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A Sophos white paper May 2020
Results of an independent study of
5,000 IT managers across 26 countries
1A Sophos white paper May 2020
Stories of organizations crippled by ransomware regularly dominate the IT news headlines,
and accounts of six- and seven-figure ransom demands are commonplace. But do the
news stories tell the full story?
To understand the reality behind the headlines, Sophos commissioned an independent
survey of 5,000 IT managers across 26 countries. The findings provide brand new insight
into what actually happens once ransomware hits. It reveals the percentage of attacks
that successfully encrypt data; how many victims pay the ransom; how paying the ransom
impacts the overall clean-up costs; and the role of cybersecurity insurance. Be prepared to
be surprised.
About the survey
Sophos commissioned specialist research house Vanson Bourne to survey 5,000 IT
managers on their experiences of ransomware. Sophos had no role in the selection of
respondents and all responses were provided anonymously. The survey was conducted
during January and February 2020.
Respondents came from 26 countries across six continents:
Australia 200
Belgium 100
Brazil 200
Canada 200
China 200
Colombia 200
Czech Republic 100
France 300
Germany 300
India 300
Italy 200
Japan 200
Malaysia 100
Mexico 200
Netherlands 200
Nigeria 100
Philippines 100
Poland 100
Singapore 200
South Africa 200
Spain 200
Sweden 100
Turkey 100
UAE 100
UK 300
U.S. 500
Within each country, 50% of respondents were from organizations of between 100 and
1,000 employees, while 50% were from organizations of between 1,001 and 5,000 employees.
Respondents came from a range of sectors, both public and private.
IT, technology and telecoms 979 20%
Retail, distribution and transport 666 13%
Manufacturing and production 648 13%
Financial services 547 11%
Public sector 498 10%
Business and professional services 480 10%
Construction and property 272 5%
Energy, oil/gas and utilities 204 4%
Media, leisure and entertainment 164 3%
Other 542 11%
2A Sophos white paper May 2020
Executive summary
The survey provides fresh new insight into the experiences of organizations hit by ransomware,
	Ì Almost three quarters of ransomware attacks result in the data being encrypted. 51%
of organizations were hit by ransomware in the last year. The criminals succeeded in
encrypting the data in 73% of these attacks.
	Ì 26% of ransomware victims whose data was encrypted got their data back by paying
the ransom. A further 1% paid the ransom but didn’t get their data back.
	Ì 94% of organizations whose data was encrypted got it back. More than twice as many
got it back via backups (56%) than by paying the ransom (26%).
	Ì Paying the ransom doubles the cost of dealing with a ransomware attack. The
average cost to rectify the impacts of the most recent ransomware attack (considering
downtime, people time, device cost, network cost, lost opportunity, ransom paid etc.)
is US$732,520 for organizations that don’t pay the ransom, rising to US$1,448,458 for
organizations that do pay.
	Ì Despite the headlines, the public sector is less affected by ransomware than the
private sector. 45% of public sector organizations were hit by ransomware last year,
compared to a global average of 51%, and a high of 60% in the media, leisure, and
entertainment industries.
	Ì One in five organizations has a major hole in their cybersecurity insurance. 84% of
respondents have cybersecurity insurance, but only 64% have insurance that covers
	Ì Cybersecurity insurance pays the ransom. For those organizations that have insurance
against ransomware, 94% of the time when the ransom is paid to get the data back, it’s
the insurance company that pays.
	Ì Most successful ransomware attacks include data in the public cloud. 59% of attacks
where the data was encrypted involved data in the public cloud. While it’s likely that
respondents took a broad interpretation of public cloud, including cloud-based services
such as Google Drive and Dropbox and cloud backup such as Veeam, it’s clear that
cybercriminals are targeting data wherever it stored.
3A Sophos white paper May 2020
Part 1: The prevalence of ransomware
Half of organizations were hit by ransomware last year
51% of respondents said they had been hit by ransomware in the last year. Organizations did
report a slight drop in attacks compared with previous years. An earlier Sophos-commissioned
survey published in 2017 (sample size 1,700 organizations) revealed that 54% of respondents
had been hit by ransomware in the prior year.
In the last year, has your organization been hit by ransomware? Base: 5,000 respondents (2020), 1,700 respondents (2017).
This drop, while welcome, is likely due to a change in tactics from the ransomware actors
rather than a reduced focus on this type of attack. In 2017 mass market ‘spray and pray’
desktop ransomware was very common based on insights from SophosLabs. These
attacks were spread widely and indiscriminately, resulting in a high number of organizations
being hit.
Now, in 2020, the trend is for server-based attacks. These are highly-targeted, sophisticated
attacks that take more effort to deploy – hence the reduction in the number of attacks.
However, they are typically far more deadly due to the higher value of assets encrypted and
can cripple organizations with multi-million dollar ransom requests.
For subsequent survey questions, if the organization reported multiple ransomware attacks
in the last year, we asked them to respond for the most significant attack in the last year
Size doesn’t matter
There was a small difference in ransomware attack rates based on organization size. While
just under half of the smaller organizations (100-1000 employees) were hit (47%), just over
half (54%) of larger organizations (1001-5000 employees) were hit.
4A Sophos white paper May 2020
Attack levels vary across the globe
Looking at the level of ransomware attacks across the globe reveals interesting variations.
This is likely due to criminals focusing their efforts where they see greatest opportunity for
return, and also differing countries having differing levels of ransomware defenses.
Percentage of organizations hit by ransomware in the last year
In the last year, has your organization been hit by ransomware? Base: 5,000 respondents.
	Ì India (300 respondents) tops the list with 82% of organizations reporting being hit by
ransomware in the last year. This is not a huge surprise. Cyber hygiene is generally poor
in India, and pirated technology abounds, creating weaknesses in cyber defenses and
making organizations more vulnerable to attack.
	Ì The Philippines, Poland, and South Africa report the lowest levels of cyberattacks.
As we discussed earlier, cybercriminals have moved from ‘spray and pray’ desktop
ransomware attacks to more targeted server-based attacks that affect fewer
organizations but with higher ransom demands. They geo-target their attacks to go
after the most lucrative opportunities. The three countries at the bottom of the attack
scale also have lower GDP than many of the other countries higher up the list which
may be why they receive less focus from the cybercriminals.
