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From Web 2 to Web 3: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. Where is the technology taking us?PavlinkaKovatcheva, Sciences Librarian UJ LIC,University of LIC Conference: The Future is Now18 May 2010
Content From Web 2.0 .......    ....... To Web 3.0Web 2.0 Applications in support  to Teaching,  Learning & ResearchWeb 3.0 Applications: Is the future Now?Where is the Technology taking us?
Apple iPad & Amazon KindleWhat is Hot in 2010The Social & Mobile WebThe World Cup
Getting started!Ever since the term "Web 2.0" was introduced, people have been asking, "What’s next?" Assuming that Web 2.0 was meant to be a kind of software version number (rather than a statement about the second coming of the Web after the dotcom bust), is  it "Web 3.0" coming? Is it the semantic web? Is it the social web? The mobile web? Is it some form of virtual reality? (Tim O’Reilly, Oct  2009)
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow: The Web Landscape
Web 2.0 Explained Web 2.0 ApplicationsSecond Generation WebRead-write webNetwork as a platform: it means building applications that literally get better the more people use themHarvest Collective IntelligenceUser generated content People are Consumers as well as contributorsPromotes sharing & collaborationCustomisation of contentFocused on communitiesBlogsWiki                            (tags)Social Networking RSS feeds  PodcastingYou TubeInstant Messaging Second LifeMind MapsLibrary Thing                     & many more…
The Emerging Social Web for 2010SourceSource
Web 3.0 ExplainedSir Tim Berners-Lee (inventor  of WWW in 1989) originally expressed the vision of the semantic web in 1999. John Markoff from the New York Times coined back in 2006 the term Web 3.0.The Semantic Web is an evolving development of the World Wide Web in which the meaning (semantics) of information on the web is defined, making it possible for machines to process it (Wikipedia)Next generation of the Internet will feature the semantic web (even more intelligent searches), more recommendations, more tailored data and delivered in real time.It is a place where machines can better read, understand and process web pages;Web content can be expressed not only in natural language, but also in a form that can be understood, interpreted and used by software agents, thus permitting them to find, share and integrate information more easily (Source)Build a system that can give a reasonable and complete response to a simple question.The Semantic Web is about two things: It is about common formats for integration and combination of data drawn from diverse sources, where on the original Web mainly concentrated on the interchange of documents. It is also about language for recording how the data relates to real world objects. That allows a person, or a machine, to start off in one database, and then move through an unending set of databases which are connected not by wires but by being about the same thing. (Source, W3C)
Web 3.0 Applications & TrendsThe Web 3.0 is about the:Semantic web – meaning/web of dataPersonlisationIntelligence searchTrends in 2010:Mobile technologiesInteractive MapsPersonal Organisation (smart phones, aggregate data from multiple streams)CollaborationSocial media Intermediaries (add-on tools for social media products)Personalisation/ portable WebiGoogle, Netvibes, Page Flakes, iPAD, etc.Mobile web ( & Gadgets Semantic Search EnginesFreebaseHakiaSensebotPowersetDeepdyveCognitionAnd more…..
Web 2.0 vs Web 3.0The dilemma is:Which stage are we now?One might say that we are currently experiencing the crescendo of Web 2.0. Social networking capabilities, forums, sites and services have revolutionised both business and collaboration on the internet.It is undeniable that there are distinct differences between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0; both in goal and execution of their defining attributes. As bloggers have been noting for years, Web 3.0 is most definitely different from Web 2.0, although those differences might be too subtle for the rest of us to notice for quite some time. (Source)
What are experts saying about the future:Latest reports, articles, websitesWeb Squared: Web 2.0 Five Years On, By Tim O’Reilly and John Battelle. (Web 2.0 Summit, 2009)Pew Research Report (4 May 2010) on “The Fate of the Semantic Web” (895 technology experts, survey)Research Information (Feb/Mar 2010) on “Web 3.0 promises change for Libraries”The Semantic Web Web 3.0 Concepts in Plain English (Presentations)Useful websites to follow: iLibrarian; Mashable; Search Engine Journal; ReadWriteWeb....8 Mobile Technology to watch in 2009/2010
Web 2.0 Applications in support  to Teaching,  Learning & Research
UJ Sciences Librarian 2.0 strategyStage 1: 2007-2008  (Individual Experiments)Created the following tools: - UJ Sciences Librarian Blog(Oct’07)- UJ Librarian News Blog(Oct’ 07)- Delicious: tag articles (Oct’ 07)- Flickr account (Nov’ 07)- YouTube account (Dec’ 07)- Wiki portal (Early’ 08)- Facebook profile (May’ 08) - Second Liveaccount (May’08)- Mind Maps(Mid’ 08)-Twitter(Sep’08)- Library Thingaccount (Sep’ 08)- UJ Science Library News Blog(Oct’08)- Technorati; Snap Shots; Share This; Scribd, LinkedIn, many more …..Stage 2: 2009 (Integration + further experimentation)Updated the Wiki Portal (Jan’ 09)- Over 45 web pages (Jan-Jun’ 09)- IM/Chat account: MeeboMe (Feb’09)- Embedded Widgetson the Portal (IM; Blogs; Twitter; Delicious; Google widgets, etc.)  New initiatives:-iGoogle web profile (Apr’ 09)- Netvibes portal (May’09)- Custom Search Enginefor the Portal- Google Map(Aug’ 09)Stage 3: 2010- Feedback from users & updates according to needs- Mobile Technologies (Library initiative)- More experiments with new tools
Blog it: Say Anything2009: Total number of blogs-126 million
Twitter: Follow! Tweet! Re-tweet!Keep current; chat; share; collaborate in a minute
Twitter is still Growing!
