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Workshop Online Advertising
0. Introduction
1. Advertising 1.0
➡ Situation
➡ Briefing
➡ Classic approach & effect
2. (Advertising) 2.0
3. How it works
4. Practical assessment
5. Sneak peak into the future
0 Introduction
➡ Me
◆ Team Lead Online Specialist team: Richard Jonkhof
◆ 6 years online marketing in recruitment
◆ 3 years @ Endouble
➡ You?

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Google Analytics : Overview & Basic Customization for Retirement Communities
Google Analytics : Overview & Basic Customization for Retirement CommunitiesGoogle Analytics : Overview & Basic Customization for Retirement Communities
Google Analytics : Overview & Basic Customization for Retirement Communities

One of the biggest skills gaps today is data analytics - the ability to not merely look at reports but to make recommendations and take action based on the data. Google Analytics is a powerful, free, decision support tool that is essential to understanding and improving your online marketing efforts. Anneline Breetzke will cover the basics of the tool, the key metrics and four main reports and will then turn to customization. How to set up a custom dashboard and a custom report.

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Class 03: Introduction to Google Analytics
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Class 03: Introduction to Google Analytics

This document provides an introduction to Google Analytics. It includes learning objectives around key web analytics terms, metrics, best practices, and features in Google Analytics like goals, segments, and campaign tracking. The document covers setting up important conversions and segmentation to understand user journeys and how to improve conversion rates. It emphasizes establishing normal ranges for key metrics and investigating exceptions to determine opportunities.

The Next Era of Web Marketing: 2019 & Beyond
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Rand's presentation from Engage PDX 2019 on the shifting web platforms and how marketers can best respond.

seoweb marketinginternet marketing
1 Advertising 1.0
The situation | Paid, Owned & Earned
Jobboards, SEA, Social
Ads, TV, Radio, Print
The situation | Paid, Owned & Earned
Jobboards, SEA, Social
Ads, TV, Radio, Print
Website, e-mail, content,
social platforms
SEO, social, referrals
The situation | Paid, Owned & Earned
Average top 4-5 sources: visits (83%) & applications (86%) are owned & earned.

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Turn a Profit- Introduction to Conversion Optimisation
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Turn a Profit- Introduction to Conversion Optimisation

This document provides an introduction to conversion optimization. It discusses creating a measurement plan by defining business objectives, goals, key performance indicators and targets. It also discusses setting up the right tracking using tools like Google Analytics and Hotjar. Finally, it discusses identifying problems and solutions, learning best practices from examples, testing findings through A/B testing, and recommends books to learn more about conversion optimization.

Mapping Customer Journey from Awareness to Advocacy
Mapping Customer Journey from Awareness to AdvocacyMapping Customer Journey from Awareness to Advocacy
Mapping Customer Journey from Awareness to Advocacy

Customer life cycle” describes the progression of a customer from finding, considering, purchasing, using, and maintaining loyalty to a product or service.To get true wins, you need to support a customer’s journey through the various stages so that they can make informed decisions. Learn all about Mapping Customer Journey from Awareness to Advocacy.

customer experiencecustomer relationship managementcustomer journey.
Best practices in digital marketing 2012 - dave chaffey smart insights
Best practices in digital marketing 2012 - dave chaffey smart insightsBest practices in digital marketing 2012 - dave chaffey smart insights
Best practices in digital marketing 2012 - dave chaffey smart insights

This document provides an overview of best practices in digital marketing from an expert presentation. It discusses why best practices are needed given consumer and competitive challenges. It outlines key areas of digital marketing strategy and tactics that should be based on testing, analytics, and optimization rather than opinions alone. These include understanding customer journeys, using a balanced traffic mix, prioritizing search engine optimization and content marketing, optimizing the user experience, and continuously testing conversion rate optimization tactics.

The situation | Campaigns needed
General reasons to start with paid campaigns
➡ We are short on function X and need a campaign to fill the open position(s)
➡ Function Y is a hard audience to reach we need a campaign to get applications
➡ Our target audience doesn’t know who we are and what we do, we need a branding
Function X .. a year
The average briefing
Function Y .. a year
Employer branding
➡ We are short on function X, we need xx applicants a month
➡ We need more people to get to know us and apply to our vacancies
➡ Function Y is a hard to reach audience
➡ Please create a campaign to reach the audience and gain more applications
3 separate campaigns
Attraction Application
The request/briefing | The funnel
Branding campaign Direct response
Interest Desire Hire

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Marketing Strategy for B2B
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This document provides a digital marketing strategy proposal for Thing-It. It analyzes Thing-It's current digital efforts and competitors, identifies key problems around awareness, online presence, interest/desire, and lead generation. Solutions proposed include LinkedIn ads, search engine advertising, blogging, social media, and webinars. Metrics, costs, and estimated returns are provided for each solution. An optimization approach is recommended to continually test, analyze, and improve performance. The proposed strategy aims to generate 296 leads with a budget of €38,000.

