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Ash prasad
Arjav prasad
How to deploy and scale ASP.Net Core
application on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
• About Us
• Background on Kubernetes
• CNCF – Cloud Native Computing
• Major players in Kubernetes
• Major applications in the ecosystem
• Deploying ASP.Net Core App to AKS
• DevOps approach
• Scaling ASP.Net Core App on AKS
• 12-factor app
• Nodes
• Grade 11 student at Lord
Tweedsmuir Secondary, Surrey
• 3-time medal winner of Fraser Valley
Regional Science Fair
• Power of 1 volunteer
• Passionate about technology,
science, politics and video games
Arjav Prasad
Ash Prasad
• Former Head of Engineering at DNN Corp, Langley,
BC, acquired by private equity firm ESW Capital
from Austin, Texas.
• VP of Product at 10 companies (Engine Yard, DNN,
Kayako, MyAlerts, School Loop, BiznessApps,
FogBugz, SLI Systems, AGemni, Infinio)
• 2-time Microsoft MVP
• Co-author of DNN 7 Professional book

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OpenStack Block Storage 101
OpenStack Block Storage 101OpenStack Block Storage 101
OpenStack Block Storage 101

This document provides an overview of OpenStack Block Storage (Cinder) and how it addresses challenges of scaling virtual environments. It discusses how virtualization led to cloud computing with goals of abstraction, automation, and scale. OpenStack was created as open source software to build and manage clouds with common APIs. Cinder provides block storage volumes to OpenStack instances, managing creation and attachment. SolidFire's storage system offers comprehensive Cinder support with guaranteed performance, high availability, and scale for production use.

Radical Innovations In Storage for Multi-Tenant Infrastructure
Radical Innovations In Storage for Multi-Tenant InfrastructureRadical Innovations In Storage for Multi-Tenant Infrastructure
Radical Innovations In Storage for Multi-Tenant Infrastructure

This document discusses innovations in storage infrastructure for multi-tenant cloud environments. It describes how virtualization led to challenges around networking, management complexity and storage performance degradation when scaling. OpenStack was created to provide AWS-like functionality outside of AWS through common interfaces and abstraction of resources like storage, networking and virtual machines. Cinder and Swift are introduced as OpenStack's block storage and object storage services. Cinder provides block storage volumes for virtual machines through a plug-in architecture that supports various backends. SolidFire is highlighted as a scale-out block storage system designed for OpenStack that eliminates noisy neighbors through fine-grained quality of service controls and other features.

Manage thousands of k8s applications with minimal efforts using kube carrier
Manage thousands of k8s applications with minimal efforts using kube carrierManage thousands of k8s applications with minimal efforts using kube carrier
Manage thousands of k8s applications with minimal efforts using kube carrier

KubeCarrier is an open source platform that allows managing applications and services across multiple Kubernetes clusters with minimal effort. It functions as an "operator of operators" by discovering custom resources from operators running in service clusters and making them available for users in a centralized service hub. This allows application operators to run in service clusters while KubeCarrier propagates the custom resources from the service hub to drive the operators across clusters. It provides a multi-tenant environment with support for multiple service providers and consumers.

Kubernetes - History
• Kubernetes (K8s) is an open-source system for automating
deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications
• Originally designed by Google and now is run by the Cloud Native
Computing Foundation (CNCF)
• Google has been developing and using containers to manage its
applications for 12 years
• 2004 - Limited Isolation
• 2006 - CGroups
• 2013 – LMCTFY (Google’s open source container tech), Docker
• 2014 - Kubernetes
• One of fastest growing project in GitHub
• Very Complex
• Huge Potential
• Containers
• Code works everywhere
• Packaged apps speed development
• They provide a path to microservices
• Kubernetes Conference
• Attendees increasing
almost exponentially
• 453 speakers from 167 unique
• CNCF, in partnership with other
companies offered 147 scholarships
• KubeCon 2019 will be on November
18 – 21, 2019 in San Diego
Big Companies
• Azure
• Azure Container Services (AKS)
• Amazon
• Amazon Elastic Container Service (EKS)
• Google
• Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
• Intel
• KVM, Xen, OpenStack, Kata Containers and StarlingX.
• Huawei
• began moving their internal I.T. department’s applications to run on Kubernetes
• about 30 percent of these applications have been transferred to cloud native
• Alibaba
• Alibaba Cloud
• One of the earliest adopters of Kubernetes
• Currently manages the world’s largest Kubernetes clusters (20,000 bare metal
services) in multiple regions

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Must Know Azure Kubernetes Best Practices And Features For Better Resiliency ...
Must Know Azure Kubernetes Best Practices And Features For Better Resiliency ...Must Know Azure Kubernetes Best Practices And Features For Better Resiliency ...
Must Know Azure Kubernetes Best Practices And Features For Better Resiliency ...