Who is NOT on Facebook?
UJ Library is onFacebookUJ Library GroupCreated: May 2010, 11 membersUJ Library: One Book, One LibraryCreated: May 2010, 30 members
UJ Library is on FacebookUJ Sciences Librarian Hot AlertCreated: Jan 2009, 30 membersUJ Library:DoornfonteinCreated: June 2009, 23members
Latest from FacebookLike button.             already is all over the Internet. When you click               you post the item, whether it's a blog post, photo or web page to your Facebook news feed. Friends faces. A consequence of these              buttons will be that your friends' Facebook profile photos will start showing up all over the web.No log-ins. These new Facebook features will show up regardless of whether or not you have entered a user name and password on a particular Web site.Toolbars. Facebook announced new toolbars that other Web sites can add to the bottom of their pages. The toolbar lets you "like" a particular web page or item, and gives you information about what your friends think of the page you're viewingPrivacy issues – double-check your privacy settingsRead the article: What you should know about Facebook’s changes (04/2010)
Tag it (Social Bookmarking)
LinkedIn: The Professional connections
Map it: Where is your Library?
Map it: Top databases per Subject?
Chat it: How may I help you?
Wiki it! Library Portal: One stop service
Sciences Librarian 2.0: Virtual support to usersProvides access to:Sciences Subject PortalsTeaching, Research & Undergraduates Support for Sciences usersTop Electronic Resources for SciencesUser Education, Guides & TutorialsVirtual Learning Environment: Special websites with instructions for Courses & AssignmentsSocial Networking tools: Twitter; IM/Chat; Library & Research  News (blogs); Social Bookmarking (articles), etc.Current Awareness ServicesContinuously adapting to the needs of diverse user community.  Aim:Make scientific information easily accessibleTailor-made content for researchersOne stop to subject specific informationIntegrated Library & Internet ResourcesMarket Library resources & services to clients
Sciences Librarian 2.0: Embedded services to users (1)
Sciences Librarian 2.0: Embedded services to users (2)
Web 3.0: Looking forward into the Future. The Future is NOW!iGoogle: Personalisation of information (widgets)
 Web 3.0: Looking forward into the Future. The Future is NOW! Netvibes: One Portal to Library and Internet Resources: User-centered
Web 3.0: Looking forward into the Future. The Future is NOW!Semantic Web: Search Engines
The “Googlererian”Librarian! How may I Help you?
The technology will continue to develop, from Web 2.0 into Web 3.0 and have impact on libraries, academia, research and life in general.The Web 2.0 applications  already has changed the way we do business and communicate with each other. It changed the social landscape in which we exist. In the library weneed to embrace and adopt  the new tools to keep in step with our user needs and expectations.Facebook & Twitter became a “must do” communication channel for business and pleasure. Some Libraries are already using the Mobile technologies, changing the way the Library Services and Resources are accessed. The new technologies implementation calls for new skills development. We are “out there”, not only “in here”. We are part of the creation and sharing of the worlds knowledge and information. We are a cutting-age Librarians.
