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This report contains an overview of the
insights of cyber attacks and data
The report also highlights the motives
behind today's emerging cyber-attacks.
The cyber threat insights report
combines statistical research and
frontline experience to identify
cybersecurity trends that are crucial to
enterprises as they determine long-term
growth strategies.
General Trends
DDoS Trends
Application Attack
Motivations behind cyber-attacks
of companies attacked just
once reported a form of
92% of organizations reported
multiple assaults, while
those attacked once rose
to 92%.
The motivation for attacks remained almost consistent over a year,
the responses for “motive unknown” almost tripled in 2018.
General Trends
Cyber Threats (2018-2019)
Top Threats
Top Threats
Assessed Trends
Assessed Trends
Change In
Web Based Attacks
Web Application Attacks
Insider threat
Physical manipulation/
damage/ theft/loss
Data Breaches
Identity Theft
Information Leakage
Exploit Kits
Cyber Espionage
Web Based Attacks
Web Application Attacks
Data Breaches
Insider threat
Physical manipulation/
damage/ theft/loss
Information Leakage
Identity Theft
Cyber Espionage
Declining, Stable, Increasing
Below is an overview and comparison of the threat landscape 2018 with
the one of 2017:
Going up, Same, Going Down

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Cyfirma cybersecurity-predictions-2022-v1.0 c
Cyfirma cybersecurity-predictions-2022-v1.0 cCyfirma cybersecurity-predictions-2022-v1.0 c
Cyfirma cybersecurity-predictions-2022-v1.0 c

The document provides CYFIRMA's predictions for cybersecurity threats and risks in 2022. Some of the top predictions include: 1) Cybercriminals will increasingly arm IoT/IIoT devices and operational technology for cybercrime as the number of connected devices grows dramatically. 2) Cybercrime will become more specialized and targeted, behaving more like a legitimate industry and making cybercrime an investment-worthy asset class. 3) Cybercriminals may embark on kinetic cyberattacks that cause real-world physical damage beyond just non-violent attacks. 4) The war for intellectual property theft will intensify as state-sponsored groups target industries like health research and pharmaceuticals.

cyfirmacybersecuritycyber crimes
2022 Cybersecurity Predictions
2022 Cybersecurity Predictions2022 Cybersecurity Predictions
2022 Cybersecurity Predictions

The document provides 10 predictions for the cybersecurity industry in 2022. It predicts that critical infrastructure will be a prime target for both cybercriminals and nation-states. Ransomware attacks will grow significantly in scope and impact, potentially disrupting entire societies. Cyber attacks will increasingly be used as a tool of foreign policy and domestic control by oppressive governments. Artificial intelligence and quantum computing developments will further escalate the arms race between attackers and defenders. Overall, 2022 will be a very challenging year for cybersecurity as threats become more powerful and widespread.

5 main trends in cyber security for 2020
5 main trends in cyber security for 20205 main trends in cyber security for 2020
5 main trends in cyber security for 2020

# #vectorsynergy #cybersecurity #fakenews #cybersecurityreport #cybersecuritytrends #keepyourpeopleprepared

Monthly Attacks (2018 - 2019)
Below, chart compares the total events of 2017 and 2018 on a
monthly basis. Clearly, with the sole exception of August, the level of
activity has been constantly higher in 2018.
Most Common Types of Cyber Attacks
It has been noticed that Malware/bot attacks, Phishing and DDoS attacks
have increased over the year.
of organizations have
experienced a PHISHING
ATTACK in the past year.
64% of organizations have
experienced a DDoS
ATTACK in the past year.
Fileless Attacks are evolving
It has been noticed that attackers are moving away from using malicious
.exe files to package and deploy malware and it represents a major
change in the way attacks are carried out. Below graphs are showing the
adoption of fileless attack techniques are increasing over the years and
file based attacks have decreased since 2018.
of attacks that
successfully compromised
organizations used
fileless techniques
File Based Attacks File Less Attacks
Industries Most Vulnerable to Cyber-
Some industries are extremely vulnerable to cyberattacks because of
the data servers and networks that they rely on. With the growing
dependency on technology, there is no industry or organization which is
safe from cyber attack; the higher the dependency on online technology,
the higher the scope of vulnerability. According to a research, it has
been found that Finance and Healthcare sector is most vulnerable to
cyber attacks. SMEs & Government agencies are very vulnerable. Media,
manufacturing and energy sector is least vulnerable to cyber attacks.
Small and Medium-Sized Businesses
Financial Institutions & Banks
Energy Industry

