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Formula Ninja
Deepa Patel
Halak Consulting, LLC
Steve Molis
Salesforce Administrator,
Francis Pindar
Solutions Architect,
Cloud Sherpas
James Garfield
Salesforce Analyst,
Agendia, Inc.
Safe Harbor
Safe harbor statement under the Private Securities Litigation ReformAct of 1995:
This presentation may contain forward-looking statements that involve risks, uncertainties, and assumptions. If any such uncertainties materialize or if any of
the assumptions proves incorrect, the results of, inc. could differ materially from the results expressed or implied by the forward-looking
statements we make.All statements other than statements of historical fact could be deemed forward-looking, including any projections of product or service
availability, subscriber growth, earnings, revenues, or other financial items and any statements regarding strategies or plans of management for future
operations, statements of belief, any statements concerning new, planned, or upgraded services or technology developments and customer contracts or use of
our services.
The risks and uncertainties referred to above include – but are not limited to – risks associated with developing and delivering new functionality for our service,
new products and services, our new business model, our past operating losses, possible fluctuations in our operating results and rate of growth, interruptions or
delays in our Web hosting, breach of our security measures, the outcome of any litigation, risks associated with completed and any possible mergers and
acquisitions, the immature market in which we operate, our relatively limited operating history, our ability to expand, retain, and motivate our employees and
manage our growth, new releases of our service and successful customer deployment, our limited history reselling products, and utilization
and selling to larger enterprise customers. Further information on potential factors that could affect the financial results of, inc. is included in our
annual report on Form 10-K for the most recent fiscal year and in our quarterly report on Form 10-Q for the most recent fiscal quarter. These documents and
others containing important disclosures are available on the SEC Filings section of the Investor Information section of our Web site.
Any unreleased services or features referenced in this or other presentations, press releases or public statements are not currently available and may not be
delivered on time or at all. Customers who purchase our services should make the purchase decisions based upon features that are currently available., inc. assumes no obligation and does not intend to update these forward-looking statements.
Deepa Patel
President, Halak Consulting, LLC
Formula Basics
Traditional Formula Writing
Writing Formulas In Salesforce

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Shirlaws : More Money, More Time, Less Stress
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Shirlaws : More Money, More Time, Less Stress

From Shirlaws, the business owners’ guide to creating a profitable, sustainable business that rewards you richly in time and money. An introduction to a number of the tools, frameworks and concepts that Shirlaws Business Coaches use to help businesses and leaders drive value for themselves and their organisations

business coachingassetcoaching

This document lists the campuses of the National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) across India, including their locations, contact numbers, and email addresses of the directors. It provides information on 15 NIFT campuses located in New Delhi, Bengaluru, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Chennai, Gandhinagar, Hyderabad, Jodhpur, Kolkata, Kannur, Mumbai, Patna, Raebareli, Kangra, and Shillong. Each campus listing includes the address, contact number, and email of the campus director.

Cubi for modelos
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Cubi for modelos

Este documento describe tres tipos de modelos implementados en la herramienta CUBIFOR: 1) modelos del perfil del árbol, que describen la forma del tronco y su decrecimiento de diámetro con la altura; 2) curvas hipsométricas, que relacionan la altura y el diámetro; y 3) modelos del espesor de corteza. CUBIFOR se usa para calcular volúmenes, clasificar productos, y estimar biomasa y CO2 en masas forestales de Castilla y León.

IF Statement
If State = “CA” then Region = “West” End If
If (Field Name) = “Value”, then do this, else
do that) – Comma is used in place of “then”
and “else”, Right Parenthesis is used in
place of “End If
If (State = “CA”, “West”, “ “)
Nested IF Statement
If State = “CA” then Region = “West” Else
If State = “WA” then Region = “West” Else
If State = “NY” then Region = “East” Else
If State = “IL” then Region = “Mid-West” Else
If (State = “CA”, “West”,
If (State = “WA”, “West”,
If (State = “NY”, “East”,
If (State = “IL”, “Mid-West”,“ “))))
Case Statement
CASE( fieldname,
value 1, result 1,
Value 2, result 2,
Else result)
CASE( State,
“CA”, “West”,
“WA”, West”,
“NY”, “East”,
“IL”, “Mid-West”,
“ “)
AND Statement
If State = “CA” and Country = “USA” then Region =
“West USA” End If
AND (value1, value 2, value 3…..)
(value 1 && value 2 && value 3 && …..)
If (
AND(State = “CA”, Country = “USA”), “West USA”,
“ “)
If (
(State = “CA” && Country = “USA”), “West USA”, “ “

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Integracoop es una cooperativa que ofrece préstamos rápidos de entre $500.000 a $60'000.000 con plazos de 6 a 60 meses para proyectos personales o de pensionados. A diferencia de bancos, consideran solicitudes de personas con reportes negativos. El proceso incluye revisión de documentos, verificación y desembolso en 48 horas. Su misión es brindar servicios eficientes para mejorar la calidad de vida de sus clientes.

