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Frontin' Like
A Back-er
by @frankdejonge
The PHP League
2 million downloads, thank you!
Frontin like-a-backer

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Hacking Your Way To Better Security - Dutch PHP Conference 2016
Hacking Your Way To Better Security - Dutch PHP Conference 2016Hacking Your Way To Better Security - Dutch PHP Conference 2016
Hacking Your Way To Better Security - Dutch PHP Conference 2016

The goal of this talk is to educate developers on common security vulnerabilities, how they are exploited, and how to protect against them. We'll explore several of the OWASP Top 10 attack vectors like SQL injection, XSS, CSRF, session hijacking, and insecure direct object references. Each topic will be approached from the perspective of an attacker to see how these vulnerabilities are detected and exploited using several realistic examples. Once we've established an understanding of how these attacks work, we'll look at concrete steps you can take to secure web applications against such vulnerabilities. The knowledge gained from this talk can also be used for participating in "Capture the Flag" security competitions.

November Camp - Spec BDD with PHPSpec 2
November Camp - Spec BDD with PHPSpec 2November Camp - Spec BDD with PHPSpec 2
November Camp - Spec BDD with PHPSpec 2

My slides on PHPSpec 2 from Symfony November Camp Stockholm. More Domain-Driven Design related content at:

Forget about Index.php and build you applications around HTTP - PHPers Cracow
Forget about Index.php and build you applications around HTTP - PHPers CracowForget about Index.php and build you applications around HTTP - PHPers Cracow
Forget about Index.php and build you applications around HTTP - PHPers Cracow

Slides from my talk at PHPers meet-up in Cracow More Domain-Driven Design related content at:

Frontin like-a-backer
Frontin like-a-backer
There's no other
option than using
- most of my friends
JavaScript is a
means to an end.
- almost all of my friends

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PHPUnit Episode iv.iii: Return of the tests
PHPUnit Episode iv.iii: Return of the testsPHPUnit Episode iv.iii: Return of the tests
PHPUnit Episode iv.iii: Return of the tests

The document discusses the importance of unit testing and describes how developers are returning to write good tests after cutting corners during economic difficulties. It provides examples of unit tests being written for an order management system using PHPUnit to test the createOrder method by mocking dependencies and asserting the return value.

phpunitunit testingphp
Symfony2 Building on Alpha / Beta technology
Symfony2 Building on Alpha / Beta technologySymfony2 Building on Alpha / Beta technology
Symfony2 Building on Alpha / Beta technology

Presentation i gave at londonweb august on building a site on what turned out to be 12 preview, 5 beta, 6 RC and a final release of Symfony 2.

QA for PHP projects
QA for PHP projectsQA for PHP projects
QA for PHP projects

This document discusses quality assurance (QA) for PHP projects. It introduces various QA tools and techniques including syntax checking, documentation, testing, version control and code coverage. Screenshots are provided to illustrate concepts like detecting bugs early, observing behavior and preventing mistakes. The document also includes exercises for attendees to practice setting up version control with Git, running syntax checks with PHP Lint, generating documentation with phpDocumentor, and testing models with PHPUnit.

If JavaScript is
required, I'll hire
- my friends who have companies
If we hate something,
why do we do it?
We all like the result:
Snappy UI / UX
I made a server
browser do this!

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Forget about index.php and build you applications around HTTP!
Forget about index.php and build you applications around HTTP!Forget about index.php and build you applications around HTTP!
Forget about index.php and build you applications around HTTP!

Slides from my talk at Dutch PHP Conference in Amsterdam More Domain-Driven Design related content at:

05 JavaScript #burningkeyboards
05 JavaScript #burningkeyboards05 JavaScript #burningkeyboards
05 JavaScript #burningkeyboards

The document provides an overview of JavaScript, including that it is used to make web pages interactive, runs in browsers, and supports built-in. It discusses the DOM, common events, using the console, variables, operators, comments, conditionals, loops, arrays, objects, type checking, functions, events, timers, accessing and manipulating DOM elements, working with CSS/classes, and AJAX requests.