	Ì The move from ‘spray and pray’ to targeted attacks focused on the most lucrative
targets likely contributed to the noticeable reduction in ransomware in South Africa. In
our previous survey (2017) 54% of respondents reported being hit by ransomware in the
last year, but this is now down to 24%, a drop of over 50%.
	Ì Canada (200 respondents) reports surprisingly few ransomware attacks. As an
advanced, Western country it would be considered a lucrative target, yet only 39% of
respondents report being hit by ransomware. This is a full 20 percentage points lower
than neighboring U.S., where 59% reported ransomware. It may be that it benefits from
being in the attack shadow of the U.S. At the same time, the Canadian respondents were
very alert to the issue and expect it to come their way; 68% of the organizations not hit
by ransomware anticipate being in the future.
Global Average
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
South Africa
Czech Republic
India 82%
5A Sophos white paper May 2020
Public sector suffers fewest ransomware attacks
Yes, you read that correctly – the public sector reported fewer attacks than all other sectors.
The media, leisure, and entertainment industries actually report the highest levels of attack
(60%), closely followed by IT, technology, and telecoms (56%).
Percentage of organizations hit by ransomware in the last year
Global Average
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Public sector
and production
and transport
and property
Business and
Energy, oil/gas,
IT, technology,
Media, leisure,
entertainment 60%
In the last year, has your organization been hit by ransomware? Base: 5,000 respondents.
At first glance this is surprising: the news is full of stories of hospitals and government
organizations that have been held to ransom. However, the survey reveals that those
headlines are creating a skewed picture of reality.
In many countries, public sector organizations are obliged to report ransomware attacks.
However, the private sector often has no such requirements and so can choose to keep the
attack quiet – perhaps to avoid creating concern among customers, reputation damage, or
being perceived as an easy target by other attackers.
These findings are backed up by Sophos’ own research into SamSam ransomware. Working
with cryptocurrency monitoring organization Neutrino, Sophos followed the money and
identified many ransom payments and victims that were previously unknown. Based on the
much larger number of victims now known, it seems that the private sector had actually
borne the brunt of SamSam.
6A Sophos white paper May 2020
Part 2: The impact of ransomware
Three quarters of ransomware attacks result in the data being
Traditionally, there are three main elements to a successful ransomware attack: encrypt the
data, get payment, decrypt the data. In almost three quarters of ransomware attacks (73%),
the cybercriminals succeeded in encrypting the data.
It is, however, encouraging is that in just under a quarter of cases (24%) the attack was
stopped before the data could be encrypted. It seems that anti-ransomware technology is
having an impact on the success rate of ransomware attacks.
succeeded in
encrypting data
24%Attacks stopped
before the data could
be encrypted
3%Data not encrypted
but victim still held
to ransom
One interesting finding from the survey is that 3% of organizations said their data was not
encrypted but they were still held to ransom. This type of attack was particularly dominant
in Nigeria, as well as Colombia, South Africa, China, Poland, Belgium and the Philippines.
You could argue that this is extortion rather than ransomware. Semantics aside, the most
important take-away is this is an attack vector to be vigilant of as crooks look for ways to
make money without the effort of encrypting and decrypting files.
7A Sophos white paper May 2020
Attacks most likely to succeed in Japan
Looking at a country level, Japan has the least success at stopping attacks with 95% of
attacks resulting in the encryption of data. Conversely, in Turkey, half of attacks (51%) were
stopped before the data could be encrypted. Reasons for this global variation could include
differing levels of awareness of both the prevalence of ransomware and the likelihood of
being hit, which in turn could result in differing levels of anti-ransomware specific defenses.
Percentage of attacks stopped before the data was encrypted
Global Average
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
South Africa
Czech Republic
Percentage of respondents that answered ‘No, the attack was stopped before the data could be encrypted’ to: Did the cybercriminals
succeed in encrypting your organization’s data in the most significant ransomware attack? Question only seen by respondents whose
organization had been hit by ransomware in the last year. Base: 2,538 respondents.
Poland has been removed from this chart as it has a base of below 30 respondents, and the
Philippines has a base of just 30.
8A Sophos white paper May 2020
Data in the public cloud is a mainstream target
We asked the 73% of respondents that said their data had been encrypted in the most
recent ransomware attack what data was encrypted. 41% said just on-premises data
and/or data in the private cloud, while 35% said just data in the public cloud. 24% said a
combination of the two. Adding this up, nearly six in 10 successful attacks (59%) include
data in the public cloud.
41%On premises/
private cloud
59%Includes data in
the public cloud
35%Data in the
public cloud
24%Data in the public
cloud and on
cloud data
Did the cybercriminals succeed in encrypting your organization’s data in the most significant ransomware attack? Responses from
respondents whose organization’s data had been encrypted in the most recent ransomware attack. Base: 1,849 respondents.
A word of caution here: it is likely that the respondents took a broad interpretation of public
cloud, including cloud-based services such as Google Drive and Dropbox and cloud backup
such as Veem, rather than focusing solely on AWS, Azure, and Alibaba Cloud-type services.
Nonetheless, there is a clear takeaway: no data is safe, and you should ensure data stored in
the cloud is as well protected and backed-up as data stored on premises.
9A Sophos white paper May 2020
26% of ransomware victims got their data back by paying the ransom
26% of those organizations whose data was encrypted got it back by paying the ransom. A
further 1% of organizations whose data was encrypted paid the ransom but didn’t get their
data back – so overall, 95% of organizations that paid the ransom had their data restored
(473 of the 496 organizations that paid the ransom).
When it comes to paying the ransom, we see some noticeable regional variations. In India
two out of three (66%) paid the ransom to get the data back, while 29% used backups.
Conversely, in Spain just 4% paid the ransom while 72% restored the data from backups.
Percentage of organizations that paid the ransom
Global Average
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Czech Republic
Percentage of respondents that answered “Yes, we paid the ransom” to: Did your organization get the data back in the most significant
ransomware attack? Question only seen by respondents whose organization had experienced a ransomware attack where data was
encrypted. Base: 1,849 respondents.
Note, we have removed the Philippines, South Africa, Poland and Turkey from this chart as
they all had bases of 30 or fewer for this question.
