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ClusterControl 1.2.10
June 2015
Johan Andersson
CTO, Severalnines
Copyright Severalnines AB
What Problems do we Address?
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
Manage Scale
Monitoring - Beyond Nagios
!  What do you do when the application is slow?
!  Is it Disk? CPU? RAM? Badly written queries?
!  What are the symptoms? (Replication queues, Page
Faults, locks, # connections, deadlocks …)
!  How do you avoid problems?
!  How do you plan for capacity?
Copyright Severalnines AB

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Entergy, a large utility company headquartered in New Orleans, LA has launched an initiative to modernize their application infrastructure. During the initial analysis, Entergy recognized the existing legacy infrastructure’s lack of compatibility with more recent operating systems would stand in the way of progress. As a result, containerization was fast-tracked as the solution that can help them with the various tenants of their strategy: hyperconvergence, SaaS (ServiceNow), and workload portability. Docker Enterprise proved to be the right solution to migrate roughly 850 legacy applications from Windows Server 2003 and 2008 to Windows Server 2016 quickly, securely and economically. Entergy IT has now delivered the ability for the business to run applications on-premise, in the cloud, and future-proofed the applications for migration to new versions of Windows Server. In this session, Entergy will talk about how they are modernizing their infrastructure to become more agile, secure, and enable workload portability.

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Management - Beyond Monitoring
Copyright Severalnines AB
ClusterControl DSL -
Automation Programs
Copyright Severalnines AB
Confidential 7
Copyright 2013 Severalnines AB
What’s new in 1.2.10?
!  ClusterControl DSL (Domain Specific Language)
!  Integrated Developer Studio (Developer IDE)
!  Database Advisors/JS bundle
!  On-premise Deployment of MySQL / MariaDB Galera Cluster (New
!  Detection of long running and deadlocked transactions (Galera)
!  Detection of most advanced (last committed) node in case of cluster
failure (Galera)
!  Registration of manually added nodes with ClusterControl
!  Failover and Slave Promotion in MySQL 5.6 Replication setups
!  General front-end optimizations
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB

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Register Manually Added Nodes
!  Add an existing node to the UI
!  Useful if a node has been
created outside of ClusterControl
!  E.g: Puppet, Chef, Ansible
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
Long Running TX Log
!  Keep a log of long running
!  Configurable timeout (seconds) in
!  10 seconds by default
!  db_long_query_time_alarm=10
!  Easily view what transaction are
causing the deadlocks.
!  Complete INNODB STATUS for
detailed debugging.
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
Galera - Assisted Manual
Cluster Recovery
!  Find out which is the most advanced
node in the Galera Cluster.
!  Bootstrap the Cluster from this node
!  Useful when Auto Cluster
Recovery is disabled.
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
5.6 Replication – Master Promotion
!  New Job to promote a Slave to become a new Master.
!  Only supported for GTID based replication (and not
MariaDB’s variant)
!  Combine with Semi-sync replication for loss-free failovers.
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB

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Security is a key concern for application developers and operations teams, as well as security professionals. Have I done enough? What do I need to do in the face of new threats like Meltdown and Spectre? What happens when the next big issue comes along? What should my priorities be? How do containers help? In this talk we’ll demonstrate some common attacks live, and show how you can effectively defend your container deployment against them, using a combination of best practices, configuration, and tools. Taking inspiration from highlights of the OWASP Top 10, and other high profile exploits and attacks, in this talk we will look at risks and preventative measures related to: - authentication - injection - updates - sensitive data - configuration By the end of the talk you should understand the most important security risks in your applications, and how to go about mitigating them.

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Slides: Severalnines ClusterControl 1.2.6 Webinar - May 2014
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Slides: Severalnines ClusterControl 1.2.6 Webinar - May 2014

Webinar on release 1.2.6 of ClusterControl: This release contains key new features (along with performance improvements and bug fixes), which are demonstrated live during the webinar. Highlights include: * Centralized Authentication using LDAP or Active Directory * Role-Based Access Control * OpenStack: Galera Deployment Automation * Hybrid setups with Galera and Asynchronous MySQL Replication * Manage single instance MySQL Servers or existing MySQL Replication setups About ClusterControl: Setting up, maintaining and operating a database cluster can be tricky. ClusterControl gives you the power to deploy, manage, monitor and scale entire clusters efficiently and reliably. ClusterControl supports a variety of MySQL-based clusters (Galera, NDB, 5.6 Replication) as well as MongoDB/TokuMX-based clusters.

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ClusterControl DSL
!  DSL = Domain Specific Language
!  Based on JavaScript and allows the user to:
!  Create Advisors
!  Helper programs
!  Auto Tuners/Scalers
!  Access internal data structures of ClusterControl
!  State information of managed nodes
!  E.g time series data and applying statistical functions
!  Online documentation:
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
ClusterControl DSL
!  Execute SQL commands
on remote db nodes
!  Execute bash scripts on
remote hosts
!  Process returned data
!  Create Alarms and
!  Graphs
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
Developer Studio
!  A web based IDE allowing the user to
!  create
!  edit
!  compile
!  run
!  test
!  debug
!  schedule JS programs
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
JS/Advisor Bundle
!  ClusterControl ships with a default advisor bundle
!  MIT License
!  Available on GitHub
!  Rules and alerts on
!  security settings
!  system checks (NUMA, Disk, CPU)
!  queries
!  innodb
!  connections
!  performance schema
!  Galera configuration
!  NDB memory usage
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB

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The document discusses automation and management of database clusters using ClusterControl software from Severalnines. It covers the database infrastructure lifecycle including deploying, monitoring, managing, and scaling database clusters. ClusterControl provides automation and management capabilities for provisioning, monitoring systems and database performance, managing multiple database clusters across data centers, and automating tasks like repair, recovery, upgrades, backups and scaling. The presentation includes a demo and discusses Severalnines customers.

