateway(s)

         HTTP   protocol     Z39.50 protocol
Discovery in Clearinghouse
                  Service                      Clearinghouse
                  Registry                         Nodes

 Web               Web
Client            Server
User               Gateway(s)

         HTTP   protocol     Z39.50 protocol
Before OGC Interfaces

         Vendor A        Vendor B
          (Coastlines)   (Inland Water)

 Vendor C                       Vendor D
(Coarse elevation              (Fine elevation)
   with ocean)
Interoperable Web Mapping

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Mike Taulty MIX10 Silverlight 4 Patterns Frameworks

The document discusses various frameworks and patterns in Silverlight 4, including ASP.NET client application services, WCF data services, WCF RIA services, navigation, search, and extensibility with MEF. It provides an overview and demos of each technology. The presentation encourages attendees to check the schedule for additional in-depth sessions on topics like OData, WCF data services, WCF RIA services, navigation, search engine optimization, and MEF.

WEB I - 01 - Introduction to Web Development
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Introduction to XHTML Forms for Web Development 1 Course suitable for degree following CIT/CIS/CS ACM model curriculum.

HTML5 and the dawn of rich mobile web applications pt 1
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HTML5 and the dawn of rich mobile web applications pt 1

Mobile applications are evolving to leverage HTML5 and rich web technologies. While native mobile applications currently have advantages in terms of performance and access to device features, HTML5 allows building applications that work across mobile devices and platforms using web standards. Frameworks like jQuery Mobile and Sencha Touch demonstrate how to build mobile-optimized interfaces using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. HTML5 applications have the potential for broader reach and less development effort compared to building separate native apps, though performance compromises remain versus truly native apps.

Interoperable Web Mapping

                    Web Mapping Client
Interoperable Web Mapping



                    Web Mapping Client

Interoperable Web Mapping

Source A                       ap



                                    Web Mapping Client

Interoperable Web Mapping

Source A                       ap


                        G etMap
Source B


                                    Web Mapping Client


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Best Practices for Effectively Running dbt in Airflow.pdf
Best Practices for Effectively Running dbt in Airflow.pdfBest Practices for Effectively Running dbt in Airflow.pdf
Best Practices for Effectively Running dbt in Airflow.pdf

As a popular open-source library for analytics engineering, dbt is often used in combination with Airflow. Orchestrating and executing dbt models as DAGs ensures an additional layer of control over tasks, observability, and provides a reliable, scalable environment to run dbt models. This webinar will cover a step-by-step guide to Cosmos, an open source package from Astronomer that helps you easily run your dbt Core projects as Airflow DAGs and Task Groups, all with just a few lines of code. We’ll walk through: - Standard ways of running dbt (and when to utilize other methods) - How Cosmos can be used to run and visualize your dbt projects in Airflow - Common challenges and how to address them, including performance, dependency conflicts, and more - How running dbt projects in Airflow helps with cost optimization Webinar given on 9 July 2024

apache airflowdbtdbt-core
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UiPath Community Day Kraków: Devs4Devs Conference
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We are honored to launch and host this event for our UiPath Polish Community, with the help of our partners - Proservartner! We certainly hope we have managed to spike your interest in the subjects to be presented and the incredible networking opportunities at hand, too! Check out our proposed agenda below 👇👇 08:30 ☕ Welcome coffee (30') 09:00 Opening note/ Intro to UiPath Community (10') Cristina Vidu, Global Manager, Marketing Community @UiPath Dawid Kot, Digital Transformation Lead @Proservartner 09:10 Cloud migration - Proservartner & DOVISTA case study (30') Marcin Drozdowski, Automation CoE Manager @DOVISTA Pawel Kamiński, RPA developer @DOVISTA Mikolaj Zielinski, UiPath MVP, Senior Solutions Engineer @Proservartner 09:40 From bottlenecks to breakthroughs: Citizen Development in action (25') Pawel Poplawski, Director, Improvement and Automation @McCormick & Company Michał Cieślak, Senior Manager, Automation Programs @McCormick & Company 10:05 Next-level bots: API integration in UiPath Studio (30') Mikolaj Zielinski, UiPath MVP, Senior Solutions Engineer @Proservartner 10:35 ☕ Coffee Break (15') 10:50 Document Understanding with my RPA Companion (45') Ewa Gruszka, Enterprise Sales Specialist, AI & ML @UiPath 11:35 Power up your Robots: GenAI and GPT in REFramework (45') Krzysztof Karaszewski, Global RPA Product Manager 12:20 🍕 Lunch Break (1hr) 13:20 From Concept to Quality: UiPath Test Suite for AI-powered Knowledge Bots (30') Kamil Miśko, UiPath MVP, Senior RPA Developer @Zurich Insurance 13:50 Communications Mining - focus on AI capabilities (30') Thomasz Wierzbicki, Business Analyst @Office Samurai 14:20 Polish MVP panel: Insights on MVP award achievements and career profiling

