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GraphQL Europe Recap
GraphQL Europe RecapGraphQL Europe Recap
GraphQL Europe Recap

In this talk, we shared some of our highlights of the GraphQL Europe conference. You can see the full coverage of the conference here:

software developmentengineeringschema-driven-development
GraphQL across the stack: How everything fits together
GraphQL across the stack: How everything fits togetherGraphQL across the stack: How everything fits together
GraphQL across the stack: How everything fits together

My talk from GraphQL Summit 2017! In this talk, I talk about a future for GraphQL which builds on the idea that GraphQL enables lots of tools to work together seamlessly across the stack. I present this through the lens of 3 examples: Caching, performance tracing, and schema stitching. Stay tuned for the video recording from GraphQL Summit!

GraphQL - The new "Lingua Franca" for API-Development
GraphQL - The new "Lingua Franca" for API-DevelopmentGraphQL - The new "Lingua Franca" for API-Development
GraphQL - The new "Lingua Franca" for API-Development

Three years ago, with the release of the GraphQL specification, Facebook took a fresh stab at the topic of "API design between remote services and applications." The key aspects of GraphQL provide a common, schema-based, domain-specific language and flexible, dynamic queries at interface boundaries. In the talk, I'd like to compare GraphQL and REST and showcase benefits for developers and architects using a concrete example in application and API development, data source and system integration.

by jexp

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Modular GraphQL with Schema Stitching
Modular GraphQL with Schema StitchingModular GraphQL with Schema Stitching
Modular GraphQL with Schema Stitching

What if you could create a GraphQL API by combining many smaller APIs? That's what we're aiming for with schema stitching, the new feature in the Apollo graphql-tools package.

GraphQL Advanced
GraphQL AdvancedGraphQL Advanced
GraphQL Advanced

Learn how to build advanced GraphQL queries, how to work with filters and patches and how to embed GraphQL in languages like Python and Java. These slides are the second set in our webinar series on GraphQL.

graphqlenterprise architectureenterprise architecture management
Querying Graphs with GraphQL
Querying Graphs with GraphQLQuerying Graphs with GraphQL
Querying Graphs with GraphQL

Despite the “Graph” in the name, GraphQL is mostly used to query relational databases or object models. But it is really well suited to querying graph databases too. In this talk, I’ll demonstrate how I implemented a GraphQL endpoint for the Neo4j graph database and how you would use it in your app.

by jexp

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GraphQL & Relay
GraphQL & RelayGraphQL & Relay
GraphQL & Relay

The document discusses GraphQL, Relay, and some of their benefits and challenges. Some key points covered include: - GraphQL allows for declarative and UI-driven data fetching which can optimize network requests. - Relay uses GraphQL and allows defining data requirements and composing queries to fetch nested data in one roundtrip. - Benefits include simpler API versioning since fields can be changed without breaking clients. - Challenges include verbose code, lack of documentation, and not supporting subscriptions or local state management out of the box. - Overall GraphQL aims to solve many data fetching problems but has a complex setup process and learning curve.

Building Fullstack Graph Applications With Neo4j
Building Fullstack Graph Applications With Neo4j Building Fullstack Graph Applications With Neo4j
Building Fullstack Graph Applications With Neo4j

This document provides an overview of graph databases and algorithms using Neo4j. It discusses Neo4j's built-in graph algorithms for pathfinding, centrality, community detection, similarity and link prediction. It also covers Neo4j Streams for real-time graph processing and integrations with Kafka. Grandstack and Neo4j-GraphQL are presented as options for building GraphQL APIs on Neo4j.

Introduction to graphQL
Introduction to graphQLIntroduction to graphQL
Introduction to graphQL

> REST & GraphQL > GraphQL Jargons > Demo with GitHub APIs > Tool Chains > Workshop - Exploring the world of Pokemons with GraphQL youtube:

Wednesday, 6 November, 13

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GraphQL over REST at Reactathon 2018
GraphQL over REST at Reactathon 2018GraphQL over REST at Reactathon 2018
GraphQL over REST at Reactathon 2018

GraphQL is quickly becoming mainstream as one of the best ways to get data into your React application. When we see people modernize their app architecture and move to React, they often want to migrate their API to GraphQL as part of the same effort. But while React is super easy to adopt in a small part of your app at a time, GraphQL can seem like a much larger investment. In this talk, we’ll go over the fastest and most effective ways for React developers to incrementally migrate their existing APIs and backends to GraphQL, then talk about opportunities for improvement in the space. If you’re using React and are interested in GraphQL, but are looking for an extra push to get it up and running at your company, this is the talk for you!