Running day-1 Ops on your Kubernetes is somewhat easy, but it is quite daunting to manage day two challenges. Learn about AKS best practices for your cloud-native applications so that you can avoid blow up your workloads.

kubernetesmicrosoft azureazure
Tectonic Summit 2016: CoreOS Tectonic on AWS
Tectonic Summit 2016: CoreOS Tectonic on AWSTectonic Summit 2016: CoreOS Tectonic on AWS
Tectonic Summit 2016: CoreOS Tectonic on AWS

Brandon Chavis, Solutions Architect at AWS, shares why CoreOS Tectonic works so well with AWS. 12/12/16

kubernetestectonic summit 2016aws
How IT at Getty Images Brokers Cloud Services
How IT at Getty Images Brokers Cloud ServicesHow IT at Getty Images Brokers Cloud Services
How IT at Getty Images Brokers Cloud Services

Getty Images uses RightScale to broker cloud services across multiple public and private clouds. RightScale provides Getty Images with self-service access to cloud resources, orchestration of complete cloud systems, and management of existing cloud instances. RightScale has helped Getty Images increase innovation by providing templates that meet standards, automating deployments and operations, and integrating with their IT service management tools. RightScale is used across Getty Images' AWS, OpenStack private cloud, and growing Docker workloads.

CNCF – Cloud Native
Cloud Foundation
• CNCF serves as the vendor-neutral home for many of
the fastest-growing projects on GitHub
• Prometheus
• Envoy
• Kubernetes
• 55,618 # of contributors to CNCF projects
• 67,501 registered for free Kubernetes EdX course
• 84 Certified Kubernetes Distributions and Platforms
• 107,934 CNCF Meetup members
CNCF – Projects
Deploying ASP.Net
Core App to AKS
What do I need and what are my options?
• Source Code Repo
• Compile, Packaging and Deployment
• Kubernetes Cluster
• Cluster Management
• Git, GitHub, svn
• Jenkins, DevOps
• Bare Metal, GCP, AWS EKS, AWS
Fargate, Azure AKS

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Spark volume requirements 2018
Spark volume requirements 2018Spark volume requirements 2018
Spark volume requirements 2018

This document discusses storage requirements for running Spark workloads on Kubernetes. It recommends using a distributed file system like HDFS or DBFS for distributed storage and emptyDir or NFS for local temp scratch space. Logs can be stored in emptyDir or pushed to object storage. Features that would improve Spark on Kubernetes include image volumes, flexible PV to PVC mappings, encrypted volumes, and clean deletion for compliance. The document provides an overview of Spark, Kubernetes benefits, and typical Spark deployments.

Keeping your Kubernetes Cluster Secure
Keeping your Kubernetes Cluster SecureKeeping your Kubernetes Cluster Secure
Keeping your Kubernetes Cluster Secure

From NOVA Cloud and Software Engineering Group meetup, Feb. 17, 2021 Hardening a Kubernetes cluster happens at different levels. We have to examine the nodes where Kubernetes is running. We want to secure the Kubernetes objects and workloads and review the files we used to create them. And we need to look for vulnerabilities in the containers we are using. Gene will show you some open-source tools that can find issues and vulnerabilities at each layer. All of them can be used in a pipeline to build your Kubernetes cluster safely and keep it secure. Gene Gotimer is the meetup organizer and a DevSecOps Senior Engineer at Steampunk, focusing on agile processes, secure development practices, and automation. Gene feels strongly that repeatability, quality, and security are all strongly intertwined; each depends on the other two, making agile and DevSecOps that much more crucial to software development.

