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Deployment and Management of
Complex Azure Environments
Kellyn Pot’Vin-Gorman
Data Platform Architect at Microsoft
in Analytics and AI
Former DevOps Engineer and Multi-
Platform DBA
Wed, Nov 14, 2018 9:00 AM Webinar
Kellyn Pot’Vin-Gorman
Data Platform Architect at Microsoft, Power BI and AI
• Former Technical Intelligence Manager, Delphix
• Multi-platform DBA, (Oracle, MSSQL, MySQL, Sybase,
PostgreSQL, Informix…) and DevOps Engineer
• Oracle ACE Director, (Alumni)
• Oak Table Network Member
• Idera ACE Alumni 2018
• STEM education with Raspberry Pi and Python, including
DevOxx4Kids, Oracle Education Foundation and TechGirls
• Former President, Rocky Mtn Oracle User Group
• President, Denver SQL Server User Group
• DevOps author, instructor and presenter.
• Author, blogger, (
The Power of the DBA in Azure
Scripting Best Practices
Use Case Example and Demo
Advanced Portal Features
Tips to Learning Faster
DBA Evolution
• De-emphasis on traditional database tasks-
• Backup/recovery
• MAA architecture
• Simple deployment
• End-user management
• Increased Emphasis On-
• Automation
• Virtualization
• Data Modeling
• Scripting

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The Next Big Thing: Serverless
The Next Big Thing: ServerlessThe Next Big Thing: Serverless
The Next Big Thing: Serverless

This document summarizes the evolution of cloud computing technologies from virtual machines to containers to serverless computing. It discusses how serverless computing uses cloud functions that are fully managed by the cloud provider, providing significant cost savings over virtual machines by only paying for resources used. While serverless computing reduces operational overhead, it is not suitable for all workloads and has some limitations around cold start times and vendor lock-in. The document promotes serverless computing as the next wave in cloud that can greatly reduce costs and complexity while improving scalability and availability.

azureazure functionscloud
Stay productive_while_slicing_up_the_monolith
Stay productive_while_slicing_up_the_monolithStay productive_while_slicing_up_the_monolith
Stay productive_while_slicing_up_the_monolith

The document discusses strategies for transitioning from monolithic architectures to microservice architectures. It outlines some of the challenges with maintaining large monolithic applications and reasons for modernizing, such as handling more data and needing faster changes. It then covers microservice design principles and best practices, including service decomposition, distributed systems strategies, and reactive design. Finally it introduces Lagom as a framework for building reactive microservices on the JVM and outlines its key components and development environment.

How would ESBs look like, if they were done today.
How would ESBs look like, if they were done today.How would ESBs look like, if they were done today.
How would ESBs look like, if they were done today.

ESBs would look different if built today. Large monolithic applications would be decomposed into microservices with bounded contexts. Services would be independently deployable and designed for failure. An ESB centralized integration but microservices use decentralized approaches like service discovery. While challenging, microservices evolve legacy systems towards modular, scalable architectures. It's a learning process, and the industry is still evolving effective patterns.

A Few Facts
1.7Mb of data created
per person, per second
by 2020
44Zb of data by 2020
80% of data isn’t
currently analyzed in
any way.
Even 10% added access
to analyze could result
in +$50 million in
revenue for every
fortune 100 company.
The Numbers Don’t Lie
Scripting Tips
• Create “Wrapper” scripts that can be used to create
a uniform experience for script execution-
• Example: <wrapper name> <script name>
• Use a script directory for ease of management and
ease of backup/recovery/change control
• Use a version control repository, such as Github,
Git, etc.
• Don’t save passwords or keys in databases and
don’t save passwords in scripts or files on OS.
• Use proper security at OS level to ensure who can
read, write and execute scripts.
Automation and the Cloud is
Key to Much of the Tech
• Less intervention from resources to
maintain, manage and operate database
• Simple Allocation of Technology via the
• Advancement in tools to eliminate resource
• More tool interconnectivity, allowing less
steps to do more
• A resurgence of scripting to enhance
automation and graphical interfaces to
empower those who have wider demands.
Our Use Case
• Large Percentage of
University Customers in
MHE Searching for same
• EDU team created a
Popular Solution that
allowed for community
• Multi-Tier Deployment-
SQL Databases, ADF,
Analsis Services, Data and
Power BI
• Ever-evolving

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TechnoramaNL Azure Key Vault, Azure Dev Ops and Azure Data Factor
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Azure Key Vault, Azure Dev Ops and Techno Azure Data Factory ,how do these Azure Services work perfectly together!

azure devopsazure keyvaultazure datafactory
Cloudfoundry architecture
Cloudfoundry architectureCloudfoundry architecture
Cloudfoundry architecture

Cloud Foundry is an open platform as a service (PaaS) that supports building, deploying, and scaling applications. It uses a loosely coupled, distributed architecture with no single point of failure. The core components include cloud controllers, stagers, routers, execution agents, and services that communicate asynchronously through messaging. This allows the components to be scaled independently and provides a self-healing system.

cloudfoundrycloud computingarchitecture
Windows azure sql_database_security_isug012013
Windows azure sql_database_security_isug012013Windows azure sql_database_security_isug012013
Windows azure sql_database_security_isug012013

This document discusses security for Microsoft SQL Azure (now called Windows Azure SQL Database). It provides an overview of SQL Database and its security capabilities, best practices for securing SQL Database like using encryption and configuring firewall rules, and limitations compared to on-premises SQL Server. It also introduces GreenSQL as a software-based database proxy that can provide additional security functionality for SQL Database like preventing SQL injection, auditing, and data masking. GreenSQL aims to offer a more complete solution for security, compliance, and hybrid application support compared to the native capabilities in SQL Database.

