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Data Science Empowerment through
DevOps, Cloud Computing and Building
your own Applications
Kelly O’Briant
Data Science Product Engineer
@kellrstats | @RLadiesDC
• R-Ladies Washington DC Chapter Founder
and Organizer
• R-Ladies Global unofficial “cloud expert”
• Publish a monthly series called .rprofile
on the rOpenSci blog
• Business Science University
course developer
My Talk Goal:
I want you to leave this conference so
excited, you go back to work and completely
ignore whatever project you’re supposed to
be working on because you’re so pumped up
about building a data product and you can’t
stop yourself from doing it.
Why I talk about Data Science Empowerment
R-Ladies events
• How do I get a job as a data scientist/analyst/anything?
• What should I study/learn/do/produce to be a data scientist?
• Am I even a data scientist? Is what I do data science?
Why are data products empowering?
• I use data products to justify/prove to myself that I belong, that my
ideas are valid and to help me communicate with people who are bad
at listening (or when I’m bad at speaking)

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The Proliferation of New Database Technologies and Implications for Data Scie...
The Proliferation of New Database Technologies and Implications for Data Scie...The Proliferation of New Database Technologies and Implications for Data Scie...
The Proliferation of New Database Technologies and Implications for Data Scie...

In this talk, we’ll describe NoSQL (“not-only SQL”) and document-oriented databases and the value they provide for data science companies like Uptake. We will walk through the unique challenges such datastores pose for data science workflows. To make these challenges and lessons learned concrete, we’ll explore data science workflows through a discussion of the development efforts that led to “uptasticsearch”, an R package released by the Uptake Data Science team to reduce friction in interacting with a document store called Elasticsearch. The talk will conclude with a discussion of recent developments in NoSQL technologies and implications for data scientists.

data sciencedata science popupdata scientist
Modernizing to a Cloud Data Architecture
Modernizing to a Cloud Data ArchitectureModernizing to a Cloud Data Architecture
Modernizing to a Cloud Data Architecture

Organizations with on-premises Hadoop infrastructure are bogged down by system complexity, unscalable infrastructure, and the increasing burden on DevOps to manage legacy architectures. Costs and resource utilization continue to go up while innovation has flatlined. In this session, you will learn why, now more than ever, enterprises are looking for cloud alternatives to Hadoop and are migrating off of the architecture in large numbers. You will also learn how elastic compute models’ benefits help one customer scale their analytics and AI workloads and best practices from their experience on a successful migration of their data and workloads to the cloud.

The Model Enterprise: A Blueprint for Enterprise Data Governance
The Model Enterprise: A Blueprint for Enterprise Data GovernanceThe Model Enterprise: A Blueprint for Enterprise Data Governance
The Model Enterprise: A Blueprint for Enterprise Data Governance

What gets measured, gets managed; but what gets governed, generates real value. That's one major reason why data governance has risen to a top priority for most organizations. Another reason is the rapid onboarding of big data, which often comes from beyond the traditional firewall. And then there are the authorities: issues like privacy, security and fiduciary responsibility are combining to make data governance a must-have. Register for this episode of The Briefing Room to hear veteran Analyst Dr. Robin Bloor explain why governance should be viewed as a positive change agent for the modern enterprise. He'll be briefed by Ron Huizenga of IDERA, who will discuss a practical, model-based approach to enterprise data governance, with a focus on Master Data Management.

big datadata governancedata quality
Traumatic Experiences!
Windows Lab Linux Lab Mac Lab
R-Ladies + International Women’s Day
Twitter Campaign
• Create a twitter bot using R code
to tweet out a profile for every
woman in our Global speaker
• Project collaboration through GitHub
• Docker linked to a local volume
• Twitter Application(s)
Deploy and Use H2O Machine Learning
Models in Production
• Build and validate a model in python
working in a Jupyter Notebook with the
H2O machine learning API
• Package the model code as a POJO or
MOJO file
• Deploy the model to STEAM to
create an ML prediction service complete
with a REST API query URL
Create and Maintain a Personal Website
• Use the blogdown package in an
RStudio project to create the
framework for a Hugo static
• Create content for the site by
writing Rmarkdown files
• Compile and deploy the static site –
choose a hosting mechanism:
GitHub? Continuous Integration
with Netlify?