Autores del renacimiento europeo
Autores del renacimiento europeoAutores del renacimiento europeo
Autores del renacimiento europeo

1) El documento presenta información sobre autores del Renacimiento europeo como Ludovico Ariosto, Torquato Tasso, Francesco Petrarca, Giovanni Boccaccio y Nicolás Maquiavelo, entre otros. 2) Se proporcionan detalles biográficos básicos de cada autor y una lista de sus principales obras. 3) Los autores descritos son poetas, dramaturgos y humanistas italianos y europeos que desempeñaron un papel importante en el desarrollo de la literatura renacentista.

autores del renacimiento europeo
El sistema NWP HARMONIE: Introducción a la Computación de Altas
El sistema NWP HARMONIE: Introducción a la Computación de AltasEl sistema NWP HARMONIE: Introducción a la Computación de Altas
El sistema NWP HARMONIE: Introducción a la Computación de Altas

Este documento presenta una introducción a la computación de alta prestación y al sistema OpenMP. En las tres primeras jornadas se cubrirán conceptos básicos de computación paralela, programación en memoria compartida usando OpenMP, y programación en memoria distribuida usando MPI. Los asistentes aprenderán sobre taxonomías de Flynn, la ley de Amdahl, arquitecturas de memoria, y paradigmas de programación paralela. También se incluirán ejercicios prácticos para aplicar estos conceptos.

OR Statement
If Priority = “High” OR Type = “Problem” then
Notification Flag = “True” End If
OR (value1, value 2, value 3…..)
(value 1 || value 2 || value 3 || …..
If (
OR(Priority = “High”, Type = “Problem”), “True”, “False“
If (
(Priority = “High” || Type = “Problem”), “True”, “False “
And & OR Combined
If (Priority = “High” OR Type = “Problem”) AND Status =
“Open” then Notification Flag = “True” End If
OR(ISPICKVAL(Priority, ”High"), ISPICKVAL(Type,
”Problem”)),ISPICKVAL(Status, ”Open”)), “True”, ”False”)
(ISPICKVAL(Priority, ”High") || ISPICKVAL(Type,
&& ISPICKVAL(Status, ”Open”), “True”, “False”)
Business Case
Completeness and Qualitative Scoring Formula
1000s of leads added to the system by Marketing
department on a regular basis. How do we know if
the data is any good on these leads? We need to
design a Completeness Score that shows the lead
rating based on the information in the lead
Once the reps have started working on the leads,
we need to know how good are the leads based on
the qualification questions. High quality leads
needs to be transferred over to Outside Sales.
What is Completeness?
Here we are checking for the number of fields
that are populated with data and give each field
a score for completeness
 Title
 Phone Number
 Email
 Company Name
 Web Site

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Este documento describe los detalles de una licitación pública realizada por la Municipalidad Provincial de San Roman-Juliaca para la adquisición del suministro de combustible para sus distintas dependencias. Se especifican los objetivos, alcances, participantes, procedimientos, cronograma y requisitos de la licitación. La licitación se realizará a través de una subasta inversa presencial para la compra de 55,325 galones de diesel y 7,433 galones de gasolina por un valor referencial total de S/. 723,946.90.

Diseño Estratégico e Innovación.
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Este documento presenta los servicios de diseño estratégico, de identidad de marca y de innovación de una agencia de diseño. La agencia utiliza metodologías como el design thinking, lean startup y agile para ayudar a sus clientes a adaptarse al cambio mediante el diseño de productos, servicios, negocios y ecosistemas. La agencia se enfoca en dar sentido a las interacciones dentro de los sistemas que diseña.

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Cosas de niños
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Cosas de niños

Este documento contiene cartas escritas por niños a Jesús, donde le hacen preguntas sobre diversos temas como su naturaleza divina, los milagros, la creación del universo y los animales, entre otros. Los niños cuestionan aspectos de la religión cristiana con curiosidad e inocencia infantil.

Completeness Lead Scoring
Compile Size = 395
If Field is blank, then give it a score 0 or else give it
a score 5
CASE (Title,””, 0,5)+
CASE (Street,””, 0,5)+
CASE (Email,””, 0,5)+
CASE (Phone,””, 0,5)+
CASE (Website,””, 0,5)
Completeness Lead Scoring
Compile Size = 266
If Field is blank, then give it a score 0 or else give it
a score 5
What is Qualitative?
Here we are checking for the values of fields and give
each field a score based on values
 Is there a Budget?
 Does this person have Authority?
 Do they have a need for our Product or Services?
 What is their purchasing Time frame?
Qualitative Lead Scoring
Compile Size = 507
If Authority = “Yes” score = 5,
Need = “Yes” score = 5,
Budget = “Yes” score = 5
Purchasing Timeframe –
 < 3 months, score = 5
 3 – 6 months, score = 4
 6 – 12 months, score = 3
 > 12 months, score = 2
CASE(TEXT(Authority__c),"Yes", 5, 0) +
CASE(TEXT(Is_there_a_Need__c), "Yes", 5, 0) +
CASE(TEXT(Is_there_a_budget__c), "Yes", 5, 0) +
CASE(TEXT( Purchasing_Timeframe__c), "< 3
months", 5, "3 - 6 months", 4, "6 - 12 months", 3,
"> 12 months", 2, 0)

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Move Out of Excel and into a Pre-Lead Workspace by Dan Donin
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Move Out of Excel and into a Pre-Lead Workspace by Dan Donin

This document discusses building a "Pre-Lead Workspace" custom object in Salesforce to keep incomplete lead list data separate from the lead object. It includes: - Creating a custom object with fields to store pre-lead data - Using validation rules and process builder to automatically move records to the lead object when complete - An example user interface and how users would interact with it The goal is to prevent dirty or incomplete data from entering the lead object directly, while still allowing users to work with pre-lead lists in Salesforce instead of Excel. When enough data is entered, records would automatically convert to leads.