Interoperable Web Mapping

Source A                       ap


                        G etMap
Source B

             Water               ap
                         G etM

Source C
                                      Web Mapping Client

Web Mapping with WMS
    Viewer Client
           Web Browser
                                    Web Map Servers



Web Mapping with WMS
    Viewer Client
           Web Browser
                                    Web Map Servers



Web Mapping with WMS
    Viewer Client
           Web Browser
                                    Web Map Servers




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Web Mapping with WMS
    Viewer Client
           Web Browser
                                    Web Map Servers



Web Mapping with WMS
    Viewer Client
           Web Browser
                                    Web Map Servers



Web Mapping with WMS
    Viewer Client
           Web Browser
                                    Web Map Servers



Web Mapping with WMS
    Viewer Client
           Web Browser
                                    Web Map Servers




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Presented at Gartner Data & Analytics, London Maty 2024. BT Group has used the Neo4j Graph Database to enable impressive digital transformation programs over the last 6 years. By re-imagining their operational support systems to adopt self-serve and data lead principles they have substantially reduced the number of applications and complexity of their operations. The result has been a substantial reduction in risk and costs while improving time to value, innovation, and process automation. Join this session to hear their story, the lessons they learned along the way and how their future innovation plans include the exploration of uses of EKG + Generative AI.

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Web Mapping with WMS
    Viewer Client
           Web Browser
                                    Web Map Servers



Web Mapping with WMS
    Viewer Client
           Web Browser
                                    Web Map Servers



Web Mapping with WMS
    Viewer Client
           Web Browser
                                    Web Map Servers



Web Mapping with WMS
    Viewer Client
           Web Browser
                                    Web Map Servers




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Six months into 2024, and it is clear the privacy ecosystem takes no days off!! Regulators continue to implement and enforce new regulations, businesses strive to meet requirements, and technology advances like AI have privacy professionals scratching their heads about managing risk. What can we learn about the first six months of data privacy trends and events in 2024? How should this inform your privacy program management for the rest of the year? Join TrustArc, Goodwin, and Snyk privacy experts as they discuss the changes we’ve seen in the first half of 2024 and gain insight into the concrete, actionable steps you can take to up-level your privacy program in the second half of the year. This webinar will review: - Key changes to privacy regulations in 2024 - Key themes in privacy and data governance in 2024 - How to maximize your privacy program in the second half of 2024

data privacyprivacy complianceai
Web Mapping with WMS
    Viewer Client
           Web Browser
                                    Web Map Servers



Web Mapping with WMS
    Viewer Client
           Web Browser
                                    Web Map Servers



Web Mapping with WMS
    Viewer Client
           Web Browser
                                    Web Map Servers



Web Mapping with WMS
    Viewer Client
           Web Browser
                                    Web Map Servers




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This presentation, delivered at the Postgres Bangalore (PGBLR) Meetup-2 on June 29th, 2024, dives deep into connection pooling for PostgreSQL databases. Aakash M, a PostgreSQL Tech Lead at Mydbops, explores the challenges of managing numerous connections and explains how connection pooling optimizes performance and resource utilization. Key Takeaways: * Understand why connection pooling is essential for high-traffic applications * Explore various connection poolers available for PostgreSQL, including pgbouncer * Learn the configuration options and functionalities of pgbouncer * Discover best practices for monitoring and troubleshooting connection pooling setups * Gain insights into real-world use cases and considerations for production environments This presentation is ideal for: * Database administrators (DBAs) * Developers working with PostgreSQL * DevOps engineers * Anyone interested in optimizing PostgreSQL performance Contact for PostgreSQL Managed, Consulting and Remote DBA Services

Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry
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Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry

Are you interested in dipping your toes in the cloud native observability waters, but as an engineer you are not sure where to get started with tracing problems through your microservices and application landscapes on Kubernetes? Then this is the session for you, where we take you on your first steps in an active open-source project that offers a buffet of languages, challenges, and opportunities for getting started with telemetry data. The project is called openTelemetry, but before diving into the specifics, we’ll start with de-mystifying key concepts and terms such as observability, telemetry, instrumentation, cardinality, percentile to lay a foundation. After understanding the nuts and bolts of observability and distributed traces, we’ll explore the openTelemetry community; its Special Interest Groups (SIGs), repositories, and how to become not only an end-user, but possibly a contributor.We will wrap up with an overview of the components in this project, such as the Collector, the OpenTelemetry protocol (OTLP), its APIs, and its SDKs. Attendees will leave with an understanding of key observability concepts, become grounded in distributed tracing terminology, be aware of the components of openTelemetry, and know how to take their first steps to an open-source contribution! Key Takeaways: Open source, vendor neutral instrumentation is an exciting new reality as the industry standardizes on openTelemetry for observability. OpenTelemetry is on a mission to enable effective observability by making high-quality, portable telemetry ubiquitous. The world of observability and monitoring today has a steep learning curve and in order to achieve ubiquity, the project would benefit from growing our contributor community.

cloudcloud native observabilitycloud native
Web Mapping with WMS
    Viewer Client
           Web Browser
                                    Web Map Servers



Web Mapping with WMS
    Viewer Client
           Web Browser
                                    Web Map Servers



With OGC Interfaces

Minutes,                                                 Vendor
instead                                                  neutral
of days

 Up to                                                   Format
 date                                                    neutral

           Get exactly what you want, not an entire continent

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Implementations of Fused Deposition Modeling in real world
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Implementations of Fused Deposition Modeling in real world

The presentation showcases the diverse real-world applications of Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) across multiple industries: 1. **Manufacturing**: FDM is utilized in manufacturing for rapid prototyping, creating custom tools and fixtures, and producing functional end-use parts. Companies leverage its cost-effectiveness and flexibility to streamline production processes. 2. **Medical**: In the medical field, FDM is used to create patient-specific anatomical models, surgical guides, and prosthetics. Its ability to produce precise and biocompatible parts supports advancements in personalized healthcare solutions. 3. **Education**: FDM plays a crucial role in education by enabling students to learn about design and engineering through hands-on 3D printing projects. It promotes innovation and practical skill development in STEM disciplines. 4. **Science**: Researchers use FDM to prototype equipment for scientific experiments, build custom laboratory tools, and create models for visualization and testing purposes. It facilitates rapid iteration and customization in scientific endeavors. 5. **Automotive**: Automotive manufacturers employ FDM for prototyping vehicle components, tooling for assembly lines, and customized parts. It speeds up the design validation process and enhances efficiency in automotive engineering. 6. **Consumer Electronics**: FDM is utilized in consumer electronics for designing and prototyping product enclosures, casings, and internal components. It enables rapid iteration and customization to meet evolving consumer demands. 7. **Robotics**: Robotics engineers leverage FDM to prototype robot parts, create lightweight and durable components, and customize robot designs for specific applications. It supports innovation and optimization in robotic systems. 8. **Aerospace**: In aerospace, FDM is used to manufacture lightweight parts, complex geometries, and prototypes of aircraft components. It contributes to cost reduction, faster production cycles, and weight savings in aerospace engineering. 9. **Architecture**: Architects utilize FDM for creating detailed architectural models, prototypes of building components, and intricate designs. It aids in visualizing concepts, testing structural integrity, and communicating design ideas effectively. Each industry example demonstrates how FDM enhances innovation, accelerates product development, and addresses specific challenges through advanced manufacturing capabilities.

fdmffffused deposition modeling
The Increasing Use of the National Research Platform by the CSU Campuses
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CIO Council Cal Poly Humboldt September 22, 2023

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Transcript: Details of description part II: Describing images in practice - T...
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Transcript: Details of description part II: Describing images in practice - T...

