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Google Chronicles Analytics and Chrome Sarah Dutkiewicz Cleveland Tech Events [email_address]
Agenda Analytics What is it? Why is it important for web developers? How easy is it to get started? Future meeting information Chrome What do developers need to know about when developing for this web browser?
Google Analytics - What Is It? Google Analytics can be found at
Google Analytics - Types of Reports

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HTML Hypermedia APIs and Adaptive Web Design - Nordic APIs

The document discusses using HTML hypermedia APIs and adaptive web design (AWD) together to build web applications that scale across devices. HTML hypermedia APIs allow building web APIs that return HTML, enabling rich clients without native apps, while AWD makes the web work across browsers by conditionally loading content. The combination is suggested to be a perfect way to scale app development and make the web work on all browsers.

hypermediarestadaptive web design
CraftCamp for Students - Introduction to JHipster
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This document discusses JHipster, an open source tool for generating and developing modern web applications in Java. JHipster uses Spring Boot and AngularJS to generate a frontend and backend for a web app that is production-ready out of the box with features like HTTP caching, JavaScript minification, monitoring, and logging. It presents JHipster as a foundation for building fast, scalable web apps using trends like microservices and NoSQL databases. A demo JHipster app is provided and the basics of using JHipster are explained, with pointers to documentation and other resources to get started.

jhipster spring angularjs bluemix cloudfoundry
Php Camp Open Social
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Php Camp Open Social

A presentation on OpenSocial by my colleague Peeyush Gulati. It was presented at PHPCamp, Pune, on Sept'20th, 2008.

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Blog Link: The presentation is all about getting started with implementing Shindig for your existing social portal. Presented at PHPCamp, Pune, on Sept'20th, 2008.

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Easy logins for JavaScript web applications

This document summarizes François Marier's presentation on easy logins for JavaScript web applications using Persona. It discusses some of the problems with traditional password-based logins, such as passwords being hard to secure and remember. It then introduces Persona as a solution that allows users to log in to websites using their email address, without needing to manage individual passwords. The document provides an overview of how Persona works and how developers can implement it with just a few steps. It highlights the benefits of Persona being decentralized, simple for users, and easy for developers to add to websites and applications.

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Spring insight what just happened

Presentation by Derek Beauregard at the Boulder Java User's Group on August 13, 2013. See more at

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Google Urchin Original name of the Google Analytics project Now a standalone commercial product available to run Analytics on your own sites from your own servers, bypassing Google's servers
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Designing a web API is hard, designing a mobile API is even harder. With heavy constraints such as bandwidth, latency and CPU power, developing a mobile API is a challenge for the service provider and the application developer. As mobile devices become ubiquitous and connected, offering the best user experience in mobile application is crucial; optimizing the network is an important part of it. In this talk we'll cover the challenges of designing a mobile API as well as innovative solutions and best practices that can be used by the service provider. We'll share our broad experience in developing connected mobile apps.

Pyruvate, a reasonably fast, non-blocking, multithreaded WSGI server
Pyruvate, a reasonably fast, non-blocking, multithreaded WSGI serverPyruvate, a reasonably fast, non-blocking, multithreaded WSGI server
Pyruvate, a reasonably fast, non-blocking, multithreaded WSGI server

Thomas Schorr, Pyruvate is a non-blocking, multithreaded WSGI server with competitive performance, implemented in Rust. It features non-blocking read/write based on mio (, a rust-cpython ( based Python interface and a worker pool based on threadpool ( The sendfile system call is used for efficient file transfer. Pyruvate integrates with the Python logging API using asynchronous logging. PasteDeploy configuration and systemd socket activation are supported. Beta releases are available for CPython (>=3.6) and Linux. The talk will present the current state of the project and show how to use Pyruvate with Zope/Plone and other Python web frameworks. Another focus will be on the roadmap towards a 1.0 release scheduled for end of this year.

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Here we defined top 5 javascript frameworks and its comparison which help you to better understand what is JS frameworks and why angularJS is best among them.

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Google's V8 Picture taken from
Google's V8 Javascript Engine Open source Javascript engine Written in C++ Targets  EMCA-262 Goal:  fast execution of large JavaScript applications Beats out SpiderMonkey (Firefox), JScript (Internet Explorer), and JavaScriptCore (Safari) in some benchmarks 1 1   More on the benchmarks can be found here:

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Lap Around ASP.NET MVC 5
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This document outlines an agenda for a presentation on new features in ASP.NET MVC 5 including Bootstrap, scaffolding, ASP.NET Identity, attribute routing, and authentication filters. The presentation provides demos of each new feature, with the goal of giving an overview of ASP.NET MVC 5 and how it can be used to build scalable, standards-based web applications.

