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How dinosaurs broke our system

              Challenges in building national researcher
                          identifier services

                          Amanda Hill
                         Names Project

JISC Conference, 2010
Hoping that…

 …Simeon has explained all about the name
  authority problem

 I‟d like to talk about some of the work
  that we‟ve done as part of the Names
  Project recently…

 …and how that fits into today‟s researcher
  identification landscape
Gross generalisation about past
approaches to author identifiers
       Libraries             Publishers

Book-level data        Article-level data

Labour intensive:      Automatically generated:
disambiguation first   disambiguation later

Authors not involved   Authors can edit

Open                   Proprietary
Current international activity
         ISNI                                  ORCID

Library-instigated                 Publisher-instigated

Disambiguation first               Disambiguation later

Authors not involved               Authors can submit/edit

Broad scope                        Current researchers
                       JISC Conference, 2010
Signs of convergence?

 Knowledge Exchange meeting on Digital
  Author Identifiers in March 2012
  encouraged alignment of ISNI and ORCID

 ISNI has reserved a block of identifiers for
  use by ORCID

                    JISC Conference, 2010
Sources of information

 Both ORCID and ISNI will use existing pools
  of information to populate their systems

   ISNI: “Leveraging high confidence data from
    different domains”

   “ORCID will link to other name identifier
                     JISC Conference, 2010
National author ID systems

 2011: JISC-funded survey and report on
  national author/researcher identifier
  systems around the world

   Report published November 2011
Maturity of systems (late 2011)
              System            In development since                 Number of identities

Lattes (Brazil)                             1999                              1,600,000

                                                                      31,000 researchers at 160
Frida/Cristin (Norway)                      2003
                                                                      24,400 faculty with profiles
VIVO                                        2003                      150,000 total IDs including
                                                                     undisambiguated co-authors
                                                                           40,000 in the NTA
Digital Author Identifier     2005 (1980s for National Thesaurus
                                                                    15,000 researchers with Digital
(Netherlands)                         of Author Names)
                                                                              Author IDs
Names Project (UK)                          2007                                46,000
New Zealand Electronic Text
                                            2007                                2,000
Trove People and
Organisations/NLA Party                     2007                   900,000 people and organisations
Infrastructure (Australia)
AuthorClaim                                 2008                                 200

Researcher Name Resolver
                                            2008                               190,000
Populating identifier systems
System                        Records created by   Records imported from Records generated by
                              cataloguers          other systems         data subjects


Digital Author Identifier

Frida/Cristin (Norway)

Lattes (Brazil)

Names Project (UK)
New Zealand Electronic Text

Researcher Name Resolver

Trove People and
Organisations/NLA Party
Infrastructure (Australia)

Good sources of data for some

National system      Existing unique identifiers
                     Researcher identifiers from national
                     researcher databases
                     Number from National Thesaurus of
Netherlands          Author names is converted into
                     Digital Author Identifier
                     Human resources data: social security

Other national systems assign new
identifiers as new identities are
Features of mature national
          identifier systems

 With more mature systems:
   A national organisation generally has oversight: e.g. in
    Brazil, Norway, Netherlands

   Integration with research funders, reporting agencies
    and institutional repositories

 Individual institutions also have defined roles
  relating to managing information about their own

            JISC Conference, 2010
Work to investigate unique IDs
      for UK researchers
 Identified in 2006 as part of the call for
  proposals for the JISC-funded Repositories
  and Preservation Programme

 Mimas and the British Library proposed a two-
  year project to:
   Investigate requirements for a UK name authority
   Build a pilot system to demonstrate potential
The Names Project
       The Chang Project
„From the Annals of the Onomastic

Ian Watson (1990)
Names (not an acronym…)

 Name Authorities Make Everything Simpler

 Names: Ambiguous, Meaningful (or
  Meaningless?), Essential, Symbolic

 …nearly everyone has a name-related
Rhyming couples

     JISC Conference, 2010
Original plan
 Use data from British Library‟s Zetoc service to
  create author IDs
    Journal article information from 1993->
    Last names, initials, paper titles, subject

