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What makes a good information radiator?Lachlan Heasman – ThoughtWorks Australia
A choiceAB ward would you choose?
WARD AAMedical units with more reported errors, for instance, in administering medicine, actually had better health outcomes for their patientsPfeffer, J. 2007 – What Were They Thinking?
What’s that got to do with Information Radiators?  Or agile? HURRY UP!

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No estimates - 10 new principles for testing
No estimates  - 10 new principles for testingNo estimates  - 10 new principles for testing
No estimates - 10 new principles for testing

This document outlines 10 principles for software development without estimates. It begins by discussing trusting or changing your process (Principle 1) and shortening feedback cycles (Principle 2). Data is presented showing estimates are often inaccurate, with 80% of projects being late or over budget. Principle 3 states to believe data over estimates. Alternatives to estimate-driven decision making are suggested in Principle 4. Principles 5-8 discuss testing for value, measuring progress with working software, and understanding predictable system outputs. Principle 9 advocates using methods with proven track records over hoping estimates will improve. The transformation begins with individuals, per Principle 10.

project managementsoftwareagile
Ooda pres
Ooda presOoda pres
Ooda pres

The document discusses the OODA (Observe, Orient, Decide, Act) loop, which is a model for decision making developed by military strategist John Boyd. It involves observing a situation, orienting oneself, making a decision, and taking action, then observing the results and repeating the process. The document provides examples of how the OODA loop applies to systems like thermostats, product development, and military strategy. It also discusses how organizations can get inside an opponent's decision cycle by pushing decision making down hierarchies and moving faster through the OODA loop.

No More Excuses: Create a testing plan with no traffic, time, or budget
No More Excuses: Create a testing plan with no traffic, time, or budgetNo More Excuses: Create a testing plan with no traffic, time, or budget
No More Excuses: Create a testing plan with no traffic, time, or budget

Porter Mason, Steve Daignaeult, and Kira Marchenese gave a presentation on creating a testing plan with no constraints of time, budget, or resources. They discussed overcoming excuses for not testing, prioritizing tests and metrics, making sense of results, and provided next steps for attendees to begin implementing a testing process. The presentation provided tools and advice for starting simple tests immediately and developing a testing calendar and documentation to continuously learn and improve campaigns.

12ntcnoexcusessteve daignaeultporter mason
CourageWithout knowing about a problem you cannot fix the problemAdmitting to a mistake or problem takes courage because “Hierarchies don’t like bad news” SeddonCourage is a value that underpins both Scrum and XPIt takes courage to create a good information radiator
Information Radiator Alistair Cockburn - Agile Software Development 2nd edition- 2007 "An information radiator displays information in a place where passers by can see it. With information radiators, the passers by don't need to ask any question; the information simply hits them as they pass."
OK, but so what?
Why Bother with this?Information is hard to see, and all we have to work with in software development is informationLooking for information on delivery is wasteful Requires extra processesPeople have to waitIncreases time to reactInformation loses value with timeWould your customer pay for a status report?

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Start Learning Efficiently Now - Lean & Agile DC 2017
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Start Learning Efficiently Now - Lean & Agile DC 2017

Lean Startup methodologies have a reputation for being associated with technology projects, but their application goes far beyond software development. In this session, we’ll demonstrate how you can learn faster and save your company millions of dollars, all without writing a single line of code. No prior experience with Lean Startup is required. This presentation was delivered at Lean + Agile DC 2017

leanlean startupproduct management
Executing a winning strategy
Executing a winning strategyExecuting a winning strategy
Executing a winning strategy

Michael Burcham provides his top 10 thoughts for executing a winning entrepreneurial strategy. The thoughts include: learning from successes not failures; making a difference with your work; solving your own problems; focusing on execution over planning; making time for your dreams; having a clear point of view; starting small with less infrastructure; focusing on quality over quantity; achieving quick wins; and prioritizing execution.

entrepreneurial ecosystementrepreneurshipeconomic development
Amy S Friend-stc-spectrum-Lickety-Split-Learning-Agile-2014
Amy S Friend-stc-spectrum-Lickety-Split-Learning-Agile-2014Amy S Friend-stc-spectrum-Lickety-Split-Learning-Agile-2014
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Amy Friend- STC Spectrum, 2014. Amy Friend shares a successful story applying agile principles to the process of instructional design. Amy shares the humbling process to transform learning into an approach that drastically improved business results. This session was presented at STC Spectrum conference in 2014. The concepts still apply in today's workplace. Agile can be applied to more than software and manufacturing. You can apply the concepts to business processes, too. By applying agile to instructional design, Amy and the team were able to reduce time-to-market and cost by over 90%. This enabled this business to refresh their online course catalog and grow!

