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Hidden rocks in Oracle ADF

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The uniform interface is 42
The uniform interface is 42The uniform interface is 42
The uniform interface is 42

The document discusses issues with testing business logic in Orleans grains that access grain state. Specifically, the business logic code is duplicated across grain methods and calling the logic directly in tests fails because the grain state is null. The solution is to use Orleans' declarative persistence by defining a grain state interface and inheriting from Grain, which allows the state to be initialized for tests.

orleans api c#
Testing your javascript code with jasmine
Testing your javascript code with jasmineTesting your javascript code with jasmine
Testing your javascript code with jasmine

This document discusses using Jasmine to test JavaScript code. It describes Jasmine as a behavior driven development framework for JavaScript testing. It then provides instructions on installing Jasmine, creating spec files to contain test cases, and including source code files. The document uses an example of testing a master-slave checkbox relationship to demonstrate how to set up tests, DOM elements, and code the tests against the actual code implementation.

05 JavaScript #burningkeyboards
05 JavaScript #burningkeyboards05 JavaScript #burningkeyboards
05 JavaScript #burningkeyboards

The document provides an overview of JavaScript, including that it is used to make web pages interactive, runs in browsers, and supports built-in. It discusses the DOM, common events, using the console, variables, operators, comments, conditionals, loops, arrays, objects, type checking, functions, events, timers, accessing and manipulating DOM elements, working with CSS/classes, and AJAX requests.

Ø  Setup office name as default attribute value
Ø  Invoke the VO method on task flow entry
Ø  Define a custom entity attribute property
Ø  Use the property in the JSF visible attribute as UI hint
Ø  Update custom property value in the Boat Class setter

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06 jQuery #burningkeyboards
06 jQuery  #burningkeyboards06 jQuery  #burningkeyboards
06 jQuery #burningkeyboards

This document provides an introduction to jQuery, including examples of how to use jQuery. It discusses jQuery plugins, performance tips for jQuery, and jQuery deferreds/promises. Some key points: - jQuery is a JavaScript library that allows DOM manipulation and event handling via JavaScript - jQuery code uses $ as an alias for jQuery functions - Plugins can extend jQuery's functionality - For performance, cache selections, append outside loops, detach/reattach elements being modified - Deferreds/promises allow asynchronous functions to be chained together

Workshop 5: JavaScript testing
Workshop 5: JavaScript testingWorkshop 5: JavaScript testing
Workshop 5: JavaScript testing

Workshop JavaScript Testing. Frameworks. Client vs Server Testing. Jasmine. Chai. Nock. Sinon. Spec Runners: Karma. TDD. Code coverage. Building a testable JS app. Presentado por ing: Raúl Delgado y Mario García

To Err Is Human
To Err Is HumanTo Err Is Human
To Err Is Human

Building complex async applications is really hard. Whether you use callbacks, Promises, or EventEmitters, Error objects should have a place in your utility belt. They are indispensable when it comes to managing work flows in a highly asynchronous environment. This talk covers patterns for using JavaScript Error (with a capital E) objects to build resilient applications, and introduce some modules that can be used to build errors with an elegant history of stack traces even through multiple asynchronous operations. Try/catch, callbacks, and other error handling mechanisms will be examined, revealing some potential deficiencies in the JavaScript language for dealing with errors. Video:

Ø  Keep office name in a user session data map
Ø  Use a Groovy expression in the Default Value
Ø  Mark the attribute as ”Created By” history column
Ø  Override getHistoryContextForAttribute in the EntityImpl
Ø  Create a custom Entity Attribute Hints implementation class
Ø  Override createEntityAttrHints in the EntityImpl
Ø  Create a custom Entity Definition class
Ø  Override resolveDefObject method
Ø  Setup a Groovy expression with setPropertyExpression method

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JavaScript Unit Testing with Jasmine
JavaScript Unit Testing with JasmineJavaScript Unit Testing with Jasmine
JavaScript Unit Testing with Jasmine

This document discusses JavaScript unit testing with Jasmine. It provides an overview of Jasmine's syntax including describes, contexts, matches, spies and stubs. It also discusses tools that can be used with Jasmine like jasmine-jquery for DOM testing and jasmine-given for behavior-driven development style tests.

HATARI: Raising Risk Awareness
HATARI: Raising Risk AwarenessHATARI: Raising Risk Awareness
HATARI: Raising Risk Awareness

The document discusses a tool called HATARI that helps identify risky locations in code based on past fix-inducing changes. HATARI calculates a risk score for each location based on the number of past fix-inducing changes compared to the total number of changes. It visualizes risk scores with annotations to show developers potentially risky areas. HATARI will be made open source on November 1st and is available at

Decoupling with Design Patterns and Symfony2 DIC
Decoupling with Design Patterns and Symfony2 DICDecoupling with Design Patterns and Symfony2 DIC
Decoupling with Design Patterns and Symfony2 DIC

How do you create applications with an incredible level of extendability without losing readability in the process? What if there's a way to separate concerns not only on the code, but on the service definition level? This talk will explore structural and behavioural patterns and ways to enrich them through tricks of powerful dependency injection containers such as Symfony2 DIC component.

phpsoftware designsymfony
Ø  Define a separate LOV for a search form
Ø  Add a LOV-switcher attribute
Ø  Use adf.isCriteriaRow expression to switch the LOVs

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Redux for ReactJS Programmers
Redux for ReactJS ProgrammersRedux for ReactJS Programmers
Redux for ReactJS Programmers

This is the support of a course to teach mainly Redux, and Redux with React for Java and C# programmers. It is the third part of the course to recycle programmers from desktop app programming to web app programming. This course covers from history of Redux, its origin, step by step what is a reducer, and later concepts like reducer splitting, action handling, async and many more. You also can use repositories: - - To improve your skills.

