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Trafficshifting: Avoiding Disasters &
Improving Performance at Scale
Michael Kehoe
Staff Site Reliability Engineer
• Problem Statement
• Solution – How LinkedIn trafficshift’s
• Datacenter shifting
• PoP steering
• Challenges of APAC region
• IPv4 vs IPv6
• Questions
$ whoami
Michael Kehoe
• Staff Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) @ LinkedIn
• Production-SRE team
• Funny accent = Australian + 3 years American
$ whatis SRE
Michael Kehoe
• Site Reliability Engineering
• Operations for the production application
• Responsibilities include
• Architecture design
• Capacity planning
• Operations
• Tooling
• Responsibilities include DNS/ CDN management &
Traffic infrastructure

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Apache Kafka and API Management / API Gateway – Friends, Enemies or Frenemies...
Apache Kafka and API Management / API Gateway – Friends, Enemies or Frenemies...Apache Kafka and API Management / API Gateway – Friends, Enemies or Frenemies...
Apache Kafka and API Management / API Gateway – Friends, Enemies or Frenemies...

Microservices became the new black in enterprise architectures. APIs provide functions to other applications or end users. Even if your architecture uses another pattern than microservices, like SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture) or Client-Server communication, APIs are used between the different applications and end users. Apache Kafka plays a key role in modern microservice architectures to build open, scalable, flexible and decoupled real time applications. API Management complements Kafka by providing a way to implement and govern the full life cycle of the APIs. This session explores how event streaming with Apache Kafka and API Management (including API Gateway and Service Mesh technologies) complement and compete with each other depending on the use case and point of view of the project team. The session concludes exploring the vision of event streaming APIs instead of RPC calls.

kafka summitapache kafkaconfluent
Kafka Streams: What it is, and how to use it?
Kafka Streams: What it is, and how to use it?Kafka Streams: What it is, and how to use it?
Kafka Streams: What it is, and how to use it?

Kafka Streams is a client library for building distributed applications that process streaming data stored in Apache Kafka. It provides a high-level streams DSL that allows developers to express streaming applications as set of processing steps. Alternatively, developers can use the lower-level processor API to implement custom business logic. Kafka Streams handles tasks like fault-tolerance, scalability and state management. It represents data as streams for unbounded data or tables for bounded state. Common operations include transformations, aggregations, joins and table operations.

apache kafkaevent streamingkafka streams
What Crimean War gunboats teach us about the need for schema registries
What Crimean War gunboats teach us about the need for schema registriesWhat Crimean War gunboats teach us about the need for schema registries
What Crimean War gunboats teach us about the need for schema registries

In 1853 Britain’s workshops built 90 new gunboats for the Royal Navy in just 90 days: an astonishing feat of engineering. Industrial standardization made this possible - and in this talk, my first at Strata, I argued that data-sophisticated corporations need a new standardization of their own, in the form of schema registries like Confluent Schema Registry or Snowplow’s own Iglu. Talk abstract: At the start of the Crimean War in 1853, Britain's Royal Navy needed 90 new gunboats ready to fight in the Baltic in just 90 days. Assembling the boats was straightforward - the challenge was to build all of the engine sets in time. Marine engineer John Penn did an unusual thing: he took a pair of reference engines, disassembled them and distributed the pieces to the best machine shops across Britain. These workshops - latter-day micro-services - each built 90 sets of their allocated parts, which were then assembled into the engines for the new gunboats, ready for battle. This was the nineteenth century - how could the Admiralty be certain that the parts from all these independent workshops would come together to form 90 high-powered engines? The answer lay in a crucial piece of standardization: the Whitworth thread, the world’s first national screw thread standard, devised by Sir Joseph Whitworth in 1841. By the time the Royal Navy came knocking, this standard had been adopted by workshops across Britain; John Penn could be confident that engine parts built by any workshop to the Whitworth standard would fit together. In this talk, Snowplow co-founder Alexander Dean will draw on the story of the Crimean War gunboats to argue that our data processing architectures urgently require a standardization of their own, in the form of schema registries. Like the Whitworth screw thread, a schema registry, such as Confluent Schema Registry or Snowplow’s own Iglu, allows enterprises to standardise on a set of business entities which can be used throughout their batch and stream processing architectures. Like the artisanal workshops in 1850s Britain, micro-services can work on narrowly defined data processing tasks, confident that their inputs and outputs will be compatible with their peers. This talk will start with the rationale for putting a schema registry at the heart of your business, before moving on to the practicalities of an implementation, including: a side-by-side comparison of the available registries; best practises about schema versioning; strategies around schema federation across different companies such as Snowplow’s own Iglu Central.

