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Habitat talk at CodeMonsters Sofia, Bulgaria Nov 27 2018
Mandi Walls
Technical Community Manager
Chef and Automation
• Infrastructure Automation
• Cloud early adopters
• Digital Transformation
• Compliance Automation with InSpec
• Application Automation with Habitat
How Do We Run Applications?
• On a computer
• With an OS
• And some libraries
• And some configuration
• And some way to start it and stop it

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Elton Stoneman - Developer Advocate, Docker Legacy applications weren't designed to run in a modern distributed platform like Docker. They have their own ideas about logging, configuration and health which don't translate to the world of containers and make transformation projects hard. This session shows you how to bring your old applications into the modern world, and integrate them with Docker - without changing code. We'll cover patterns for all the core application concerns: * logging * configuration * monitoring * health * dependency management The sample applications will be in .NET and Java, and will show you how to turn your existing applications into good Docker citizens.

We’ve been moving complexity
around rather than reducing it
Complexity Multiplies as Infrastructure Ages
def default_apache_version
return '2.2' if node['platform_family'] == 'debian' && node['platform_version'] == '10.04'
return '2.2' if node['platform_family'] == 'debian' && node['platform_version'] == '12.04'
return '2.2' if node['platform_family'] == 'debian' && node['platform_version'] == '13.04'
return '2.2' if node['platform_family'] == 'debian' && node['platform_version'] == '13.10'
return '2.2' if node['platform_family'] == 'debian' && node['platform_version'].to_i == 6
return '2.2' if node['platform_family'] == 'debian' && node['platform_version'].to_i == 7
return '2.2' if node['platform_family'] == 'freebsd'
return '2.2' if node['platform_family'] == 'omnios'
return '2.2' if node['platform_family'] == 'rhel' && node['platform_version'].to_i == 5
return '2.2' if node['platform_family'] == 'rhel' && node['platform_version'].to_i == 6
return '2.2' if node['platform_family'] == 'suse'
return '2.4' if node['platform_family'] == 'debian' && node['platform_version'] == '14.04'
return '2.4' if node['platform_family'] == 'debian' && node['platform_version'] == '14.10'
Value and Work is Shifting
UNIT OF WORK is deployment
UNIT OF VALUE is server
UNIT OF WORK is configuration
Artifact Inclusions
Libraries and
Operating System
Application Libraries Application,
Runtimes, &
Container formats recreate the traditional
model of infrastructure and applications.
Poor at abstracting the Build + Run
aspects of Applications
Ties dependencies to OS versions
Habitat builds from the application down
Small lightweight OS included
Embedded Supervisor for Application
Builds have strict dependency version control
Container Habitat

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Jules Testard - Software Engineer, Docker Inc Since the advent of AWS Lambda in 2014, the Function as a Service (FaaS) programming paradigm has gained a lot of traction in the cloud community. Since then, interest has increased for developers and entreprises to build their own open source solutions on top of Kubernetes. A number of competing frameworks in this space have been developed. In this talk, we will look at three specific frameworks (OpenFaas, Nuclio and FN) and for each framework we will: Show how to create, deploy, and invoke a function using that framework Show how Docker images and containers are used by each framework under the hood Investigate how the frameworks leverage KNative to build, ship and run applications on Kubernetes

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Monitoring docker container and dockerized applications
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This document discusses monitoring Docker containers and applications. It outlines the challenges of monitoring at the container, application, and infrastructure levels. An approach is proposed that uses agents running on each host to collect data from drivers for the host, containers, and applications. The data is sent asynchronously to a central monitoring controller which aggregates, stores, analyzes and derives insights from the data. Predictions, usage patterns, and capacity planning information can be determined to help optimize container resources and performance.

So. Habitat.
• Ignore the underlying platform as much as possible
• Support microservices
• Manage container creep
• Make your workflow smoother
How Does Habitat Benefit Your Team
• Build once, run anywhere immutable artifacts
• Developers – Get the exact libraries needed,
regardless of OS version
• Test / QA – Easier maintenance of test
• Operators – Run Linux habs on any distro
• Security – Query live services at runtime for
potential vulnerabilities
Other Features
• Defer configuration decisions to runtime
• Build in a "clean room" : no accidental
• Service runtime and discovery
• Configuration exposed via API
• Signed packages for your organization
Cloud Native Applications with Habitat
Habitat Builder

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This document discusses the "mushroom cloud effect" that can occur when containers fail in highly dynamic container environments. It describes how a failure in one container due to a lack of disk space on the host led to cascading failures that affected many dependent services. The failure spread as container health checks failed and orchestration rescheduled containers, eventually exhausting disk space and preventing any new containers from running. Automated monitoring is needed to pinpoint the root cause of such cascading failures in complex systems with many interdependent containers and services.