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Use MongoDB at Any Scale As you scale, one of the challenges is optimizing your clusters and mitigating operational risk. Proper preparation can result in significant savings and reduced downtime. This session covers: * Deployment of dev/test/production environments across private data centers or public clouds * What to monitor in production environments * Management automation with ClusterControl from Severalnines * How ClusterControl works with TokuMX The session will give you the tools to more effectively manage your cluster, immediately. The presentation will include code samples and a live Q&A session. This webinar is being delivered jointly by Severalnines & Tokutek. Severalnines provides automation and management tools to reduce the complexity of working with highly available database clusters. Tokutek provides high-performance and scalability for MongoDB, MySQL and MariaDB.

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Confidential 17
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
Getting Started
!  Dedicated VM for the controller
!  Specs
!  2 CPU cores
!  2-4GB RAM
!  20GB diskspace
!  No agents
!  Host stats gathered via SSH
!  Installation
!  Setup SSH access to Controller itself and DB nodes
Copyright Severalnines AB
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB

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Slides: Introducing the new ClusterControl 1.2.10 for MySQL, MongoDB and Postgres

  • 1. Confidential ClusterControl 1.2.10 June 2015 Johan Andersson CTO, Severalnines
  • 3. Confidential What Problems do we Address? 3 Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB Manage Scale MonitorDeploy
  • 4. Confidential Monitoring - Beyond Nagios !  What do you do when the application is slow? !  Is it Disk? CPU? RAM? Badly written queries? !  What are the symptoms? (Replication queues, Page Faults, locks, # connections, deadlocks …) !  How do you avoid problems? !  How do you plan for capacity? 4 Copyright Severalnines AB
  • 5. Confidential Management - Beyond Monitoring 5 Copyright Severalnines AB
  • 6. Confidential ClusterControl DSL - Automation Programs 6 Copyright Severalnines AB
  • 8. Confidential What’s new in 1.2.10? !  ClusterControl DSL (Domain Specific Language) !  Integrated Developer Studio (Developer IDE) !  Database Advisors/JS bundle !  On-premise Deployment of MySQL / MariaDB Galera Cluster (New implementation) !  Detection of long running and deadlocked transactions (Galera) !  Detection of most advanced (last committed) node in case of cluster failure (Galera) !  Registration of manually added nodes with ClusterControl !  Failover and Slave Promotion in MySQL 5.6 Replication setups !  General front-end optimizations 8 Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
  • 9. Confidential Register Manually Added Nodes !  Add an existing node to the UI !  Useful if a node has been created outside of ClusterControl !  E.g: Puppet, Chef, Ansible Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB 9
  • 10. Confidential Long Running TX Log !  Keep a log of long running transactions !  Configurable timeout (seconds) in cmon.cnf: !  10 seconds by default !  db_long_query_time_alarm=10 !  Easily view what transaction are causing the deadlocks. !  Complete INNODB STATUS for detailed debugging. Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB 10
  • 11. Confidential Galera - Assisted Manual Cluster Recovery !  Find out which is the most advanced node in the Galera Cluster. !  Bootstrap the Cluster from this node !  Useful when Auto Cluster Recovery is disabled. Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB 11
  • 12. Confidential 5.6 Replication – Master Promotion !  New Job to promote a Slave to become a new Master. !  Only supported for GTID based replication (and not MariaDB’s variant) !  Combine with Semi-sync replication for loss-free failovers. Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB 12
  • 13. Confidential ClusterControl DSL !  DSL = Domain Specific Language !  Based on JavaScript and allows the user to: !  Create Advisors !  Helper programs !  Auto Tuners/Scalers !  Access internal data structures of ClusterControl !  State information of managed nodes !  E.g time series data and applying statistical functions !  Online documentation: ! docs/current/implang.html 13 Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
  • 14. Confidential ClusterControl DSL !  Execute SQL commands on remote db nodes !  Execute bash scripts on remote hosts !  Process returned data !  Create Alarms and Notifications !  Graphs Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB 14
  • 15. Confidential Developer Studio !  A web based IDE allowing the user to !  create !  edit !  compile !  run !  test !  debug !  schedule JS programs 15 Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
  • 16. Confidential JS/Advisor Bundle !  ClusterControl ships with a default advisor bundle !  MIT License !  Available on GitHub ! !  Rules and alerts on !  security settings !  system checks (NUMA, Disk, CPU) !  queries !  innodb !  connections !  performance schema !  Galera configuration !  NDB memory usage 16 Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
  • 18. Confidential Getting Started !  Dedicated VM for the controller !  Specs !  2 CPU cores !  2-4GB RAM !  20GB diskspace !  No agents !  Host stats gathered via SSH !  Installation !  YUM/APT !  Setup SSH access to Controller itself and DB nodes ! 18 Copyright Severalnines AB