Standing out as a new grad candidate
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Standing out as a new grad candidate

A presentation I gave at the Berkeley Association of Women in EECS about how to stand out as a new grad candidate.

GraphQL Introduction
GraphQL IntroductionGraphQL Introduction
GraphQL Introduction

GraphQL is a query language for APIs that allows flexible querying of data from a server. It was originally created by Facebook in 2012 and open sourced in 2015. Some key benefits of GraphQL include allowing apps to control the specific data received from servers instead of receiving all possible data like with REST APIs, and GraphQL queries mirroring the response structure. GraphQL schemas define query and mutation parameters as well as return data types.



Toronto-based Graph Database services company


Partner with Neo Technology


Organizers of GraphTO


Authors of the popular Pacer gem, an extensible
graph traversal library

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This presentation explores the concepts around facebook query language for information retrieval & transformation.

graphqlfacebookquery language
Introduction to GraphQL
Introduction to GraphQLIntroduction to GraphQL
Introduction to GraphQL

A brief introduction about GraphQL. Repo with a Java running sample:

Taking Control of your Data with GraphQL
Taking Control of your Data with GraphQLTaking Control of your Data with GraphQL
Taking Control of your Data with GraphQL

The document discusses how GraphQL provides a solution for problems with traditional REST APIs by allowing flexible data fetching with one query. It summarizes pain points like over-fetching or under-fetching data and inconsistent features between platforms. The document then explains what GraphQL is, how it evolved from internal use at Facebook, popular brands using it, its specifications and implementations in different languages. It demonstrates how GraphQL enables flexible querying of data without versioning or multiple endpoints. The document also covers related tools like GraphiQL, schemas and types, and how GraphQL can be used with React. It concludes by discussing upcoming areas of focus like prioritizing data and supporting real-time updates.


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Why UI Developers Love GraphQL - Sashko Stubailo, Apollo/Meteor
Why UI Developers Love GraphQL - Sashko Stubailo, Apollo/MeteorWhy UI Developers Love GraphQL - Sashko Stubailo, Apollo/Meteor
Why UI Developers Love GraphQL - Sashko Stubailo, Apollo/Meteor

Sashko Stubailo, core developer on the Apollo team at the Meteor Development Group, kindly provided his slides that he used for his talk.

Boost your APIs with GraphQL
Boost your APIs with GraphQLBoost your APIs with GraphQL
Boost your APIs with GraphQL

This presentation is about Web APIs in general and MicroProfile GraphQL in particular. It has been used for EclipseCon 2020 and is backed by a GitHub project (link on slide 11).

Where the Warehouse Ends: A New Age of Information Access
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Where the Warehouse Ends: A New Age of Information Access

The document provides information about an upcoming webinar hosted by The Briefing Room. The webinar will feature David Besemer, CTO of Composite Software, who will discuss how Composite addresses the challenges of data integration and providing data for analytics. The webinar aims to explain how Composite's data virtualization platform can help analysts more easily access and work with data from various sources through self-service analytic sandboxes and data hubs. The webinar also hopes to demonstrate how Composite can help organizations gain business insights faster while reducing costs compared to traditional data integration and warehousing approaches.

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Wednesday, 6 November, 13


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Yhat - Applied Data Science - Feb 2016
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Unlocked London - General Session

This document summarizes a presentation given on July 11, 2013 in London by Rackspace's Unlocked team. The presentation introduced the team members and discussed why unlocked events are held. It then covered topics including the hybrid cloud, how developers are driving innovation, and a case study of how HubSpot uses the hybrid cloud. Key points emphasized that the hybrid cloud gives developers the most power and freedom, and that developers driving innovation is important.

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The 7 habits of data effective companies.pdf
The 7 habits of data effective companies.pdfThe 7 habits of data effective companies.pdf
The 7 habits of data effective companies.pdf

The document discusses 7 habits of data effective companies. It describes how companies have evolved through different digital maturity phases from analog to born-digital. The key differences observed between phases include impact on cost, value extraction, and capabilities. The 7 habits discussed are: treating data processing as an industrial process, focusing on latency and waste reduction, being use case driven and value stream aligned, initially centralizing data, architecting for failure and sharing, treating it as a software engineering problem, and following the Unix philosophy of building specialized components. The document provides examples and illustrations for each habit.