How do I know this?
Three TSP Data
Architects to
Cover US
100’s of HigherEd
All of them
interested in a
solution vs. a
So Many Choices…
• Multiple options to automate-
• Azure CLI
• PowerShell with Azure Commands
• Azure DevOps
How Do From Point A to Point Automate?
• Perform the task in the User Interface FIRST.
• Gather the information with the CLI to build out your scripts
• Test and retest comparing to the UI deployment
• Manage and maintain automation.
• Don’t go back to manual processing or manual intervention.
• Build out in phases- physical to logical, enhancing and improving as
we go along.
Simple CLI

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Exploring microservices in a Microsoft landscape
Exploring microservices in a Microsoft landscapeExploring microservices in a Microsoft landscape
Exploring microservices in a Microsoft landscape

Presentation for Dutch Microsoft TechDays 2015 with Marcel de Vries: During this session we will take a look at how to realize a Microservices architecture (MSA) using the latest Microsoft technologies available. We will discuss some fundamental theories behind MSA and show you how this can actually be realized with Microsoft technologies such as Azure Service Fabric. This session is a real must-see for any developer that wants to stay ahead of the curve in modern architectures.

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Spark on Azure HDInsight - spark meetup seattle
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Spark on Azure HDInsight - spark meetup seattle

Since HDInsight launched Spark clusters last year, HDInsight spark team’s mission has been making Spark easy-to-use and production-ready. In the process, we have explored many open source technologies such as Livy, Jupyter, Zeppelin. In this talk, we will demo top customer features, deep dive into HDInsight Spark architecture, and share learnings from building the perfect cluster. Speakers: Judy Nash and Lin Chan

Glynn Bird – Cloudant – Building applications for success.- NoSQL matters Bar...
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Glynn Bird – Cloudant – Building applications for success.- NoSQL matters Bar...

Glynn Bird – Cloudant – Building applications for success. All too often, web applications are built to work in development but are not capable of scaling when success arrives. Whether the application is a log aggregator that can't deal with the throughput, a blog that can't handle traffic when it hits the heights of Google's rankings or a mobile game that goes viral, an application can become the victim of its own success. By building with Cloudant from the outset, and architecting the application to scale by design, we can build apps that scale as the traffic, data-volumes and users arrive. Using several real-life use cases, this talk will detail how Cloudant can solve an application's data storage, search and retrieval needs, scaling easily with success!

glynn birdcloudantibm
Azure CLI
• Allows a command line interface to the Azure
• Can be installed locally on Windows, Mac and
other OS platforms
• Can be run inside a Docker Container
• Can be used with the Azure Cloud Shell
without installation.
• Flexible and robust, allows for a CLI solution
and automation via scripting in
PowerShell/BASH of Azure deployments.
AZ CLI is Simple to Use and Robust
• >C:EDU_Docker>az vm create -n LinuxTstVM -g dba_group --
image UbuntuLTS --generate-ssh-keys
• SSH key files 'C:Userskegorman.NORTHAMERICA.sshid_rsa'
and '' have
been generated under ~/.ssh to allow SSH access to the VM.
If using machines without permanent storage, back up your
keys to a safe location.
• - Running ..
• C:EDU_Docker>az vm list –g dba_group
• C:EDU_Docker>az vm delete -n LinuxTstVM -g dba_group
• Are you sure you want to perform this operation? (y/n): Y
Once Installed
• Test:
• >az login
• >az account show
<tenant ID>
<Subscription ID>
Information on ADF
• 1. Create one in the
• 2. Inspect the
resource facts via the
az resource list

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LinkedIn - A Professional Network built with Java Technologies and Agile Prac...
LinkedIn - A Professional Network built with Java Technologies and Agile Prac...LinkedIn - A Professional Network built with Java Technologies and Agile Prac...
LinkedIn - A Professional Network built with Java Technologies and Agile Prac...

The document discusses how LinkedIn, the world's largest professional network, was built using Java technologies and agile practices. It describes LinkedIn's architecture evolution from 2003 to today, which now uses a service-oriented architecture with over 40 services built with Java. It also discusses LinkedIn's agile engineering process, use of continuous integration testing, and how the site's large network is cached in the cloud.

