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Improving Intelligibility and Control in Ubicomp EnvironmentsJo Vermeulen, Kris Luyten and Karin Coninxfirstname.lastname@uhasselt.beHasselt University – tUL – IBBTExpertise Centre for Digital Media
in⋅tel⋅li⋅gi⋅bil⋅i⋅ty:the quality or condition of being intelligible; capability of being understoodcon⋅trol:to exercise restraint or direction over; dominate; command
Why are intelligibility and control important?HAL 9000 from “2001: A Space Odyssey” (1968)

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This document provides a blueprint for developing an electricity system infrastructure for the fictional 51st state of Fertile Ground. The blueprint was created by a diverse group tasked with designing intangible policies and practices to guide the existing physical electricity infrastructure. The blueprint contains five key ideas: 1) Distributing authority and responsibility for energy infrastructure to local communities; 2) Defining monopoly utility services narrowly; 3) Ensuring regulatory oversight of safety, access, and cost allocation; 4) Establishing energy service contracts; and 5) Using outcomes-driven processes to guide policy. The blueprint is meant to promote resilience, sustainability, and equity in the evolving electricity system landscape.

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This document discusses different types of interfaces including physical, graphical, tangible, wearable, and biomimetic interfaces. It defines an interface as the layer between input and output that allows interpretation and interaction between two systems. Biomimetic interfaces take inspiration from natural phenomena like cell membranes, alveoli, leaf structures, and gecko feet to design novel digital and physical interfaces. The document also covers concepts like affordances, feedback loops, and designing for visibility and materiality.

Norms recognition
Norms recognitionNorms recognition
Norms recognition

1) The document describes a simulation study comparing norm recognizers and social conformers in different contexts. Norm recognizers form beliefs about appropriate actions based on observing others, while social conformers simply imitate the most frequent action. 2) In the simulation, social conformers show no emergent patterns over time, while norm recognizers begin to converge on common actions across contexts after 60 ticks as norms spread through their normative beliefs. 3) The introduction of a physical barrier between contexts at a certain tick allows different norms to emerge in isolated sub-populations, demonstrating norm innovation.

Example: smart lighting applicationSee also:
Example: MavHome“With inhabitant three, we noticed a new phenomenon in the course of our experimentation — the system did more training of the inhabitant than the inhabitant did to the system. There seemed to be a reluctance to give prompt feedback on the inhabitant end. On interview, the inhabitant said that they were learning to live in the dark because it was too bothersome to correct the system. This is probably human nature. We also observed a few fights between the system and the inhabitant over control that ultimately was won by the inhabitant when feedback caused the system to change behavior, but for a short duration the system caused some duress to the inhabitant—not a desired effect.”[Youngblood et al., PERCOM’05]
Example: MavHome“With inhabitant three, we noticed a new phenomenon in the course of our experimentation — the system did more training of the inhabitant than the inhabitant did to the system. There seemed to be a reluctance to give prompt feedback on the inhabitant end. On interview, the inhabitant said that they were learning to live in the dark because it was too bothersome to correct the system. This is probably human nature. We also observed a few fights between the system and the inhabitant over control that ultimately was won by the inhabitant when feedback caused the system to change behavior, but for a short duration the system caused some duress to the inhabitant—not a desired effect.”[Youngblood et al., PERCOM’05]
Example: MavHome“With inhabitant three, we noticed a new phenomenon in the course of our experimentation — the system did more training of the inhabitant than the inhabitant did to the system. There seemed to be a reluctance to give prompt feedback on the inhabitant end. On interview, the inhabitant said that they were learning to live in the dark because it was too bothersome to correct the system. This is probably human nature. We also observed a few fights between the system and the inhabitant over control that ultimately was won by the inhabitant when feedback caused the system to change behavior, but for a short duration the system caused some duress to the inhabitant—not a desired effect.”[Youngblood et al., PERCOM’05]

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The document discusses bee colony optimization (BCO), a swarm intelligence technique inspired by bee colonies. Some key points: - BCO is a metaheuristic algorithm that uses artificial bees to collaboratively solve optimization problems in a decentralized manner, similar to how real bees find food sources. - It has advantages like being able to react to changes without centralized control, allowing for failure of individual agents. However, it also has disadvantages like difficulty analyzing single agent behavior and creating designs due to lack of analytical mechanisms. - The document lists some examples of swarm intelligence techniques and discusses advantages of BCO like decentralization and ability to adapt to changes. It also lists disadvantages like inability to understand single agent behavior and stochastic single agent