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Bridged Overview by CodeData
Bridged Overview by CodeDataBridged Overview by CodeData
Bridged Overview by CodeData

Here is an overview of the Bridged framework that CodeData uses to deliver data driven solutions to our customers. The Bridged framework covers all aspects of such solutions - strategy. leadership, process, technology, education and operations.

big datadevopsframework
What’s New with Databricks Machine Learning
What’s New with Databricks Machine LearningWhat’s New with Databricks Machine Learning
What’s New with Databricks Machine Learning

In this session, the Databricks product team provides a deeper dive into the machine learning announcements. Join us for a detailed demo that gives you insights into the latest innovations that simplify the ML lifecycle — from preparing data, discovering features, and training and managing models in production.

Understanding DataOps and Its Impact on Application Quality
Understanding DataOps and Its Impact on Application QualityUnderstanding DataOps and Its Impact on Application Quality
Understanding DataOps and Its Impact on Application Quality

Modern day applications are data driven and data rich. The infrastructure your backends run on are a critical aspect of your environment, and require unique monitoring tools and techniques. In this webinar learn about what DataOps is, and how critical good data ops is to the integrity of your application. Intelligent APM for your data is critical to the success of modern applications. In this webinar you will learn: The power of APM tailored for Data Operations The importance of visibility into your data infrastructure How AIOps makes data ops actionable

big datadataopsaiops
Why are you so into R?
• It’s great for Data Science
• The community at large is awesome
• The female community is awesome
• R integrates with other tech
• It’s growing really fast in cool ways
• I can use it to build cool stuff
Why are you so into R?
• It’s great for Data Science
• The community at large is awesome
• The female community is awesome
• R integrates with other tech
• It’s growing really fast in cool ways
• I can use it to build cool stuff
Why are you so into R?
• It’s great for Data Science
• The community at large is awesome
• The female community is awesome
• R integrates with other tech
• It’s growing really fast in cool ways
• I can use it to build cool stuff
Worldwide organization
that promotes gender diversity
in the R community via meetups
and mentorship in a friendly and
safe environment
Why are you so into R?
• It’s great for Data Science
• The community at large is awesome
• The female community is awesome
• R integrates with other tech
• It’s growing really fast in cool ways
• I can use it to build cool stuff

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Moving to the Cloud: Modernizing Data Architecture in Healthcare
Moving to the Cloud: Modernizing Data Architecture in HealthcareMoving to the Cloud: Modernizing Data Architecture in Healthcare
Moving to the Cloud: Modernizing Data Architecture in Healthcare

The document discusses moving healthcare data architecture to the cloud. It describes a large health system that implemented an enterprise data warehouse (EDW) on the cloud to provide cost savings and flexibility. This consolidated multiple clinical repositories and reduced infrastructure costs. It also describes an academic health center that integrated patient records across its organizations using a cloud-based EDW. This improved analytics and reduced operating costs by 50% while improving patient care. Both organizations benefited from the scalability, cost savings and innovation the cloud enabled for their clinical analytics and research.

Beyond Batch: Is ETL still relevant in the API economy?
Beyond Batch: Is ETL still relevant in the API economy?Beyond Batch: Is ETL still relevant in the API economy?
Beyond Batch: Is ETL still relevant in the API economy?