10A Sophos white paper May 2020
94% of organizations get their data back
While 73% of ransomware attacks succeed in encrypting data, the good news is that 94% of
organizations affected managed to get their data back.
As we’ve seen, 26% got their data back by paying the ransom. However, more than double
that (56%) restored their data using backups. The remaining 12% said that they got their
data back through other means.
73%Of attacks result
in data being
56%Used backups
to get the data
94%Of victims get
their data back
Organization size impacts remediation cost
Unsurprisingly, the survey has confirmed that the cost for remediating a ransomware
attack is higher for larger organizations.
Average cost to remediate a ransomware attack
Global average
What was the approximate cost to your organization to rectify the impacts of the most recent ransomware attack (considering
downtime, people time, device cost, network cost, lost opportunity, ransom paid etc.)? Question only seen by respondents whose
organization had been hit by ransomware in the last year. Base: 2,538 respondents.
The average cost to the organization to rectify the impacts of the most recent ransomware
attack (considering downtime, people time, device cost, network cost, lost opportunity,
ransom paid etc.) is US$761,106. For smaller organizations of 100-1,001 employees the
average cost was $505,827 and for 1,001 to 5,000 employee organizations the average
cost was $981,140.
11A Sophos white paper May 2020
Ransomware costs vary by country
What is surprising, however, is the variation in remediation cost across the countries
surveyed. In particular, Sweden and Japan report considerably higher costs than all other
countries. At the other end of the scale, South Africa and the Czech Republic have the
lowest remediation costs. We have excluded Poland from this chart as it had a base of
below 30 respondents.
Average ransomware remediation cost by country
Global Average
0 $500k $1m $1.5m $2m $3m$2.5m
Czech Republic
South Africa
What was the approximate cost to your organization to rectify the impacts of the most recent ransomware attack (considering
downtime, people time, device cost, network cost, lost opportunity, ransom paid etc.)? Question only seen by respondents whose
organization had been hit by ransomware in the last year. Base: 2,538 respondents.
One possible reason for this variation in cost is the labor costs in the different countries.
Sweden and Japan are typically higher salary countries, so the cost of the human hours
required to remediate the ransomware attack will add up. Conversely, South Africa and the
Czech Republic are typically lower labor cost areas.
We have already seen that Sweden has the second highest rate of ransom payment of all
countries surveyed, second only to India. However, unlike India, it also has high labor costs
which combine to deliver a financial double whammy when it comes to cleaning up after
12A Sophos white paper May 2020
Paying the ransom doubles the cost
One of the most interesting findings from the survey is that paying the ransom almost
doubles the overall remediation cost versus not paying or getting the data back via backups
or other means. Not only does not paying the ransom generally make you feel better
because you haven’t given money to criminals, the good news is that it also saves you
money in the long run.
Average cost to remediate a ransomware attack
Paid ransom
Didn't pay
Did your organization get the data back in the most significant ransomware attack? Data only represents respondents whose
organization’s data had been encrypted in the most recent ransomware attack. Base: 1,849 respondents. Paid the ransom combines
responses "Yes, we paid the ransom" and "No, even though we paid the ransom." Didn’t pay the ransom combines responses "Yes, we
used backups to restore the data," "Yes, we used other means to get our data back," and "No, we didn’t pay the ransom."
This may sound counterintuitive: if you’ve paid the ransom, why does it cost more? Well
even if you pay the ransom, you still need to do a lot of work to restore the data. In fact, the
costs to recover the data and get things back to normal are likely to be the same whether
you get the data back from the criminals or from your backups. But if you pay the ransom,
you’ve got another big cost on top.
13A Sophos white paper May 2020
Part 3: The role of insurance
One in five have holes in their cybersecurity insurance
Cybersecurity insurance is now the norm, with 84% of organizations reporting that they
have it. However, only 64% have cybersecurity insurance that covers ransomware. This
means up to one in five organizations (20%) are paying for cybersecurity insurance that
doesn’t cover ransomware.
84%Have cybersecurity
20%Paying for cybersecurity
insurance that DOESN'T
cover ransomware
64%Have cybersecurity
insurance that covers
Does your organization have cybersecurity insurance that covers it if it is hit by ransomware? Base: 5,000 respondents.
Given that, as we’ve seen, 51% of organizations experienced ransomware in the last year, and
with average remediation costs of US$761,106, organizations should question the value of
insurance that excludes ransomware.
Cybersecurity insurance by country
Has cybersecurity insurance Has cybersecurity insurance that covers ransomware
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Czech Republic
South Africa
Does your organization have cybersecurity insurance that covers it if it is hit by ransomware? Base: 5,000 respondents.
14A Sophos white paper May 2020
This table looks those data points by country. The blue shows the percentage of
organizations with cybersecurity insurance and the orange shows the percentage with
insurance that covers them for ransomware. What we need to look at here are both the
absolute numbers for each column, as well as the gap between the two bars for each
India tops the list of organizations with cybersecurity insurance, and has the second-
highest level (80%) of organizations with insurance that covers ransomware. Given
that India also reported the highest propensity to be hit by ransomware, this is a logical
Turkey reported the third-highest rate of ransomware attacks. However, while it has the
third-highest rate of cybersecurity insurance (93% are covered), it also has one of the
biggest gaps between bars with only 57% of organizations covered for ransomware.
Despite China having a below-average rate of ransomware attacks (45% hit in the last year),
it has the joint-highest level of cybersecurity insurance (94%) as well the highest level of
cybersecurity insurance that covers ransomware (82%). Indeed, it has the smallest gap
between columns of all 26 countries surveyed.
One interesting outlier here is Germany. It is surprising to see a developed economy that
has such a low level of insurance (77%), as well as one of the lowest levels of cybersecurity
insurance that covers ransomware (50%). Germany reported above-average levels of
ransomware (57% of organizations were hit in the last year) which makes the insurance
data even more surprising.
The public sector is most exposed to ransomware costs
Although we’ve seen that the public sector is least exposed to ransomware, it is also –
conversely – most exposed to the full cost of an attack.
On average, 64% of organizations have insurance that covers ransomware. The financial
services industry has the highest rate of coverage (72%), likely due to the nature of their
industry making them a lucrative target for crooks. IT, telecoms, and technology are not far
behind on 70%.