Decoupling the monolith. From CRUD to DDD
Decoupling the monolith. From CRUD to DDDDecoupling the monolith. From CRUD to DDD
Decoupling the monolith. From CRUD to DDD

Experiences decoupling codebase in order to ease the transition between a traditional CRUD model to a DDD model

decouplinggood practicescrud
Frontin like-a-backer
Loving JavaScript
Hating JavaScript
Dealing with JavaScript
Take a step back.
React Reflect
$(window).load(function () {
$('a.external-link').on('click', function clickHandler (e) {
if (confirm('Really?')) {
$(this).off('click', clickHandler).click();

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jQuery & 10,000 Global Functions: Working with Legacy JavaScript
jQuery & 10,000 Global Functions: Working with Legacy JavaScriptjQuery & 10,000 Global Functions: Working with Legacy JavaScript
jQuery & 10,000 Global Functions: Working with Legacy JavaScript

Long ago, in the late days of the first Internet boom, before jQuery, before Underscore, before Angular, there was a web application built by a large corporation. This application was written as a server-side application using server-side technology like Java or PHP. A tiny seed of JavaScript was added to some of the pages of this application to give it a little sizzle. Over the ages, this tiny bit of JavaScript grew like kudzu. Most of it was embedded in the HTML in

06 jQuery #burningkeyboards
06 jQuery  #burningkeyboards06 jQuery  #burningkeyboards
06 jQuery #burningkeyboards

This document provides an introduction to jQuery, including examples of how to use jQuery. It discusses jQuery plugins, performance tips for jQuery, and jQuery deferreds/promises. Some key points: - jQuery is a JavaScript library that allows DOM manipulation and event handling via JavaScript - jQuery code uses $ as an alias for jQuery functions - Plugins can extend jQuery's functionality - For performance, cache selections, append outside loops, detach/reattach elements being modified - Deferreds/promises allow asynchronous functions to be chained together

Backbone js
Backbone jsBackbone js
Backbone js

The document appears to be notes on Backbone.js. It includes summaries of Backbone models, events, views and how to bind events. It demonstrates creating a model with defaults, getting/setting attributes, and binding event handlers. It also shows creating a view with tagName, className and attributes, and logging the generated HTML element.

This is not separation of concerns.
<a class="hide-me">Click and I'll disappear</a>
<script type="application/javascript">
$('a.hide_me').on('click', function (e) {
It's error-prone.
Result driven
Just enough code to make it work.
Looks good
at the front.
Not so pretty
at the back.

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Zepto.js, a jQuery-compatible mobile JavaScript framework in 2K
Zepto.js, a jQuery-compatible mobile JavaScript framework in 2KZepto.js, a jQuery-compatible mobile JavaScript framework in 2K
Zepto.js, a jQuery-compatible mobile JavaScript framework in 2K

The document discusses the goals and design of Zepto.js, a JavaScript framework for mobile web applications. It aims to have a very small codebase that is easy to use, extends native browser APIs, and avoids non-essential browser implementations. It provides a jQuery-like API but takes advantage of mobile features for better performance on small screens and devices with limited bandwidth.

jQuery from the very beginning
jQuery from the very beginningjQuery from the very beginning
jQuery from the very beginning

Presented at phpXperts seminar 2009, Bangladesh. A real quick start for jQuery learners.

Headless Js Testing
Headless Js TestingHeadless Js Testing
Headless Js Testing

The document discusses generating headless JavaScript tests for validations. It describes problems with testing JavaScript across many views, models, and validations. It proposes using server-side and client-side validations, widgets, localization, and regular expressions to solve these problems. Tests are generated and executed using RSpec and a standalone JavaScript interpreter to test validations without a browser.