Industry thought leaders Gaurav Dhillon and David Linthicum discuss the future of cloud integration and data management in the API economy. Topics from this webinar and the accompanying slides include: key considerations of today's CIOs, approaching the reality of the multi-cloud world and new solutions for managing cloud and on-premise data. To learn more, visit:

data integrationenterprise cloud integrationcloud computing
Introduction to Data Engineering
Introduction to Data EngineeringIntroduction to Data Engineering
Introduction to Data Engineering

The document introduces data engineering and provides an overview of the topic. It discusses (1) what data engineering is, how it has evolved with big data, and the required skills, (2) the roles of data engineers, data scientists, and data analysts in working with big data, and (3) the structure and schedule of an upcoming meetup on data engineering that will use an agile approach over monthly sprints.

data engineeringbig data
Why are you so into R?
• It’s great for Data Science
• The community at large is awesome
• The female community is awesome
• R integrates with other tech
• It’s growing really fast in cool ways
• I can use it to build cool stuff
Why are you so into R?
• It’s great for Data Science
• The community at large is awesome
• The female community is awesome
• R integrates with other tech
• It’s growing really fast in cool ways
• I can use it to build cool stuff
Back to the topic: DataOps
1. It usually takes a little DevOps to build a Data Product
2. Building more Data Products is empowering – good for your portfolio and soul
What is DevOps
And why should Data-oriented people care about it?
DevOps is…
“A combination of cultural philosophies, practices
and tools that increases an organizations ability to
deliver applications and services at high velocity.
- AWS DevOps Blog

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Big Data for Managers: From hadoop to streaming and beyond
Big Data for Managers: From hadoop to streaming and beyondBig Data for Managers: From hadoop to streaming and beyond
Big Data for Managers: From hadoop to streaming and beyond

This document provides an overview of big data concepts and technologies for managers. It discusses problems with relational databases for large, unstructured data and introduces NoSQL databases and Hadoop as solutions. It also summarizes common big data applications, frameworks like MapReduce, Spark, and Flink, and different NoSQL database categories including key-value, column-family, document, and graph stores.

Data engineering design patterns
Data engineering design patternsData engineering design patterns
Data engineering design patterns

There are patterns for things such as domain-driven design, enterprise architectures, continuous delivery, microservices, and many others. But where are the data science and data engineering patterns? Sometimes, data engineering reminds me of cowboy coding - many workarounds, immature technologies and lack of market best practices.

big datasoftware development
Hadoop dev 01
Hadoop dev 01Hadoop dev 01
Hadoop dev 01

This document discusses big data analysis and Hadoop. It begins by describing different stages of data analysis and roles of various personnel. It then discusses challenges of analyzing big data using traditional tools and how Hadoop addresses these challenges through its distributed architecture and MapReduce programming model. Several case studies are presented where companies have used Hadoop to perform large-scale data analysis. Key components of Hadoop like MapReduce, Pig, Hive and Mahout are also introduced.

Deliver applications and services at high velocity
Do This – without pulling all
your hair out?
Deliver applications and services at high velocity
Do This – Super Effectively
Host your analysis
• Share
• Publish
• Collaborate
• Prove a point
• Serve a purpose
• Be reproducible
• Save the day
What is DataOps?
Anywhere you can put a little DevOps magic into your data science workflow
Kelly O'Briant - DataOps in the Cloud: How To Supercharge Data Science with a Hint of DevOps

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The lean principles of data ops
The lean principles of data opsThe lean principles of data ops
The lean principles of data ops

Modern data processing environments resemble factory lines, transforming raw data to valuable data products. The lean principles that have successfully transformed manufacturing are equally applicable to data processing, and are well aligned with the new trend known as DataOps. In this presentation, we will explain how applying lean and DataOps principles can be implemented as technical data processing solutions and processes in order to eliminate waste and improve data innovation speed. We will go through how to eliminate the following types of waste in data processing systems: * Cognitive waste - unclear source of truth, dependency sprawl, duplication, ambiguity. * Operational waste - overhead for deployment, upgrades, and incident recovery. * Delivery waste - friction and delay in development, testing, and deployment. * Product waste - misalignment to business value, detach from use cases, push driven development, vanity quality assurance. We will primarily focus on technical solutions, but some of the waste mentioned requires organisational refactoring to eliminate.

The DBA Is Dead (Again). Long Live the DBA !
The DBA Is Dead (Again). Long Live the DBA !The DBA Is Dead (Again). Long Live the DBA !
The DBA Is Dead (Again). Long Live the DBA !