What does this look like?
Visual Representation of both Scoring values
We want to show a Star Rating field on the List View so that reps can see at a high level which
leads are hot
We want to show a Quality Rating field on the Lead Record so that management can get an idea
on how well are leading getting qualified
Star Rating Formula Field
Compile Size = 4969
IF (Lead_Score__c <=5,
IMAGE("/img/samples/stars_100.gif","1 Star"),
IF (Lead_Score__c <=10,
IMAGE("/img/samples/stars_200.gif","2 Star"),
IF (Lead_Score__c <=15,
IMAGE("/img/samples/stars_300.gif","3 Star"),
IF (Lead_Score__c <=20,
IMAGE("/img/samples/stars_400.gif","4 Star"),
IMAGE("/img/samples/stars_500.gif","5 Star")))))
Quality Rating Formula Field
Compile Size = 1846
IF ( Qualitative_Lead_Score__c <=10,
IMAGE("/resource/RedCheck","Red Check
IF ( Qualitative_Lead_Score__c <=15,
IMAGE("/resource/Orangecheck","Orange Check
IF ( Qualitative_Lead_Score__c <=20,
IMAGE("/resource/Greencheck","Green Check",100,100),
End Result Completeness Rating

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Become A Formula Writing Guru in 20 Minutes by Mike Martin & Shannon Howe
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This document provides tips and examples for becoming proficient with formulas in Salesforce in just 20 minutes. It covers the use of IF vs CASE statements, AND/&&/OR/|| operators, TEXT vs VALUE functions, NOW/TODAY functions, CONTAINS/ISBLANK functions, and the CONCATENATE function with examples for each. The agenda suggests explaining six different formula applications in 20 minutes to help readers quickly learn common formulas.

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The document outlines 10 commandments or best practices for developing on the Salesforce platform: 1. Keep code simple with the KISS principle 2. Avoid putting queries in for loops 3. Avoid putting DML operations in for loops 4. Only have one trigger per object 5. Only put trigger execution logic in triggers 6. Balance clicks vs code for a happy admin and developer 7. Use maps for efficient queries when needed 8. Leverage relationships to reduce queries 9. Aim for 100% test coverage of all code 10. Write meaningful tests that assert expected behavior The document provides guidelines but also notes they can be broken when

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The document discusses controls and technical features in Salesforce, including S-Controls and formula fields. It provides examples of how Kaplan Financial and Tacpoint Technologies used custom objects, formula fields, roll-up summaries, and custom links to build automated sales reports and improve their lead conversion processes. The key lessons are to be careful with master-detail relationships and formula size, and that technical features can enhance users' experience and make processes more efficient.

End Result Qualitative Rating
Francis Pindar
Technical Architect
• Ever received one of these?
• What did it make you think of the
organization involved?
• Have you ever sent one?
Maintaining Data Quality – Publisher Actions
• Other platform data quality features:
– Required Fields
– Default field values
– Publisher Actions

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Learn More with SteveMo - Steve Molis
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This document provides background information about Steve Molis, including that he is a 5-time Salesforce MVP who is self-taught and dropped out of community college with a 0.67 GPA. It also contains a safe harbor statement for any forward-looking statements and discusses various risks to the company. The document provides resources for learning more about formulas, including Trailhead modules and documentation. It encourages providing feedback via a survey for a chance to win a GoPro.

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DF16 Imprivata - Getting Started with Formulas
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1. The document provides an introduction to formulas in Salesforce, breaking them down into three parts: data in, business logic, and value out. 2. It demonstrates how to use common functions like IF, AND, OR, and CASE to build formulas based on different use cases. 3. Examples show how to create formulas to calculate opportunity age, display priority flags for cases, and identify strategic opportunities.

Developing Offline Mobile Apps with the Mobile SDK SmartStore,...
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Developing Offline Mobile Apps with the Mobile SDK SmartStore,...

This document discusses developing offline mobile apps using Salesforce Mobile SDK. It provides an overview of SmartStore and SmartSync, which allow storing and syncing data locally on mobile devices. Key terminology for SmartStore includes stores, soups, and index specs. SmartSync extends Backbone.js and can be used with or without a SmartStore cache. Patterns like offline queueing are discussed to enable successful offline usage.

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Maintaining Data Quality - Formulas
• Hard Stops – Validation Rules
– Validating record fields
– Validating record fields on change
– Validating parents record fields
Maintaining Data Quality – Workflow Rules
• Softer Options – Workflow Rules
– 5 days after creation of an opportunity
data check the fields and if the record
fails email the account owner.
– 10 days after creation check again
and if it fails create a task for the
– 15 days after update a field that activates
validation rules on the record.
Maintaining Data Quality: Using Image Formulas!
Maintaining Data Quality: Using FORMULA FIELDS!

