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Data Science in the Cloud
November 2nd, 2017
Data Science Transition to
the Cloud
Various Cloud Offerings
Team Data Science
Data Science Transition to the Cloud
Data Scientists must have many tools at their
– R
– Python
– Data Analysis
– Big Data
Now they must begin to consider another tool
to help them build and test out their models
– Cloud
Data Scientists and their Toolsets

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Nanda Vijaydev, BlueData - Deploying H2O in Large Scale Distributed Environme...
Nanda Vijaydev, BlueData - Deploying H2O in Large Scale Distributed Environme...Nanda Vijaydev, BlueData - Deploying H2O in Large Scale Distributed Environme...
Nanda Vijaydev, BlueData - Deploying H2O in Large Scale Distributed Environme...

This session was recorded in San Francisco on February 5th, 2019 and can be viewed here: This session will discuss how to get up and running quickly with containerized H2O environments (H2O Flow, Sparkling Water, and Driverless AI) at scale, in a multi-tenant architecture with a shared pool of resources using CPUs and/or GPUs. See how how you can spin up (and tear down) your H2O environments on-demand, with just a few mouse clicks. Find out how to enable quota management of GPU resources for greater efficiency, and easily connect your compute to your datasets for large-scale distributed machine learning. Learn how to operationalize your machine learning pipelines and deliver faster time-to-value for your AI initiative — while ensuring enterprise-grade security and high performance. Bio: Nanda Vijaydev is senior director of solutions at BlueData (now HPE) - where she leverages technologies like Hadoop, Spark, and TensorFlow to build solutions for enterprise analytics and machine learning use cases. Nanda has 10 years of experience in data management and data science. Previously, she worked on data science and big data projects in multiple industries, including healthcare and media; was a principal solutions architect at Silicon Valley Data Science; and served as director of solutions engineering at Karmasphere. Nanda has an in-depth understanding of the data analytics and data management space, particularly in the areas of data integration, ETL, warehousing, reporting, and machine learning.

Practical Machine Learning
Practical Machine LearningPractical Machine Learning
Practical Machine Learning

The document discusses machine learning concepts and approaches for practical implementation in enterprises. It defines key terms like business analytics, predictive analytics, and machine learning. Business analytics answer questions about past data through queries, while predictive analytics uses algorithms to predict future probabilities and outcomes. The document also outlines challenges to enterprise adoption of machine learning and how vendors are helping to address skills gaps through cloud-based tools and services.

awsmachine learningazure machine learning
Kelly O'Briant - DataOps in the Cloud: How To Supercharge Data Science with a...
Kelly O'Briant - DataOps in the Cloud: How To Supercharge Data Science with a...Kelly O'Briant - DataOps in the Cloud: How To Supercharge Data Science with a...
Kelly O'Briant - DataOps in the Cloud: How To Supercharge Data Science with a...

2018 Women in Analytics Conference Over the last year I’ve become obsessed with learning how to be a better "cloud computing evangelist to data scientists" - specifically to the R community. I’ve learned that this isn’t often an easy undertaking. Most people (data scientists or not) are skeptical of changing up the tools and workflows they’ve come to rely on when those systems seem to be working. Resistance to change increases even further with barriers to quick adoption, such as having to teach yourself a completely new technology or framework. I’d like to give a talk about how working in the cloud changes data science and how exploring these tools can lead to a world of new possibilities within the intersection of DevOps and Data Analytics. Topics to discuss: - Working through functionality/engineering challenges with R in a cloud environment - Opportunities to customize and craft your ideal version of R/RStudio - Making and embracing a decision on what is “real" about your analysis or daily work (Chapter 6 in R for Data Science) - Running multiple R instances in the cloud (why would you want to do this?) - Becoming an R/Data Science Collaboration wizard: Building APIs with Plumber in the Cloud

Modeling and Validation take time and resources
Back in the day, data scientists would wait hours to run models and validate ideal performance
All this was done on a personal local machine with limited memory
Data Science Models are resource intensive
Something had to give
Minimize the volume of data in the model
– Limits model performance
Minimize the complexity of the model
– Limits variety and innovation
Have personal machines increased performance over the last couple of years to handle both
volume and complexity?
Data Science Models are resource intensive
Laptops can now be purchased with 2 TB of Hard Drive using SSD and 32 GB of Memory
You’re looking at least $4K
What if you could run the same model on your top of the line laptop on the cloud for a few $$
each month?
Data Science Models are resource intensive
Many models benefit from larger datasets, especially deep learning models
How many GPU’s does your local machine have?
CPU has a few cores, GPU has hundreds of cores
GPU’s can huge batches of data and perform the same operation over and over again
CPU’s can handle a few threads at a time