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This is slides from my talk on Kharkiv IT Weekend on May 27, 2017. Here is link to my blog where you can find more information about the approaches:

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Elara is a Docker volume plugin that provides a distributed volume management tool and connection between containers and shared storage providers. It supports advanced volume operations like snapshots, backups, migration, IOPS, disk quotas and extending volumes. Elara uses a key-value storage as a database to store node status remotely. It focuses on shared storage and supports multiple backend drivers like NFS, Cinder and filesystem/block devices.

dockercentralized storagemicroservice architecture
Sample Application
• container_sched_backend – small rust application
• Runs on Linux in a cluster
• The code is plugged into the Habitat Builder service
for automatic builds
• Application has a configuration setting for "favorite
Github Repository
Builder Package Registry
Leave it to Builder
• Build service
• And an artifact store
• Private repos
• Check code in to GitHub,
let Builder create your
• On-Prem version is depot
only right now

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Presented by: Brent Laster Presented at the All Things Open 2021 Raleigh, NC, USA Raleigh Convention Center Abstract: Containers are all the rage these days – from Docker to Kubernetes and everywhere in-between. But to get the most out of them it can be helpful to understand how containers are constructed, how they depend and interact with the operating system, and what the differences and interactions are between layers, images, and containers. Join R&D Director, Brent Laster as he does a quick, visual overview of how containers work and how applications such as Docker work with them. Topics to be discussed include: • What containers are and the benefits they provide • How containers are constructed • The differences between layers, images, and containers • What does immutability really mean • The core Linux functionalities that containers are based on • How containers reuse code • The differences between containers and VMs • What Docker really does • The Open Container Initiative • A good analogy for understanding all of this

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Container Integrations
Habitat Files Travel with the App Code
Have a Plan
pkg_origin=lnxchk pkg_version="0.1.0" pkg_build_deps=(core/rust)
pkg_deps=(core/glibc core/gcc core/gcc-libs)
do_build() {
cargo build
do_install() {
install -v -D "$PLAN_CONTEXT/../target/debug/$bin"  "$pkg_prefix/bin/$bin”
Build Output
• By default, it’s a hart – a compressed tarball with
some metadata and a signature
• You can export to other formats, like Docker
• The hart itself it runnable

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Join engineers from ClusterHQ and Dell Storage to learn about persistent storage integration with Docker. See how Flocker enables native support for enterprise storage infrastructure use in containers, enabling you to leverage Dell storage for new workloads.

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This document discusses best practices for setting up a Docker and Kubernetes environment. It covers topics like Docker storage drivers, Docker networking, Kubernetes authentication and authorization, exposing services, integrating logging and monitoring. The key recommendations are to use OverlayFS or Devicemapper storage, Calico networking, Kubernetes security policies, namespaces and RBAC, and Ingress for exposing services. ETCD backup and fault tolerance is also important.

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This document discusses how Docker can transform development and deployment processes for modern applications. It outlines some of the challenges of developing and deploying applications across different environments, and how Docker addresses these challenges through containerization. The document then provides examples of how to dockerize a Rails and Python application, set up an Nginx reverse proxy with Let's Encrypt, and configure a Docker cluster for continuous integration testing.