Digital Marketing Plan For Real Estate
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Digital Marketing Plan For Real Estate. Running a business is hard with lots of moving parts, Technologies and demands on your time. One important task is marketing, especially digital marketing For Branding & Lead generation. Mostly business's & clients require only two things from the digital marketing-Brand awareness & Business Leads.

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Rethinking Marketing: Inbound Marketing to Grow Your Business
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The document is a presentation about inbound marketing given by Mark Roberge of HubSpot. It discusses how inbound marketing uses SEO, blogging, and social media to attract potential customers, rather than outbound tactics like cold calling. It provides tips for SEO, content creation, social media engagement, converting visitors into leads, and measuring success. The presentation promotes HubSpot's software tools that help with inbound activities like getting found online, converting leads, and analyzing marketing performance.

inbound marketingseomit alumni
Standard campaign approach
Standard approach - direct response
➡ Focus on applications & cost per application
◆ Budget to sources/keywords with low costs & high application rate
◆ Automation based on cost (per applicant/click)
◆ Report on low cost as a result
➡ Results in applications on non problem area = lots of rejections
Standard campaign approach | Direct response
Problem area
Non problem area
Research recruitment analytics
Talent Management or Waste Management?
Non problem area:
Campaign | The non problem area

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Class 01: Intro to Digital Marketing
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Class 01: Intro to Digital Marketing

The document provides an agenda for Day 1 of a digital marketing course. It includes an overview of the course, introductions, a discussion of the digital marketing landscape, objectives, and homework assignments. Students are instructed to write their name, occupation, and learning goals on a whiteboard to share with the class. The instructors and their roles are introduced. Expectations around attendance, assignments, projects and networking opportunities are outlined. Finally, the document discusses the weekly workflow including pre-work, homework, and in-class discussions.

digital marketing
Website foundations for a good digital marketing plan
Website foundations for a good digital marketing planWebsite foundations for a good digital marketing plan
Website foundations for a good digital marketing plan

Foundations that you need to look at before setting up a digital marketing plan and things to look out for in the future that will effect your digital strategy.

search engine optimizationseodigital marketing
Hubspot Inbound Marketing Essentials Webinar - International
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This document provides an agenda and overview for an inbound marketing webinar. The agenda includes an inbound marketing roadmap, a demonstration of HubSpot tools, and requirements for success. It summarizes HubSpot's all-in-one marketing software platform and shows how customers using HubSpot have achieved significant increases in website traffic and leads over time. It concludes with contact information for follow up questions.

Campaign results | Creating a rejection factory
Applications mainly in non problem area:
Campaign brings about 6% of total applications, mainly on vacancies
that already got enough applications
The problem area:
Campaign focus | fundament of the campaign
Almost no applications in the problem area
Campaign results | The problem area
Selection & vacancy closing problem
➡ xx vacancies online
➡ Almost xx applications per month
➡ Avg. of 15 applications per vacancy
The problem isn’t quantity it’s quality & distribution of applicants, Example:
➡ 13% of the vacancies has over 30 applicants (some more than 200)
➡ 10% of the vacancies has between 20 - 30 applicants
➡ 18% of the vacancies has between 10 - 20 applicants
➡ 59% of the vacancies has less than 10 applicants
◆ of which 12% has 0 applicants!
Campaigns need to focus only on the bottom 59% not on the top 23%
The top 13% vacancies need to be closed as soon as they reach enough applicants
The problem

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Online Branding
Online BrandingOnline Branding
Online Branding

Today your online branding is as essential to customer experience as any brick and mortar store or office. Some of the elements will overlap between online and offline, however, there are a lot of things different techniques to use to express your brand. In this slideshare we go over the 3 pillars of online branding, and some differences between B2B and B2C.