Not good enough.
Doesn't supply what I
We need:
1. Generated Elements; Templates?
2. XHR requests; Obviously, it's the future.
3. Data Handling; Models? Collections?
Our saviours:
Backbone.js, Ember.js,
Backbone.JS: You figure it out.
var DocumentRow = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: "li",
className: "document-row",
events: {
"click .icon": "open",
initialize: function() {
this.listenTo(this.model, "change", this.render);
render: function() {
var idea = 'I have none';

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PHPunit and you
PHPunit and youPHPunit and you
PHPunit and you

PHPUnit is a test suite framework that is widely used for PHP projects. It provides improvements over older testing frameworks like SimpleTest, including better command line tools, code coverage reports, assertions, mock objects, and tool chain support. PHPUnit uses annotations and assertions to make tests stricter and more consistent. It supports features like fixtures, mock objects, and code coverage reporting to help test codebases thoroughly. PHPUnit can be run from the command line or a web interface, and integrates with continuous integration servers to run tests automatically.

New in php 7
New in php 7New in php 7
New in php 7

Slides from the GTA-PHP meetup about the new features in PHP 7. Slides had corresponding RFC pages linked to them in the speaker notes, but they don't seem to correspond to pages here so I've made the original keynote file available at and a PowerPoint version at

Avinash Kundaliya: Javascript and WordPress
Avinash Kundaliya: Javascript and WordPressAvinash Kundaliya: Javascript and WordPress
Avinash Kundaliya: Javascript and WordPress

This document discusses JavaScript and how it is used on over 92% of websites. It covers JavaScript fundamentals like variable scope, hoisting, and the this keyword. It also discusses how JavaScript allows first-class functions and functional programming. The document then covers how to properly manage scripts in WordPress using functions like wp_register_script, wp_enqueue_script, and wp_localize_script to internationalize scripts. It concludes by mentioning additional JavaScript topics to explore like closures and functional programming.

Angular.JS: ng-whatever.
<html ng-app="phonecatApp">
<script src="bower_components/angular/angular.js"></script>
<script src="js/controllers.js"></script>
<body ng-controller="PhoneListCtrl">
<li ng-repeat="phone in phones">
Ember.JS: Handlebars / Mustache.
23 page doc needed to
explain views.
You don't like JS and
HTML; here's
something different.
It just doesn't work.

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Dependency Management with RequireJS
Dependency Management with RequireJSDependency Management with RequireJS
Dependency Management with RequireJS

This document provides an overview of dependency management with RequireJS. It defines key concepts like modules, AMD, and RequireJS. It demonstrates how to define modules, request dependencies, and configure RequireJS. It also covers more advanced topics like defining constructor modules, configuring paths and shimming non-AMD libraries, using plugins, conditional dependencies, error handling, and optimization.

amdmoduledependency management
Ditching JQuery
Ditching JQueryDitching JQuery
Ditching JQuery

JQuery is awesome, but with all major browsers following the ES and HTML5 specs, the library has become more of a convenience than a necessity for browser compatibility. While the library is useful and ubiquitous, it does distract us from learning the language that it's built on. This talk will outline functionalities that pure javascript provides, and also provide steps we can take to begin writing vanilla javascript applications and start appreciating the power and uniqueness of javascript.

jqueryvanilla javascript
20150516 modern web_conf_tw
20150516 modern web_conf_tw20150516 modern web_conf_tw
20150516 modern web_conf_tw

The document discusses integrating ReactJS and Webpack into Ruby on Rails applications. It covers using modules with CommonJS, RequireJS, and ECMAScript 6. It also discusses using Webpack for bundling assets, setting up entry points, loaders, and plugins. Webpack can be configured to work with Rails by defining webpack.config.js and using the assets:webpack task for deployment. This provides a modular approach for JavaScript development while still leveraging Rails.