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In the customer age, being able to extract relevant communications information in real-time and cross reference it with context is key. Learn how Salesforce Inbox is using data science and engineering to enable salespeople to monitor their emails in real-time and surface insights and recommendations. Salesforce is developing Einstein, an artificial intelligence capability built into the core of the Salesforce Platform. Einstein helps power the world’s smartest CRM to deliver advanced AI capabilities to sales, services, and marketing teams – allowing them to discover new insights, predict likely outcomes to power smarter decision making, recommend next steps, and automate workflows so users can focus on building meaningful relationships with every customer. Find out how Salesforce Einstein Inbox combines activity data, such as emails, with contextual and CRM data to provide real-time insights and recommended actions. Learn about use cases, architecture, and how a variety of technologies including data engineering, data science, graph processing, NLP, machine learning and deep learning are combined together to support the application. This session will include an interactive demo where you’ll get to see the associated code using notebooks running Spark.

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Developing on the Salesforce Platform With Clicks, Not Code
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Developing on the Salesforce Platform With Clicks, Not Code

Are you a Business Analyst architecting business solutions in the cloud, but you don't write code? Or a Rockstar Admin considering Developer 401 Certification? Join us to see how other non-coders are transforming their companies, and redefining the word developer with the declarative development tools on the Salesforce Platform.
Improving Enterprise Findability: Presented by Jayesh Govindarajan, Salesforce
Improving Enterprise Findability: Presented by Jayesh Govindarajan, SalesforceImproving Enterprise Findability: Presented by Jayesh Govindarajan, Salesforce
Improving Enterprise Findability: Presented by Jayesh Govindarajan, Salesforce

1) Jayesh Govindarajan presented on improving enterprise search and findability at Salesforce. He discussed how enterprise search differs from consumer search, challenges with enterprise findability, and machine learning algorithms like LETOR that can be used. 2) Govindarajan explained that diversity of data, intentions, and customers makes enterprise search more complex than consumer search. Most enterprise search relies on simple ranking functions that may not reflect relevance well. 3) Machine learning algorithms like logistic regression and learning to rank can learn relevance from user behavior data like clicks and views. These algorithms output ranking models that can be deployed to search engines like Solr.

Creating Image Formulas
Steve Molis
Salesforce MVP
• 4 Time Salesforce MVP: 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
• Self-Taught System Administrator/Developer
• 0 Salesforce Admin or Developer Certifications
• 1 App named after me “Thanks Reid Carlberg!”
• Community College Drop-Out : 0.67 GPA *
* Margin of error: +/- 0.67
About SteveMo…
Safe Harbor

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This document discusses using icons in Salesforce to simplify complex data and empower users. It provides tips on creating icon image fields, including using static resources to store icon image files, picklist or formula criteria fields to determine which icon to display, and image formula fields to display the icons using the IMAGE function referencing the static resource. Demoing the implementation is suggested to really understand how it works. Additional tips include using naming conventions, combining multiple icons in one field, using help text to explain icons, and including legends for image fields via custom links.

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At some point, all mobile app users lose their data signal. Join us to learn best-practices for coding for offline requirements with the Mobile SDK. We'll develop a simple app using SmartStore offline storage, highlighting the new SmartSQL and SmartSync features. With these tools, you can take your mobile apps to the next level, developing native and hybrid applications on iOS and Android that have offline access to your data.

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Solving Complex Data Load Challenges
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The document discusses strategies for solving complex data load challenges in Salesforce using various Salesforce APIs like the Bulk API, Metadata API, and Apex REST API. It proposes building your own dataloader (BYODL) using these APIs to extract, transform, and load large datasets into Salesforce in an automated way. The strategies are demonstrated through examples of loading opportunity data from external files into an org while handling relationships and duplicate records.

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More than one way to deal with a Picklist field (or skin a cat)*
•Using the ISPICKVAL and CASE Functions
•Creating an Opportunity Rollback Validation Rule
•Using the TEXT Function to convert Picklist Values
* No Animals Were Harmed in the Making of These Formulas
Function: ISPICKVAL (aka “old faithful”)
Description: Determines if the value of a picklist field is
equal to a text literal you specify.
IF(ISPICKVAL(Weather, "Zombies!"), "RUN!!!",
IF(ISPICKVAL(Weather, "HOT"), "Go Swimming",
IF(ISPICKVAL(Weather, "WARM"), “Have a picnic",
IF(ISPICKVAL(Weather, "COLD"), "Sit by the fire",
"Send out for Pizza"))))
Function: CASE
Description: Checks a given expression against a series of
"Zombies!", "RUN!!!",
"HOT", "Go Swimming",
"WARM", “Have a picnic",
"COLD", "Sit by the fire",
"Send out for Pizza")
More than one way to deal with a Picklist field (or skin a cat)
Business Requirement
Prevent user from changing the Opportunity Stage to a
previous Opportunity Stage
Use a Validation Rule to evaluate current Opportunity
Stage and compare it to the previous Opportunity
Fields Referenced
Opportunity: StageName
Functions and Operators Used
More than one way to deal with a Picklist field (or skin a cat)
More than one way to deal with a Picklist field (or skin a cat)