The State of Inbound Marketing 2010
The State of Inbound Marketing 2010The State of Inbound Marketing 2010
The State of Inbound Marketing 2010

The document summarizes the key findings of the 2010 State of Inbound Marketing report. It found that inbound marketing delivers leads at a lower cost than outbound marketing and that businesses are increasingly using social media and blogs to generate real customers. It also showed that blogging more often and using social media like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook are becoming more important to businesses. The document advocates for the all-in-one marketing software from HubSpot to help businesses implement an inbound marketing strategy across blogging, social media, search optimization, and analytics.

inbound marketingmarketing reportinbound marketing report
Lead generation stragety ppt
Lead generation stragety pptLead generation stragety ppt
Lead generation stragety ppt

Lead Generation is one of a very important step of Sales Process. It involves cold calling, social media marketing, email campaign, webinars, events, conferences and so on. There are many things to be considered before beginning any of the lead generation strategies. Many factors needed to be into consideration for an effective lead generation.

saleslead generationbusiness development
Branding campaigns
Standard approach - Branding
➡ Also most of the times focused on applications… instead of attraction/branding
◆ > 85% of budget to branded keywords in AdWords | is that branding?? NO!
◆ < 15% of budget to display & social | because the lack of applicants/direct result
◆ Report on applications as a result
➡ Results in applications of people already willing to work for you
Standard campaign approach
Attraction Application
Most branding campaigns
Not a branding campaign!
2 (Advertising) 2.0

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Time To Revamp Your Website
Time To Revamp Your WebsiteTime To Revamp Your Website
Time To Revamp Your Website

The document discusses how a company's website is an important marketing tool that can establish an online presence, showcase capabilities, and generate leads. However, many company websites are outdated, lack relevant content, or do not accurately reflect the company. A website revamp may be needed if the site does not represent the company's current offerings, capabilities, or market position. Any changes to a website should have clear objectives and consider using targeted solutions instead of a full redesign if not truly needed.

Attracting quality traffic - Dave Chaffey Smart Insights 2011
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Attracting quality traffic - Dave Chaffey Smart Insights 2011

The document discusses strategies for digital marketing and customer acquisition in 2012. It poses 8 questions to review one's strategy: 1) Does your brand have a clear personality and online value proposition? 2) Is your mix of paid, owned and earned media investments balanced and effective? 3) Is your publishing process optimized for digital channels? 4) How can you make online campaigns more engaging? 5) Is your business designed for social media? 6) Are you implementing deep SEO practices? 7) Are your channels integrated or siloed? 8) Are you using analytics to optimize performance? The document provides tips and examples for developing strategies in areas like content, social media, email marketing and search engine optimization to attract customers online.

Endouble Workshop Predictive Recruitment Analytics 17-01-2017
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This document summarizes a workshop on predictive recruitment analytics. It began with an introduction by Corné de Ruijt on the topic and included a coffee break. It listed 6 relevant books and 4 websites on subjects relating to predictive analytics, decision trees, random forest, and bias-variance tradeoff modeling.

recruitment analyticsrecruitment datapredictive models
Right message
Right person
Right time
Advertising I The moment matters
Attraction Interest Desire Application Hire
First interaction with
potential candidate:
Attract to site with profile
matching projects, blogs etc.
Candidate match
on interest &
Second interaction:
Create interest with
testimonials & video’s related
to content visited
Third interaction:
Create desire with extra
information on content visited and
how the candidates profile can
impact this project
(personal remarketing)
Fourth interaction:
Generate action by showing
related vacancies to content
visited & candidate profile
(personal remarketing)
Advertising I AIDA to hire
Influence candidate behavior & opinion
throughout the funnel
Funnel approach
➡ Focus on complete funnel until the hire
◆ Focus on every step in the funnel not only desire & direct response
◆ Persuade candidates by storytelling & personal remarketing
◆ Different approach per role
◆ Focus on both macro & micro conversions
◆ Long term effect & quality
◆ Budget to sources that lead to hires also looking at initial visits
AIDA campaign approach
3 How it works

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Endouble SEO workshop
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Endouble SEO workshop

SEO workshop slides

Fall in Love with Effective Job Ad Writing
Fall in Love with Effective Job Ad WritingFall in Love with Effective Job Ad Writing
Fall in Love with Effective Job Ad Writing

This document provides tips for writing effective job advertisements. It recommends that job ads be short, focusing key details like the position, location, pay, and call to action in the first 150 characters. Important information should be above the page fold. The text should use bullets and 1-2 sentence paragraphs rather than long blocks of text. The headline should only state the job title. Clear calls to action should direct readers to apply, and each ad should feature only one job opening to avoid confusion. Following these principles can help capture readers' attention in the first 10 seconds they view an ad and improve chances of hiring quality candidates.