Symfony2 Building on Alpha / Beta technology
Symfony2 Building on Alpha / Beta technologySymfony2 Building on Alpha / Beta technology
Symfony2 Building on Alpha / Beta technology

Presentation i gave at londonweb august on building a site on what turned out to be 12 preview, 5 beta, 6 RC and a final release of Symfony 2.

Php unit the-mostunknownparts
Php unit the-mostunknownpartsPhp unit the-mostunknownparts
Php unit the-mostunknownparts

A lot of people using PHPunit for testing their source code. While I was observing my team I recognized most of them are only using the standard assertions like 'assertEquals()' and are complaining about how hard it is to test the code even when the tests are written first. This talk is about all the stuff not used on a daily basis and it digs deep into uncommon features of PHPUnit.


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Backbone js
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Backbone js

The document appears to be notes on Backbone.js. It includes summaries of Backbone models, events, views and how to bind events. It demonstrates creating a model with defaults, getting/setting attributes, and binding event handlers. It also shows creating a view with tagName, className and attributes, and logging the generated HTML element.

international PHP2011_Bastian Feder_jQuery's Secrets
international PHP2011_Bastian Feder_jQuery's Secretsinternational PHP2011_Bastian Feder_jQuery's Secrets
international PHP2011_Bastian Feder_jQuery's Secrets

This document contains a summary of jQuery secrets presented by Bastian Feder. It discusses various techniques including saving and removing state from DOM elements using and jQuery.removeData(), extending jQuery functionality through plugins, and customizing AJAX requests and event handling. The presentation provides code examples for working with jQuery's data storage methods, namespaces, promises/deferreds, global AJAX settings, and extending jQuery.

Dealing with Legacy PHP Applications
Dealing with Legacy PHP ApplicationsDealing with Legacy PHP Applications
Dealing with Legacy PHP Applications

The document discusses refactoring legacy PHP code, specifically dealing with code that has no separation between PHP and HTML. It recommends separating code into controllers and views by gathering all code, separating controller and view code, assigning variables to a view object, changing variable references in the view code, and splitting the files. Specific problems in legacy PHP code like no separation of concerns, global variables, and reliance on includes can be addressed through techniques like creating view classes, encapsulating logic in objects, and wrapping includes in functions to untangle dependency webs. The goal is to safely change code implementation without changing behavior through refactoring.

Ø  Use separate VO instances for different use-cases
Ø  Add RowSetListener to the master VO instance
Ø  Reproduced only when AM pooling is enabled

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Why ruby
Why rubyWhy ruby
Why ruby

The document discusses Ruby and Ruby on Rails. It notes that Ruby is an object-oriented programming language created by Yukihiro Matsumoto in 1995. Ruby on Rails is a web application framework built on Ruby that was created by David Heinemeier Hansson in 2004. It follows the model-view-controller architectural pattern, separating applications into models, views, and controllers.


- Ruby is an interactive, object-oriented programming language created by Yukihiro Matsumoto in 1995. - Ruby on Rails is a web application framework built on Ruby that emphasizes convention over configuration and is optimized for programmer happiness. - The document discusses Ruby and Ruby on Rails, providing an overview of their history, key principles like MVC, REST, and conventions used in Rails. It also provides examples of modeling data with classes and ActiveRecord in Rails.

ruby on railsruby
Oracle ADF Architecture TV - Design - Architecting for PLSQL Integration
Oracle ADF Architecture TV - Design - Architecting for PLSQL IntegrationOracle ADF Architecture TV - Design - Architecting for PLSQL Integration
Oracle ADF Architecture TV - Design - Architecting for PLSQL Integration

Slides from Oracle's ADF Architecture TV series covering the Design phase of ADF projects, considering integrating PLSQL into your ADF applications. Like to know more? Check out: - Subscribe to the YouTube channel - - Design Playlist - - Read the episode index on the ADF Architecture Square -

Ø  Retain View Link Accessor Rowset
Ø  Passivated transient VO attributes
Ø  Dynamic VO attributes
Ø  Retain View Link Accessor Rowset
Ø  Passivated transient VO attributes
Ø  Dynamic VO attributes
Ø  Close VO row set when it is not needed anymore
Ø  Create custom ApplicationPool implementation class
Ø  Specify PoolClassName in the AM Configuration
Ø  Override isAMPoolingEnabled method

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Malware Facts & Statistics
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Malware Facts & Statistics

Discover all of the latest statistics and trends in the malware industry. See the infographic here:

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Cloud foundry architecture and deep dive
Cloud foundry architecture and deep diveCloud foundry architecture and deep dive
Cloud foundry architecture and deep dive