Introduction to Windows Azure Data Services
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Introduction to Windows Azure Data Services

This document provides an overview of using Azure for data management. It discusses using PartitionKey and RowKey to organize data into partitions in Azure table storage. It also recommends using the Azure Storage Client library for .NET applications and describes retry policies for handling errors. Links are provided for additional documentation on Azure table storage and messaging between Azure services.

c#azurewindows azure
Review Oracle OpenWorld 2015 - Overview, Main themes, Announcements and Future
Review Oracle OpenWorld 2015 - Overview, Main themes, Announcements and FutureReview Oracle OpenWorld 2015 - Overview, Main themes, Announcements and Future
Review Oracle OpenWorld 2015 - Overview, Main themes, Announcements and Future

This presentation (part of the year AMIS Oracle OpenWorld Review session) discusses the main themes for this year's conference and introduces the all encompassing cloud strategy. It highlights some major changes at Oracle Corporation. It lists the major announcements, the hot terminology and the product roadmaps.

oraclesoftware in siliconoracle open world
Use the
Azure Portal
Document Document as you automate, checking in docs with code. Don’t
make anyone guess how you’ve accomplished what you’ve done.
Automate Automate everything that can be automated via APIs, scripts and
processes, building as much out in the portal as you’re able.
Recycle Don’t reinvent the wheel.
Use Use monitoring and alerting features of the Portal
Student Information System Data Factory
Data Warehouse
Analysis Services Power BI
Staging Database
3 Data Factory 7 Analysis Services 8 Power BI1 Student Information System
• Contains all source
data necessary for
achieving the goals
defined for the proof
of concept
2 VPN Gateway
Data Warehouse
Staging Database
Deployment vs. Enjoyment
• Teams from universities are made up of varied technical
• Data Scientists, DBAs, Data Analysts and Educators
• Spend More time deploying than working with the solution
• Slows down the time the EDU’s limited resources get to
work one-on-one with the customers
• Discovered some customers lost interest during the
deployment phase or didn’t have the time to deploy

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What's New for the Windows Azure Developer? Lots!!
What's New for the Windows Azure Developer?  Lots!!What's New for the Windows Azure Developer?  Lots!!
What's New for the Windows Azure Developer? Lots!!

Overview of new Windows Azure features since June 7, 2012. This covers Windows Azure Web Sites, Windows Azure Virtual Machines, and

windows azure
Building Reactive Fast Data & the Data Lake with Akka, Kafka, Spark
Building Reactive Fast Data & the Data Lake with Akka, Kafka, SparkBuilding Reactive Fast Data & the Data Lake with Akka, Kafka, Spark
Building Reactive Fast Data & the Data Lake with Akka, Kafka, Spark

In this session, we will discuss: * reactive architecture tenets * distributed “fast data” streams * application and analytics focused Data Lake Enterprise level concerns and the importance of holistic governance, operational management, and a Metadata Lake will be conceptually investigated. The next level of detail will be to explore what a prospective architecture looks like at scale with Terabytes of ingestion per day, how scale puts pressure on an architecture, and how to be successful without losing data in a mission critical system via resilient, self-healing, scalable technologies. DevOps and application architecture concerns will be first-class themes throughout. Reactive principles and technology will be the second act of this talk. Kafka. Akka. Spark. Various streaming technologies (Kafka Streams, Akka Streams, Spark Streaming) will be reviewed to identify what they are best suited for. The fast data pipeline discussion will center around Kafka, Akka, and Apache Flink (Lightbend Fast Data platform). We’ll also walk through an exciting addition to the Akka family, Alpakka, which is a Camel equivalent for Enterprise Integration Patterns. The final act will be to dive into the Data Lake, from both an analytics and application development perspective. Technologies used to explain concepts will include Amazon and Hadoop. A Data Lake may service multiple analytics consumers with various “views” (and access levels) of data. It may also be a participant of various applications, perhaps by acting as a centralized source for reference data or common middleware (in turn feeding the analytics aspect). The concept of the Metadata Lake to apply structure, meaning and purpose will be an over-arching success factor for a Data Lake. The difference between the Data Lake and Metadata Lake is conceptually similar to a Halocline… Various technologies (Iglu/Snowplow and more) will be discussed from a feature standpoint to flesh out the technology capabilities needed for Data Lake governance.

Windows Phone 7 and Windows Azure – A Match Made in the Cloud
Windows Phone 7 and Windows Azure – A Match Made in the CloudWindows Phone 7 and Windows Azure – A Match Made in the Cloud
Windows Phone 7 and Windows Azure – A Match Made in the Cloud

Windows Phone 7 and Windows Azure are a good match because they both provide easy and familiar development environments, connectivity through the cloud, and scalability. They are compatible in these areas. The document discusses how Windows Phone 7 and Windows Azure can be used together through features like data storage in Windows Azure tables and blobs, push notifications, and identity management with Access Control Services. It provides examples of how to integrate the platforms for storing, retrieving, and displaying data stored in the cloud.

windows phone 7windows azurewindows phone
Simplify the deployment
with DevOps practices
Remove demands on
knowledge required to
deploy the solution.
Create more time for
interaction and working
with the solution by the
education teams.
Build a Roadmap
Document All Pieces of
• Identify any interactive vs. default
entries that will benefit the
• Update documentation as you go.
Don’t try to do it in the end.
Categorize by Physical, Logical
and Interactive
• Build out Physical Deployment first, as
it is the foundation.
• Build in easy restart and clean up steps
to physical deployments
• Test and update any documentation to
reflect the automation
Begin to automate logical
slowly and in phases.
• Remove any manual steps or
• Take advantage of any plugins that ease
work on end-users side
• Continue to accept feedback and
What is
1. Two SQL Databases- one staging and one data warehouse
2. Azure Data Factory with a SSIS Database
3. Azure Analysis Services
3. Three Power BI Reports
4. CSV files for ongoing data loads, which will need to be
configured for ongoing workloads
• 5. Multiple Solution and project files, some deprecated in VS
* Data loads and configuration via Visual Studio or SSDT
solutions already built in.
* Sample data files in Excel could be replaced with the
customers own data.
Geek Sync | Deployment and Management of Complex Azure Environments

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Data gravity is a reality when dealing with massive amounts and globally distributed systems. Processing this data requires distributed analytics processing across InterCloud. In this presentation we will share our real world experience with storing, routing, and processing big data workloads on Cisco Cloud Services and Amazon Web Services clouds.

