SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Form Design: Best Practices to Reduce Errors and Improve ConversionsLauren Martin
Design Principles	Keep it Simple Avoid unnecessary text and inputs.Focused GoalIt should be easy to see what needs to be done to complete the form.Be ClearYou never know the context of the user, make sure things are very clear and unambiguous.Constantly CommunicateInform users about what’s going on when it happens.
The basics of labels, errors and layout.Login Forms
Clear, Obvious, ConciseSet proper expectations by letting the user know exactly what you are looking for.

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The document provides guidance on building an effective business website from scratch. It recommends researching keywords, identifying the business focus and unique selling proposition. It also discusses choosing a domain name, hosting provider, site structure, and elements to include like content pages, a site map, contact page, newsletter, forum/blog, and links pages. The document emphasizes that search engines prioritize text over graphics, so the site needs focused keyword-rich content and fast load times to rank well.

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The document discusses the importance of website planning based on Jesse James Garrett's Five Planes of User Experience framework. It emphasizes asking questions in the Strategy and Scope planes before designing graphics or content. In the Strategy plane, questions determine goals, users, and desired experiences. Scope plane questions define necessary features, tools, timeline and personnel. The document stresses sticking to a planning process to create successful, on-budget websites that meet user needs.

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If you do not want to waste the money you have invested in paid advertising, create an efficient and working landing page. Produce content that has been carefully thought-out and has high marketing quality. Do not forget that every detail in a landing page plays a big role in turning a lead into a client. 7 important elements for a proper landing page: Heading, Subheading, Main image or video, Description area, Bullet list, Client testimonials, CTA

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Locate, Inform, AssistError messages should inform the user Where the error happened, What the error was, and How to correct it.
Clean, Focused, ApparentFocus on the point. Provide users with a clear call to action and next steps.
Interface Surgery

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The document summarizes and rates three different marketing company websites. For the first site, WEBFX, the reviewer gave it a 9/10 and praised its visual contrast and organization of content without feeling overwhelming. The second site, Disruptive Advertising, received a 7/10. While it effectively used repetition and alignment, the reviewer had issues focusing on one area and felt the company name had negative connotations. The third site, 3 Media Web, was given a 6/10 as its color scheme and feel jumped around, though it organized elements well and had a strong headline.

Blogging Out Loud - STC-PMC 2014 presentation by Danielle M. Villegas
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Alignment and Orientation Examples From:		Web Form Design 		by Luke WroblewskiLayout Best Practices
Path to CompletionMinimize distractions by removing unnecessary elementsThe scan line should have good visual spacing.Provide a single path throughout the form
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Masters of Marketing -- Common Landing Page Design Mistakes
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This document discusses common mistakes made in landing page design and provides solutions to avoid them. It covers three key areas: focus and function, content, and design. For focus and function, common mistakes include having multiple goals or emphasizing features over benefits. Content mistakes include having no value or being too long. Design mistakes include using the same template as the main website, lacking images, burying important content below the page fold, and having vague calls to action. The document provides tips for each area, such as keeping the goal and form simple, using bullet points and short paragraphs for content, and making one prominent call to action.

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This document provides tips for small businesses to generate internet marketing through their website, traffic, and paid advertising. It recommends evaluating your website's effectiveness, setting up analytics to track traffic, optimizing for search engine results through keywords, links and listings, and using paid platforms like Google Adwords and Facebook ads. The goal is to educate yourself on simple marketing strategies to attract customers and see continuous business growth.

Top AlignedPositivesCleaner scan line, means more rapid processing and less effortLabel and input field are adjacentAllows long labelsHorizontal space for grouping related fieldsStudies show highest completion ratesGood for familiar dataNegatives2x Increased vertical space.
Top Aligned Labels
Right AlignedPositivesClose proximity between label and input fieldGood for varied label widths2x faster to complete as left aligned labelsReduced vertical spaceNegativesLeft rag of labels makes scanning less efficient
Right Aligned Labels

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This document provides 60 tips for Facebook app development and marketing. It discusses setting up profiles and pages properly, using engaging content like photos and videos, monitoring metrics, responding to fans, creating exclusive content for fans, and using ads to promote apps. The tips are intended to help improve apps' presence on Facebook and provide quick, easy strategies for effective Facebook marketing.