I'm OUT!
Back to HTML.
Back-end flow:
Receive HTTP Request.
Process & Collect Data.
Send Data => Template Engine.
Send HTTP Response.
Current Application
State in HTML
<h1 class="hello">Hello World!</h1>
<div class="hello">
<h1 class="hello__message">Hello World!</h1>

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Introduction to jQuery
Introduction to jQueryIntroduction to jQuery
Introduction to jQuery

The document provides an introduction to jQuery, explaining what it is, its benefits over traditional JavaScript, and how it can be used. Key points covered include: - jQuery is a lightweight JavaScript library that makes client-side scripting easier by providing cross-browser compatibility and methods for selecting, manipulating, and traversing DOM elements. - jQuery solves many cross-browser issues that exist with traditional JavaScript and allows unobtrusive JavaScript that separates behavior from content. - jQuery simplifies many common tasks like DOM traversal and manipulation through methods like $.(), selectors, events, effects, and plugins. This allows easier and more readable code compared to traditional JavaScript. - The document provides examples of how to use

Backbone.js — Introduction to client-side JavaScript MVC
Backbone.js — Introduction to client-side JavaScript MVCBackbone.js — Introduction to client-side JavaScript MVC
Backbone.js — Introduction to client-side JavaScript MVC

Philip Poots is a Ruby developer who works at He focuses on structure frameworks, state applications, and speed with JavaScript.

backbonejsclient side javascriptdevelopment frameworks
Building Large jQuery Applications
Building Large jQuery ApplicationsBuilding Large jQuery Applications
Building Large jQuery Applications

When you move beyond adding simple enhancements to your website with jQuery and start building full-blown client-side applications, how do you organize your code? At this month's Triangle JS Meetup, we'll take a look at patterns for application development using jQuery that promote the principles of tight encapsulation and loose coupling, including classes, the publish/subscribe paradigm, and dependency management and build systems.

State & Behaviour
<input type="checkbox" checked/>
Why can't it just be like that?
Just the UI
Just like HTML
React (JS)
var HelloWorld = React.createClass({
render: function () {
return <h1>Hello, World!</h1>;

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Javascript Frameworks for Joomla
Javascript Frameworks for JoomlaJavascript Frameworks for Joomla
Javascript Frameworks for Joomla

The document discusses how JavaScript frameworks like MooTools can be leveraged in Joomla sites to provide features like DOM manipulation, classes, event listeners, and effects. It describes how MooTools is the default framework used by Joomla and provides examples of its key capabilities. Additionally, it offers suggestions for optimizing framework usage, such as implementing the Google Loader API to decrease page load times.

jQuery Fundamentals
jQuery FundamentalsjQuery Fundamentals
jQuery Fundamentals

This document provides a summary of jQuery fundamentals, including: - jQuery simplifies client-side scripting of HTML and selecting DOM elements - Popular uses include navigation, animation, event handling, and AJAX - jQuery is easy to learn and use, supports method chaining, and has a large developer community - Key concepts include selecting elements, DOM manipulation, events, AJAX requests, and using jQuery UI widgets

mobile development course
J query training
J query trainingJ query training
J query training

This document provides an overview of jQuery, including what it is, why it's useful, how to get started, and some common jQuery syntax. jQuery is a JavaScript library that makes it much easier to use JavaScript on websites. It simplifies tasks like DOM manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax. The document explains how to download jQuery, includes some basic jQuery syntax using selectors and methods, and covers various features like effects, HTML/CSS manipulation, events, traversing, and Ajax.

HTML in my JS?!
What The Fudge!
#ProTip: Get over it.
JSX is just a DSL for
HTML in JavaScript
var HelloWorld = React.createClass({
render: function () {
return <h1>Hello, World!<h1>;

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Rails is not just Ruby
Rails is not just RubyRails is not just Ruby
Rails is not just Ruby

Talk on Rails and JavaScript and how JavaScript should be written, structured, separated from the HTML etc.

railsseparation of concernsunobtrusive
Crossing platforms with JavaScript & React
Crossing platforms with JavaScript & React Crossing platforms with JavaScript & React
Crossing platforms with JavaScript & React

In this talk I explore just how much code you can share between a react web project and a react native project.