• PoP - Where LinkedIn terminates incoming requests.
• Fabric – Datacenter with full LinkedIn production stack deployed
• Loadtest – Stress test of a Fabric – to simulate a disaster scenario
Disaster Recovery
Problem Statement
• Fail between Fabrics
• Performance of applications is degraded
• Validate disaster recovery (DR) scenario
• Expose bugs and suboptimal configurations via loadtest
• Planned maintenance
• Fail between PoP’s
• Mitigate impact of a 3rd party provider maintenance/ failure (e.g. transport links)
• Software/ Configuration Bugs
Problem Statement
• Fabric Assignment
• Assign preferred and secondary fabric to all members based on:
• Member location
• Capacity
• PoP/ CDN steering
• Use GeoDNS to steer user to ‘best’ PoP
• Use RUM DNS to steer users to ’best’ CDN
United States Performance (Global)
Problem Statement

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Consolidating services with middleware - NDC London 2017
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Have many services? Writing new ones often? If so middleware can help you cut down on the ceremony for writting new services and at same time consolidate the handling of cross cutting concerns. But what is middleware? OWIN and ASP.NET Core both have a concept of middleware. What are they? How do they help? In this talk we will dive into the code, write some middleware and show how middleware helps you handle cross-cutting concerns in an isolated and re-usable way across your services. I'll compare and contrast the OWIN and ASP.NET Core middleware concepts and talk about where each is appropriate.

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Building a Self-Service Hadoop Platform at Linkedin with Azkaban
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LinkedIn developed the Azkaban workflow manager to schedule and run Hadoop jobs. They created versions 1.0, 2.0, and 2.5 of Azkaban, adding new features like plug-ins, authentication, and a redesigned UI. Azkaban is now used by over 1,000 LinkedIn users to run 2,500 workflows and 30,000 jobs daily across multiple Hadoop clusters.

APAC Performance (APAC cities)
Problem Statement
Delta US & APAC
Problem Statement
Site Speed
Problem Statement
• Site Speed affects User Engagement
• User Engagement affects page-views & transactions
• Bottom Line: Site Speed has an impact on revenue
LinkedIn’s Traffic Architecture

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In this workshop we will set up a streaming framework which will process realtime data of traffic sensors installed within the Belgian road system. Starting with the intake of the data, you will learn best practices and the recommended approach to split the information into events in a way that won't come back to haunt you. With some basic stream operations (count, filter, ... ) you will get to know the data and experience how easy it is to get things done with Spring Boot & Spring Cloud Stream. But since simple data processing is not enough to fulfill all your streaming needs, we will also let you experience the power of windows. After this workshop, tumbling, sliding and session windows hold no more mysteries and you will be a true streaming wizard.

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One of the great things about running applications in the cloud is that you only pay for the resources that you use. But that also makes it more important than ever for our applications to be resource-efficient. This becomes even more critical when we use serverless functions. Micronaut is an application framework that provides dependency injection, developer productivity features, and excellent support for Apache Kafka. By performing dependency injection, AOP, and other productivity-enhancing magic at compile time, Micronaut allows us to build smaller, more efficient microservices and serverless functions. In this session, we'll explore the ways that Apache Kafka and Micronaut work together to enable us to build fast, efficient, event-driven applications. Then we'll see it in action, using the AWS Lambda Sink Connector for Confluent Cloud.