KeyNote #DBInsights" on 7 April. My views on the DBAs fears, doubts and opportunities in the age of DevOps, Cloud, Big Data, Open Source, bi-modal IT, Pizza teams, you name it.

bilien dbms dba hadoop nosql
Introduction to Big Data Technologies: Hadoop/EMR/Map Reduce & Redshift
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Boston Data Mining Meetup introduction slides from Big Data Infrastructure workshop - A hands-on introduction

hadoopredshiftmap reduce
Build More Data Products
So that you and others can use them to solve real problems
Try Shiny!
The Iris Dataset
Do Machine Learning!
So Hot Right Now
What Species
is this iris??
Credit: xkcd

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Surviving the Hadoop Revolution
Surviving the Hadoop RevolutionSurviving the Hadoop Revolution
Surviving the Hadoop Revolution

The document discusses how open source software has disrupted traditional software development models. It describes how companies have had to adapt from closed, proprietary development to more open and community-based development. Specifically, companies have had to learn to release more control, work within open source communities, adopt agile development practices, and deal with the many unknowns of integrating diverse open source projects. The document suggests open source will continue pushing technological innovation and forcing the industry to evolve.

Dataiku, Pitch at Data-Driven NYC, New York City, September 17th 2013
Dataiku, Pitch at Data-Driven NYC, New York City, September 17th 2013Dataiku, Pitch at Data-Driven NYC, New York City, September 17th 2013
Dataiku, Pitch at Data-Driven NYC, New York City, September 17th 2013

Our pitch at Data-Driven NYC meetup on September 17th ( Speaking about Data Scientists pains and how Dataiku Data Science Studio can help them to more than Data Cleaners and Data Leak Fixers !

dataikudata sciencemachine learning
Lean Analytics: How to get more out of your data science team
Lean Analytics: How to get more out of your data science teamLean Analytics: How to get more out of your data science team
Lean Analytics: How to get more out of your data science team

Lean Analytics is a set of rules to make data science more streamlined and productive. It touches on many aspects of what a data scientist should be and how a data science project should be defined to be successful. During this presentation Richard will present where data science projects go wrong, how you should think of data science projects, what constitutes success in data science and how you can measure progress. This session will be loaded with terms, stories and descriptions of project successes and failures. If you're wondering whether you're getting value out of data science, how to get more value out of it and even whether you need it then this talk is for you! What you will take away from this session Learn how to make your data science projects successful Evaluate how to track progress and report on the efficacy of data science solutions Understand the role of engineering and data scientists Understand your options for processes and software

1. Turn your ideas into R code
• Write functions to generate the
plots you’re envisioning
• Package: ggplot2
• Train and validate a machine
learning model to use
• Package: caret
geom_hist_basic <- function(var){
ggplot(iris, aes_string(x = var)) +
geom_histogram() +
facet_wrap(~ Species)
predict_matrix(fit.knn, validation)
Confusion Matrix and Statistics
Prediction setosa versicolor virginica
setosa 10 0 0
versicolor 0 8 1
virginica 0 2 9
2. Turn your R code into an R Shiny app
Client Side Code:
User Interface and
Input Elements
Server Side Code:
(Reactive) R Output
shinyApp(ui = fluidPage, server = serverFunction)
Try Plumber!
Let’s Build a REST API with R
1. Write Functions in R
Expose Data or Model
Produce Analysis or Visualization
Data Agnostic
Perform Analysis on New Data
2. Create Plumber
API Endpoints
- Get
- Post
4. Send Requests to
the Plumber Service
Through external (or
internal) Applications
- Jupyter Notebooks
- Web Apps
3. Host the Plumber
Script on a Server
- Create Plumber
router object
- Run in an R Session

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Maintainable Machine Learning Products
Maintainable Machine Learning ProductsMaintainable Machine Learning Products
Maintainable Machine Learning Products