Cybersecurity insurance that covers ransomware
Global Average
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Public sector
and transport
and property
and production
Media, leisure,
Business and
IT, technology,
services 72%
Does your organization have cybersecurity insurance that covers it if it is hit by ransomware? Base: 5,000.
15A Sophos white paper May 2020
Public sector organizations, however, lag considerably behind their private sector
counterparts. Just 51% are covered by insurance for ransomware costs, a full 10
percentage points behind the next sector. This low rate of protection could be due to costs.
Tight public sector funding is commonplace across the globe and it may be that budgets
don’t stretch to insurance. Either way, this is a short term savings if an attack does breach
their defenses.
Cybersecurity insurance and ransom payments
Let’s now look at the role of cybersecurity in paying the ransom. As we’ve seen, 73% of
ransomware attacks result in the data being encrypted. Of those organizations whose data
was encrypted, 26% said they paid the ransom to get the data back.
73%Ransomware attacks
resulted in data
being encrypted
26%Organizations whose
data was encrypted
paid the ransom
94%Organizations that paid
said the cybersecurity
insurance paid
the ransom
However, when we dive deeper, we discover that, in almost all of the incidents when the
ransom is paid – 94% – it’s the cybersecurity insurance that’s paying the ransom. And, as
we’ve seen, paying the ransom doubles the overall clean-up costs.
16A Sophos white paper May 2020
Part 4: Ransomware attack techniques
We asked the organizations that said they had been hit by ransomware in the last year how
the attack got into their organization. File download/email with malicious attachments
topped the list, accounting for 29% of attacks. Second was remote attacks on servers,
accounting for 21% of attacks.
Via a file download/email with malicious link 741 29%
Via remote attack on server 543 21%
Via email with malicious attachment 401 16%
Misconfigured public cloud instances 233 9%
Via our Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) 221 9%
Via a supplier who works with our organization 218 9%
Via a USB/removable media device 172 7%
Other 0 0%
Don’t know 9 0%
Total 2538 100%
How did the ransomware attack get into your organization? Question asked to respondents whose organization had been hit by
ransomware in the last year. Base: 2,538 respondents.
What really stands out when we look at this data is that there is no single main attack
vector. Rather, attackers are using a range of techniques and whichever defense has a
weakness is how they get in. When one technique fails they move on to the next, until they
find a weak spot.
This data demonstrates the need for an effective layered defense that covers your
endpoints, servers, public cloud instances, email, network gateway, and supply chain. Just
focusing on a single technology is a recipe for infection.
17A Sophos white paper May 2020
The survey has confirmed that ransomware remains a very real threat for organizations
today. It’s also provided insight into how to minimize your risk of being held hostage:
1.	Start with the assumption that you will be hit. Ransomware it doesn’t discriminate:
every organization is a target, regardless of size, sector, or geography. Plan your
cybersecurity strategy based on the assumption that you will get hit by an attack.
2.	Invest in anti-ransomware technology to stop unauthorized encryption. 24% of survey
respondents that were hit by ransomware were able to stop the attack before the data
could be encrypted.
3.	Protect data wherever it’s held. Almost six in 10 ransomware attacks that successfully
encrypted data include data in the public cloud. Your strategy should include protecting
data in the public cloud, private cloud, and on premises.
4.	Make regular backups and store offsite and offline. 56% of organizations whose data
was encrypted restored their data using backups last year. Using backups to restore
your data considerably lowers the costs of dealing with the attack compared with
paying the ransom.
5.	Ensure your cyber insurance covers ransomware. Make sure that you’re fully covered if
the worst does happen.
6.	Deploy a layered defense. Ransomware actors use a wide range of techniques to get
around your defenses; when one is blocked, they move on to the next one until they find
the chink in your armor. You need to defend against all vectors of attack.
Introducing Sophos Intercept X Endpoint
Ransomware actors combine sophisticated attack techniques with hands-on hacking.
Sophos Intercept X Endpoint gives you the advanced protection technologies you need to
disrupt the whole attack chain, including:
	Ì Encryption rollback - CryptoGuard blocks the unauthorized encryption of files and rolls
them back to their safe state in seconds.
	Ì Exploit protection - Detects and blocks more than three dozen exploit techniques used
to download and install malware, preventing attackers getting on your network.
	Ì AI-powered threat protection - Sophos’ own deep learning engine predictively prevent
more attacks and has lower false positives than any other security software.
	Ì Credential theft - Stops hackers getting your credentials, blocking unauthorized system
access and admin privilege escalation.
