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               Statistics - I
               Statistics - II

The Statistics of Web Performance

 Philip Tellis /

           ConFoo / 2010-03-12

       ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance
                              Statistics - I
                              Statistics - II

$ finger philip

      Philip Tellis

                      ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance
                          The goal
        Statistics - I
                          Performance Measurement
        Statistics - II


ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance
                                        The goal
                      Statistics - I
                                        Performance Measurement
                      Statistics - II

Accurately measure page performance
    At least, as accurately as possible

              ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance

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C 04-internet of things - horizon watch trend report (client version) 28jan2015
C 04-internet of things - horizon watch trend report (client version) 28jan2015C 04-internet of things - horizon watch trend report (client version) 28jan2015
C 04-internet of things - horizon watch trend report (client version) 28jan2015

This document is an internal IBM report on trends related to the Internet of Things (IoT) in 2015. It provides an overview of the IoT trend, lists key trends to watch in 2015, discusses what others are saying about the IoT, outlines the IoT ecosystem, and provides additional resources. The report predicts that the IoT will have major implications for businesses and result in new applications and services, and that security, standards, and managing big data will be significant challenges.


Attobahn is developing a new wireless network called the Quantum Speed Network that will provide ultra-fast internet speeds of up to 20 Gbps per user through a unique architecture of protonic switching nodes, nucleus switches, and V-Rover base stations. The network aims to address the exponential growth in mobile data usage and provide highly secure dedicated bandwidth to support technologies like virtual reality and the internet of things. Attobahn has filed patents on its breakthrough transmission technology and plans to generate revenue through network access fees and partnerships.

Innovate 2013 session 1243 mobile testing.v3
Innovate 2013   session 1243 mobile testing.v3Innovate 2013   session 1243 mobile testing.v3
Innovate 2013 session 1243 mobile testing.v3

This document provides a summary of a presentation on addressing challenges in mobile application testing. It discusses how mobile application testing is different than traditional web testing due to factors like device fragmentation, new capabilities to test, and more network considerations. It also outlines what mobile testers need, including test automation, device cloud access, test planning and reporting tools, and the ability to test various parts of a mobile solution like the backend systems and network. The presentation was given by representatives from IBM and AT&T.

ibm ibmmobile ibminnovateibmmobilefirstibmmobile ibm rational mobile
                                        The goal
                      Statistics - I
                                        Performance Measurement
                      Statistics - II

Accurately measure page performance
    At least, as accurately as possible

              ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance
                                              The goal
                            Statistics - I
                                              Performance Measurement
                            Statistics - II

Be unintrusive

  If you try to measure something accurately, you will change
  something related
                                                               – Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle

                    ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance
                            The goal
          Statistics - I
                            Performance Measurement
          Statistics - II

And one number to rule them all

  ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance
                                             The goal
                           Statistics - I
                                             Performance Measurement
                           Statistics - II


     Real bandwidth v/s advertised bandwidth
     Bandwidth to your server, not to the ISP
     Bandwidth during normal internet usage
         If the user’s always watching movies, you’re not winning

                   ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance

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Query at Speed of Thought
Query at Speed of ThoughtQuery at Speed of Thought
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Vectorwise is an extremely fast database that enables quick decision making through real-time analytics. It is multiple times faster than other databases, with some customer queries seeing speed increases of 70x. This speed is due to its innovative vector processing approach. Customers report being able to reduce BI project timelines by 50% using Vectorwise due to its ease of use and lack of need for tuning. It also reduces infrastructure costs through requiring less hardware and IT resources.

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MeasureWorks eFinancials - Best practices for a successfull mobile experienc...
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Gebruikers van mobiel internet verwachten snelle transacties en betrouwbare sites en/of applicaties. Volgens recent onderzoek haakt meer dan 52% van de klanten af bij een slechte ervaring en overweegt daardoor geen gebruik meer te maken van een mobiele applicatie.  Nu mobiel internet een integraal onderdeel wordt van uw dienstverlening, en de verwachtingen van klanten toenemen, wordt het managen en monitoren van uw mobiele sites en applicaties een voorwaarde voor succes. Het niet tijdig identificeren van langzame, of erger, niet functionerende mobiele diensten zal onherroepelijk resulteren in verlies van klanten, omzet en uiteindelijk reputatie schade. Aan de hand van praktijkvoorbeelden zullen we u laten zien: * Wat de impact is van de adoptie van mobiel internet en groeiende klantverwachtingen op uw online dienstverlening * Op welke wijze Mobiele Web Experience problemen kunnen worden herkend voordat klanten uw website verlaten  * Best practices voor het leveren van een kwalitatief uitstekende Mobile Web Experience

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IOT - The 3rd Internet Tsunami is Here
IOT - The 3rd Internet Tsunami is HereIOT - The 3rd Internet Tsunami is Here
IOT - The 3rd Internet Tsunami is Here

The document discusses the Internet of Things (IoT) and its potential. It describes IoT as the third wave of internet connectivity, following fixed and mobile internet. Basic IoT concepts are explained, such as how IoT connects physical devices to collect and share data. Statistics on current and predicted IoT usage are provided. Examples are given of how IoT can optimize different areas like transportation, healthcare, smart homes and more. The document also outlines the opportunities and challenges of IoT for Malaysia, including the need for IoT professionals and pioneers to help advance IoT.

iotinternet of thingsmazlan
                                             The goal
                           Statistics - I
                                             Performance Measurement
                           Statistics - II


     Real bandwidth v/s advertised bandwidth
     Bandwidth to your server, not to the ISP
     Bandwidth during normal internet usage
         If the user’s always watching movies, you’re not winning

                   ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance
                                                    The goal
                                  Statistics - I
                                                    Performance Measurement
                                  Statistics - II


        How long does it take a byte to get to the user?
              Wired, wireless, mobile, satellite?
              How many hops in between?
              Speed of light is constant
        This is not a battle we will soon win.
              When was the last time you heard latency mentioned in a
              TV ad?

                          ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance
                                                    The goal
                                  Statistics - I
                                                    Performance Measurement
                                  Statistics - II


        How long does it take a byte to get to the user?
              Wired, wireless, mobile, satellite?
              How many hops in between?
              Speed of light is constant
        This is not a battle we will soon win.
              When was the last time you heard latency mentioned in a
              TV ad?

                          ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance
                                                    The goal
                                  Statistics - I
                                                    Performance Measurement
                                  Statistics - II


        How long does it take a byte to get to the user?
              Wired, wireless, mobile, satellite?
              How many hops in between?
              Speed of light is constant
        This is not a battle we will soon win.
              When was the last time you heard latency mentioned in a
              TV ad?