presentation designerjob adrecruitment
[Whitepaper] Programmatic Recruitment Advertising
[Whitepaper] Programmatic Recruitment Advertising[Whitepaper] Programmatic Recruitment Advertising
[Whitepaper] Programmatic Recruitment Advertising

Programmatic advertising is a critical part of any multi-channel recruitment marketing operation. As the newest kid on the block in recruitment marketing, programmatic sourcing uses ad technology to continually buy, manage, and optimize job ads across the Web, allowing recruiters to get the highest conversion rates. In this free white paper, we walk you through programmatic to educate you for this inevitable industry shift and explain its key benefits, including: 1. Improve 'apply rate' conversions. 2. Attract quality applicants. 3. Eliminate wasted spend. Download this white paper to learn how you can start using programmatic to optimize your recruiting funnel for quality candidates and save time and money along the way.

Advertising I AIDA
What are you going to do:
★ Storytelling
★ Multiple interaction phases to introduce, inform & persuade the candidate
★ Make use of personal remarketing based on content visited
★ Focus on latent job seeker
★ Measure micro conversions (job alert, content pages)
★ Via social media, display & related sites
✓ Resulting in better matching candidates
Attraction Interest Desire Application Hire
Filiaalmanagers I AIDA to hire
First interaction:
Introduce Jumbo as a company
Jumbo's 7 Zekerheden
Filiaalmanagers bij Jumbo zorgen ervoor dat alles wat je
nodig hebt, tegen de laagste prijs en met de beste service
beschikbaar is
Filiaalmanagers bij Jumbo doen er alles aan om klanten meer
dan 100% tevreden te stellen. Bij Jumbo kun je elke dag
rekenen op de unieke 7 zekerheden
Jumbo Supermarkten
Filiaalmanagers I AIDA to hire
Second interaction:
Create extra interest in the role via testimonials
and/or video’s about the role
Haal als Filiaalmanager de ‘Gouden J’
“Natuurlijk ben ik verantwoordelijk voor de cijfers van
Jumbo Goes maar passie, winkelbeeld én beleving, dat maakt
het een Gouden Jumbo.”
Third interaction:
Create desire, show extra facts about the
location and role that matches the candidate
Dit zijn nog eens verantwoordelijkheden
Het verschil tussen een filiaalmanager bij Jumbo of een andere
supermarkt? Meer vrijheid, meer verantwoordelijkheden, meer
Jumbo Supermarkten Jumbo Supermarkten
Filiaalmanagers I AIDA to hire
Fourth interaction:
Show related vacancies to the profile and
projects viewed in previous visits
Filiaalmanager Jumbo Amsterdam
Samen. Ondernemen. Winnen. Dat zijn de kenmerken van
het Jumbo DNA. Voel jij je aangesproken?
Jouw eigen Jumbo-filiaal runnen en volgend jaar op één
staan? Solliciteer als Filiaalmanager en maak je eigen Jumbo
tot een succes!
Jumbo Supermarkten

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LinkedIn serves traffic for its 467 million members from four data centers and multiple PoPs spread geographically around the world. Serving live traffic from from many places at the same time has taken us from a disaster recovery model to a disaster avoidance model where we can take an unhealthy data center or PoP out of rotation and redistribute its traffic to a healthy one within minutes, with virtually no visible impact to users. The geographical distribution of our infrastructure also allows us to optimize the end-user's experience by geo routing users to the best possible PoP and datacenter. This talk provide details on how LinkedIn shifts traffic between its PoPs and data centers to provide the best possible performance and availability for its members. We will also touch on the complexities of performance in APAC, how IPv6 is helping our members and how LinkedIn stress tests data centers verify its disaster recovery capabilities.

Job Advert Writing Presentation
Job Advert Writing PresentationJob Advert Writing Presentation
Job Advert Writing Presentation

This document provides tips for writing engaging job advertisements that will capture a candidate's attention within the first 10 seconds. It recommends including key information like the job title, location, salary, and a call to action in the first 150 characters. Bullet points and short paragraphs of 1-2 sentences are preferred over long blocks of text. Regularly updating the content and keywords can help the listing rank higher in search results. The ad should clearly explain what motivates candidates to apply, such as benefits, training opportunities, or career growth potential. An example job listing is provided that incorporates these best practices.