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Presentation from Higher Ed Summit 2018 by: Jacqueline DiMare, USC, and Christine Chen, UC Innovation. Leveraging the Salesforce platform to address Advancement data integrity and data volume challenges. Watch a recording of this presentation:

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Loading Data into the Analytics Cloud with Apex
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Loading Data into the Analytics Cloud with Apex

One of the core advantages of the Salesforce Analytics Cloud is the ability to process extremely large data sets without sacrificing performance. Building those data sets is not always easy. Vendor tools do a great job but can be expensive and, in some cases, organizations need complete control over their data transformations. In this session, we will explore the different native options available for loading data into the Analytics Cloud, and review the pros and cons of using Apex. We will demonstrate a simple data loader app built with the Analytics Cloud simple API.

CASE( StageName ,
"Prospecting", 1,
"Qualification", 2,
"Needs Analysis", 3,
"Value Proposition", 4,
"Proposal/Price Quote", 5,
"Negotiation/Review", 6,
"Closed - Won", 7,
"Closed - Lost", 7,
"Prospecting", 1,
"Qualification", 2,
"Needs Analysis", 3,
"Value Proposition", 4,
"Proposal/Price Quote", 5,
"Negotiation/Review", 6,
"Closed - Won", 7,
"Closed - Lost", 7,
More than one way to deal with a Picklist field (or skin a cat)
Function: TEXT
Description: Converts picklist values to text in Validation Rules, Formula Fields,
and Workflow Rules.
So you can do stuff like this…
More than one way to deal with a Picklist field (or skin a cat)
• Operators: > < = >= <= <>
More than one way to deal with a Picklist field (or skin a cat)
Extract the Numeric Value from the end of Picklist
Values that contain mixed length text characters.
Use Case:
Approval Processes, Workflow Rules, Validation
Rules, Formula Fields.
More than one way to deal with a Picklist field (or skin a cat)

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Sales Lifecycle at Dreamforce 2014

The document provides an overview of the sales lifecycle in Salesforce, including campaigns, leads, and opportunities. It discusses how campaign member status can track whether individuals responded to marketing campaigns. Leads contain information about potential customers and need to be qualified before being converted to opportunities. Opportunities allow companies to track revenue projections and forecast sales. The presentation emphasizes having a well-defined lead process and fewer opportunity stages to simplify tracking in the sales pipeline.

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Learn to Leverage the Power of SOQL
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SOQL (Salesforce Object Query Language) queries are a great way for Admins to easily and quickly access, analyze, and manipulate their Salesforce data. Learn how to apply your knowledge of report builder filters and formulas to help you write SOQL queries. You’ll take away a whole new way of accessing your data and an understanding of how this will save you valuable time.

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B P S007 Kadden 091807
B P S007  Kadden 091807B P S007  Kadden 091807
B P S007 Kadden 091807

1) The document discusses strategies for increasing sales effectiveness in small businesses, focusing on two case studies. 2) The first case study describes how Bronto Software improved sales productivity and accountability by implementing clear metrics and goals, research tools, and the Jigsaw sales database. 3) The second case study explains how Brainshark and ZoomInfo partnered to more efficiently generate qualified sales leads through targeted database searches, email marketing with tracking, and integration with Salesforce.

CASE Formula:
CASE( SLA__c ,
"Diamond 5.0", 5.0,
"Platinum 4.0", 4.0,
"Gold 2.5", 2.5,
"Silver 1.5", 1.5,
"Bronze 0.5", 0.5,
Compiled size:
5 Values = 326 bytes
10 Values = 426 bytes
Nested IF Formula:
IF(ISPICKVAL(SLA__c ,"Diamond 5.0"), 5.0,
IF(ISPICKVAL(SLA__c ,"Platinum 4.0"), 4.0,
IF(ISPICKVAL(SLA__c ,"Gold 2.5"), 2.5,
IF(ISPICKVAL(SLA__c ,"Silver 1.5"), 1.5,
IF(ISPICKVAL(SLA__c ,"Bronze 0.5"), 0.5,
Compiled size:
5 Values = 465 bytes
10 Values = 950 bytes
More than one way to deal with a Picklist field (or skin a cat)
More than one way to deal with a Picklist field (or skin a cat)
VALUE( RIGHT ( TEXT ( SLA__c ), 3 ))
Compiled size: 280 bytes
• Use the TEXT function to convert the Picklist Value to a Text
• Then use the RIGHT function to extract the last 3 characters
or the Text String.
• Then use the VALUE function to convert the last 3 characters
to a Numeric Value.
Field Name: Bottles of Beer on the Wall
Dataype: Picklist
100 Values:
100 - Bottles of Beer
99 - Bottles of Beer
98 - Bottles of Beer
97 - Bottles of Beer
96 - Bottles of Beer
95 - Bottles of Beer
94 - Bottles of Beer …
More than one way to deal with a Picklist field (or skin a cat)
Dataype: Formula
Result: Number
FIND(" - ", TEXT(Bottles_of_Beer_on_the_Wall__c)))))
Compiled size:
ISPICKVAL = 7,602 characters
CASE = 6,478 bytes
TEXT = 546 bytes
More than one way to deal with a Picklist field (or skin a cat)

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- Steve Molis, known as "SteveMo", is a self-taught Salesforce administrator and developer who was taught "The Power of One", a formula for counting records, at Dreamforce 2009 by Thomas Tobin. - "The Power of One" is a simple formula that can be added to any object as a number field to count the number of records. - The presentation discusses using custom summary formulas and functions like PREVGROUPVAL to calculate year-over-year variance in opportunity counts in a report.