 But…
    International in scope
    Lack of information on affiliations and first names to
     help with making matches
    Huge dataset -> processing issues
Revised plan
 Used 2008 Research Assessment Exercise
  data (as cleaned up by JISC Merit project)
  to pre-populate the Names system
   Identify unique individuals and assign
 Data quality good, included institutional
  information: high accuracy, despite only
  having initials, not full first names
 Except for…
                      JISC Conference, 2010
How dinosaurs broke our system: challenges in building national researcher identifier services
JISC Conference, 2010
Building on Merit…

 Merit data covers around 20% of active UK

 Working to enhance records and create
  new ones with information from other
   Institutional repositories
   British Library data sets (Zetoc)
   Direct input from researchers
Submission form

     JISC Conference, 2010
Quality matters
 Automatic matching can only achieve so
   Dependent on data source

 British Library team perform manual check of
  results of matching new data sources
   Allows for separation/merging of records

 Plan to allow people to update their own
Ultimate aim
 High-quality set of unique identifiers for UK
  researchers and research institutions

 Available to other systems (national and
    e.g. Names records exported to ISNI in 2011

 Possible additional services
    Disambiguation of existing data sets
    Identification of external researchers
Access to Names

 API allows for flexible searching of Names

 EPrints plugin released in 2011: allows
  repository users to choose from a list of
  Names identities
   …and to create a Names record if none exists

                     JISC Conference, 2010
JISC Conference, 2010
JISC Conference, 2010
Next steps…

 JISC-convened Researcher ID group – final
  meeting in September > recommendations

 Options Appraisal Report for UK national
  researcher identifier service > December

 Improving data and adding new records

                   JISC Conference, 2010
Summing up

 Names is a hybrid of library/publisher
   Automated matching/disambiguation
   Human quality checks
   Data immediately available for re-use in other
   Researchers can supply information
An evolving area

 Main challenges are cultural and political
  rather than technical

 National author/researcher ID services can be
  important parts of research infrastructure

 Getting agreement and co-ordination at
  national level is vital
Project updates

 Names:

 Blog:

 Twitter: @NamesProject

                   JISC Conference, 2010

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How dinosaurs broke our system: challenges in building national researcher identifier services