                          ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance

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Cisco Video Data Explosion
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Cisco Video Data Explosion

This document discusses the rapid growth of internet video and adaptive rate technologies. It notes that video will account for 60% of consumer internet traffic by 2013, driven by growth in live streaming and TV services. It also highlights how mobile data traffic is growing even faster, reaching 3.6 exabytes per month by 2014 with 66% being mobile video. The document introduces adaptive rate technologies that allow video quality to adjust based on available bandwidth.

Nosql Now 2015
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This document discusses Optinera's use of NoSQL tools to build a computer vision platform. It outlines Optinera's services, data needs including CRM, metrics, and computer vision, and solutions using a polyglot approach. It also describes Optinera's architecture with services, caches, search, and SwoopCV pods for computer vision workloads. The document concludes with discussing futures such as improving the CMS, metric processing, and a spoke/hub persistence model.

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Wireless Network Optimization (2010)
Wireless Network Optimization (2010)Wireless Network Optimization (2010)
Wireless Network Optimization (2010)

This document discusses opportunities for wireless network optimization. It notes that mobile data traffic is growing rapidly driven by new services and devices. This is putting pressure on network capacity and quality of experience. The document examines challenges in offering bandwidth at low cost, optimizing network performance, and migrating from legacy to IP networks. It argues that network optimization can help address these challenges by reducing costs, improving quality of experience, and freeing up funds for reinvestment while preparing networks for future growth. The document provides an overview of Alcatel-Lucent's wireless optimization services and their value in helping operators meet these challenges.

                                             The goal
                           Statistics - I
                                             Performance Measurement
                           Statistics - II

User perceived page load time

     Time from “click on a link” to “spinner stops spinning”
     This is what users notice
         Depends on how long your page takes to build
         Depends on what’s in your page
         Depends on how long components take to load
         Depends on how long the browser takes to execute and

                   ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance
                             The goal
           Statistics - I
                             Performance Measurement
           Statistics - II

We need to measure real user data

   ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance
                                          The goal
                        Statistics - I
                                          Performance Measurement
                        Statistics - II

The statistics apply to any kind of performance data though

                ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance
Introduction      Random Sampling
        Statistics - I    Margin of Error
        Statistics - II   Central Tendency

      Statistics - I

ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance

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Forrester - Business Intelligence
Forrester - Business IntelligenceForrester - Business Intelligence
Forrester - Business Intelligence

The document discusses the results of Forrester's evaluation of 11 enterprise business intelligence platform vendors. It finds that IBM Cognos, SAP BusinessObjects, Oracle, and SAS continue to lead, while Information Builders, Microsoft, and MicroStrategy joined them as Leaders. TIBCO Spotfire and Actuate maintained their Strong Performer status, and QlikTech and Panorama Software moved into the Strong Performer category based on improvements to their analytical capabilities. The evaluation assessed the vendors' current offerings, strategies, and market presences based on 145 criteria.

by None
The Forrester Wave: Enterprise Business Intelligence Platforms, Q4 2010
The Forrester Wave: Enterprise Business Intelligence Platforms, Q4 2010The Forrester Wave: Enterprise Business Intelligence Platforms, Q4 2010
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The document discusses the results of Forrester's evaluation of 11 enterprise business intelligence platform vendors based on 145 criteria. It found that IBM Cognos, SAP BusinessObjects, and Oracle led as Leaders due to the completeness of their BI and overall information management functionality. Actuate and TIBCO Spotfire were Strong Performers for offering comparable BI functionality but relying more on partners for other information management capabilities. QlikTech and Panorama Software moved into the Strong Performers category based on improvements in their analytical capabilities.

business intelligence
Forrester wave business intelligence platforms
Forrester wave business intelligence platformsForrester wave business intelligence platforms
Forrester wave business intelligence platforms

The document discusses the results of Forrester's evaluation of 11 enterprise business intelligence platform vendors based on 145 criteria. It found that IBM Cognos, SAP BusinessObjects, and Oracle led as Leaders due to the completeness of their BI and overall information management functionality. Actuate and TIBCO Spotfire were Strong Performers for offering comparable BI functionality but relying more on partners for other information management capabilities. QlikTech and Panorama Software moved into the Strong Performers category based on improvements in their analytical capabilities.

Introduction      Random Sampling
                         Statistics - I    Margin of Error
                         Statistics - II   Central Tendency


  I am not a statistician

                 ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance
Introduction      Random Sampling
                       Statistics - I    Margin of Error
                       Statistics - II   Central Tendency


             All possible users of your system

               ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance
Introduction      Random Sampling
                       Statistics - I    Margin of Error
                       Statistics - II   Central Tendency


         Representative subset of the population

               ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance
Introduction      Random Sampling
                     Statistics - I    Margin of Error
                     Statistics - II   Central Tendency

Bad sample

                   Sometimes it’s not

             ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance

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G 2 Industry Analysis
G 2 Industry AnalysisG 2 Industry Analysis
G 2 Industry Analysis

The document discusses the web browser industry. It provides an overview of the industry structure and key players like Internet Explorer and Firefox. It analyzes factors like demographics of Indian internet users, usage patterns, and success factors for browsers. Porter's Five Forces model is applied, examining rivalry, barriers to entry, and other forces. The future of the industry is promising as internet access increases in India through various technologies and policies.

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Introduction      Random Sampling
                                  Statistics - I    Margin of Error
                                  Statistics - II   Central Tendency

How to randomize?

        Pick 10% of users at random and always test them


        For each user, decide at random if they should be tested

                          ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance
Introduction      Random Sampling
                            Statistics - I    Margin of Error
                            Statistics - II   Central Tendency

Select 10% of users - I

     if($sessionid % 10 === 0) {
        // instrument code for measurement

      Once a user enters the measurement bucket, they stay
      there until they log out
      Fixed set of users, so tests may be more consistent
      Error in the sample results in positive feedback

                    ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance
Introduction      Random Sampling
                           Statistics - I    Margin of Error
                           Statistics - II   Central Tendency

Select 10% of users - II

     if(rand() < 0.1 * getrandmax()) {
        // instrument code for measurement

      For every request, a user has a 10% chance of being
      Gets rid of positive feedback errors, but sample size !=
      10% of population

                   ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance
Introduction      Random Sampling
                       Statistics - I    Margin of Error
                       Statistics - II   Central Tendency

How big a sample is representative?