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Building Data Analytics pipelines in the cloud using serverless technology
Building Data Analytics pipelines in the cloud using serverless technologyBuilding Data Analytics pipelines in the cloud using serverless technology
Building Data Analytics pipelines in the cloud using serverless technology

Big Data analytics is well known to uncover hidden insights that gives an organization an edge over the competition. But data does not need to be big in order to be useful. Smaller companies and startups may lack the volume of data that qualifies as big data, yet the variety of data can still yield a trove of insights that helps in driving the business strategies of a company. Startups may also lack the resources to fund an additional, seemingly expensive development project. The key is in simplicity, start small, simple and architect for scalability and performance. But how do you start? In this presentation, we share our experience in building a cost effective, AWS serverless data analytics platform that became an invaluable tool for sales, marketing and operational efficiencies.Serverless architectures simplify development work where servers and software are managed by a third party cloud provider. Developers can focus on just building the data wrangling and data analysis logic where critical aspects like scalability and high availability are guaranteed by the cloud provider. Besides, serverless services offer the pay as you go model, where you pay only based on the amount of resources you use. This turns out to be another attractive aspect where costs can be managed based on the usage. In this presentation we will focus on techniques and best practices to build a big data analytics platform using AWS serverless services like Lambda, DynamoDB, S3, Kinesis, Athena, QuickSight and Amazon ML. We will highlight the strengths of each of these services and what role each plays in the data analytics pipeline. We compare and contrast these services with some of the other popularly used big data technologies like Hadoop, Spark and Kafka. We also demonstrate the usage of these services to build intelligent components that detect anomalies, yield recommendations, simulate chat bots and generate predictive analytics.

datapopupdata analyticsdata science
Resume_Ayush Gaur_v17
Resume_Ayush Gaur_v17Resume_Ayush Gaur_v17
Resume_Ayush Gaur_v17

Ayush Gaur has extensive experience and skills in big data analytics, cloud computing, and data science. He holds an M.S. in Computer Science with a concentration in data science from UT Dallas and a B.E. in Computer Science from Chitkara University in India. He has professional experience as an instructor for big data and analytics and as a senior associate focusing on big data, analytics, and cloud computing at Infosys. He has strong technical skills in Apache Spark, Hadoop, Python, and cloud platforms like AWS.

Spark Summit Europe 2016 Keynote - Databricks CEO
Spark Summit Europe 2016 Keynote  - Databricks CEO Spark Summit Europe 2016 Keynote  - Databricks CEO
Spark Summit Europe 2016 Keynote - Databricks CEO

This document discusses democratizing AI using Apache Spark on Databricks. It first discusses how AI is changing the world through advances like AlphaGo but that AI hasn't been fully democratized. It then discusses how Databricks uses Apache Spark to close gaps in managing big data infrastructure, establishing production-ready applications, and empowering teams. Specifically, Databricks provides an integrated workspace, just-in-time data platform, and automated Spark management to accelerate developing and deploying AI applications. The document concludes by discussing how Databricks enables faster and easier deep learning through features like TensorFlow, TensorFrames, GPU support, and a full stack for data ingestion, model training, and productionization.

apache sparkspark summitdatabricks
Free users from hardware and local constraints
– Models can be accessed by anyone with an account
– Models can be shared across developers
Advantages to Machine Learning in the Cloud
Compliance and Security
Offline access
Disadvantages to Machine Learning in the Cloud
Various Cloud Offerings
Microsoft Azure
Amazon Web Services
Google Cloud Platform
Azure vs AWS vs Google Cloud

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Introducción al Machine Learning Automático
Introducción al Machine Learning AutomáticoIntroducción al Machine Learning Automático
Introducción al Machine Learning Automático