Thinkbox Software
Thinkbox SoftwareThinkbox Software
Thinkbox Software

Thinkbox Software's Deadline software allows for rendering at cloud scale. It provides a reliable and customizable render management system that can integrate with various pipeline tools and cloud providers. Deadline's components include a repository, database, and client applications. It supports on-premise and cloud rendering, with features like a balancer for launching cloud VM instances on demand. Deadline also offers tools for usage-based licensing and automated asset transfer between local and cloud systems.

Easiest Path -
Follow the
DevOps Approach
One-Time Setup
4 steps
Global azurebootcamp2019vancouver aks_presentation_by_ashprasad_arjavprasad
Global azurebootcamp2019vancouver aks_presentation_by_ashprasad_arjavprasad

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GitOps with Amazon EKS Anywhere by Dan Budris
GitOps with Amazon EKS Anywhere by Dan BudrisGitOps with Amazon EKS Anywhere by Dan Budris
GitOps with Amazon EKS Anywhere by Dan Budris

Watch this recording here: Amazon EKS Anywhere is an open-source tool which helps you create and manage Kubernetes clusters on-premises. EKS Anywhere allows you to manage your Kubernetes clusters in a scalable and declarative manner with the help of GitOps, powered under-the-hood with CNCF Flux. In this session, Dan will share how EKS Anywhere integrates with Flux and uses GitOps workflows to manage the cluster lifecycle. Resources: AWS EKS Anywhere on GitHub: AWS EKS Anywhere: AWS EKS Anywhere docs site: AWS EKS Anywhere: Managing a Cluster with GitOps: Speaker Bio: Dan is a Software Engineer on the AWS EKS Anywhere team, working on tools to help developers easily build and manage Kubernetes clusters on premises. In the past, Dan has worked as a System Administrator, DevOps Engineer, SRE, gardener, cook and professional door-knocker. When he’s not helping to build EKS Anywhere you can find him weeding the garden or in the kitchen working his way through another cookbook.

amazon web servicesamazon elastic kubernetes serviceamazon eks anywhere
AKS - Azure Kubernetes Services - kubernetes meetup may 2018
AKS - Azure Kubernetes Services  - kubernetes meetup may 2018AKS - Azure Kubernetes Services  - kubernetes meetup may 2018
AKS - Azure Kubernetes Services - kubernetes meetup may 2018

The document discusses Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) and Visual Studio Connected Environments (VSCE). It provides an overview of AKS and how to create an AKS cluster. It then discusses the current CI/CD process and how VSCE can improve the developer experience by allowing developers to run and debug code directly in an AKS cluster. It outlines the main VSCE commands and provides an example end-to-end scenario of using VSCE to debug code in a Kubernetes cluster directly from Visual Studio Code.

dockerkubernetesvisual studio
The Evolution of your Kubernetes Cluster
The Evolution of your Kubernetes ClusterThe Evolution of your Kubernetes Cluster
The Evolution of your Kubernetes Cluster

From a skunk-works project to running the entire enterprise While developers see and realize the benefits of Kubernetes, how it improves efficiencies, saves time, and enables focus on the unique business requirements of each project; InfoSec, infrastructure, and software operations teams still face challenges when managing a new set of tools and technologies, and integrating them into an existing enterprise infrastructure. In this meetup, Chris, CTO at Tigera, and Oleg, CTO at Kublr, discussed the evolution of your Kubernetes cluster - from a skunk-works project to running the entire enterprise.

Global azurebootcamp2019vancouver aks_presentation_by_ashprasad_arjavprasad
Global azurebootcamp2019vancouver aks_presentation_by_ashprasad_arjavprasad
Global azurebootcamp2019vancouver aks_presentation_by_ashprasad_arjavprasad
Setup Results

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Kubernetes in Azure
Kubernetes in AzureKubernetes in Azure
Kubernetes in Azure

This document summarizes Kubernetes and containers in Azure. It discusses Azure services that support containers like Azure Container Instances (ACI), Azure Container Registry, and Azure Container Service. It focuses on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) which provides a managed Kubernetes control plane. The agenda includes a demo of deploying a multi-container app to an AKS cluster. It provides commands for creating, getting credentials for, browsing, scaling, and upgrading an AKS cluster. Recommended tools and resources are also listed.