                      Select n such that
                     1.96 √n ≤ 5%µ

               ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance

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Data Pioneers - Roland Haeve (Atos Nederland) - Big data in organisaties
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Data Pioneers - Roland Haeve (Atos Nederland) - Big data in organisaties

This document discusses big data and its growth. It notes that in 2000, 2 exabytes of new data were produced, while in 2011 1.8 zettabytes of new data were produced. By 2020, data production is expected to grow 40 times to 35 zettabytes. The traditional 3-4 V's of big data (volume, velocity, variety, veracity) are expanding to 5-7 V's with the addition of viscosity, virality, and value. Examples of big data use cases include sensor data from CERN and jet engines, social media data from Twitter, and transactional data from Walmart. Atos provides big data analytics solutions and has implemented projects for smart metering,

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The IoT Food Chain – Picking the Right Dining Partner is Important with Dean ...
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The IoT Food Chain – Picking the Right Dining Partner is Important with Dean ...

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Improving D3 Performance with CANVAS and other Hacks
Improving D3 Performance with CANVAS and other HacksImproving D3 Performance with CANVAS and other Hacks
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This document discusses techniques for improving the performance of D3 visualizations. It begins with an overview of D3 and some basic tutorials. It then describes issues with performance for force-directed layouts and edge-bundled layouts as the number of nodes and links increases. Solutions proposed include using canvas instead of SVG for rendering, reducing unnecessary calculations, and caching repeated drawing states. The document concludes that the number of DOM nodes has major performance implications and techniques like canvas can help when exact mouse interactions are not required.

Introduction      Random Sampling
                          Statistics - I    Margin of Error
                          Statistics - II   Central Tendency

Standard Deviation

     Standard deviation tells you the spread of the curve
     The narrower the curve, the more confident you can be

                  ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance
Introduction      Random Sampling
                     Statistics - I    Margin of Error
                     Statistics - II   Central Tendency

MoE at 95% confidence

                           ±1.96 √n

             ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance
Introduction      Random Sampling
                          Statistics - I    Margin of Error
                          Statistics - II   Central Tendency

MoE & Sample size

   There is an inverse square root correlation between sample
                     size and margin of error

                  ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance
Introduction      Random Sampling
                      Statistics - I    Margin of Error
                      Statistics - II   Central Tendency

But wait... it’s not complicated enough.
    We have different types of margins of error
    ...more about that later

              ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance

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Frontend Performance: Beginner to Expert to Crazy Person
Frontend Performance: Beginner to Expert to Crazy PersonFrontend Performance: Beginner to Expert to Crazy Person
Frontend Performance: Beginner to Expert to Crazy Person

There’s no such thing as fast enough. You can always make your website faster. This talk will show you how. The very first requirement of a great user experience is actually getting the bytes of that experience to the user before they they get tired and leave.In this talk we’ll start with the basics and get progressively insane. We’ll go over several frontend performance best practices, a few anti-patterns, the reasoning behind the rules, and how they’ve changed over the years. We’ll also look at some great tools to help you.

Frontend Performance: De débutant à Expert à Fou Furieux
Frontend Performance: De débutant à Expert à Fou FurieuxFrontend Performance: De débutant à Expert à Fou Furieux
Frontend Performance: De débutant à Expert à Fou Furieux

Frontend Performance Beginner to Expert to Crazy Person The very first requirement of a great user experience is actually getting the bytes of that experience to the user before they they get tired and leave. In this talk we'll start with the basics and get progressively insane. We'll go over several frontend performance best practices, a few anti-patterns, the reasoning behind the rules, and how they've changed over the years. We'll also look at some great tools to help you. La performance front-end de débutant, à expert, à fou furieux ! La toute première condition nécessaire à une bonne expérience utilisateur est de pouvoir obtenir les octets de cette expérience avant que l'utilisateur ne se lasse et parte. Nous débuterons cette conférence avec les bases pour progressivement devenir démentiel. Nous aborderons plusieurs des meilleurs pratiques de la performance front-end, quelques anti-patterns à éviter, le raisonnement derrière les règles, et comment ces dernières ont changé au fil des ans. Nous regarderons d'un peu plus près quelques très bon outils qui peuvent vous aider.

Frontend Performance: Expert to Crazy Person
Frontend Performance: Expert to Crazy PersonFrontend Performance: Expert to Crazy Person
Frontend Performance: Expert to Crazy Person

The document outlines steps for front-end performance optimization, beginning with basic techniques like caching, compression and domain sharing and progressing to more advanced strategies involving preloading, parallel downloads, and predicting response times. It was presented by Philip Tellis at WebPerfDays New York and includes references for further reading on topics like CDNs, TCP tuning, and the page visibility API.

Introduction      Random Sampling
                      Statistics - I    Margin of Error
                      Statistics - II   Central Tendency

But wait... it’s not complicated enough.
    We have different types of margins of error
    ...more about that later

              ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance
Introduction      Random Sampling
                      Statistics - I    Margin of Error
                      Statistics - II   Central Tendency

But wait... it’s not complicated enough.
    We have different types of margins of error
    ...more about that later

              ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance
Introduction      Random Sampling
                    Statistics - I    Margin of Error
                    Statistics - II   Central Tendency

Ding dong

            ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance
Introduction      Random Sampling
                         Statistics - I    Margin of Error
                         Statistics - II   Central Tendency

One number

    Mean (Arithmetic)
        Good for symmetric curves
        Affected by outliers

          Mean(10, 11, 12, 11, 109) = 30

                 ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance

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Beyond Page Level Metrics
Beyond Page Level MetricsBeyond Page Level Metrics
Beyond Page Level Metrics

RUM isn’t just for page level metrics anymore. Thanks to modern browser updates and new techniques we can collect real user data at the object level, finding slow page components and keeping third parties honest. In this talk we will show you how to use Resource Timing, User Timing, and other browser tricks to time the most important components in your page. We’ll also share recipes for several of the web’s most popular third parties. This will give you a head start on measuring object level performance on your own site.

Frontend Performance: Beginner to Expert to Crazy Person (San Diego Web Perf ...
Frontend Performance: Beginner to Expert to Crazy Person (San Diego Web Perf ...Frontend Performance: Beginner to Expert to Crazy Person (San Diego Web Perf ...
Frontend Performance: Beginner to Expert to Crazy Person (San Diego Web Perf ...