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Impact of cloud services on the work of oracle technology experts

The document discusses how cloud services are impacting the work of Oracle technology experts. It notes that many database administrator and fusion middleware administrator roles will transition to cloud providers as more systems move to the cloud. It outlines a roadmap for technology experts that includes trialing cloud services, ongoing learning, and adopting a hybrid approach using both on-premises and cloud systems. It concludes that while some tasks will shift to cloud providers, technology experts still have opportunities consulting on cloud services, developing cloud software, and supporting hybrid environments.

DevOps and Decoys How to Build a Successful Microsoft DevOps Including the Data
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DevOps and Decoys How to Build a Successful Microsoft DevOps Including the Data

Pass Summit 2018 presentation Use Case Story of customer work at Microsoft with Higher Ed Customers.

The Solution Was Very Repeatable
• Most resources and databases could have the same name in every
• Outside of the CSV files containing example data, everything else
could be deployed without any changes by the customer if a few
dynamic parameters were pushed to the deployment.
• Although official documentation existed, there were numerous
versions and the process had evolved with the introduction and ease
of Azure deployment.
the Logical
Migrate any onsite SSIS
pkgs and workflows to
Azure Data Factory
ADF will build out an
Store projects in
Schedule, report and
check into a Github
repository to automate
development cycle.
SLN and PROJ files are
Visual Studio/SSMS Dev Tools
• My predecessor and team members built in some automation already
using solution files!
• Awesome, these can be reused!
Walk Before
You Run..
Began to
Had a final
merge script,
(aka wrapper)
with a test
piece by piece
until phase I
feedback from
peers and
customers as

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Migrate a successful transactional database to azure
Migrate a successful transactional database to azureMigrate a successful transactional database to azure
Migrate a successful transactional database to azure

This slide deck will show you techniques and technologies necessary to take a large, transaction SQL Server database and migrate it to Azure, Azure SQL Database, and Azure SQL Database Managed Instance

sql serverazure sql databaseazure
Modern ETL: Azure Data Factory, Data Lake, and SQL Database
Modern ETL: Azure Data Factory, Data Lake, and SQL DatabaseModern ETL: Azure Data Factory, Data Lake, and SQL Database
Modern ETL: Azure Data Factory, Data Lake, and SQL Database

This document discusses modern Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) tools in Azure, including Azure Data Factory, Azure Data Lake, and Azure SQL Database. It provides an overview of each tool and how they can be used together in a data warehouse architecture with Azure Data Lake acting as the data hub and Azure SQL Database being used for analytics and reporting through the creation of data marts. It also includes two demonstrations, one on Azure Data Factory and another showing Azure Data Lake Store and Analytics.

azurebig datadata factory
Intro to Azure Data Factory v1
Intro to Azure Data Factory v1Intro to Azure Data Factory v1
Intro to Azure Data Factory v1

An introduction to the concepts and requirements to get started developing data pipelines in Azure Data Factory version 1.

azuredata factorybig data
Azure CLI Isn’t Enough – Cloud Shell
• Enhanced Azure CLI commands into BASH script to deploy and automate.
• A script to enhance automation and set variables to ease customer skill
requirements was required.
• From the Azure Portal:
Or Direct:
Initial Build in BASH
• Well, I’m a Linux Person
• Script is interactive, accepting customer’s requested
naming conventions and requirements.
• Builds out the physical resources in Azure
• SQL Server with a data warehouse and staging
• Azure Data Factory
• Azure Analysis Server
• Creates firewall rules for Azure Cloud Shell
• Creates all user access
• Creates Database objects
Use A Repository Implemented into the
Two JSON Files, not 64K of JSON

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Designing a modern data warehouse in azure
Designing a modern data warehouse in azure   Designing a modern data warehouse in azure
Designing a modern data warehouse in azure

This document discusses designing a modern data warehouse in Azure. It provides an overview of traditional vs. self-service data warehouses and their limitations. It also outlines challenges with current data warehouses around timeliness, flexibility, quality and findability. The document then discusses why organizations need a modern data warehouse based on criteria like customer experience, quality assurance and operational efficiency. It covers various approaches to ingesting, storing, preparing, modeling and serving data on Azure. Finally, it discusses architectures like the lambda architecture and common data models.