This document provides an overview of the key components of Cloud Foundry, including: - The Cloud Controller which manages application deployments, services, user roles, and more. - Buildpacks which stage and compile applications to create droplets run by DEAs on VMs. - DEAs which manage application container lifecycles using Warden containers for isolation. - Routers which route traffic to applications and maintain dynamic routing tables. - Services which provide interfaces to both native and 3rd party services running on Service Nodes. - UAA which handles user authentication, authorization, and manages OAuth access credentials. It also describes how organizations and spaces segment the platform and how domains

Ø  Different sets of attributes
Ø  Different View Links, View Accessors, LOVs, View Crierias, etc.
Ø  Different attributes UI hints
Ø  Different SQL execution tuning options
VSailorBrowse VSailorInsert
Ø  View Objects are based on the same entity
Ø  Only one primary entity usage
Ø  All secondary entity usages are references
VSailorBrowse VSailorInsert
Entity Cache
Ø  New row should fit with memory filter
Ø  rowQualifies()	
Ø  RowMatch	
Ø  Disabled when Where Clause is applied at runtime
Ø  Use setAssociationConsistent(true) to enable

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Cloud foundry presentation
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Cloud foundry presentation

Cloudfoundry is the open platform as a service providing a faster and easier way to build, test, deploy and scale applications.Deploy & Scale in seconds on your choice of clouds.

cloudfoundrycloud computingplatform as a service
Cloud Foundry Technical Overview
Cloud Foundry Technical OverviewCloud Foundry Technical Overview
Cloud Foundry Technical Overview

This presentation covers both the Cloud Foundry Elastic Runtime (known by many as just "Cloud Foundry") as well as the Operations Manager (known by many as BOSH). For each, the main components are covered with interactions between them.

boshcloud foundryarchitecture
Construire une application JavaFX 8 avec gradle
Construire une application JavaFX 8 avec gradleConstruire une application JavaFX 8 avec gradle
Construire une application JavaFX 8 avec gradle

JavaFX 8 est disponible depuis mars 2014 et apporte son lot de nouveautés. Gradle est en version 2 depuis juillet 2014. Deux technologies plus que prometteuses: JavaFX donne un coup de jeune au développement d’applications desktop en Java en apportant un navigateur web intégré, le support des WebSockets, de la 3D, et bien d’autres. Gradle est l’outil de d’automatisation de build à la mode, apportant de superbes possibilités par rapport rapport à maven, outil vieillissant, grâce à l’engouement de la communauté vis à vis de cet outil mais aussi par le fait de la technologie utilisée en son sein: groovy. Venez découvrir comment il est possible de réaliser rapidement une application à la mode en JavaFX avec un outil à la mode également. Bref venez à une session trendy.

Ø  Declarative approach for basic UI hints
Ø  Label,	
Ø  Override getCriteriaItemAttributeHints in ViewObjectImpl class
Ø  UI components are not serializable
Ø  High	
Ø  ADF	
Ø  Transient variable is not an option
Ø  UI component tree should not be hard referenced
Request or Backing Bean

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Using Reflections and Automatic Code Generation
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Using Reflections and Automatic Code Generation

Some examples of using Reflections and automatic code generation to reduce the amount of code developers have to write.

Swift - One step forward from Obj-C
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Swift - One step forward from Obj-C

Rewrite few familiar Cocoa Touch code examples from Obj-C to Swift by learning to use Closures, Enums, Switch-Case with Pattern matching, Singleton, GCD, CoreGraphics. Presented at Tel Aviv iOS Developers Meetup.

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Phactory is an alternative to database fixtures for defining test data in PHP unit tests. It allows developers to define database objects in code and dynamically create them, rather than loading static datasets. Phactory provides a lightweight ORM and works with MySQL, SQLite, and MongoDB. It supports defining object blueprints, creating objects with associations, retrieving objects, and integrating with PHPUnit for testing database code.

Ø  One instance of the bean within request
Ø  One instance of the bean per region within request
Ø  One instance of the bean per region within request

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Clean code via dependency injection + guice
Clean code via dependency injection + guiceClean code via dependency injection + guice
Clean code via dependency injection + guice

The document discusses various code smells related to dependency injection and constructor usage, such as constructors doing real work instead of just setting fields, digging into collaborator objects instead of using their interfaces, and relying on global state and singletons. It provides examples of these code smells and proposes fixes using dependency injection and interfaces to make the code more testable and flexible.

guiceunit testingdependency injection
Dependency Injection in PHP
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Dependency Injection in PHP

Slides from my talk during PHPCon Poland. Szczyrk 25/10/2013 More Domain-Driven Design related content at:

The IoC Hydra
The IoC HydraThe IoC Hydra
The IoC Hydra

Slides from my talk presented during SymfonyLive London - 18 September 2015. More Domain-Driven Design related content at:

Ø  Use ComponentReference to hold the UI component reference
Ø  Serializable	
Ø  Avoids	
Ø  Good enough for any memory scope
Ø  Mark a task flow activity as an Exception Handler
Ø  Handle exceptions related to the task flow navigation
Ø  Method	
Ø  Not	

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Javascript call ObjC
Javascript call ObjCJavascript call ObjC
Javascript call ObjC

The document discusses techniques for enabling communication between JavaScript and Objective-C in iOS applications, including setting global variables accessible to both, making Objective-C selectors and properties available to JavaScript, and handling callbacks from JavaScript to Objective-C such as when the web view location changes or a form is submitted. Code snippets provide examples of implementing these techniques.