The document outlines steps web performance experts take to optimize frontend performance, moving from beginner to advanced techniques. It starts with basic optimizations like enabling gzip, caching, and image optimization. It then discusses more advanced strategies like using a CDN, splitting JavaScript, auditing CSS, and parallelizing downloads. Finally it discusses very advanced techniques like pre-loading assets, detecting broken Accept-Encoding headers, and understanding how to optimize for HTTP/2. The document provides references for further information on each topic.

Frontend Performance: Beginner to Expert to Crazy Person
Frontend Performance: Beginner to Expert to Crazy PersonFrontend Performance: Beginner to Expert to Crazy Person
Frontend Performance: Beginner to Expert to Crazy Person

The document discusses front-end web performance optimization from beginner to expert levels. At the beginner level, it recommends starting with basic optimizations like measuring performance, enabling gzip compression, optimizing images, and caching. At the expert level, it discusses more advanced techniques like using a CDN, splitting JavaScript files, auditing CSS, and flushing content early. Finally, it outlines "crazy" optimizations like pre-loading assets, post-load fetching, and understanding round-trip network latency.

Introduction      Random Sampling
                        Statistics - I    Margin of Error
                        Statistics - II   Central Tendency

One number

       Middle value measures central tendency well
       Not trivial to pull out of a DB

        Median(10, 11, 12, 11, 109) = 11

                ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance
Introduction      Random Sampling
                        Statistics - I    Margin of Error
                        Statistics - II   Central Tendency

One number

       Not often used
       Multi-modal distributions suggest problems

           Mode(10, 11, 12, 11, 109) = 11

                ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance
Introduction      Random Sampling
                            Statistics - I    Margin of Error
                            Statistics - II   Central Tendency

Other numbers

     A percentile point in the distribution: 95th , 98.5th or 99th
          Used to find out the worst user experience
          Makes more sense if you filter data first

            P95th (10, 11, 12, 11, 109) = 12

                    ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance
Introduction      Random Sampling
                         Statistics - I    Margin of Error
                         Statistics - II   Central Tendency

Other means

    Geometric mean
       Good if your data is exponential in nature
       (with the tail on the right)

       GMean(10, 11, 12, 11, 109) = 16.68

                 ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance

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Frontend Performance: Beginner to Expert to Crazy Person
Frontend Performance: Beginner to Expert to Crazy PersonFrontend Performance: Beginner to Expert to Crazy Person
Frontend Performance: Beginner to Expert to Crazy Person

Boston Web Performance Meetup, April 22, 2014 The very first requirement of a great user experience is actually getting the bytes of that experience to the user before they they get fed up and leave. In this talk we'll start with the basics and get progressively insane. We'll go over several front-end performance best practices, a few anti-patterns, the reasoning behind the rules, and how they've changed over the years. We'll also look at some great tools to help you. Schedule: 6:30, pizza 7:15: talk

Frontend Performance: Beginner to Expert to Crazy Person
Frontend Performance: Beginner to Expert to Crazy PersonFrontend Performance: Beginner to Expert to Crazy Person
Frontend Performance: Beginner to Expert to Crazy Person

The very first requirement of a great user experience is actually getting the bytes of that experience to the user before they they get fed up and leave. In this talk we'll start with the basics and get progressively insane. We'll go over several frontend performance best practices, a few anti-patterns, the reasoning behind the rules, and how they've changed over the years. We'll also look at some great tools to help you.

mmm... beacons
mmm... beaconsmmm... beacons
mmm... beacons

The document appears to be a presentation on measuring real user experiences using Real User Monitoring (RUM) and analyzing the data. It discusses using RUM tools like Boomerang to collect data on user behavior and performance in real-time. The presentation then examines specific metrics collected like user patience, cache behavior, and how quickly new software versions are distributed based on the RUM data.

Introduction      Random Sampling
                               Statistics - I    Margin of Error
                               Statistics - II   Central Tendency

Wait... how did I get that?

                ΠN xi — could lead to overflow

            ΣN loge (xi )
        e                   — computationally simpler

                       ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance
Introduction      Random Sampling
                               Statistics - I    Margin of Error
                               Statistics - II   Central Tendency

Wait... how did I get that?

                ΠN xi — could lead to overflow

            ΣN loge (xi )
        e                   — computationally simpler

                       ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance
Introduction      Random Sampling
                               Statistics - I    Margin of Error
                               Statistics - II   Central Tendency

Wait... how did I get that?

                ΠN xi — could lead to overflow

            ΣN loge (xi )
        e                   — computationally simpler

                       ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance
Introduction      Random Sampling
                               Statistics - I    Margin of Error
                               Statistics - II   Central Tendency

Wait... how did I get that?

                ΠN xi — could lead to overflow

            ΣN loge (xi )
        e                   — computationally simpler

                       ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance

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RUM Distillation 101 -- Part I
RUM Distillation 101 -- Part IRUM Distillation 101 -- Part I
RUM Distillation 101 -- Part I

Part I of RUM Distillation 101. Part II is by Jonathan Klein available here:

Improving 3rd Party Script Performance With IFrames
Improving 3rd Party Script Performance With IFramesImproving 3rd Party Script Performance With IFrames
Improving 3rd Party Script Performance With IFrames

This document discusses using <IFRAME> tags to improve the performance of third party scripts. It describes how third party scripts normally block page loading and proposes using an iframe to load scripts asynchronously in parallel without blocking. It provides code for creating an iframe targeted to load scripts, handling cross-domain issues, and modifying the Method Queue Pattern to support iframes. The approach allows third party scripts to load without blocking the main page load.

Extending Boomerang
Extending BoomerangExtending Boomerang
Extending Boomerang

The document discusses Boomerang, an open source tool for measuring real user performance on websites. It measures load times, bandwidth usage, latency and other metrics. Additional functionality can be added through plugins. The presentation encourages developers to use Boomerang to analyze user behavior, identify performance issues, and continuously improve sites based on real user data. It provides several examples of insights that can be gained, such as how performance varies by country, browser, and internet connection speed.