Learn more and start an instant
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About Vanson Bourne
Vanson Bourne is an independent specialist in market research for the technology sector. Their reputation for robust and credible research-
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Estado del ransomware en 2020

  • 1. A Sophos white paper May 2020 THE STATE OF RANSOMWARE 2020 Results of an independent study of 5,000 IT managers across 26 countries
  • 2. THE STATE OF RANSOMWARE 2020 1A Sophos white paper May 2020 Introduction Stories of organizations crippled by ransomware regularly dominate the IT news headlines, and accounts of six- and seven-figure ransom demands are commonplace. But do the news stories tell the full story? To understand the reality behind the headlines, Sophos commissioned an independent survey of 5,000 IT managers across 26 countries. The findings provide brand new insight into what actually happens once ransomware hits. It reveals the percentage of attacks that successfully encrypt data; how many victims pay the ransom; how paying the ransom impacts the overall clean-up costs; and the role of cybersecurity insurance. Be prepared to be surprised. About the survey Sophos commissioned specialist research house Vanson Bourne to survey 5,000 IT managers on their experiences of ransomware. Sophos had no role in the selection of respondents and all responses were provided anonymously. The survey was conducted during January and February 2020. Respondents came from 26 countries across six continents: COUNTRY # RESPONDENTS Australia 200 Belgium 100 Brazil 200 Canada 200 China 200 Colombia 200 Czech Republic 100 France 300 Germany 300 India 300 Italy 200 Japan 200 Malaysia 100 COUNTRY # RESPONDENTS Mexico 200 Netherlands 200 Nigeria 100 Philippines 100 Poland 100 Singapore 200 South Africa 200 Spain 200 Sweden 100 Turkey 100 UAE 100 UK 300 U.S. 500 Within each country, 50% of respondents were from organizations of between 100 and 1,000 employees, while 50% were from organizations of between 1,001 and 5,000 employees. Respondents came from a range of sectors, both public and private. SECTOR # RESPONDENTS % RESPONDENTS IT, technology and telecoms 979 20% Retail, distribution and transport 666 13% Manufacturing and production 648 13% Financial services 547 11% Public sector 498 10% Business and professional services 480 10% Construction and property 272 5% Energy, oil/gas and utilities 204 4% Media, leisure and entertainment 164 3% Other 542 11%
  • 3. THE STATE OF RANSOMWARE 2020 2A Sophos white paper May 2020 Executive summary The survey provides fresh new insight into the experiences of organizations hit by ransomware, including: Ì Almost three quarters of ransomware attacks result in the data being encrypted. 51% of organizations were hit by ransomware in the last year. The criminals succeeded in encrypting the data in 73% of these attacks. Ì 26% of ransomware victims whose data was encrypted got their data back by paying the ransom. A further 1% paid the ransom but didn’t get their data back. Ì 94% of organizations whose data was encrypted got it back. More than twice as many got it back via backups (56%) than by paying the ransom (26%). Ì Paying the ransom doubles the cost of dealing with a ransomware attack. The average cost to rectify the impacts of the most recent ransomware attack (considering downtime, people time, device cost, network cost, lost opportunity, ransom paid etc.) is US$732,520 for organizations that don’t pay the ransom, rising to US$1,448,458 for organizations that do pay. Ì Despite the headlines, the public sector is less affected by ransomware than the private sector. 45% of public sector organizations were hit by ransomware last year, compared to a global average of 51%, and a high of 60% in the media, leisure, and entertainment industries. Ì One in five organizations has a major hole in their cybersecurity insurance. 84% of respondents have cybersecurity insurance, but only 64% have insurance that covers ransomware. Ì Cybersecurity insurance pays the ransom. For those organizations that have insurance against ransomware, 94% of the time when the ransom is paid to get the data back, it’s the insurance company that pays. Ì Most successful ransomware attacks include data in the public cloud. 59% of attacks where the data was encrypted involved data in the public cloud. While it’s likely that respondents took a broad interpretation of public cloud, including cloud-based services such as Google Drive and Dropbox and cloud backup such as Veeam, it’s clear that cybercriminals are targeting data wherever it stored.
  • 4. THE STATE OF RANSOMWARE 2020 3A Sophos white paper May 2020 Part 1: The prevalence of ransomware Half of organizations were hit by ransomware last year 51% of respondents said they had been hit by ransomware in the last year. Organizations did report a slight drop in attacks compared with previous years. An earlier Sophos-commissioned survey published in 2017 (sample size 1,700 organizations) revealed that 54% of respondents had been hit by ransomware in the prior year. 2017 54% 2020 51% In the last year, has your organization been hit by ransomware? Base: 5,000 respondents (2020), 1,700 respondents (2017). This drop, while welcome, is likely due to a change in tactics from the ransomware actors rather than a reduced focus on this type of attack. In 2017 mass market ‘spray and pray’ desktop ransomware was very common based on insights from SophosLabs. These attacks were spread widely and indiscriminately, resulting in a high number of organizations being hit. Now, in 2020, the trend is for server-based attacks. These are highly-targeted, sophisticated attacks that take more effort to deploy – hence the reduction in the number of attacks. However, they are typically far more deadly due to the higher value of assets encrypted and can cripple organizations with multi-million dollar ransom requests. For subsequent survey questions, if the organization reported multiple ransomware attacks in the last year, we asked them to respond for the most significant attack in the last year only. Size doesn’t matter There was a small difference in ransomware attack rates based on organization size. While just under half of the smaller organizations (100-1000 employees) were hit (47%), just over half (54%) of larger organizations (1001-5000 employees) were hit.
  • 5. THE STATE OF RANSOMWARE 2020 4A Sophos white paper May 2020 Attack levels vary across the globe Looking at the level of ransomware attacks across the globe reveals interesting variations. This is likely due to criminals focusing their efforts where they see greatest opportunity for return, and also differing countries having differing levels of ransomware defenses. Percentage of organizations hit by ransomware in the last year In the last year, has your organization been hit by ransomware? Base: 5,000 respondents. Ì India (300 respondents) tops the list with 82% of organizations reporting being hit by ransomware in the last year. This is not a huge surprise. Cyber hygiene is generally poor in India, and pirated technology abounds, creating weaknesses in cyber defenses and making organizations more vulnerable to attack. Ì The Philippines, Poland, and South Africa report the lowest levels of cyberattacks. As we discussed earlier, cybercriminals have moved from ‘spray and pray’ desktop ransomware attacks to more targeted server-based attacks that affect fewer organizations but with higher ransom demands. They geo-target their attacks to go after the most lucrative opportunities. The three countries at the bottom of the attack scale also have lower GDP than many of the other countries higher up the list which may be why they receive less focus from the cybercriminals. Ì The move from ‘spray and pray’ to targeted attacks focused on the most lucrative targets likely contributed to the noticeable reduction in ransomware in South Africa. In our previous survey (2017) 54% of respondents reported being hit by ransomware in the last year, but this is now down to 24%, a drop of over 50%. Ì Canada (200 respondents) reports surprisingly few ransomware attacks. As an advanced, Western country it would be considered a lucrative target, yet only 39% of respondents report being hit by ransomware. This is a full 20 percentage points lower than neighboring U.S., where 59% reported ransomware. It may be that it benefits from being in the attack shadow of the U.S. At the same time, the Canadian respondents were very alert to the issue and expect it to come their way; 68% of the organizations not hit by ransomware anticipate being in the future. Global Average 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% South Africa Poland Phillipines Canada Singapore Italy Japan Mexico Colombia China Australia UK UAE Czech Republic France Nigeria Spain Netherlands Germany Malaysia U.S. Sweden Belgium Turkey Brazil India 82% 65% 63% 60% 60% 59% 58% 57% 55% 53% 53% 52% 52% 49% 48% 48% 45% 44% 44% 42% 41% 40% 39% 30% 28% 24%
  • 6. THE STATE OF RANSOMWARE 2020 5A Sophos white paper May 2020 Public sector suffers fewest ransomware attacks Yes, you read that correctly – the public sector reported fewer attacks than all other sectors. The media, leisure, and entertainment industries actually report the highest levels of attack (60%), closely followed by IT, technology, and telecoms (56%). Percentage of organizations hit by ransomware in the last year Global Average 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Public sector Manufacturing and production Financial services Retail, distribution and transport Construction and property Business and professional services Other Energy, oil/gas, utilities IT, technology, telecoms Media, leisure, entertainment 60% 56% 55% 54% 50% 49% 49% 48% 46% 45% In the last year, has your organization been hit by ransomware? Base: 5,000 respondents. At first glance this is surprising: the news is full of stories of hospitals and government organizations that have been held to ransom. However, the survey reveals that those headlines are creating a skewed picture of reality. In many countries, public sector organizations are obliged to report ransomware attacks. However, the private sector often has no such requirements and so can choose to keep the attack quiet – perhaps to avoid creating concern among customers, reputation damage, or being perceived as an easy target by other attackers. These findings are backed up by Sophos’ own research into SamSam ransomware. Working with cryptocurrency monitoring organization Neutrino, Sophos followed the money and identified many ransom payments and victims that were previously unknown. Based on the much larger number of victims now known, it seems that the private sector had actually borne the brunt of SamSam.