Designing a modern data warehouse in azure
Designing a modern data warehouse in azure   Designing a modern data warehouse in azure
Designing a modern data warehouse in azure

This document discusses designing a modern data warehouse in Azure. It provides an overview of traditional vs. self-service data warehouses and their limitations. It also outlines challenges with current data warehouses around timeliness, flexibility, quality and findability. The document then discusses why organizations need a modern data warehouse based on criteria like customer experience, quality assurance and operational efficiency. It covers various approaches to ingesting, storing, preparing and modeling data in Azure. Finally, it discusses architectures like the lambda architecture and common data models.

antonios chatzipavlissqlschoo.grathens azure bootcamp 2019
Taming the shrew Power BI
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Taming the shrew Power BI

This document discusses techniques for optimizing Power BI performance. It recommends tracing queries using DAX Studio to identify slow queries and refresh times. Tracing tools like SQL Profiler and log files can provide insights into issues occurring in the data sources, Power BI layer, and across the network. Focusing on optimization by addressing wait times through a scientific process can help resolve long-term performance problems.

power bioptimizationmicrosoft
Living Documentation
Made easier
transition as
Kept track of all
moving parts.
Offered insight
to those who
knew previous,
manual process.
Allowed for
roadmap to be
Allowed for
section as other
sections shrunk
with automation.
Completed Deployment Group
What About
• Love of the SQL Community
• One the roadmap for future,
secondary choice for
• Still deciding if a PowerShell
version is required.
• Need to wait for one tier that
doesn’t deploy from a PS1
Powershell Makes
the World Go ‘Round
But does it?
• As a DBA, you’ll need more than just
PowerShell to build the future of Azure.
• Learn BASH scripting basics.
• Consider Python basic knowledge if not
scripting skills.
• Azure commands
• Cross platform and cloud platforms will
be needed.

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Azure from scratch part 3 By Girish Kalamati
Azure from scratch part 3 By Girish KalamatiAzure from scratch part 3 By Girish Kalamati
Azure from scratch part 3 By Girish Kalamati

Azure Identity (AD,ADFS 2.0,AAD,ADB2C,OAuth,OpenID,PingID,AD Custom Policies) , Azure PaaS (Azure Functions, Serverless computing, Azure Comsos DB, Webhooks, API Apps, Logic Apps, Kudu, Azure Websites), Azure Functions, Lamda Function, Event Functions, Serverless architecture, Implementing azure functions on GIT HUB comment feature, Why Azure Functions, Azure Virtual Machines, Azure Cloud Services, Azure Web Apps & WebJobs, Service Fabric, Consumption Plans, Billing Model, Benefits of Azure Functions, What is serverless, Implementing bigger solutions into smaller azure functions, Microservices, Use cases, Function App, Implementation storing unstructured data using Azure functions into Cosmos DB, Cosmos DB, Custom Azure functions, Azure Cosmos DB, IOTS, Document DB, Doc DB, How to setup a Jenkins build server and automatically trigger code from Visual studio online,Azure App Service, App service Environment, Azure Stack, Managing Azure App services, Azure Powershell, Azure CLI, REST APIS, Azure Portal, Templates, Kudu Console access, Run GIT Commands on Kudu Console, Locking Azure Resources, Configuring Custom Domains, Adding Extensions to Azure Web App/Websites, App service Deployment options, Data Services in Azure , Azure SQL, Azure SQL server, Azure SQL database vs SQL server in a Azure VM, SQL Tiers, DTU, Data Transactional Unit, Planning & provisioning azure SQL databases,Migrating SQL Databases, Azure SQL Server, SQL server transactional replication, Deploy database to Microsoft Azure Database Wizard, DAC package, DAC, SQL compatibility issues, Migrating SQL with downtime, DMA, Data Migration Assistant, Database Snapshot, Migrating SQL without downtime, DTU, Data Transactional Unit, Recommendations for best performance during SQL Import Process, Transactional Replication, T-SQL, Task to implement what ever you learnt till now,

azure identity (adadfs 2.0aad
Tokyo azure meetup #2 big data made easy
Tokyo azure meetup #2   big data made easyTokyo azure meetup #2   big data made easy
Tokyo azure meetup #2 big data made easy

- Azure Data Lake makes big data easy to manage, debug, and optimize through services like Azure Data Lake Store and Azure Data Lake Analytics. - Azure Data Lake Store provides a hyper-scale data lake that allows storing any data in its native format at unlimited scale. Azure Data Lake Analytics allows running distributed queries and analytics jobs on data stored in Data Lake Store. - Azure Data Lake is based on open source technologies like Apache Hadoop, YARN, and provides a managed service with auto-scaling and a pay-per-use model through the Azure portal and tools like Visual Studio.

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Adf and ala design c sharp corner toronto chapter feb 2019 meetup nik shahriar
Adf and ala design c sharp corner toronto chapter feb 2019 meetup nik shahriarAdf and ala design c sharp corner toronto chapter feb 2019 meetup nik shahriar
Adf and ala design c sharp corner toronto chapter feb 2019 meetup nik shahriar