Java EE 6 CDI Integrates with Spring & JSF
Java EE 6 CDI Integrates with Spring & JSFJava EE 6 CDI Integrates with Spring & JSF
Java EE 6 CDI Integrates with Spring & JSF

This document discusses integrating Java Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI) with other Java technologies like Spring and JavaServer Faces (JSF). It covers CDI concepts like the Inversion of Control pattern and dependency injection. It also provides examples of using CDI with Spring, integrating CDI and JSF, and using CDI interceptors. The document recommends some libraries for CDI integration and provides sample code links.

Quick Fetch API Introduction
Quick Fetch API IntroductionQuick Fetch API Introduction
Quick Fetch API Introduction

The Fetch API is a modern replacement of the XMLHTTPRequest object. It is based on promises and makes making AJAX/API calls easier to manage and code. This slide deck is a quick introduction to the API.

pwajavascriptweb design and development
Sailors Task Flow
Create Sailor Task
Ø  Pop the task flow from the stack if there is no Exception Handler
Ø  Repeat until Exception Handler is located
Task Flow 0
Task Flow 1
No Exception HandlerTask Flow 2
No Exception HandlerTask Flow 3
Ø  Validation and ValueChangeEvent at Apply Request Values phase
Ø  The Lifecycle does not stop
Ø  The rest of phases are not skipped

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The document discusses integrating ReactJS and Webpack into Ruby on Rails applications. It covers using modules with CommonJS, RequireJS, and ECMAScript 6. It also discusses using Webpack for bundling assets, setting up entry points, loaders, and plugins. Webpack can be configured to work with Rails by defining webpack.config.js and using the assets:webpack task for deployment. This provides a modular approach for JavaScript development while still leveraging Rails.

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Test-driven Development with AEM
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Test-driven Development with AEM

The talk presents how we established a TDD cycle within the complex AEM technology stack using a "unified testing API". It illustrates how such an API can be built and discusses various advantages over other approaches such as the Sling Testing API.

Ø  Dependent components don’t participate in the request
Ø  Add components as partial targets to the AdfFacesContext
Ø  Invisible partially triggered components participate in the request
Ø  getSubmittedValue() never returns null for selection components

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NodeJS Spring style Inversifyjs
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NodeJS Spring style Inversifyjs

This document discusses dependency injection (DI) and inversion of control (IOC) design patterns. It explains that DI allows defining dependencies externally rather than hardcoding them, improving testability. IOC builds on DI by having a lightweight container manage object construction and dependency graph. The document uses JavaScript examples to demonstrate an InversifyJS library that implements IOC for JavaScript applications in a similar way that Spring Framework does for Java apps.

software developmentjavascriptnodejs
A portlet-API based approach for application integration
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A portlet-API based approach for application integration

This document discusses using a portlet API-based approach for integrating applications into Magnolia. It describes the portlet API concept of separate action and render phases. Implementing portlets as JSR-168 components allows seamless integration into Magnolia by adding a portlet filter and rendering portlets during page generation. Configuration is done through content types and portlet parameters can be accessed. Real-world use has shown this approach works well for small applications but has limitations for more complex integrations.

What's new and noteworthy in Java EE 8?
What's new and noteworthy in Java EE 8?What's new and noteworthy in Java EE 8?
What's new and noteworthy in Java EE 8?

The document summarizes what's new and noteworthy in Java EE 8, including updates to CDI 2.0, Bean Validation 2.0, JPA 2.2, JSF 2.3, JSON-B 1.0, Servlet 4.0, JAX-RS 2.1, and odds and ends like JSON-P and the Java EE Security API. It also discusses the status of Java EE 8 implementations from GlassFish, Payara, and Open Liberty, as well as the future of Java EE.

Ø  Useful to skip validation while PPR execution
Ø  Available in ADF 12c
Ø  Maximum = 5/30/2014 23:59:59.999

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Presented at GeeCON 2011: JavaFX Script is going away, but the JavaFX Platform is getting a new face with pure Java APIs. In this session, you will see how you can leverage the new JavaFX 2.0 APIs from a host of different JVM languages, including JRuby, Clojure, Groovy, and Scala.

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JavaFX is more than a language. It is also a platform for building immersive applications with graphics, animation, and rich media. In this session, you will see how you can leverage JavaFX from a host of different JVM languages, including Java, JRuby, Groovy, Scala, and Clojure.

Writing your Third Plugin
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Writing your Third Plugin

Jenkins User Conference 2012 Only by the third plugin do you get the hang of writing a plugin. I thought as a developer coming to the build side of things it'd be easy to jump in and write some plugins. I was wrong. Don't be fooled by the extremely friendly Jenkins community, writing a plugin from scratch is harder than they let on. This talk will explain the hurdles that I had to cross to make writing plugins easy.