amy s friendamy
What do we get out of this?Information radiators can:Help a team self-organiseProtect a team by broadcasting the state of delivery – no surprisesAssist with organisation and planningCall attention to what is going on with the workControl / highlight WIP
OK I want to jump in.  How do I do this?
Focus on the workWhat do you have to do?What is getting in the way?How long is it taking to get something done?Is there uncertainty?Take a system view of what is happening

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5 Why Training Slides Oct 14, 2009
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5 Why Training Slides Oct 14, 2009

The document provides an agenda and overview for a training on systematic problem solving using tools like 5 Whys. The agenda covers introductions, an exercise on defining problems, an introduction to 5 Whys technique, team exercises applying the techniques, and a wrap up. The training will teach participants how to use 5 Whys to peel back the layers of a problem to identify the root cause by repeatedly asking "Why?". Identifying the root cause allows for preventing future recurrence of the problem.

What I Learned By Talking to 100+ Teams About Data
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What I Learned By Talking to 100+ Teams About Data

The document summarizes key learnings from talking to 100 teams about using data in their work. It discusses common obstacles teams face like lack of trust, access, and skills; as well as catalysts like establishing routines, democratizing data access, and accepting failures. It also provides examples of challenges teams discussed, such as not seeing the impact of their work, over-relying on intuition, and being risk-averse due to pressure for success.

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Productivity program 3.11
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Productivity program 3.11

Manage your email, calendar, projects, & information efficiently and effectively with these user friendly tools.

e-mailinformation management
KISSKeep It Simple, StupidEasily changed and maintainableDo it by hand, not with a tool (unless it’s Mingle)
Predictive & ReflectivePredictive – gives you the chance to do something different to avoid problemsReflective – shows if anything has changed
Outstanding Issues Over Time

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How To Run a 5 Whys (With Humans, Not Robots)

Slides from a talk at the Lean Startup conference (video link below). Update: I've interleaved slides covering what I actually talked about onstage. Update Update: video is up at

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I presented these tips at a seminar hosted by the Professional Writers Association of Canada (PWAC) Toronto chapter.

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5 whys - The Path to Resolution
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5 whys - The Path to Resolution

This document discusses the 5 Whys technique for problem solving and root cause analysis. It begins by providing examples of problems and outages experienced by companies. It then discusses common reactions to problems and the benefits of the team advancement approach. The document explains that the 5 Whys technique involves asking "why" five times to determine the root cause of a problem. It provides an example of using 5 Whys for a late delivery issue. The document outlines the history and potential pitfalls of the 5 Whys approach. It recommends an approach for effectively utilizing 5 Whys in a group setting.

Change as work changesAs you learn how learn more you should be adapting how you are workingAs you change how you work the way you present what is happening should changeUnlike a status report; there is not a template you use and stick with
Story wall
Story wall
Make it bigThe information must be easily seen and understoodUse colour and formPeople can move closes for details

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This document provides an overview of the Startup Engineering curriculum offered through Georgia Tech's Flashpoint program. It summarizes the program's goals of reducing startup risks through experiments and testing hypotheses to validate business models and product assumptions. Key aspects covered include identifying and prioritizing different risk categories, conducting inner loop experiments to disprove theories, and focusing on metrics that affect funding and pitching abilities rather than technical processes. The timeline outlines the weekly workshops, events, and expectations for mentor participation throughout the 3-month batch program.

startup flashpointgt startupengineering curriculum
Building Products for Humans - Shiren Vijiasingam
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Talk by Shiren Vijiasingam, CPO of General Assembly - presented at Products that Count in partnership with DigitalOcean, Amplitude, and mparticle

general assemblydigitaloceanproduct management
Building Products for Humans
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Building Products for Humans

Common traps and pitfalls and practical tips to build whole product experiences, from my talk at the January Products That Count event in nyc. Check out the companion post on the General Assembly blog at

customer experienceuser experienceproduct management
Story Wall
Make it everyone’sThe team must own itThe team must keep it up to date
How about you show us what you have been talking about?
Burn up charts

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Key lean principles for organizational change
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Key lean principles for organizational change

The document discusses key lean principles for organizational change, including amplifying learning through retrospectives and experiments, deciding work late in the process to reduce waste, and building integrity through servant leadership, transparency, and collaborative decision making. It also describes how lean principles can be applied to software development through techniques like Scrum, Kanban, and continuous delivery.