Run a Hart
• Set up a first host: leader/follower topology and
rolling updates
sudo hab sup run lnxchk/container_sched_backend --
topology leader --strategy rolling
• Connect additional nodes to the ring, giving them a
peer to attach to
sudo hab sup run lnxchk/container_sched_backend --
strategy rolling --peer
Updating Configuration at Runtime
• Update all or part of the configuration while the
apps are running
• Send the update to a member of the mesh and they
will all update
sudo hab config apply 
container_sched_backend.default 2 new.toml
Channels and Service Groups
• Builder can have multiple channels where harts are
Default is "unstable", can promote via CLI or web
A cluster can subscribe to any channel, will use "stable" by
• Service groups in the cluster have their name
appended to the artifact name
Querying the API
• Rest api on port 9631
• /services endpoint for information about the running
• Query it with some simple tools

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Killer Docker Workflows for Development
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Docker is not just about deploying containers to hundreds of servers. Developers need tools that help with day-to-day tasks and to do their job more effectively. Docker is a great addition to most workflows, from starting projects to writing utilities to make development less repetitive. Docker can help take care of many problems developers face during development such as “it works on my machine” as well as keeping tooling consistent between all of the people working on a project. See how easy it is to take an existing development setup and application and move it over to Docker, no matter your operating system.

Show the dependencies
$ ./hab_deps.rb
|- core/binutils/2.30/20180608050633
|- core/gcc-libs/7.3.0/20180608091701
|- core/gcc/7.3.0/20180608051919
|- core/glibc/2.27/20180608041157
|- core/gmp/6.1.2/20180608051426
|- core/libmpc/1.1.0/20180608051824
|- core/linux-headers/4.15.9/20180608041107
|- core/mpfr/4.0.1/20180608051629
|- core/zlib/1.2.11/20180608050617
Search for a package with a vulnerability
$ ./hab_deps_search.rb -d core/mpfr/4.0.1/20180608051629
searching host localhost for dep core/mpfr/4.0.1/20180608051629
lnxchk/container_sched_backend/0.1.3/20181003183354 matches
Check the whole group is on the same version
$ ./hab_service_versions.rb -h localhost -g container_sched_backend.default
searching host localhost for dep container_sched_backend.default has version lnxchk/container_sched_backend/0.1.3/20181003183354 has version lnxchk/container_sched_backend/0.1.3/20181003183354 has version lnxchk/container_sched_backend/0.1.3/20181003183354 has version lnxchk/container_sched_backend/0.1.3/20181003183354
Automatic Updates
• Started the supervisors with "--strategy
rolling" to allow for rolling updates
Also none – no auto updates; and at-once for all at once
• This app is hooked through builder, so update from
github can push updates to the running instances
• Packages published to channels
Promote to stable for subscriber updates or subscribe to
other channels at runtime

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The document outlines the agenda for the OpenStack Summit in November 2013. The agenda includes sessions on Docker and its ecosystem, using Docker with OpenStack and Rackspace, and a cross-cloud deployment demo. Docker is presented as a solution for developing and deploying applications across multiple environments by encapsulating code and dependencies in portable containers. It can help eliminate inconsistencies between development, testing, and production environments.

OpenStack Summit
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OpenStack Summit

The document outlines the agenda for the OpenStack Summit in November 2013, including presentations on Docker and its ecosystem, how Docker can be used with OpenStack and Rackspace, and a demonstration of cross-cloud application deployment using Docker. Docker is presented as a solution to the "matrix from hell" of running applications across different environments by providing lightweight, portable containers that can run anywhere regardless of the operating system. The summit aims to educate attendees on Docker and showcase its integration with OpenStack for simplified and efficient application deployment and management across multiple clouds.

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Habitat Workshop at Velocity London 2017

Mandi Walls is the Technical Community Manager for EMEA at Chef and the Habitat Community lead is Ian Henry. The document discusses how modern applications are trending toward immutability, platform agnosticism, complexity reduction, and scalability. It provides an overview of ways to work with Habitat, including using artifacts that run themselves via the supervisor, exporting to Docker, and building plans from scratch or using scaffolding.

chef habitat
Shortcut for common platforms: Scaffolding
• Default core-built dependencies for common
• Ruby and Node so farpkg_name=MY_APP
• Single build pathway from Github through to
• Run Linux-based instances on any distribution
• Update configuration at runtime
• Verify the live environment via REST API
• Targeted platforms: Java, node.js, Ruby, Windows
Join Us!
• On Slack
• Online! With Tutorials
• On Github

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Habitat talk at CodeMonsters Sofia, Bulgaria Nov 27 2018