How to Write Killer Job Ads (The Science of Recruitment Advertising)
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How to Write Killer Job Ads (The Science of Recruitment Advertising)

Recruiters have lost faith in the power of an ad to attract a great candidate, particularly within niche skills and sectors. In his presentation, Johnny will share the research that proves that language and tone can not only drive more applicants but can ensure that only the top quality candidates apply to your jobs. You will never copy and paste a job spec again after listening to what he has to say.

killer job adshiring talentblack belt internet recruitment
Filiaalmanagers I AIDA to hire
Better matching candidates, before applying the candidate:
✓ Is familiar with the company’s and its locations
✓ Is familiar with the team (structure) & his (potential) role
✓ Is familiar with the required skills
✓ Is familiar with the company’s expectations
✓ Is familiar with the showstoppers
✓ Sees a vacancy that suits his interest, profile & location
Branding I AIDA to hire
A good branding campaign starts at the first step in the funnel but the effect is visible in
the phases following.
➡ Branding shouldn’t be a separate campaign but integrated in the funnel
➡ AIDA approach
◆ Focus on employer values, projects & stores
◆ Personal remarketing based on pages visited
◆ Guide candidates through the funnel
➡ Measure all the steps & micro conversions in the funnel
Attraction Interest Desire Application Hire
Channels to use
Advertising channels I How to use in funnel
Channels first steps:
➡ Gmail (keyword based)
➡ Social (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn etc.)
➡ Display (Banners)
➡ Related sites (blog posts, advertising)
Channels final steps:
➡ Google AdWords
➡ Social (Facebook, LinkedIn)
➡ Indeed ads
➡ Jobboards
➡ Own channels

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Web performance optimization (WPO)
Web performance optimization (WPO)Web performance optimization (WPO)
Web performance optimization (WPO)

A presentation from SEO Campixx Barcamp 2011 in Berlin. Web Performance Optimization is about making websites faster. Here i discussed different measures and show the impact on competitive advantage and possibly rankings on Google. Undeniably you can say that better performance leads to more sales and better usability in terms of bouncing rates. View image slides here:

wpocrofast website
Endouble Online advertising
Endouble Online advertising Endouble Online advertising
Endouble Online advertising

About AdWords and recruitment.

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Best Practices And Next Gen Formats: Supercharging Web Content Performance
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Best Practices And Next Gen Formats: Supercharging Web Content Performance

This document discusses best practices for web content strategy and next-generation content formats. It makes three key points: 1. Web content strategy is critical for engaging customers throughout the digital buying journey. A good strategy prioritizes audiences, has a clear messaging framework, and optimizes content across online and offline channels. 2. Next-gen content formats like interactive tools, virtual/augmented reality, and artificial intelligence can improve engagement and provide real-time insights. These new formats bring concepts to life through immersive experiences. 3. Content performance must be measured relative to business objectives like revenue, customer acquisition, and retention. Generic assessments are not enough; evaluation needs to tie back to achievement of specific

b2bmxb2b marketingsiriusdecisions
Social ads & Display ads
Social targeting:
➡ Interests
➡ Demographics
➡ Look-a-like audience (based on known profiles)
➡ Remarketing
Display ads:
➡ Interests
➡ Subject
➡ Keywords
➡ Site placement
➡ Remarketing
Google Adwords
Google AdWords:
➡ Keywords
◆ Device
◆ Demographics
◆ Location
➡ Remarketing for search
◆ Different message for returning visitor
Own channels
➡ Website (blogs/projects etc.)
➡ Social channels/pages
➡ Job/content alert
➡ E-newsletter
3 Let’s get practical

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World's Best Recruitment Ads?
World's Best Recruitment Ads?World's Best Recruitment Ads?
World's Best Recruitment Ads?

This is an old presentation highlighting the "best" recruitment ads of the early 21st century. We've come a long way.

Creating an Unmistakable Talent Brand and World Class Recruitment Team
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A deep dive into creating an unmistakable Talent Brand and Rock Star Talent Acquisition Department working on focus points including Brand Awareness, Self Awareness, Steps to Creating Talent Brand Strategies, Steps to Rock Start Talent Acquisition Departments with a focus on companies who are doing it such as LV= in the UK and Menlo Innovations in the USA. Hope you enjoy! :)

talent brand strategiescorporate brandscoaching leaders
33 Essential Social Recruiting Stats - 2011
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Jobvite compiled a great collection of stats relevant to recruiters who are leveraging new media to find, engage and recruit talent.