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I cover five common marketing mistakes I see businesses making and tell you how to fix them. This was actually a presentation I gave at my BNI chapter so below are the slides I used. If you woudl like to hear me talk to the slides then head along to the podcast at

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Designing online forms (Jessica Kerr, Formulate)

The document discusses guidelines for designing online forms. It outlines the "4 Cs" of good form design: forms should be clear, concise, clever, and cooperative. Clear forms ensure the user understands what to do with minimal effort. Concise forms gather only required information efficiently. Clever forms reduce errors through features like pre-filled data and validation. Cooperative forms provide guidance to users with explanations, confirmations, and a bug-free experience. The document also notes there are four layers to a form: questions and answers, flow, layout, and the overall process.

Left AlignedPositivesEasy to scan labels is good for unfamiliar dataReduced vertical spaceGood for forms with sensitive data where you want users to slow down.NegativesLabel and corresponding field are not adjacentLong labels extend gaps between labels and controls causing visual “jumps”
Left Aligned Labels
Buttons56% of Submit buttons are left aligned with the form.  While only 26% are right aligned and 17% centered.*You do not need a cancel button. The user can navigate else where if they are not longer interested.Secondary actions should be separated from the primary action. This can be done visually by making the secondary action a less prominent link.The primary action should be to the left of the secondary action.* Smashing Magazine:
Examples1.  Primary Button, Secondary Link2.  Primary Button, Secondary Button3.  Primary Action on Right

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By In this guide we’ll give you our pro tips on how to design the perfect online form that is simple and easy to fill out, which will ultimately lead to more submissions and a lot less frustration from your applicants.

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This document outlines 13 common mistakes made on insurance agency websites and provides recommendations on how to fix each mistake. The mistakes include having a narrow website, messy color schemes, lack of contact information, an empty website without interactive features, a complicated or cluttered layout, not promoting key lines of business, lacking quote forms, overly long quote forms, no online payment options, lack of claims information, overuse of Flash content, intro/splash pages, and automatically playing videos or music. The recommendations generally emphasize having a well-designed, easy to use website that promotes the agency's services and allows customers to get quotes and manage their policies online.

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The client received an SEO review from Yoast that contained numerous inaccuracies and irrelevant recommendations that did not address the client's needs or website model. The client, who has decades of experience in consulting, deemed the report one of the worst he had ever seen. He requests a full refund or a completely new report from Yoast that is based on an accurate examination of the site and focuses solely on relevant SEO issues. The client provides multiple examples to support his criticism that the original report demonstrated a lack of understanding of the site and failed to properly investigate it.

Forms are crucial to businesses and stand between the user and the companies product or service.Improve Conversions
How do you get to the form?You should have a clear call to action on your homepage.Use very clear links and leads. “Sign Up” is 2x more likely to catch your users eye over “Register”, “Join” and “Create Account”.A signup link should be located in the top third of your page, preferably next to the login form.
What’s on the form?Users really do care about what your asking them.For Example: Asking someone for their address is like saying, I’m going to send you stuff. If they are not ordering a product, this may immediately turn them away.Context also matters. If I am just signing up for a clothing site, you should not be asking for my credit card number. If I am trying to purchase an order, then the context would be correct for purchasing information.Try to keep it between 3-8 mandatory fields. Less is better.

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The ultimate ux checklist for your website app

Today’s sophisticated internet users have high expectations when it comes to their experience using a website or an app. They are quick and impatient and also have shorter attention span – thanks to new mobile technologies that contributed significantly to this shift in Internet user behavior. You only get a few seconds to grab the user’s attention to check out your website or app and once he is on-board, you get only a few seconds to impress the user by providing great user experience which in turn increases the session duration or the time user spends on your website or app. As you know great user experience also results in repeat visits and better conversion rate.

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The document provides tips for writing effective web content. It discusses how users typically scan web pages in an F-shaped pattern. Key points include using visual hierarchies with formatting like size, color and white space; writing concise headlines and paragraphs; and structuring information in logical segments to aid scanning. Content should fulfill user needs and expectations with minimal effort. Headlines need keywords for searches and should work out of context. Visuals, functionality and satisfaction are important for user experience.