¿Cómo puede llevar el aprendizaje automático a las masas? Los proyectos de Machine Learning con la búsqueda de talento, el tiempo para construir e implementar modelos y confiar en los modelos que se construyen. ¿Cómo puede tener varios equipos en su organización para crear modelos de ML precisos sin ser expertos en ciencia de datos o aprendizaje automático? ¿Se pregunta sobre los diferentes sabores de AutoML? H2O Driverless AI emplea las técnicas de científicos expertos en datos en una aplicación fácil de usar que ayuda a escalar sus esfuerzos de ciencia de datos. La inteligencia artificial Driverless permite a los científicos de datos trabajar en proyectos más rápido utilizando la automatización y la potencia de computación de vanguardia de las GPU para realizar tareas en minutos que solían tomar meses. Con H2O Driverless AI, todos, incluyendo expertos y científicos de datos junior, científicos de dominio e ingenieros de datos pueden desarrollar modelos confiables de aprendizaje automático. Esta plataforma de aprendizaje automático de última generación ofrece una funcionalidad única y avanzada para la visualización de datos, la ingeniería de características, la interpretabilidad del modelo y la implementación de baja latencia. H2O Driverless AI hace: * Visualización automática de datos * Ingeniería automática de funciones a nivel de Grandmaster * Selección automática del modelo * Ajuste y capacitación automáticos del modelo * Paralelización automática utilizando múltiples CPU o GPU * Ensamblaje automático del modelo *automática del Interpretaciónaprendizaje automático (MLI) * Generación automática de código de puntuación ¿Quieres probarlo tú mismo? Puede obtener una prueba gratuita aquí: H2O Driverless AI trial. Venga a esta sesión y descubra cómo comenzar con el Aprendizaje automático automático con AI sin conductor H2O, y cree modelos potentes con solo unos pocos clics. ¡Te veo pronto! Acerca de es una empresa visionaria de software de código abierto de Silicon Valley que creó y reimaginó lo que es posible. Somos una empresa de fabricantes que trajeron al mercado nuevas plataformas y tecnologías para impulsar el movimiento de inteligencia artificial. Somos los creadores de, H2O, la principal plataforma de aprendizaje de ciencia de datos de fuente abierta y de aprendizaje automático utilizada por casi la mitad de Fortune 500 y en la que confían más de 14,000 organizaciones y cientos de miles de científicos de datos de todo el mundo.

artificial intelligencemachine learningdata science
Building Real Time Targeting Capabilities - Ryan Zotti, Subbu Thiruppathy - C...
Building Real Time Targeting Capabilities - Ryan Zotti, Subbu Thiruppathy - C...Building Real Time Targeting Capabilities - Ryan Zotti, Subbu Thiruppathy - C...
Building Real Time Targeting Capabilities - Ryan Zotti, Subbu Thiruppathy - C...

The document discusses building real-time targeting capabilities at Capital One. It introduces two speakers, Ryan Zotti and Subbu Thiruppathy, and describes challenges around striving for speed in everything. It then covers how to achieve fast model data, training, deployment, and scoring through techniques like using the most up-to-date data, distributed computing in the cloud, automatic model refitting, and response times under 100 milliseconds.

aidata sciencepredictive analytics
Towards Personalization in Global Digital Health
Towards Personalization in Global Digital HealthTowards Personalization in Global Digital Health
Towards Personalization in Global Digital Health

The rapid expansion of mobile phone usage in low-income and middle-income countries has created unprecedented opportunities for applying AI to improve individual and population health. In, a non-profit funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the goal is to transform health outcomes in resource-poor countries through advanced AI applications. We aim to do so by providing personalized predictions and recommendations to support diagnosis to medical care teams and frontline workers, as well as to nudge patients through personalized incentives towards an improvement in disease treatment management and general wellness. To this end, we have built an operational machine learning platform that provides personalized content and interventions real-time. Multiple engineering and machine learning decisions have been made to overcome different challenges and to build an experimentation engine and a centralized data and model management system for global health. Databricks served as a cornerstone upon which all our data/ML services were built. In particular, MLflow and dbx (an opensource tool from Databricks) have been crucial for the training, tracking and management of our end-to-end model pipelines. From the data science perspective, our challenges involved causal inference analysis, behavioral time series forecasting, micro-randomized trials, and contextual bandits-based experimentation at the individual level. This talk will focus on how we overcome the technical challenges to build a state-of-the-art machine learning platform that serves to improve global health outcomes.