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Dreamforce 2015 - Build your Awesome Admin Career session by Brent Downey, Deepa Patel and Mike Martin. Link to Vide:

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Dreamforce 2015 Wave - Basics to Dashboard session by Brent Downey, Deepa Patel and Mike Martin. Video Link:

More than one way to deal with a Picklist field (or skin a cat)
Who owes me a beer?!?
More than one way to deal with a Picklist field (or skin a cat)
Formula Resources
• Introduction to Formulas –
• Formulas Quick Reference Guide –
• Useful Validation Rules –
• Building a Cross Object Formula –
• Formula Editor for Chrome Browser
Q & A

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Formula Ninja at Dreamforce 2014

  • 1. Formula Ninja Deepa Patel President, Halak Consulting, LLC @halakconsulting Steve Molis Salesforce Administrator, Epsilon @stevemoforce Francis Pindar Solutions Architect, Cloud Sherpas @radnip James Garfield Salesforce Analyst, Agendia, Inc. @James__Garfield
  • 2. Safe Harbor Safe harbor statement under the Private Securities Litigation ReformAct of 1995: This presentation may contain forward-looking statements that involve risks, uncertainties, and assumptions. If any such uncertainties materialize or if any of the assumptions proves incorrect, the results of, inc. could differ materially from the results expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements we make.All statements other than statements of historical fact could be deemed forward-looking, including any projections of product or service availability, subscriber growth, earnings, revenues, or other financial items and any statements regarding strategies or plans of management for future operations, statements of belief, any statements concerning new, planned, or upgraded services or technology developments and customer contracts or use of our services. The risks and uncertainties referred to above include – but are not limited to – risks associated with developing and delivering new functionality for our service, new products and services, our new business model, our past operating losses, possible fluctuations in our operating results and rate of growth, interruptions or delays in our Web hosting, breach of our security measures, the outcome of any litigation, risks associated with completed and any possible mergers and acquisitions, the immature market in which we operate, our relatively limited operating history, our ability to expand, retain, and motivate our employees and manage our growth, new releases of our service and successful customer deployment, our limited history reselling products, and utilization and selling to larger enterprise customers. Further information on potential factors that could affect the financial results of, inc. is included in our annual report on Form 10-K for the most recent fiscal year and in our quarterly report on Form 10-Q for the most recent fiscal quarter. These documents and others containing important disclosures are available on the SEC Filings section of the Investor Information section of our Web site. Any unreleased services or features referenced in this or other presentations, press releases or public statements are not currently available and may not be delivered on time or at all. Customers who purchase our services should make the purchase decisions based upon features that are currently available., inc. assumes no obligation and does not intend to update these forward-looking statements.
  • 4. Formula Basics Traditional Formula Writing vs. Writing Formulas In Salesforce
  • 5. IF Statement If State = “CA” then Region = “West” End If If (Field Name) = “Value”, then do this, else do that) – Comma is used in place of “then” and “else”, Right Parenthesis is used in place of “End If If (State = “CA”, “West”, “ “)
  • 6. Nested IF Statement If State = “CA” then Region = “West” Else If State = “WA” then Region = “West” Else If State = “NY” then Region = “East” Else If State = “IL” then Region = “Mid-West” Else ……EndIf If (State = “CA”, “West”, If (State = “WA”, “West”, If (State = “NY”, “East”, If (State = “IL”, “Mid-West”,“ “))))
  • 7. Case Statement CASE( fieldname, value 1, result 1, Value 2, result 2, Else result) CASE( State, “CA”, “West”, “WA”, West”, “NY”, “East”, “IL”, “Mid-West”, “ “)
  • 8. AND Statement If State = “CA” and Country = “USA” then Region = “West USA” End If AND (value1, value 2, value 3…..) (value 1 && value 2 && value 3 && …..) If ( AND(State = “CA”, Country = “USA”), “West USA”, “ “) If ( (State = “CA” && Country = “USA”), “West USA”, “ “ )