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  • 5. public  class  VBoatImpl  extends  ViewObjectImpl  implements  VBoat  {       public  void  setupOfficeName(String  officeName)  {            En0tyDefImpl  boatEn0tyDef  =  getEn0tyDef(BOAT);                AQributeDefImpl  ad  =  (AQributeDefImpl)  boatEn0tyDef.findAQributeDef("RegisterOffice");                          ad.setDefaultValue(officeName);     }       5   Default  AQribute  Value.  Bad  Idea         Ø  Setup office name as default attribute value Ø  Invoke the VO method on task flow entry Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐  
  • 6. <af:inputText    value="#{bindings.Length.inputValue}"                                                      visible="#{bindings.Length.hints.viewableOnInsert}"                                                      label="#{bindings.Length.hints.label}"                                                    …   6   Custom  AQribute  Proper0es         Ø  Define a custom entity attribute property Ø  Use the property in the JSF visible attribute as UI hint Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐  
  • 7.    public  void  setBoatclass(String  value)  {              setAQributeInternal(BOATCLASS,  value);              setupViewableOnInsert(value);              }              private  void  setupViewableOnInsert(String  boatClass)  {              for  (int  aQr  :  SIZE_ATTRIBUTES)  {                  AQributeDefImpl  aQrDef  =                              (AQributeDefImpl)  getDefini0onObject().getAQributeDef(aQr);                  aQrDef.setProperty(VIEWABLE_ON_INSERT,  !SMALL.equals(boatClass));                  }              }       7   Custom  AQribute  Proper0es.  Bad  Idea           Ø  Update custom property value in the Boat Class setter Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐  
  • 8. Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐   8   En0ty  Defini0on  Reef  
  • 9.   public  void  setupOfficeName(String  officeName)  {            Applica0onModule  am  =  getApplica0onModule();        am.getSession().getUserData().put("officeName",  officeName);   }       9   Default  AQribute  Value.  Good  Idea         Ø  Keep office name in a user session data map Ø  Use a Groovy expression in the Default Value Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐  
  • 10.        @Override          protected  Object  getHistoryContextForAQribute(AQributeDefImpl  aQr)  {                  if  (aQr.getHistoryKind()  ==  AQributeDefImpl.HISTORY_CREATE_USER)  {                          return  getDBTransac0on().getSession().getUserData().get("officeName");                  }                    else  {                          return  super.getHistoryContextForAQribute(aQr);                                    }          }       10   Tracking  Change  History         Ø  Mark the attribute as ”Created By” history column Ø  Override getHistoryContextForAttribute in the EntityImpl Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐  
  • 11. protected  En0tyAQrHintsImpl  createEn0tyAQrHints(AQributeDefImpl  aQrDef)  {                return  new  CustomEn0tyAQrHintsImpl(aQrDef,  this);                      }         public  class  CustomEn0tyAQrHintsImpl  extends  En0tyAQrHintsImpl  {            @Override          public  String  getHint(LocaleContext  locale,  String  sHintName)  {                  if  (VIEWABLE_ON_INSERT.equals(sHintName))  {                        String  boatClass  =  ((BoatImpl)  getEn0tyImpl()).getBoatclass();                        return  Boolean.toString(!SMALL.equals(boatClass));                  }                    return  super.getHint(locale,  sHintName);                        }           11   Custom  AQribute  Proper0es.  Good  Idea           Ø  Create a custom Entity Attribute Hints implementation class Ø  Override createEntityAttrHints in the EntityImpl Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐  
  • 12.        @Override          public  void  resolveDefObject()  {                super.resolveDefObject();                setupViewableOnInsert();          }                private  void  setupViewableOnInsert()  {                  for  (String  aQr  :  SIZE_ATTRIBUTES)  {                      AQributeDefImpl  aQrDef  =    (AQributeDefImpl)  findAQributeDef(aQr);                                          aQrDef.setPropertyExpression(VIEWABLE_ON_INSERT,  "Boatclass  !=  '1'");                      }          }       12   Custom  AQribute  Proper0es.  Groovy  Expressions           Ø  Create a custom Entity Definition class Ø  Override resolveDefObject method Ø  Setup a Groovy expression with setPropertyExpression method Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐  
  • 14. Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐   14   VO  based  View  Accessor  vs  En0ty  based  View  Accessor      
  • 15. 15   LOVs  in  a  Search  Form         Ø  Define a separate LOV for a search form Ø  Add a LOV-switcher attribute Ø  Use adf.isCriteriaRow expression to switch the LOVs JBO-­‐35111:  LOV  in  a  search  form  cannot  use  a  view  accessor  defined  on  an  En0ty.  Change   LOV_En0ty_BoaQype  to  use  a  view  accessor  defined  in  the  view  object       (adf.isCriteriaRow)  ?   "LOV_VO_BoaQype"  :   "LOV_En0ty_BoaQype”     Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐  
  • 16. 16   LOVs  in  a  Search  Form         SELECT  *   FROM  BOAT  Boat  WHERE  Boat.BoatClass  =  :boatClass                    public  String  getBoatClass()  {                return  someCalculatedBoatClass;      }     if    (adf.isCriteriaRow)              return  dataProvider.viewCriteria.viewObject.boatClass;         else      return  viewObject.boatClass;           JBO-­‐25077:  Name  boatClass  not  found  in  the  given   object:  oracle.adf.model.bean.DCDataVO.     Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐  
  • 17. Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐   17   Shared  VO  Instance      
  • 18. Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐   18   Session  Shared  AM  vs  Applica0on  Shared  AM      
  • 19. Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐   19   Row  Level  Binds      
  • 20. Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐   20   Master/Detail  Pirates  
  • 21. Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐   21   Master/Detail  Pirates   Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐  