Magic Quadrant for Cloud According to
Garner in 2014
AWS was on an island by itself
Cloud according to Gartner in 2014
For our purposes we want to do a comparison based on Machine Learning offerings for Azure,
Amazon Web Services, and Google Cloud?
But what about Machine Learning?
One of the most automated solutions on the market
Can load data from Amazon RDS, Redshift, and CSV files
Data can automatically be identified as categorical or numeric during preparation
Modeling does not support Unsupervised Learning, only Supervised out of the box
Predictions fall under only 2 main areas:
1. Binary and Multiclass classification
2. Regression
AWS Machine Learning
Similar to the Amazon Machine Learning offering
Predictions fall under similar categories out of the box:
1. Binary and Multiclass Classification
2. Regression
Google offers pre-trained models as templates that can be used as starting points for model
Google Prediction API

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DataOps or how I learned to love production - Michael Hausenblas
DataOps or how I learned to love production  - Michael HausenblasDataOps or how I learned to love production  - Michael Hausenblas
DataOps or how I learned to love production - Michael Hausenblas

A plethora of data processing tools, most of them open source, is available to us. But who actually runs data pipelines? What about dynamically allocating resources to data pipeline components? In this talk we will discuss options to operate elastic data pipelines with modern, cloud native platforms such as DC/OS with Apache Mesos, Kubernetes and Docker Swarm. We will review good practices, from containerizing workloads to making things resilient and show elastic data pipelines in action.

big databig data technology warsaw summitdc/os
Jan van der Vegt. Challenges faced with machine learning in practice
Jan van der Vegt. Challenges faced with machine learning in practiceJan van der Vegt. Challenges faced with machine learning in practice
Jan van der Vegt. Challenges faced with machine learning in practice

Machine learning projects often fail to make it from development to production. Looking at the full machine learning lifecycle is essential for success. The lifecycle includes development, deployment, infrastructure, monitoring, automation, standardization, lineage and reproducibility. A machine learning operations (MLOps) platform can provide an end-to-end system view for increased efficiency, collaboration, and trust across the lifecycle. Key takeaways are to focus on what is important, avoid doing nothing which fails to scale, and doing everything which stifles progress.

ML-Ops: From Proof-of-Concept to Production Application
ML-Ops: From Proof-of-Concept to Production ApplicationML-Ops: From Proof-of-Concept to Production Application
ML-Ops: From Proof-of-Concept to Production Application

Successfully deploying a working machine learning prototype to a production application is a challenging task, frought with difficulties not experienced in traditional software deployments. In this talk, you will learn techniques to successfully deploy ML applications in a scalable, maintainable, and automated way.

machine learningdevopsmlops
Almost all operations are manual as opposed to Google and Amazon
Supports a user-friendly graphical interface to visualize each step within a workflow for building
a model
– Looks very much like Visio or PowerPoint
Supports both Supervised and Unsupervised models
Azure ML
Variety of Algorithms available, not just limited to Classification and Regression:
– Classification: Binary and Multiclass
– Regression
– Anomaly Detection
– Recommendation
– Text Analysis
Azure also has a set of templates available in the Cortana Intelligence Gallery that are prebuilt
as templates for reuse
Azure ML
Team Data Science
From a 2014 Capgemini Report
Only 27% of the big data projects are regarded as successful
Only 13% of organizations have achieved full-scale production for their big data
Only 8% of the big data projects are regarded as VERY successful
Only 17% of survey respondents said they had a well-developed Predictive/Prescriptive
Analytics Program in while
Some Sobering Statistics

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Data Lakes on Public Cloud: Breaking Data Management Monoliths
Data Lakes on Public Cloud: Breaking Data Management MonolithsData Lakes on Public Cloud: Breaking Data Management Monoliths
Data Lakes on Public Cloud: Breaking Data Management Monoliths

Sharon Dashet (Sr. Data Analytics Solution Lead) @ Google Cloud: The worlds of traditional RDBMS and Data Lake Hadoop systems are converging and moving to public cloud and SaaS offerings. In this session, Sharon will share her personal journey as a data professional since the 90s weaved into the history of data management systems. The session will also cover the differences between on-premise and cloud Data Lakes.

big datawomen in big datadata lake
Real Time Business Platform by Ivan Novick from Pivotal
Real Time Business Platform by Ivan Novick from PivotalReal Time Business Platform by Ivan Novick from Pivotal
Real Time Business Platform by Ivan Novick from Pivotal

This document discusses Pivotal's real time business platform for maximizing the value of data investments. It recommends identifying business problems with high ROI potential, then focusing data solutions on high-speed ingestion, consolidation, real-time queries, and analytics to drive real-time insights. The platform combines Gemfire for fast transactions with Greenplum for analytics. Use cases discussed include predictive maintenance, fraud detection, and recommendation engines. The platform provides a complete solution from data capture and analytics to application integration.