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Webinar: Securing Mobile Banking Apps
Webinar: Securing Mobile Banking AppsWebinar: Securing Mobile Banking Apps
Webinar: Securing Mobile Banking Apps

The document discusses security best practices for mobile banking apps, noting a rise in digital banking usage during COVID-19. It outlines various mobile threats like weak activation processes, easy-to-guess PINs, jailbroken devices, and malware. The document recommends strategies like strong authentication, app shielding, malware detection, and secure development practices to protect users from these mobile threats.

NME IT Security Survey 2016
NME IT Security Survey 2016 NME IT Security Survey 2016
NME IT Security Survey 2016

Most respondents to the survey say they plan to increase their security spending in 2016, with the majority planning to spend between $50,000-$100,000, compared to 2015 where most spent $0-10,000. Experts predict the global cybersecurity market will increase nearly 8% in 2016 to $81 billion total. The statistics are seen as conservative, with one expert believing over 80% of organizations will spend over $100,000 due to increased geo-political conflicts playing out through hacktivism and cybercriminals transitioning to data exfiltration for profit, often exploiting DNS vulnerabilities. There was also a sharp rise in awareness of ransomware among respondents.

cyber securityinfoseccybersec
Protecting the Oil and Gas Industry from Email Threats
Protecting the Oil and Gas Industry from Email ThreatsProtecting the Oil and Gas Industry from Email Threats
Protecting the Oil and Gas Industry from Email Threats

Due to the high value of its supply chain, commodities, transactions, and intellectual property, the oil and gas industry is an ideal target for socially-engineered email attacks. Oil producers, brokers, and transporters must learn how to use preventative measures to mitigate the risks of falling prey to a spear phishing attack.

emailoil and gas energycyber security
Cyber Attacks by Region in 2018
Global Americas
It is oberved that Ransomware is no longer on the top of the malware
list. Ransomware has been dropped from 30% at its peak in 2017 to less
than just 4% in 2018.
Antivirus solutions have been replaced by the next-generation
endpoint cyber security solutions
Major cyber attacks are projected to utilize fileless techniques in
Ransomware is down, cryptomining is up
The total cost of a successful cyber attack is over $5 million
It takes organizations an average of 191 days to identify data
56% of IT decision makers agree that phishing attack is one of
the top security threat for them
The Equifax data breach of 2017 impacted 143 million U.S.
Only 38% of global organizations claim they are prepared to
handle a sophisticated cyber attack
Cyber Security Statistics
of organizations believe their
antivirus can't stop the threats
they're seeing.
69% of organizations have
experienced an IoT security
DDoS Attacks
In addition to the WannaCry ransomware attack and Distributed
Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks have increased since mid 2017.
In 2017, attackers continued to use reflection/amplification
techniques to exploit vulnerabilities in DNS, NTP, SSDP, CLDAP,
Chargen and other protocols to maximize the scale of their attacks.
The largest attack in 2017 reported was 600 Gbps.
On Wednesday, February 28, 2018 GitHub got hit by the DDoS attack
that was 1.35 terabits per second (Tbps), that's the largest
distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack on record.
“Burst attacks” increasing in
complexity, frequency, and
One of the most significant DDoS
attack trend has been observed that
“Burst attacks” are increasing in
which gaming websites and service
providers are at high risk.
Of organizations Hit
With DDos ‘Burst
42%of attackers have found
a number of ways to
employ DDoS attacks.
DDoS Trends
DDoS Attacks Statistics by Quarterly
In 2018, it has been found that 13% less DDoS activity than in the
previous year. Below is a graph which is showing the Quarterly
comparison of the number of DDoS attacks in 2017–2018 (100% =
number of attacks in 2017).

