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What You Don’t Know
About 3rd Party Scripts Can
Hurt You
About the Speakers
Scott D. Lowe, vExpert
Partner and Co-Founder
ActualTech Media
Buddy Brewer
SVP, Products
Jason Trester
Senior Director of Site
CBS Interactive
The Problem
 A typical web page today can contain requests with
upward of 75% happening via 3rd party scripts
 Do you really know what kind of experience your
visitors are having?
 How do you manage the risk and the ROI of the tools
provided by these parties?
The Needs
 Measure 3rd party scripts to make sure they’re not
driving your customers away
 Truly understand the impact that every script has on
your visitors
 Provide decision-makers with critical, simple, and
actionable metrics

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Are you looking for a top web app development company in Minneapolis, USA? Zimble Code has an experienced team that can help.

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The Evolution of a Scrappy Startup to a Successful Web Service
The Evolution of a Scrappy Startup to a Successful Web ServiceThe Evolution of a Scrappy Startup to a Successful Web Service
The Evolution of a Scrappy Startup to a Successful Web Service started as a prototype created by the author using open source tools with no prior startup experience. The initial prototype focused on differentiating features like aggregating financial accounts and transactions. As users grew, performance issues arose due to increased load on servers and databases. To address these growing pains, the architecture was optimized by separating tiers, adding caching, database sharding, and more. Key lessons were to focus first on critical user problems in prototypes, continuously measure performance, and optimize based on demand to balance latency, throughput, and quality as the user base expanded.

product development
Platform for Comprehensive Vendor Research & Analysis
Platform for Comprehensive Vendor Research & AnalysisPlatform for Comprehensive Vendor Research & Analysis
Platform for Comprehensive Vendor Research & Analysis

The document describes a website developed for a research firm that provides comprehensive vendor research and analysis. The site allows buyers to search a database of IT companies and view ratings and metrics for vendors in areas like mobile apps, CRM, and ERP. It provides tools to filter companies by location, rates, and focus areas. Registered users can complete research within 24 hours. The developers faced challenges in scaling the site, generating reports to rate vendors, and ensuring easy navigation. Technologies used included PHP, MySQL, and AJAX to develop a secure and scalable site within 6 months.

service providers analysis platformplatform for comprehensive vendor research & analyexpress vendor analysis portal
SOASTA Customer Case Study
Jason Trester
Senior Director of Site Engineering
CBS Interactive
CBS Interactive Key Metrics
200 Million+
Page views per month
350-400 Requests
Per page load
50 Million+
Unique visitors per month
2 Seconds
Target page load time
CBS Interactive Key Metrics
How does CBS Interactive optimize the
user experience and support massive
traffic patterns while adhering to
performance requirements?
CBS Interactive Key Metrics
It starts by knowing your numbers (Ensure
adherence to business objectives)
Leverage tools to enable actionable
Develop data-driven optimization

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Module 1 introduction to web analytics

This document provides an introduction to web analytics. It discusses why web analytics is needed to measure the success of digital marketing efforts. Web analytics involves measuring, collecting, analyzing and reporting internet data to understand and optimize web usage. There are two main methods for collecting web analytics data: server log file analysis and page tagging. Server log files record information from a website's server, while page tagging involves including tracking code on website pages that collects user interaction data. The document outlines the advantages and considerations of each data collection method.

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Website Loading Time Statistics Crucial Data for Optimal Performance.pdf
Website Loading Time Statistics Crucial Data for Optimal Performance.pdfWebsite Loading Time Statistics Crucial Data for Optimal Performance.pdf
Website Loading Time Statistics Crucial Data for Optimal Performance.pdf

How fast does your website load? Website loading time is one of the most crucial factors in delivering an excellent user experience, boosting search rankings, and driving conversions. But what is considered a good page load time in 2023? This in-depth blog post dives into the latest website loading time statistics and benchmarks you need to know to optimize your site's performance. Discover fascinating insights such as: The average website load time in 2023 is 2.5 seconds on desktop and 8.6 seconds on mobile, but top performing sites aim for under 2 seconds As page load time goes from 1 second to 3 seconds, the probability of bounce increases by 32% A 100-millisecond delay in website load time can hurt conversion rates by 7% The top 10 ecommerce websites have an average page load time of just 1.96 seconds 47% of online shoppers expect web pages to load in 2 seconds or less Learn what factors impact website loading times, how speed affects critical metrics like bounce rate, conversions and revenue, and best practices to achieve sub-second load times. If you want to boost your search engine rankings, user engagement, and online sales, optimizing your page load time is essential. Discover the data you need to benchmark your site against competitors and exceed customer expectations in this statistics-packed post.