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This document provides an overview of JavaScript analysis for SEO purposes. It discusses how JavaScript can impact a site's position in search engine results pages and performance. It provides tips for analyzing JavaScript-rendered content and ensuring it is properly indexed by search engines. The document also covers how to optimize JavaScript files for faster loading, including minification, compression, efficient loading, and validating third-party scripts. Checklists are provided for assessing a site's JavaScript usage and opportunities for improvement.

API Developer Experience: Why it Matters, and How Documenting Your API with S...
API Developer Experience: Why it Matters, and How Documenting Your API with S...API Developer Experience: Why it Matters, and How Documenting Your API with S...
API Developer Experience: Why it Matters, and How Documenting Your API with S...

Whether you’re new to Swagger, or have already been using the framework for API design, there’s a good chance you still have questions about how to improve your API documentation. Creating API documentation your consumers will love can take some work, but the investment will have a significant payoff in the form of a great developer experience, easier implementation, and improved adoption of your API. This presentation covers good developer experience in detail, focusing on why and how to provide an optimal experience for developers using your API. We will also cover how Swagger has changed the API design and documentation landscape, and finally show some good practices for API documentation using Swagger in SwaggerHub’s integrated API development platform. Things to expect in this webinar: What is Developer Experience (DX)? What does it mean for an API to have good DX? API documentation in the context of good DX? An introduction to the Swagger framework Designing APIs from a usability perspective using Swagger and SwaggerHub

apidocumentationapi documentation
Google Gears Cross-platform, open source browser add-on to let apps run offline Three key features A local server to cache resources A database to store to and access via a browser  A worker thread pool
Google Chrome Web Dev Quirks Encoding Specify close to the top, within <head></head> tags. Declare encoding in a standalone meta tag, as opposed to writing it out with a document.write(); statement URL Encoding Query parameters are already percent-encoded by Chrome Active X vs Netscape Plugin Application Programming Interface Pop ups HTTPS, SSL, and secure sites
Google Chrome - Web Dev Tools
Google Chrome - Web Dev Tools

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Php Development Stack

A presentation on PHP Development Stack (tools for PHP Development) by my colleagues Neeraj Shah & Sharmishtha Gupta. It was presented at PHPCamp, Pune, on Sept'20th, 2008.

Develop Hip APIs and Apps with Spring Boot and Angular - Connect.Tech 2017
 Develop Hip APIs and Apps with Spring Boot and Angular - Connect.Tech 2017 Develop Hip APIs and Apps with Spring Boot and Angular - Connect.Tech 2017
Develop Hip APIs and Apps with Spring Boot and Angular - Connect.Tech 2017

Building a modern web application requires a lot of tools, frameworks, and techniques. This session shows how JHipster unites popular frameworks such as Angular, Spring Boot, and Bootstrap. Learn how Yeoman, a scaffolding tool for modern web apps, works with JHipster to generate a project that uses Java 8, SQL or NoSQL databases, Spring profiles, Maven or Gradle, Webpack, WebSockets, and BrowserSync. It also supports a number of different authentication mechanisms, including classic session-based auth, OAuth 2.0, and JWT-based authentication. For production deployments, JHipster includes out-of-the-box support for AWS, Cloud Foundry, Heroku, Docker, and Kubernetes.


Firebase is a mobile and web application platform with tools and infrastructure designed to help developers build high-quality apps. Firebase evolved from Envolve, a prior startup founded by Tamplin and Lee in 2011. Envolve provided developers an API that let them integrate online chat into their websites.

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Google Chrome - Web Dev Tools
Google Chrome - Web Dev Tools
Google Chrome Resources Features: Information for Web Developers: Chrome Experiments: Chromium:
Contact Information Sarah Dutkiewicz [email_address] This presentation was created with Google docs.  For more info, see Cleveland Tech Events [email_address]

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rendre AJAX crawlable par les moteurs

The document discusses the problem that web crawlers cannot see dynamic or AJAX content on websites that users see. It proposes a solution where web servers execute their JavaScript at crawl time and provide the same content to crawlers and users to make AJAX states crawlable and indexable. Major search engines and web servers would need to agree to adopt standards around modifying URLs and executing JavaScript at crawl time in order to solve this problem.

Improving Dashboards with open content sharing
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A case study of the Atlassian OpenSocial Dashboards project I presented at UXAustralia on 27 August 2009.

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Setting the Scene for ViBRANT – Strategy, Philosophy and Communication

Presented at Scripting Life: the science behind ViBRANT, at the Grande Galerie de l'Evolution, Paris, France on 20th and 21st January 2011.