social recruitingsocial media recruitingsocial recruiting stats
Do it yourself
1. Define the target audience:
➡ ...
2. Define their profile & interest:
➡ …
3. Define their need to knows:
➡ …
4. Define a storyline:
➡ ...
5. Select your channels:
➡ ...
6. Set up the campaign:
➡ …
7. Measure, measure, measure:
➡ …
8. Optimise storyline, content & channels
➡ ...
4 Sneak peak
Future of direct response campaigns
Automation of direct response campaigns
Mass recruitment I Automated direct response
➡ Promote the vacancies that need it most
➡ Stop promoting when on target
➡ Close vacancy when enough applicants

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Recruitment Advertising 2.0
Recruitment Advertising 2.0Recruitment Advertising 2.0
Recruitment Advertising 2.0

This document summarizes a presentation about navigating recruitment advertising from a job seeker's perspective. It discusses three trends that have increased job seekers' power: 1) the breakdown of information barriers online, 2) the explosion of job search and publishing tools, and 3) changing job seeker behaviors like increased mobility and shorter tenure. As a result, the balance of power has shifted to job seekers, and recruitment advertising must be approached from their perspective to be effective. Looking ahead, the presentation predicts that acquisition costs will increase, targeting will focus more on niches, context/influence will be important, and employers will need to drive their own traffic.

Job descriptions
Job descriptionsJob descriptions
Job descriptions

This document provides an overview of job descriptions, including their definition, importance, typical content, how to write them, purposes, uses, advantages, and disadvantages. It discusses how job descriptions define job duties and responsibilities, qualifications, and performance standards, and how they are used in human resource management functions like recruitment, training, evaluation, and more.

Multistorey building
Multistorey buildingMultistorey building
Multistorey building

This document provides an overview of multistory building design and analysis. It discusses reinforced concrete multistory buildings consisting of slabs, beams, girders and columns forming a rigid monolithic system. It also describes how multistory buildings can be modeled as three-dimensional space frames and analyzed independently in two perpendicular horizontal axes. Finally, it covers various structural analysis methods that can be used depending on the building size and importance, ranging from approximate manual methods to more sophisticated computer-based techniques.

ATS Career website Algoritme
Talent acquisition I Based upon algorithm
Recruitment website
3days / 10 applicants
ATS Career website Algoritme
Talent acquisition I Based upon algorithm
Recruitment website
3days / 10 applicants
ATS Career website Algoritme
2 days / 10 applicants
Close vacancy
Talent acquisition I Surplus applicants
Recruitment website
3days / 10 applicants
ATS Career website Algoritme
2 days / 4 applicants
Talent acquisition I Shortage applicants
Recruitment website

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Growth hacking - the Referrals (2)
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enGaging project, slides from Gamification and Growth hacking academy training in Ancona (Italy) Slide set: 2.

word of mouthgrowth hackingreferrals
Florian Badstieber - DMND Portfolio
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Florian Badstieber - DMND Portfolio

The marketing plan aims to sign up 230 new students for Udacity's Digital Marketing Nanodegree (DMND) program within one quarter with a $50,000 budget. The target persona is Sandra, a 38-year-old married woman with 1 child seeking to change careers to digital marketing. Three marketing tactics are outlined: awareness, interest, and desire. Budget is allocated across channels including Facebook, AdWords, display, and video ads. The plan is to generate over 90,000 site visits with an overall ROI of $18,770. Recommendations include expanding to additional channels and platforms.

dmnddigital marketing nanodegreeudacity
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marketing strategy workshop - what you need to market your digital project strategy workshop - what you need to market your digital project ea...
marketing strategy workshop - what you need to market your digital project ea...

- Inbound marketing - outbound marketing - persona - Technologies for marketing - Data on Saudi market - Choosing the right metrics for your startups (the one metric that matters) - Creating the digital marketing funnel - Choosing the right metrics for the funnel - Applying some of the concepts on your startups

personalmarket analysissaudi
3days / 10 applicants
ATS Career website Algoritme
3 days / 10 applicants
Close vacancy
Talent acquisition I On target
Recruitment website
Richard Jonkhof
+31 (0)20-240 0 248