  • 22.   public  class  VBoatImpl  extends  ViewObjectImpl  {          protected  void  create()  {              super.create();              addListener(new  DetailRowSetsListener());          }           public  class  DetailRowSetsListener  implements  RowSetListener  {        @Override    public  void  navigated(Naviga0onEvent  event)  {          ViewObject  vo  =  (ViewObject)  event.getSource();          for  (RowSet  detail  :  vo.getDetailRowSets())  {              detail.closeRowSet();          }    }     22   Master/Detail  Pirates           Ø  Use separate VO instances for different use-cases Ø  Add RowSetListener to the master VO instance Ø  Reproduced only when AM pooling is enabled Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐  
  • 23. Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐   23   Ac0va0on/Passiva0on  Vortex  
  • 24. Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐   24   Ac0va0on/Passiva0on  Vortex  
  • 25. 25   Ac0va0on/Passiva0on  Vortex           Ø  Retain View Link Accessor Rowset Ø  Passivated transient VO attributes Ø  Dynamic VO attributes Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐  
  • 26. Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐   26   Ac0va0on/Passiva0on  Vortex  
  • 27. 27   Ac0va0on/Passiva0on  Vortex           Ø  Retain View Link Accessor Rowset Ø  Passivated transient VO attributes Ø  Dynamic VO attributes Ø  Close VO row set when it is not needed anymore       public  void  flowFinalizer()  {                  BindingContext  bc  =  BindingContext.getCurrent();            Applica0onModule  am  =  bc.findDataControl("SampleModelServiceDataControl").getApplica0onModule();            ViewObject  vo  =  am.findViewObject("VBoat");                      vo.closeRowSet();                }       Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐  
  • 28. 28   Enabling  AM  Pooling  Programma0cally           Ø  Create custom ApplicationPool implementation class Ø  Specify PoolClassName in the AM Configuration Ø  Override isAMPoolingEnabled method public  class  CustomApplica0onPoolImpl  extends  Applica0onPoolImpl  {            @Override          public  boolean  isAMPoolingEnabled()  {                  return  getYourOwnAMPoolingEnabled();          }              …   Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐  
  • 29. Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐   29   Associa0on  Consistency  Piyall  
  • 30. 30   Separate  View  Objects  for  Different  Use-­‐Cases           Ø  Different sets of attributes Ø  Different View Links, View Accessors, LOVs, View Crierias, etc. Ø  Different attributes UI hints Ø  Different SQL execution tuning options VSailorBrowse VSailorInsert Sailor Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐  
  • 31. 31   Associa0on  (View  Link)  Consistency         Ø  View Objects are based on the same entity Ø  Only one primary entity usage Ø  All secondary entity usages are references VSailorBrowse VSailorInsert Sailor Entity Cache Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐  
  • 32. 32   Associa0on  Consistency  Piyall         Ø  New row should fit with memory filter Ø  rowQualifies()     Ø  RowMatch   Ø  Disabled when Where Clause is applied at runtime Ø  Use setAssociationConsistent(true) to enable  protected  void  executeQueryForCollec0on(Object  qc,  Object[]  params,  int  noUserParams)  {                super.executeQueryForCollec0on(qc,  params,  noUserParams);                setAssocia0onConsistent(true);              }         Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐  
  • 33. Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐   33   View  Criteria  Rocks  
  • 34. 34   Controlling  VC  items  UI  hints         Ø  Declarative approach for basic UI hints Ø  Label,  Tool0p,  Display  Width,  Format,  etc.     Ø  Override getCriteriaItemAttributeHints in ViewObjectImpl class      @Override          public  AQributeHints  getCriteriaItemAQributeHints(ViewCriteriaItem  vci)  {                  if  (vci.getAQributeDef().getName().equals("Boat"))  {                            if  (getPredefinedBoat()  !=  null)  {                                  vci.setProperty(ViewCriteriaItem.RENDERED_MODE,                                                                  ViewCriteriaItem.CRITERIA_RENDERED_MODE_NEVER);                          }  else  {                                  vci.setProperty(ViewCriteriaItem.RENDERED_MODE,                                                                  ViewCriteriaItem.CRITERIA_RENDERED_MODE_BOTH);                          }                  }                  return  super.getCriteriaItemAQributeHints(vci);          }     Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐  
  • 35. Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐   35   Managed  Bean  Scope  Gorgon  
  • 36. 36   UI  Component  Binding  Challenge         Ø  UI components are not serializable Ø  High  Availability  mode   Ø  ADF  Controller  save  points   Ø  Transient variable is not an option Ø  UI component tree should not be hard referenced    <af:table  value="#{bindings.VBoat.collec0onModel}"  var="row"                                      binding="#{BrowseBean.table}"                      private  RichTable  table;            public  RichTable  getTable()  {                  return  table;                          }            public  void  setTable(RichTable  table)  {                  this.table  =  table;          }       Request or Backing Bean Scope! Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐  
  • 37. 37   UI  Component  Binding  Example                                                                                      binding="#{BrowseBean.table}"     headerText="#{BrowseBean.searchTitle}"                  public  class  BrowseBoats  {                      private  RichTable  table;                        public  String  getSearchTitle()  {                              return  "Search  boats";                      }                                                                                  binding="#{BrowseBean.table}”     headerText="#{BrowseBean.searchTitle}"                    public  class  BrowseSailors  {                        private  RichTable  table;                          public  String  getSearchTitle()  {                                return  "Search  sailors";                        }     Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐  