  • 9. OR Statement If Priority = “High” OR Type = “Problem” then Notification Flag = “True” End If OR (value1, value 2, value 3…..) (value 1 || value 2 || value 3 || ….. If ( OR(Priority = “High”, Type = “Problem”), “True”, “False“ ) If ( (Priority = “High” || Type = “Problem”), “True”, “False “ )
  • 10. And & OR Combined If (Priority = “High” OR Type = “Problem”) AND Status = “Open” then Notification Flag = “True” End If IF( AND( OR(ISPICKVAL(Priority, ”High"), ISPICKVAL(Type, ”Problem”)),ISPICKVAL(Status, ”Open”)), “True”, ”False”) IF( (ISPICKVAL(Priority, ”High") || ISPICKVAL(Type, ”Problem”)) && ISPICKVAL(Status, ”Open”), “True”, “False”)
  • 11. Business Case Completeness and Qualitative Scoring Formula 1000s of leads added to the system by Marketing department on a regular basis. How do we know if the data is any good on these leads? We need to design a Completeness Score that shows the lead rating based on the information in the lead Once the reps have started working on the leads, we need to know how good are the leads based on the qualification questions. High quality leads needs to be transferred over to Outside Sales.
  • 12. Completeness What is Completeness? Here we are checking for the number of fields that are populated with data and give each field a score for completeness  Title  Phone Number  Email  Company Name  Web Site
  • 13. Completeness Lead Scoring Compile Size = 395 If Field is blank, then give it a score 0 or else give it a score 5 CASE (Title,””, 0,5)+ CASE (Street,””, 0,5)+ CASE (Email,””, 0,5)+ CASE (Phone,””, 0,5)+ CASE (Website,””, 0,5)
  • 14. Completeness Lead Scoring Compile Size = 266 If Field is blank, then give it a score 0 or else give it a score 5 If(ISBLANK(Title),0,5)+ If(ISBLANK(Street),0,5)+ If(ISBLANK(Email),0,5)+ If(ISBLANK(Phone),0,5)+ If(ISBLANK(Website),0,5)
  • 15. Qualitative What is Qualitative? Here we are checking for the values of fields and give each field a score based on values  Is there a Budget?  Does this person have Authority?  Do they have a need for our Product or Services?  What is their purchasing Time frame?
  • 16. Qualitative Lead Scoring Compile Size = 507 If Authority = “Yes” score = 5, Need = “Yes” score = 5, Budget = “Yes” score = 5 Purchasing Timeframe –  < 3 months, score = 5  3 – 6 months, score = 4  6 – 12 months, score = 3  > 12 months, score = 2 CASE(TEXT(Authority__c),"Yes", 5, 0) + CASE(TEXT(Is_there_a_Need__c), "Yes", 5, 0) + CASE(TEXT(Is_there_a_budget__c), "Yes", 5, 0) + CASE(TEXT( Purchasing_Timeframe__c), "< 3 months", 5, "3 - 6 months", 4, "6 - 12 months", 3, "> 12 months", 2, 0)
  • 17. What does this look like? Visual Representation of both Scoring values We want to show a Star Rating field on the List View so that reps can see at a high level which leads are hot We want to show a Quality Rating field on the Lead Record so that management can get an idea on how well are leading getting qualified
  • 18. Star Rating Formula Field Compile Size = 4969 IF (Lead_Score__c <=5, IMAGE("/img/samples/stars_100.gif","1 Star"), IF (Lead_Score__c <=10, IMAGE("/img/samples/stars_200.gif","2 Star"), IF (Lead_Score__c <=15, IMAGE("/img/samples/stars_300.gif","3 Star"), IF (Lead_Score__c <=20, IMAGE("/img/samples/stars_400.gif","4 Star"), IMAGE("/img/samples/stars_500.gif","5 Star")))))
  • 19. Quality Rating Formula Field Compile Size = 1846 IF ( Qualitative_Lead_Score__c <=10, IMAGE("/resource/RedCheck","Red Check Mark",100,100), IF ( Qualitative_Lead_Score__c <=15, IMAGE("/resource/Orangecheck","Orange Check Mark",100,100), IF ( Qualitative_Lead_Score__c <=20, IMAGE("/resource/Greencheck","Green Check",100,100), "") ) )
  • 23. Hmmm… • Ever received one of these? • What did it make you think of the organization involved? • Have you ever sent one?
  • 24. Maintaining Data Quality – Publisher Actions • Other platform data quality features: – Required Fields – Default field values – Publisher Actions
  • 25. Maintaining Data Quality - Formulas • Hard Stops – Validation Rules – Validating record fields – Validating record fields on change – Validating parents record fields
  • 26. Maintaining Data Quality – Workflow Rules • Softer Options – Workflow Rules – 5 days after creation of an opportunity data check the fields and if the record fails email the account owner. – 10 days after creation check again and if it fails create a task for the owner. – 15 days after update a field that activates validation rules on the record.
  • 27. Maintaining Data Quality: Using Image Formulas!
  • 28. Maintaining Data Quality: Using FORMULA FIELDS!