apache kafkakafka summitaws lambda
LinkedIn’s Traffic Architecture
Fabric shifting
• Stickyrouting
• Using a Hadoop job, we calculate a primary and
secondary datacenter for the user based on
• This data is stored in a Key-Value store
• Stickyrouting serves this information over a
RESTful interface to our Edge PoP’s
Fabric shifting
• Different traffic types are partitioned and controlled separately
• Logged-In vs Logged-out
• CDN’s
• Monitoring
• Microsites
• Logged-in users are placed into ‘buckets’
• Buckets are marked online/ offline to move site traffic
Fabric shifting
• Stickyrouting – Benefits
• Ensure we serve the request as close to the user as possible
• Capacity management for datacenters
• We can assign a percentage of users to a datacenter
• Enables personal data routing (PDR)
• Only store data where we need it

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Azkaban - WorkFlow Scheduler/Automation Engine
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The document discusses workflow schedulers like Azkaban and Oozie. It explains that a workflow scheduler helps manage dependencies between jobs in a data pipeline. Azkaban was implemented at LinkedIn to solve dependency issues for Hadoop jobs. It uses properties files while Oozie uses XML files. Workflow schedulers allow easy management of task dependencies, scheduling, monitoring progress, and retrying failed jobs.

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Event Sourcing, Stream Processing and Serverless (Ben Stopford, Confluent) K...
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In this talk we'll look at the relationship between three of the most disruptive software engineering paradigms: event sourcing, stream processing and serverless. We'll debunk some of the myths around event sourcing. We'll look at the inevitability of event-driven programming in the serverless space and we'll see how stream processing links these two concepts together with a single 'database for events'. As the story unfolds we'll dive into some use cases, examine the practicalities of each approach-particularly the stateful elements-and finally extrapolate how their future relationship is likely to unfold. Key takeaways include: The different flavors of event sourcing and where their value lies. The difference between stream processing at application- and infrastructure-levels. The relationship between stream processors and serverless functions. The practical limits of storing data in Kafka and stream processors like KSQL.

Fabric shifting Automation
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Fabric Shifting
Fabric Shifting Load tests

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Over the past couple of years, Scala has become a go-to language for building data processing applications, as evidenced by the emerging ecosystem of frameworks and tools including LinkedIn's Kafka, Twitter's Scalding and our own Snowplow project ( In this talk, Alex will draw on his experiences at Snowplow to explore how to build rock-sold data pipelines in Scala, highlighting a range of techniques including: * Translating the Unix stdin/out/err pattern to stream processing * "Railway oriented" programming using the Scalaz Validation * Validating data structures with JSON Schema * Visualizing event stream processing errors in ElasticSearch Alex's talk draws on his experiences working with event streams in Scala over the last two and a half years at Snowplow, and by Alex's recent work penning Unified Log Processing, a Manning book.

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Several different frameworks have been developed to draw data from Kafka and maintain standard SQL over continually changing data. This provides an easy way to query and transform data - now accessible by orders of magnitude more users. At the same time, using Standard SQL against changing data is a new pattern for many engineers and analysts. While the language hasn’t changed, we’re still in the early stages of understanding the power of SQL over Kafka - and in some interesting ways, this new pattern introduces some exciting new idioms. In this session, we’ll start with some basic use cases of how Standard SQL can be effectively used over events in Kafka- including how these SQL engines can help teams that are brand new to streaming data get started. From there, we’ll cover a series of more advanced functions and their implications, including: - WHERE clauses that contain time change the validity intervals of your data; you can programmatically introduce and retract records based on their payloads! - LATERAL joins turn streams of query arguments into query results; they will automatically share their query plans and resources! - GROUP BY aggregations can be applied to ever-growing data collections; reduce data that wouldn't even fit in a database in the first place. We'll review in-production examples where each of these cases make unmodified Standard SQL, run and maintain over data streams in Kafka, and provide the functionality of bespoke stream processors.

apache kafkakafka summit
Fabric Shifting Loadtests
LinkedIn’s Traffic Architecture
LinkedIn’s PoP Distribution
LinkedIn’s PoP Architecture
• Using IPVS - Each PoP announces a unicast address and a regional anycast
• APAC, EU and NAMER anycast regions
• Use GeoDNS to steer users to the ‘best’ PoP
• DNS will either provide users with an anycast or unicast address for
• US and EU members is nearly all anycast
• APAC is all unicast

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Presented by Michael Noll, Product Manager, Confluent. Why are there so many stream processing frameworks that each define their own terminology? Are the components of each comparable? Why do you need to know about spouts or DStreams just to process a simple sequence of records? Depending on your application’s requirements, you may not need a full framework at all. Processing and understanding your data to create business value is the ultimate goal of a stream data platform. In this talk we will survey the stream processing landscape, the dimensions along which to evaluate stream processing technologies, and how they integrate with Apache Kafka. Particularly, we will learn how Kafka Streams, the built-in stream processing engine of Apache Kafka, compares to other stream processing systems that require a separate processing infrastructure.

