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Fork/Join frameworkRainbow attack examplePhilip Savkinphilip.savkin@gmail.comTwitter: philipsavkin
Fork Join FrameworkJava framework for supporting a style of parallel programming in which problems are solved by (recursively) splitting them into subtasks that are solved in parallel, waiting for them to complete, and then composing results.
AlgorithmResult solve(Problem problem) {  if (problem is small)    directly solve problem  else {    split problem into independent parts    fork new subtasks to solve each part    join all subtasks   compose result from subresults  }}
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This document provides an overview of Clojure and why one may want to try it. Some key points include: - Clojure is a functional programming language that runs on the JVM and allows easy interoperability with Java. - It has a very small and elegant syntax based on Lisp with sensible macro names and prefix notation. - Clojure encourages pure functional programming and the use of immutable data structures, while providing tools like Software Transactional Memory to allow safe mutable state changes. - Its focus on functions as first-class citizens and referential transparency can provide benefits for writing parallel and concurrent code more easily compared to other languages.

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Modern Java concurrency has undergone significant changes since Java 5 with the introduction of java.util.concurrent (j.u.c.). While concurrency is not a new subject, j.u.c. provides constructs like ReentrantLock, ConcurrentHashMap, and Executors that make concurrent programming easier compared to traditional approaches. However, many applications still use older concurrency approaches despite j.u.c. being faster and more refined in recent Java versions. The document advocates upgrading applications to take advantage of modern concurrency features.

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This document provides an overview of functional reactive programming (FRP) and compositional event systems (CES). It discusses how FRP approaches handling time-varying values like regular values. It presents an example of modeling game movements reactively using key press events. It also demonstrates how CES can be used to handle asynchronous workflows by turning network responses into observable streams. The document compares CES to other approaches like core.async and discusses benefits of CES like supporting multiple subscribers.

Let’s see some code!
Test resultsTested on Amazon EC2 Extra Large instance running 64 bit AMI Linux15 Gb RAM, 4 processorsRainbow table size: 6 041 508Input: list of 1000 MD5 hashesFound all 10 passwords
Test results
Bonus slide - OfftopicNever keep passwords in cleartext!MD5 is a bad choiceAlways add “salt” to passwordsThe right way: use Bcrypt!

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Functional Programming is preferred since it uses pure functions and values and keeps side effects at bay. However, while building real-life applications, side effects are often needed in the scenario when, say, one needs to query a database or read from or write to the stream. If you’re facing this challenge in your projects too, then IO Monads can come to your rescue. Explore how using IO Monads, Scala developers can smoothly encapsulate side effects and write graceful programs while maintaining purity in Functional programming. 1. How to deal with side-effects in Scala in a purely functional way? 2. Important features like a) Synchronous and asynchronous computations b) Error handling c) Concurrency d) Parallelism e) Cancellation

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The document discusses parallel programming in .NET. It covers two main strategies for parallelism - data parallelism and task parallelism. For data parallelism, it describes using Parallel.For to partition work over collections. For task parallelism, it discusses using the Task Parallel Library to create and run independent tasks concurrently, allowing work to be distributed across multiple processors. It provides examples of creating tasks implicitly with Parallel.Invoke and explicitly by instantiating Task objects and passing delegates.

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More offtopicThe “pastebin” experiment one password “a1”
QuestionsThank you!

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