Thanks “Once a new technology rolls over you, if you are not part of the steamroller, you are part of the road”Stewart Brand

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From Web 2.0 to Web 3.0: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow. Where the Technology is taking us

  • 1. From Web 2 to Web 3: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. Where is the technology taking us?PavlinkaKovatcheva, Sciences Librarian UJ LIC,University of LIC Conference: The Future is Now18 May 2010
  • 2. Content From Web 2.0 ....... ....... To Web 3.0Web 2.0 Applications in support to Teaching, Learning & ResearchWeb 3.0 Applications: Is the future Now?Where is the Technology taking us?
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  • 4. Getting started!Ever since the term "Web 2.0" was introduced, people have been asking, "What’s next?" Assuming that Web 2.0 was meant to be a kind of software version number (rather than a statement about the second coming of the Web after the dotcom bust), is it "Web 3.0" coming? Is it the semantic web? Is it the social web? The mobile web? Is it some form of virtual reality? (Tim O’Reilly, Oct 2009)
  • 5. Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow: The Web Landscape
  • 6. Web 2.0 Explained Web 2.0 ApplicationsSecond Generation WebRead-write webNetwork as a platform: it means building applications that literally get better the more people use themHarvest Collective IntelligenceUser generated content People are Consumers as well as contributorsPromotes sharing & collaborationCustomisation of contentFocused on communitiesBlogsWiki (tags)Social Networking RSS feeds PodcastingYou TubeInstant Messaging Second LifeMind MapsLibrary Thing & many more…
  • 7. The Emerging Social Web for 2010SourceSource
  • 8. Web 3.0 ExplainedSir Tim Berners-Lee (inventor of WWW in 1989) originally expressed the vision of the semantic web in 1999. John Markoff from the New York Times coined back in 2006 the term Web 3.0.The Semantic Web is an evolving development of the World Wide Web in which the meaning (semantics) of information on the web is defined, making it possible for machines to process it (Wikipedia)Next generation of the Internet will feature the semantic web (even more intelligent searches), more recommendations, more tailored data and delivered in real time.It is a place where machines can better read, understand and process web pages;Web content can be expressed not only in natural language, but also in a form that can be understood, interpreted and used by software agents, thus permitting them to find, share and integrate information more easily (Source)Build a system that can give a reasonable and complete response to a simple question.The Semantic Web is about two things: It is about common formats for integration and combination of data drawn from diverse sources, where on the original Web mainly concentrated on the interchange of documents. It is also about language for recording how the data relates to real world objects. That allows a person, or a machine, to start off in one database, and then move through an unending set of databases which are connected not by wires but by being about the same thing. (Source, W3C)
  • 9. Web 3.0 Applications & TrendsThe Web 3.0 is about the:Semantic web – meaning/web of dataPersonlisationIntelligence searchTrends in 2010:Mobile technologiesInteractive MapsPersonal Organisation (smart phones, aggregate data from multiple streams)CollaborationSocial media Intermediaries (add-on tools for social media products)Personalisation/ portable WebiGoogle, Netvibes, Page Flakes, iPAD, etc.Mobile web ( & Gadgets Semantic Search EnginesFreebaseHakiaSensebotPowersetDeepdyveCognitionAnd more…..
  • 10. Web 2.0 vs Web 3.0The dilemma is:Which stage are we now?One might say that we are currently experiencing the crescendo of Web 2.0. Social networking capabilities, forums, sites and services have revolutionised both business and collaboration on the internet.It is undeniable that there are distinct differences between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0; both in goal and execution of their defining attributes. As bloggers have been noting for years, Web 3.0 is most definitely different from Web 2.0, although those differences might be too subtle for the rest of us to notice for quite some time. (Source)
  • 11. What are experts saying about the future:Latest reports, articles, websitesWeb Squared: Web 2.0 Five Years On, By Tim O’Reilly and John Battelle. (Web 2.0 Summit, 2009)Pew Research Report (4 May 2010) on “The Fate of the Semantic Web” (895 technology experts, survey)Research Information (Feb/Mar 2010) on “Web 3.0 promises change for Libraries”The Semantic Web Web 3.0 Concepts in Plain English (Presentations)Useful websites to follow: iLibrarian; Mashable; Search Engine Journal; ReadWriteWeb....8 Mobile Technology to watch in 2009/2010
  • 12. Web 2.0 Applications in support to Teaching, Learning & Research
  • 13. UJ Sciences Librarian 2.0 strategyStage 1: 2007-2008 (Individual Experiments)Created the following tools: - UJ Sciences Librarian Blog(Oct’07)- UJ Librarian News Blog(Oct’ 07)- Delicious: tag articles (Oct’ 07)- Flickr account (Nov’ 07)- YouTube account (Dec’ 07)- Wiki portal (Early’ 08)- Facebook profile (May’ 08) - Second Liveaccount (May’08)- Mind Maps(Mid’ 08)-Twitter(Sep’08)- Library Thingaccount (Sep’ 08)- UJ Science Library News Blog(Oct’08)- Technorati; Snap Shots; Share This; Scribd, LinkedIn, many more …..Stage 2: 2009 (Integration + further experimentation)Updated the Wiki Portal (Jan’ 09)- Over 45 web pages (Jan-Jun’ 09)- IM/Chat account: MeeboMe (Feb’09)- Embedded Widgetson the Portal (IM; Blogs; Twitter; Delicious; Google widgets, etc.) New initiatives:-iGoogle web profile (Apr’ 09)- Netvibes portal (May’09)- Custom Search Enginefor the Portal- Google Map(Aug’ 09)Stage 3: 2010- Feedback from users & updates according to needs- Mobile Technologies (Library initiative)- More experiments with new tools
  • 14. Blog it: Say Anything2009: Total number of blogs-126 million
  • 15. Twitter: Follow! Tweet! Re-tweet!Keep current; chat; share; collaborate in a minute
  • 16. Twitter is still Growing!