  • 31. • 4 Time Salesforce MVP: 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 • Self-Taught System Administrator/Developer • 0 Salesforce Admin or Developer Certifications • 1 App named after me “Thanks Reid Carlberg!” • Community College Drop-Out : 0.67 GPA * * Margin of error: +/- 0.67 About SteveMo…
  • 33. More than one way to deal with a Picklist field (or skin a cat)* •Using the ISPICKVAL and CASE Functions •Creating an Opportunity Rollback Validation Rule •Using the TEXT Function to convert Picklist Values * No Animals Were Harmed in the Making of These Formulas
  • 34. Function: ISPICKVAL (aka “old faithful”) Description: Determines if the value of a picklist field is equal to a text literal you specify. Example: IF(ISPICKVAL(Weather, "Zombies!"), "RUN!!!", IF(ISPICKVAL(Weather, "HOT"), "Go Swimming", IF(ISPICKVAL(Weather, "WARM"), “Have a picnic", IF(ISPICKVAL(Weather, "COLD"), "Sit by the fire", "Send out for Pizza")))) Function: CASE Description: Checks a given expression against a series of values. Example: CASE(Weather, "Zombies!", "RUN!!!", "HOT", "Go Swimming", "WARM", “Have a picnic", "COLD", "Sit by the fire", "Send out for Pizza") More than one way to deal with a Picklist field (or skin a cat)
  • 35. Business Requirement Prevent user from changing the Opportunity Stage to a previous Opportunity Stage Solution Use a Validation Rule to evaluate current Opportunity Stage and compare it to the previous Opportunity Stage Fields Referenced Opportunity: StageName Functions and Operators Used CASE PRIORVALUE < More than one way to deal with a Picklist field (or skin a cat)
  • 36. More than one way to deal with a Picklist field (or skin a cat)
  • 37. CASE( StageName , "Prospecting", 1, "Qualification", 2, "Needs Analysis", 3, "Value Proposition", 4, "Proposal/Price Quote", 5, "Negotiation/Review", 6, "Closed - Won", 7, "Closed - Lost", 7, 0) < CASE(PRIORVALUE(StageName), "Prospecting", 1, "Qualification", 2, "Needs Analysis", 3, "Value Proposition", 4, "Proposal/Price Quote", 5, "Negotiation/Review", 6, "Closed - Won", 7, "Closed - Lost", 7, 0) More than one way to deal with a Picklist field (or skin a cat)
  • 38. Function: TEXT Description: Converts picklist values to text in Validation Rules, Formula Fields, and Workflow Rules. So you can do stuff like this… More than one way to deal with a Picklist field (or skin a cat)
  • 39. • TEXT • Operators: > < = >= <= <> • ISBLANK • VALUE • BEGINS • CONTAINS • LEFT/RIGHT • FIND/SUBSTITUTE More than one way to deal with a Picklist field (or skin a cat)
  • 40. Problem: Extract the Numeric Value from the end of Picklist Values that contain mixed length text characters. Use Case: Approval Processes, Workflow Rules, Validation Rules, Formula Fields. More than one way to deal with a Picklist field (or skin a cat)
  • 41. CASE Formula: CASE( SLA__c , "Diamond 5.0", 5.0, "Platinum 4.0", 4.0, "Gold 2.5", 2.5, "Silver 1.5", 1.5, "Bronze 0.5", 0.5, 0) Compiled size: 5 Values = 326 bytes 10 Values = 426 bytes Nested IF Formula: IF(ISPICKVAL(SLA__c ,"Diamond 5.0"), 5.0, IF(ISPICKVAL(SLA__c ,"Platinum 4.0"), 4.0, IF(ISPICKVAL(SLA__c ,"Gold 2.5"), 2.5, IF(ISPICKVAL(SLA__c ,"Silver 1.5"), 1.5, IF(ISPICKVAL(SLA__c ,"Bronze 0.5"), 0.5, 0))))) Compiled size: 5 Values = 465 bytes 10 Values = 950 bytes More than one way to deal with a Picklist field (or skin a cat)
  • 42. More than one way to deal with a Picklist field (or skin a cat) Solution: Formula: VALUE( RIGHT ( TEXT ( SLA__c ), 3 )) Compiled size: 280 bytes • Use the TEXT function to convert the Picklist Value to a Text String. • Then use the RIGHT function to extract the last 3 characters or the Text String. • Then use the VALUE function to convert the last 3 characters to a Numeric Value.
  • 43. Field Name: Bottles of Beer on the Wall Dataype: Picklist 100 Values: 100 - Bottles of Beer 99 - Bottles of Beer 98 - Bottles of Beer 97 - Bottles of Beer 96 - Bottles of Beer 95 - Bottles of Beer 94 - Bottles of Beer … More than one way to deal with a Picklist field (or skin a cat)
  • 44. Dataype: Formula Result: Number Formula: VALUE(TRIM(LEFT(TEXT(Bottles_of_Beer_on_the_Wall__c), FIND(" - ", TEXT(Bottles_of_Beer_on_the_Wall__c))))) Compiled size: ISPICKVAL = 7,602 characters CASE = 6,478 bytes TEXT = 546 bytes More than one way to deal with a Picklist field (or skin a cat)
  • 45. More than one way to deal with a Picklist field (or skin a cat)
  • 46. Who owes me a beer?!? More than one way to deal with a Picklist field (or skin a cat)
  • 47. Formula Resources • Introduction to Formulas – • Formulas Quick Reference Guide – • Useful Validation Rules – • Building a Cross Object Formula – uage=en_US • Formula Editor for Chrome Browser
  • 48. Q & A