  • 38. 38   Request  Scope  Managed  Beans         Ø  One instance of the bean within request            public  class  BrowseSailors  {                      private  RichTable  table;                        public  String  getSearchTitle()  {                              return  "Search  sailors";                      }                  public  class  BrowseBoats  {                        private  RichTable  table;                          public  String  getSearchTitle()  {                                return  "Search  boats";                        }     Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐  
  • 39. 39   Backing  Bean  Scope  Managed  Beans         Ø  One instance of the bean per region within request            public  class  BrowseSailors  {                      private  RichTable  table;                                          public  String  getSearchTitle()  {                              return  "Search  sailors";                      }                    public  class  BrowseBoats  {                        private  RichTable  table;                          public  String  getSearchTitle()  {                                return  "Search  boats";                        }     Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐  
  • 40. 40   Backing  Bean  Scope  Managed  Beans         Ø  One instance of the bean per region within request            public  class  BrowseBoats  {                      private  RichTable  table;                        public  String  getSearchTitle()  {                              return  "Search  boats";                      }                  public  class  BrowseSailors  {                        private  RichTable  table;                          public  String  getSearchTitle()  {                                return  "Search  sailors";                        }     Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐  
  • 41. 41   View  Scope  Managed  Beans         Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐  
  • 42. 42   UI  Component  Reference         Ø  Use ComponentReference to hold the UI component reference Ø  Serializable     Ø  Avoids  hard  references  to  UI  components   Ø  Good enough for any memory scope public  class  BrowseSailors  {          private  ComponentReference  tableReference;                    public  void  setTable(RichTable  table)  {                tableReference  =                              ComponentReference.newUIComponentReference(table);          }            public  RichTable  getTable()  {                return  (tableReference  ==  null  ?  null  :  (RichTable)  tableReference.getComponent());                          }       Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐  
  • 43. Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐   43   Excep0on  Handling  Stone  
  • 44. 44   Controller  Excep0on  Handler         Ø  Mark a task flow activity as an Exception Handler Ø  Handle exceptions related to the task flow navigation Ø  Method  Call,  Router,  Task  Flow  Call,    Ini0alizer,  Finalizer,  etc.     Ø  Not  a  View  Ac0vity    public  void  excep0onHandler()  {                  ControllerContext  context  =  ControllerContext.getInstance();                  ViewPortContext  currentRootViewPort  =  context.getCurrentViewPort();                    if  (currentRootViewPort.isExcep0onPresent())  {                          Excep0on  ex  =  currentRootViewPort.getExcep0onData();                          FacesContext  fc  =  FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();                          FacesMessage  facesMessage  =                                  new  FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR,  ex.getMessage(),                                                                    null);                          fc.addMessage(null,  facesMessage);                          fc.renderResponse();                  }          }     Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐  
  • 45. 45   Nested  Task  Flow  Call         Sailors Task Flow Create Sailor Task Flow Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐  
  • 46. 46   Must  Have  Excep0on  Handler         Ø  Pop the task flow from the stack if there is no Exception Handler Ø  Repeat until Exception Handler is located Task Flow 0 Task Flow 1 No Exception HandlerTask Flow 2 No Exception HandlerTask Flow 3 TaskFlowStack Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐  
  • 48. 48   Immediate  aQribute         Ø  Validation and ValueChangeEvent at Apply Request Values phase Ø  The Lifecycle does not stop Ø  The rest of phases are not skipped  <af:inputText  value="#{bindings.Lengthh.inputValue}"                                                      visible="#{bindings.Lengthh.hints.viewableOnInsert}"                                                      par0alTriggers="socBoatClass"                <af:selectOneChoice  value="#{bindings.Boatclass.inputValue}"                                                                                autoSubmit="true"  immediate="true"                                                                                id="socBoatClass”       public  void  valueChangeListenerBoatClass(ValueChangeEvent  valueChangeEvent)  {                  UIComponent  c  =  valueChangeEvent.getComponent();                      c.processUpdates(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance());                      FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().renderResponse();                                      }     Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐  
  • 49. 49   Programma0cally  Refreshing  Components         Ø  Dependent components don’t participate in the request Ø  Add components as partial targets to the AdfFacesContext  <af:inputText  value="#{bindings.Lengthh.inputValue}"  id="itLength"                                                      visible="#{bindings.Lengthh.hints.viewableOnInsert}"                                                          <af:outputText  value="(meters)"  id="otLength"                                                            visible="#{bindings.Lengthh.hints.viewableOnInsert}”                                                                      public  void  valueChangeListenerBoatClass(ValueChangeEvent  valueChangeEvent)  {            UIComponent  c  =    JsfU0ls.findComponentInRoot("itLength");            AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addPar0alTarget(c);                c  =    JsfU0ls.findComponentInRoot("otLength");            AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addPar0alTarget(c);              …          }     Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐  