ActiveWeb: Chicago Java User Group Presentation
ActiveWeb: Chicago Java User Group PresentationActiveWeb: Chicago Java User Group Presentation
ActiveWeb: Chicago Java User Group Presentation

- ActiveWeb is a Java web framework that aims to make web programming fun and productive again through its simplicity, support for TDD, and immediate feedback. - It provides convention over configuration routing and views, dependency injection with Guice, and integrates well with testing frameworks like allowing parameters to be passed to controllers and inspecting HTML responses. - ActiveWeb has no XML configuration and aims to have as few dependencies as possible while still providing a full-stack framework for building RESTful web services and traditional MVC applications.

var HelloWorld = React.createClass({
render: function () {
return React.createElement(
{className: 'hello_world'},
'Hello, World!'
Just like HTML:
It's declarative
Just like HTML:
You can pass
<ModalWindow opened={true}/>
Just like HTML:
It's composable.
<ModalHeader title="Hello World"/>

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Android Best Practices
Android Best PracticesAndroid Best Practices
Android Best Practices

This document provides an overview of key Android development concepts and techniques. It discusses fragments, the support library, dependency injection, image caching, threading and AsyncTask, notifications, supporting multiple screens, and optimizing ListView performance. The document also recommends several popular Android libraries and open source apps that demonstrate best practices.

Asynchronous Interfaces
Asynchronous InterfacesAsynchronous Interfaces
Asynchronous Interfaces

This document discusses various tools and libraries for building real-time web applications, including SuperClass for simple class abstraction, SuperApp for building state-based applications, SuperModel for object-relational mapping, SuperConnect for templating and binding, SuperRPC for JSON-RPC, and Juggernaut for real-time functionality through websockets. It also briefly mentions other utilities like Sprockets for asset packaging and FileReader for reading file uploads.

jQuery: Events, Animation, Ajax
jQuery: Events, Animation, AjaxjQuery: Events, Animation, Ajax
jQuery: Events, Animation, Ajax

Presentation about some of features of events, animation and ajax in jQuery. Material is for those, who already has used jQuery before.

It shows intent.
<Username />
<ProfilePicture />
<Biography />
But where do I put my data?
React is all about the bass UI.
What is data in the UI?
Properties & State
External Input

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Adding a modern twist to legacy web applications
Adding a modern twist to legacy web applicationsAdding a modern twist to legacy web applications
Adding a modern twist to legacy web applications

Avoid misery of working with legacy code We will see how you can add independent and isolated components to existing pages; pages that may be difficult to change React and Flux allow you to make self-contained additions that handle their own data access/persistence

reactweb developmentbrowserify
jQuery Best Practice
jQuery Best Practice jQuery Best Practice
jQuery Best Practice

This document provides best practices for using jQuery, including loading jQuery from a CDN, using variables to cache jQuery objects, optimizing selectors for performance, best practices for DOM manipulation, event handling, AJAX requests, animations, chaining, using plugins, and other miscellaneous tips. Key recommendations include prefixing variables with $, using ID selectors when possible, giving selectors context, avoiding implied universal selectors, detaching elements before manipulation, avoiding anonymous event handlers, and using object literals for parameters.

jquery html css
Clean Javascript
Clean JavascriptClean Javascript
Clean Javascript

The document discusses techniques for writing clean JavaScript code. It provides examples of code smells and improvements to address issues like attaching events from the outside, separating selection from logic, shallow scope, overwriting default behavior, and separating logic from views. The document advocates for practices like modularizing functions, separating DOM manipulation from models, and creating model objects to represent DOM elements rather than directly manipulating the DOM. It encourages learning clean JavaScript techniques to write better structured and more maintainable code.

var Badge = React.createClass({
render: function () {
return <div className="badge">
<Badge name="Kayla" />,
var Badge = React.createClass({
render: function () {
var description = this.props.is_awesome
? 'is awesome!'
: 'is not awesome';
return <div className="badge">
React.render(<Badge name="Kayla" is_awesome={true} />, rootNode);
var BadgeList = React.createClass({
render: function () {
var badges = (person) {
return <Badge key={} {...person} />;
return <div className="badge_list">{badges}<div>;
React.render(<BadgeList people={peopleCollection} />, rootNode);

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JavaScript on Rails 튜토리얼
JavaScript on Rails 튜토리얼JavaScript on Rails 튜토리얼
JavaScript on Rails 튜토리얼

This document discusses Java Script on Rails and Ajax functionality in Rails. It summarizes various Ajax helpers in Rails, different types of Ajax responses, and how Rails processes Ajax requests using RJS (Ruby-generated JavaScript). It also discusses unobtrusive JavaScript and different approaches to JavaScript in Rails applications.