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Apache Kafka and Amazon Kinesis are more than just message queues — they can serve as a unified log which you can put at the heart of your business, effectively creating a "digital nervous system" which your company's applications and processes can be re-structured around. In this talk, Alex will provide an introduction to unified log technology, highlight some killer use cases and also show how Kinesis is being used "in anger" at Snowplow. Alex's talk will draw on his experiences working with event streams over the last two and a half years at Snowplow; it’s also heavily influenced by Jay Kreps’ unified log monograph, and by Alex's recent work penning Unified Log Processing, a Manning book. Alex's talk will show how event streams inside a unified log are an incredibly powerful primitive for building rich event-centric applications, unbundling local transactional silos and creating a single version of truth for a company. Alex's talk will conclude with a live demo of Amazon Kinesis in action processing Snowplow events.

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Couchbase Meetup Jan 2016
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Michael Kehoe is a senior site reliability engineer at LinkedIn who discusses their use of Kafka, Hadoop, and Couchbase. LinkedIn uses Kafka for monitoring, messaging, analytics and as a building block for distributed applications. They collect member usage data in Kafka clusters and push some of this data to Hadoop for analysis and reporting. Couchbase is used across 80 services for caching, with clusters of up to 70 servers, and Hadoop is used to build and restore Couchbase buckets. Their jobs cluster supports over 150k queries per second with low latency.

linkedinmichael kehoekafka
LinkedIn’s PoP DR
• Sometimes need to fail out of PoP’s
• 3rd party provider issues (e.g. transit links
going down)
• Infrastructure maintenance
• Withdraw anycast route announcements
• Fail healthchecks on proxy to drain unicast
LinkedIn’s PoP Performance
• PoP DNS Steering
• LinkedIn currently uses GeoDNS for routing
• Piloting RumDNS
• Pick the best PoP based on network, not country
• CDN Steering
• Mix CDN’s to get best performance
• Constantly evaluate performance/ availability
• Automatically adjust CDN weighting
LinkedIn’s PoP Performance
US CDN request time 50th percentile 24 hours
Working around fiber cuts
APAC Challenges
• Case Study: Fail out of India PoP due to fiber cuts
Connection Time for Indian members (90th percentile)

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This document discusses LinkedIn's use of Kafka, Hadoop, Storm, and Couchbase in their big data pipeline. It provides an overview of each technology and how LinkedIn uses them together. Specifically, it describes how LinkedIn uses Kafka to stream data to Hadoop for analytics and report generation. It also discusses how LinkedIn uses Hadoop to pre-build and warm Couchbase buckets for improved performance. The presentation includes a use case of streaming member profile and activity data through Kafka to both Hadoop and Couchbase clusters.

Feedback loops: How SREs benefit and what is needed to realize their potential
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Feedback loops: How SREs benefit and what is needed to realize their potential

This document discusses the benefits of site reliability engineers (SREs) and how to realize their full potential. It emphasizes the importance of feedback loops to continuously improve processes, projects and tools. A 5-step plan is outlined to effectively manage feedback: 1) Know your audience, 2) Remove facades to get real feedback, 3) Isolate and triage issues, 4) Know how to present feedback to the right stakeholders, and 5) Implement solutions and iteratively adjust as needed. Regular feedback through 1:1s, retrospectives and surveys can help surface issues and ideas to make continuous improvements.