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Google Chronicles: Analytics And Chrome

  • 1. Google Chronicles Analytics and Chrome Sarah Dutkiewicz Cleveland Tech Events [email_address]
  • 2. Agenda Analytics What is it? Why is it important for web developers? How easy is it to get started? Future meeting information Chrome What do developers need to know about when developing for this web browser?
  • 3. Google Analytics - What Is It? Google Analytics can be found at
  • 4. Google Analytics - Types of Reports
  • 5. Google Analytics - Types of Reports
  • 6. Google Analytics - Types of Reports
  • 7. Google Analytics - Getting Started
  • 8. Google Analytics - Getting Signed Up
  • 9. Google Analytics - Adding Tracking
  • 10. Google Analytics - Adding Tracking
  • 11. Google Urchin Original name of the Google Analytics project Now a standalone commercial product available to run Analytics on your own sites from your own servers, bypassing Google's servers
  • 12. More on Web Analytics
  • 13. Google Chrome WebKit V8 Gears Picture from
  • 14. Google Chrome - User Agent Screenshot taken while visiting Based on WebKit
  • 15. Google's V8 Picture taken from
  • 16. Google's V8 Javascript Engine Open source Javascript engine Written in C++ Targets EMCA-262 Goal:  fast execution of large JavaScript applications Beats out SpiderMonkey (Firefox), JScript (Internet Explorer), and JavaScriptCore (Safari) in some benchmarks 1 1 More on the benchmarks can be found here:
  • 17. Google Gears Cross-platform, open source browser add-on to let apps run offline Three key features A local server to cache resources A database to store to and access via a browser  A worker thread pool
  • 18. Google Chrome Web Dev Quirks Encoding Specify close to the top, within <head></head> tags. Declare encoding in a standalone meta tag, as opposed to writing it out with a document.write(); statement URL Encoding Query parameters are already percent-encoded by Chrome Active X vs Netscape Plugin Application Programming Interface Pop ups HTTPS, SSL, and secure sites
  • 19. Google Chrome - Web Dev Tools
  • 20. Google Chrome - Web Dev Tools
  • 21. Google Chrome - Web Dev Tools
  • 22. Google Chrome - Web Dev Tools
  • 23. Google Chrome Resources Features: Information for Web Developers: Chrome Experiments: Chromium:
  • 24. Contact Information Sarah Dutkiewicz [email_address] This presentation was created with Google docs.  For more info, see Cleveland Tech Events [email_address]

Editor's Notes

  1. Sarah Dutkiewicz is a web developer for OverDrive, Inc.  When she isn&apos;t working, she can be found active in the .NET community and the Cleveland Tech Events community.  She is the owner of Cleveland Tech Events, which she currently runs on her own.  Sarah has a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering Technology from the University of Toledo. She is also a Microsoft MVP in Visual C#. For more on Sarah, check out the following sites: Cleveland Tech Events Coding Geekette This presentation was given Saturday, September 19, 2009 for the Web Dev SIG of the Greater Cleveland PC Users Group as part of their Google Chronicles series.
  2. Google Analytics gives web site owners and web developers a view of how their sites are being used.  It can show who is visiting the site and where they&apos;re from, the most popular pages, and even the most popular content within those pages.
  3. Some of the things Google Analytics can track include: * Visitors - where they&apos;re coming from - new traffic - browser capabilities
  4. Some of the things Google Analytics can track include: * Traffic - who&apos;s referring to your site - where people are going from your site - ad traffic - search engine traffic
  5. Some of the things Google Analytics can track include: * Content - landing pages - most popular content
  6. It&apos;s very easy to setup! 1. Go to 2. Log in with an account that&apos;s been tied to the Google system. 3. Click Sign Up button. 4. Start this wizard... - Which site is it tracking - Give the account a name - Set the country - Set the timezone 5. Click Continue.
  7. Continuing setup... Just a few more basic details... then click Continue.
  8. And now the tough part... copy and paste the Javascript code onto your site. - Perhaps include the code in an include file. - This code *must* appear within the &lt;body&gt;&lt;/body&gt; tags.
  9. This is what it looks like in the Cleveland Tech Events template.
  10. If you work for a company that likes this package but doesn&apos;t want to use Google&apos;s servers, this is the standalone product.  See the link on the slide for more details - including resellers.
  11. Come out in December to learn more about the metrics covered in various web site statistics tracking packages - including Google Analytics, Google Urchin, and possibly others (like Webtrends and Woopra).
  12. This presentation is covering Google Chrome, the web browser - not to be confused with their upcoming operating system of the same name.
  13. As web developers, we may rely on the user agent to detect whether a browser is mobile or even what platform the end-user is using.  We may display selective text based on this user agent string.  This is how it looks in Chrome. More on WebKit can be found here:
  14. Really.. no... Google is *not* entering the automobile industry.
  15. For more information on Google Gears, check out the FAQ here:
  16. Web Inspector To get this to work, right click on the web page and click &amp;quot;Inspect Element&amp;quot;.
  17. Task Manager To get to this feature: 1. Click on the page button (right next to the address bar). 2. Click on Developer. 3. Click on Task Manager. Stats for nerds goes to: about:memory If you terminate the page, the Google Chrome error page will appear.  You can see what this error page looks like by going here: about:crash
  18. Javascript Debugger Yes - that is the Google Analytics Javascript file.
  19. Resource Tracking See how large your site resources are and how long it takes for them to load.