This presentation explores the practical application of image description techniques. Familiar guidelines will be demonstrated in practice, and descriptions will be developed “live”! If you have learned a lot about the theory of image description techniques but want to feel more confident putting them into practice, this is the presentation for you. There will be useful, actionable information for everyone, whether you are working with authors, colleagues, alone, or leveraging AI as a collaborator. Link to presentation recording and slides: Presented by BookNet Canada on June 25, 2024, with support from the Department of Canadian Heritage.

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Internet GIS

  • 1. Internet GIS Advanced GIS (ITM 524) Iwan Setiawan @MySetiawan
  • 2. Agenda: • Internet & World Wide Web • Web Mapping • Internet GIS • Web Mapping Services Model • Spatial Data Infrastructure
  • 3. Internet • A global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols • Designed for US Military (http:// Computers_and_internet/Internet/ History/)
  • 4. History of Internet • ARPANET (Advanced Research Project Agency Network): 60’s • UCLA, UC Santa Barbara, Stanford, Univ. of Utah. • Internetworking
  • 5. Internet-based Services • E-Mail • Chat (IRC) • File Transfer (FTP) • Remote Access (telnet) • World Wide Web (Web) • VoIP
  • 6. Computer Network Links Node-A Node-B Network Node-C
  • 7. Computer Network • Stand-alone computer: A PC by itself without connecting to other computers • Network: Two or more computers and other devices connected together are called a network. • Networking: Concept of connected computers sharing resources
  • 9. World Wide Web • A system of Internet servers that support specially formatted documents. The documents are formatted in a markup language called HTML (HyperText Markup Language) that supports links to other documents, as well as graphics, audio, and video files.
  • 10. World Wide Web • Invented by Tim Berners Lee (1990) • Maintained by W3C • Document Format : HTML • Protocol : HTTP
  • 11. World Wide Web • Personal/corporate • e-Commerce, e-Government, e- Learning, etc • News/information/community/ corporate portal
  • 12. Web Environment • Web Server • Web Browser • HTTP • URL
  • 13. HTTP • HTTP = Hypertext Transfer Protocol • The Web uses the HTTP protocol, only one of the languages spoken over the Internet, to transmit data. • Web services, which use HTTP to allow applications to communicate in order to exchange business logic, use the the Web to share
  • 14. HTTP Request HTTP HTTP Web Web Server and Browser File System
  • 15. Web Server & Web Browser 2. Server fetches Client machine Server machine document from local file Browser Web server OS 3. Response 1. Get document request
  • 16. Uniform Resource Locator (URL) • Uniform (or universal) resource locator, the address of a World Wide Web page. • A URL is one type of Uniform Resource Identifier (URI); the generic term for all types of names and addresses that refer to objects on the World Wide Web. • Example: • file:// • news://
  • 17. Uniform Resource Locator (URL) • Every URL consists of some of the following: • the scheme name (commonly called protocol), followed by a colon, two slashes, then, depending on scheme, a server name (exp. ftp., www., smtp., etc) followed by a dot (.) then a domain name (alternatively, IP address), a port number, the path of the resource to be fetched or the program to be run, then, for programs such as Common Gateway Interface (CGI) scripts, a query string, and an optional fragment identifier.
  • 18. URL Structure Protocol Domain Port Resource Scheme Name Number Location http :// :80 /path/subdir/files.html
  • 20. Web Programming Env. • Script (Language): HTML, JavaScript,XML, PHP, ASP, etc • Interface Design: CSS • Editor: Kedit,vi,notepad, Dreamweaver, Editplus, etc • Operating System: Windows, Linux, Mac OS • Web Server: Apache, IIS, PWS • Web Browser: Navigator, IE, Mozilla, Opera, Chrome, Safari
  • 21. GIS Concept vector raster attribute data Data recording + + . . tables . polygons Data Geo- lines organization database .. . points Data analysis tables maps Data output +
  • 23. GIS Visualization www Visualization Process http Internet SIG / Web Mapping Basis Data Spasial