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  • 2. 0. Introduction 1. Advertising 1.0 ➡ Situation ➡ Briefing ➡ Classic approach & effect 2. (Advertising) 2.0 3. How it works 4. Practical assessment 5. Sneak peak into the future Agenda
  • 4. ➡ Me ◆ Team Lead Online Specialist team: Richard Jonkhof ◆ 6 years online marketing in recruitment ◆ 3 years @ Endouble ➡ You? Introduction
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  • 8. The situation | Paid, Owned & Earned Average top 4-5 sources: visits (83%) & applications (86%) are owned & earned.
  • 9. The situation | Campaigns needed General reasons to start with paid campaigns ➡ We are short on function X and need a campaign to fill the open position(s) ➡ Function Y is a hard audience to reach we need a campaign to get applications ➡ Our target audience doesn’t know who we are and what we do, we need a branding campaign
  • 11. Function X .. a year The average briefing Function Y .. a year Employer branding ➡ We are short on function X, we need xx applicants a month ➡ We need more people to get to know us and apply to our vacancies ➡ Function Y is a hard to reach audience ➡ Please create a campaign to reach the audience and gain more applications Briefing: 3 separate campaigns
  • 12. Attraction Application The request/briefing | The funnel Branding campaign Direct response Interest Desire Hire
  • 14. Standard approach - direct response ➡ Focus on applications & cost per application ◆ Budget to sources/keywords with low costs & high application rate ◆ Automation based on cost (per applicant/click) ◆ Report on low cost as a result ➡ Results in applications on non problem area = lots of rejections Standard campaign approach | Direct response Problem area Non problem area Application
  • 15. Research recruitment analytics Talent Management or Waste Management?
  • 16. Non problem area: Campaign | The non problem area
  • 17. Campaign results | Creating a rejection factory Applications mainly in non problem area: Campaign brings about 6% of total applications, mainly on vacancies that already got enough applications
  • 18. The problem area: Campaign focus | fundament of the campaign
  • 19. Almost no applications in the problem area Campaign results | The problem area
  • 20. Selection & vacancy closing problem ➡ xx vacancies online ➡ Almost xx applications per month ➡ Avg. of 15 applications per vacancy The problem isn’t quantity it’s quality & distribution of applicants, Example: ➡ 13% of the vacancies has over 30 applicants (some more than 200) ➡ 10% of the vacancies has between 20 - 30 applicants ➡ 18% of the vacancies has between 10 - 20 applicants ➡ 59% of the vacancies has less than 10 applicants ◆ of which 12% has 0 applicants! Campaigns need to focus only on the bottom 59% not on the top 23% The top 13% vacancies need to be closed as soon as they reach enough applicants The problem
  • 22. Standard approach - Branding ➡ Also most of the times focused on applications… instead of attraction/branding ◆ > 85% of budget to branded keywords in AdWords | is that branding?? NO! ◆ < 15% of budget to display & social | because the lack of applicants/direct result ◆ Report on applications as a result ➡ Results in applications of people already willing to work for you Standard campaign approach
  • 23. Attraction Application Most branding campaigns Desire Not a branding campaign!
  • 25. Right message Right person Right time Advertising I The moment matters
  • 26. Attraction Interest Desire Application Hire First interaction with potential candidate: Attract to site with profile matching projects, blogs etc. Candidate match on interest & profile Second interaction: Create interest with testimonials & video’s related to content visited (remarketing) Third interaction: Create desire with extra information on content visited and how the candidates profile can impact this project (personal remarketing) Fourth interaction: Generate action by showing related vacancies to content visited & candidate profile (personal remarketing) Advertising I AIDA to hire Influence candidate behavior & opinion throughout the funnel
  • 27. Funnel approach ➡ Focus on complete funnel until the hire ◆ Focus on every step in the funnel not only desire & direct response ◆ Persuade candidates by storytelling & personal remarketing ◆ Different approach per role ◆ Focus on both macro & micro conversions ◆ Long term effect & quality ◆ Budget to sources that lead to hires also looking at initial visits AIDA campaign approach
  • 29. Advertising I AIDA What are you going to do: ★ Storytelling ★ Multiple interaction phases to introduce, inform & persuade the candidate ★ Make use of personal remarketing based on content visited ★ Focus on latent job seeker ★ Measure micro conversions (job alert, content pages) ★ Via social media, display & related sites ✓ Resulting in better matching candidates Attraction Interest Desire Application Hire