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CBS Interactive Key Metrics
Actionable Intelligence
Leverage tools to enable actionable
SOASTA mPulse enables CBS Interactive staff to put site
metrics in front of a non-technical audience so they can
easily see what their page load times look like
SOASTA SpeedCurve has also allowed CBS Interactive
to automate a lot of their manual web page tests
SOASTA mPulse – Actionable Metrics
SOASTA mPulse – Actionable Metrics

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The document discusses how Orbitz Worldwide uses Hadoop and big data to drive web analytics. It faces challenges with processing massive amounts of log data from millions of searches. Orbitz implemented a Hadoop infrastructure to provide long-term storage, access for developers and analysts, and rapid deployment of reporting applications. This allows Orbitz to aggregate data, run analysis jobs like traffic source mapping in minutes rather than hours, and generate over 25 million records per month. The implementation helps Orbitz shift analytics from innovation to mainstream use across business units.

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17 Web Performance Metrics You Should Care About
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This document discusses 17 key web performance metrics across four categories: front-end user experience metrics, backend performance metrics, content complexity metrics, and advanced monitoring tips. It provides descriptions and average metrics for each, including time to title, time to start render, DNS time, connection time, asset weights, counts, and number of domains. The document emphasizes that measuring these metrics through continuous monitoring provides knowledge to optimize performance and improve the user experience. Advanced monitoring tips include setting service level agreements, defining performance issues, and automating alerts.

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Presentation of peer-reviewed research paper for the 2007 IA Summit, presented March 24, 2007 in Las Vegas.

SOASTA SpeedCurve – Actionable Metrics
SOASTA SpeedCurve – Actionable Metrics
Actionable Intelligence
 Every third party must go through an A/B test to see
how they perform
 SOASTA enables these efforts
Actionable Intelligence
12/7 RUM Performance Results (Article Page)
3.65s Control
9.73s Sample Tool
267% Increase in Page Load Time
Note: Document Complete = time it takes for page to become usable (required CSS, JS, and Images)

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Actionable Intelligence
12/7 Synthetic Performance Results
1. Delayed visual start render by 15%-31%
2. Increased our doc complete size by 49% and time by 113%-150%
3. Sample Tool makes ~31 requests
• 5 Sample Tool requests (30% time; 78% size)
• 27 third-party requests (70% time; 22% size)
• Bandwidth consumption does NOT include Ad creatives
4. Bandwidth consumption 3x > Visual Revenue, Qualtrics, and DW link
5. Bandwidth consumption 3x > CNET Site JS
Example resource comparison
Group Request Count
CNET JS 19 1,504 168
Sample Tool 33 4,528 210
Excludes ad/tracking services and video player
Actionable Intelligence
1/26 RUM Performance Results (Article Page)
3.01s Control
8.17s Sample Tool
271% Increase in Page Load Time
Note: Document Complete = time it takes for page to become usable (required CSS, JS, and Images)
Operationalizing Intelligence
Develop data-driven optimization
Use the results of performance metrics to make
decisions based on performance cost of 3rd party scripts
Use the information to make critical decisions, such as
priority load order of requests
Key takeaway: It’s easy to glean relative importance of
scripts based on the order in which they load
Operationalizing Intelligence

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The web is probably too large already, and getting larger. Merging small sites is an opportunity to improve navigation efficiency and ongoing content quality - good for site users and site owners. See related White Paper:

content auditsite migrationweb content
Operationalizing Intelligence
The Details Matter!
 CBS Interactive spent 6 months making sure that
fonts load quickly
 They established certain requirements on the font vendor
 They try to keep all 3rd party scripts under 1000 ms
 SOASTA enables these efforts
The Tools Matter!
 mPulse
 SpeedCurve
 Grafana,, PhantomJS
 Tealium
 Helps CBS Interactive control the order in which items load
on their sites
 RequireJS