srelinkedinfeedback loop
ASN 15802
ASN 5384
GeoDNS Suboptimal PoP’s
APAC Challenges
45 ms
220 ms
70 ms
ASN 15802 RTT to Singapore is (220+70) 290ms (all at 50th percentile)
GeoDNS Suboptimal PoP’s
APAC Challenges
160 ms
45 ms
ASN 15802
ASN 5384
70 ms
35 ms
350 ms
Kong160 ms
GeoDNS Suboptimal PoP’s
APAC Challenges
Performance & Adoption
IPv4 vs IPv6
• IPv6 performs better for our members
• Less request time-outs on IPv6 for mobile users
• Mobile carriers are adopting IPv6 faster
• Win for LinkedIn and our members!
• In July 2014 (IPv6 launch): 3% of traffic was IPv6
• Today: ~12% of traffic is IPv6

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Uso de CouchDB como base de datos para soluciones que ameriten el manejo de gran cantidad de información a través de aplicaciones Android. La presentación muestra una pequeña introducción sobre ¿Cómo conectarse y manejar bases de datos CouchDB en Android? Las diapositivas fueron desarrolladas por mi persona para ExpoTech 2013 (31-01 al 01-02-2013) , en Puerto Ordaz - Venezuela.

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The document describes LinkedIn's use of Couchbase for caching and the automation of Couchbase clusters using SaltStack. Key points: - LinkedIn uses Couchbase to store cached data for read scaling across hundreds of clusters totaling thousands of servers. - Automation is achieved using SaltStack's states, pillars and grains to configure Couchbase installation, cluster expansion/reduction, and uninstall remotely. - A Couchbase execution module and Salt runners implement cluster operations like setup, expansion, reduction through the REST API and CLI while providing output to the user.

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Which possibilities offers Google Analytics for online vacancies? How do visitors get on your site, what behavior do they exhibit there, and when do they leave again? Google Analytics can give all this information. For that you need to know the environment of course, and know what the possibilities are. Want to learn how Analytics works and to work on some practical assignments? Watch the presentation to learn more.

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Key Takeaways
• Application level traffic engineering is extremely important for content providers
• RUM data is extremely useful for finding anomalies
• Route traffic based on performance, not just location
• IPv6 performs better for LinkedIn users
APRICOT 2017: Trafficshifting: Avoiding Disasters & Improving Performance at Scale

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APRICOT 2017: Trafficshifting: Avoiding Disasters & Improving Performance at Scale