Getting sh*t done with Azure Functions (on AKS!)
Getting sh*t done with Azure Functions (on AKS!)Getting sh*t done with Azure Functions (on AKS!)
Getting sh*t done with Azure Functions (on AKS!)

The slide deck for the talk "Getting sh*t done with Azure Functions (on AKS!) we held at Techorama NL 2019/

Containers & Cloud Native Ops Cloud Foundry Approach
Containers & Cloud Native Ops Cloud Foundry ApproachContainers & Cloud Native Ops Cloud Foundry Approach
Containers & Cloud Native Ops Cloud Foundry Approach

By, Sajith Ainikkal In this brief talk I will touch up on how Pivotal & CloudFoundry Foundation driving a Cloud Agnostic Platform based approach towards building modern cloud native applications without worrying about the hassles of 'Day 2' issues of managing VM and Container clusters and its adoption across enterprise segments. I will also talk about few of the latest stuff in the market including the developments in BOSH, Open Service Broker APIs initiative and OCI (Open Container Initiative). Today Cloud Foundry Garden and Docker are two implementations of OCI and Garden containers can run a Cloud Foundry / Docker /Windows container image.

cloud computingclouddocker
3 Resource Groups Created
Kubernetes Related Resources
AKS Related
DevOps Related

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Industrial Light & Magic
Industrial Light & MagicIndustrial Light & Magic
Industrial Light & Magic

Aaron Carey from ILM London discusses experimenting with moving their VFX pipeline to the cloud. Some benefits include reducing capital expenditure and overhead costs, increasing flexibility, and giving developers more control. Technical hurdles to address include latency, syncing large amounts of storage between sites, and tracking flexible cloud costs. They plan to do large-scale testing of rendering and workstation applications in the cloud using containers and Amazon S3 storage.

AKS Azure Kubernetes Services - Azure Nights melbourne feb 2018
AKS Azure Kubernetes Services - Azure Nights melbourne feb 2018AKS Azure Kubernetes Services - Azure Nights melbourne feb 2018
AKS Azure Kubernetes Services - Azure Nights melbourne feb 2018

This document outlines a presentation on Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) and the steps to set up a development environment and deploy applications to AKS. It includes enabling Windows features for containers and the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), installing client tools like Docker, Helm, Azure CLI and Visual Studio Code, creating an AKS cluster with Azure CLI commands, and deploying applications from source code to Kubernetes using Helm. It also discusses integrating AKS with other Azure services and includes demo use cases and relevant links.

AWS re:Invent 2016: Netflix: Container Scheduling, Execution, and Integration...
AWS re:Invent 2016: Netflix: Container Scheduling, Execution, and Integration...AWS re:Invent 2016: Netflix: Container Scheduling, Execution, and Integration...
AWS re:Invent 2016: Netflix: Container Scheduling, Execution, and Integration...

Customers from over all over the world streamed forty-two billion hours of Netflix content last year. Various Netflix batch jobs and an increasing number of service applications use containers for their processing. In this session, Netflix presents a deep dive on the motivations and the technology powering container deployment on top of Amazon Web Services. The session covers our approach to resource management and scheduling with the open source Fenzo library, along with details of how we integrate Docker and Netflix container scheduling running on AWS. We cover the approach we have taken to deliver AWS platform features to containers such as IAM roles, VPCs, security groups, metadata proxies, and user data. We want to take advantage of native AWS container resource management using Amazon ECS to reduce operational responsibilities. We are delivering these integrations in collaboration with the Amazon ECS engineering team. The session also shares some of the results so far, and lessons learned throughout our implementation and operations.

aws re:invent 2016cloud computingcon313
CI/CD Pipeline Timeline
• First Code Change
• Build 3m 4s, Deployment 4m 2s
• Initial Setup
• Build 3m 4s, Deployment 18m 40s
ASP.Net Core
in AKS

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Moby KubeCon 2017
Moby KubeCon 2017Moby KubeCon 2017
Moby KubeCon 2017