Machine learning applications are typically stitched together from hopes and dreams, shell scripts, cron jobs, home-grown schedulers, snippets of configuration clipped from multiple blog posts, thousands of hard-coded business rules, a.k.a. "our SQL corpus," and a few lines of training and testing code. Organizing all the moving parts into something maintainable and supportive of ongoing development is a challenge most teams have on their TODO list, roadmap, or tech debt pile. Getting ahead of the day-to-day demands and settling into a sane architecture often seems like an unattainable goal. The past several years have seen an explosion of tool-building in the data engineering and analytics area, including in Apache projects spanning the areas of search and information retrieval, job orchestration, file and stream formats, and machine learning libraries. In this talk we will cover our product and development teams' choices of architecture and tools, from data ingestion and storage, through transformations and processing, to presentation of results and publishing to web services, reports, and applications.

machine learningaiartificial intelligence
Business in the Driver’s Seat – An Improved Model for Integration
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Business in the Driver’s Seat – An Improved Model for Integration

The Briefing Room with Dr. Robin Bloor and WhereScape Live Webcast on September 30, 2014 Watch the archive: The fueling of information systems will always require some effort, but a confluence of innovations is fundamentally changing how quickly and accurately it can be done. Gone are long cycle times for development. Today, organizations can embrace a more rapid and collaborative approach for building analytical applications and data warehouses. The key is to have business experts working hand-in-hand with data professionals as the solutions take shape, thus expediting the speed to valuable insights. Register for this episode of The Briefing Room to hear veteran Analyst Dr. Robin Bloor as he explains the changing nature of information design. He’ll be briefed by WhereScape President Mark Budzinski, who will discuss his company’s data warehouse automation solutions and how they enable collaborative development. He will share use cases that illustrate show aligning business and IT, organizations can enable faster and more agile data warehouse development. Visit for more information.

Data science presentation
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Data science presentation

This document provides an overview of getting started with data science using Python. It discusses what data science is, why it is in high demand, and the typical skills and backgrounds of data scientists. It then covers popular Python libraries for data science like NumPy, Pandas, Scikit-Learn, TensorFlow, and Keras. Common data science steps are outlined including data gathering, preparation, exploration, model building, validation, and deployment. Example applications and case studies are discussed along with resources for learning including podcasts, websites, communities, books, and TV shows.

Docker Image
R Session
My Local File
- Plumber.R
- Dockerfile
Local Volume Link
Demo Framework
That’s it!
Now go build some sweet data products
Resources for Learning R
R-Ladies Global Meetups
• Get involved!
• More female speakers,
leaders, teachers, builders,

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The Fourth International Workshop on RESTful Design, WS-REST 2013 REST in Brazil - Industry Keynote On learning REST, and its impact on the design of massive applications in Brazil

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The New Frontier: Optimizing Big Data Exploration
The New Frontier: Optimizing Big Data ExplorationThe New Frontier: Optimizing Big Data Exploration
The New Frontier: Optimizing Big Data Exploration

The Briefing Room with Dr. Robin Bloor and Cirro Live Webcast on February 11, 2014 Watch the archive: As information ecosystems continue to expand, businesses are searching for ways to combine traditional analytics with a new source of insight: Big Data. But with data flooding in from all kinds of sources, fast access and performance at scale can easily become an issue. One effective approach for solving this challenge is data federation, a method that involves taking the analytical processing to the data, allowing streamlined access to multiple data sources without the expensive ETL overhead or building of semantic layers. Register for this episode of The Briefing Room to hear veteran Analyst Dr. Robin Bloor as he explains how the prevalence of distributed data calls for a new approach to Big Data. He will be briefed by Mark Theissen of Cirro, who will tout his company’s Data Hub, a data federation solution that provides a single point of access to all enterprise data assets without excessive data movements, preprocessing or staging. He will discuss how data federation differs from virtualization and ETL approaches, and demonstrate how a Cirro deployment solves the analytics challenge of integrating data silos across the data center – and the cloud – using the BI tools you already have on your desktop for real-time distributed analytics. Visit for more information.

the briefing roomthe bloor groupcirro
SciPy Latin America 2019
SciPy Latin America 2019SciPy Latin America 2019
SciPy Latin America 2019

At my first visit to SciPy in Latin America, I was able to review the history of PyData, SciPy, and NumFOCUS, and discuss how to grow its communities and cooperate in the future. I also introduce OpenTeams as a way for open-source contributors to grow their reputation and build businesses.