Mastering Nonlinear Change
Mastering Nonlinear ChangeMastering Nonlinear Change
Mastering Nonlinear Change

The document discusses various types of non-linear change including exponential growth, logarithmic decline, critical transitions, crises/breakdowns/disruptions, and uncertain vacillations. It provides examples of each type of change and discusses complications from psychological biases and governance. The document concludes by outlining heuristics for mastering different types of non-linear change such as understanding limits, identifying early warning signs, strengthening resilience, and avoiding pseudo-stabilization.

tipping pointcomplexityblack swan
Essay On Wildlife Conservation Pdf
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Essay On Wildlife Conservation Pdf

The document outlines 5 steps for requesting an assignment writing service through, including creating an account, completing an order form, reviewing writer bids and choosing a writer, receiving the completed paper, and having the option to request revisions if needed. The process aims to match clients with qualified writers based on their requests and provide original, high-quality content for student assignments.

Example: MavHome“With inhabitant three, we noticed a new phenomenon in the course of our experimentation — the system did more training of the inhabitant than the inhabitant did to the system. There seemed to be a reluctance to give prompt feedback on the inhabitant end. On interview, the inhabitant said that they were learning to live in the dark because it was too bothersome to correct the system. This is probably human nature. We also observed a few fights between the system and the inhabitant over control that ultimately was won by the inhabitant when feedback caused the system to change behavior, but for a short duration the system caused some duress to the inhabitant—not a desired effect.”[Youngblood et al., PERCOM’05]
This observation is not new V. Bellotti and W. K. Edwards. Intelligibility and accountability: human considerations in context-aware systems. Hum.-Comput. Interact., 16(2):193–212, 2001.
 W. K. Edwards and R. E. Grinter. At home with ubiquitous computing: Seven challenges. In Proc. UbiComp ’01, pages 256–272. Springer-Verlag, 2001
 K. Rehman, F. Stajano, and G. Coulouris. Interfacing with the invisible computer. In Proc. NordiCHI ’02, pp. 213–216. ACM, 2002.

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College Essay Examples - 9 in PDF Examples. College and Education - Free Essay Example Essay websites: Essay on the importance of college education. College Education: Should Education be Free Essay. St Joseph Hospital: College Application Essay. Importance of college education essay. Free importance of education .... 004 Essay Example Why Is College Important On Importance Of Education .... College Essay Format: Simple Steps to Be Followed. FREE 11 Sample College Essay Templates in MS Word PDF. Argumentative essay on college education. Sample College Application Essay 5. 021 10067 Thumb College Education Essay Thatsnotus. How to Write In College Essay Format OCC NJ. College Admissions Essay Workshop - 9 Types of Supplemental Essays .... Admission essay: Being a college student essay. This is How You Write a College Essay College application essay .... College Essay: Graduate school essay sample. Why College Should Be Cheaper Essay. Essay On The Importance Of College Education. 24 Greatest College Essay Examples RedlineSP. Why Do You Think College Education Is Important Essay. Impressive Essay On Education Thatsnotus. Essay for education - College Homework Help and Online Tutoring.. College education essay - 24/7 Homework Help.. Education in College - Free Essay Example Everyone Should Enjoy a Free College Education - Free Essay Example .... 26 Outstanding College Essay Examples / - Example of a college essay .... Writing An Essay To Get Into College - Writing a strong college .... College essay: Importance of college education essay. Essay on why college education is important Essay On College Education Essay On College Education. 24 Greatest College Essay Examples RedlineSP

Building Interactive Systems for Social Good [Job Talk]
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Building Interactive Systems for Social Good [Job Talk]

Abstract The number of internet-of-things (IoT) connected devices is increasing daily, providing new opportunities for information access and interactivity. This talk will focus on work developing low-cost, IoT systems for social good using a user-centered design approach with a focus on applications in the built environment. We will discuss how such systems can empower end-users through access to new information, provide services that alleviate their daily challenges, and discuss future directions for these increasingly ubiquitous technologies. Bio: Matthew Louis Mauriello is a postdoctoral scholar at Stanford University. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Maryland, where he was advised by Jon E. Froehlich, and an M.S./B.S. in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics from the State University of New York at Albany. His research in the area of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) focuses on applying user-centered design and computer science techniques to social good problems, emphasizing those facing our health, education, environmental, and computing systems. His work has been published in top-tier venues for HCI and Ubiquitous Computing with several receiving awards for being in the top 5% of submissions at venues including the international SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI)—the premier venue for HCI research.