Moby is an open source project providing a "LEGO set" of dozens of components, the framework to assemble them into specialized container-based systems, and a place for all container enthusiasts to experiment and exchange ideas. One of these assemblies is Docker CE, an open source product that lets you build, ship, and run containers. This talk will explain how you can leverage the Moby project to assemble your own specialized container-based system, whether for IoT, cloud or bare metal scenarios. We will cover Moby itself, the framework, and tooling around the project, as well as many of it’s components: LinuxKit, InfraKit, containerd, SwarmKit, Notary. Then we will present a few use cases and demos of how different companies have leveraged Moby and some of the Moby components to create their own container-based systems. Video at

Why to Cloud Native
Why to Cloud NativeWhy to Cloud Native
Why to Cloud Native

This document provides an overview of cloud native concepts including: - Cloud native is defined as applications optimized for modern distributed systems capable of scaling to thousands of nodes. - The pillars of cloud native include devops, continuous delivery, microservices, and containers. - Common use cases for cloud native include development, operations, legacy application refactoring, migration to cloud, and building new microservice applications. - While cloud native adoption is growing, challenges include complexity, cultural changes, lack of training, security concerns, and monitoring difficulties.

cloud nativekubernetes
Re:invent 2016 Container Scheduling, Execution and AWS Integration
Re:invent 2016 Container Scheduling, Execution and AWS IntegrationRe:invent 2016 Container Scheduling, Execution and AWS Integration
Re:invent 2016 Container Scheduling, Execution and AWS Integration

This document summarizes a presentation about Netflix's use of containers and the Titus container management platform. It discusses: 1. Why Netflix uses containers to increase innovation velocity for tasks like media encoding and software development. Containers allow for faster iteration and simpler deployment. 2. How Titus was developed to manage containers at Netflix's scale of over 100,000 VMs and 500+ microservices, since existing solutions were not suitable. Titus integrates with AWS for resources like VPC networking and EC2 instances. 3. How Titus supports both batch jobs and long-running services, with challenges like networking, autoscaling, and upgrades that services introduce beyond batch. Collaboration with Amazon on ECS

netflix containers aws ecs
• I. Codebase
• One codebase tracked in revision control,
many deploys
• II. Dependencies
• Explicitly declare and isolate dependencies
• III. Config
• Store config in the environment
• IV. Backing services
• Treat backing services as attached resources
• V. Build, release, run
• Strictly separate build and run stages
• VI. Processes
• Execute the app as one or more stateless
• VIII. Concurrency
• Scale out via the process model
• IX. Disposability
• Maximize robustness with fast
startup and graceful shutdown
• X. Dev/prod parity
• Keep development, staging, and
production as similar as possible
• XI. Logs
• Treat logs as event streams
• XII. Admin processes
• Run admin/management tasks as
one-off processes
Scaling Demo
Node Scaling
• Kubernetes story with Google
• CNCF – Cloud Native Computing
• ASP.Net Core deployment in AKS
• Scaling in AKS

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Room 2 - 6 - Đinh Tuấn Phong - Migrate opensource database to Kubernetes easi...

This document discusses running MySQL on Kubernetes with Percona Kubernetes Operators. It provides an introduction to cloud native applications and Kubernetes. It then discusses the benefits and challenges of running MySQL on Kubernetes compared to database-as-a-service options. It introduces Percona Kubernetes Operators for MySQL, which help manage and configure MySQL deployments on Kubernetes. Finally, it discusses how to deploy MySQL with the Percona Kubernetes Operators, including prerequisites, connectivity, architecture, high availability, and monitoring.

Rancher Labs - Your own PaaS in action
Rancher Labs - Your own PaaS in actionRancher Labs - Your own PaaS in action
Rancher Labs - Your own PaaS in action

This document provides an overview of Kubernetes and Rancher. It discusses that Kubernetes is an open-source platform for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It is developed by Google and has a large ecosystem. The document then summarizes Rancher, stating that it is an enterprise container management platform that makes it easy to deploy, manage and secure any Kubernetes deployment. Rancher supports over 5,000 organizations and provides centralized policy, security and workload management across multiple Kubernetes clusters.

Rancher Labs - Your own PaaS in action
Rancher Labs - Your own PaaS in actionRancher Labs - Your own PaaS in action
Rancher Labs - Your own PaaS in action

Presentació a càrrec de Raúl Sánchez (Rancher Labs) duta a terme a l'OpenNebula TechDay celebrat al CSUC el 8 de maig de 2019.