  • 1. How dinosaurs broke our system Challenges in building national researcher identifier services Amanda Hill Names Project JISC Conference, 2010
  • 2. Hoping that…  …Simeon has explained all about the name authority problem  I‟d like to talk about some of the work that we‟ve done as part of the Names Project recently…  …and how that fits into today‟s researcher identification landscape
  • 3. Gross generalisation about past approaches to author identifiers Libraries Publishers Book-level data Article-level data Labour intensive: Automatically generated: disambiguation first disambiguation later Authors not involved Authors can edit Open Proprietary
  • 4. Current international activity ISNI ORCID Library-instigated Publisher-instigated Disambiguation first Disambiguation later Authors not involved Authors can submit/edit Broad scope Current researchers JISC Conference, 2010
  • 5. Signs of convergence?  Knowledge Exchange meeting on Digital Author Identifiers in March 2012 encouraged alignment of ISNI and ORCID approaches  ISNI has reserved a block of identifiers for use by ORCID JISC Conference, 2010
  • 6. Sources of information  Both ORCID and ISNI will use existing pools of information to populate their systems  ISNI: “Leveraging high confidence data from different domains”  “ORCID will link to other name identifier systems” JISC Conference, 2010
  • 7. National author ID systems  2011: JISC-funded survey and report on national author/researcher identifier systems around the world  Report published November 2011
  • 8. Maturity of systems (late 2011) System In development since Number of identities Lattes (Brazil) 1999 1,600,000 31,000 researchers at 160 Frida/Cristin (Norway) 2003 institutions 24,400 faculty with profiles VIVO 2003 150,000 total IDs including undisambiguated co-authors 40,000 in the NTA Digital Author Identifier 2005 (1980s for National Thesaurus 15,000 researchers with Digital (Netherlands) of Author Names) Author IDs Names Project (UK) 2007 46,000 New Zealand Electronic Text 2007 2,000 Centre Trove People and Organisations/NLA Party 2007 900,000 people and organisations Infrastructure (Australia) AuthorClaim 2008 200 Researcher Name Resolver 2008 190,000 (Japan)
  • 9. Populating identifier systems System Records created by Records imported from Records generated by cataloguers other systems data subjects AuthorClaim Digital Author Identifier (Netherlands) Frida/Cristin (Norway) Lattes (Brazil) Names Project (UK) New Zealand Electronic Text Centre Researcher Name Resolver (Japan) Trove People and Organisations/NLA Party Infrastructure (Australia) VIVO
  • 10. Good sources of data for some nations National system Existing unique identifiers Researcher identifiers from national Japan researcher databases Number from National Thesaurus of Netherlands Author names is converted into Digital Author Identifier Human resources data: social security Norway numbers Other national systems assign new identifiers as new identities are established.
  • 11. Features of mature national identifier systems  With more mature systems:  A national organisation generally has oversight: e.g. in Brazil, Norway, Netherlands  Integration with research funders, reporting agencies and institutional repositories  Individual institutions also have defined roles relating to managing information about their own staff
  • 12. SITUATION IN UK JISC Conference, 2010
  • 13. Work to investigate unique IDs for UK researchers  Identified in 2006 as part of the call for proposals for the JISC-funded Repositories and Preservation Programme  Mimas and the British Library proposed a two- year project to:  Investigate requirements for a UK name authority service  Build a pilot system to demonstrate potential
  • 14. The Names Project The Chang Project „From the Annals of the Onomastic Society‟ Ian Watson (1990)
  • 15. Names (not an acronym…)  Name Authorities Make Everything Simpler  Names: Ambiguous, Meaningful (or Meaningless?), Essential, Symbolic  …nearly everyone has a name-related story
  • 16. Rhyming couples JISC Conference, 2010
  • 17. Original plan  Use data from British Library‟s Zetoc service to create author IDs  Journal article information from 1993->  Last names, initials, paper titles, subject classifications  But…  International in scope  Lack of information on affiliations and first names to help with making matches  Huge dataset -> processing issues
  • 18. Revised plan  Used 2008 Research Assessment Exercise data (as cleaned up by JISC Merit project) to pre-populate the Names system  Identify unique individuals and assign identifiers  Data quality good, included institutional information: high accuracy, despite only having initials, not full first names  Except for… JISC Conference, 2010
  • 21. Building on Merit…  Merit data covers around 20% of active UK researchers  Working to enhance records and create new ones with information from other sources  Institutional repositories  British Library data sets (Zetoc)  Direct input from researchers
  • 22. Submission form JISC Conference, 2010
  • 24. Quality matters  Automatic matching can only achieve so much  Dependent on data source  British Library team perform manual check of results of matching new data sources  Allows for separation/merging of records  Plan to allow people to update their own information
  • 25. Ultimate aim  High-quality set of unique identifiers for UK researchers and research institutions  Available to other systems (national and international)  e.g. Names records exported to ISNI in 2011  Possible additional services  Disambiguation of existing data sets  Identification of external researchers
  • 26. Access to Names  API allows for flexible searching of Names data  EPrints plugin released in 2011: allows repository users to choose from a list of Names identities  …and to create a Names record if none exists JISC Conference, 2010
  • 29. Next steps…  JISC-convened Researcher ID group – final meeting in September > recommendations  Options Appraisal Report for UK national researcher identifier service > December  Improving data and adding new records JISC Conference, 2010
  • 30. Summing up  Names is a hybrid of library/publisher approaches  Automated matching/disambiguation  Human quality checks  Data immediately available for re-use in other systems  Researchers can supply information
  • 31. An evolving area  Main challenges are cultural and political rather than technical  National author/researcher ID services can be important parts of research infrastructure  Getting agreement and co-ordination at national level is vital
  • 32. Project updates  Names:  Blog:  Twitter: @NamesProject JISC Conference, 2010

Editor's Notes

  1. Deletable?
  2. …and, I would say, are all very jealous of those countries with ready-made data sources like this…
  3. Namey anecdote here? Dicky Moore & Robin Armstrong Viner?
  4. Known in name authority circles as ‘the Siveter problem’
  5. Every time we add a new data set, the quality of the data within the Names pilot improves – recently added information from the University of the West of England – QA process highlighted a previously unnoticed problem with the original Merit data.