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The document describes the development of a human-worn fabric tactile sensor array sleeve to study human interaction with granular media and buried objects. The sleeve contains 24 taxels (tactile sensors) and a 9-DOF IMU to measure contact forces, arm movements, and orientation. The sensors were calibrated and the sleeve was tested on a human forearm both with and without granular media. Visualizations of contact forces and orientation were created. Future work includes improving signal-to-noise ratio in granular media, increasing sensor sensitivity, and developing wireless data transmission and sensor fusion algorithms.

 T. Erickson. Some problems with the notion of context-aware computing. Commun. ACM, 45(2):102–104, 2002
 L. Barkhuus and A. K. Dey. Is context-aware computing taking control away from the user? Three levels of interactivity examined. In Proc. Ubicomp ’03, pp. 149–156. Springer, 2003.…
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AcknowledgementsSketches: Daniel TeunkensCo-author: GeertVanderhulstDesign:Karel RobertCo-author: Jonathan SlendersMovie: MiekeHaesenPhotography:stock.xchng
ConclusionsJo Vermeulen, GeertVanderhulst, Kris Luyten, and Karin Coninx. Answering Why and Why Not Questions in Ubiquitous Computing. In Ubicomp ‘09 Supplemental Proceedings (Poster), pp. 210-213.

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Backup slides
Example: smart lighting applicationSee also:
Example: MavHome“With inhabitant three, we noticed a new phenomenon in the course of our experimentation — the system did more training of the inhabitant than the inhabitant did to the system. There seemed to be a reluctance to give prompt feedback on the inhabitant end. On interview, the inhabitant said that they were learning to live in the dark because it was too bothersome to correct the system. This is probably human nature. We also observed a few fights between the system and the inhabitant over control that ultimately was won by the inhabitant when feedback caused the system to change behavior, but for a short duration the system caused some duress to the inhabitant—not a desired effect.”[Youngblood et al., PERCOM’05]

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Are you interested in dipping your toes in the cloud native observability waters, but as an engineer you are not sure where to get started with tracing problems through your microservices and application landscapes on Kubernetes? Then this is the session for you, where we take you on your first steps in an active open-source project that offers a buffet of languages, challenges, and opportunities for getting started with telemetry data. The project is called openTelemetry, but before diving into the specifics, we’ll start with de-mystifying key concepts and terms such as observability, telemetry, instrumentation, cardinality, percentile to lay a foundation. After understanding the nuts and bolts of observability and distributed traces, we’ll explore the openTelemetry community; its Special Interest Groups (SIGs), repositories, and how to become not only an end-user, but possibly a contributor.We will wrap up with an overview of the components in this project, such as the Collector, the OpenTelemetry protocol (OTLP), its APIs, and its SDKs. Attendees will leave with an understanding of key observability concepts, become grounded in distributed tracing terminology, be aware of the components of openTelemetry, and know how to take their first steps to an open-source contribution! Key Takeaways: Open source, vendor neutral instrumentation is an exciting new reality as the industry standardizes on openTelemetry for observability. OpenTelemetry is on a mission to enable effective observability by making high-quality, portable telemetry ubiquitous. The world of observability and monitoring today has a steep learning curve and in order to achieve ubiquity, the project would benefit from growing our contributor community.