  • 7. THE STATE OF RANSOMWARE 2020 6A Sophos white paper May 2020 Part 2: The impact of ransomware Three quarters of ransomware attacks result in the data being encrypted Traditionally, there are three main elements to a successful ransomware attack: encrypt the data, get payment, decrypt the data. In almost three quarters of ransomware attacks (73%), the cybercriminals succeeded in encrypting the data. It is, however, encouraging is that in just under a quarter of cases (24%) the attack was stopped before the data could be encrypted. It seems that anti-ransomware technology is having an impact on the success rate of ransomware attacks. 73%Cybercriminals succeeded in encrypting data 24%Attacks stopped before the data could be encrypted 3%Data not encrypted but victim still held to ransom One interesting finding from the survey is that 3% of organizations said their data was not encrypted but they were still held to ransom. This type of attack was particularly dominant in Nigeria, as well as Colombia, South Africa, China, Poland, Belgium and the Philippines. You could argue that this is extortion rather than ransomware. Semantics aside, the most important take-away is this is an attack vector to be vigilant of as crooks look for ways to make money without the effort of encrypting and decrypting files.
  • 8. THE STATE OF RANSOMWARE 2020 7A Sophos white paper May 2020 Attacks most likely to succeed in Japan Looking at a country level, Japan has the least success at stopping attacks with 95% of attacks resulting in the encryption of data. Conversely, in Turkey, half of attacks (51%) were stopped before the data could be encrypted. Reasons for this global variation could include differing levels of awareness of both the prevalence of ransomware and the likelihood of being hit, which in turn could result in differing levels of anti-ransomware specific defenses. Percentage of attacks stopped before the data was encrypted Global Average 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Turkey Spain Italy Brazil South Africa Singapore Germany China Canada U.S. Mexico Belgium UK Netherlands UAE Philippines Colombia Czech Republic France Malaysia Australia Nigeria Sweden India Japan 44% 38% 36% 35% 33% 31% 30% 26% 25% 24% 23% 22% 22% 22% 20% 19% 17% 17% 17% 17% 11% 8% 8% 5% 51% Percentage of respondents that answered ‘No, the attack was stopped before the data could be encrypted’ to: Did the cybercriminals succeed in encrypting your organization’s data in the most significant ransomware attack? Question only seen by respondents whose organization had been hit by ransomware in the last year. Base: 2,538 respondents. Poland has been removed from this chart as it has a base of below 30 respondents, and the Philippines has a base of just 30.
  • 9. THE STATE OF RANSOMWARE 2020 8A Sophos white paper May 2020 Data in the public cloud is a mainstream target We asked the 73% of respondents that said their data had been encrypted in the most recent ransomware attack what data was encrypted. 41% said just on-premises data and/or data in the private cloud, while 35% said just data in the public cloud. 24% said a combination of the two. Adding this up, nearly six in 10 successful attacks (59%) include data in the public cloud. 41%On premises/ private cloud data 59%Includes data in the public cloud 35%Data in the public cloud 24%Data in the public cloud and on premises/private cloud data Did the cybercriminals succeed in encrypting your organization’s data in the most significant ransomware attack? Responses from respondents whose organization’s data had been encrypted in the most recent ransomware attack. Base: 1,849 respondents. A word of caution here: it is likely that the respondents took a broad interpretation of public cloud, including cloud-based services such as Google Drive and Dropbox and cloud backup such as Veem, rather than focusing solely on AWS, Azure, and Alibaba Cloud-type services. Nonetheless, there is a clear takeaway: no data is safe, and you should ensure data stored in the cloud is as well protected and backed-up as data stored on premises.
  • 10. THE STATE OF RANSOMWARE 2020 9A Sophos white paper May 2020 26% of ransomware victims got their data back by paying the ransom 26% of those organizations whose data was encrypted got it back by paying the ransom. A further 1% of organizations whose data was encrypted paid the ransom but didn’t get their data back – so overall, 95% of organizations that paid the ransom had their data restored (473 of the 496 organizations that paid the ransom). When it comes to paying the ransom, we see some noticeable regional variations. In India two out of three (66%) paid the ransom to get the data back, while 29% used backups. Conversely, in Spain just 4% paid the ransom while 72% restored the data from backups. Percentage of organizations that paid the ransom Global Average 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Italy Canada Australia Germany UK Malaysia Mexico China UAE Colombia France Netherlands U.S. Czech Republic Singapore Brazil Nigeria Japan Belgium Philippines Sweden India Spain 66% 50% 32% 32% 31% 28% 28% 28% 27% 25% 22% 19% 19% 16% 15% 13% 13% 13% 12% 12% 11% 6% 4% Percentage of respondents that answered “Yes, we paid the ransom” to: Did your organization get the data back in the most significant ransomware attack? Question only seen by respondents whose organization had experienced a ransomware attack where data was encrypted. Base: 1,849 respondents. Note, we have removed the Philippines, South Africa, Poland and Turkey from this chart as they all had bases of 30 or fewer for this question.