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CII Whitepaper India Cyber Risk & Resilience Review 2018
CII Whitepaper India Cyber Risk & Resilience Review 2018CII Whitepaper India Cyber Risk & Resilience Review 2018
CII Whitepaper India Cyber Risk & Resilience Review 2018

Cyberspace is rapidly transforming our lives – how we live, interact, govern and create value. With the JAM (Jan Dhan, Aadhaar and Mobile) trinity, India is at the forefront of global digital transformation. “Digital India” is being hailed as the world's largest technology led programme of its kind. While internet, smartphones and modern information and communication devices have been great force multipliers, endless connectivity and proliferation of IoT devices is giving rise to vulnerabilities, risks and concerns. Cyber security is today ranked among top threats by governments and corporates. Heightened concerns about data security and privacy have resulted in a spate of regulations in India and across the world. India is in the process of discussing and enacting its own comprehensive data security and privacy regulation, as well as vertical specific ones. Cyber security is an ecosystem where laws, organisations, skills, cooperation and technical implementation would need to be in harmony to be effective. Overall, a robust regulatory framework based on global and country-specific regulations, development of a holistic cyber security eco-system (academia and industry as well as entrepreneurial) and a coordinated global approach through proactive cyber diplomacy would help to secure cyber space and promote confidence and trust of key stakeholders including citizens, businesses, political and security leaders. CII has been actively working in the cyber security space. The CII Task Force on Public Private Partnership for Security of the Cyber Space has been set up to bring about improvements in the legal framework to strengthen and maintain a safe cyberspace ecosystem by capacity building through education and training programmes. We would facilitate collaboration and cooperation between Government and Industry in the area of cyber security in general and protection of critical information infrastructure in particular, covering cyber threats, vulnerabilities, breaches, potential protective measures, and adoption of best practices.

cyber securityhackingdigital
Russian and Worldwide Internet Security Trends 2015
Russian and Worldwide Internet Security Trends 2015Russian and Worldwide Internet Security Trends 2015
Russian and Worldwide Internet Security Trends 2015

This report contains the main corporate site availability and security trends and issues of 2015 related to DDoS and “hacking” threats. It is prepared by Qrator Labs and Wallarm specialists and based on industry situation monitoring (in Russia and worldwide), and on statistics collected from their customers in 2015. In addition, this report includes data from independent company research conducted on behalf of Qrator Labs.

white paper; internet; security; trends; 2015
Five Network Security Threats And How To Protect Your Business Wp101112
Five Network Security Threats And How To Protect Your Business Wp101112Five Network Security Threats And How To Protect Your Business Wp101112
Five Network Security Threats And How To Protect Your Business Wp101112

The document discusses 5 of the most costly network security threats faced by enterprises: 1) botnets, 2) phishing, 3) malware, 4) distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, and 5) increasingly sophisticated attacks. It recommends implementing key layers of control through network perimeter protections, cloud-based security services, mobile device security, and partnering with a managed security provider to help prevent threats and do more with less.

Most Common Type of DDoS Attack in
Below graph is showing the % of most common type of DDoS attack of
Quarterly DDoS Attacks Geography
The top targeted country is still China, with its share practically changed
(50.43% in Q4, against 77.67% in Q3). China was one of the most
targeted country among all the quarters of 2018. It was observed that,
Hong Kong was the second most targeted country in Q2, 2018.
The frequency of DDoS attacks have increased more than 2.5 times
over the last 3 years
The average size of DDoS attacks is increasing and approaching more
than 1 Gbps
IoT Botnet Attacks have increased over the years
A new DDoS attack vector has emerged that is Memcached/
memcrashed DDoS attack
DDoS attacks were 37% larger on average in the first six months of
2018 compared to the first six months of 2017
Large-scale DDoS attacks increase in size by 500%
Organizations faced 8 attacks per day in Q2 2018, an increase of 40%
over Q2 2017.
DDoS Attack Statistics
of DDoS attacks have been
increased from mid-2017
to mid-2018
40% Maximum attack size
of DDoS attack has
been increased
of remote code execution
attacks are associated with
The dominant category this year was by far injections, with 19%
(3,294) out of the total vulnerabilities of 2018, which is also a 267%
increase from last year. The number of Cross-site scripting (XSS)
vulnerabilities continued to grow and appears to be the second most
common vulnerability (14%) among 2018 web application
Most Common Web app vulnerabilities
Application Attack Trends