  • 30. Filiaalmanagers I AIDA to hire First interaction: Introduce Jumbo as a company Attraction Jumbo's 7 Zekerheden Filiaalmanagers bij Jumbo zorgen ervoor dat alles wat je nodig hebt, tegen de laagste prijs en met de beste service beschikbaar is Filiaalmanagers bij Jumbo doen er alles aan om klanten meer dan 100% tevreden te stellen. Bij Jumbo kun je elke dag rekenen op de unieke 7 zekerheden Jumbo Supermarkten
  • 31. Filiaalmanagers I AIDA to hire Second interaction: Create extra interest in the role via testimonials and/or video’s about the role Interest Haal als Filiaalmanager de ‘Gouden J’ “Natuurlijk ben ik verantwoordelijk voor de cijfers van Jumbo Goes maar passie, winkelbeeld én beleving, dat maakt het een Gouden Jumbo.” Desire Third interaction: Create desire, show extra facts about the location and role that matches the candidate Dit zijn nog eens verantwoordelijkheden Het verschil tussen een filiaalmanager bij Jumbo of een andere supermarkt? Meer vrijheid, meer verantwoordelijkheden, meer uitdaging! Jumbo Supermarkten Jumbo Supermarkten
  • 32. Filiaalmanagers I AIDA to hire Fourth interaction: Show related vacancies to the profile and projects viewed in previous visits Application Filiaalmanager Jumbo Amsterdam Samen. Ondernemen. Winnen. Dat zijn de kenmerken van het Jumbo DNA. Voel jij je aangesproken? Jouw eigen Jumbo-filiaal runnen en volgend jaar op één staan? Solliciteer als Filiaalmanager en maak je eigen Jumbo tot een succes! Jumbo Supermarkten
  • 33. Filiaalmanagers I AIDA to hire Better matching candidates, before applying the candidate: ✓ Is familiar with the company’s and its locations ✓ Is familiar with the team (structure) & his (potential) role ✓ Is familiar with the required skills ✓ Is familiar with the company’s expectations ✓ Is familiar with the showstoppers ✓ Sees a vacancy that suits his interest, profile & location Hire
  • 34. Branding I AIDA to hire A good branding campaign starts at the first step in the funnel but the effect is visible in the phases following. ➡ Branding shouldn’t be a separate campaign but integrated in the funnel ➡ AIDA approach ◆ Focus on employer values, projects & stores ◆ Personal remarketing based on pages visited ◆ Guide candidates through the funnel ➡ Measure all the steps & micro conversions in the funnel Attraction Interest Desire Application Hire
  • 36. Advertising channels I How to use in funnel Channels first steps: ➡ Gmail (keyword based) ➡ Social (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn etc.) ➡ Display (Banners) ➡ Related sites (blog posts, advertising) Channels final steps: ➡ Google AdWords ➡ Social (Facebook, LinkedIn) ➡ Indeed ads ➡ Jobboards ➡ Own channels
  • 37. Social ads & Display ads Social targeting: ➡ Interests ➡ Demographics ➡ Look-a-like audience (based on known profiles) ➡ Remarketing Display ads: ➡ Interests ➡ Subject ➡ Keywords ➡ Site placement ➡ Remarketing
  • 38. Google Adwords Google AdWords: ➡ Keywords ◆ Device ◆ Demographics ◆ Location ➡ Remarketing for search ◆ Different message for returning visitor
  • 39. Own channels Channels: ➡ Website (blogs/projects etc.) ➡ Social channels/pages ➡ Job/content alert ➡ E-newsletter
  • 41. Do it yourself 1. Define the target audience: ➡ ... 2. Define their profile & interest: ➡ … 3. Define their need to knows: ➡ … 4. Define a storyline: ➡ ... 5. Select your channels: ➡ ... 6. Set up the campaign: ➡ … 7. Measure, measure, measure: ➡ … 8. Optimise storyline, content & channels ➡ ...
  • 42. CHAPTER 4 Sneak peak Future of direct response campaigns
  • 43. Automation of direct response campaigns
  • 44. Mass recruitment I Automated direct response ➡ Promote the vacancies that need it most ➡ Stop promoting when on target ➡ Close vacancy when enough applicants
  • 45. ATS Career website Algoritme Analytics Campaigns Talent acquisition I Based upon algorithm Recruitment website ATS
  • 46. Average 3days / 10 applicants ATS Career website Algoritme Analytics Campaigns Talent acquisition I Based upon algorithm Recruitment website ATS
  • 47. Average 3days / 10 applicants ATS Career website Algoritme Analytics Campaigns Average 2 days / 10 applicants Advise Close vacancy Talent acquisition I Surplus applicants Recruitment website ATS
  • 48. Average 3days / 10 applicants ATS Career website Algoritme Analytics Campaigns Average 2 days / 4 applicants Talent acquisition I Shortage applicants Recruitment website ATS
  • 49. Average 3days / 10 applicants ATS Career website Algoritme Analytics Campaigns Average 3 days / 10 applicants Advise Close vacancy Talent acquisition I On target Recruitment website ATS