Microinteractions: How to Design Product Details. An introduction to microinteractions, based on the book.

uiuxweb design
How is it organized?	Every form should have a name and a clear purposeAlways chunk information into logical groupsEach chunk should have a clear title summarizing the questions in that sectionTry to avoid multi-page forms. However, if used always make it clear how many steps are involved and how far the user has gotten.Use subtle visual cues like dividers to help group related contentBold form labels for easier scanning.
How are you helping them?Provide hints and tool tips with additional informationUse examples of expected and allowed inputUse tip icons with rollovers and panels for explanations to the right of the input fields.Use one line liner examples and info directly below input fields.Highlight fields with errors, and display error messages in line or at the top of the screen.Allow tabbing through the form and all controls.
Improve your conversions.Metrics should be used to measure completion rates, times, and issues.Create multiple versions and do A to B testing to see which forms result in the highest conversion rates.
Online Reading…Smashing Magazine: Wroblewski: Jarrett:

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Automated testingAutomated testing
Automated testing

Slides about automated testing that accompanied a live demo at the April '10 South Florida User Experience Meetup.

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Usability and Form Design - University of Calgary
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Usability and Form Design - University of Calgary

This document provides an overview of a course on Internet Marketing and Social Media that covers various topics related to user experience design. The course covers 10 steps to user experience including understanding the user, planning before designing, understanding goals, avoiding premature solutions, form following function, the importance of content, persuasive design, accessibility, and learning from failures. It also discusses specific topics like usability and form design in more depth providing guidance on best practices. Resources for further reading like books, websites, and Twitter accounts are recommended at the end.

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Usability Evaluation Considered Harmful (Some of the Time)
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Usability Evaluation Considered Harmful (Some of the Time)

- The document discusses issues with over-reliance on usability evaluation in early design, CHI research, and cultural appropriation contexts. Usability evaluation is best suited for later stages and can stifle innovation if used too early. - A variety of qualitative and iterative methods are more appropriate than usability testing alone in early design and for understanding how designs may be used across cultures. The choice of evaluation method should fit the problem or research question. - CHI trends have over-emphasized usability evaluation but the field would benefit from considering a wider range of methods to balance innovation and validation. Early designs are best explored through idea generation and critique rather than usability testing.

Off Line Reading…Forms that Work: Designing Web Forms for UsabilityBy: Caroline Jarrett$44.95 on AmazonWeb Form Design: Filling in the Blanks By: Luke Wroblewski$36 on Rosenfeld Media

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Form Design: Best Practices to Improve Conversions