FAST Channels: Explosive Growth Forecast 2024-2027 (Buckle Up!)
FAST Channels: Explosive Growth Forecast 2024-2027 (Buckle Up!)FAST Channels: Explosive Growth Forecast 2024-2027 (Buckle Up!)
FAST Channels: Explosive Growth Forecast 2024-2027 (Buckle Up!)

Free ad-supported streaming takes off! Dive into the projected surge of FAST channels & market size from 2024 to 2027.

fast channelsfree streaming tvott
A Comparative Analysis of Functional and Non-Functional Testing.pdf
A Comparative Analysis of Functional and Non-Functional Testing.pdfA Comparative Analysis of Functional and Non-Functional Testing.pdf
A Comparative Analysis of Functional and Non-Functional Testing.pdf

A robust software testing strategy encompassing functional and non-functional testing is fundamental for development teams. These twin pillars are essential for ensuring the success of your applications. But why are they so critical? Functional testing rigorously examines the application's processes against predefined requirements, ensuring they align seamlessly. Conversely, non-functional testing evaluates performance and reliability under load, enhancing the end-user experience.

non functional testingfunctional testing
var Toggle = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function () {
return { completed: false };
render: function () {
var className = this.state.completed
? 'toggle--completed'
: 'toggle';
return <div className={className} />;
var Toggle = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function () {
return { completed: false };
onClick: function () {
this.setState({completed: ! this.state.completed});
render: function () {
var className = this.state.completed
? 'toggle--completed'
: 'toggle';
return <div onClick={this.onClick} className={className} />;
Nice but what about
MY data?
Back-end data flow:
1. Receive an HTTP request.
2. Process + Get relevant data.
3. Respond with a rendered view.

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ANSYS Mechanical APDL Introductory Tutorials.pdf
ANSYS Mechanical APDL Introductory Tutorials.pdfANSYS Mechanical APDL Introductory Tutorials.pdf
ANSYS Mechanical APDL Introductory Tutorials.pdf

Ansys Mechanical enables you to solve complex structural engineering problems and make better, faster design decisions. With the finite element analysis (FEA) solvers available in the suite, you can customize and automate solutions for your structural mechanics problems and parameterize them to analyze multiple design scenarios. Ansys Mechanical is a dynamic tool that has a complete range of analysis tools.

mechanical engineeringsoftware3d software
React vs Next js: Which is Better for Web Development? - Semiosis Software Pr...
React vs Next js: Which is Better for Web Development? - Semiosis Software Pr...React vs Next js: Which is Better for Web Development? - Semiosis Software Pr...
React vs Next js: Which is Better for Web Development? - Semiosis Software Pr...

React and Next.js are complementary tools in web development. React, a JavaScript library, specializes in building user interfaces with its component-based architecture and efficient state management. Next.js extends React by providing server-side rendering, routing, and other utilities, making it ideal for building SEO-friendly, high-performance web applications.

react vs next jsnext jsreact
active-directory-auditing-solution (2).pptx
active-directory-auditing-solution (2).pptxactive-directory-auditing-solution (2).pptx
active-directory-auditing-solution (2).pptx

Active Directory Audit

Back-end data flow:
1. Action (intention)
2. Domain (business stuff)
3. Response (json/html/ ... xml?)
How does this map to
JavaScript / React?
Front-end data flow:
1. Action (intention)
2. Domain (?)
3. Response (React)
Front-end data flow:
1. Action (intention)
2. Store / Services (data layer)
3. Response (React)

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CViewSurvey Digitech Pvt Ltd that works on a proven C.A.A.G. model.
CViewSurvey Digitech Pvt Ltd that  works on a proven C.A.A.G. model.CViewSurvey Digitech Pvt Ltd that  works on a proven C.A.A.G. model.
CViewSurvey Digitech Pvt Ltd that works on a proven C.A.A.G. model.