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The Quarantine Report: Cybersecurity Impact Assessment for COVID-19
The Quarantine Report: Cybersecurity Impact Assessment for COVID-19The Quarantine Report: Cybersecurity Impact Assessment for COVID-19
The Quarantine Report: Cybersecurity Impact Assessment for COVID-19

The document provides a cybersecurity impact assessment of the COVID-19 outbreak. It finds that while the work from home shift has changed the attack surface, there is no clear evidence of a significant outbreak of cyber attacks. However, cybercriminals are exploiting COVID-19 in social engineering and phishing attacks. VPN and RDP usage has increased to enable remote work but these protocols have ongoing security issues. The document recommends adopting a zero trust approach and improving security awareness as a long term strategy.

information securitycovid19

This document provides an overview of cyber threats and recommendations for building a career in cyber security. It identifies major cyber threats for 2016 such as ransomware, attacks on critical infrastructure and payment systems, vulnerabilities in applications like Adobe Flash, and threats to emerging technologies like automobiles and wearables. It also provides tips for exploring a career in cyber security, including starting with general IT jobs and skills, gaining practical experience through self-directed learning and certifications, and developing specialized technical skills.

Eset trends report_2018
Eset trends report_2018Eset trends report_2018
Eset trends report_2018

The document discusses cybersecurity trends for 2018, focusing on ransomware, attacks on critical infrastructure, malware analysis, electoral cyberthreats, and privacy issues. It summarizes the major ransomware attacks of 2017 like WannaCry and describes how ransomware is evolving to target more devices and infrastructure. The document advises regularly backing up important data offline as the best protection against ransomware.

IoT (Internet of Things)
vulnerabilities appear to have
decreased tremendously.
Trending in Vulnerabilities
IoT Vulnerabilities-
API Vulnerabilities -
Growing, but slowing
API (Application
Programming Interface)
vulnerabilities are becoming
more widespread as time
goes by. New API
vulnerabilities in 2018 (264)
increased by 23% over 2017
(214), and by 56% compared
to 2016 (169).
2017 Timeline of major cyber incidents
No of Accounts
TIO Networks October
Uber November
Nissan Canada
1.6 million
57 million
Deep Root Analytics
900 GB of Data stolen
200 million
PlayStation February
Gmail May
Online Spambot March
RNC Contractor
Alteryx December
2.5 Million Records
1 million
711 million
120 million
198 million citizens
14 million
145.5 million
1.1 million
2018 timeline of major cyber incidents
No of Accounts
March, Sept,
Quora November
Marriott Hotels November
Cathay Pacific October
Panera January
TicketFly May
Under Armour May
90 Million +
100 million
500 million
4 million
1.1 billion
27 million
150 million
340 million June
MBM Company March
Pumpup May
3 million
6 million
JuneSacramento Bee 5 million
In 2018, like 2017, we continued to see a trend of increasing number of
web application vulnerabilities, particularly vulnerabilities related
to injection such as SQL injection, command injection, object injection,
etc. Below graph shows the number of vulnerabilities on a monthly basis
over the last two years. We can see that the overall number of new
vulnerabilities in 2018 (17,308) increased by 23% compared to 2017
No. of web application vulnerabilities

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Security for Smartgrid
Security for SmartgridSecurity for Smartgrid
Security for Smartgrid

The unfortunate reality is that because of the critical nature of the technology and the services that it provides, the grid becomes a prime target for acts of terrorism and cyberattacks. In January 2008, a CIA analyst reported that hackers had attacked foreign utilities, turning out the lights in several foreign cities. Even if the motivation behind a targeted attack on the energy infrastructure is not terror or disruption, the evolving threat landscape dictates that the potential financial gains of such action can be alluring to the cybercriminal network.