Introduction      Random Sampling
                          Statistics - I    Margin of Error
                          Statistics - II   Central Tendency

Other means

   And there is also the Harmonic mean, but forget about that

                  ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance
Introduction      Random Sampling
                            Statistics - I    Margin of Error
                            Statistics - II   Central Tendency

...though consequently

  We have other margins of error
     Geometric margin of error
          Uses geometric standard deviation
      Median margin of error
          Uses ranges of actual values from data set
      Stick to the arithmetic MoE
      – simpler to calculate, simpler to read and not incorrect

                    ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance
Introduction      Random Sampling
                            Statistics - I    Margin of Error
                            Statistics - II   Central Tendency

...though consequently

  We have other margins of error
     Geometric margin of error
          Uses geometric standard deviation
      Median margin of error
          Uses ranges of actual values from data set
      Stick to the arithmetic MoE
      – simpler to calculate, simpler to read and not incorrect

                    ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance
        Statistics - I
                          The Log-Normal distribution
        Statistics - II

      Statistics - II

ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance

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Abusing JavaScript to measure Web Performance, or, "how does boomerang work?"
Abusing JavaScript to measure Web Performance, or, "how does boomerang work?"Abusing JavaScript to measure Web Performance, or, "how does boomerang work?"
Abusing JavaScript to measure Web Performance, or, "how does boomerang work?"

The document is a presentation about abusing JavaScript to measure web performance. It discusses using JavaScript to measure network latency, TCP handshake time, network throughput, DNS lookup time, IPv6 support and latency, and other performance metrics. It provides code examples for measuring each metric in JavaScript and notes challenges to consider. The presentation encourages the use of the open source Boomerang library for accurate performance measurement.

Abusing JavaScript to Measure Web Performance
Abusing JavaScript to Measure Web PerformanceAbusing JavaScript to Measure Web Performance
Abusing JavaScript to Measure Web Performance

While building boomerang, we developed many interesting methods to measure network performance characteristics using JavaScript running in the browser. While the W3C's NavigationTiming API provides access to many performance metrics, there's far more you can get at with some creative tweaking and analysis of how the browser reacts to certain requests. In this talk, I'll go into the details of how boomerang works to measure network throughput, latency, TCP connect time, DNS time and IPv6 connectivity. I'll also touch upon some of the other performance related browser APIs we use to gather useful information. I will NOT be covering the W3C Navigation Timing API since that's been covered by Alois Reitbauer in a previous Boston Web Perf talk.

Rum for Breakfast
Rum for BreakfastRum for Breakfast
Rum for Breakfast

The document discusses analyzing real user monitoring (RUM) data to gain insights into website performance and user behavior. It describes building plugins to collect navigation and timing data from browsers. Various statistical techniques for analyzing the data are covered, including log-normal distributions, filtering outliers, sampling, and correlating metrics like page load time and bounce rates. The analysis of an example 8 million page dataset suggests very fast or slow page loads are associated with higher bounce rates, and thresholds for user-unfriendly performance are proposed based on bounce rates exceeding 50%.

                   Statistics - I
                                     The Log-Normal distribution
                   Statistics - II


                                             Out of range data points
                                             Nothing you can fix here
                                             There’s even a book about

           ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance
                   Statistics - I
                                     The Log-Normal distribution
                   Statistics - II


                                             Out of range data points
                                             Nothing you can fix here
                                             There’s even a book about

           ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance
                   Statistics - I
                                     The Log-Normal distribution
                   Statistics - II


                                             Out of range data points
                                             Nothing you can fix here
                                             There’s even a book about

           ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance
                   Statistics - I
                                     The Log-Normal distribution
                   Statistics - II


                                             Out of range data points
                                             Nothing you can fix here
                                             There’s even a book about

           ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance

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Analysing network characteristics with JavaScript
Analysing network characteristics with JavaScriptAnalysing network characteristics with JavaScript
Analysing network characteristics with JavaScript

This document contains slides from a presentation about using JavaScript to analyze network performance. It discusses how to measure latency, TCP handshake time, network throughput, DNS lookup time, IPv6 support and latency, and private network scanning using JavaScript. Code examples are provided for measuring each of these network metrics by making image requests and timing the responses. The presentation emphasizes that accurately measuring network throughput requires requesting resources of different sizes and accounting for TCP slow start. It also notes some challenges around caching and geo-located DNS results.

A Node.JS bag of goodies for analyzing Web Traffic
A Node.JS bag of goodies for analyzing Web TrafficA Node.JS bag of goodies for analyzing Web Traffic
A Node.JS bag of goodies for analyzing Web Traffic

This document is a presentation about analyzing web traffic using Node.js modules. It introduces Node.js and the npm package manager. It then discusses modules for parsing HTTP logs, including parsing user agents, handling IP addresses, geolocation, and date formatting. It also covers modules for statistical analysis like fast-stats, gauss, and statsd. The presentation provides code examples for using these modules and takes questions at the end.

nodejavascriptweb analytics
Input sanitization
Input sanitizationInput sanitization
Input sanitization

The document discusses input validation and output encoding to prevent vulnerabilities like XSS and SQL injection. It provides examples of how unexpected input can enable attacks, like special characters or invalid data types being passed to endpoints and rendered unencoded. The key lessons are that input validation is needed to receive clean, expected data, while output encoding is crucial to prevent exploits when displaying data to users. Both techniques are important defenses that address different but related issues.

securityxssinput validation
                           Statistics - I
                                             The Log-Normal distribution
                           Statistics - II

DNS problems can cause outliers

     2 or 3 DNS servers for an ISP
     30 second timeout if first fails
     ... 30 second increase in page load time
     Maybe measure both and fix what you can

                   ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance
                       Statistics - I
                                         The Log-Normal distribution
                       Statistics - II

Band-pass filtering

               ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance
                          Statistics - I
                                            The Log-Normal distribution
                          Statistics - II

Band-pass filtering

     Strip everything outside a reasonable range
         Bandwidth range: 4kbps - 4Gbps
         Page load time: 50ms - 120s
     You may need to relook at the ranges all the time

                  ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance
                       Statistics - I
                                         The Log-Normal distribution
                       Statistics - II

IQR filtering

               ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance

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Messing with JavaScript and the DOM to measure network characteristics
Messing with JavaScript and the DOM to measure network characteristicsMessing with JavaScript and the DOM to measure network characteristics
Messing with JavaScript and the DOM to measure network characteristics

This document discusses using JavaScript to analyze network performance. It covers measuring latency, TCP handshake time, DNS lookup time, network throughput, and IPv6 support. The document provides code examples for measuring each of these metrics using JavaScript and analyzing image load times. It notes that network conditions vary and accurate measurements require statistical analysis over many samples.

What's New in Copilot for Microsoft365 May 2024.pptx
What's New in Copilot for Microsoft365 May 2024.pptxWhat's New in Copilot for Microsoft365 May 2024.pptx
What's New in Copilot for Microsoft365 May 2024.pptx

This is a slide deck that showcases the updates in Microsoft Copilot for May 2024

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Measuring the Impact of Network Latency at Twitter
Measuring the Impact of Network Latency at TwitterMeasuring the Impact of Network Latency at Twitter
Measuring the Impact of Network Latency at Twitter

Widya Salim and Victor Ma will outline the causal impact analysis, framework, and key learnings used to quantify the impact of reducing Twitter's network latency.