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Global azurebootcamp2019vancouver aks_presentation_by_ashprasad_arjavprasad

  • 1. Ash prasad Arjav prasad How to deploy and scale ASP.Net Core application on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • 2. Agenda • About Us • Background on Kubernetes • CNCF – Cloud Native Computing Foundation • Major players in Kubernetes • Major applications in the ecosystem • Deploying ASP.Net Core App to AKS • DevOps approach • Scaling ASP.Net Core App on AKS • 12-factor app • Nodes
  • 3. • Grade 11 student at Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary, Surrey • 3-time medal winner of Fraser Valley Regional Science Fair • Power of 1 volunteer • Passionate about technology, science, politics and video games Arjav Prasad
  • 4. Ash Prasad • Former Head of Engineering at DNN Corp, Langley, BC, acquired by private equity firm ESW Capital from Austin, Texas. • VP of Product at 10 companies (Engine Yard, DNN, Kayako, MyAlerts, School Loop, BiznessApps, FogBugz, SLI Systems, AGemni, Infinio) • 2-time Microsoft MVP • Co-author of DNN 7 Professional book
  • 5. Kubernetes - History • Kubernetes (K8s) is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications • Originally designed by Google and now is run by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) • Google has been developing and using containers to manage its applications for 12 years • 2004 - Limited Isolation • 2006 - CGroups • 2013 – LMCTFY (Google’s open source container tech), Docker • 2014 - Kubernetes
  • 6. Kubernetes • One of fastest growing project in GitHub • Very Complex • Huge Potential • Containers • Code works everywhere • Packaged apps speed development • They provide a path to microservices
  • 7. Kubecon • Kubernetes Conference • Attendees increasing almost exponentially • 453 speakers from 167 unique companies • CNCF, in partnership with other companies offered 147 scholarships • KubeCon 2019 will be on November 18 – 21, 2019 in San Diego
  • 8. Big Companies • Azure • Azure Container Services (AKS) • Amazon • Amazon Elastic Container Service (EKS) • Google • Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) • Intel • KVM, Xen, OpenStack, Kata Containers and StarlingX. • Huawei • began moving their internal I.T. department’s applications to run on Kubernetes • about 30 percent of these applications have been transferred to cloud native • Alibaba • Alibaba Cloud • JD.COM • One of the earliest adopters of Kubernetes • Currently manages the world’s largest Kubernetes clusters (20,000 bare metal services) in multiple regions
  • 9. CNCF – Cloud Native Cloud Foundation • CNCF serves as the vendor-neutral home for many of the fastest-growing projects on GitHub • Prometheus • Envoy • Kubernetes • 55,618 # of contributors to CNCF projects • 67,501 registered for free Kubernetes EdX course • 84 Certified Kubernetes Distributions and Platforms • 107,934 CNCF Meetup members
  • 12. What do I need and what are my options? • Source Code Repo • Compile, Packaging and Deployment • Kubernetes Cluster • Cluster Management • Git, GitHub, svn • Jenkins, DevOps • Bare Metal, GCP, AWS EKS, AWS Fargate, Azure AKS
  • 13. Easiest Path - Follow the DevOps Approach
  • 21. 3 Resource Groups Created
  • 26. CI/CD Pipeline Timeline • First Code Change • Build 3m 4s, Deployment 4m 2s • Initial Setup • Build 3m 4s, Deployment 18m 40s
  • 29. 12-factor App • I. Codebase • One codebase tracked in revision control, many deploys • II. Dependencies • Explicitly declare and isolate dependencies • III. Config • Store config in the environment • IV. Backing services • Treat backing services as attached resources • V. Build, release, run • Strictly separate build and run stages • VI. Processes • Execute the app as one or more stateless processes • VIII. Concurrency • Scale out via the process model • IX. Disposability • Maximize robustness with fast startup and graceful shutdown • X. Dev/prod parity • Keep development, staging, and production as similar as possible • XI. Logs • Treat logs as event streams • XII. Admin processes • Run admin/management tasks as one-off processes
  • 32. Summary • Kubernetes story with Google • CNCF – Cloud Native Computing Foundation • ASP.Net Core deployment in AKS • Scaling in AKS