RStudio Webinars
• All of the talks
from RStudio::conf
2018 have just
been published
• Highly
Resources for Learning Shiny Development
Resources for Learning Plumber
on Twitter!
Note to self: Remember to give
out stickers
I have R-Ladies and R-Ladies Plumber Stickers!
I’m Kelly!
@kellrstats on Twitter

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Big Data for Data Scientists - Info Session
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Big Data for Data Scientists - Info Session

In this talk, WeCloudData introduces the Hadoop/Spark ecosystem and how businesses use big data tools and platforms. For more detail about WeCloudData's big data for data scientist course please visit:

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Drupal - Changing the Web by Connecting Open Minds - Josef Dabernig
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Drupal - Changing the Web by Connecting Open Minds - Josef Dabernig

This document provides an overview of Drupal, including its history, community, features, and Drupal 8 updates. Some key points: - Drupal is an open source content management system with a large, active community that has grown significantly since 2005. - Drupal 8 is a major update that focuses on modernizing the codebase, improving performance, and adding new features like a responsive image module and improved multilingual support. Over 1,600 people contributed to Drupal 8. - The Drupal community extends beyond code contributions - there are many ways for individuals and organizations of all skill levels to get involved through documentation, support, events, and more. Contributing back helps both Drupal and contributors

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Let's analyze how world reacts to road traffic by sentiment analysis final
Let's analyze how world reacts to road traffic by sentiment analysis finalLet's analyze how world reacts to road traffic by sentiment analysis final
Let's analyze how world reacts to road traffic by sentiment analysis final

Sentiment analysis uses natural language processing to identify opinions in text as positive, negative, or neutral. Analyzing Twitter data through sentiment analysis can provide insight into public opinions on various topics. The presentation described how sentiment analysis of Twitter data on road traffic could work, using Azure cognitive services and Logic Apps for processing without code. A demo then showed these Azure services in action for sentiment analysis.


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Kelly O'Briant - DataOps in the Cloud: How To Supercharge Data Science with a Hint of DevOps