                         Statistics - I
                                           The Log-Normal distribution
                         Statistics - II

IQR filtering

           Here, we derive the range from the data

                 ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance
         Statistics - I
                           The Log-Normal distribution
         Statistics - II

Let’s look at some real charts

 ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance
                        Statistics - I
                                          The Log-Normal distribution
                        Statistics - II

Bandwidth distribution for web devs

                          x-axis is linear

                ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance
                        Statistics - I
                                          The Log-Normal distribution
                        Statistics - II

Now let’s use log(kbps) instead of kbps

                     x-axis is exponential

                ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance

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Sustainability requires ingenuity and stewardship. Did you know Pigging Solutions pigging systems help you achieve your sustainable manufacturing goals AND provide rapid return on investment. How? Our systems recover over 99% of product in transfer piping. Recovering trapped product from transfer lines that would otherwise become flush-waste, means you can increase batch yields and eliminate flush waste. From raw materials to finished product, if you can pump it, we can pig it.

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WPRiders Company Presentation Slide Deck
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YOUR RELIABLE WEB DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT TEAM — FOR LASTING SUCCESS WPRiders is a web development company specialized in WordPress and WooCommerce websites and plugins for customers around the world. The company is headquartered in Bucharest, Romania, but our team members are located all over the world. Our customers are primarily from the US and Western Europe, but we have clients from Australia, Canada and other areas as well. Some facts about WPRiders and why we are one of the best firms around: More than 700 five-star reviews! You can check them here. 1500 WordPress projects delivered. We respond 80% faster than other firms! Data provided by Freshdesk. We’ve been in business since 2015. We are located in 7 countries and have 22 team members. With so many projects delivered, our team knows what works and what doesn’t when it comes to WordPress and WooCommerce. Our team members are: - highly experienced developers (employees & contractors with 5 -10+ years of experience), - great designers with an eye for UX/UI with 10+ years of experience - project managers with development background who speak both tech and non-tech - QA specialists - Conversion Rate Optimisation - CRO experts They are all working together to provide you with the best possible service. We are passionate about WordPress, and we love creating custom solutions that help our clients achieve their goals. At WPRiders, we are committed to building long-term relationships with our clients. We believe in accountability, in doing the right thing, as well as in transparency and open communication. You can read more about WPRiders on the About us page.

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These fighter aircraft have uses outside of traditional combat situations. They are essential in defending India's territorial integrity, averting dangers, and delivering aid to those in need during natural calamities. Additionally, the IAF improves its interoperability and fortifies international military alliances by working together and conducting joint exercises with other air forces.

air force fighter planebiggest submarinezambia port
                          Statistics - I
                                            The Log-Normal distribution
                          Statistics - II

Exponential == Geometric

     Categories/Buckets grow exponentially
     Data is related geometrically
     Use the geometric mean and geometric margin of error
         Error _range =              /gmoe , gmean ∗ gmoe
     Non-linear ranges are hard for humans to grok

                  ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance
                          Statistics - I
                                            The Log-Normal distribution
                          Statistics - II

Exponential == Geometric

     Categories/Buckets grow exponentially
     Data is related geometrically
     Use the geometric mean and geometric margin of error
         Error _range =              /gmoe , gmean ∗ gmoe
     Non-linear ranges are hard for humans to grok

                  ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance
                          Statistics - I
                                            The Log-Normal distribution
                          Statistics - II

Exponential == Geometric

     Categories/Buckets grow exponentially
     Data is related geometrically
     Use the geometric mean and geometric margin of error
         Error _range =              /gmoe , gmean ∗ gmoe
     Non-linear ranges are hard for humans to grok

                  ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance
        Statistics - I
        Statistics - II


ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance

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Best Practices for Effectively Running dbt in Airflow.pdfBest Practices for Effectively Running dbt in Airflow.pdf
Best Practices for Effectively Running dbt in Airflow.pdf

As a popular open-source library for analytics engineering, dbt is often used in combination with Airflow. Orchestrating and executing dbt models as DAGs ensures an additional layer of control over tasks, observability, and provides a reliable, scalable environment to run dbt models. This webinar will cover a step-by-step guide to Cosmos, an open source package from Astronomer that helps you easily run your dbt Core projects as Airflow DAGs and Task Groups, all with just a few lines of code. We’ll walk through: - Standard ways of running dbt (and when to utilize other methods) - How Cosmos can be used to run and visualize your dbt projects in Airflow - Common challenges and how to address them, including performance, dependency conflicts, and more - How running dbt projects in Airflow helps with cost optimization Webinar given on 9 July 2024

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Our Linux Web Hosting plans offer unbeatable performance, security, and scalability, ensuring your website runs smoothly and efficiently. Visit-

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Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry
Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetryObservability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry
Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry

Are you interested in dipping your toes in the cloud native observability waters, but as an engineer you are not sure where to get started with tracing problems through your microservices and application landscapes on Kubernetes? Then this is the session for you, where we take you on your first steps in an active open-source project that offers a buffet of languages, challenges, and opportunities for getting started with telemetry data. The project is called openTelemetry, but before diving into the specifics, we’ll start with de-mystifying key concepts and terms such as observability, telemetry, instrumentation, cardinality, percentile to lay a foundation. After understanding the nuts and bolts of observability and distributed traces, we’ll explore the openTelemetry community; its Special Interest Groups (SIGs), repositories, and how to become not only an end-user, but possibly a contributor.We will wrap up with an overview of the components in this project, such as the Collector, the OpenTelemetry protocol (OTLP), its APIs, and its SDKs. Attendees will leave with an understanding of key observability concepts, become grounded in distributed tracing terminology, be aware of the components of openTelemetry, and know how to take their first steps to an open-source contribution! Key Takeaways: Open source, vendor neutral instrumentation is an exciting new reality as the industry standardizes on openTelemetry for observability. OpenTelemetry is on a mission to enable effective observability by making high-quality, portable telemetry ubiquitous. The world of observability and monitoring today has a steep learning curve and in order to achieve ubiquity, the project would benefit from growing our contributor community.

cloudcloud native observabilitycloud native
                                       Statistics - I
                                       Statistics - II

Further reading

     Web Performance - Not a Simple Number

     Revisiting statistics for web performance (introduction to

     Random Sampling

     Khan Academy’s tutorials on statistics

     Learning about Statistical Learning

     Wikipedia articles on Random Sampling, Central Tendency,
     Standard Error, Confounding, Means and IQR