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Challenge - Wanted to transform performance management for digital age - Needed tools that accurately tested and monitored real user scenarios - Not able to find correlations from data collected Result - Tested to scale without additional hardware investments - Empowered performance team with real user data to advise on business - Determined revenue impact of half-second page load improvement - Built model to proactively amend marketing campaigns not meeting revenue targets in real time

Figure Out How Fast You Need To Be
Use the Activity Impact Score
• Tells media companies which pages are most
important so they can prioritize their efforts
Define the ROI
• If you were going to make an investment to speed
things up, what would that mean for the business?
(add revenue at expense of performance?)
Try SOASTA for Yourself!
Plans start at just

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Is your mobile website ready for load? Can your mobile app's back-end scale to service peak demand? Mobile web and app usage is growing at a breakneck pace! Between 2014 and 2015, traffic from mobile devices increased from 40% to 75% of total retail traffic, an increase of 35%. In 2015, mobile commerce accounted for $115 billion worldwide. At the end of this year, that number is projected to reach $142 billion. Join us at this webinar to learn: • The different types of mobile traffic generated by browsing and apps • How to load test your mobile web site for mobile browsers • Why mobile apps need load testing, too, and how to create tests Whether your peak time is Black Friday and Cyber Monday, monthly filing rush, quarterly reporting, annual open enrollment, tax filing, or any other peak, this webinar will give you the steps to build load tests so your mobile site and apps will be ready for mobile peak.

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Time is money! In today’s hyper-digital world, digital performance means business performance. If your customer’s digital experience is lacking, your revenue will suffer. Customers are – rightly – expecting every touchpoint with the companies they do business with to work every time, at top speed. If you drop the ball – even for a few seconds – you’ll lose business, and worse, you’ll lose customers. Digital Performance Management (DPM) technologies and services exist to help companies identify critical weaknesses and performance bottlenecks across their digital assets. By providing clear insights and guidance, Digital Performance Management tools make it possible to get ahead of potential performance challenges before they’re discovered – the hard way – by your customers. Join Jason Bloomberg, president of Intellyx, Trey Kistler, Director, IT eCommerce of Lowe’s and Carl Briscol, VP of eCommerce Technology, Home Depot and Scott D. Lowe from ActualTech Media. ON THIS WEBINAR EVENT YOU’LL DISCOVER: Discover the key concepts behind Digital Performance Management Learn why Digital Performance Management is crucial for the success of your business in today’s hyper-connected world Identify the benefits you’ll see by adopting a digital performance for your business Discover DPM-related best practices that you can leverage to boost your company’s revenue

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The document discusses rum-based testing using mPulse products. It emphasizes using real user monitoring (RUM) data to determine the most important aspects to test, such as specific session paths, think times, and locations. This approach can efficiently and effectively test high volume experiences over time, reducing cost and risk while improving quality and revenue. A demo is provided and key benefits highlighted, such as gaining a statistically accurate test plan from the comprehensive RUM data to optimize testing.

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What You Don't Know About 3rd Party Scripts Can Hurt You!