Proofpoint Understanding Email Fraud in 2018
Proofpoint Understanding Email Fraud in 2018 Proofpoint Understanding Email Fraud in 2018
Proofpoint Understanding Email Fraud in 2018

Email fraud, also known as business email compromise (BEC), is one of today's greatest cyber threats. These highly targeted attacks, sent in low volumes, target people rather than technologies. As a result, they are difficult for traditional security solutions to detect. To better understand how email fraud is affecting companies like yours, Proofpoint commissioned a survey of more than 2,250 IT decision makers across the U.S., the U.K., Australia, France, and Germany. This infographic highlights our findings.

clouddigitaldomain spoofing
Supersized Security Threats – Can You Stop 2016 from Repeating?
Supersized Security Threats – Can You Stop 2016 from Repeating?Supersized Security Threats – Can You Stop 2016 from Repeating?
Supersized Security Threats – Can You Stop 2016 from Repeating?

2016 was a year in which everything was bigger – bigger breaches, larger attacks, and bigger repercussions. Whether it was the evolution of DDoS attacks into the record-shattering Mirai botnet that disrupted large portions of the internet or insidious commercial banking Trojans available for sale as ready-made malware kits, the tone of cyberattacks darkened in 2016 while illuminating one key fact: many companies are not applying basic security fundamentals to their IT environments. Attend this webinar to learn: The top-level security trends from 2016, and what it could mean for 2017, including the political and intellectual property concerns stemming from large-scale data leaks Why classic attack vectors continue to be a weapon of choice for those seeking to disrupt operations and steal data Why a lower attack rate for the average security client may not be good news What steps your organization can take to protect against these attacks

Until now, the attacks were limited to large enterprise, but our security
consultants, have seen that cyber attacks on MSME sector is also on the
As we have seen cyber criminals continue to build and weaponize massive
IoT botnets of unprecedented size and capability. It is concluded that,
volumetric DDoS attacks have scaled back a bit in sheer size, but
continue to increase in frequency.
of companies admitted
that their organization
could be at risk
because their data is
not secure.
21% 7 X2
Chance of repeat
21% attack in 24
Attacks per
customer per
Attacks over
10Gbps has
attack vectors, analyzes the digital
fingerprint, and gathers intelligence to
prepare against emerging cyber attacks.
In short, 2019 will see more sophisticated
threat vectors, more intensified attacks.
The average cost of a data breach in 2020 will exceed $150 million.
More than, 90% of hackers cover their tracks by using encryption.
IoT driven Botnet DDoS attacks have become more common.
As sophisticated DDoS & web application attacks continue to evolve,
people are switching to cyber security solutions like DDoS mitigation &
web application firewall that identifies
About Company
Headquarter- India
Branch Office - Singapore | USA @halt_dos @haltdos@haltdos
Follow us on social media:
HaltDos is an award winning and leading appliance based DDoS
mitigation & WAF solution provider company. HaltDos offers a unique
and tailored-fit security solution that detects, protects, and monitors
HaltDos's main mission is to deliver the most innovative, highest-
performing network security to secure and simplify your IT security.
More information about HaltDos and it's achievements can be found at

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Global Cyber Attacks report 2018 - 2019 | HaltDos