Slide deck by Nik Shahriar for the presentation topic Azure Data Factory, Azure Logic Apps at the C# Corner Toronto chapter Feb 2019 meetup

azureazure data factoryazure data platform
Benefits and Drawbacks
Terraform Azure CLI PowerShell/BASH
Freemium, but great user
Newer product, but driven to support Azure PowerShell has a leg up on
BASH in the SQL World
Scripting is proprietary Scripting can be done in Powershell or BASH Scripting is powerful
Can build out anything that
has a command line option
Is very interactive. If you want to script it, must do
Can do more than just
deploy. Scripting can
become more application
Requires Subscription,
tenant, client API and
password to be passed
Good for check commands and settings Can be as much as needed.
Was a bit overkill for what I
was doing
Offers more support than Terraform, that can’t use
some of the defaults
Azure CLI was made to
work with both.
Next Steps
• PowerShell version is in mid-development
• More likely know PowerShell over BASH if Microsoft professional.
• Will only require two main scripts to be updated with enhancements
and additions to the repository.
• Automate the SSIS, (Integration Services) and Data Factory steps,
(currently an unknown, so figuring out.)
• Build out scripts to scale up the current “demo” version to an enterprise
• Script to automatically pause integration and factory services to save on
• Script out data workload inputs for new features/data model and
proprietary data loads.
• Build out all steps using Azure DevOps to continue the growth of the
• Manual Process takes between two full days of onsite
meetings, to 8 weeks of remote meetings to deploy.
• New Automated process deploys in less than 15
minutes after customer answered questions in
interactive script.
• Offers extensively more time for customer to work
with solution and Microsoft architects to work with
providing value to the customer on how to use Power
BI with Azure.
• In first week, over two dozen customers requested
POC deployment with little assistance from heavily
limited resource team, allowing for more valuable
allocation of resources.
You Must Evolve
Data WILL come from
more than just SQL
Server and Azure SQL
You will be expected
to do more with less.
Embrace automation
tools inside the
database platform,
(backup, recovery,
maintenance tasks.)

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Estimating the Total Costs of Your Cloud Analytics Platform
Estimating the Total Costs of Your Cloud Analytics PlatformEstimating the Total Costs of Your Cloud Analytics Platform
Estimating the Total Costs of Your Cloud Analytics Platform

Organizations today need a broad set of enterprise data cloud services with key data functionality to modernize applications and utilize machine learning. They need a platform designed to address multi-faceted needs by offering multi-function Data Management and analytics to solve the enterprise’s most pressing data and analytic challenges in a streamlined fashion. They need a worry-free experience with the architecture and its components. 

datadata managementanalytics
Machine Learning and AI
Machine Learning and AIMachine Learning and AI
Machine Learning and AI

The breath and depth of Azure products that fall under the AI and ML umbrella can be difficult to follow. In this presentation I’ll first define exactly what AI, ML, and deep learning is, and then go over the various Microsoft AI and ML products and their use cases.

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Past, Present and Future of DevOps Infrastructure
Past, Present and Future of DevOps InfrastructurePast, Present and Future of DevOps Infrastructure
Past, Present and Future of DevOps Infrastructure

1. Overview of DevOps 2. Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and Configuration as code 3. Identity and Security protection in CI CD environment 4. Monitor Health of the Infrastructure/Application 5. Open Source Software (OSS) and third-party tools, such as Chef, Puppet, Ansible, and Terraform to achieve DevOps. 6. Future of DevOps Application

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With Success Comes
Culture Change
Thank You!
Kellyn Pot’Vin-Gorman
Twitter: @DBAKevlar

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Geek Sync | Deployment and Management of Complex Azure Environments