  • 17. Who is NOT on Facebook?
  • 18. UJ Library is onFacebookUJ Library GroupCreated: May 2010, 11 membersUJ Library: One Book, One LibraryCreated: May 2010, 30 members
  • 19. UJ Library is on FacebookUJ Sciences Librarian Hot AlertCreated: Jan 2009, 30 membersUJ Library:DoornfonteinCreated: June 2009, 23members
  • 20. Latest from FacebookLike button. already is all over the Internet. When you click you post the item, whether it's a blog post, photo or web page to your Facebook news feed. Friends faces. A consequence of these buttons will be that your friends' Facebook profile photos will start showing up all over the web.No log-ins. These new Facebook features will show up regardless of whether or not you have entered a user name and password on a particular Web site.Toolbars. Facebook announced new toolbars that other Web sites can add to the bottom of their pages. The toolbar lets you "like" a particular web page or item, and gives you information about what your friends think of the page you're viewingPrivacy issues – double-check your privacy settingsRead the article: What you should know about Facebook’s changes (04/2010)
  • 21. Tag it (Social Bookmarking)
  • 22. LinkedIn: The Professional connections
  • 23. Map it: Where is your Library?
  • 24. Map it: Top databases per Subject?
  • 25. Chat it: How may I help you?
  • 26. Wiki it! Library Portal: One stop service
  • 27. Sciences Librarian 2.0: Virtual support to usersProvides access to:Sciences Subject PortalsTeaching, Research & Undergraduates Support for Sciences usersTop Electronic Resources for SciencesUser Education, Guides & TutorialsVirtual Learning Environment: Special websites with instructions for Courses & AssignmentsSocial Networking tools: Twitter; IM/Chat; Library & Research News (blogs); Social Bookmarking (articles), etc.Current Awareness ServicesContinuously adapting to the needs of diverse user community. Aim:Make scientific information easily accessibleTailor-made content for researchersOne stop to subject specific informationIntegrated Library & Internet ResourcesMarket Library resources & services to clients
  • 28. Sciences Librarian 2.0: Embedded services to users (1)
  • 29. Sciences Librarian 2.0: Embedded services to users (2)
  • 30. Web 3.0: Looking forward into the Future. The Future is NOW!iGoogle: Personalisation of information (widgets)
  • 31. Web 3.0: Looking forward into the Future. The Future is NOW! Netvibes: One Portal to Library and Internet Resources: User-centered
  • 32. Web 3.0: Looking forward into the Future. The Future is NOW!Semantic Web: Search Engines
  • 34. The technology will continue to develop, from Web 2.0 into Web 3.0 and have impact on libraries, academia, research and life in general.The Web 2.0 applications already has changed the way we do business and communicate with each other. It changed the social landscape in which we exist. In the library weneed to embrace and adopt the new tools to keep in step with our user needs and expectations.Facebook & Twitter became a “must do” communication channel for business and pleasure. Some Libraries are already using the Mobile technologies, changing the way the Library Services and Resources are accessed. The new technologies implementation calls for new skills development. We are “out there”, not only “in here”. We are part of the creation and sharing of the worlds knowledge and information. We are a cutting-age Librarians.
  • 35. Thanks “Once a new technology rolls over you, if you are not part of the steamroller, you are part of the road”Stewart Brand