  • 2. Executive Summary This report contains an overview of the insights of cyber attacks and data breaches. The report also highlights the motives behind today's emerging cyber-attacks. The cyber threat insights report combines statistical research and frontline experience to identify cybersecurity trends that are crucial to enterprises as they determine long-term growth strategies. General Trends DDoS Trends Application Attack Trends Contents
  • 3. Motivations behind cyber-attacks of companies attacked just once reported a form of theft. 92% of organizations reported multiple assaults, while those attacked once rose to 92%. 76% The motivation for attacks remained almost consistent over a year, the responses for “motive unknown” almost tripled in 2018. General Trends
  • 4. Cyber Threats (2018-2019) Top Threats 2017 Top Threats 2018 Assessed Trends 2017 Assessed Trends 2018 Change In Ranking Malware Web Based Attacks Web Application Attacks Phishing Spam DDoS Ransomware Botnets Insider threat Physical manipulation/ damage/ theft/loss Data Breaches Identity Theft Information Leakage Exploit Kits Cyber Espionage Malware Web Based Attacks Web Application Attacks Phishing DDoS Spam Botnets Data Breaches Insider threat Physical manipulation/ damage/ theft/loss Information Leakage Identity Theft Cryptojacking Ransomware Cyber Espionage TRENDS: RANKING: Declining, Stable, Increasing Below is an overview and comparison of the threat landscape 2018 with the one of 2017: Going up, Same, Going Down NEW
  • 5. Monthly Attacks (2018 - 2019) Below, chart compares the total events of 2017 and 2018 on a monthly basis. Clearly, with the sole exception of August, the level of activity has been constantly higher in 2018.
  • 6. Most Common Types of Cyber Attacks It has been noticed that Malware/bot attacks, Phishing and DDoS attacks have increased over the year. of organizations have experienced a PHISHING ATTACK in the past year. 64% of organizations have experienced a DDoS ATTACK in the past year. 24%
  • 7. Fileless Attacks are evolving It has been noticed that attackers are moving away from using malicious .exe files to package and deploy malware and it represents a major change in the way attacks are carried out. Below graphs are showing the adoption of fileless attack techniques are increasing over the years and file based attacks have decreased since 2018. of attacks that successfully compromised organizations used fileless techniques 77% File Based Attacks File Less Attacks
  • 8. Industries Most Vulnerable to Cyber- Attacks Some industries are extremely vulnerable to cyberattacks because of the data servers and networks that they rely on. With the growing dependency on technology, there is no industry or organization which is safe from cyber attack; the higher the dependency on online technology, the higher the scope of vulnerability. According to a research, it has been found that Finance and Healthcare sector is most vulnerable to cyber attacks. SMEs & Government agencies are very vulnerable. Media, manufacturing and energy sector is least vulnerable to cyber attacks. MostVulnerabletoleastvulnerableindustries Small and Medium-Sized Businesses Healthcare Financial Institutions & Banks Governement Energy Industry Manufacturing
  • 9. Cyber Attacks by Region in 2018 Global Americas EMEA APAC C ryptom iners M obile B otnetB anking R ansom w are 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% C ryptom iners M obile B otnetB anking R ansom w are 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% C ryptom iners M obile B otnetB anking R ansom w are 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% C ryptom iners M obile B otnetB anking R ansom w are 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% It is oberved that Ransomware is no longer on the top of the malware list. Ransomware has been dropped from 30% at its peak in 2017 to less than just 4% in 2018.
  • 10. Antivirus solutions have been replaced by the next-generation endpoint cyber security solutions Major cyber attacks are projected to utilize fileless techniques in 2018 Ransomware is down, cryptomining is up The total cost of a successful cyber attack is over $5 million It takes organizations an average of 191 days to identify data breaches 56% of IT decision makers agree that phishing attack is one of the top security threat for them The Equifax data breach of 2017 impacted 143 million U.S. citizens Only 38% of global organizations claim they are prepared to handle a sophisticated cyber attack Cyber Security Statistics of organizations believe their antivirus can't stop the threats they're seeing. 69% of organizations have experienced an IoT security incident 61%
  • 11. DDoS Attacks In addition to the WannaCry ransomware attack and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks have increased since mid 2017. In 2017, attackers continued to use reflection/amplification techniques to exploit vulnerabilities in DNS, NTP, SSDP, CLDAP, Chargen and other protocols to maximize the scale of their attacks. The largest attack in 2017 reported was 600 Gbps. On Wednesday, February 28, 2018 GitHub got hit by the DDoS attack that was 1.35 terabits per second (Tbps), that's the largest distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack on record. “Burst attacks” increasing in complexity, frequency, and duration One of the most significant DDoS attack trend has been observed that “Burst attacks” are increasing in which gaming websites and service providers are at high risk. Of organizations Hit With DDos ‘Burst Attacks’ 42%of attackers have found a number of ways to employ DDoS attacks. 85% DDoS Trends