Machine Learning at Scale with MLflow and Apache Spark
Machine Learning at Scale with MLflow and Apache SparkMachine Learning at Scale with MLflow and Apache Spark
Machine Learning at Scale with MLflow and Apache Spark

This document summarizes the challenges faced by SocGen, a large French bank, in implementing machine learning at scale using Spark and MLflow. Some key challenges included: 1) Keeping data and models local for regulatory reasons while performing training and prediction, 2) Ensuring reliability when moving models between prototyping and production phases, 3) Managing different Python package dependencies, 4) Tracking and managing many models, and 5) Ensuring high availability of the tracking server. The presentation provided a concrete example of using Spark, MLflow, and Kafka to periodically retrain a model for scoring news articles and handling user feedback in a scalable and reliable way.

apache spark

 *big data


Why is this happening?
Most data scientists unfortunately are working in silos
Silos within an organization
Silos within their tools
Some Sobering Statistics
Team Data Science Process in AML is an agile and iterative process for delivering Machine
Learning solutions effectively across enterprise Data Science Teams
Released in April 2017
One developer picks up where the other one dropped off
Team Data Science Process in Azure ML
Team Data Science Process is comprised of the following four parts:
1. A standard data science life cycle definition
2. A standard template for documentation, structure, and reporting
3. Infrastructure for project execution and code repositories
4. Tools for implementing task lists, version control, code review, data exploration and
Team Data Science Process in Azure ML
Team Data Science Process is comprised of the following four parts:
1. A standard data science life cycle definition
2. A standard template for documentation, structure, and reporting
3. Infrastructure for project execution and code repositories
4. Tools for implementing task lists, version control, code review, data exploration and
Team Data Science Process in Azure ML

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Robert Luong: Analyse prédictive dans Excel
Robert Luong: Analyse prédictive dans ExcelRobert Luong: Analyse prédictive dans Excel
Robert Luong: Analyse prédictive dans Excel

15 mars 2017 Groupe Excel et Power BI Sujet: Analyse prédictive dans Excel Conférencier: Robert Luong Ensuite, nous recevrons Robert Luong, qui viendra nous parler de l’analyse prédictive avec Azure ML et l’intégration avec Excel. Azure ML est un service d’analyse prédictive sur l’infonuagique qui permet de créer et de déployer rapidement des modèles prédictifs sous forme de solutions d’analyse. Azure ML fournit non seulement des outils pour modéliser des analyses prédictives, mais également un service entièrement pris en charge, que vous pouvez utiliser pour déployer vos modèles prédictifs sous la forme de services web.

analyse prédictiveexcelazure machine learning
.Net development with Azure Machine Learning (AzureML) Nov 2014
.Net development with Azure Machine Learning (AzureML) Nov 2014.Net development with Azure Machine Learning (AzureML) Nov 2014
.Net development with Azure Machine Learning (AzureML) Nov 2014

Azure Machine Learning provides enterprise-class machine learning and data mining to the cloud. This presenter will cover 1) what AzureML is, 2) technical overview of AzureML for application development, 3) a reminder to consider SQL Server Data Mining, and 4) a recommend path for resources and next steps.

data framework
Driving Customer Loyalty with Azure Machine Learning
Driving Customer Loyalty with Azure Machine LearningDriving Customer Loyalty with Azure Machine Learning
Driving Customer Loyalty with Azure Machine Learning

Learn how you can leverage the elastic, on-demand processing power of Microsoft Azure to create faster, more applicable analytics by viewing this informative webinar. Data Scientist and Author, Ahmed Sherif, demonstrates key analytic use cases that can be spun up quickly with minimal effort and maximum return on investment. To watch the full recording of this webinar, visit

by CCG
amlcustomer analyticsazure
The next time your boss asks you if you want to upgrade your laptop
Instead you may want to ask them to get you an iPad Pro or a Surface Notebook with a cloud
Key Takeaway
What questions do you have?