  • 50. 50   ClientComponent  aQribute         <af:outputText  value="(meters)"  id="otLength”                                    HTML:  <span  id="pt1:dyntdc:reg:1:pt1:otLength”>                                                                            clientComponent=”true"                                                                                                  (meters)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            </span>   document.getElementById("otLength")  =  HTMLSpanElement   AdfPage.PAGE.findComponent("otLength")  =  AdfRichOutputText       <af:outputText  value="(meters)"  id="otLength”                                    HTML:  <span  id="pt1:dyntdc:reg:1:pt1:otLength”>                                                                            par0alTriggers="socBoatClass"                                                                            (meters)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            </span>   document.getElementById("otLength")  =  HTMLSpanElement   AdfPage.PAGE.findComponent("otLength")  =  undefined      <af:outputText  value="(meters)"  id="otLength”                                                                    HTML:    (meters)       document.getElementById("otLength")  =  undefined   AdfPage.PAGE.findComponent("otLength")  =  undefined     <no  PPR-­‐capable  ID  found  for  elements  of:  RichOutputText[UIXFacesBeanImpl,  id=otLength]>     Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐  
  • 51. 51   SelectBooleanCheckBox  example                   <af:switcher  facetName="#{SessionInfo.regaQaUpdatable  ?  'regaQaUpdatable'  :  'regaQaReadOnly'}">              <f:facet  name="regaQaUpdatable">                        <af:selectBooleanCheckbox  value="#{bindings.InregaQa.inputValue}"                                                                                                                            disabled="#{empty  bindings.Manufdate.inputValue}"                                                                                                                            par0alTriggers="idManufDate"                                                                                                                            …/>                        …              </f:facet>            <f:facet  name="regaQaReadOnly">                        <af:outputText  value="#{bindings.InRegaQaName.inputValue}"                                                                                …/>                          …            </f:facet>      </af:switcher>                                                 Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐  
  • 52. 52   SelectBooleanCheckBox  piyall         Ø  Invisible partially triggered components participate in the request Ø  getSubmittedValue() never returns null for selection components    if  (component.isRendered()  &&  component.getSubmiQedValue()  !=  null)  {                        processComponent(component);            }  else  {                    skipComponent(component);          }        <af:switcher  facetName="#{SessionInfo.regaQaUpdatable  ?  'regaQaUpdatable'  :  'regaQaReadOnly'}">              <f:facet  name="regaQaUpdatable">                        <af:selectBooleanCheckbox  value="#{bindings.InregaQa.inputValue}"                                                                                                                            disabled="#{empty  bindings.Manufdate.inputValue}"                                                                                                                            par0alTriggers="idManufDate"                                                                                                                              …/>                  …   rendered="#{SessionInfo.regaQaUpdatable}"       Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐  
  • 53. 53   Automa0c  par0al  page  rendering  (Auto-­‐ppr)              <iterator  Binds="VBoat"  RangeSize="25"                                      DataControl="SampleModelServiceDataControl"                                      id="VBoatIterator"                                      ChangeEventPolicy="ppr"  />       Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐  
  • 54. 54   Target  Tag  (JDeveloper  12c)         Ø  Useful to skip validation while PPR execution Ø  Available in ADF 12c <af:selectOneChoice  value="#{bindings.Boatclass.inputValue}"                                                                                …>                <af:target  execute="@this"  render="it1  it2  it3"/>   </af:selectOneChoice>     <af:inputText  value="#{bindings.Lengthh.inputValue}”                                                    visible="#{bindings.Lengthh.hints.viewableOnInsert}"                                                    id=”it1”  required=”true”     <af:inputText  value="#{bindings.Width.inputValue}”                                                    visible="#{bindings.Width.hints.viewableOnInsert}”                                                    id=”it2”  required=”true”             <af:inputText  value="#{bindings.Capacity.inputValue}”                                                    visible="#{bindings.Capacity.hints.viewableOnInsert}”                                                    id=”it3”  required=”true”                 Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐  
  • 55. 55   ValidateDateTimeRange  validator            <af:inputDate  value="#{bindings.RegaQastartdate.inputValue}"                                                        …/>          <af:inputDate  value="#{bindings.RegaQafinishdate.inputValue}"                                                        …/>            <af:inputDate  value="#{bindings.Firstracedate.inputValue}"                                                        …>              <af:validateDateTimeRange  minimum="#{bindings.RegaQastartdate.inputValue.value}"                                                                                                                      maximum="#{bindings.RegaQafinishdate.inputValue.value}"/>    </af:inputDate>     Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐  
  • 56. 56   ValidateDateTimeRange  piyall         Ø  Maximum = 5/30/2014 23:59:59.999 <af:validateDateTimeRange  minimum="#{bindings.RegaQastartdate.inputValue.value}"                                                                                                            maximum="#{bindings.LimitRegaQaFinishDate.inputValue.value}"/>       Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐  
  • 57. Eugene  Fedorenko   adfprac0ce-­‐   57   Ques0ons  &  Answers