  • 2. Mandi Walls Technical Community Manager @lnxchk #habitatsh
  • 3. Chef and Automation • Infrastructure Automation • Cloud early adopters • Digital Transformation • Compliance Automation with InSpec • Application Automation with Habitat
  • 4. How Do We Run Applications? • On a computer • With an OS • And some libraries • And some configuration • And some way to start it and stop it
  • 5. We’ve been moving complexity around rather than reducing it
  • 6. Complexity Multiplies as Infrastructure Ages def default_apache_version return '2.2' if node['platform_family'] == 'debian' && node['platform_version'] == '10.04' return '2.2' if node['platform_family'] == 'debian' && node['platform_version'] == '12.04' return '2.2' if node['platform_family'] == 'debian' && node['platform_version'] == '13.04' return '2.2' if node['platform_family'] == 'debian' && node['platform_version'] == '13.10' return '2.2' if node['platform_family'] == 'debian' && node['platform_version'].to_i == 6 return '2.2' if node['platform_family'] == 'debian' && node['platform_version'].to_i == 7 return '2.2' if node['platform_family'] == 'freebsd' return '2.2' if node['platform_family'] == 'omnios' return '2.2' if node['platform_family'] == 'rhel' && node['platform_version'].to_i == 5 return '2.2' if node['platform_family'] == 'rhel' && node['platform_version'].to_i == 6 return '2.2' if node['platform_family'] == 'suse' return '2.4' if node['platform_family'] == 'debian' && node['platform_version'] == '14.04' return '2.4' if node['platform_family'] == 'debian' && node['platform_version'] == '14.10' ... end
  • 7. Value and Work is Shifting Application centric operations Infrastructure centric operations UNIT OF VALUE is app UNIT OF WORK is deployment UNIT OF VALUE is server UNIT OF WORK is configuration Cloud Containers Microservices
  • 8. Artifact Inclusions Libraries and Runtimes Operating System Application Application Libraries Application, Runtimes, & Libraries OS Container formats recreate the traditional model of infrastructure and applications. Poor at abstracting the Build + Run aspects of Applications Ties dependencies to OS versions Habitat builds from the application down Small lightweight OS included Embedded Supervisor for Application Management Builds have strict dependency version control Container Habitat Hart
  • 9. So. Habitat. • Ignore the underlying platform as much as possible • Support microservices • Manage container creep • Make your workflow smoother
  • 10. How Does Habitat Benefit Your Team • Build once, run anywhere immutable artifacts • Developers – Get the exact libraries needed, regardless of OS version • Test / QA – Easier maintenance of test environments • Operators – Run Linux habs on any distro • Security – Query live services at runtime for potential vulnerabilities
  • 11. Other Features • Defer configuration decisions to runtime • Build in a "clean room" : no accidental dependencies • Service runtime and discovery • Configuration exposed via API • Signed packages for your organization
  • 12. Cloud Native Applications with Habitat Habitat Supervisor Habitat Builder BUILD DEPLOY MANAGE Habitat Supervisor PUBLIC ORIGIN PRIVATE ORIGIN
  • 13. Sample Application • container_sched_backend – small rust application • Runs on Linux in a cluster • The code is plugged into the Habitat Builder service for automatic builds • Application has a configuration setting for "favorite color"
  • 16. Leave it to Builder • Build service • And an artifact store • Private repos • Check code in to GitHub, let Builder create your artifact • On-Prem version is depot only right now CLOUD/INFRA BUILDSERVICE APPLICATION RUNTIME APPLICATIONSUPERVISION APPLICATION & DATA SERVICES SCHEDULING AND ORCHESTRATION APPLICATION CODE ARTIFACTSTORE
  • 18. Habitat Files Travel with the App Code
  • 19. Have a Plan pkg_name=container_sched_backend pkg_origin=lnxchk pkg_version="0.1.0" pkg_build_deps=(core/rust) pkg_deps=(core/glibc core/gcc core/gcc-libs) pkg_bin_dirs=(bin) bin="container_sched_backend" pkg_exports=([out]=cfg.out) do_build() { cargo build } do_install() { install -v -D "$PLAN_CONTEXT/../target/debug/$bin" "$pkg_prefix/bin/$bin” } pkg_svc_run="$bin" Metadata Build Install Run
  • 20. Build Output • By default, it’s a hart – a compressed tarball with some metadata and a signature • You can export to other formats, like Docker containers • The hart itself it runnable