  • 11. THE STATE OF RANSOMWARE 2020 10A Sophos white paper May 2020 94% of organizations get their data back While 73% of ransomware attacks succeed in encrypting data, the good news is that 94% of organizations affected managed to get their data back. As we’ve seen, 26% got their data back by paying the ransom. However, more than double that (56%) restored their data using backups. The remaining 12% said that they got their data back through other means. 73%Of attacks result in data being encryptyed 56%Used backups to get the data back 94%Of victims get their data back Organization size impacts remediation cost Unsurprisingly, the survey has confirmed that the cost for remediating a ransomware attack is higher for larger organizations. Average cost to remediate a ransomware attack US$761,106 Global average US$505,827 100–1,000 employees US$981,140 1,000–5,000 employees What was the approximate cost to your organization to rectify the impacts of the most recent ransomware attack (considering downtime, people time, device cost, network cost, lost opportunity, ransom paid etc.)? Question only seen by respondents whose organization had been hit by ransomware in the last year. Base: 2,538 respondents. The average cost to the organization to rectify the impacts of the most recent ransomware attack (considering downtime, people time, device cost, network cost, lost opportunity, ransom paid etc.) is US$761,106. For smaller organizations of 100-1,001 employees the average cost was $505,827 and for 1,001 to 5,000 employee organizations the average cost was $981,140.
  • 12. THE STATE OF RANSOMWARE 2020 11A Sophos white paper May 2020 Ransomware costs vary by country What is surprising, however, is the variation in remediation cost across the countries surveyed. In particular, Sweden and Japan report considerably higher costs than all other countries. At the other end of the scale, South Africa and the Czech Republic have the lowest remediation costs. We have excluded Poland from this chart as it had a base of below 30 respondents. Average ransomware remediation cost by country Global Average 0 $500k $1m $1.5m $2m $3m$2.5m Czech Republic South Africa Spain Turkey Belgium Canada Italy Mexico Germany France Nigeria U.S. Brazil Colombia UAE China Singapore UK Netherlands Philippines Malaysia India Australia Japan Sweden $1,107,407.16 $1,059,055.95 $2,194,600.43 $2,749,667.80 $1,122,914.16 $877,232.14 $860,709.42 $839,796.42 $832,423.13 $828,611.80 $696,305.10 $694,719.81 $629,770.42 $622,596.18 $591,011.54 $474,477.95 $472,077.84 $465,155.11 $443,552.04 $404,424.29 $374,027.59 $356,818.65 $283,629.64 $266,817.18 $260,975.12 What was the approximate cost to your organization to rectify the impacts of the most recent ransomware attack (considering downtime, people time, device cost, network cost, lost opportunity, ransom paid etc.)? Question only seen by respondents whose organization had been hit by ransomware in the last year. Base: 2,538 respondents. One possible reason for this variation in cost is the labor costs in the different countries. Sweden and Japan are typically higher salary countries, so the cost of the human hours required to remediate the ransomware attack will add up. Conversely, South Africa and the Czech Republic are typically lower labor cost areas. We have already seen that Sweden has the second highest rate of ransom payment of all countries surveyed, second only to India. However, unlike India, it also has high labor costs which combine to deliver a financial double whammy when it comes to cleaning up after ransomware.
  • 13. THE STATE OF RANSOMWARE 2020 12A Sophos white paper May 2020 Paying the ransom doubles the cost One of the most interesting findings from the survey is that paying the ransom almost doubles the overall remediation cost versus not paying or getting the data back via backups or other means. Not only does not paying the ransom generally make you feel better because you haven’t given money to criminals, the good news is that it also saves you money in the long run. Average cost to remediate a ransomware attack US$1,448,458 Paid ransom US$732,520 Didn't pay ransom Did your organization get the data back in the most significant ransomware attack? Data only represents respondents whose organization’s data had been encrypted in the most recent ransomware attack. Base: 1,849 respondents. Paid the ransom combines responses "Yes, we paid the ransom" and "No, even though we paid the ransom." Didn’t pay the ransom combines responses "Yes, we used backups to restore the data," "Yes, we used other means to get our data back," and "No, we didn’t pay the ransom." This may sound counterintuitive: if you’ve paid the ransom, why does it cost more? Well even if you pay the ransom, you still need to do a lot of work to restore the data. In fact, the costs to recover the data and get things back to normal are likely to be the same whether you get the data back from the criminals or from your backups. But if you pay the ransom, you’ve got another big cost on top.
  • 14. THE STATE OF RANSOMWARE 2020 13A Sophos white paper May 2020 Part 3: The role of insurance One in five have holes in their cybersecurity insurance Cybersecurity insurance is now the norm, with 84% of organizations reporting that they have it. However, only 64% have cybersecurity insurance that covers ransomware. This means up to one in five organizations (20%) are paying for cybersecurity insurance that doesn’t cover ransomware. 84%Have cybersecurity insurance 20%Paying for cybersecurity insurance that DOESN'T cover ransomware 64%Have cybersecurity insurance that covers ransomware Does your organization have cybersecurity insurance that covers it if it is hit by ransomware? Base: 5,000 respondents. Given that, as we’ve seen, 51% of organizations experienced ransomware in the last year, and with average remediation costs of US$761,106, organizations should question the value of insurance that excludes ransomware. Cybersecurity insurance by country Has cybersecurity insurance Has cybersecurity insurance that covers ransomware 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Nigeria Poland Singapore Japan Netherlands Germany Colombia Czech Republic Belgium France Philippines Mexico Australia Spain Canada Brazil UAE Italy UK Malaysia Sweden U.S. South Africa Turkey China India 93% 91% 94% 94% 90% 89% 89% 88% 88% 85% 85% 84% 83% 82% 82% 81% 81% 81% 80% 77% 77% 76% 75% 74% 71% 70% 57% 70% 80% 82% 75% 75% 57% 70% 68% 55% 68% 62% 70% 65% 61% 49% 61% 69% 48% 57% 50% 64% 58% 56% 44% 45% Does your organization have cybersecurity insurance that covers it if it is hit by ransomware? Base: 5,000 respondents.