Editor's Notes

  1. Good morning, my name is Michael Kehoe and in this presentation I’m going to talk about how LinkedIn shifts traffic between it’s PoP’s and datacenters to avoid disaster and improve site performance at scale
  2. So this morning I want to talk about the problem that we’re trying to solve, particularly in the context of APAC which is extremely challenging for internet companies Then we’ll deep-dive into how LinkedIn solves these problems to improve our availability and site performance. Specifically we’ll look at: Datacenter shifting PoP steering We’ll look at some of the challenges of operating in the APAC region, briefly talk about IPv6 adoption and then I’ll take questions
  3. So who am I? I’m a Staff Site Reliability Engineer (commonly referred to as SRE) at LinkedIn. I am on a team called Production-SRE, our team charter includes: Developing applications to improve MTTD and MTTR Build tools for efficient site issue troubleshooting, issue detection & correlation Assist in restoring stability to services during site critical issues Yes I have a slightly strange accent, it’s Australian with three 3 years of American.
  4. Site Reliability Engineering A term coined by Ben Treynor from Google You may also find it being called Devops/ Appops or Production Engineering Skillset based of: Sysadmin Network Engineer Architect Troubleshooter Software Engineer Role consists of: Architecture design Capacity planning Application Operations – Keeping the site healthy Writing automation and tooling SRE role/ philosophy differs between companies. At LinkedIn, SRE’s are responsible for DNS/ CDN management and traffic infrastructure
  5. So before we deep-dive, let’s go over some terminology PoP – Where LinkedIn terminates incoming requests to it’s datacenters. Spread geographically across the world Fabric – Datacenter where the full LinkedIn application stack is deployed. LinkedIn has 3 datacenters in the US and one in Singapore Loadtest – Where we stress test a Fabric to simulate a disaster.
  6. What are the use-cases for shifting traffic for Disaster Recovery purposes? Fabric: Performance of applications is degraded Site may be slow or users get errors Validate disaster recovery Plan for disasters (natural/ infrastructure/ code) Expose code bugs and suboptimal configurations via loadtest When the application infrastructure is under stress, easier to expose sub optimal configuration/ code Planned maintenance Intrusive infrastructure maintenance that may cause impact PoP Transport provider maintenance More common in Asia given the large number of submarine cables we utilize Software bugs
  7. So let’s look at the performance side of the equation. How can shifting traffic improve performance: Fabric: Members use the closest datacenter to them Manage capacity of a datacenter PoP: Steering Users to the best possible PoP gives us significant performance advantage By measuring CDN availability/ performance using RUM (talk about RUM and how it works), we can speed-up page-load-time by 50%
  8. **** NOTE: Move to excel and remove values *** Average page load time for countries using US Data-centers (measured by Catchpoint – All Major Metro Nodes around the world)
  9. Average page load time for countries using APAC Data-centres (measured by Catchpoint – Top 10 APAC metro nodes).
  10. Delta between US and APAC performance. Average is 2.5s
  11. LinkedIn has done extensive research on the impact site-speed has on user-engagement. From this research we know that slow page load times affects engagement and transaction This in-turn affects our revenue. This is imporant!
  12. So what does LinkedIn’s traffic architecture look like DNS routes users to the ‘best’ PoP (more on that later) IPVS (IP Virtual Server, a Linux kernel module) announces Unicast and Anycast addresses for and terminates TCP connections ATS (Apache Traffic Server) terminates SSL sessions and proxies requests to datacenters Stickyrouting service (talk about in a minute) tells the PoP (specifically ATS) which datacenter/ fabric to send the request to ATS in the datacenter proxies requests to frontend services
  13. Let’s talk about stickyrouting and Fabric-Shifting
  14. We run an offline Hadoop job to calculate primary and secondary datacenters for users. Hadoop is a distributed computing mechanism that proceses large datasets We store this data in an in-house key-value store named Espresso Stickyrouting serves information over a RESTFul interface to our Edge-PoP’s
  15. At LinkedIn, we partition our traffic into various classes so we can control them independently Logged-in vs Logged-out CDN traffic Monitoring traffic Microsites Logged-in users get assigned to a bucket (an arbitrary partition) We then online/ offline buckets in a fabric to manipulate the distribution of traffic between fabrics
  16. Benefits: Serve the request as close to the user Capacity management - Ensure that data-centers aren’t overloaded Personal data routing – lowers cost to serve
  17. My team built ’TrafficShift’ app to help automate datacenter routing’ We’ve automated fail-outs of datacenters Also allows us to do automated load-testing of our datacenters
  18. You can see, LTX1 (Texas datacenter) is failed out
  19. Example of failing out of East Coast Datacenter Top graph – Online buckets Bottom graph – Distribution of traffic
  20. Automation to validate DR Tell the engine which datacenter to stress, how much traffic, and what time periods and it will execute for us Traffic engine watches our alerting system to ensure we do not negatively impact the member experience
  21. Let’s talk about how users connect to LinkedIn’s PoP’s
  22. LinkedIn’s PoP locations Note that PoP in India is red – means it’s offline – talk about that further later
  23. Sometimes need to fail out for 3rd party issues – remember the red dot on the PoP map. Steer users to the next-best PoP. In this case. India to Singapore Note the slow traffic tail-off in TMU1 – DNS TTL’s not being honored For Anycast traffic, we withdraw the prefix announcement For Unicast, Fail healthchecks that DNS providers use to check if we are serving from that site
  24. Remember that red dot before. Sometimes by pure necessity, we need to fail out of PoP’s to mitigate impact or potential impact. In this case, move India traffic from India PoP to Singapore This does have an impact on client connect times and also page-load times.
  25. UAE has 2 ASNs and GeoDNS routes both to India 5384 – That’’s ok 15802 – Not ok
  26. RUM DNS recognizes optimal PoPs for ASN 15802 Two better paths, Hong Kong and London/ Dublin
  27. Drop in connect time after the change
  28. IPv6 – performs up to 40% better We’ve grown from 3% IPv6 traffic in July 2014 to over 12% today