  • 21. Run a Hart • Set up a first host: leader/follower topology and rolling updates sudo hab sup run lnxchk/container_sched_backend -- topology leader --strategy rolling • Connect additional nodes to the ring, giving them a peer to attach to sudo hab sup run lnxchk/container_sched_backend -- strategy rolling --peer
  • 22. Updating Configuration at Runtime • Update all or part of the configuration while the apps are running • Send the update to a member of the mesh and they will all update sudo hab config apply container_sched_backend.default 2 new.toml
  • 23. Channels and Service Groups • Builder can have multiple channels where harts are published Default is "unstable", can promote via CLI or web A cluster can subscribe to any channel, will use "stable" by default • Service groups in the cluster have their name appended to the artifact name container_sched_backend.default
  • 24. Querying the API • Rest api on port 9631 • /services endpoint for information about the running services • Query it with some simple tools
  • 25. Show the dependencies $ ./hab_deps.rb lnxchk/container_sched_backend/0.1.3/20181003183354 |- core/binutils/2.30/20180608050633 |- core/gcc-libs/7.3.0/20180608091701 |- core/gcc/7.3.0/20180608051919 |- core/glibc/2.27/20180608041157 |- core/gmp/6.1.2/20180608051426 |- core/libmpc/1.1.0/20180608051824 |- core/linux-headers/4.15.9/20180608041107 |- core/mpfr/4.0.1/20180608051629 |- core/zlib/1.2.11/20180608050617
  • 26. Search for a package with a vulnerability $ ./hab_deps_search.rb -d core/mpfr/4.0.1/20180608051629 searching host localhost for dep core/mpfr/4.0.1/20180608051629 lnxchk/container_sched_backend/0.1.3/20181003183354 matches
  • 27. Check the whole group is on the same version $ ./hab_service_versions.rb -h localhost -g container_sched_backend.default searching host localhost for dep container_sched_backend.default has version lnxchk/container_sched_backend/0.1.3/20181003183354 has version lnxchk/container_sched_backend/0.1.3/20181003183354 has version lnxchk/container_sched_backend/0.1.3/20181003183354 has version lnxchk/container_sched_backend/0.1.3/20181003183354
  • 28. Automatic Updates • Started the supervisors with "--strategy rolling" to allow for rolling updates Also none – no auto updates; and at-once for all at once updates • This app is hooked through builder, so update from github can push updates to the running instances • Packages published to channels Promote to stable for subscriber updates or subscribe to other channels at runtime
  • 29. Shortcut for common platforms: Scaffolding • Default core-built dependencies for common runtimes • Ruby and Node so farpkg_name=MY_APP pkg_origin=MY_ORIGIN pkg_version=MY_VERSION pkg_scaffolding=core/scaffolding-ruby
  • 30. Summary • Single build pathway from Github through to deployment • Run Linux-based instances on any distribution • Update configuration at runtime • Verify the live environment via REST API • Targeted platforms: Java, node.js, Ruby, Windows .NET
  • 31. Join Us! • On Slack • Online! With Tutorials • On Github

Editor's Notes

  1. On prem or in the cloud. Or in a hybrid cloud. Or in containers. Or something. On Ubuntu. Or on Red Hat. Or on CentOS if it’s not production. Or that one weird team that wants something else. OS, distribution, version? Packaging type? Initialization system type? Omg it’s systemd Where does it live? /opt /bin /company How to config? .conf .json .yml .dat What version of the language runtime??
  2. There are still plenty of projects and workloads that are in the process of being modernized and rehomed on new architectures. Newer projects are often considering a containers-first approach
  3. Because the part of the habitat package that interfaces with the OS is small, hab packages can be run in a much more distribution-agnostic way, especially on Linux. If you're targeting a linux platform, it can be Debian/Ubuntu, CentOS/RedHat, or other distributions (aws, oracle cloud, arch linux, etc)
  4. Habitat aims to take the chaos and snowflakeness out of running applications With the move towards microservices and increasingly distributed systems, taming this chaos is important The application comes first
  5. Single build can be run natively or in containers Run one, run many. Hook them together via the supervisor or not Don’t have to care what’s already on the target systems. Bring all your stuff with you – and only what you need Share your files with others via depot