  • 15. THE STATE OF RANSOMWARE 2020 14A Sophos white paper May 2020 This table looks those data points by country. The blue shows the percentage of organizations with cybersecurity insurance and the orange shows the percentage with insurance that covers them for ransomware. What we need to look at here are both the absolute numbers for each column, as well as the gap between the two bars for each country. India tops the list of organizations with cybersecurity insurance, and has the second- highest level (80%) of organizations with insurance that covers ransomware. Given that India also reported the highest propensity to be hit by ransomware, this is a logical correlation. Turkey reported the third-highest rate of ransomware attacks. However, while it has the third-highest rate of cybersecurity insurance (93% are covered), it also has one of the biggest gaps between bars with only 57% of organizations covered for ransomware. Despite China having a below-average rate of ransomware attacks (45% hit in the last year), it has the joint-highest level of cybersecurity insurance (94%) as well the highest level of cybersecurity insurance that covers ransomware (82%). Indeed, it has the smallest gap between columns of all 26 countries surveyed. One interesting outlier here is Germany. It is surprising to see a developed economy that has such a low level of insurance (77%), as well as one of the lowest levels of cybersecurity insurance that covers ransomware (50%). Germany reported above-average levels of ransomware (57% of organizations were hit in the last year) which makes the insurance data even more surprising. The public sector is most exposed to ransomware costs Although we’ve seen that the public sector is least exposed to ransomware, it is also – conversely – most exposed to the full cost of an attack. On average, 64% of organizations have insurance that covers ransomware. The financial services industry has the highest rate of coverage (72%), likely due to the nature of their industry making them a lucrative target for crooks. IT, telecoms, and technology are not far behind on 70%. Cybersecurity insurance that covers ransomware Global Average 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Public sector Other Retail, distribution and transport Construction and property Energy,oil/gas, utilities Manufacturing and production Media, leisure, entertainment Business and professional services IT, technology, telecoms Financial services 72% 70% 68% 66% 63% 62% 62% 62% 61% 51% Does your organization have cybersecurity insurance that covers it if it is hit by ransomware? Base: 5,000.
  • 16. THE STATE OF RANSOMWARE 2020 15A Sophos white paper May 2020 Public sector organizations, however, lag considerably behind their private sector counterparts. Just 51% are covered by insurance for ransomware costs, a full 10 percentage points behind the next sector. This low rate of protection could be due to costs. Tight public sector funding is commonplace across the globe and it may be that budgets don’t stretch to insurance. Either way, this is a short term savings if an attack does breach their defenses. Cybersecurity insurance and ransom payments Let’s now look at the role of cybersecurity in paying the ransom. As we’ve seen, 73% of ransomware attacks result in the data being encrypted. Of those organizations whose data was encrypted, 26% said they paid the ransom to get the data back. 73%Ransomware attacks resulted in data being encrypted 26%Organizations whose data was encrypted paid the ransom 94%Organizations that paid said the cybersecurity insurance paid the ransom However, when we dive deeper, we discover that, in almost all of the incidents when the ransom is paid – 94% – it’s the cybersecurity insurance that’s paying the ransom. And, as we’ve seen, paying the ransom doubles the overall clean-up costs.
  • 17. THE STATE OF RANSOMWARE 2020 16A Sophos white paper May 2020 Part 4: Ransomware attack techniques We asked the organizations that said they had been hit by ransomware in the last year how the attack got into their organization. File download/email with malicious attachments topped the list, accounting for 29% of attacks. Second was remote attacks on servers, accounting for 21% of attacks. HOW THE RANSOMWARE GOT INTO THE ORGANIZATION # INCIDENTS % INCIDENTS Via a file download/email with malicious link 741 29% Via remote attack on server 543 21% Via email with malicious attachment 401 16% Misconfigured public cloud instances 233 9% Via our Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) 221 9% Via a supplier who works with our organization 218 9% Via a USB/removable media device 172 7% Other 0 0% Don’t know 9 0% Total 2538 100% How did the ransomware attack get into your organization? Question asked to respondents whose organization had been hit by ransomware in the last year. Base: 2,538 respondents. What really stands out when we look at this data is that there is no single main attack vector. Rather, attackers are using a range of techniques and whichever defense has a weakness is how they get in. When one technique fails they move on to the next, until they find a weak spot. This data demonstrates the need for an effective layered defense that covers your endpoints, servers, public cloud instances, email, network gateway, and supply chain. Just focusing on a single technology is a recipe for infection.
  • 18. THE STATE OF RANSOMWARE 2020 17A Sophos white paper May 2020 Recommendations The survey has confirmed that ransomware remains a very real threat for organizations today. It’s also provided insight into how to minimize your risk of being held hostage: 1. Start with the assumption that you will be hit. Ransomware it doesn’t discriminate: every organization is a target, regardless of size, sector, or geography. Plan your cybersecurity strategy based on the assumption that you will get hit by an attack. 2. Invest in anti-ransomware technology to stop unauthorized encryption. 24% of survey respondents that were hit by ransomware were able to stop the attack before the data could be encrypted. 3. Protect data wherever it’s held. Almost six in 10 ransomware attacks that successfully encrypted data include data in the public cloud. Your strategy should include protecting data in the public cloud, private cloud, and on premises. 4. Make regular backups and store offsite and offline. 56% of organizations whose data was encrypted restored their data using backups last year. Using backups to restore your data considerably lowers the costs of dealing with the attack compared with paying the ransom. 5. Ensure your cyber insurance covers ransomware. Make sure that you’re fully covered if the worst does happen. 6. Deploy a layered defense. Ransomware actors use a wide range of techniques to get around your defenses; when one is blocked, they move on to the next one until they find the chink in your armor. You need to defend against all vectors of attack. Introducing Sophos Intercept X Endpoint Ransomware actors combine sophisticated attack techniques with hands-on hacking. Sophos Intercept X Endpoint gives you the advanced protection technologies you need to disrupt the whole attack chain, including: Ì Encryption rollback - CryptoGuard blocks the unauthorized encryption of files and rolls them back to their safe state in seconds. Ì Exploit protection - Detects and blocks more than three dozen exploit techniques used to download and install malware, preventing attackers getting on your network. Ì AI-powered threat protection - Sophos’ own deep learning engine predictively prevent more attacks and has lower false positives than any other security software. Ì Credential theft - Stops hackers getting your credentials, blocking unauthorized system access and admin privilege escalation. Learn more and start an instant online demo at
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