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How Cloud is Affecting Data Scientists

  • 1. Data Science in the Cloud November 2nd, 2017
  • 2. Data Science Transition to the Cloud Various Cloud Offerings Team Data Science
  • 3. Data Science Transition to the Cloud
  • 4. Data Scientists must have many tools at their disposal – R – Python – SQL – Data Analysis – Big Data Now they must begin to consider another tool to help them build and test out their models – Cloud Data Scientists and their Toolsets
  • 5. Modeling and Validation take time and resources Back in the day, data scientists would wait hours to run models and validate ideal performance All this was done on a personal local machine with limited memory Data Science Models are resource intensive
  • 6. Something had to give Minimize the volume of data in the model – Limits model performance Minimize the complexity of the model – Limits variety and innovation Have personal machines increased performance over the last couple of years to handle both volume and complexity? Data Science Models are resource intensive
  • 7. Laptops can now be purchased with 2 TB of Hard Drive using SSD and 32 GB of Memory You’re looking at least $4K What if you could run the same model on your top of the line laptop on the cloud for a few $$ each month? Data Science Models are resource intensive
  • 8. Many models benefit from larger datasets, especially deep learning models How many GPU’s does your local machine have? CPU has a few cores, GPU has hundreds of cores GPU’s can huge batches of data and perform the same operation over and over again CPU’s can handle a few threads at a time GPU vs CPU
  • 9. Free users from hardware and local constraints Collaborative – Models can be accessed by anyone with an account – Models can be shared across developers Advantages to Machine Learning in the Cloud
  • 10. Compliance and Security Offline access Disadvantages to Machine Learning in the Cloud
  • 12. Microsoft Azure Amazon Web Services Google Cloud Platform Azure vs AWS vs Google Cloud
  • 13. Magic Quadrant for Cloud According to Garner in 2014 AWS was on an island by itself Cloud according to Gartner in 2014
  • 14. For our purposes we want to do a comparison based on Machine Learning offerings for Azure, Amazon Web Services, and Google Cloud? But what about Machine Learning?
  • 15. One of the most automated solutions on the market Can load data from Amazon RDS, Redshift, and CSV files Data can automatically be identified as categorical or numeric during preparation Modeling does not support Unsupervised Learning, only Supervised out of the box Predictions fall under only 2 main areas: 1. Binary and Multiclass classification 2. Regression AWS Machine Learning
  • 16. Similar to the Amazon Machine Learning offering Predictions fall under similar categories out of the box: 1. Binary and Multiclass Classification 2. Regression Google offers pre-trained models as templates that can be used as starting points for model development Google Prediction API
  • 17. Almost all operations are manual as opposed to Google and Amazon Supports a user-friendly graphical interface to visualize each step within a workflow for building a model – Looks very much like Visio or PowerPoint Supports both Supervised and Unsupervised models Azure ML
  • 18. Variety of Algorithms available, not just limited to Classification and Regression: – Classification: Binary and Multiclass – Regression – Anomaly Detection – Recommendation – Text Analysis Azure also has a set of templates available in the Cortana Intelligence Gallery that are prebuilt as templates for reuse Azure ML
  • 20. From a 2014 Capgemini Report Only 27% of the big data projects are regarded as successful Only 13% of organizations have achieved full-scale production for their big data implementations Only 8% of the big data projects are regarded as VERY successful Only 17% of survey respondents said they had a well-developed Predictive/Prescriptive Analytics Program in while Some Sobering Statistics
  • 21. Why is this happening? Most data scientists unfortunately are working in silos Silos within an organization Silos within their tools Some Sobering Statistics
  • 22. Team Data Science Process in AML is an agile and iterative process for delivering Machine Learning solutions effectively across enterprise Data Science Teams Released in April 2017 One developer picks up where the other one dropped off Team Data Science Process in Azure ML
  • 23. Team Data Science Process is comprised of the following four parts: 1. A standard data science life cycle definition 2. A standard template for documentation, structure, and reporting 3. Infrastructure for project execution and code repositories 4. Tools for implementing task lists, version control, code review, data exploration and modeling Team Data Science Process in Azure ML
  • 24. Team Data Science Process is comprised of the following four parts: 1. A standard data science life cycle definition 2. A standard template for documentation, structure, and reporting 3. Infrastructure for project execution and code repositories 4. Tools for implementing task lists, version control, code review, data exploration and modeling Team Data Science Process in Azure ML
  • 25. The next time your boss asks you if you want to upgrade your laptop Instead you may want to ask them to get you an iPad Pro or a Surface Notebook with a cloud subscription Key Takeaway