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Improving Intelligibility and Control in Ubicomp Environments

  • 1. Improving Intelligibility and Control in Ubicomp EnvironmentsJo Vermeulen, Kris Luyten and Karin Coninxfirstname.lastname@uhasselt.beHasselt University – tUL – IBBTExpertise Centre for Digital Media
  • 2. in⋅tel⋅li⋅gi⋅bil⋅i⋅ty:the quality or condition of being intelligible; capability of being understoodcon⋅trol:to exercise restraint or direction over; dominate; command
  • 4. Why are intelligibility and control important?HAL 9000 from “2001: A Space Odyssey” (1968)
  • 5. Example: smart lighting applicationSee also:
  • 6. Example: MavHome“With inhabitant three, we noticed a new phenomenon in the course of our experimentation — the system did more training of the inhabitant than the inhabitant did to the system. There seemed to be a reluctance to give prompt feedback on the inhabitant end. On interview, the inhabitant said that they were learning to live in the dark because it was too bothersome to correct the system. This is probably human nature. We also observed a few fights between the system and the inhabitant over control that ultimately was won by the inhabitant when feedback caused the system to change behavior, but for a short duration the system caused some duress to the inhabitant—not a desired effect.”[Youngblood et al., PERCOM’05]
  • 7. Example: MavHome“With inhabitant three, we noticed a new phenomenon in the course of our experimentation — the system did more training of the inhabitant than the inhabitant did to the system. There seemed to be a reluctance to give prompt feedback on the inhabitant end. On interview, the inhabitant said that they were learning to live in the dark because it was too bothersome to correct the system. This is probably human nature. We also observed a few fights between the system and the inhabitant over control that ultimately was won by the inhabitant when feedback caused the system to change behavior, but for a short duration the system caused some duress to the inhabitant—not a desired effect.”[Youngblood et al., PERCOM’05]
  • 8. Example: MavHome“With inhabitant three, we noticed a new phenomenon in the course of our experimentation — the system did more training of the inhabitant than the inhabitant did to the system. There seemed to be a reluctance to give prompt feedback on the inhabitant end. On interview, the inhabitant said that they were learning to live in the dark because it was too bothersome to correct the system. This is probably human nature. We also observed a few fights between the system and the inhabitant over control that ultimately was won by the inhabitant when feedback caused the system to change behavior, but for a short duration the system caused some duress to the inhabitant—not a desired effect.”[Youngblood et al., PERCOM’05]
  • 9. Example: MavHome“With inhabitant three, we noticed a new phenomenon in the course of our experimentation — the system did more training of the inhabitant than the inhabitant did to the system. There seemed to be a reluctance to give prompt feedback on the inhabitant end. On interview, the inhabitant said that they were learning to live in the dark because it was too bothersome to correct the system. This is probably human nature. We also observed a few fights between the system and the inhabitant over control that ultimately was won by the inhabitant when feedback caused the system to change behavior, but for a short duration the system caused some duress to the inhabitant—not a desired effect.”[Youngblood et al., PERCOM’05]
  • 10. This observation is not new V. Bellotti and W. K. Edwards. Intelligibility and accountability: human considerations in context-aware systems. Hum.-Comput. Interact., 16(2):193–212, 2001.
  • 11. W. K. Edwards and R. E. Grinter. At home with ubiquitous computing: Seven challenges. In Proc. UbiComp ’01, pages 256–272. Springer-Verlag, 2001
  • 12. K. Rehman, F. Stajano, and G. Coulouris. Interfacing with the invisible computer. In Proc. NordiCHI ’02, pp. 213–216. ACM, 2002.
  • 13. T. Erickson. Some problems with the notion of context-aware computing. Commun. ACM, 45(2):102–104, 2002
  • 14. L. Barkhuus and A. K. Dey. Is context-aware computing taking control away from the user? Three levels of interactivity examined. In Proc. Ubicomp ’03, pp. 149–156. Springer, 2003.…
  • 15. Lack of intelligibility and control leads to …?
  • 22. Relatedwork[Ko et al., CHI’04][Ko et al., CHI’09][Myers et al., CHI’04][Lim et al., CHI’09][Lim et al., Ubicomp’09]
  • 23. No implementationforUbicompyet[Ko et al., CHI’04][Ko et al., CHI’09][Myers et al., CHI’04][Lim et al., CHI’09][Lim et al., Ubicomp’09]