CViewSurvey is a SaaS-based Web & Mobile application that provides digital transformation to traditional paper surveys and feedback for customer & employee experience, field & market research that helps you evaluate your customer's as well as employee's loyalty. With our unique C.A.A.G. Collect, Analysis, Act & Grow approach; business & industry’s can create customized surveys on web, publish on app to collect unlimited response & review AI backed real-time data analytics on mobile & tablets anytime, anywhere. Data collected when offline is securely stored in the device, which syncs to the cloud server when connected to any network.

saasapplicationdigital marketing
Addressing the Top 9 User Pain Points with Visual Design Elements.pptx
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Addressing the Top 9 User Pain Points with Visual Design Elements.pptx

Enhance the top 9 user pain points with effective visual design elements to improve user experience & satisfaction. Learn the best design strategies

#ui visual designrecruitmentux
ThaiPy meetup - Indexes and Django
ThaiPy meetup - Indexes and DjangoThaiPy meetup - Indexes and Django
ThaiPy meetup - Indexes and Django

Class based indexes feature in Django

Stores hold the
application state.
Services interact
with APIs.

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COMPSAC 2024 D&I Panel: Charting a Course for Equity: Strategies for Overcomi...
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Hironori Washizaki, "Charting a Course for Equity: Strategies for Overcoming Challenges and Promoting Inclusion in the Metaverse", IEEE COMPSAC 2024 D&I Panel, 2024.

dachnug51 - All you ever wanted to know about domino licensing.pdf
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dachnug51 - All you ever wanted to know about domino licensing.pdf

dachnug51 | All you ever wanted to know about domino licensing | Uffe Sorensen


In this talk, we will explore strategies to optimize the success rate of storing and retaining new information. We will discuss scientifically proven ideal learning intervals and content structures. Additionally, we will examine how to create an environment that improves our focus while you remain in the “flow”. Lastly we will also address the influence of AI on learning capabilities. In the dynamic field of software development, this knowledge will empower you to accelerate your learning curve and support others in their learning journeys.

Flux is only a pattern
There are many implementations already.
Actions & Stores
Frontin like-a-backer

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Splunk Presentation

WhatsApp Tracker - Tracking WhatsApp to Boost Online Safety.pdf
WhatsApp Tracker -  Tracking WhatsApp to Boost Online Safety.pdfWhatsApp Tracker -  Tracking WhatsApp to Boost Online Safety.pdf
WhatsApp Tracker - Tracking WhatsApp to Boost Online Safety.pdf

WhatsApp Tracker Software is an effective tool for remotely tracking the target’s WhatsApp activities. It allows users to monitor their loved one’s online behavior to ensure appropriate interactions for responsive device use. Download this PPTX file and share this information to others.

whatsapp trackerwhatsapp tracker for parentswhatsapp tracker for employers
NBFC Software: Optimize Your Non-Banking Financial Company
NBFC Software: Optimize Your Non-Banking Financial CompanyNBFC Software: Optimize Your Non-Banking Financial Company
NBFC Software: Optimize Your Non-Banking Financial Company

NBFC Software: Optimize Your Non-Banking Financial Company Enhance Your Financial Services with Comprehensive NBFC Software NBFC software provides a complete solution for non-banking financial companies, streamlining banking and accounting functions to reduce operational costs. Our software is designed to meet the diverse needs of NBFCs, including investment banks, insurance companies, and hedge funds. Key Features of NBFC Software: Centralized Database: Facilitates inter-branch collaboration and smooth operations with a unified platform. Automation: Simplifies loan lifecycle management and account maintenance, ensuring efficient delivery of financial services. Customization: Highly customizable to fit specific business needs, offering flexibility in managing various loan types such as home loans, mortgage loans, personal loans, and more. Security: Ensures safe and secure handling of financial transactions and sensitive data. User-Friendly Interface: Designed to be intuitive and easy to use, reducing the learning curve for employees. Cost-Effective: Reduces the need for additional manpower by automating tasks, making it a budget-friendly solution. Benefits of NBFC Software: Go Paperless: Transition to a fully digital operation, eliminating offline work. Transparency: Enables managers and executives to monitor various points of the banking process easily. Defaulter Tracking: Helps track loan defaulters, maintaining a healthy loan management system. Increased Accessibility: Cutting-edge technology increases the accessibility and usability of NBFC operations. Request a Demo Now!