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The five graphs of telecommunications may 22 2013 webinar final
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The five graphs of telecommunications may 22 2013 webinar final

The document discusses how telecommunications companies can leverage graph databases to derive value from five key "graphs": the network graph, customer graph, call graph, master data graph, and help desk graph. It provides examples of how companies are using graph databases to improve network management, customer analytics, and other use cases. Finally, it outlines the benefits that have driven telecommunications firms to adopt graph databases, including improved query performance, agile development, and an extensible data model.

The five graphs of telecommunications may 22 2013 webinar final
The five graphs of telecommunications may 22 2013 webinar finalThe five graphs of telecommunications may 22 2013 webinar final
The five graphs of telecommunications may 22 2013 webinar final

The document discusses how telecommunications companies can leverage graph databases to derive value from five key "graphs": the network graph, customer graph, call graph, master data graph, and help desk graph. It provides examples of how companies are using graph databases to improve network management, customer analytics, and other tasks. Reasons for adopting graph databases include faster querying of connected data, better matching of the data model to business domains, and improved maintainability. The presentation encourages attendees to connect at upcoming GraphConnect conferences to learn more.

Enterprise data science - What it takes to build?
Enterprise data science - What it takes to build?Enterprise data science - What it takes to build?
Enterprise data science - What it takes to build?

Enterprise data science is not just creating dashboard, reports, ad-hoc query, models and/or algorithms, it’s beyond all - Take a look  at our approach to enterprise data sciences, it’ very complex and it’s very difficult to implement as it’s involved integrating data across enterprise business function regardless of data source, format and structure   There are many instances where people talk about enterprise data sciences (Oracle 12C, HADOOP, SAP) but “have you seen enterprise data sciences in a real system as a live demo”, in most cases the answers is “no” but now there is an opportunity to review enterprise data sciences with CloneSkills.   I would say confidently say that there is no one in the world who integrated “Oracle 12C”   and SAP HANA with HADOOP for real-time data integration  except CloneSkills technical architect  Mr. Karthik

Wednesday, 6 November, 13

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The Briefing Room with Dr. Robin Bloor and Actian Live Webcast July 14, 2015 Watch the Archive: Innovation often implies risk, which is why businesses have many issues to weigh when considering change. Yet the remarkable growth of data is driving many traditional systems into the ground, forcing information workers to take a critical look at their existing tools. Technologies like Hadoop offer economical solutions to big data management, but to truly take advantage of its capabilities, organizations must modernize their infrastructure. Register for this episode of The Briefing Room to learn from veteran Analyst Dr. Robin Bloor as he explains how and why organizations should improve legacy systems. He’ll be briefed by Todd Untrecht of Actian, who will tout his company’s Actian Vortex, a SQL-in-Hadoop solution. He will show how integrating a SQL engine directly in the Hadoop cluster can lead to faster analytics and greater control, while still maintaining existing investments. Visit for more information.

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Wednesday, 6 November, 13






Wednesday, 6 November, 13



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Using Schema Examination Tools to Ensure Information Quality whitepaper. Data Quality is one of the hottest topics in any IT shop. Although very important, Data Quality is far from being enough because decisions are based on information, not on data. Having quality data does not assure quality information. To have quality information, it is necessary to have quality data, but this is not sufficient on its own. We need more.


This resume is for Amol Kumar, a Software Engineer currently deployed in Chengdu, China working on ETL development and team management. He has over 8 years of experience in information technology with a focus on development, production support, and project management. He is certified in IBM Cognos and Infosphere Datastage and has expertise in technologies like Oracle, UNIX, and OBIEE. He has experience managing projects in countries like India, the US, Australia, the UK, China, and Japan.

SQL database


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Data complexity
Wednesday, 6 November, 13

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Wednesday, 6 November, 13

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GoPro is a powerful global brand, thanks in large part to its innovative cameras and accessories that capture moments other cameras just miss: surfing in Maui, skiing in Tahoe, recording your child’s first steps. And today, the company is nearly as well known for its user-generated social and content networks. Join us for this special webinar hosted by Tableau, Trifacta, and Cloudera—featuring GoPro. We’ll dive into GoPro’s data strategy and architecture, from ingest and processing to data prep and reporting, all on AWS.

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Presented at Gartner Data & Analytics, London Maty 2024. BT Group has used the Neo4j Graph Database to enable impressive digital transformation programs over the last 6 years. By re-imagining their operational support systems to adopt self-serve and data lead principles they have substantially reduced the number of applications and complexity of their operations. The result has been a substantial reduction in risk and costs while improving time to value, innovation, and process automation. Join this session to hear their story, the lessons they learned along the way and how their future innovation plans include the exploration of uses of EKG + Generative AI.

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