Formula 1 Lean by Jon Stahl
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Formula 1 Lean by Jon Stahl

Have you ever been to a Formula One race and watched the pit crews in action? While most of the glory goes to the drivers, it is really the high-performance of the entire team and their processes that make the difference between winning and losing. Lean & Agile practices are well known in product development. But how do leaders of complex people systems practice Lean? This talk will share some proven techniques that help you create high performing teams, amplify learning, uncover waste, continually improve your standard work, manage your backlog, improve accountability, make decisions faster, uncover difficult issues.

lean agile leadership
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1. The document discusses 5 cool tricks to use with wallboards today. 2. It suggests having a wallboard, displaying data from other teams, and adding fun non-work data to avoid blindness. 3. The final trick is to encourage interaction with the wallboard.

The Wall!
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Build dashboard

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This interactive session will share emerging Lean & Agile leadership techniques for management that we practice to support servant leadership. We will discuss decision making techniques such as Fist of Five, 6 Thinking Hats, demonstrate collaboration techniques such as Collaboration 8, Program Alignment Walls, Key Performance Indicators, Sales Alignment Wall, Lady Bugs, and discuss how to lead with Moral Authority. (First shared at CodeMash 2013)

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Customers want great products, but great products aren’t simply made. They are designed in an ecosystem, your organization, that can either amplify or dampen that creative process. The problem is, that most companies haven’t been organized with these specific needs in mind, but are instead simplistically grouped by function. The good news is, organizations can be designed too. This session intends to share concepts and tools that will teach attendees how to frame and implement organization design actions.

product designleanagile
Servant leadership presentation
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Servant leadership presentation

This document discusses servant leadership, including its definition as leadership that prioritizes serving others. It outlines Robert Greenleaf's founding of the modern servant leadership theory and 10 characteristics of servant leaders like listening, empathy, and community building. The document argues servant leadership is relevant today and provides examples of industries, famous leaders, and companies that practice it. It describes how servant leadership could benefit health information management departments by empowering employees.


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Seven Pillars Of Servant Leadership (Leader Serve, Model)

Model used to help individual, work groups and organizations serve the highest priority needs of employees, customers and the greater community.

Lead Humbly: The Path of Servant Leadership
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Lead Humbly: The Path of Servant Leadership

This presentation was created for and delivered to attendees of the 6th Annual University of Colorado CUGold Leadership Conference.

Back from Red - How to assess the health of your project
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Back from Red - How to assess the health of your project

Learn how to assess the health of your project besides the day-to-day status. Look into all specific areas of project management that need to be addressed (such as risk, quality, communication, team building, vendor management, stakeholder management) and look into specific areas of your project (eg. for a software development project) including requirements analysis, design, development, test and deployment. A tool will be presented to assess the project health and how to use it. We will also discuss how this tool could be adapted for specific work environments and project methods used (a five step process) and, should time permit, a live demo will be given based on a sample project (picked out of the audience).

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How to do it?Have courageFocus on the work!Keep it simplePredictive and reflectiveChange as work changesMake It bigMake it everyones

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A presentation by the Clarus Team on the lessons we have learned implementing Scrum in a range of organisations across New Zealand

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Jeff Attoe Kaizen 5S (Case Study)

This slide show is a reference for people who heard the lecture and did not get copies of it. Thanks, Jeff Attoe

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Creating a Technology Disaster Plan

These slides go with the webinar linked below, in it we go over the topics covered in the slides and answer a few questions from people attending the live session.