  • 1. What You Don’t Know About 3rd Party Scripts Can Hurt You
  • 2. About the Speakers Scott D. Lowe, vExpert Partner and Co-Founder ActualTech Media Buddy Brewer SVP, Products SOASTA Jason Trester Senior Director of Site Engineering CBS Interactive
  • 3. The Problem  A typical web page today can contain requests with upward of 75% happening via 3rd party scripts  Do you really know what kind of experience your visitors are having?  How do you manage the risk and the ROI of the tools provided by these parties?
  • 4. The Needs  Measure 3rd party scripts to make sure they’re not driving your customers away  Truly understand the impact that every script has on your visitors  Provide decision-makers with critical, simple, and actionable metrics
  • 5. SOASTA Customer Case Study Jason Trester Senior Director of Site Engineering CBS Interactive
  • 6. CBS Interactive Key Metrics 200 Million+ Page views per month 350-400 Requests Per page load 50 Million+ Unique visitors per month 2 Seconds Target page load time
  • 7. CBS Interactive Key Metrics Question How does CBS Interactive optimize the user experience and support massive traffic patterns while adhering to performance requirements?
  • 8. CBS Interactive Key Metrics Answers It starts by knowing your numbers (Ensure adherence to business objectives) Leverage tools to enable actionable intelligence Develop data-driven optimization processes
  • 10. Actionable Intelligence Leverage tools to enable actionable intelligence SOASTA mPulse enables CBS Interactive staff to put site metrics in front of a non-technical audience so they can easily see what their page load times look like SOASTA SpeedCurve has also allowed CBS Interactive to automate a lot of their manual web page tests
  • 11. SOASTA mPulse – Actionable Metrics
  • 12. SOASTA mPulse – Actionable Metrics
  • 13. SOASTA SpeedCurve – Actionable Metrics
  • 14. SOASTA SpeedCurve – Actionable Metrics
  • 15. Actionable Intelligence  Every third party must go through an A/B test to see how they perform  SOASTA enables these efforts
  • 16. Actionable Intelligence 12/7 RUM Performance Results (Article Page) 3.65s Control 9.73s Sample Tool 267% Increase in Page Load Time Note: Document Complete = time it takes for page to become usable (required CSS, JS, and Images)
  • 17. Actionable Intelligence 12/7 Synthetic Performance Results 1. Delayed visual start render by 15%-31% 2. Increased our doc complete size by 49% and time by 113%-150% 3. Sample Tool makes ~31 requests • 5 Sample Tool requests (30% time; 78% size) • 27 third-party requests (70% time; 22% size) • Bandwidth consumption does NOT include Ad creatives 4. Bandwidth consumption 3x > Visual Revenue, Qualtrics, and DW link 5. Bandwidth consumption 3x > CNET Site JS Example resource comparison Group Request Count Time (ms) Size (KB) CNET JS 19 1,504 168 Sample Tool 33 4,528 210 Excludes ad/tracking services and video player
  • 18. Actionable Intelligence 1/26 RUM Performance Results (Article Page) 3.01s Control 8.17s Sample Tool 271% Increase in Page Load Time Note: Document Complete = time it takes for page to become usable (required CSS, JS, and Images)
  • 19. Operationalizing Intelligence Develop data-driven optimization processes Use the results of performance metrics to make decisions based on performance cost of 3rd party scripts Use the information to make critical decisions, such as priority load order of requests Key takeaway: It’s easy to glean relative importance of scripts based on the order in which they load
  • 22. The Details Matter!  CBS Interactive spent 6 months making sure that fonts load quickly  They established certain requirements on the font vendor  They try to keep all 3rd party scripts under 1000 ms  SOASTA enables these efforts
  • 23. The Tools Matter!  SOASTA  mPulse  SpeedCurve  Grafana,, PhantomJS  Tealium  Helps CBS Interactive control the order in which items load on their sites  RequireJS
  • 25. Figure Out How Fast You Need To Be
  • 26. Use the Activity Impact Score • Tells media companies which pages are most important so they can prioritize their efforts
  • 27. Define the ROI • If you were going to make an investment to speed things up, what would that mean for the business? (add revenue at expense of performance?)
  • 28. Try SOASTA for Yourself! Plans start at just $99/month!

Editor's Notes

  1. Create a culture where LOB people and decision makers are communicating
  2. Wants to show just the middle chart – Jason will send me a better image. Most of this data does not come from SOASTA. But it does speak to the percentage of CBSi stuff vs. other stuff. Move higher in the deck. Comes from Takeaway – they only control about 30% of their site.
  3. Jason will find a better graph here, too. Add Soasta example to deck
  4. Change to header bidding system (not BeanStock)
  5. Change to header bidding system (not BeanStock)
  6. Come back in and add some color Figure out how fast you need to be Activity Impact Score – tells media companies which pages are most important so they can prioritize their efforts Define the ROI – if you were going to make an investment to speed things up, what would that mean for the business? (add revenue at expense of performance?)
  7. Come back in and add some color Figure out how fast you need to be Activity Impact Score – tells media companies which pages are most important so they can prioritize their efforts Define the ROI – if you were going to make an investment to speed things up, what would that mean for the business? (add revenue at expense of performance?)
  8. Come back in and add some color Figure out how fast you need to be Activity Impact Score – tells media companies which pages are most important so they can prioritize their efforts Define the ROI – if you were going to make an investment to speed things up, what would that mean for the business? (add revenue at expense of performance?)