  • 24. GIS Visualization www Visualization Process http Internet SIG / Web Mapping Cetak Basis Data Spasial
  • 25. GIS Visualization www Visualization Process http Internet SIG / Web Mapping Cetak Basis Data Spasial Multi-Media
  • 26. Why Publish on Web? Advantages – True cross-paltform ability – Widely available – Very cheap medium Disadvantages – Difficult to charge for use – Limited audience – Audio, animation and true interactively not directly supported – Limited graphical quality (72 dpi resolution) – Limited formats (15” screens) – Limited colour quality (RGB, 256 colours) • Design should be specially made for WWW
  • 27. What do I say to whom and is it effective?
  • 28. What do I say to whom and is it effective?
  • 29. Evolution of Distributed GIS High Distributed GIServices Interact Web  Java Beans / Applets Mapping  Corba / Java Functionality Static Web  ActiveX Controls  Dynamic HTML  Application Server Mapping  Scripts  DCOM  Plug-in  Componen – based Static Map  HTML Forms  ActiveX Controls  XML Publishing  Tables  Servlets  .Net  CGI  HTML  ISAPI  Static Map  NSAPI Image Low Low Interactivity High
  • 30. Factors involved in web map design: • Analysis of geospatial data and definition of map content • Analysis of required perception levels • Application of the graphic variables: • colour, size, orientation, form, value and texture • derived variables: transparency, shadow, shading • Application of multi-media elements: • Animation, sound and video • Production constraints: • Technology, manpower, costs
  • 31. Static Map Publishing • An electronic copy of a paper map • Embedding maps as graphic images like GIF, JPEG, and Portable Network Graphic (PNG) inside an HTML page. • A static map publishing does not support feature data at the client side and does not have map-rendering tools. • Acrobat’s PDF file is another popular method to publish map on the web.
  • 32. Embedding Map Images in HTML Documents • Make a map as one of the many graphic image formats, such as GIF, JPEG, and PNG or PDF. Then embed these map image files inside the HTML documents using <IMG> tag or element in the HTML <IMG SRC=“/maps/kotabogor.gif” ALIGN=“center” ALT=“A Kota Bogor Maps”> • The map could also be linked with another map images or HTML pages <A HREF=“about_ktbgr.htm”> <IMG SRC=“/maps/ kotabogor.gif”>
  • 33. Static Map Publishing • Clickable Maps refers to a map that links to separate information about different parts of the map image • Architecture of Static Web Publishing • The Client: Web Browser • The Glue: HTTP • The Server: HTTP Server
  • 35. Architecture of static map publishing Tier1 Tier2 Tier3 Map HTML Servers Web Document Browsers HTTP HTTP DBMS (HTML & Forms) CGI Application Servers Web Internet Web Server Client TCT/IP Server Applications
  • 36. Architecture of CGI- based Internet GIS User Send Request Variables WWW Invoke WWW CGI GIS Server Browser SCRIPT Server Deliver (http) Translate Return Results Results Result
  • 37. Interactive Web Mapping • More interactions between user and the client interface and more client- side processing and functionalities than static web mapping applications
  • 38. Work process of GIS plug-ins Request GIS WWW Data Object WWW Browser Server Send GIS Browser does not Data understand data type Search for Plug-ins or helper programs No GIS Plug-in to on the local system Support Data Yes Load GIS Plug-in GIS Data Displayed
  • 41. Work process of Java applets Request GIS Data Object WWW WWW Server Browser (Java Applet) Send Java Applet and GIS Data Java Applet and GIS Data Display
  • 42. Work Procces of ActiveX controls Request GIS Data Object WWW WWW Browser Server Send ActiveX Control and Data Object GIS Control and GIS Data Display
  • 44. Dynamic architecture for Web map services Scenario A (Thin Client) Scenario B (Medium Client) Client Client GIS Display GIS Display Component Component Container Container Render Download Server Server Display Display GIS GIS Component DEG Component DEG Container Container Filter Filter