  • 30. Our solutionMaking the invisible computer visible
  • 31. Our solutionMaking the invisible computer visible
  • 35. Our solutionAmbient projection systemprojector withwide-angle lenssteerable projectors
  • 36. Relatedwork[Rehman et al., Ubicomp’05][Dey et al., CHI’03]
  • 39. AcknowledgementsSketches: Daniel TeunkensCo-author: GeertVanderhulstDesign:Karel RobertCo-author: Jonathan SlendersMovie: MiekeHaesenPhotography:stock.xchng
  • 40. ConclusionsJo Vermeulen, GeertVanderhulst, Kris Luyten, and Karin Coninx. Answering Why and Why Not Questions in Ubiquitous Computing. In Ubicomp ‘09 Supplemental Proceedings (Poster), pp. 210-213.
  • 41. Jo Vermeulen, Jonathan Slenders, Kris Luyten, and Karin Coninx. I Bet You Look Good on the Wall: Making the Invisible Computer Visible. To appear in Proc. of AmI '09, Springer LNCS, 10 pages.Undo
  • 43. Example: smart lighting applicationSee also:
  • 44. Example: MavHome“With inhabitant three, we noticed a new phenomenon in the course of our experimentation — the system did more training of the inhabitant than the inhabitant did to the system. There seemed to be a reluctance to give prompt feedback on the inhabitant end. On interview, the inhabitant said that they were learning to live in the dark because it was too bothersome to correct the system. This is probably human nature. We also observed a few fights between the system and the inhabitant over control that ultimately was won by the inhabitant when feedback caused the system to change behavior, but for a short duration the system caused some duress to the inhabitant—not a desired effect.”[Youngblood et al., PERCOM’05]
  • 45. Example: MavHome“With inhabitant three, we noticed a new phenomenon in the course of our experimentation — the system did more training of the inhabitant than the inhabitant did to the system. There seemed to be a reluctance to give prompt feedback on the inhabitant end. On interview, the inhabitant said that they were learning to live in the dark because it was too bothersome to correct the system. This is probably human nature. We also observed a few fights between the system and the inhabitant over control that ultimately was won by the inhabitant when feedback caused the system to change behavior, but for a short duration the system caused some duress to the inhabitant—not a desired effect.”[Youngblood et al., PERCOM’05]
  • 46. Example: MavHome“With inhabitant three, we noticed a new phenomenon in the course of our experimentation — the system did more training of the inhabitant than the inhabitant did to the system. There seemed to be a reluctance to give prompt feedback on the inhabitant end. On interview, the inhabitant said that they were learning to live in the dark because it was too bothersome to correct the system. This is probably human nature. We also observed a few fights between the system and the inhabitant over control that ultimately was won by the inhabitant when feedback caused the system to change behavior, but for a short duration the system caused some duress to the inhabitant—not a desired effect.”[Youngblood et al., PERCOM’05]
  • 47. Example: MavHome“With inhabitant three, we noticed a new phenomenon in the course of our experimentation — the system did more training of the inhabitant than the inhabitant did to the system. There seemed to be a reluctance to give prompt feedback on the inhabitant end. On interview, the inhabitant said that they were learning to live in the dark because it was too bothersome to correct the system. This is probably human nature. We also observed a few fights between the system and the inhabitant over control that ultimately was won by the inhabitant when feedback caused the system to change behavior, but for a short duration the system caused some duress to the inhabitant—not a desired effect.”[Youngblood et al., PERCOM’05]
  • 48. This observation is not new V. Bellotti and W. K. Edwards. Intelligibility and accountability: human considerations in context-aware systems. Hum.-Comput. Interact., 16(2):193–212, 2001.
  • 49. W. K. Edwards and R. E. Grinter. At home with ubiquitous computing: Seven challenges. In Proc. UbiComp ’01, pages 256–272. Springer-Verlag, 2001
  • 50. K. Rehman, F. Stajano, and G. Coulouris. Interfacing with the invisible computer. In Proc. NordiCHI ’02, pp. 213–216. ACM, 2002.
  • 51. T. Erickson. Some problems with the notion of context-aware computing. Commun. ACM, 45(2):102–104, 2002
  • 52. L. Barkhuus and A. K. Dey. Is context-aware computing taking control away from the user? Three levels of interactivity examined. In Proc. Ubicomp ’03, pp. 149–156. Springer, 2003.…
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