  • 1. Deployment and Management of Complex Azure Environments Kellyn Pot’Vin-Gorman Data Platform Architect at Microsoft in Analytics and AI Former DevOps Engineer and Multi- Platform DBA Wed, Nov 14, 2018 9:00 AM Webinar
  • 2. Kellyn Pot’Vin-Gorman Data Platform Architect at Microsoft, Power BI and AI • Former Technical Intelligence Manager, Delphix • Multi-platform DBA, (Oracle, MSSQL, MySQL, Sybase, PostgreSQL, Informix…) and DevOps Engineer • Oracle ACE Director, (Alumni) • Oak Table Network Member • Idera ACE Alumni 2018 • STEM education with Raspberry Pi and Python, including DevOxx4Kids, Oracle Education Foundation and TechGirls • Former President, Rocky Mtn Oracle User Group • President, Denver SQL Server User Group • DevOps author, instructor and presenter. • Author, blogger, (
  • 3. Agenda The Power of the DBA in Azure Scripting Best Practices Automation Use Case Example and Demo Advanced Portal Features Tips to Learning Faster
  • 4. DBA Evolution • De-emphasis on traditional database tasks- • Backup/recovery • MAA architecture • Simple deployment • End-user management • Increased Emphasis On- • Automation • Virtualization • Data Modeling • Scripting
  • 5. A Few Facts 1.7Mb of data created per person, per second by 2020 44Zb of data by 2020 80% of data isn’t currently analyzed in any way. Even 10% added access to analyze could result in +$50 million in revenue for every fortune 100 company. The Numbers Don’t Lie
  • 6. Scripting Tips • Create “Wrapper” scripts that can be used to create a uniform experience for script execution- • Example: <wrapper name> <script name> <arguments> • Use a script directory for ease of management and ease of backup/recovery/change control • Use a version control repository, such as Github, Git, etc. • Don’t save passwords or keys in databases and don’t save passwords in scripts or files on OS. • Use proper security at OS level to ensure who can read, write and execute scripts.
  • 7. Automation and the Cloud is Key to Much of the Tech Acceleration • Less intervention from resources to maintain, manage and operate database platforms. • Simple Allocation of Technology via the Cloud. • Advancement in tools to eliminate resource demands. • More tool interconnectivity, allowing less steps to do more • A resurgence of scripting to enhance automation and graphical interfaces to empower those who have wider demands.
  • 8. Our Use Case • Large Percentage of University Customers in MHE Searching for same solution • EDU team created a Popular Solution that allowed for community involvement • Multi-Tier Deployment- SQL Databases, ADF, Analsis Services, Data and Power BI • Ever-evolving
  • 9. How do I know this? Three TSP Data Platform Architects to Cover US 100’s of HigherEd Customers All of them interested in a solution vs. a product.
  • 10. So Many Choices… • Multiple options to automate- • Azure CLI • PowerShell with Azure Commands • Azure DevOps
  • 11. How Do From Point A to Point Automate? • Perform the task in the User Interface FIRST. • Gather the information with the CLI to build out your scripts • Test and retest comparing to the UI deployment • Manage and maintain automation. • Don’t go back to manual processing or manual intervention. • Build out in phases- physical to logical, enhancing and improving as we go along.
  • 13. Azure CLI • Allows a command line interface to the Azure cloud • Can be installed locally on Windows, Mac and other OS platforms • Can be run inside a Docker Container • Can be used with the Azure Cloud Shell without installation. • Flexible and robust, allows for a CLI solution and automation via scripting in PowerShell/BASH of Azure deployments.
  • 14. AZ CLI is Simple to Use and Robust • >C:EDU_Docker>az vm create -n LinuxTstVM -g dba_group -- image UbuntuLTS --generate-ssh-keys • SSH key files 'C:Userskegorman.NORTHAMERICA.sshid_rsa' and '' have been generated under ~/.ssh to allow SSH access to the VM. If using machines without permanent storage, back up your keys to a safe location. • - Running .. • C:EDU_Docker>az vm list –g dba_group • C:EDU_Docker>az vm delete -n LinuxTstVM -g dba_group • Are you sure you want to perform this operation? (y/n): Y
  • 15. Once Installed • Test: • >az login • >az account show <tenant ID> <Subscription ID>
  • 16. Locating Information on ADF • 1. Create one in the GUI • 2. Inspect the resource facts via the CLI: az resource list --location eastus
  • 17. Use the Azure Portal Document Document as you automate, checking in docs with code. Don’t make anyone guess how you’ve accomplished what you’ve done. Automate Automate everything that can be automated via APIs, scripts and processes, building as much out in the portal as you’re able. Recycle Don’t reinvent the wheel. Use Use monitoring and alerting features of the Portal
  • 18. HigherEdAnalyticsSolution Student Information System Data Factory Data Warehouse Analysis Services Power BI Staging Database SSIS DB
  • 19. HigherEdAnalyticsSolution 3 Data Factory 7 Analysis Services 8 Power BI1 Student Information System • Contains all source data necessary for achieving the goals defined for the proof of concept 2 VPN Gateway SSIS DB Data Warehouse Staging Database 5 4 6
  • 20. Deployment vs. Enjoyment • Teams from universities are made up of varied technical backgrounds • Data Scientists, DBAs, Data Analysts and Educators • Spend More time deploying than working with the solution • Slows down the time the EDU’s limited resources get to work one-on-one with the customers • Discovered some customers lost interest during the deployment phase or didn’t have the time to deploy
  • 21. Goal Simplify Simplify the deployment with DevOps practices Remove Remove demands on knowledge required to deploy the solution. Create Create more time for interaction and working with the solution by the education teams.
  • 22. Build a Roadmap Document All Pieces of Deployment • Identify any interactive vs. default entries that will benefit the deployment. • Update documentation as you go. Don’t try to do it in the end. 1 Categorize by Physical, Logical and Interactive • Build out Physical Deployment first, as it is the foundation. • Build in easy restart and clean up steps to physical deployments • Test and update any documentation to reflect the automation 2 Begin to automate logical slowly and in phases. • Remove any manual steps or configurations. • Take advantage of any plugins that ease work on end-users side • Continue to accept feedback and enhance. 3
  • 23. What is Involved 1. Two SQL Databases- one staging and one data warehouse 2. Azure Data Factory with a SSIS Database 3. Azure Analysis Services 3. Three Power BI Reports 4. CSV files for ongoing data loads, which will need to be configured for ongoing workloads • 5. Multiple Solution and project files, some deprecated in VS 2017 * Data loads and configuration via Visual Studio or SSDT solutions already built in. * Sample data files in Excel could be replaced with the customers own data.
  • 25. The Solution Was Very Repeatable • Most resources and databases could have the same name in every deployment. • Outside of the CSV files containing example data, everything else could be deployed without any changes by the customer if a few dynamic parameters were pushed to the deployment. • Although official documentation existed, there were numerous versions and the process had evolved with the introduction and ease of Azure deployment.
  • 26. Automate the Logical Migrate any onsite SSIS pkgs and workflows to Azure Data Factory ADF will build out an SSISDB in Azure SQL database Store projects in pipelines Schedule, report and check into a Github repository to automate development cycle. SLN and PROJ files are recycled.
  • 27. Visual Studio/SSMS Dev Tools • My predecessor and team members built in some automation already using solution files! • Awesome, these can be reused!
  • 28. Walk Before You Run.. Began to deploy individual resources. Had a final merge script, (aka wrapper) with a test script. Deployed piece by piece until phase I was completed. Received feedback from peers and customers as proceeded.
  • 29. Azure CLI Isn’t Enough – Cloud Shell • Enhanced Azure CLI commands into BASH script to deploy and automate. • A script to enhance automation and set variables to ease customer skill requirements was required. • From the Azure Portal: Or Direct:
  • 30. Initial Build in BASH • Well, I’m a Linux Person • Script is interactive, accepting customer’s requested naming conventions and requirements. • Builds out the physical resources in Azure • SQL Server with a data warehouse and staging database • Azure Data Factory • Azure Analysis Server • Creates firewall rules for Azure Cloud Shell • Creates all user access • Creates Database objects
  • 31. Use A Repository Implemented into the Automation
  • 32. Two JSON Files, not 64K of JSON
  • 33. Living Documentation Made easier transition as redesigned. Kept track of all moving parts. Offered insight to those who knew previous, manual process. Allowed for roadmap to be included. Allowed for troubleshooting section as other sections shrunk with automation.
  • 35. What About PowerShell? • Love of the SQL Community • One the roadmap for future, secondary choice for deployment • Still deciding if a PowerShell version is required. • Need to wait for one tier that doesn’t deploy from a PS1 script.
  • 36. Powershell Makes the World Go ‘Round But does it? • As a DBA, you’ll need more than just PowerShell to build the future of Azure. • Learn BASH scripting basics. • Consider Python basic knowledge if not scripting skills. • Azure commands • Cross platform and cloud platforms will be needed.
  • 37. Benefits and Drawbacks Terraform Azure CLI PowerShell/BASH Freemium, but great user community Newer product, but driven to support Azure PowerShell has a leg up on BASH in the SQL World Scripting is proprietary Scripting can be done in Powershell or BASH Scripting is powerful Can build out anything that has a command line option Is very interactive. If you want to script it, must do more. Can do more than just deploy. Scripting can become more application based. Requires Subscription, tenant, client API and password to be passed Good for check commands and settings Can be as much as needed. Was a bit overkill for what I was doing Offers more support than Terraform, that can’t use some of the defaults Azure CLI was made to work with both.
  • 38. Next Steps • PowerShell version is in mid-development • More likely know PowerShell over BASH if Microsoft professional. • Will only require two main scripts to be updated with enhancements and additions to the repository. • Automate the SSIS, (Integration Services) and Data Factory steps, (currently an unknown, so figuring out.) • Build out scripts to scale up the current “demo” version to an enterprise version. • Script to automatically pause integration and factory services to save on cost. • Script out data workload inputs for new features/data model and proprietary data loads. • Build out all steps using Azure DevOps to continue the growth of the automation.
  • 39. Success • Manual Process takes between two full days of onsite meetings, to 8 weeks of remote meetings to deploy. • New Automated process deploys in less than 15 minutes after customer answered questions in interactive script. • Offers extensively more time for customer to work with solution and Microsoft architects to work with providing value to the customer on how to use Power BI with Azure. • In first week, over two dozen customers requested POC deployment with little assistance from heavily limited resource team, allowing for more valuable allocation of resources.
  • 40. You Must Evolve Data WILL come from more than just SQL Server and Azure SQL Databases. 01 You will be expected to do more with less. 02 Embrace automation tools inside the database platform, (backup, recovery, optimization, maintenance tasks.) 03
  • 41. With Success Comes Culture Change ALTHOUGH CULTURE IS THE BIGGEST HURDLE...
  • 42. Thank You! Kellyn Pot’Vin-Gorman Twitter: @DBAKevlar Email: LinkedIn:

Editor's Notes

  1. Equal to 5200Gb of data for every human being. That’s 40 trillion GB To hit these numbers, data doubled every two years since 2012. Most of this data is created by machines as they talk to each other. 33% of the data that we aren’t currently analyzing is valuable.
  2. MHE= Microsoft Higher Education
  3. How do I know? This is happening on my own team. More customers, accelerated development cycles, wanting to do more with less and fewer technologists, all Spread thin across tons of technical areas.
  5. My example. The highered solution is something we want to use with more universities and colleges. We don’t have the resources to help more customers deploy it. Takes up to 8 weeks to deploy with our customers all the tiers of the environment.
  6. Azure CLI demo of EDU build
  7. Build
  9. My skills in BASH far outweight my skills in PowerShell, so with all the new technology, it makes sense to work in the one of two options that I’m more familiar with. It upgrades the opportunities for success. Next phase will be in PowerShell, on the roadmap.
  10. Json’ing themselves to death with automation scripts.
  12. Almost every SQL DBA has a suite of Power Shell scripts to manage their databases. Future development of Azure will be BASH first, PowerShell second. BASH is more robust and should be considered as a second scripting language. Not Perl, OK, maybe YAML and JSON, but BASH will serve at many levels, not just Azure. Python, over R, will serve the data community as the data libraries evolve and advance for Python. They will be built much faster than R.
  13. After first demonstration, main high ed university recommended it to their 13 secondary universities to simplify and unify their data platform.