  • 45. Internet GIS • What is Internet GIS: • Internet GIS is a research and application that utilizes the Internet to facilitate the access, processing and dissemination of geographic information and spatial analysis knowledge. • Network based GIS that utilizes the Internet to access remote geographic information and geo- processing tools. • Part of Distributed GIS
  • 46. The impact of Internet on GIS • GIS data access • Provide easy access to acquire GIS data from different data providers. • Spatial information dissemination • General public can directly access and explore spatial information from their web browser. • GIS processing • Conduct GIS processing and analysis (in the future..).
  • 47. Geographic Information Services Architecture • Traditional System • Closed, centralized system (interface program and data), platform dependent and application dependent. • Client/Server System • Allowed distributed clients to access a server remotely by using distributed computing technique such as ODBC (Open database connectivity). • Distributed Services • Can connect and interact with multiple and heterogeneous systems and platforms at the same time (online processes of information).
  • 48. Distributed GIS • Network based GIS that utilizes the Internet access and other networking communication systems to perform data presentation, data exchange data analysis and data dissemination.
  • 49. Distributed GIS • Integrated Client/Server System • Thin client: little logic processing at the client server. • Thick client: most logic processing is performed at the client side. • Web Base Interactive System
  • 50. Distributed GIS • Cross Platform and Interoperable • Can be accessible across platform regardless of what operating system the user is running. • Interoperable; the ability to access many form of GIS data and functions in the heterogeneous environment.
  • 51. Basic Components of Internet GIS • The client • Is a place for users to interact with geographic information and function in Internet GIS. • Web Server and Application Server • Web Server: respond to request from web browsers via HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol). • Application Server: acts as connector/ translator between the web server and map server.
  • 52. Basic Components of Internet GIS • Map Server/Spatial Server • A component that provides GIS function such as spatial queries, conducts spatial analysis and generates maps based on the user’s request. I.e: ArcIMS, Map Server, MapXtreme • Data Server • Holds and serves data, spatial and non- spatial.
  • 53. Basic Components of Mobile GIS • Mobile Device Clients • Wireless Communication Networks • Gateway Services • Translating the user request to HTTP request for the web server and send the output into different format to fits the user’s mobile devices. • Internet GIS Server • Data Server
  • 55. How Does it Work? Interfaces based on the OpenGIS Specification
  • 57. Standard • WMS (Web Map Service) • WFS (Web Feature Service) • WCS (Web Coverage Service) • G3 (Geoparser, Gazetteer, Geocoder) • GML (Geographic Markup Language) • ...
  • 58. Spatial Data Infrastructure Regional National National (FGDC) Global (GSDI) Regional
  • 59. Core component of the SDI Partnerships
  • 60. Core component of the SDI GEOdata Partnerships
  • 61. Core component of the SDI Framework GEOdata Partnerships
  • 62. Core component of the SDI Metadata Framework GEOdata Partnerships
  • 63. Core component of the SDI Clearinghouse & Web Mapping Metadata Framework GEOdata Partnerships
  • 64. Core component of the SDI Clearinghouse & Web Mapping Metadata Framework GEOdata Standards Partnerships
  • 65. Tomorrow: A Global Infrastructure Enabled Through Partnerships, Standards, Technology Users s Businesses s Citizens s Government Internet Service Web-Enabled Clearinghouse Map Catalog Services Services Services Registry Internet Registered Data Metadata Metadata Metadata Metadata Metadata Metadata Metadata Servers Imagery Elevation Hydrography Demographics Health Geodetic Transportation Control Environment Economic Crime
  • 66. Tomorrow: A Global Infrastructure Enabled Through Partnerships, Standards, Technology Users s Businesses s Citizens s Government Internet Service •E-Commerce Web-Enabled Clearinghouse Map Catalog •Authentication Services •Other Services Services Registry Internet Registered Data Metadata Metadata Metadata Metadata Metadata Metadata Metadata Servers Imagery Elevation Hydrography Demographics Health Geodetic Transportation Control Environment Economic Crime