                               ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance
                         Statistics - I
                         Statistics - II


    Choose a reasonable sample size and sampling factor
    Tune sample size for minimal margin of error
    Decide based on your data whether to use mode, median
    or one of the means
    Figure out whether your data is Normal, Log-Normal or
    something else
    Filter out anomalous outliers

                 ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance
                             Statistics - I
                             Statistics - II

contact me

     Philip Tellis

                     ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance
                            Statistics - I
                            Statistics - II

Photo credits by leoffreitas by cobalt123 by Lisa
     Brewster by nchoz

                    ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance

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                             Statistics - I
                             Statistics - II

List of figures

                     ConFoo / 2010-03-12       The Statistics of Web Performance

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The Statistics of Web Performance

  • 1. Introduction Statistics - I Statistics - II The Statistics of Web Performance Philip Tellis / ConFoo / 2010-03-12 ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 2. Introduction Statistics - I Statistics - II $ finger philip Philip Tellis @bluesmoon yahoo geek ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 3. Introduction The goal Statistics - I Performance Measurement Statistics - II Introduction ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 4. Introduction The goal Statistics - I Performance Measurement Statistics - II Accurately measure page performance At least, as accurately as possible ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 5. Introduction The goal Statistics - I Performance Measurement Statistics - II Accurately measure page performance At least, as accurately as possible ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 6. Introduction The goal Statistics - I Performance Measurement Statistics - II Be unintrusive If you try to measure something accurately, you will change something related – Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 7. Introduction The goal Statistics - I Performance Measurement Statistics - II And one number to rule them all ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 8. Introduction The goal Statistics - I Performance Measurement Statistics - II Bandwidth Real bandwidth v/s advertised bandwidth Bandwidth to your server, not to the ISP Bandwidth during normal internet usage If the user’s always watching movies, you’re not winning ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 9. Introduction The goal Statistics - I Performance Measurement Statistics - II Bandwidth Real bandwidth v/s advertised bandwidth Bandwidth to your server, not to the ISP Bandwidth during normal internet usage If the user’s always watching movies, you’re not winning ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 10. Introduction The goal Statistics - I Performance Measurement Statistics - II Latency How long does it take a byte to get to the user? Wired, wireless, mobile, satellite? How many hops in between? Speed of light is constant This is not a battle we will soon win. When was the last time you heard latency mentioned in a TV ad? ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 11. Introduction The goal Statistics - I Performance Measurement Statistics - II Latency How long does it take a byte to get to the user? Wired, wireless, mobile, satellite? How many hops in between? Speed of light is constant This is not a battle we will soon win. When was the last time you heard latency mentioned in a TV ad? ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 12. Introduction The goal Statistics - I Performance Measurement Statistics - II Latency How long does it take a byte to get to the user? Wired, wireless, mobile, satellite? How many hops in between? Speed of light is constant This is not a battle we will soon win. When was the last time you heard latency mentioned in a TV ad? ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 13. Introduction The goal Statistics - I Performance Measurement Statistics - II User perceived page load time Time from “click on a link” to “spinner stops spinning” This is what users notice Depends on how long your page takes to build Depends on what’s in your page Depends on how long components take to load Depends on how long the browser takes to execute and render ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 14. Introduction The goal Statistics - I Performance Measurement Statistics - II We need to measure real user data ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 15. Introduction The goal Statistics - I Performance Measurement Statistics - II The statistics apply to any kind of performance data though ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 16. Introduction Random Sampling Statistics - I Margin of Error Statistics - II Central Tendency Statistics - I ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 17. Introduction Random Sampling Statistics - I Margin of Error Statistics - II Central Tendency Disclaimer I am not a statistician ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 18. Introduction Random Sampling Statistics - I Margin of Error Statistics - II Central Tendency Population All possible users of your system ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 19. Introduction Random Sampling Statistics - I Margin of Error Statistics - II Central Tendency Sample Representative subset of the population ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 20. Introduction Random Sampling Statistics - I Margin of Error Statistics - II Central Tendency Bad sample Sometimes it’s not ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 21. Introduction Random Sampling Statistics - I Margin of Error Statistics - II Central Tendency How to randomize? Pick 10% of users at random and always test them OR For each user, decide at random if they should be tested ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 22. Introduction Random Sampling Statistics - I Margin of Error Statistics - II Central Tendency Select 10% of users - I if($sessionid % 10 === 0) { // instrument code for measurement } Once a user enters the measurement bucket, they stay there until they log out Fixed set of users, so tests may be more consistent Error in the sample results in positive feedback ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 23. Introduction Random Sampling Statistics - I Margin of Error Statistics - II Central Tendency Select 10% of users - II if(rand() < 0.1 * getrandmax()) { // instrument code for measurement } For every request, a user has a 10% chance of being tested Gets rid of positive feedback errors, but sample size != 10% of population ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 24. Introduction Random Sampling Statistics - I Margin of Error Statistics - II Central Tendency How big a sample is representative? Select n such that σ 1.96 √n ≤ 5%µ ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 25. Introduction Random Sampling Statistics - I Margin of Error Statistics - II Central Tendency Standard Deviation Standard deviation tells you the spread of the curve The narrower the curve, the more confident you can be ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 26. Introduction Random Sampling Statistics - I Margin of Error Statistics - II Central Tendency MoE at 95% confidence σ ±1.96 √n ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 27. Introduction Random Sampling Statistics - I Margin of Error Statistics - II Central Tendency MoE & Sample size There is an inverse square root correlation between sample size and margin of error ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 28. Introduction Random Sampling Statistics - I Margin of Error Statistics - II Central Tendency But wait... it’s not complicated enough. We have different types of margins of error ...more about that later ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 29. Introduction Random Sampling Statistics - I Margin of Error Statistics - II Central Tendency But wait... it’s not complicated enough. We have different types of margins of error ...more about that later ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 30. Introduction Random Sampling Statistics - I Margin of Error Statistics - II Central Tendency But wait... it’s not complicated enough. We have different types of margins of error ...more about that later ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 31. Introduction