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A Brief Introduction
Tripad Mishra
Mozilla Student Rep
Sinhgad Institute of Management, Pune
Twitter: @_Tripad
HTML5 - A Brief Introduction
internet has
evolved (duh!) in 1999
HTML5 - A Brief Introduction in 1997
HTML5 - A Brief Introduction - 2004
…I guess the only changed was the new IPv6 link :P
So .. What is HTML5?
o HTML5 includes the 5th
revision of the HTML markup
language, CSS3, and a series
of JavaScript APIs.
o Not owned by any particular
company or a specific browser.
o Developed by a consortium
of companies like Mozilla,
Opera, Apple, Google and
many other – WHATWG &
But .. Why HTML5?
But .. Why HTML5?
• RICH Graphics
• Security
• And a whole bunch more of features ……
Making Web
• Demo of FLUID
Canvas, WebGL & JS
Making Web Beautiful
• HTML5 is a full-fledged platform for graphic
based applications
– 3D Rendering
– Shadows & Lighting
– Vectors and much more.
• Making browser your CANVAS
– Canvas element provides an API for 2D drawing
– Support for Mobile Devices
– Ball Code Example
• WebGL
– Web Graphics Library
– JS Library to render 3D/2D Graphics without any
– Can directly communicate with GPU
Web Freedom
HTML5 - A Brief Introduction
Web Freedom
• Problems with Proprietary Plug-ins
– Control transfer from browser to 3rd party
– “Another Piece” for the users to find
– Major cause of browser instability and security
– Mostly closed-source and paid
• Old school <embed>
<object width=”425” height=”344”>
<param name=”movie”
l=en_GB&fs=1&” type=”application/x-
shockwave-flash” allowscriptaccess=”always”
allowfullscreen=”true” width=”425”
HTML5 Video & Audio
• HTML 5 way of doing it :
<source src=“MyVideo.ogv" type='video/ogg;
codecs="theora, vorbis"'>
• Fully integrated with all other aspects of the
document – CSS/JS/Canvas etc
• Demo
HTML5 Video & Audio
Smarter & Sleek Forms
HTML5 Forms
• Faster and better forms.
• “Content-Aware”
• Many new input types:
– Email,phone,url
– Date,time
– range
• Browser Validation without any extra code!
• Demo
HTML5 - A Brief Introduction
HTML5 - A Brief Introduction
CSS3 – Web Styled
CSS3 – Effects
• Text Shadow
– Create photoshop like effects
• @font-face
• Box Shadow
• Gradients
CSS3 – Border Radius
CSS3 – Animation Demo
3D clock demo
Solar System Demo
Much More to HTML5
• Cleaner & Semantic Code
• Data Storage & Offline data access
• Web Workers
• Drag & Drop and File System Access
• Direct Hardware Support
• Geolocation Capabilities
• Notifications
• Much more!
HTML5 Resources
• Mozilla Developer Network
– DemoStudio

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HTML5 - A Brief Introduction

  • 1. A Brief Introduction By: Tripad Mishra Mozilla Student Rep Sinhgad Institute of Management, Pune Twitter: @_Tripad
  • 9. …I guess the only changed was the new IPv6 link :P
  • 10. So .. What is HTML5?
  • 11. o HTML5 includes the 5th revision of the HTML markup language, CSS3, and a series of JavaScript APIs. o Not owned by any particular company or a specific browser. o Developed by a consortium of companies like Mozilla, Opera, Apple, Google and many other – WHATWG & W3C
  • 12. But .. Why HTML5?
  • 13. But .. Why HTML5? •REACH • PORTABILITY • FREEDOM • RICH Graphics • PERFORMANCE • SEMANTICS • INTERACTIVITY • OFFLINE ACCESS • REAL-TIME • Security • And a whole bunch more of features ……
  • 14. Making Web Beautiful • Demo of FLUID Canvas, WebGL & JS –
  • 15. Making Web Beautiful • HTML5 is a full-fledged platform for graphic based applications – 3D Rendering – Shadows & Lighting – Vectors and much more. • Making browser your CANVAS – Canvas element provides an API for 2D drawing – Support for Mobile Devices – Ball Code Example • WebGL – Web Graphics Library – JS Library to render 3D/2D Graphics without any plugins – Can directly communicate with GPU
  • 18. Web Freedom • Problems with Proprietary Plug-ins – Control transfer from browser to 3rd party application – “Another Piece” for the users to find – Major cause of browser instability and security issue – Mostly closed-source and paid
  • 19. • Old school <embed> <object width=”425” height=”344”> <param name=”movie” value=” l=en_GB&fs=1&”></param> ... <embed src=” l=en_GB&fs=1&” type=”application/x- shockwave-flash” allowscriptaccess=”always” allowfullscreen=”true” width=”425” height=”344”></embed> </object> HTML5 Video & Audio
  • 20. • HTML 5 way of doing it : <video> <source src=“MyVideo.ogv" type='video/ogg; codecs="theora, vorbis"'> </video> • Fully integrated with all other aspects of the document – CSS/JS/Canvas etc • Demo HTML5 Video & Audio
  • 22. HTML5 Forms • Faster and better forms. • “Content-Aware” • Many new input types: – Email,phone,url – Date,time – range • Browser Validation without any extra code! • Demo
  • 25. CSS3 – Web Styled
  • 26. CSS3 – Effects • Text Shadow – Create photoshop like effects • @font-face • Box Shadow • Gradients
  • 27. CSS3 – Border Radius
  • 28. CSS3 – Animation Demo 3D clock demo Solar System Demo
  • 29. Much More to HTML5 • Cleaner & Semantic Code • Data Storage & Offline data access • Web Workers • Drag & Drop and File System Access • Direct Hardware Support • Geolocation Capabilities • Notifications • Much more!
  • 30. HTML5 Resources • Mozilla Developer Network – US/docs/HTML/HTML5 – DemoStudio •