  • 67. Clearing house & Metadata • Search and Discovery via Clearinghouse • Clearinghouse Registration
  • 68. What is Clearing house? • Distributed service to locate geospatial data based on their characteristics expressed in metadata • Clearinghouse allows one to pose a query of all or a portion of the community in a single session • Like a spatial AltaVista
  • 69. Discovery in Clearinghouse Service Clearinghouse Registry Nodes Web Web Client Server User Gateway(s) HTTP protocol Z39.50 protocol
  • 70. Discovery in Clearinghouse Service Clearinghouse Registry Nodes Web Web Client Server User Gateway(s) HTTP protocol Z39.50 protocol
  • 71. Discovery in Clearinghouse Service Clearinghouse Registry Nodes Web Web Client Server User Gateway(s) HTTP protocol Z39.50 protocol
  • 72. Discovery in Clearinghouse Service Clearinghouse Registry Nodes Web Web Client Server User Gateway(s) HTTP protocol Z39.50 protocol
  • 73. Discovery in Clearinghouse Service Clearinghouse Registry Nodes Web Web Client Server User Gateway(s) HTTP protocol Z39.50 protocol
  • 74. Discovery in Clearinghouse Service Clearinghouse Registry Nodes Web Web Client Server User Gateway(s) HTTP protocol Z39.50 protocol
  • 75. Before OGC Interfaces Vendor A Vendor B (Coastlines) (Inland Water) Vendor C Vendor D (Coarse elevation (Fine elevation) with ocean)
  • 77. Interoperable Web Mapping Web Mapping Client
  • 78. Interoperable Web Mapping Land Water Web Mapping Client Boundaries
  • 79. Interoperable Web Mapping GetM Source A ap Land Water Web Mapping Client Boundaries
  • 80. Interoperable Web Mapping GetM Source A ap Land G etMap Source B Water Web Mapping Client Boundaries
  • 81. Interoperable Web Mapping GetM Source A ap Land G etMap Source B Water ap G etM Source C Web Mapping Client Boundaries
  • 82. Web Mapping with WMS Map Server Viewer Client Web Browser Web Map Servers Map Server internet Map Server Map Server
  • 83. Web Mapping with WMS Map Server Viewer Client Web Browser Web Map Servers Map Server internet Map Server Map Server
  • 84. Web Mapping with WMS Map Server Viewer Client Web Browser Web Map Servers Map Server internet Map Server Map Server
  • 85. Web Mapping with WMS Map Server Viewer Client Web Browser Web Map Servers Map Server internet Map Server Map Server
  • 86. Web Mapping with WMS Map Server Viewer Client Web Browser Web Map Servers Map Server internet Map Server Map Server
  • 87. Web Mapping with WMS Map Server Viewer Client Web Browser Web Map Servers Map Server internet Map Server Map Server
  • 88. Web Mapping with WMS Map Server Viewer Client Web Browser Web Map Servers Map Server internet Map Server Map Server
  • 89. Web Mapping with WMS Map Server Viewer Client Web Browser Web Map Servers Map Server internet Map Server Map Server
  • 90. Web Mapping with WMS Map Server Viewer Client Web Browser Web Map Servers Map Server internet Map Server Map Server
  • 91. Web Mapping with WMS Map Server Viewer Client Web Browser Web Map Servers Map Server internet Map Server Map Server
  • 92. Web Mapping with WMS Map Server Viewer Client Web Browser Web Map Servers Map Server internet Map Server Map Server
  • 93. Web Mapping with WMS Map Server Viewer Client Web Browser Web Map Servers Map Server internet Map Server Map Server
  • 94. Web Mapping with WMS Map Server Viewer Client Web Browser Web Map Servers Map Server internet Map Server Map Server
  • 95. Web Mapping with WMS Map Server Viewer Client Web Browser Web Map Servers Map Server internet Map Server Map Server
  • 96. Web Mapping with WMS Map Server Viewer Client Web Browser Web Map Servers Map Server internet Map Server Map Server
  • 97. Web Mapping with WMS Map Server Viewer Client Web Browser Web Map Servers Map Server internet Map Server Map Server
  • 98. Web Mapping with WMS Map Server Viewer Client Web Browser Web Map Servers Map Server internet Map Server Map Server
  • 99. With OGC Interfaces Minutes, Vendor instead neutral of days Up to Format date neutral data Get exactly what you want, not an entire continent

Editor's Notes

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