Random Sampling Statistics - I Margin of Error Statistics - II Central Tendency Ding dong ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 32. Introduction Random Sampling Statistics - I Margin of Error Statistics - II Central Tendency One number Mean (Arithmetic) Good for symmetric curves Affected by outliers Mean(10, 11, 12, 11, 109) = 30 ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 33. Introduction Random Sampling Statistics - I Margin of Error Statistics - II Central Tendency One number Median Middle value measures central tendency well Not trivial to pull out of a DB Median(10, 11, 12, 11, 109) = 11 ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 34. Introduction Random Sampling Statistics - I Margin of Error Statistics - II Central Tendency One number Mode Not often used Multi-modal distributions suggest problems Mode(10, 11, 12, 11, 109) = 11 ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 35. Introduction Random Sampling Statistics - I Margin of Error Statistics - II Central Tendency Other numbers A percentile point in the distribution: 95th , 98.5th or 99th Used to find out the worst user experience Makes more sense if you filter data first P95th (10, 11, 12, 11, 109) = 12 ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 36. Introduction Random Sampling Statistics - I Margin of Error Statistics - II Central Tendency Other means Geometric mean Good if your data is exponential in nature (with the tail on the right) GMean(10, 11, 12, 11, 109) = 16.68 ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 37. Introduction Random Sampling Statistics - I Margin of Error Statistics - II Central Tendency Wait... how did I get that? N ΠN xi — could lead to overflow i=1 ΣN loge (xi ) i=1 N e — computationally simpler ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 38. Introduction Random Sampling Statistics - I Margin of Error Statistics - II Central Tendency Wait... how did I get that? N ΠN xi — could lead to overflow i=1 ΣN loge (xi ) i=1 N e — computationally simpler ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 39. Introduction Random Sampling Statistics - I Margin of Error Statistics - II Central Tendency Wait... how did I get that? N ΠN xi — could lead to overflow i=1 ΣN loge (xi ) i=1 N e — computationally simpler ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 40. Introduction Random Sampling Statistics - I Margin of Error Statistics - II Central Tendency Wait... how did I get that? N ΠN xi — could lead to overflow i=1 ΣN loge (xi ) i=1 N e — computationally simpler ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 41. Introduction Random Sampling Statistics - I Margin of Error Statistics - II Central Tendency Other means And there is also the Harmonic mean, but forget about that ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 42. Introduction Random Sampling Statistics - I Margin of Error Statistics - II Central Tendency ...though consequently We have other margins of error Geometric margin of error Uses geometric standard deviation Median margin of error Uses ranges of actual values from data set Stick to the arithmetic MoE – simpler to calculate, simpler to read and not incorrect ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 43. Introduction Random Sampling Statistics - I Margin of Error Statistics - II Central Tendency ...though consequently We have other margins of error Geometric margin of error Uses geometric standard deviation Median margin of error Uses ranges of actual values from data set Stick to the arithmetic MoE – simpler to calculate, simpler to read and not incorrect ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 44. Introduction Filtering Statistics - I The Log-Normal distribution Statistics - II Statistics - II ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 45. Introduction Filtering Statistics - I The Log-Normal distribution Statistics - II Outliers Out of range data points Nothing you can fix here There’s even a book about them ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 46. Introduction Filtering Statistics - I The Log-Normal distribution Statistics - II Outliers Out of range data points Nothing you can fix here There’s even a book about them ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 47. Introduction Filtering Statistics - I The Log-Normal distribution Statistics - II Outliers Out of range data points Nothing you can fix here There’s even a book about them ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 48. Introduction Filtering Statistics - I The Log-Normal distribution Statistics - II Outliers Out of range data points Nothing you can fix here There’s even a book about them ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 49. Introduction Filtering Statistics - I The Log-Normal distribution Statistics - II DNS problems can cause outliers 2 or 3 DNS servers for an ISP 30 second timeout if first fails ... 30 second increase in page load time Maybe measure both and fix what you can ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 50. Introduction Filtering Statistics - I The Log-Normal distribution Statistics - II Band-pass filtering ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 51. Introduction Filtering Statistics - I The Log-Normal distribution Statistics - II Band-pass filtering Strip everything outside a reasonable range Bandwidth range: 4kbps - 4Gbps Page load time: 50ms - 120s You may need to relook at the ranges all the time ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 52. Introduction Filtering Statistics - I The Log-Normal distribution Statistics - II IQR filtering ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 53. Introduction Filtering Statistics - I The Log-Normal distribution Statistics - II IQR filtering Here, we derive the range from the data ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 54. Introduction Filtering Statistics - I The Log-Normal distribution Statistics - II Let’s look at some real charts ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 55. Introduction Filtering Statistics - I The Log-Normal distribution Statistics - II Bandwidth distribution for web devs x-axis is linear ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 56. Introduction Filtering Statistics - I The Log-Normal distribution Statistics - II Now let’s use log(kbps) instead of kbps x-axis is exponential ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 57. Introduction Filtering Statistics - I The Log-Normal distribution Statistics - II Exponential == Geometric Categories/Buckets grow exponentially Data is related geometrically Use the geometric mean and geometric margin of error gmean Error _range = /gmoe , gmean ∗ gmoe Non-linear ranges are hard for humans to grok ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 58. Introduction Filtering Statistics - I The Log-Normal distribution Statistics - II Exponential == Geometric Categories/Buckets grow exponentially Data is related geometrically Use the geometric mean and geometric margin of error gmean Error _range = /gmoe , gmean ∗ gmoe Non-linear ranges are hard for humans to grok ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 59. Introduction Filtering Statistics - I The Log-Normal distribution Statistics - II Exponential == Geometric Categories/Buckets grow exponentially Data is related geometrically Use the geometric mean and geometric margin of error gmean Error _range = /gmoe , gmean ∗ gmoe Non-linear ranges are hard for humans to grok ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 60. Introduction Statistics - I Statistics - II So... ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 61. Introduction Statistics - I Statistics - II Further reading Web Performance - Not a Simple Number Revisiting statistics for web performance (introduction to Log-Normal) Random Sampling Khan Academy’s tutorials on statistics Learning about Statistical Learning Wikipedia articles on Random Sampling, Central Tendency, Standard Error, Confounding, Means and IQR ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 62. Introduction Statistics - I Statistics - II Summary Choose a reasonable sample size and sampling factor Tune sample size for minimal margin of error Decide based on your data whether to use mode, median or one of the means Figure out whether your data is Normal, Log-Normal or something else Filter out anomalous outliers ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 63. Introduction Statistics - I Statistics - II contact me Philip Tellis @bluesmoon ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 64. Introduction Statistics - I Statistics - II Photo credits by leoffreitas by cobalt123 by Lisa Brewster by nchoz ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance
  • 65. Introduction Statistics - I Statistics - II List of figures ConFoo / 2010-03-12 The Statistics of Web Performance