nbfc softwarenbfc software solutionsnbfc software company
Frontin like-a-backer
Frontin like-a-backer
import Alt from 'alt';
let alt = new Alt();
export default alt;

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Overview of ERP - Mechlin Technologies.pptx
Overview of ERP - Mechlin Technologies.pptxOverview of ERP - Mechlin Technologies.pptx
Overview of ERP - Mechlin Technologies.pptx

This PowerPoint presentation provides a comprehensive overview of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. It covers the fundamental concepts, benefits, and key functionalities of ERP software, illustrating how it integrates various business processes into a unified system. From finance and HR to supply chain and customer relationship management, ERP facilitates efficient data management and decision-making across organizations. Whether you're new to ERP or looking to deepen your understanding, this presentation offers valuable insights into leveraging ERP for business success.

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// actions/TodoActions.js
import alt from '../alt';
class TodoActions {
createTodo (task) {
this.dispatch({ task });
export default alt.createActions(TodoActions);
// stores/TodoStore.js
import alt from '../alt';
import TodoActions from '../actions/TodoActions';
class TodoStore {
constructor() {
this.todos = [];
handleCreatedTodo: TodoActions.CREATE_TODO
handleCreatedTodo (todo) {
export default alt.createStore(TodoStore, 'TodoStore');
import React from 'react';
var TodoApplication = React.createClass({
render() {
var todoList = (todo, index) {
return <li key={index}>{todo.task}</li>;
return <div className="todos">
<ul className="todo__list">
<input type="text"/>
import TodoStore from '../stores/TodoStore';
var TodoApplication = React.createClass({
componentWillMount () {
componentWillUnmount () {
handleChange (state) {
getInitialState() {
return TodoStore.getState();

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If you are having trouble deciding which time tracker tool is best for you, try "Task Tracker" app. It has numerous features, including the ability to check daily attendance sheet, and other that make team management easier.

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Shivam Pandit working on Php Web Developer.
Shivam Pandit working on Php Web Developer.Shivam Pandit working on Php Web Developer.
Shivam Pandit working on Php Web Developer.

Shivam Pandit Php Web Dveloper

var TodoApplication = React.createClass({
render() {
var todoList = (todo, index) {
return <li key={index}>{todo.task}</li>;
return <div className="todos">
<ul className="todo__list">
<input type="text"/>
var TodoList = React.createClass({
render() {
var todoList = (todo, index) {
return <li key={index}>{todo.task}</li>;
return <ul className="todo__list">
import TodoList from './TodoList';
var TodoApplication = React.createClass({
render() {
return <div className="todos">
<TodoList todos={this.state.todos} />
<input type="text"/>
import TodoList from './TodoList';
import TodoActions from '../actions/TodoActions';
var TodoApplication = React.createClass({
handleCreateTodo (event) {
if (event.keyCode !== 13) return;
var task =;
render() {
return <div className="todos">
<TodoList todos={this.state.todos} />
<input type="text" onKeyDown={this.handleCreateTodo}/>

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So, what about my
Laravel App?
// routes.php
$app->post('/todos', function (Request $request) {
$todo = $request->json()->all();
// Store the TODO
return new JsonResponse($todo->all());
import alt from '../alt';
import TodoActions from '../actions/TodoActions';
class TodoStore {
handleCreatedTodo (todo) {
fetch('/todos', {
method: 'post',
body: JSON.stringify(todo)
}).then((response) => {
export default alt.createStore(TodoStore, 'TodoStore');
What do we know so

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Writing front-end code, like back-end code.
It's all about data-flow.
Intent is everything.
Complexity should be facilitated.
Choose a tool that
supports it.
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React can run
on the server.
Declarative UI
across the board.
Thank you for
your time!

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