Information radiators
The end

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Information radiators

  • 1. What makes a good information radiator?Lachlan Heasman – ThoughtWorks Australia
  • 2. A choiceAB ward would you choose?
  • 3. WARD AAMedical units with more reported errors, for instance, in administering medicine, actually had better health outcomes for their patientsPfeffer, J. 2007 – What Were They Thinking?
  • 4. What’s that got to do with Information Radiators? Or agile? HURRY UP!
  • 5. CourageWithout knowing about a problem you cannot fix the problemAdmitting to a mistake or problem takes courage because “Hierarchies don’t like bad news” SeddonCourage is a value that underpins both Scrum and XPIt takes courage to create a good information radiator
  • 6. Information Radiator Alistair Cockburn - Agile Software Development 2nd edition- 2007 "An information radiator displays information in a place where passers by can see it. With information radiators, the passers by don't need to ask any question; the information simply hits them as they pass."
  • 7. OK, but so what?
  • 8. Why Bother with this?Information is hard to see, and all we have to work with in software development is informationLooking for information on delivery is wasteful Requires extra processesPeople have to waitIncreases time to reactInformation loses value with timeWould your customer pay for a status report?
  • 9. What do we get out of this?Information radiators can:Help a team self-organiseProtect a team by broadcasting the state of delivery – no surprisesAssist with organisation and planningCall attention to what is going on with the workControl / highlight WIP
  • 10. OK I want to jump in. How do I do this?
  • 11. Focus on the workWhat do you have to do?What is getting in the way?How long is it taking to get something done?Is there uncertainty?Take a system view of what is happening
  • 13. KISSKeep It Simple, StupidEasily changed and maintainableDo it by hand, not with a tool (unless it’s Mingle)
  • 15. Predictive & ReflectivePredictive – gives you the chance to do something different to avoid problemsReflective – shows if anything has changed
  • 17. Change as work changesAs you learn how learn more you should be adapting how you are workingAs you change how you work the way you present what is happening should changeUnlike a status report; there is not a template you use and stick with
  • 20. Make it bigThe information must be easily seen and understoodUse colour and formPeople can move closes for details
  • 22. Make it everyone’sThe team must own itThe team must keep it up to date
  • 23. How about you show us what you have been talking about?
  • 36. How to do it?Have courageFocus on the work!Keep it simplePredictive and reflectiveChange as work changesMake It bigMake it everyones

Editor's Notes

  1. Ward A100 errors in administering medicine reported this yearWard B10 errors in administering medicine reported this year
  2. Ward A100 errors in administering medicine reported this yearWard B10 errors in administering medicine reported this year
  3. Scrum valuesA ) COMMITMENT -Be willing to commit to a goal. Scrum provides people with all the authority they need to meet their commitmentsB) FOCUS - Do your job. Focus all your efforts and skills on doing the work that you have committed to doing. Dont worry about anything else.C) OPENNESS- Scrum keeps everything about a project visible to everyone.D) RESPECT- Individuals are shaped by their background and their experiences. It is important to respect the different people who comprise a team.E) COURAGE- Have the courage to commit, to act, to be open and to expect respectXPCommunicationFeedbackSimplicityCourage(Respect?)
  4. This is not a useful information radiator. How many ways is it wrong? Too small, focus on people not work, no history, no future, completely uncontrolled WIP
  5. Trade off sliders – helps the team with their decisions. Self-organisation tool, takes the decision making very close to the workThanks for Juliano
  6. 400 Lunch Target200 Dinner
  7. Simple, clear. Are there too many states? Are there a whole lot of hand offs? Why are there two colours of cards?Easy to create, should be easy to maintain.Be careful of “Ready for” states, as these create queues.
  8. Sparse board. Excuse – team was going to ramp up.Nothing special
  9. Not a tool for the scrum master or project manager
  10. Burn up charts. Courtesy of JulianoBersano & Luke StubblesFocus on the work. History, near present, and future… release burn ups so don’t show what is happening right now. Simple to create, maintain and understandLeft – basic chart, are we close to the burn? Simple, clearRight – more complex visiualisation, can be used as a cumulative flow diagram
  11. Luke StubblesVisualising and reducing WIP (Work in Progress). each team member has 3 avatars (each numbered 1,2 & 3). People pick them up from the parking bay (wip 1). It allows you at a glance to see when people are working on more than 1 thing - and it's great to refer to as a success measure with the team.
  12. Build light – broken, building, ok.You only know current state, not where you were, how long you have been in the current state.
  13. Yeung’s build dashboard.Different builds, how long they took, how long they should have taken, how long ago, which tests have been run. Nicely fractal, get some information at a glance, then more as you get closer.
  14. Trade off sliders – helps the team with their decisions. Self-organisation tool, takes the decision making very close to the workThanks for Juliano
  15. a little abstract. Nice visuals, and shows some history.
  16. Lots of information, but does it work? Is there too much here?
  17. DefectsBurn up chartsTree integration
  18. Someone is fixing the buildSomeone is working on something of no value
  19. Who is doing what. Useful for WIP control and organisation