  • 1. DataOps Data Science Empowerment through DevOps, Cloud Computing and Building your own Applications
  • 2. Kelly O’Briant Data Science Product Engineer @kellrstats | @RLadiesDC • R-Ladies Washington DC Chapter Founder and Organizer • R-Ladies Global unofficial “cloud expert” • Publish a monthly series called .rprofile on the rOpenSci blog • Business Science University course developer
  • 3. My Talk Goal: I want you to leave this conference so excited, you go back to work and completely ignore whatever project you’re supposed to be working on because you’re so pumped up about building a data product and you can’t stop yourself from doing it.
  • 4. Motivation Why I talk about Data Science Empowerment R-Ladies events • How do I get a job as a data scientist/analyst/anything? • What should I study/learn/do/produce to be a data scientist? • Am I even a data scientist? Is what I do data science? Why are data products empowering? • I use data products to justify/prove to myself that I belong, that my ideas are valid and to help me communicate with people who are bad at listening (or when I’m bad at speaking)
  • 6. R-Ladies + International Women’s Day Twitter Campaign • Create a twitter bot using R code to tweet out a profile for every woman in our Global speaker directory • Project collaboration through GitHub • Docker linked to a local volume • Twitter Application(s)
  • 7. Deploy and Use H2O Machine Learning Models in Production • Build and validate a model in python working in a Jupyter Notebook with the H2O machine learning API • Package the model code as a POJO or MOJO file • Deploy the model to STEAM to create an ML prediction service complete with a REST API query URL
  • 8. Create and Maintain a Personal Website • Use the blogdown package in an RStudio project to create the framework for a Hugo static website • Create content for the site by writing Rmarkdown files • Compile and deploy the static site – choose a hosting mechanism: GitHub? Continuous Integration with Netlify?
  • 9. Why are you so into R? • It’s great for Data Science • The community at large is awesome • The female community is awesome • R integrates with other tech • It’s growing really fast in cool ways • I can use it to build cool stuff
  • 10. Why are you so into R? • It’s great for Data Science • The community at large is awesome • The female community is awesome • R integrates with other tech • It’s growing really fast in cool ways • I can use it to build cool stuff #rstats
  • 11. Why are you so into R? • It’s great for Data Science • The community at large is awesome • The female community is awesome • R integrates with other tech • It’s growing really fast in cool ways • I can use it to build cool stuff Worldwide organization that promotes gender diversity in the R community via meetups and mentorship in a friendly and safe environment
  • 12. Why are you so into R? • It’s great for Data Science • The community at large is awesome • The female community is awesome • R integrates with other tech • It’s growing really fast in cool ways • I can use it to build cool stuff
  • 13. Why are you so into R? • It’s great for Data Science • The community at large is awesome • The female community is awesome • R integrates with other tech • It’s growing really fast in cool ways • I can use it to build cool stuff
  • 14. Why are you so into R? • It’s great for Data Science • The community at large is awesome • The female community is awesome • R integrates with other tech • It’s growing really fast in cool ways • I can use it to build cool stuff
  • 15. Back to the topic: DataOps 1. It usually takes a little DevOps to build a Data Product 2. Building more Data Products is empowering – good for your portfolio and soul
  • 16. What is DevOps And why should Data-oriented people care about it? DevOps is… “A combination of cultural philosophies, practices and tools that increases an organizations ability to deliver applications and services at high velocity. - AWS DevOps Blog
  • 17. Deliver applications and services at high velocity Do This – without pulling all your hair out?
  • 18. Deliver applications and services at high velocity Do This – Super Effectively Host your analysis • Share • Publish • Collaborate • Prove a point • Serve a purpose • Be reproducible • Save the day
  • 19. What is DataOps? DataOps? Anywhere you can put a little DevOps magic into your data science workflow
  • 21. Build More Data Products So that you and others can use them to solve real problems
  • 24. Do Machine Learning! So Hot Right Now What Species is this iris?? Credit: xkcd
  • 25. 1. Turn your ideas into R code • Write functions to generate the plots you’re envisioning • Package: ggplot2 • Train and validate a machine learning model to use • Package: caret geom_hist_basic <- function(var){ ggplot(iris, aes_string(x = var)) + geom_histogram() + facet_wrap(~ Species) } predict_matrix(fit.knn, validation) Confusion Matrix and Statistics Prediction setosa versicolor virginica setosa 10 0 0 versicolor 0 8 1 virginica 0 2 9
  • 26. 2. Turn your R code into an R Shiny app Client Side Code: User Interface and Input Elements Server Side Code: (Reactive) R Output Elements shinyApp(ui = fluidPage, server = serverFunction) fluidPage Code serverFunction Code
  • 28. Let’s Build a REST API with R 1. Write Functions in R Expose Data or Model Produce Analysis or Visualization Data Agnostic Perform Analysis on New Data 2. Create Plumber API Endpoints - Get - Post 4. Send Requests to the Plumber Service Through external (or internal) Applications - Jupyter Notebooks - Web Apps 3. Host the Plumber Script on a Server - Create Plumber router object - Run in an R Session
  • 29. Docker Image RStudio Server R Session Running Plumber REST API My Local File System - Plumber.R - Dockerfile Local Volume Link Applications & Notebooks Requests! Demo Framework
  • 30. That’s it! Now go build some sweet data products
  • 32. R-Ladies Global Meetups • Get involved! • More female speakers, leaders, teachers, builders, friends! @RLadiesGlobal
  • 33. RStudio Webinars • All of the talks from RStudio::conf 2018 have just been published • Highly recommend!
  • 34. Resources for Learning Shiny Development
  • 35. Resources for Learning Plumber @TrestleJeff on Twitter!
  • 36. Note to self: Remember to give out stickers I have R-Ladies and R-Ladies Plumber Stickers! I’m Kelly! @kellrstats on Twitter