  • 1. Form Design: Best Practices to Reduce Errors and Improve ConversionsLauren Martin
  • 2. Design Principles Keep it Simple Avoid unnecessary text and inputs.Focused GoalIt should be easy to see what needs to be done to complete the form.Be ClearYou never know the context of the user, make sure things are very clear and unambiguous.Constantly CommunicateInform users about what’s going on when it happens.
  • 3. The basics of labels, errors and layout.Login Forms
  • 4. Clear, Obvious, ConciseSet proper expectations by letting the user know exactly what you are looking for.
  • 5. Locate, Inform, AssistError messages should inform the user Where the error happened, What the error was, and How to correct it.
  • 6. Clean, Focused, ApparentFocus on the point. Provide users with a clear call to action and next steps.
  • 10. Alignment and Orientation Examples From: Web Form Design by Luke WroblewskiLayout Best Practices
  • 11. Path to CompletionMinimize distractions by removing unnecessary elementsThe scan line should have good visual spacing.Provide a single path throughout the form
  • 13. Top AlignedPositivesCleaner scan line, means more rapid processing and less effortLabel and input field are adjacentAllows long labelsHorizontal space for grouping related fieldsStudies show highest completion ratesGood for familiar dataNegatives2x Increased vertical space.
  • 15. Right AlignedPositivesClose proximity between label and input fieldGood for varied label widths2x faster to complete as left aligned labelsReduced vertical spaceNegativesLeft rag of labels makes scanning less efficient
  • 17. Left AlignedPositivesEasy to scan labels is good for unfamiliar dataReduced vertical spaceGood for forms with sensitive data where you want users to slow down.NegativesLabel and corresponding field are not adjacentLong labels extend gaps between labels and controls causing visual “jumps”
  • 19. Buttons56% of Submit buttons are left aligned with the form. While only 26% are right aligned and 17% centered.*You do not need a cancel button. The user can navigate else where if they are not longer interested.Secondary actions should be separated from the primary action. This can be done visually by making the secondary action a less prominent link.The primary action should be to the left of the secondary action.* Smashing Magazine:
  • 20. Examples1. Primary Button, Secondary Link2. Primary Button, Secondary Button3. Primary Action on Right
  • 22. Forms are crucial to businesses and stand between the user and the companies product or service.Improve Conversions
  • 23. How do you get to the form?You should have a clear call to action on your homepage.Use very clear links and leads. “Sign Up” is 2x more likely to catch your users eye over “Register”, “Join” and “Create Account”.A signup link should be located in the top third of your page, preferably next to the login form.
  • 24. What’s on the form?Users really do care about what your asking them.For Example: Asking someone for their address is like saying, I’m going to send you stuff. If they are not ordering a product, this may immediately turn them away.Context also matters. If I am just signing up for a clothing site, you should not be asking for my credit card number. If I am trying to purchase an order, then the context would be correct for purchasing information.Try to keep it between 3-8 mandatory fields. Less is better.
  • 25. How is it organized? Every form should have a name and a clear purposeAlways chunk information into logical groupsEach chunk should have a clear title summarizing the questions in that sectionTry to avoid multi-page forms. However, if used always make it clear how many steps are involved and how far the user has gotten.Use subtle visual cues like dividers to help group related contentBold form labels for easier scanning.
  • 26. How are you helping them?Provide hints and tool tips with additional informationUse examples of expected and allowed inputUse tip icons with rollovers and panels for explanations to the right of the input fields.Use one line liner examples and info directly below input fields.Highlight fields with errors, and display error messages in line or at the top of the screen.Allow tabbing through the form and all controls.
  • 27. Improve your conversions.Metrics should be used to measure completion rates, times, and issues.Create multiple versions and do A to B testing to see which forms result in the highest conversion rates.
  • 29. Off Line Reading…Forms that Work: Designing Web Forms for UsabilityBy: Caroline Jarrett$44.95 on AmazonWeb Form Design: Filling in the Blanks By: Luke Wroblewski$36 on Rosenfeld Media

Editor's Notes

  1. Set proper expectationsusing clear, obvious, concise language.Login is not clear. What is the login, a user name, account number, email address?What is a “passcode”, According to, it’s a password. So why not write “password”.
  2. Error messages should inform the user Where the error happened, What the error was, and How to correct it.This error informs me that my “Login” information is incorrect. In the form they use “Login” as the title of a field. Therefore it indicates that you entered the incorrect login username.It’s not clear where the error happened, or what the user needs to do to fix it. Let’s assume you are guessing at your login with a common username you use, so you click the “What is my Login” link.After reading carefully, we see that our Login is our “Email address” or “member ID”. Why wasn’t this simply stated on the login form? So you decide to try your email address. And you get the same exact error.So you try Forgot Passcode, thinking maybe you can simply reset everything here. Now you are again asked for your Login, as well as your email. Considering your Login may be your email, they are essentially asking for the same thing twice in different ways. So, even though you are unsure of your credentials, you give it a shot. And when you click continue you get this helpful error…And you are no closer to logging in then you were in the beginning.
  3. Focus on the point. Provide users with a clear call to action and next steps.Here we have the Comcast login. This form has many of the same issues as the Citibank form such as a generic error message an unclear login instructions.However, this form is also very cluttered. This makes it harder to scan, and easier to click the wrong thing.“If you’ve already registered with simply sign in” This is completely unnecessary, redundant and only adds clutter to the form. The main title “Sign In To” has already done this job.The not registered are is squished right up below the main login form. This should be visually separated to help distinguish the two possible actions. There is also way to much text here, that is unnecessary and only gets in the way.The error message isn’t given a high enough priority and within the context of the full webpage can be missed.
  4. Here is one possible way this form could be redesigned. We have reduced the text which has greatly simplified the form, and saved space.We have used clear concise labelsWe focused on the primary action, but provided a clear link to secondary actionWe helped the user locate the error using the field label where the error occurred in the message. We also inform the user of the problem, and set a focus on the field where the error occurred.
  5. This is an example of a right aligned form. However this form could still be improved. According to Smashing Magazine 82% of the time it is not necessary to confirm the email and 72% of the time it’s not necessary to confirm the password.