  • 12. DDoS Attacks Statistics by Quarterly In 2018, it has been found that 13% less DDoS activity than in the previous year. Below is a graph which is showing the Quarterly comparison of the number of DDoS attacks in 2017–2018 (100% = number of attacks in 2017).
  • 13. Most Common Type of DDoS Attack in 2018 Below graph is showing the % of most common type of DDoS attack of 2018.
  • 14. Quarterly DDoS Attacks Geography The top targeted country is still China, with its share practically changed (50.43% in Q4, against 77.67% in Q3). China was one of the most targeted country among all the quarters of 2018. It was observed that, Hong Kong was the second most targeted country in Q2, 2018.
  • 15. The frequency of DDoS attacks have increased more than 2.5 times over the last 3 years The average size of DDoS attacks is increasing and approaching more than 1 Gbps IoT Botnet Attacks have increased over the years A new DDoS attack vector has emerged that is Memcached/ memcrashed DDoS attack DDoS attacks were 37% larger on average in the first six months of 2018 compared to the first six months of 2017 Large-scale DDoS attacks increase in size by 500% Organizations faced 8 attacks per day in Q2 2018, an increase of 40% over Q2 2017. DDoS Attack Statistics of DDoS attacks have been increased from mid-2017 to mid-2018 40% Maximum attack size of DDoS attack has been increased globally 174% of remote code execution attacks are associated with cryptomining. 90%
  • 16. The dominant category this year was by far injections, with 19% (3,294) out of the total vulnerabilities of 2018, which is also a 267% increase from last year. The number of Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities continued to grow and appears to be the second most common vulnerability (14%) among 2018 web application vulnerabilities. Most Common Web app vulnerabilities Application Attack Trends
  • 17. IoT (Internet of Things) vulnerabilities appear to have decreased tremendously. Trending in Vulnerabilities IoT Vulnerabilities- decreased API Vulnerabilities - Growing, but slowing API (Application Programming Interface) vulnerabilities are becoming more widespread as time goes by. New API vulnerabilities in 2018 (264) increased by 23% over 2017 (214), and by 56% compared to 2016 (169).
  • 18. 2017 Timeline of major cyber incidents No of Accounts hacked WhenCompany Cellebrite TIO Networks October Uber November December Nissan Canada 1.6 million 57 million January Deep Root Analytics 900 GB of Data stolen August June July September 200 million PlayStation February Gmail May Online Spambot March RNC Contractor Alteryx December Verizon Equifax 2.5 Million Records 1 million 711 million 120 million 198 million citizens 14 million 145.5 million 1.1 million
  • 19. 2018 timeline of major cyber incidents No of Accounts hacked WhenCompany Facebook March, Sept, Dec Quora November Marriott Hotels November Cathay Pacific October Panera January TicketFly May Under Armour May Exactis 90 Million + 100 million 500 million 4 million 1.1 billion 27 million 150 million 340 million June MBM Company March Pumpup May 3 million 6 million JuneSacramento Bee 5 million
  • 20. In 2018, like 2017, we continued to see a trend of increasing number of web application vulnerabilities, particularly vulnerabilities related to injection such as SQL injection, command injection, object injection, etc. Below graph shows the number of vulnerabilities on a monthly basis over the last two years. We can see that the overall number of new vulnerabilities in 2018 (17,308) increased by 23% compared to 2017 (14,082). No. of web application vulnerabilities
  • 21. Conclusion Until now, the attacks were limited to large enterprise, but our security consultants, have seen that cyber attacks on MSME sector is also on the rise. As we have seen cyber criminals continue to build and weaponize massive IoT botnets of unprecedented size and capability. It is concluded that, volumetric DDoS attacks have scaled back a bit in sheer size, but continue to increase in frequency. of companies admitted that their organization could be at risk because their data is not secure. 50% 21% 7 X2 Chance of repeat 21% attack in 24 hours Attacks per customer per day Attacks over 10Gbps has doubled attack vectors, analyzes the digital fingerprint, and gathers intelligence to prepare against emerging cyber attacks. In short, 2019 will see more sophisticated threat vectors, more intensified attacks. The average cost of a data breach in 2020 will exceed $150 million. More than, 90% of hackers cover their tracks by using encryption. IoT driven Botnet DDoS attacks have become more common. As sophisticated DDoS & web application attacks continue to evolve, people are switching to cyber security solutions like DDoS mitigation & web application firewall that identifies
  • 22. About Company Headquarter- India Branch Office - Singapore | USA @halt_dos @haltdos@haltdos Follow us on social media: @haltdos HaltDos is an award winning and leading appliance based DDoS mitigation & WAF solution provider company. HaltDos offers a unique and tailored-fit security solution that detects, protects, and monitors applications. HaltDos's main mission is to deliver the most innovative, highest- performing network security to secure and simplify your IT security. More information about HaltDos and it's achievements can be found at